#eran has also been discovering more and more kinks that he likes
not-poignant · 5 years
For those wondering how writing is going, here’s a list of things I’ve been working on! 
Chapter 11 of The Ice Plague - complete Chapter 12 of The Ice Plague - complete Chapter 20 of Eversion - complete (as of like 5 minutes ago!) Oneshot Augus/Gwyn kinkfest (urtication) - ongoing
Words have been happening! Slowly, but they have been happening. :D Also The Ice Plage #2 has grown yet another chapter and I’m just beginning to think that’s how this book will be. I’d rather it be longer and do justice to Mosk and Eran’s journey, than cut emotional corners because plot keeps on getting in the way. 
I get back home on like the 7th of May, and The Ice Plague will ideally recommence on the 11th! I know it’s still a long wait, and I’m really grateful to everyone for being patient, but I am working on content and I hope you’ll all enjoy it! 
Love from Orkney
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pinespittinink · 6 years
Character Creation Tag
Tagged by @writersblockandapotoftea​, thanks cap!
Doing this for Victory~~
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering? (Name, appearance, backstory etc.)
To be honest, I can’t begin to remember-- Victory came about such a long time ago, and he wasn’t the first character in Bloodlines-- that was Enfriator. 
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Nope! He is completely unique, both within world and text. 
3. How did you choose their name?
Victory was named by Pulvia Queen, in the aftermath of some more very bad news about the war. He was treated like an aspirational peace omen. Laurus Seier, his secondary and tertiary names, originally came about from distorted victory translations in other languages, though that was also so long ago I probably couldn’t tell you which ones.
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they lived in played the most influential parts?
It really just came to developing the Gelkins’ culture and biology, as they are whom he grew up among and believed himself to be a part of his entire life. 
5. Is there any significance behind their hair colour?
Not other than it looking somewhat similar to Pulvia Queen’s, though hers is darker.
6. Is there any significance behind their eye colour?
Yessss. But only in the fact that he has his mother’s eye color. 
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
His whole appearance might as well be, but it’s not plot-significant. His Gelkin mother was over seven feet tall and his skin-changer father clears six feet, but despite that he’s on the shorter side for a Gelkin, at 7′2″.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
Boy.... his compassion, his sensitivity, his heart. His soft wonder and pensive nature. How much he cares, how much he wants to do what is right. We also have the same kinks, so there’s that.
9. Are they based off you in some way?
Not intentionally, not at all. But as the years have passed he’s almost the closest thing to a self-insert I have, but only because of how well I know him and how alike to each other we are. 
10. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
His endgame has been Enfriator from day one, so I knew he liked women, but he never struck me as having any kind of sexual or romantic experience before her. He is bisexual, he just never really outwardly did much or thought much of his sexuality before her. 
11. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits etc.)
I Can’t Draw, so I’ve got commissions for a reason. 
12. How past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
I know how his story ends, and it’ll be addressed at some point, probably in the second book, even though he’s not a focus there. 
13. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
He’s not an uwu baby, despite how soft and tender he is. He is capable of standing up for himself. 
14. What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
He’d probably do sweet things to cheer you up, and honestly, just being himself is endearing enough to me. 
15. What is something about your OC that can make you cry?
Everything post the Shit Hits the Fan portion of Bloodlines. 
16. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
17. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
He likes to make things with his hands, he’s very arts-and-craftsy
18. What is your favourite fact about your OC?
I’ve got too many honestly. Right now, how tactile he is. He’s touchy and likes being touched and comforted. 
Tagging (please let me know if you don’t want to be tagged in the future): @astaera-writes, @siarven, @zielenheil, @hvamulan, and @sheeplymade (i expect wishbreaker boys from you eran)
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not-poignant · 5 years
Gads the new chapter is so good, I can’t get over how great the developing dynamic between these two is.
