#mm: njbc
saintlegacy · 7 years
😍 (Scienna & Haisy)
scienna: x
haisy: x
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raelenbagby-blog · 4 years
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AND THERE IS A LIGHT AT THE END OF EVERY TUNNEL.....💡🕯💡🕯💡 A year and a half ago my world was turned upside down. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. It was and has been a struggle since day 1. I fought the fight of what seemed like would never end. A lot of tears. A lot of sleepless nights. A lot of worry/Anxiety/fear. A lot of stress. A lot of late nights to get it all done. A whole lot of prayers that seemed unanswered,. Somehow I remained strong through it all and kept pushing and fighting. AND ONE DAY.... just like that I was reminded that it was ALL WORTH IT. I know I have to keep doing THE WORK to keep this big accomplishment but at least I know the worst part of this storm has past and the light is shining bright again for the future. TODAY WAS THE DAY.....THAT MY SON....MY WHOLE WORLD AND HEART received an invitation to join THE NATIONAL JUNIOR BETA CLUB chapter at McCracken Middle School. I am so proud of MY SON. He has TOTALLY earned this. He put in THE WORK and made it happen. He always tries his best and never gives up, (he got it from his mama👍). He also fought the struggle right along with me. (🤣😂 Mama' still doesn't know how she doesn't have any gray hair 🤣😂). WE both have a lot of people to thank for this huge accomplishment.. We had a great support system. We could not have done it with out y'all. ❤💯 HERE IS ONE OF YOUR BEST STUDENTS AND BEST YOUNG LITTLE MAN! ❤💯 TO MY SON, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. I WILL LIKE YOU FOR ALWAYS. AS LONG AS I AM LIVING MY BABY YOU WILL BE. ❤💯 Being a mom doesn't come with a book of instructions But does come with a whole lot of love and prayer and the reward is a whole lot of love, hugs, and kisses and making memories. ❤💯 #proudmom #MYSON #mylittleman #unansweredprayers #MMS #NJBC #thistooshallpast #timeslowdown #mybabyforalways #THEWORK #happytears #JOY #Ifoundmyjoy #thestruggleisfarfromover #itwasandisallworthit #thereislightattheendofthetuunnel https://www.instagram.com/p/B7uUsXjjf00u7Vzf_vaQvhUmImMZaan6DnUGgY0/?igshid=vbbeylrqctfx
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gossipgirls · 4 years
what are some scenes from gg that never fail to make you laugh? my personal fave is the s3 thanksgiving dinner with "mm watcha say" playing.
PEAK comedy tbh. this is really the stupidest show on the planet and i love it with all my heart.
i wish i could think of some good ones right now, because i honestly do laugh at this show sometimes ironically and sometimes completely unironically all the time.
dorota consistently makes me laugh. i lol every time i watch that scene (i think in 2x11) when eleanor calls her and her ringtone is i’m a slave 4 u.
i laugh every time people are talking or njbc is scheming and the camera pans to nate looking as lost and confused as ever, the epitome of “no thoughts, head empty.”
i really wish i could think of more ugh.
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“When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” (huntora)
An unattractive snort is the first thing that Cora hears as a response. Hunter's practically buried himself in blankets and is, admittedly, wearing the same hoodie for a week straight. Personal hygiene was always a number one priority for him, but after the last few days he'd had, he thinks he deserves a good pass. Hunter groans as he feels the blankets being tugged off of him, fingers finding the soft fabric and giving a hard pull in defiant response.
"Does it matter?" He complains, voice groggy, like he'd been sleeping and Cora had woken him. Cora raises an eyebrow like it does, like he knows that it does, and he rolls his eyes. "I got dumped. For real. Let me fucking wallow."
Cora lets go of the blankets and he curls on his side, comforted by the darkness in his room. It's only a second before that's ruined, too, as she whips the curtains open and lets sunlight into the room. He groans, loud, and covers his face. "She's never gonna want me again, Cor. I'm done for. The love of my life is gone."
Cora rolls her eyes right back, and tugs at his sleeve. "You're being dramatic."
