sgnsunwoo · 4 years
▬step by step
⌞ @sgnhansung    
    Light steps led the writer across campus as his brain whirred and buzzed with all the ideas he’d been carefully curating. Since the drama club had reached out to the creative writing department for a collaboration Sunwoo’s usual cogitations had easily slipped into overdrive. He’d never have the time to write half the piece idea’s scrawled across five notebooks, but that wouldn’t stop him from trying. Though, he had made the concession to only bring one with his most favorite plots secreted in its pages along to the meeting with his partner.
No matter how much thought he’d already put into the writing, ultimately, he’d never get the right formula without meeting the actor himself. Sunwoo adored working with others and considered bouncing ideas off of someone else a deeply exciting and vital part of most creative endeavors. Unfortunately, outside of class assignments, he didn’t get to do it very often.
Nose twitched at the heady aroma of roasted coffee beans and sugary delights as he approached the little café where they’d agreed to meet. It was probably for the best. He walked right up to the counter and ordered an espresso to make up for the hours of sleep he’d missed with his brain too busy to relax. Unused to sleep deprivation, one might be able to forgive him for walking right past the actor while sipping his drink, but the familiar bars of music hummed by a charming voice had Sunwoo freezing where he stood. Head tilted to the side, the freshman focused and soon found himself humming along before nipping back a few steps.
When dark eyes landed on the source he exclaimed, “oh! It’s you, hello!” Sliding into a seat he dipped quickly in greeting. “Is that Oh My Girl? I love them!” Fingers hunted through his bag to withdraw his supplies and set them out on the table before him. “I do hope you haven’t been waiting long.” While the freshman was usually early, there was the chance on such a distracting occasion he might’ve missed the mark. “I’ve been so excited I’m a bit surprised I managed to do anything else at all today.” Flashing his typical beam, Sunwoo knitted fingers over his notebook and regarded the other warmly. “So, can you tell me a bit about what roles or stories you find most interesting?”
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sgnaudrianna · 4 years
  .   .  ♥︎ ❛ 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒚  𝒊𝒔  𝒏𝒐𝒕  𝒉𝒆𝒓  𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕  𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕  𝒃𝒖𝒕  𝒉𝒂𝒅  𝒊𝒕  𝒏𝒐𝒕  𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏  𝒇𝒐𝒓  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓  𝒂𝒏𝒅  𝒔𝒉𝒆  𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒚  𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅  𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆  𝒃𝒐𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒅  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒎. so audrianna is currently sitting right across the other because she’s never the type to not pay debt and where she owes is where she’d be typically found, sufficiently paying back and even some more. but this is clearly a mistake, she knew she should have insisted on that other italian restaurant she’s been wanting to try a few miles out of campus instead of this rather.. well.. dingy local restaurant that supposedly serves the best fried chicken around. 
and as other people inside the fast food place begins to groan in annoyance, audrianna is left to sulk against her seat, a small pout painting itself to her lips. there’s a sudden scorching heat that rises up rather fast now that the electricity has been cut, the power outage revealing the old building’s lack of a generator. and even though she knows better than to not have a stupid little look on her face she can’t help but be annoyed at the situation. 
“all i wanted to do was eat. eat and enjoy my chicken and say thanks hansung oppa, your chemistry tips worked like magic.” her pout is more visible than ever now as she folds her arm across her chest, chiming additionally, “looks like our weather forecast for tonight is nothing but darkness though. no chicken.” 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
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THIS WEEK’S TEA ? B U R N I N G  H O T  ! ! ! 
hey tigers, did you miss me?  🐯 
summer is finally upon us, and with this year’s glamping trip now over, I can honestly say that you all know how to bring on the heat. the three day treat certainly was eventful. there was so much going on that i struggled to keep up with everything going on, but fear not, i did manage to gather some interesting stories i know you’d all love to hear. so buckle up because while this retreat did certainly have a lot of singing under the stars, i know you all would rather i just spill the tea. 
what’s a glamping trip if you don’t take this time to stargaze? it seems like i’m not the only one who feels the same way as both nights saw flocks of students sitting under the stars. and are we surprised that seongnam’s resident astro-lover, nam taeoh ( @sgntaeoh ) was spotted among the large crowd? but perhaps he should take some lessons from our resident playboy and not take his love interests on dates in the same place (albeit different nights). word on the street is he was seen acting cozy with both kwon sian ( @sgnsian ) and seok dawon ( @sgndawon ). what can i say? i guess both girls were lost staring at the stars in his eyes rather than paying attention to his lack of commitment. 
