#sh: haisy
saintlegacy · 7 years
😍 (Scienna & Haisy)
scienna: x
haisy: x
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“i want to make this work, don’t you?”
Hunter’s been through some shit. Actually, he’s been through a lot of shit, but it’s a lot of shit that he doesn’t let other people know about. Cora might know, but she’ll know a skewered version of the truth thanks to his biased point of view. Heather might know, but only through the grapevine from word of mouth. He doesn’t trust anyone else. At least, not fully. Not 100%.
He wants to trust Daisy. He knows, somewhere deep fucking down, that he does trust her. The matter of the fact is that Hunter’s scared shitless when it comes to her. He’s absolutely fucking terrified, but that doesn’t stop him from making the same mistakes over and over again. Daisy Dunn is his blessing and his curse.
The stakes are just a little higher this time around.
He sits there in her living room like the millionth time before, hands clasped together and head bowed in shame. He can’t even count how many times they’ve broken up, but he knows that with each one their bond breaks a little more. It’s heartbreaking, and entirely his fault.
It was his idea this time around to try things differently, and with Cora’s persuasion, he finally grew some balls to man up. He’s terrified. He’s still terrified, even after Daisy agreed to hear him out, even after Daisy allowed him into her home, even after she listened to thirty minutes worth of nervous babbling in the hopes that it would make some sense.
Apparently, it did. A little bit of sense, but sense nonetheless.
Hunter swallows. “I do,” he says earnestly, lifting his head to look at her. She’s more beautiful than ever, but she’s always been that way. Hunter doesn’t deserve her, but he has to try — one last time, at the very least. “You have no idea how bad I want this to work, baby.” Before, they were just half-empty words — the meaning was there, but the intention was not. Hunter doesn’t know how to make her see that he’s ready to turn a new leaf and to remodel his character.
“I always... I always say that you’ve been the best fucking thing to happen to me, Dais. And I mean it. I do.“ He bites on his bottom lip. “You make me want to be better. Not just for myself, or for you, but for everyone. I wanna be the guy people can trust when shit hits the fan. You inspire me to be that guy.“ Hunter runs a hand through his hair. “I wanna make us work. Like, really work, but I can’t do that being the same fuckin’ guy. I can’t do that shit. I’ve gotta fuckin’ change, and I’m more than— I’m more than okay with that. I just wanna be okay for you.“
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saintlegacy · 7 years
make your muse jealous → daisy dunn is seeing kissing a new guy that is not her on and off boyfriend, hunter davenport. moved on? let's hope so, meanwhile, we will bring you info on her new beau.
Hunter reads the screenshot with his eyebrows furrowed, like the headline is all some twisted, crazy version of life that he wasn’t quite on board with yet. In truth, Hunter genuinely thinks he’s dreaming — he has to be, right? In what world would the media say they hoped Daisy moved on from him? Granted, Hunter knew he wasn’t the best boyfriend — far from it, really — but they had fans. They did, didn’t they?
Regardless, he can’t stop staring at the image. Thanks to Vienna’s pesky prodding and a bit of rub-it-in-your-face (and not the good kind), Hunter’s sat back in his town car with a serious case of I need to get drunk. Immediately.
He clicks out of the image Vienna sent him only to send her a middle finger emoji, then moves on to his messages. He wants to text Cora — Did you see the article they posted? Fucked up that they wanna get rid of me, lol — but he knows it’s no use. He’ll either get a text back hours later, or she just won’t respond at all, which is the usual occurrence for the past few years whenever it comes to him and Daisy. Frankly, he thinks everyone’s moved on from caring about whether they’re together or not.
But Hunter cares. He cares a fuck ton. And he doesn’t like seeing Daisy with this guy, kissing him, spending her time with him. It makes him sick to his stomach. It makes him want to punch something, or fuck something, or a million other bad ideas bouncing around his head. Daisy may not be his, but she’s one of the most important people in his life, and to see her like that? He can’t handle it.
Hunter locks his phone and tries to swallow the hard lump in his throat. “Johnny’s Bar,” he announces to the driver, his jaw ticking as they pull out onto the main street. “Be on call later, yeah? I need to get fucked up tonight.”
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