not-poignant · 5 years
For those wondering how writing is going, here’s a list of things I’ve been working on! 
Chapter 11 of The Ice Plague - complete Chapter 12 of The Ice Plague - complete Chapter 20 of Eversion - complete (as of like 5 minutes ago!) Oneshot Augus/Gwyn kinkfest (urtication) - ongoing
Words have been happening! Slowly, but they have been happening. :D Also The Ice Plage #2 has grown yet another chapter and I’m just beginning to think that’s how this book will be. I’d rather it be longer and do justice to Mosk and Eran’s journey, than cut emotional corners because plot keeps on getting in the way. 
I get back home on like the 7th of May, and The Ice Plague will ideally recommence on the 11th! I know it’s still a long wait, and I’m really grateful to everyone for being patient, but I am working on content and I hope you’ll all enjoy it! 
Love from Orkney
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