speaking of our resident playboy, is it really a signed, wooyoo story if i’m not talking about son junhyung ( @sgnjunhyung ) ? it seemed like he certainly had a fun time with all that he got up to. first on the list, he had all of us on the edge of our seats at the possibility of his friendship break up with seongnam’s resident sunshine, jo danbi ( @sgndanbi ), who by the way was also seen locking lips with a very interesting character. kwon taeho( @sgntaeho ) i’m looking at you. but back to the main tea, yes, that’s right, the inseparable pair of friends were seen arguing before going on the obstacle course. fellow peers of ours said that it certainly got heated. but it seems like all is well now, as they two of them apparently made it. 
but someone else that perhaps did not get a happy ending in regards to junhyung is the quiet girl, jeon jiwoo ( @sgnjiwoo ). jiwoo was seen crying to junhyung for some unknown reason. hopefully she’s not another victim of his games, because i honestly thought she was better than that. what a shame. 
and i wish that i could be done talking about him, but he wouldn’t be our resident playboy if he didn’t mess with some good old feelings. i’m sure you all remember his storybook romance with a certain natural sciences ta, yooa ( @sgnyooa ). well the two of them were seen getting cozy on the way over to yeongnyu, with yooa falling asleep on his shoulder during the bus. again, storybook romance, am i right? however, it seems like not everyone is thrilled at their romance, as i heard our sweet, sweet innocent first year, kan hyesoo ( @sgnxangel ) arguing with yooa over junhyung? something along the lines that yooa was jealous about angel and junhyug’s relationship because she spent a night with him only to be dumped? ouch. looks like angel has some fire in her after all. 
a quick list of people who got lost in the woods this trip. son baekso ( @sgnbaekso ) and seo hyein ( @sgnhyein). seems like while the two are fake friends, they have so much in common. being in the film industry, getting lost in the woods, reuniting with old flames during this trip. yes, unfortunately for hyein, her savior came in the form of her ex-boyfriend shin hyunjin ( @sgnhyunjin ). talk about awkward. and now, you all must be wondering about son baekso, because he’s been seen with a certain lee haru ( @sgnharu ) a lot recently. well it turns out the pair, or baekru as i’ve heard them been called in the streets, were actually not official until the retreat. but no worries everyone, my sources confirm that they are in fact official now. wow, they really are the endgame.  💖 
now, with that lighthearted happy news, here are a few more shenanigans that happened during the three day trip. cousins seok dawon and seok hansung ( @sgnhansung ) now have the distinct honor of being the only people to get kicked out of the starlight resort’s cooking classes after they set a kitchen towel on fire (somehow while they were making kimbap), making it so that the fire alarm went off too. congratulations! seongnam tribune’s park taejoo ( @sgntaejoo ) and jang sunwoo ( @sgnsunwoo ) were also seen trying to find bigfoot or something in the woods. all i have to say is that i don’t know what our school newspaper is feeding them to make them think that they could find bigfoot in south korea. wrong continent buddies.
and what’s a camping trip if you don’t try to irritate the spirits and summon a demon? well certain camps got a fright when they tried doing so, only to be met with our school’s queen bee, bok seungah ( @sgnxseungah ). i’m highly doubtful that they found the demon that they were looking for in seungah, but maybe campers were hoping that the movie, jennifer’s body would be turned into real life? 
also, i always tell you all to be safe and careful, but apparently the presumed leader of seongnam’s infamous friend group, han seungwoo ( @sgnseungwoo ) did not heed to my advice, because he hurt his knee during the trip. i’m wishing you a speedy recovery! also, can i just say, it was quite amusing seeing you howling and vehemently rejecting the use of a duck floatie to go into the lake? i’m sure i’m not the only one who enjoyed it. but don’t worry, i’m sure we all also found it adorable. 
well, tigers, i hope you do actually listen to my advice to stay healthy and safe, and of course watch your backs. i feel like this three day trip has brought me closer to all of you. i’ve learned about your relationships and interests. and we’ve all gotten so close that you all have also ruined going on late night walks in the woods for me, because the amount of you that decided it would be a good idea to go skinny dipping in a campsite this populated, is quite appalling. 
yes i’m talking to you nasties, yoon serena ( @sgnserena ) , kwon taeho, shin siwan ( @scottsgn ) , kim subin ( @subinsgn ) , son junhyung, kan hyesoo, and you losers who lost that game of volleyball. reevaluate yourselves, please. 💖 
‘till next time
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sgnsunwoo · 4 years
texting meme: accepting! 
⌞Oh My Hansung ⌝ ► ► ↳  Actually, clouds can weigh a thousand kilograms! You see, the liquid water content inside makes it a lot more tangible than you ‘d think. But on the other hand, that makes sense when you consider the water cycle! ↳ Don’t even get me started on water tables and drainage. I will go on for hours. ↳  Wait... oh oopsies, sorry Hansung!! Uh, the more you know?
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