#smartphone film
datura21 · 24 days
Dans le miroir au tain abîmé, Charlotte.
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pianokantzart · 5 months
Was that video that made Luigi upset posted by his phone-savvy little cousin?
Nah, what was posted was on-the-ground footage, and their cousin was still inside the apartment at the time of Bowser's invasion.
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Besides, she wouldn't do that to them. I think she has enough empathy and media literacy not to post a close family member's violent near-death experience online for a bunch of strangers to see. Her cousins' successes, on the other hand, are fair game.
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even more random youtube videos i enjoy
I promise this story about fonts is interesting
a goofy history of classic doctor who (1963-99)
Legends Summarized: Arthur's Knights
merlin being sassy for 15 minutes straight
The Curious Life of a Mars Rover | Nat Geo Live
The Experimental Phones of the 2000s…
the criminally underrated costume design of Jennifer's Body
8 Terrible Science Takes
Hands (2024) | A Student Short Film on Female Friendships (Shot on Sony FX6 & FX9)
Stanford Computer Scientist Answers Coding Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED
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sanctus-ingenium · 8 months
you mention that pascal fashioned his domain after a game show and I was wondering when this first occurred? Did he see TV become more widespread and go “Hey, great, this will work amazingly for my massive ego?”
honestly yeah that's literally it. he started in the 1970s when TV became more widespread and accessible for most people, so when most people had TV sets in their houses, those TV sets became a great way to reach a big audience!
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kdramasource · 1 year
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Unlocked (2023) | Dir. Kim Tae Joon
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mondonguita · 1 year
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charliepivert · 1 year
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gior-gio · 1 month
Sought shelter in the park during rain
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in-newjersey · 7 months
Another thing I really enjoyed about this production (and this goes hand-in-hand with the somewhat more cynical realism inserted): characters had their phones out alot, usually filming another moment for like cruel-mocking purposes.
"Dude, the freak's freakin' out!" - Jake delivers this with a huge 'oh this is gonna get so many hits' smile, laughing mockingly while filming Jeremy writhing on the floor of the mall
Christine confronting Jake at the party about prince/princess, indignantly saying that her dress is Renaissance accurate? Ensemble teens with their phones out, laughing at her getting upset after Jake blows her off
Michael in the bathroom, clearly crying audibly? Teens outside filming the door and laughing at him
Jeremy signing up for the play, Rich yells 'GAAYY! with his phone out to film Jeremy and everyone laughing at him
Chloe telling Christine that Jake's probably bored of her? Another girl in the posse filming Christine, like she's hoping for her to cry or have another reaction
Idk it was a small thing but again, kind of really sold the 'teens are monsters' side of the story in a very realistic way and kept the ensemble involved in the drama
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jepretanjanet · 2 years
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/movie date/
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datura21 · 1 month
Perrine sous la dentelle.
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russmorris · 1 year
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iPhone 8, Fujifilm Instax Square Link Smartphone Printer + Instax Square Monochrome film
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rosieuv · 8 months
I was planning on watching the FNAF film in cinemas but it's January now and I can't rent it on the virgin media store, only buy it (which is annoying as I'm probably only going to watch it once and it doesn't say the price but it's probably around £10 as films are typically that price). Not to mention, the piracy website I used to use for live action stuff now is a scam website where clicking on anything redirects you to some giftcard thing. I found another website that seems safe, but it doesn't load on my current phone.
In other news, I'm saving up for a better phone as my phone 5c is slowly dying. Currently the only contender is the Motorola G54 5G. I didn't know Motorola still made phones until I went and googled it. It's significantly bigger than my iphone 5c, but trying to find modern small phones nowadays is a pain. I wish android phones did a similar thing that that seccond gen iphone SE that came out about 2 years ago and make phones that aren't just all screen as having bevels adds to the character and design. Currently it's £159 and the only result on amazon comes from china yet still has free shipping somehow so I'll probably get it from the official website or carphone warehouse (currys). I know samsung does cheap phones aswell but my god the bloatware.
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Oh and it also has a headphone jack despite it being a phone from 2023.
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anewbrainjughead · 8 months
i will say that the way poor things handles disability and disfigurement left a bad taste in my mouth
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aurosoulart · 2 years
can't remember when/what i followed you for but i've seen you a lot and i am so, so happy for your success.
thank you!!!! 😭❣❣❣
it's honestly surreal how fast all this happened. never in my life could I have dreamed that art would lead towards working with cutting-edge technology like this......... or that art & tech would become so seamlessly blended!!
like honestly? I'm just a big fish in a small pond right now regarding the accessibility of the tools I'm using. it fills me with so much inspiration and wonder imagining what other artists will create with spatial computing once this all becomes more affordable
I'm expecting an Art Nouveau level of culture shift around how we view and interact with art - AR paintings you can walk inside of (this is what I'm working on), animated holograms in museums, virtual objects you can TOUCH with haptic gloves...... ALL of this (and more!!) exists RIGHT NOW and is literally no longer in the realm of science fiction.
I know I keep rambling about this but... it's mind boggling!! I'm CREATING these things and I STILL can't believe they're real.
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spiceupyourfcknife · 1 year
Stop taking photos/videos of people you don’t know.
I don’t care if they’re wearing a cute outfit or have a cute dog, nor do I care if it’s a couple or friends dancing. People going about their daily lives aren’t there to “fit you aesthetic” or be a “cute post” or whatever.
It’s rude and invasive.
Twice in the past few months I’ve notice that I’m being filmed. I don’t care if it is for positive or negative reasons, I am not public property, I am not for anyone’s consumption.
It shows an absolute lack of respect or consideration for anyone but yourself
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