sgnjiah · 4 years
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@yoojiahs : masks are overrated. 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ gone in a flash
    Half amazed his little suggestion had been received so well, Sunwoo began his search with a skip in his step and jaunty whistling tune. Certainly, the trouble he would be in should the camera given to him in confidence remain lost weighed heavily on an oft burdened mind, but the optimistic freshman was ever prone to relish an impromptu adventure. Crawling around on all fours, sharp stare searched through every blade of grass and knobby turn of tree trunks. Nothing had been under the bushes aside from a few pieces of trash he quickly deposited in the nearest bin. Well, even if he was screwed at least the time hadn’t been a total waste.
Warm sun beating on his back, the novice spared a moment to lean into the shade and search for a more logical approach. Maybe, some little critter had taken a fancy to the shiny doodad and absconded to bury it somewhere for themselves. Considering it was for the official business of the Tribune, the camera had been rather larger than his own and taking the time to dig through the whole area would erase any chance of covering the event he was supposed to. That wasn’t even taking the repercussions of destroying campus property into account. No good.
Emitting a deep death knell of a sigh, Sunwoo looked at his watch. “Well, let’s get this over with.” Maybe, just maybe, he thought as he rose, Bow would have good news. Though his phone hadn’t made a beep in the past twelve minutes.
Approaching the meeting place, fingers tussled cinnamon strands, the excitement of a mission wearing off with his frustration. Corners of lips tugged down with every second his responsibility was left wanting, an unusual and unpleasant circumstance. Mentally, the freshman reprimanded himself harshly for not keeping a better eye on the camera. If he had to use more book money in order to replace the equipment it served him right. Next time he’d know better! Still, a crummy feeling weighed down his footsteps.
Daring to hold on to a last shard of hope, his gaze rose to the kind helper. “How’d it go? I didn’t find so much as a glimpse of the camera.”
— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 much to her dismay, the camera’s sd card has nothing of interest to her. had she felt a bit more vindictive, she would have deleted the few photos that he had taken to cover the event, but jiah figures that the photos will have no use to him or the seongnam tribune by the time the camera returns to its owner. so she does nothing but continue to to scroll through the camera. it’s merely done to give her something to do while time passes by.
once jiah determines that a sufficient amount of time has passed, that is, when there’s about two minutes before she needs to get back, she wipes the camera screen and lenses with her shirt before carefully placing the item back in her bag. she dusts herself off afterwards, not wanting to appear like she had climbed through the rose bushes to search for the camera. though, now that she thinks about it, perhaps the sight of dirty clothes would make it seem like she genuinely was searching for his camera. but having already cleaned herself off, jiah pushes this thought to the back of her head. in about a minute, there will be a be a little, naive first year, who she can further deceive with her nice girl act.. 
jiah shakes her head as the two of them approach each other, lips curved downward into an apologetic frown. « i’m sorry... i wasn’t able to find anything either. » she pauses, hand coming up to rub the back of her neck as if she was unsure what to say next to make him feel any better. « i asked around if anyone had seen your camera too but everyone told me that they hadn’t seen it. » 
she clears her throat before fixing the most guilt-stricken look that she can muster up. with years of deceiving people under her belt, along with the fact that everything she knew about acting was taught to her by her actress mother, jiah would say that the look on her face is pretty convincing.   « again, i’m sorry. i wish i could do more to help you, but i don’t know what i can say or do to help. » she is one hundred percent lying through her teeth, but that is something that the male does not need to know. 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫!
taejoo flips through his phone – his browser is already open to a wooyoo blog post. rather than pay full attention in his morning psychology class, he’d been reading over some of the material that this mysterious character has on her page. he’ll give it to them, they’re a pretty good writer – he found himself leaning in as he was skimming over the words, the gossip definitely is juicy, if he has to say so himself. of course, this is just his opinion, and it may just be skewed due to his own nature.
opinions – that’s what really sets them apart. taejoo tries not to write in such an opinionated manner, due to parameters surrounding the seongnam tribune – fair journalism and all that. he admittedly has a rather skewed sense of fairness, almost entirely based on how he’s feeling on a day-to-day basis. but no one else has to know that besides himself – if they knew, his journalism would be put into question.
well, more into question.
“uh, okay, great!” he leads, opening up his little notepad and retrieving the pen from inside the plastic binding. “so, first question: are you familiar with wooyoo, the internet blog?” he takes his phone off idle, sliding it over to her swiftly. “here’s an example of one of their posts. pretty interesting, immersive, all that stuff.” he scribbles aimlessly on the brown cardboard backing of the notebook cover, just to get the pen going.
— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 her ability to maintain her current expression, even when hit by something surprising, is one of the many things that she prides herself in. there are only a few people other than her that actually knows about this skill of hers, considering there are few who really know her true nature. still, she prides herself in it because it makes it more difficult on those trying to read her. and if she can make the lives of someone more difficult by always having that blank expression, then she’d happily do so whenever. 
so when taejoo asks her if she’s familiar with wooyoo, her expression remains the same. save for her blinking, of course. she has to admit, when he slid into the spot across from her, she certainly was not expecting him to ask about her secret blog and persona. though it probably was a long time coming. she knows that there are a lot of people at seongnam who dislike her for what she does. it just amuses her that out of all people who he could have interviewed, he someone managed to get her.
 « i’ve heard about it, but i’ve never really checked the blog out. » she says, blatantly lying. she gently pulls the phone closer to her and scroll through the post like she was actually reading it, making sure that her expression shifts every time she read something scandalous. jiah hums, looking back towards him and tilting her head.  « you’re right. it is pretty interesting. leaves me wondering how exactly does this person know so much about the students here.  » 
she locks the phone, sliding it back over to its owner. she peers over at him, now wearing a small smile.  « so, how exactly can i help you?  »
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sgnjiah · 4 years
Do you have a daily routine? What is your favourite part of your daily routine?
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « i have a rough outline of what i do in a day, but it’s not set in stone. it’s pretty simple, wake up, go to class, do work, work on stories for signed, wooyoo, go to cheer or track practice. i’ll eat sometime throughout the day if i have time or if i remember. go back to my apartment, do more school work until i’m sleepy, take a shower so i’m forced to stay awake to do more work, then go to sleep when i can’t keep my eyes open anymore. » 
 « the only thing i really keep up with is my skincare routine. i have a pretty face so i need to make sure i maintain it somehow.  »
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sgnjiah · 4 years
What are three things you value most about a person?
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « first things first, how useful they are to me. if i don’t get anything out of talking to them, then why would i waste my time talking to them? harsh, but that’s just how i am. secondly, how well they can read the environment around them. i might seem friendly because i have to be, but when i don’t want t talk, i don’t want to talk. and those who can tell i’m not in the mood to talk automatically get ten points in my book. lastly, and this is going to sound ironic coming from me, but humbleness. or rather, i can’t stand people who are overly cocky. those who are incredibly cocky are the people that i find myself wanting to bring down the most. » 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
who would you say is your best friend in school and why?
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « if we’re talking about human beings then i don’t have any real friends, much less a best friend. which is fine, the life i live right now works for me, and i don’t feel any lost not having anyone i consider a friend. but, if we’re not talking about people, i suppose i can say that my adorable pup, yangchi is my best friend. » 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
do you have any friends? (i promise this is not a roast 🙅‍♂️) do you even want friends???
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « simple answer to the first question is no. i’m sure that’s no surprise to you. there are people out there who i’m friendly with, or at least they think we’re friendly or are friends, but i don’t consider anyone to be my friend. which doesn’t bother me, because i don’t see the point of holding someone close to me unless they’re of some kind of use to me. »
« and now, do i even want friend? no, not really. unless... you want to take up my offer and help me gather secrets? if so, i’d gladly offer you my friendship. »
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sgnjiah · 4 years
if you had one week to live and had to choose it to spend with one person at seongnam, who would it be?
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « if i had only one week to live, my first choice would just be alone. or perhaps i’m only saying that because i can’t imagine having that much time left to live. but if i really had to choose someone to spend that time with, it would be someone i wouldn’t mind being around. also, someone who i could convince to do things for me, like go out and buy me the foods i want to eat. someone who cares enough to fluff up my pillow when i ask them. so, son baekso? » 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
do you gesture when you talk?
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « no, not really. at least if i do, i haven’t noticed. when i speak, my hands tend to stay by my side. that or i keep them clasped and in front of me. if i feel a bit awkward and don’t know what to do with my hands, i tend to let my fingers tap against my sides, that or run them through my hair. » 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
what was the worst thing you ever did to someone? + what's your biggest regret?
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « now, to be fair, i may run a blog where i expose everyone’s secrets, but i have yet to do anything that really would ruin anyone’s lives. yet. so i suppose the worst thing i’ve ever done to someone is come close to it. despite what some people out there might think about wooyoo, there are some stories or topics that i refuse to run stories on. but i’ve gotten close, and there have been times where i’ve almost gotten some students expelled.  and you know, for a lot of us out there, that probably does sound like the end of the world. » 
 « my biggest regret? unintentionally exposing myself to one person. he knows who he is, and if he so much as speaks about it to anyone, he knows what’s coming for him. »
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sgnjiah · 4 years
fmk - junhyung minseok baekso
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « the mere thought of men repulse me, but if i had to choose... fuck minseok just cause i don’t dislike him as much as one other person on this list. i can just leave after doing it, right? i’d choose to marry baekso because i don’t mind him the most out of the three of them, and i could probably could last about a year before i’d want to file for a divorce. and now, to kill or kiss. whatever the k means, son junhyung. he has all the qualities i hate in men, and i can barely stand to be in his presence, so of course i’d choose him for this.  » 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
thoughts on the track and cheer captains?
