#sga: irresistible
carsonsweebabyturtles · 4 months
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stargatelov3r · 3 months
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Elizabeth Weir Daily
Day 405
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lightthewaybackhome · 6 months
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There is a certain level of humor and frustration felt through the first half of this episode as Lucius returns. We find that he's cobbled an identity together based off of Sheppard to gain the fame and recognition he longs for.
The frustrating thing is that Sheppard, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, and Carson have been heroic. They've saved towns, risked their lives for people who don't know them, been bruised and bled for countless others, and they've never gotten the kind of adulation Lucius is getting in this town. He's using Ancient tech and their stories. Praise is lavished on him. Yet the people who are actually heroic, actually the good guys get hardly a glance on a good day, and run out of town on a bad day.
And then, look, they go and be heroic anyway. No praise. No nothing. They try to tell the town the truth, and they get derided, but when Kolya shows up they make sure they're not risking the town. (After a minor John! from Teyla.) They all try to die for Rodney. Sheppard not only saves his team but helps the town stand up after telling Lucius not to try and be a hero, because he knows that's dangerous.
It starts out frustrating to see them unacknowledged yet again, and then reminds us who and what real heroes are. Also, we get the cathartic moment of Sheppard finally putting Kolya down and ridding the Pegasus galaxy of that constant danger. Can you imagine? After the torture, Todd, and what Kolya put Weir through, to finally see him go down? Nice.
Also, this episode made me think of these:
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dr-futbol-blog · 3 months
Sanctuary, Pt. 1
So, we come to Sanctuary (S01E14), an episode infamous for Rodney McKay's jealous fit. It's rather revealing, of course, but it's not the only interesting thing we find in it.
What takes place in the episode is given context later. In the episode Irresponsible (S03E13), we find conman Lucius Lavin entertaining people with stories that seem to be based on the experiences of John Sheppard in particular. Lucius read through all the mission reports during his stay at Atlantis in Irresistible (S03E03), so his stories are based on Sheppard's record. He describes the events that are about to take place in the following manner:
Lucius: I'll tell you about how I was almost seduced by a beautiful Ancient. Beckett: Sounds entertaining! Lucius: Yeah, you'd think so, but between you and me, not so much. Sheppard: You know, your stories are awfully fascinating, and familiar.
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It is of course possible that Lucius put his own spin on the mission report he read. It's possible he interpreted the events he read about his own way, made some inferences based on the events. That he's telling them how he would have felt if he'd been a similar situation, if he'd been in Sheppard's shoes. But the thing is, Sheppard doesn't disagree with the assessment. Quite the opposite, he calls it familiar (note also that Lucius uses the phrase "not so much", which is frequently used by Sheppard to mean "not at all"), at least tacitly acknowledging this interpretation of events.
So, it seems like Sheppard thinks that he was almost seduced by an Ancient woman and that it was not all it was cracked up to be. This is what he wrote into his mission report shortly following the events of the episode, and he seems to stand by this interpretation of events several years later.
With this in mind, let's dive in.
The episode starts in medias res, the team in a jumper being chased by wraith darts. Business as usual. Their weapons have malfunctioned and McKay tries to fix them in the back part of the vessel. The scene has a real Star Trek vibe to it. I'm giving it all she's got, Captain!
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Things are tense. Sheppard seems to be on edge. He's not really acting the way we've seen him act in the past several episodes. He's being extra military (Negative! Positive!), he's expecting McKay to fix everything. It's notable and relevant to what happens later that he's still not giving McKay orders -- he need only to say the other man's name to get him to do what he wants to get done. Instead of "Go back there and fix the weapons" he only says "McKay!". Instead if "Hurry up!" he only says "McKay!". Instead of "We need that miracle now!" he only says "McKay!". It's implied, but he has not given McKay a single order so far. And note also that McKay seems to understand his meaning perfectly just from his tone of voice when speaking his name here.
But Sheppard is acting different, and McKay seems to have noticed it too. Instead of coming up with strategies, he's putting the pressure on McKay to resolve the situation.
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This change in behaviour could be caused by several things.