Mosk and Eran really are starting to find their groove as a relationship in book 2 and it’s been amazing to write because now we get really profound moments of interpersonal connection (as well as disruption and rupture. Like Mosk was probably a bit too disconnected before to really be hurt by things that Eran did or said, but he’s more sort of ‘checked in’ now and he can more easily be hurt. But you can’t sort of have a potential for happiness in yourself without reaching that part of your journey too).
Eran can be such a sweet lover too, though he’s also pretty decimating in his own way. He’s a different kind of Dom to what I normally write, he has aspects of Ash, but Ash doesn’t have the same kink for helplessness that Eran is still discovering himself. (And, Ash isn’t as into acts of service, but Eran doesn’t know he’s into that yet).
I’m really proud of Eran because he’s grown a lot, but Mosk too, because he adores Eran so much and is more willing to risk staying connected for him, to the point where he didn’t realise that Eran had a huge ulterior motive in talking to him so much - which was to keep him present and responsive in the scene.
Ahhhh, man Eran would cry though, if he knew that Mosk thought of him as his first friend.
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not-poignant · 6 years
Hi! Im now OBSESSED with Eran as a dom. I love how Mosk is so quasi-resistant to it and Erans like 'yes but you don't mean that' when Mosk doesn't know how else to respond, how Eran was so careful telling Mosk everything that he was doing to help him through it. This feels like a really gentle relationship atm. Do you think it will stay like that? Will Eran ever be into punishment or want things that Mosk isn't into but goes along with for Eran or vice versa? can't wait to how it all develops
I’ve talked a little bit about what I’m liking about Eran as a Dom here, and getting more of a feel for him as a character.
I’m still learning their dynamic, so I honestly don’t know how it will stay. It will depend a lot on what Mosk ends up needing, and what Eran ends up wanting for them both.
Right now, he’s starting to realise how much he likes control. I’ve always insisted he’s not a sadist, and he’s definitely not a sadist like Augus, but I think re: pursuing his control kink, there’s a lot of room for movement there. That being said, so far there is no sort of punishment dynamic planned, I’m not certain that would ever be healthy for Mosk.
Like, he is not someone who would turn that into something good, I think he’d just use it to hate himself even more. The idea of trusting a Dom with a punishment so that they could start with a clean slate would just be impossible for Mosk’s psyche. If they did it, it would almost certainly be a terrible scene with long lasting consequences that need repairing in the relationship. And honestly I think Eran is too perceptive to want to do that (because otherwise I think that’d be interesting to explore too, certainly from the perspective of ‘why punishment scenes are really fucking toxic for some subs.’)
I don’t want to spoil too much about the next big scene that’s coming between them re: physical intimacy, or the one after that, but there is a definite unfolding. Learning what Eran likes has been the thing that’s started to really kind of...reveal in my mind where he’s at as a caretaker, but also what he needs for himself. Mosk’s needs as a sub are a lot easier to understand. But Eran’s needs have been more opaque, because he’s discovering them in real-time, so I can’t say ‘these are all his needs/desires’ since I just...I mean until he discovers them, I don’t know what they all are.
Two characters and their kink/sex/intimacy potential is like the hardest thing for me to figure out until I start writing it tbh. Everything between Mosk and Eran is still so nascent that I definitely don’t have it figured out.
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not-poignant · 7 years
Okay okay Mosk and Eran A, E, F, I, J, M, N, W? (that's SO MANY I'm sorry, you don't have to do all of them. I couldn't choose lol)
Don’t be sorry, like, it’s cool that people are asking about these characters I am happy. :D
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) 
Answered already!
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Mosk - I haven’t decided yet. Mosk was either a virgin, or very close to being a virgin until an event in his life which caused him to then seek sex due to a sex addiction. So in a lot of ways, he’s very inexperienced with sex that is pleasurable. He’s probably one of the least experienced Fae Tales characters I’ve ever written. I’m still in two minds about his level of experience prior to the traumatic event that changes his personality in The Ice Plague, it’s either something like ‘kissing and making out but no sex’ or ‘nothing at all.’
