#sga 1x04
random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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Whumptober Day 6: "I've got a pulse." ↳ Stargate Atlantis S01E04
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 7 months
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"Well done, Rodney." "We'll see." "We've got a pulse." "Getting stronger." "He's going to be okay."
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whumpofalltime · 10 months
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WHUMP OF ALL TIME: Quarterfinals are here!
Find links and propaganda under the cut. Quarterfinalist match-ups are untagged, so your votes and reblogs matter!
(gifset, gifset, gifset)
"Matt beaten and bloody in a dumpster! Matt falling on his face! Matt wincing and groaning! Matt having been stabbed! Matt gasping and saying, "I can't breathe!" Matt getting a needle thoracostomy! All outside of the hospital!" ~ @whumpdoyoumean
"The entire episode is iconic. The whump just keeps GOING. Matt falling over? Claire being a fed up but very competent caretaker? "I can't go to the hospital"? Matt being SO visibly beaten down and acted so well? It's incredible."
SGA: 38 Minutes
Thirty-Eight Minutes:
(resuscitation gifset, tag with gifs)
"Alien parasite! Pain! Far away from definitive medical care! "We have to kill him to save him"! Resuscitation! It's literally a whole episode of whump."
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rodneymckays · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | 1x04 Thirty-Eight Minutes
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 1.04: Thirty-Eight Minutes
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Gif by StargateDaily
Ooh. Pretty
Why is John not flying? Oh, bc John is In Trouble. John, why?
“Some sort of funky alien bug”
Uh-oh. This is a problem... #stuck
“It’s that or the Stargate shrank.”
Yeah Liz, that’s what I said.
Either explosion... or mountain was not mountain... ship? Yas ship!
Erm. Ship not here is not good news.
Liz doesn’t know about the 38 minute rule?!?!?
“The Czech who’s name I can never remember?” “Zelenka?”
Ugh. Funky alien bug is fugly.
Johns expression at wondering why the puddle is IN the jumper.
“You mean my day just got worse?”
Hehe... my brain is bad. “Don’t talk to me about screwed” John says to Rodney.
Wow, love how John is being bossy and helping keep Rodney in a good mental space. John is a good person, thankyou for calming him down.
I know there are people who will fight me, but I’m like 99% sure Rodney is on some level autistic - and I get to say this bc I am, so shove off.
*speaking Czech*
Zelenka is my new fave. After John and Rodney.
“What can I do to help?” “Stop talking please... *swears in czech*”
I don’t like this bug... not one bit.
So like... I know Kavanagh is worries, but he’s still being Very Rude
Weir doesn’t have time for fatalistic thinking.
Erm... Kavanagh, please don’t piss off Liz rn. She is BUSY trying to save lives.
Yes, I think Liz would.
N e v e r a g a i n
Liz does not have time for yo bullshit.
*excites shouting in czech*
Rodney doesn’t joke when it comes to food.
Salt water? That’s it’s weakness? Holy shit that hurts just to look at!
What’s happening is that it’s a miracle Rodney didn’t hit the wrong button by accident and kill us all.
“Don’t do that again please...”
The puddle is under the door... not good.
What do you mean we’re gonna stop his heart???
Did it work? Did we kill him?? ;w;
I hate this fucking bug!!!
Love how Ford kills it with prejudice!!
Rodney why are you so eager to die saving people?
“I think I did it?”
Why not moving? Lack of momentum?
Ooh! Vent atmo! Like a fire extinguisher!
Ford shoving Rodney into the puddle is brave!
His jacket is moving!! Hope the bug gets spaced!!
Success!!! Now we just need John to BREATHE DAMMIT
Yas!! Go team!!
“We should let you rest.” “No, you should bring me food.”
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stargatecaps · 5 years
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fyeahvulnerablemen · 4 years
Do you know any scenes where the composed character loses their composure? Like they get really angry all of a sudden which they normally don't..Or any scenes where that one person thats normally the caretaker/savior who never gets hurt, is injured? Like everyone is shocked because they never thought it would be them to get hurt
(Hope that this makes sense and that its not too specific, huge fan btw ^^)
So sorry for the late response my friend. I absolutely love this trope!