Yes, they are being chased and Sheppard wants to keep everyone alive. It could be the high pressure of the situation, the concern for his team. It could be that the last time they were chased and fired upon by the wraith, he very nearly ended up dying with an iratus bug attached to his neck. It could be that having had to kill a member of the expedition recently was still bothering him. It could be that he actually finished his conversation with Weir between the episodes and is hence trying to act the way a commander would, no special treatment to anyone. Could be they didn't finish it and the conversation they did have was enough to remind him of his court martial and the events that lead there. He needs to prove both to Weir and especially to himself that he can do his job, he's not compromised by his emotions. He also very recently almost lost all three of them due to his lapse in judgement, so if acting like a hard-ass CO is going to keep them all alive, he can do that. Take your pick.
What ever the reason, Sheppard was acting a little different. And McKay clocked this because he has been paying close attention to Sheppard, has been getting to know him very well. Frustrated, McKay tells him that he's not holding out on him. He's giving it his all, doing his part, trying to meet him where he is. But he can only lower the barriers on his side, he can try to fix his own issues. They should be working on this together. The beginning and the end often rhyme, so it's interesting that we start with McKay telling Sheppard that he's not holding out on him.
Now, there's a thing called the 'rule of three' in writing that is frequently employed in episodic television. The audience is more likely to remember information conveyed when it's repeated three times because using three entities combines both brevity and rhythm with having the smallest amount of information to create a pattern. It's used in this scene in that McKay mentions having just very almost died three times:
McKay: I thought for sure we were dead. Didn't you think we were dead? Ford: What the hell was that? McKay: Some sort of uh, energy weapon? Sheppard: What do you say we find out? McKay: Yeah.
McKay: So just to confirm, we're all still… definitely not dead. Teyla: I feel very much alive. McKay: Good. Same here. Sheppard: I wish I knew what that was. Ford: Looked like lightning. Sheppard: Space lightning? McKay: I already said, it's some sort of an energy weapon, one that apparently destroys Wraith darts. Ford: Nice, but why them and not us? McKay: Well, assuming that we're still alive, and there doesn't appear to be any damage as a result of the pulse, I think we can safely conclude that, uh... I got nothing. I mean, I got nothing to conclude. I'm just talking for the sake of talking. Sheppard: You sure you're okay? McKay: You know how much I hate certain death? Sheppard: You're alive.
McKay has to refer to their very almost dying three times before he gets Sheppard to react to it at all. He is looking for Sheppard to react, he's looking for Sheppard's reassurance. Sheppard is not reacting, not in the way that he needs him to react. In fact, both Teyla and Ford respond to him but he gets no reaction whatsoever from Sheppard to anything he says until "I'm just talking for the sake of talking." It's only after the third time that Sheppard is forced to ask him whether he's alright. And he doesn't look at McKay at all, even after he no longer has to scan for enemy ships. And not for not wanting to look:
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It's not like Sheppard doesn't care about McKay. If we've seen anything in the past several episodes, it's that Sheppard cares very much about Rodney McKay not dying. If anything, we get to see him avoiding the very notion of it to an extreme. This is a thought Sheppard wants to neither acknowledge nor face. Sure, he's not keen to see any one of them dead. But the fact that Rodney has to refer to it three times to get him to even acknowledge the concept is pretty damn telling in this regard. This is called denial. John Sheppard is in denial when it comes to the possibility of Rodney McKay dying, especially on his watch. There is a difficult emotion attached to Rodney McKay that John Sheppard is actively and rather obviously suppressing.
Now, the fact that this is mentioned three times and then confirmed for an additional fourth time means this is real important for this episode. Sheppard (seemingly) not caring is crucial for the resolution of the episode, for its interpretation. Of course we could say that they're trying to make us think that Sheppard really, really doesn't care whether Rodney McKay lives or dies, that he's being callous. That is what the text tells us, after all. Only, we've been shown the opposite. We have seen John Sheppard kill to keep that man alive. We know he cares. So why is he suddenly pretending not to care?
Continued in Pt. 2
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dailystargatebooty · 11 months
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halestrom · 1 year
Making A Choice
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Making A Choice, T, 4.4k, John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon
Being left behind meant that John could save everyone. But he was still sick and tired of being the one left behind.
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mathgirl24 · 2 years
Me, in my SGA marathon, getting to Irresistible:
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eddiestattoos · 9 months
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ronon Dex & Teyla Emmagan & Rodney McKay & John Sheppard, John Sheppard & Elizabeth Weir Characters: John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Evan Lorne, Carson Beckett Additional Tags: Fluff, Team Fluff, Sickfic, Episode: s03e03 Irresistible (Stargate Atlantis) Series: Part 7 of Missed and Potential Scenes Summary: Still dealing with his cold after saving the city, John gets a chance to rest, and some love from his team
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texasdreamer01 · 6 months
Per your tags on the reblog of my Trio post: top three SGA episodes you would delete!!!!