By the time he meets Eran, he has slept with over a hundred fae, and hated it every single time.
Eran - Eran actually has a fair amount of experience. Back where he comes from, he’s a desirable son of a War General, who is on track to becoming Chieftain. He’s pansexual, enjoys sex, and generally thinks it’s mostly about having fun. He doesn’t tend to take it too seriously (until he meets Mosk, anyway). He knows sometimes people have wanted to sleep with him because he’s an Unseelie/Seelie hybrid, and he generally rejects those advances, because he’s been hurt by that. But otherwise, he can pretty much sleep with a bevy of people, and has taken advantage of that. It’s also one of the ways he controls his ‘true form.’
(Rest under a Read More!)
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Answered already!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Mosk - Mosk actively dislikes intimacy, and it tends to make him react hatefully or with spite. He doesn’t like to be kissed, he doesn’t like to be caressed, he doesn’t like to be anything more than a vessel for someone else coming, essentially. One of his huge ongoing arcs in The Ice Plague, is learning how to like those things, and learning why other people might like them. Intimacy ties in hugely with his massive trust issues, and he’s extraordinarily threatened by it.
I’d say he’s demiromantic, and demisexual, tbh, which has influenced his reaction to the trauma he’s experienced - in that he doesn’t know that it takes him a long time to appreciate or want to express intimacy, romance or sex, and so by the time he encounters intimacy etc. he rejects it outright, instead of understanding that he may need time with a person to appreciate it with that specific person.
Eran - Eran isn’t exactly like, romantic in an ‘ongoing relationship’ way, but he can be very romantic in the moment. As an ambaros, he likes candles/flames, he likes ritual and setting a scene, and he likes rituals of intimacy to cement a bond/trust during sex, because he thinks sex is more fun if there’s trust there.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Mosk - Doesn’t. He doesn’t masturbate at all. Unlike Gwyn, who is somewhat phobic of touching himself, Mosk just has zero interest in himself as a creature with a capacity for pleasure. And that’s because he has zero interest in himself in general.
Eran - Eran has been a little distracted lately, but generally speaking he has no compunctions re: masturbation. Alone, in front of partners, etc. whatever works.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Mosk - You’ll have to discover this as he does, because honestly right now, I’m leaving that blank so that he can literally find out in bits and pieces with Eran. If I don’t pin that down now outside of writing the scene, it’ll feel more organic when I’m writing it.
Though I know in advance that Mosk will have a thing for non-sexual bondage.
Eran - Eran is still learning, which is code for, I’m still figuring this out. :D But I know if the mood calls for it, he can enjoy flirting. But that’s not much is it, I’m so sorry, as with Gwyn and Augus in the beginning, I like to learn characters as I go, which sometimes means not pinning down all the details. I actually think it hinders me as a writer if I figure out everything ‘beforehand’ and don’t give the characters a chance to show me what’s going on when I’m in their head.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Mosk - Mosk is not generally a masochist, at least so far, and he’d be...potentially sex averse, unless the sex was with complete strangers.
Eran - Eran isn’t interested in meaningless sex (*Eran stares at Mosk like he’s a lunatic*), and he’s not interested in really hurting someone. He also doesn’t like feeling or being goaded into feeling like he’s out of control.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Mosk - Mosk has a capacity to feel both deep romantic and sexual feelings for someone, but he currently doesn’t know that about himself, and he’s got pretty messed up feelings overall about who he is as a person. His view re: sex when we meet him, is that at least it means he can give pleasure to someone, not that he cares about how it happens, or even cares about the person he gives pleasure to. He also likes not having to think for a little while.
Eran - Mosk presents some difficulties re: Eran, because Eran is a fire fae, and Mosk is a dryad. Aside from the fact that Eran can burn Mosk really easily, his semen is also much hotter than average, and well, I haven’t worked out exactly how that’s going to manifest in the story yet, lol.
From this kink meme.
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