Hunter scoffs. "Never more dramatic than you." Still, he pushes up into a seated position, and watches as she pulls harder on his hoodie. He misinterperates the pointed look on her face. "I don't wanna drink, Cor. Alcohol can't fix this."
She huffs, like he's the bane of her existence. "Who said anything about drinking? Ugh, you're such a guy. We're watching a movie." Before Hunter can get his hopes up, she points a finger at him. "But you're showering first. You stink."
Regardless, a smile finds its way on his face. Only Cora would be able to insult him and get a positive reaction out of him. "Thanks, babe."
She smiles, too. "Don't thank me yet."
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saintlegacy · 7 years
😍 (Castor & Huntora)
castor: x
huntora: x
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saintlegacy · 7 years
make your muse jealous → daisy dunn is seeing kissing a new guy that is not her on and off boyfriend, hunter davenport. moved on? let's hope so, meanwhile, we will bring you info on her new beau.
Hunter reads the screenshot with his eyebrows furrowed, like the headline is all some twisted, crazy version of life that he wasn’t quite on board with yet. In truth, Hunter genuinely thinks he’s dreaming — he has to be, right? In what world would the media say they hoped Daisy moved on from him? Granted, Hunter knew he wasn’t the best boyfriend — far from it, really — but they had fans. They did, didn’t they?
Regardless, he can’t stop staring at the image. Thanks to Vienna’s pesky prodding and a bit of rub-it-in-your-face (and not the good kind), Hunter’s sat back in his town car with a serious case of I need to get drunk. Immediately.
He clicks out of the image Vienna sent him only to send her a middle finger emoji, then moves on to his messages. He wants to text Cora — Did you see the article they posted? Fucked up that they wanna get rid of me, lol — but he knows it’s no use. He’ll either get a text back hours later, or she just won’t respond at all, which is the usual occurrence for the past few years whenever it comes to him and Daisy. Frankly, he thinks everyone’s moved on from caring about whether they’re together or not.
But Hunter cares. He cares a fuck ton. And he doesn’t like seeing Daisy with this guy, kissing him, spending her time with him. It makes him sick to his stomach. It makes him want to punch something, or fuck something, or a million other bad ideas bouncing around his head. Daisy may not be his, but she’s one of the most important people in his life, and to see her like that? He can’t handle it.
Hunter locks his phone and tries to swallow the hard lump in his throat. “Johnny’s Bar,” he announces to the driver, his jaw ticking as they pull out onto the main street. “Be on call later, yeah? I need to get fucked up tonight.”
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saintlegacy · 7 years
“ you’re not allowed to break up with me. ” (castor)
Astor laughs, the sound bright and cheerful coming from him as Cora straddles his waist. Despite being bigger and stronger than her, there’s nothing Astor loves more than to let his baby think she can overpower him. Telling by the demanding expression on her face, the soft quirk of her lips, she likes being in power, too. Astor makes a quick mental note to let her top more, before he mockingly tries to lift his arms up from her hold.
“Who said anything about breaking up?” He asks, charming smile on his lips. Cora raises an eyebrow like Astor damn well knows what she’s talking about, and he nods, relaxing under her hold. “It was hypothetical. In that celebrity sense sort of way. Babe, I wouldn’t ever break up with you for real, or even for publicity. You’re my girl.”
He looks at Cora, and still, she doesn’t seem like she’s buying it. In one quick motion Astor breaks out of her grasp and tugs her down, their lips molding together. In these moments, and in every moment they spend together, Astor knows they were made for each other. He feels her smile into the kiss, and breathes out deep when she settles her head on his chest. Astor’s fingers run dazedly through her fiery locks.
“No more hypotheticals,” he concludes, earning a nod from Cora. “You’re the only one I could ever want. You know that, right? I only ever want you.” Astor kisses the top of her head, only half-listening to the television as commercials play in between breaks of their show. To think that this, and all it comes with, is his life makes Astor the happiest man in the world. “You’ll get sick of me one day, I promise. Maybe you’ll realize my smile’s the ugliest thing in the world, or I make horrible, awful jokes.” — Cora’s laugh bubbles up to his ears and instantly brightens his mood — “I love you, baby.”