Trio, definitely, for all the reasons listed in that post.
Irresistable, because while there are parts of it I enjoyed - John and Rodney doing their schtick, the way it imitates a murder mystery with one person going down after another - it introduces some really skeevy elements and implies a lot of unpleasant things about Rodney that isn't consistent with the rest of the show, particularly outside of when McKeller is being forced onto the audience.
Duet, because all of that could have been handled very differently, and as a whole I'd rather toss it out than attempt to fix what I don't like about it. We also didn't get to see very much of Cadman and Rodney interacting after the solution to the shared body problem, and Cadman shoving Rodney into situations he's uncomfortable with, repeatedly, sets what I think is a bad tone for just a basic lack of dignity. A similar plot device could have been used without the writers' ham-handed gender-based tropes and putting Rodney down.
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bagheerita · 4 months
💀 💙 📖 for the unpopular ask game (episode for the book question lol)
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
This one is hard, because I think Stargate does a good job of killing off characters (my first choice already dies in canon, so), and because I don't really have a problem with character death (if it's earned). I'm going to pick: Aiden Ford, if by “die” you mean “he has to come back and be in the show and get a satisfying conclusion to his story.”
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
Um, wow. I might be the wrong person to answer this particular question, as (probably since I'm acespec) physical hotness matters way less to me than interesting-ness of character. Also, SGA needs like 1000% more shirtless Wraith, so I feel like my spectrum of hotness is not really aligned with "everyone." I wanna say Sheppard, mostly because they canonically make such a big deal about him being so much more attractive than Rodney and I think Rodney is equally as attractive. (Sheppard is cute, but his whole everything has got nothing on Rodney's smile.) I asked Google who the hottest people on Stargate are, and from the lists I saw the one I disagree with the most is Heightmeyer, so I will say her for my answer. (Though my opinion here could again be for non-physical-attractiveness based reasons, as I find her willingness to betray her professional ethics particularly egregious.)
📖: If you had to remove one episode from the series, which would you choose? 
This one is so easy: “Irresistible.” I hate Lucius Lavin and his whole rape-apology story line. Why is “I drugged people until they liked me, aren't i a little rascal” an episode we still need to be making without understanding and acknowledging how shitty it is in the year of our lord 2006. Especially when you already made this exact same episode but gender flipped back in 1997. Have you learned nothing. Don't answer that, I already know you haven't.
Thanks for the ask!! ❤
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carsonsweebabyturtles · 4 months
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autistic-crypt1d · 2 months
Season 3 SGA live blogging:
Boy howdy does this season start off wild, here we go!
S1 S2
- No Man's Land is so intense omfg. The wraith not only have Ronon and Rodney held hostage, but they've stolen both the info needed to update their FTL drives and the location of Earth and are on their way there. Earth has no ships available to intercept so it's up to the very damaged vessels, the Daedalus and Orion.
- Teyla keeping Atlantis running when Weir is away once again, like the badass intelligent leader she is.
- I forgot the woman who plays one of the IOA people was also Kim from Eureka, why are there so many Eureka peeps in here???
- "can you get this off me? It's down my back. It's down my back." I'm sorry Rodney is so funny when he's miserable and whiney 😂
- "I don't think that's even possible." "Make it possible." Literally everyone to Rodney constantly
- the Orion blowing up makes me so sad, but at least Lorne and the crew are safe
- the hive ships are so horrifyingly huge, I can't help wondering why the ancients never built anything like that. I mean atlantis and those like it are big but they are so not made for battle like things like the Aurora and Orion. I get that they're scientists and everything, but surely they knew they'd have to fight at some point? I mean they already knew about the Ori and surely they knew about the Wraith before they got to the point they are when the war starts. Idk I'm just surprised we never hear of a warship on the level of the hives.
- finding out the gas doesn't work on queens is super interesting, really emphasizes how different they really are in their abilities
- Misbegotten (interesting word), I remember like nothing of this episode atm
- OH NO, is this the colony episode????