This happened to Jack O'Neill and John Sheppard from SG-1 and SGA a few times. Jack was impaled to a wall once and the team was stunned. They didn't even know what to do. He was in so much pain he yelled for them to get it out and grabbed his friend's shoulder. I get whumperflies just thinking about it. :) That was 2x07.
-In Stargate Atlantis 3x07, John is tortured in front of his team. He tries to act tough at first but they can see he's weakening after each round of torture. Also SGA 1x03 is another good example of team feels because John is hurt.
-NCIS Los Angeles 4x24, 5x01 and 5x02. Deeks is tortured. When his team finds him he is completely incoherent. 3 episode whump arc! Also in NCIS LA 10x01, G. Callen suffers a collapsed lung and Sam suffers from a leg wound and blood loss. Bonus Deeks whump in that episode too.
Firefly 1x05: Mal is shot and left for dead. When his team finds him and start patching him up, he is kind of out of it and makes sure they'll be there when he wakes up.
Angry examples: Outlander 1x05: Jamie is angry that he was forced to reveal his whip scars. Man of Steel: Superman's/Clark's scream near the end. Daredevil 3x07: Angry Matt with a bloody white shirt. 👌👌
And some examples of a character tearfully breaking down: Roswell New Mexico 1x04 (Max), Graceland 3x07 (Mike), Legends of Tomorrow 2x14 (Nate), Criminal Minds 5x09 (Hotch) and The Night Shift 1x08 (TC). Oh and Iron Man 3.
There's probably a ton more but hopefully you like some of these! And if anyone wants to add please do. :)
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
rewatched sga 1x04 thirty-eight minutes! thoughts under the cut!
this is an episode i already rewatched very recently, when i was wildly hopping back and forth through the show (but mostly in seasons 2-5), but i’ll watch it again now for context.
love the start of this episode, which is so in the middle of the action i always have a second of “wait, did i skip something?”
teyla correctly guesses that the bug that’s on john’s neck is related to the wraith! SHE is the one that makes the connection because SHE is the one that knows the most about this universe! THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT when i say that the expedition needs the athosians, oof.
also though, it’s both really great to see that teyla is (especially here, early on) so often the one with very important key insights that (help to) solve the expedition’s problem of the week, and honestly a little sad, because the earth humans just. don’t seem to learn from that to respect the athosians a little more, maybe, mayhaps. they respect teyla, yes, but (and i’m getting ahead of myself a little here because i’m expanding on bits of this after i’ve also already watched the next episode, which deals with the earth vs. athosian clash a lot) they kind of... only seem to take from all of her extremely valuable contributions that she as an individual can be an asset to them, instead of viewing it in a broader context. (but yeah, definitely getting ahead of myself here.)
this episode has a very cool format!! the jumping back and forth!! the bits of information we’re fed through people starting to give long explanations and then being cut off, making us puzzle it all together a little!!
throughout the entire ordeal rodney keeps being distracted by what is happening with john and that’s good on every level. just makes sense, because they’re in a tiny space, and it’s also potentially shippy, and it’s also just a sign that rodney most certainly does care - though at the same time also one of how early on this all still is, because i do feel rodney ends up getting better at working through a crisis. (though it’s also like. very often john who keeps rodney focused, so in that context it makes sense rodney keeps getting distracted if john is, uh, otherwise occupied. with, like, dying.)
teyla is wearing earth gear in this episode and i think that’s the first time we see that? but she does seem to have her own shirt under the jacket, which, idk, feels interesting. she’s putting on this uniform over her pegasus identity.
the elizabeth vs. halling bits where she denies his request for last rites for teyla (that’s not just coming from him, but from a group of athosians), even though the radio is totally free so they could have talked to teyla without obstructing the earth efforts at that moment... are always so uncomfortable to me. elizabeth says she doesn't want to make the people on the ship think they will die because earth people value life and will keep trying to save everyone, etc etc, and that’s fine but it’s. such a sad way for this all to go down. i love elizabeth most of the time but these bits are most definitely not my favorites - like, she’s in love with the ancients but she doesn’t have enough respect for the living pegasus culture to find a way to make this work for everyone. i never fully know if i think this is an interesting flaw in her character or if i just want to blame it on the writers, who have a certain perspective that elizabeth is now an unfortunate mouthpiece for.