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saintlegacy · 7 years
[ james → njbc ]: I’m eating pizza in the bathtub (they obvs have a group chat thing/app)
Vienna → Squad Goals™: You’re disgustingAstor → Squad Goals™: Where’s my invite?!Nate → Squad Goals™: P sure that ain’t on ur diet broCassie → Squad Goals™: fun fact: i, too, am eating pizza in the bath tubHunter → Squad Goals™: Fucckk pizza sounds so good rn I fuckin hate uNate → Squad Goals™: Cass that explains a lot
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saintlegacy · 7 years
[ daisy → nbjc ] Y'all going to hell for sure now
Cassie → Squad Goals™: i’m a perfect angel idk what you’re talking about babeAstor → Squad Goals™: As appointed Squad Parents, Cora and I are automatically ruled out of any Hell-banning SO... We’re solid, tooVienna → Squad Goals™: As long as I get the throneHunter → Squad Goals™: Was that ever a question with me, tho??? Like for real lmfao
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saintlegacy · 7 years
( jack → nbjc ) i look so fuckigjn GOOD
Astor → Squad Goals™: Baby you look good always ;)Cassie → Squad Goals™: pics or it didn’t happen bitch!!!Hunter → Squad Goals™: K may not be one to talk but uhhh u drunk bro? LmfaoVienna → Squad Goals™: Shut the fuck up, Hunter, oh my godVienna → Squad Goals™: Show us, we’re all dying here
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“Why is your hand on my ass?”
Vienna's never been one to shy away from an opportunity, and it hasn't changed since Scott's very public break up with a certain brunette. For years she's watched them be loving to cameras, towards friends and family, to everyone within earshot. She watched the love of her life take another girl out on dates, show up to appearances, even move in with her. Quite frankly, when the news split that Scott and Cassie's relationship took a turn for the worst, Vienna jumped at the first chance.
She isn't going to let Scott slip through her fingers. Not again.
That's why, on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon, Vienna stands outside with the man of her dreams. She and Scott might've had history, she might've known he was in a PR stunt, but that doesn't change her feelings. She slips her hand into his back pocket, standing tall beside him as they look down at their metaphorical kingdom. They are the king and Queen of Manhattan — nobody, not even Astor and Cora, can take that away.
She hums happily when his arm wraps around her, pulls her closer to his being, and she looks up at him with a coy smile. "I have to let the world know that you're taken," she says matter-of-fact, but nevertheless slips her hand out of his back pocket. She pats his ass, and watches as he smirks in response. "And maybe I just really like your ass, okay? It's a great ass."
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“i want to make this work, don’t you?”
Hunter’s been through some shit. Actually, he’s been through a lot of shit, but it’s a lot of shit that he doesn’t let other people know about. Cora might know, but she’ll know a skewered version of the truth thanks to his biased point of view. Heather might know, but only through the grapevine from word of mouth. He doesn’t trust anyone else. At least, not fully. Not 100%.
He wants to trust Daisy. He knows, somewhere deep fucking down, that he does trust her. The matter of the fact is that Hunter’s scared shitless when it comes to her. He’s absolutely fucking terrified, but that doesn’t stop him from making the same mistakes over and over again. Daisy Dunn is his blessing and his curse.
The stakes are just a little higher this time around.
He sits there in her living room like the millionth time before, hands clasped together and head bowed in shame. He can’t even count how many times they’ve broken up, but he knows that with each one their bond breaks a little more. It’s heartbreaking, and entirely his fault.
It was his idea this time around to try things differently, and with Cora’s persuasion, he finally grew some balls to man up. He’s terrified. He’s still terrified, even after Daisy agreed to hear him out, even after Daisy allowed him into her home, even after she listened to thirty minutes worth of nervous babbling in the hopes that it would make some sense.
Apparently, it did. A little bit of sense, but sense nonetheless.