- it is 😭
- none of the other wraith's hair changes color like Michael's. His turns brown once the retrovirus completes the transformation but the rest stay white. Wonder why.
- Irresistible, UGH, LUCIUS. I hate this dude so much, there are not words for how much I hate this man.
- the look of absolute disgust on Rodney's face when Sheppard and him confront Weir, Teyla, Ronon, and Carson in Weir's office is so funny dude, like, SAME.
- BRO you can see Jason trying not to break character and laugh while Weir is handing the gourd to Carson XD
- *smacks Carson in the chest* "Buck up Carson!" "But he needs me!" *Carson starts literally sobbing* I love the interactions in this show dude, they're so damn funny
- omfg Sateda, this episode is so sad but Rodney getting shot in the ass is HILARIOUS
- oh god Ronon's speech with the knife 😭
- just had a thought, can wraith feed on other wraith without them being turned by the retrovirus?
- this episode is so sad because of what Ronon is put through, but my god is he such a badass in it
- it's interesting to learn the wraith have a sort of night vision, makes sense as they evolved from cave bugs, but nonetheless horrifying and neat
- the flashbacks as he has to take the armour off the corpses, ahhhhhhhh
- the flashbacks combined with reality and BRUTAL
- god, John Sheppard having emotions is so awkward help
- Ronon slumping to the ground once he sees Sheppard, AHHHH
- god damn that jump was cool
- Rodney and Carson arguing over the gun so long they already finished killing all the wraith 😂
- seeing Ronon try his best but get absolutely clobbered makes me so sad y'all
- Ronon hugging Carson and then passing tf out 😭
- "who's flying the ship?" "Me... oh" pfffffft
- Progeny, OH NO
- I love that Sheppard's first reaction to them being "confirmed" as ancients is that he's got a bone to pick with them. The only logical reaction tbh
- ya know, can't help bit feeling a bit of dejavu at the story the replicators gave, that they were all one group of ancients and then diverged... *cough* ori *cough cough* I really need to watch Ark of Truth
- with Elizabeth and Teyla gone, who tf is running Atlantis rn, Chuck? 😂
- I'm sorry but I love Niam. The blank face he makes as Ronon attacks the other guards and Teyla smacks him onto the floor is hilarious. Not to mention the way he just flops when he gets knocked out
- god Rodney being the one to try and trade places with Sheppard, MY HEART
- I forgot he doesn't even try to get through the gate after setting the self destruct omfg
- "they're not people, they're machines, replicators" CHILLS
- oh yeah I guess we do find out who made the nano virus, the replicators, Rodney was spared cuz he had the ancient gene and they can't hurt ancients
- I know I've said it like a billion times but Rodney is hilarious
- PFFFFT Ronon just tossing the frozen replicator out of the chair
- Niam, my precious baby noooo 😭
- ah hell I hate The Real World
- idk it just messes with me I guess, this and the SG-1 episode where Daniel gets infected by the parasite Michello made to kill Goa'uld parasites and everyone just believes he suddenly snapped. I hate those kids of plot lines.
- always happy for an excuse to see Jack though
- first off, how does Sheppard not realize the dude in the other cell is a wraith just by his voice
- of course Rodney is the first to speak once Sheppard is shown, not Weir or the other teammates, Rodney
- god it's heartbreaking watching Sheppard go through this, all the more so that Todd doesn't want to do this to him either. You can see his hesitation at the second feeding.
- yessss beat their ass grandpa 😂
- oof the tension when they're standing there trying to figure out if they can trust the other to keep their promise and deciding if they'll keep theirs.
- PFFFFT Todd with the damn gun XD
- new Ronon jacket??? Ballerrrr
- AHHHHH the scene where we see Sheppard with his life back is SO COOL.
- Kolya you mf coward
- not Sheppard thanking Rodney out of everyone who came for him XD
- Todd and Sheppard have a weird friendship but god do I love them
- McKay and Mrs. Miller, I am sooooo excited I love this epiaode
- "I don't wanna scare you but we are at war." "Did you start it?" "What? No!" PFFFFT
- I love Rodney but he is insufferable this episode
- Jeannie is also quite mean in this episode, just because Rodney is a dick doesn't mean that she has to tell his business to his coworkers. They also suck for laughing at it when they know full well it's upsetting for him.