(and getting ahead of myself again here, but then later after the rescue efforts paid off there’s THAT NOD she gives halling across the room and that’s just fdjkfd nahhhh. you did not earn that nod. you don’t have some cool understanding now, you were just disrespectful to him and his culture and his religion and this, now, feels a hair’s breadth from gloating over how your perspective was right all along, even though this outcome!!! does not mean!!! that it couldn’t have ended differently!!! and i do think elizabeth means well and is not trying to be a dick, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t. i have extremely mixed feelings about all of this.)
for a lighter thought, markham and stackhouse’s biggest roles in sga are the episode that they spend being dematerialized and i think that’s very iconic of them.
at one point john is talking to carson and is like “i need to move to help rodney with the mechanical problem!” and that’s so very john of him. he’s actively at death’s door and still doing his level best to be a control freak about a different life-threatening problem.
i PROMISE i’m not trying to rag on elizabeth (i do like her!!! when she’s not in this episode), but this quote, when she’s making a point to kavanaugh: “we are cut off from earth, which makes atlantis almost like a colony, doesn't it? (...) well i'm governor of that colony.” it’s just laden with so, so, so much oof.
anyway, this episode has a lot of team!!! gate team one!!! team cooperation!!! at some point ford is updating atlantis on the status in the jumper and he’s like “doctor mckay- [pointed pause in which he looks at rodney] doctor mckay is still hopeful he can come up with a solution” and then rodney GETS BACK TO WORK and that’s good, i like a lot of things about that and what it says about how these characters and this team works.
john comes up with the solution to his own near death experience, which is also very john of him. bonus points for the plan being one in which john dies. sets a trend for a surprising amount of the rest of the show, even though he doesn’t usually actually end up dead for a little bit when those plans are carried out, like he does here.
grodin, gosh, he’s so present in these early episodes, and it makes me sad that he’s one of those characters that just end up fading away eventually.
TEYLA’S RAINBOW WRAP AROUND SHIRT at johns bedside is !!!!!!! so good, omfg.
john, telling everyone what he was supposedly going to say when he was about to die: “take care of each other.” rodney, a little smug: “and indeed we did.” fdjkfd these lonely men are still adjusting to having a family, but sometimes they are very :D about it and that’s very cute.
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stargatevp · 4 years
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Thursday Dec. 10th SGA 3x03 Irresistible  Host: @arrowsbane | Time
Sunday Dec. 13th SGU 1x04 Darkness. Host: @dorothyoz39​​​ | Time
Thursdays 9pm CET | 8pm GMT |3pm EST ||| Sun: (+15mins)
DM a MOD ( @arrowsbane​​​ @1989nihil​​​ @dorothyoz39​​​ @angelblaze​​​​) for the password.
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE | Subscribe to Calendar
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johnssheppard · 7 years
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SGA Rewatch 2k17: 1x04 38 Minutes
I apologize for being the only person who truly comprehends how screwed we are!
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 2 months
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Radek Zelenka out of context.
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 8 months
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"Nothing?" "Nothing! Let's get him through!" "Got him?" "Yes." "This is Lieutenant Ford. The creature's successfully been removed from Major Sheppard, but we were unable to revive him. Both he and Teyla are now on the other side of the event horizon."
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 7 months
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"Again!" "He's going to be fine."
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 7 months
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"Oh, that…" "I didn't want you to say it at the time, but now I'm curious." "I was going to say, um… Take care of each other." "That's nice." "Yep." "And, uh indeed, we did." "Yes, you did. Thank you. Again." "You're welcome." "Good night." "You weren't really going to say that, were you?" "I have no idea what you're talking about."
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 7 months
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"How are you feeling?" "Starving." "He's got quite the hickey, but Dr. Beckett says he'll be fine in a few days." "We should let you rest." "No, you should get me food." "I think we can arrange that." "Welcome back, sir." "I have to admit, it is a pleasant surprise." "By the way, what were you going to say?" "When?" "Before, when you thought, you know…"
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 2 months
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