— ‘  ⋆ ˚。  « my thoughts on the current track and cheer captains? i guess i’ll start with son baekso. i think overall, he’s nice. i know he means well from the conversations that i’ve had with him, but he definitely has questionable moments. he’s trying to improve but there are moments when you can tell that he definitely has no idea what he is doing. i’m actually quite fond of him, but mostly because he’s so easy to read. there’s a reason why he’s been featured on signed, wooyoo so often. » 
 « as for the cheer captain? 100/10, i like myself a fair amount. i’m pretty, hardworking, what’s not to like? the same goes to sian too, i guess. it’s quite obvious that she cares for the team and puts in a lot of effort when it comes to being captain. you can tell that she used to be an idol by how much she pays attention to the little details. i respect her but that’s pretty much all i have to say. »
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sgnjiah · 4 years
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we thought it was time for a second round of the HONESTY HOUR MEME! if you reblog this post, this means that your muse will have to answer anything and everything that comes to their inbox with the total truth, no exceptions! now is the time to explore the hidden depths of your muse, and to ask others the questions you were always afraid to ask! also note that the questions and answers that come from this meme exist in an vacuum – meaning that none of this will be public knowledge or will effect your muse ic wise, so go wild! we will allow this meme for run for two weeks, so you have until AUGUST 28TH to reblog this post – and as always, you are free to continue to answer afterwards, but no questions may be asked after the deadline.
lastly, please make sure to send a question out to everyone who reblogs this, whether it’s on your character blog or anon! we want to make sure that everyone is able to join in on the fun and that no one is left out. have fun ~
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ game resumed
» »  @sgntaeho​
 — ‘  ⋆ ˚。 in her initial interaction with him, he called her a calculating, scheming reptile. and in true yoo jiah fashion, his words only served to make the situation even more fun for her.  it’s akin to a game of cat and mouse. there are times where she wonders who’s the cat and who’s the mouse considering he’s holding onto her biggest secret and his family’s messy truths are in her possession. she should be worried, but since he was the one the retreated from the conversation, she figured that she was safe. that she could dangle another piece of secret information about his family in front of his face and know that that would keep him retaliating. at least for now.  
it’s because of this fact that jiah still features him on her blog from time to time, though it’s only minor stories because she knows better than to pour oil onto a flame, even if the flame as been lowered. it’s cute how he comments on her posts trying to intimidate her too. it just warms her heart knowing her biggest fan comes in the form of the towering figure of kwon taeho. 
the student center is particularly busy today. but it comes as no surprise because the new semester has just started. jiah would much rather be somewhere else, away from the crowd of bustling students, but as fate would have her, she actually needs to buy a textbook at the campus bookstore. she keeps her expression soft as she makes her way through the crowd, her mind wandering listlessly as she walks. and because of this, she almost, almost bumps into the figure who walked directly into her path. though slightly annoyed to be interrupted and stopped, she shows no visible reaction to stranger until she registers just who the male is. lips curved up into an amused smile, she nods her head as a sign of faux respect. 
« well, well, well. look who it is. to what do i owe this pleasure of being stopped by such an exclusive person on campus? » and cue, another game of cat and mouse. 
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ four shots in
» » @sgn-yeona liked for a random starter !! 
— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 jiah is notorious for being someone who is terrible at taking care of their body. or rather, she would be notorious if she was a normal person who had genuine friendships, but the sentiment is still the same. she truly does push her body to the limit, forgoing food and sleep to finish up work for both school and signed, wooyoo. she figured that her body would eventually get used to it, but now she is paying the consequences of her abysmal eating habits and non existent sleep schedule. her head is spinning, legs are wobbly. she feels like shit. but because jiah wouldn’t be jiah if she didn’t try to ignore all signs of her body telling her to just stop, so she still finds herself hauling her body off to class
but first-- she needs something to keep herself awake for the rest of the day. her solution to this? caffeine. she’s never been much of a coffee drinker, much preferring tea, but she knows that the bitter taste of coffee is better suited if she really wants to stay awake. it’s a four shots of espresso kind of day. it’s evident to anyone who has any sense of self preservation that taking these shots on an empty stomach all while running on no sleep is a recipe for disaster, but jiah doesn’t really care. she just needs to stay awake. she’s about to down the shots, eyes barely opened when the cup is pulled away from her fingers. she’s hit with a flash of irritation, and in a moment of uncharacteristic behavior for jiah, she finds herself snapping at the person who has her coffee. « what the hell? give me my cup back. »
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ after practice
» » @sgnsian​ liked for a random starter !! 
— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 today was not her best performance admittedly. in her defense, she had very narrowly avoided being socked in the nose by a stray arm. while she had saved herself from having to possibly get another a rhinoplasty, she had been unsuccessful in avoiding being knocked over when her teammate slammed into her trying to move into her position..it seemed that the team grew incredibly rusty in their month off for summer break. so really, it wasn’t just her who wasn’t performing at her best. she thinks that sweeping statement that everyone was under performing is an accurate description for today’s practice. 
with how unsuccessful the practice was, it’s no surprise that the captains decided to end it early. jiah could practically hear the sighs of relief from her teammates. of course, she’s not opposed to going home early as it would give her more time to prepare for her “date” for tonight. and by date, she means another night where she deceives a fellow student to get them to reveal their secrets to her. so, nothing new really. jiah takes a final sip of water, slipping her bottle back into her bag and then hauls said bag over her shoulder. then, she’s stopped by someone walking directly into her path. though a bit peeved, especially when she realizes just who was trying to talk to her, she plasters on a small smile because she needs to keep up appearances. « hey captain. » great, jiah thinks to herself. here comes a lecture about how she needed to focus more at practice. « did you need to talk to me about something? »
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— dogs and dates.
for someone who goes on a lot of dates, junhyung certainly has his favourites. dog-walking dates are near the top of his list, for obvious reasons being, he loves his dog more than two of the things he loves the most, girls and well, himself. a dog-walking date means the cohesion of all those things he loves so really, it couldn’t get any better than this. even the weather was in his favour too, with cotton-like clouds dotting the clear blue sky, the leaves on the trees surrounding them fluttering ever so lightly with the gentle afternoon breeze — perfect for a date at the park.
a childlike beam spreads across his face as he too, crouches down to greet jiah’s own puppy, ruffling its soft head of fur as he coos lovingly at it. “y’know how they say cute owners have cute puppies?” he turns to face her with a flirty glint in his eyes, “you just proved that right.” truthfully, he’s never heard a saying like that before, it’s just a cheesy line his brain cooked up in the past second, an attempt to flirt with his date, who seemed a little more radiant today. was she that excited for their date or was it because she got to be around these little puppers? he’d like to believe it’s the former, or both, at least.
an amused chuckle leaves his lips at the sight of the silly expression she made. how cute. “you didn’t strike me as someone who would make faces like that.” he teases, “it’s cute though.” he quickly adds, his lips curving into a grin. “almost as cute as little yangchi over here.” junhyung returns his attention to her puppy by her side, tugging his own dog towards him. “and this is dog, she’s a little older than yangchi though she’s a tiny little baby.” he introduces, guiding the dogs towards each other. much like himself, dog wasted no time in getting chummy with those of the opposite gender, and in this case, her playdate for the day. “it seems like dog likes yangchi.” he points out in amusement. 
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— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 she's quite practiced in not letting her real emotions change how she wants to appear in front of people, but despite this, she does have to exert extra effort when it comes to son junhyung. she wants to cringe at his choice of words, in what she considers a very bad attempt at flirting. but in response to his comment, she feigns innocence with soft eyes and a head tilt.  « oh? do people really say that? i’ve never heard of that before. » she pauses and hums, as if she were lost in thought.  « if that’s really the case, then i guess you also proved the statement to be correct too, because dog is really cute. » it’s nauseating having to flirt back with junhyung and jiah legitimately feels her stomach stirring after making that comment, but she reminds herself that ruining him will make all of this worth it in the end. 
 « there’s quite a bit of things you still don’t know about me yet, son junhyung.... » she trails off, lips curving up into a knowing smile. it’s an understatement really, and of course it’s not an easy task for anyone to learn everything that there is to know about her with how heavily guarded she keeps her real thoughts and personality. but details. both her smile and gaze turn softer as she watches her baby pup interact with the male’s equally cute and small pup. even if this date turns out badly, at least she will have the mental imagine of these two white fluff balls together.  « of course dog likes yangchi, i’ve raised him to be respectful and polite. what’s not to like? » she fixes her gaze at him, as if daring him to say anything in opposition, but the look is gone moments later.  
 « come on, we should start walking them now. if i don’t let yangchi walk off all of his pent up energy, he’s going to keep me up at night. » she gestures to the pathway with a wave of her hand, pulling on yangchi’s leash (lightly of course) so that he’ll start walking. she lets silence fall between the two of them briefly, using this time to think about what she wants to talk about. it’s too early for her to dive straight into personal questions, and so in order to slowly gain his trust, she’s decides to go with more lighthearted conversations to begin.  « so, tell me. how did you manage to sneak dog into your dorm room? are any of your ras suspicious? »
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