- the way that Rodney hanging out in Sheppard's room with him is so casual and natural, I LOVE THEM
- ya know, the plot line of this, with the alternate reality being a casualty of the experiment, it reminds me of that one plot line in Star Trek: Discovery
- the group making Rodney feel better about everything after is sweet though
- Phantoms is a pretty good episode if I remember right, but very fucky in a cool way
- “oh enough with the bodies!” I feel ya Rodney
- ok so Major Leonard's team had a camcorder on them and started recording as they were exploring right. We've seen that Rodney carries one too (when Sheppard gets trapped in the sanctuary), my question is why he never uses it
- Carson may be timid and freak out a lot, especially when he's put in a position like sitting in the chair, but he really is brave. I mean even just this episode, they've just been shot at, one is dead, two are wounded, and he still grabs his med bag and gets to work saving the survivor's lives. I just really love him and I wish his bravery was mentioned more, he's such an impressive person.
- I wonder why Ronon is the first to start being affected by the machine. John follows soon after and then Carson and Rodney at some point, Carson more so. We know that Teyla isn't affected at all because of the wraith DNA, but I wonder what causes the variation in the others.
- I'm also curious as to why Ronon, Leonard's team, and the Genii all turn on eachother while Sheppard, Rodney, and Carson have very different hallucinations. I mean Sheppard does try to shoot Ronon, but he hallucinates Teyla as a friend.
- man everyone except Sheppard, Rodney, and Carson have been shot at this point. I'm pretty sure Rodney gets shot too towards the end
- see, now why does Ronon think Sheppard is a wraith, but sees Teyla as Teyla?
- omfg yeah Sheppard shot Rodney. Dude this is a less funny shot than I remembered, I thought he got shot in the leg
- Teyla holding everything together as always, what a badass
- "I'm sorry for shooting everyone!" PFFFT
- oooo The Return episodes
- the midway station is so dope, Rodney and Sam are so smart
- a pedestal pops up out of the ground and Ronon just immediately points his gun at it XD
- AHHHH it makes me so sad how excited they were to meet ancients only to be met with that
- Ronon hug-tossing Sheppard 😭
- aw man the nerd trio saying their goodbyes
- I love that not only has Sheppard watched Princess Bride, but remembers it well enough/has seen it enough to quote it
- ya know, Rodney mentioned that at least Sheppard still gets to go off world, but why wouldn't he join the SGC? It's not like he doesn't have the experience and they have non military personnel like Daniel and Teal'c soooooo
- it's interesting they've got the retrovirus canisters at the SGC, I mean it makes sense they'd take it back from Atlantis with them.
- "my turtles!"
- Ronon was 1000% fishing for validation that Sheppard still views him as part of the team and it's adorable
- PFFFFFT the replicators getting run over
- man do I love insubordinate Sheppard, how very Colonel O'Neill of you
- Jack and Woolsey are hilarious together I have to say
- "in the unlikely event you don't fail miserably, you're fired." "Yes sir. Looking forward to that." God I love those two together
- I feel like Jack is both loving being back in action and royal pissed at the same time
- Jack is such a badass
- "god you can hold your breath a long time, you almost gave me a heart attack!" "Me too" PFFFFT
- "the backstroke I think" I missed Jack's unbelievable sass so much omfg
- "sounds more like plan F, doesn't it? As in "we are totally-"
- oooo Carson, how sassy of you
- Echoes is really neat, I love that we get a look into the fauna of another world finally. It's not a bunch but it's still cool, the fact that they could learn some way of communication with humans is so neat, and they not only saved themselves, but Atlantis too.
- ahhhhh the way Ronon immediately grabs Teyla when she starts freaking out to check on her
- awww Rodney whale watching his ocean bestie with his human bestie/love of his life
- I wonder if it was intentional that they set it up so everyone starts experiencing something like right after they talk to someone who is experiencing it
- OOF, Sheppard's panic when Rodney goes down
- not Sheppard knowing so much about Rodney he can make incredibly specific comments to try and irritate him, knowing if he could actually hear him he couldn't resist responding
- I love that Ronon is always there when Teyla needs help
- god Rodney and Sheppard are so adorably dorky together
- Caldwell you better leave those whales alone
- ahhh! I love hearing Rodney talk about science shit
- omfg Ronon and Teyla are so cute, LOOK AT THAT SMILE
- even after learning that Sheppard has a plan, Ronon doesn't offer to go or help, he stays right there by Teyla's side
- Sheppard and Rodney, chaotic duo extraordinaire
- the coronal mass ejection smashing into the ship, CHILLS
- the way Ronon crouches down beside Teyla with that mischievous smile is so cute, and then he sits right next to her to meditate together, AHHHH. He doesn't even like meditating, he just love spending time with her and it's so damn cute
- UGH Irresponsible.
