#sh s3a
mnemosyne29-blog · 6 years
Just one scene and their maliconic eyes made me cry. The moment they lived in 3x07 might seem simple, but I can see how little it's now Alec's pride. Alec apologizes, with his heart broken and mortal, because he can't live without Magnus. Alec apologizes, despite the sad period he lives and the momentary loss of his parabatai. He has a weight on his shoulders, he is the head of the institu te, but I don't think he could imagine his life without his special warlock. And Magnus, on the other hand, feels he has exaggerated and hurt his 'blue eyes' with too pungent words. I know a bad period will pass, I know this period has already begun. But in this simple scene, with all this love, I can dream of a happy ending.
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saphaelbane · 6 years
The shirt™️ is Magnus’ shirt !!!! THEY’RE SHARING CLOTHES
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svetana · 7 years
3 in 1
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mnemosyne29-blog · 6 years
Now, I love Magnus with all my heart, but I can't stand people who criticize Alec and say he's pressing and  he doesn't understand the person he loves. FRIENDLY, I want to remind you this scene in which ALEC risks to give anything up to throw himself into the arms of a person who doesn't know well yet. With that gesture he risks his career, the relationship with his family, EVERYTHING, as he also says a few episodes before. A person like him, so attached to the family and his work, leaps into the void and kisses Magnus. They love each other, God, how they love each other, but please, don't say that Magnus is the one he loves the most, because I can't stand it. IT'S NOT A RACE: IT'S A RELATIONSHIP. Anyone who lives a relationship has made mistakes that can be repaired. Anyone -  surely me - would have looked or thought about looking in the box with the memories of their beloved. I don't blame Alec for doing it. And I do not blame Magnus for keeping his memories. Who among us has never been jealous of someone? And who of us does not keep, in his drawer, something of a person who loves or who loved? Then, please, stop saying Alec's proposal to moving in is rushed. The amount of time spent together isn't important, but the quality is. Alec asks Magnus what he has in his heart, as everyone should feel FREE to do in a healthy relationship. Even with their misunderstandings, I love them more than before, because even if I cry when I see them sad, I know that they will come back stronger than ever and "stronger than heaven".
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saphaelbane · 6 years
At this point are Alec and Jace even parabatais anymore ??? Like it just isn’t realistic
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saphaelbane · 6 years
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Magnus’ hair is full of unconditional love and glitter
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saphaelbane · 6 years
So shadowhunters is still on its nonsense with Magnus hiding his feelings and the lighting being nonexistent
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svetana · 7 years
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Harry Shum Jr. 3A-pple 🍎 🌯  
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