- Lucius is so unbelievably creepy and manipulative, I HATE HIM SO MUCH
- why is Teyla in the damn tree XD
- how was Sheppard able to use the personal forcefield, they said that it like locks to the person who activates it. Also I wasn't paying a ton of attention this episode, but first time we saw him he asked for the gene inoculation, but Beckett only gave him the antidote so how does he have the gene.
- Tao of Rodney, oh boy, I know what happens but I do not remember the details very well
- poor Rodney man, he's always getting hurt istg
- of course Sheppard volunteers to be the one who watches Rodney
- I love when Sheppard rants about hating the ancients
- "actually I was rhunk more along the lines of you." Uhuh, you can say that you mean this because Sheppard was around ancients that ascended, but we all know the real reason
- also like, the fact they're doing this in Sheppard's room too. They're trying to get him to relax right? One would think that he'd have the easiest time relaxing in his own room but no, Sheppard's room.
- god listening to Rodney apologize to Radek 😭
- the hug omfg I'm gonna cry
- the book for Elizabeth, I forgot about that dude ahhhhhh
- once again in Sheppard's bedroom
- Sheppard offended at the thought that he and Rodney might not be good
- I forgot he asks Sheppard to read his eulogy AHHHHH
- oh my god Sheppard looks like he's about to cry, you can see him struggling with all of his will not to
- Ronon hugging him, ahhhhhh!!
- see, now there were a bunch of scientists that discovered that room with Rodney, but who did he tell first and ask to play with him? Sheppard
- I love not only the way Sheppard grabs Rodney by the vest to bring him along, but how he is completely unbiased by him doing this
- best of 10?? These mf really spend all of their time together don't they. Chess, the game from the episode, hanging in Sheppard's room, missions, eating together. It's not like there aren't a ton of other people these two could hang out with, but they choose eachother every time
- I'm on The Ark now and the duo is immediately being adorable on this station together
- Herick is so fucking selfish oh my god. Yes dude, you've just experienced a devestative, life altering loss, but to take out not only the team, but 1,000 lives stored in the device???? Why is your first instinct to force your grief onto those around you, that's fucking evil
- only way to soothe Ronon, promise you'll fight him to the death
- Rodney is such a badass man
- Teyla, please, I know it feels bad, but please just lie to him, you know what desperate people are capable of
- ok I'm finally finishing this episode like the next day, I am ill so if my typings make no sense, ignore that
- see, now how tf does Sheppard know what to do with those controls or what any of them mean in the slightest
- YIKES, hitting the ground
- Sunday, OH NO
- poor Teyla, she just wanted to have a nice day off with her friend
- ew, I hate that they bring up random ass love interests for Weir and Teyla. At least put some effort in instead of some random side plot of one episode
- record breaking space trout XD
- casual lgbt acceptance, I love it
- Rodney being sassy, grumpy dad when people do something dumb because he cares, love it
- I LOVE that Lorne paints, SO MUCH
- 😭
- oh god, Rodney blaming himself, my heaaaartttt
- I’m getting flashbacks to Janet’s funeral oh no
- Rodney looking to Sheppard, AHHH
- Submersion, wait I thought this took place when Teyla was pregnant? OH WAIT, no that’s when she takes over the queen on the hive ship nvm nvm
- Sheppard’s little “sorry” is so cute
- with that Wraith swimming underwater, my mind immediately jumps to a wraith siren creature, ik the iratus bugs hate water but still, if a group evolved on an ocean planet...
- poor Teyla dude, the guilt she's feeling rn, OOF
- also Greydon finding out there really is a Greyson is hilarious, poor guy
- "I missed" PFFFFT
- Vengeance, oh shiiiiiit, this episode is so freaky
- the look Rodney and Sheppard exchange once they find the cocoon and realize the life sign is probably whatever came out of it, is priceless
- all the bodies is just heartbreaking
- Ronon stop disappearing like a rugged ninja, you're scaring Sheppard
- oh yes, just stand in the path of the dart, VERY SMART
- I love this episode y'all
- Ronon with his sword, so cool
- Rodney, too much is better than too little when it comes to explosive power in this situation I'd say
- the prodigal experiment Michael returnsssss
- that smile on Ronon's face, I feel like it's a mix of Sheppard's decision upsetting Rodney, and getting to go back and fight the bug creature
- it's interesting how many more human features Michael has this time around, I mean last time he got the wraith teeth back and such and this time his mouth is very human. His nose and skin are also quite human. I wonder why going through the process a second time had that effect and if it could be permanent at some point
- aight well I guess it wouldn't have helped much but still!
- First Strike, gotta love rash thinking
- oof, Rodney and Zelenka's convo is rough. The guilt they must feel making weapons like this when they're not under attack...
- god damn that's a lot of damage
- I know it's basically an ocean planet, but it would've been so cool to see the effect that beam would've had on ground
- ahhhhh! I love the Weir and Teyla confidant moments so muchhhh
- the sinking scene is so cooooooooool
- the fantastic 4 convo help XD
- also, Ronon feeling left out because he can't help and doesn't know science 😭
- the gay boys immediately reading each others thoughts
- the chair spinning is still such an odd detail in my opinion
- Rodney's voice oh my god 😭
Season 4
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lightthewaybackhome · 7 months
@sheppardsmckay and I have had a running Stargate Atlantis conundrum that was finally solved last night.
When does Sheppard start wearing combat boots instead of sneakers?
As I've watched SG1 and SGA chronologically, I've kept a close eye on the footwear. SG1 got combat boots ages ago, I think before SGA started. (I could be wrong about that.) But no cool boots for SGA.
Drumroll please!
Finally! In season 3, Sheppard has combat boots.
I had suspected Season 3. And after watching The Pegasus Project, I just knew Sheppard would have better footwear. I was right!!!
Rodney is still in sneakers.
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eirian-houpe · 1 year
For your TMI Tuesday! :) (Or 3 Things Thursday?...not sure how your themed days work.)
This is probably a very basic question, but I am curious what has led you to focus your fandom/fic-writing efforts on the Rumbelle ship. I only watched the first couple of seasons of OUaT, so I am only vaguely familiar with them, but what inspires you most about their characters and relationship? Is Belle your favorite fairy princess, even outside of the show?
Hi there! Thanks for sending the ask. It works for TMI Tuesday. Three Things Thursday is asking three things about one subject, like a fic or process, that kind of thing. :) Anyway... so... to answer your specific question(s)...
For the longest... /longest/ time, if you would have looked at my fic account, (on ff dot net) you would have thought my focus was Stargate: Atlantis, and before that, The Mummy franchise, and then /after/ SGA, I started writing for a certain tall and handsome Elvenking - an epic undertaking in Laer o Faen - a sprawling retelling of the first through 4th ages, told through Thranduil's eyes.
I still write all of those fics, especially the Tolkien, because that's my comfort place - Middle Earth and especially the Woodland Realm, and will ALWAYS be my very favorite fandom - recent ugliness notwithstanding. But Laer o Faen takes such a lot of time to write a chapter, there's a lot of translating involved.
However, Rumbelle is so versatile, and I'm a writer with ADHD, and like a magpie, a gravitate toward whatever is shiny. The dynamic between Belle and Rumplestiltskin is fascinating. The idea of True Love being able to transcend realms and break any curse... amazing. But the versatile thing, yeah... the couple can, and has been written in all kinds of AU situations and worlds. Belle has been included in other IPs in which Robert Carlyle plays a character, (e.g. Cobra, or Stargate: Universe) - to create offshoot fandom ships (Sutherelle and Rushbelle). Secondary characters too - especially Jefferson (The Mad Hatter), has been linked with Rumbelle, and adds another interesting and irresistible element. That, and I've made a lot of good, accepting friends in the Rumbelle fandom. Outside of the fandom, I don't really have a favorite Disney princess.
How about you? How, when and why did you start your fanwriting?
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dailystargatebooty · 11 months
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trainofcommand · 2 years
I wrote some (T-rated) Lorne/Parrish for Romancing SGA:
It's a sequel to The Irresistible Blueberry Farm.
I owe a lot to @cassiope25 who chatted with me while I was trying to figure out the ending, and who did a read-through when I needed some reassurances - thank you!!
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