Hunter swallows. “I do,” he says earnestly, lifting his head to look at her. She’s more beautiful than ever, but she’s always been that way. Hunter doesn’t deserve her, but he has to try — one last time, at the very least. “You have no idea how bad I want this to work, baby.” Before, they were just half-empty words — the meaning was there, but the intention was not. Hunter doesn’t know how to make her see that he’s ready to turn a new leaf and to remodel his character.
“I always... I always say that you’ve been the best fucking thing to happen to me, Dais. And I mean it. I do.“ He bites on his bottom lip. “You make me want to be better. Not just for myself, or for you, but for everyone. I wanna be the guy people can trust when shit hits the fan. You inspire me to be that guy.“ Hunter runs a hand through his hair. “I wanna make us work. Like, really work, but I can’t do that being the same fuckin’ guy. I can’t do that shit. I’ve gotta fuckin’ change, and I’m more than— I’m more than okay with that. I just wanna be okay for you.“
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“You belong to me.” (castor)
Of all the years that Astor has known Cora, he thought he had a pretty good handle on just how well he knew her. As it turns out, there are even things that manage to surprise him years later — like Cora getting extremely jealous over a photoshoot. The only thing he’d mentioned was that it’d be a little different than the other things he usually did, but he failed to mention that a girl would be posing alongside him. Modeling wasn’t Astor’s forte, it wasn’t his career choice, but it helped when training was in session and his sponsors begged for an afternoon to shoot him. So, he agreed.
The magazine had smacked him in the face — literally — when he got home the day it was published. Despite the ten minutes of mindless babbling Cora filters into his ears, Astor can’t stop the overly pathetic grin from taking over his features. Jealous Cora is a dangerous Cora, but an utterly enticing Cora, and one that Astor can’t say no to. He smiles soft as he grabs her by the hips and pulls her close, effectively cutting off another outburst about how chummy he looks in the photos with the other model.
“Relax, love,” he whispers against her skin, nose touching her cheek. Dimples play at the corners of his cheeks as he looks down at her with utter adoration, even as her fiery hair flies in all directions and her eyes spark with madness. His thumb brushes her flushed cheek gently, all smooth water to her volcanic outbursts, and he kisses her. Astor pulls away enough to nudge their noses together. “I am absolutely, one hundred and ten percent yours. Nobody else is going to sweep me off my feet like you do, cupcake.” He kisses her again for good measure and studies her expression carefully, ready to calm another storm before it happens. When she melts against him, Astor does, too. “Next photoshoot I do, I’ll ask for the gorgeous Cora Kincaid to be my partner, because the only place we belong is side by side, together. You and I, darling. It’s always going to be us.”
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“when i’m fucked up, that’s the real me.” (davenshaw)
Nate’s frown is almost automatic as he listens to Heather babble drunkenly. He eavesdrops on her conversation by force of habit and with concern, truly unable to stop himself when it comes to the youngest Davenport. She’s everything that needs to be protected, even if she refuses to believe it. After a few minutes of listening to her uncomfortably laugh as another girl slurs  on and on about how good of a fuck Hunter Davenport is, Nate intervenes. He slips easily into the conversation with a dazzling smile and extends his hand out for Heather to take, ignoring the stares others give them as she stands and wobbles in her heels.
“Hey, I’ve got you,” he murmurs against her ear as she buries her face into the material of his shirt. Nate presses a hand against the small of her back and presses a gentle kiss to her forehead, excusing the two of them from the couch. It takes a few minutes for them to find a quiet hallway to talk in, but even that doesn’t last long before he feels something wet against his neck. At first, Nate thinks she’s licking him, but her body shudders against his and he hears her short, hyperventilating breaths against his shirt. He slips them into an empty room and sits on the bed with her, concern covering every inch of his features.
“Heather?” He touches her jaw soft and brushes the tears falling from her eyes quickly. What’s going on? She seemed okay before. Not great, but not like this, either. His eyebrows pull together in confusion as she sobs, murmuring words that he doesn’t understand until he catches one. When I’m fucked up... Nate doesn’t know what it’s in reference to. He has no fucking clue, and the idea bothers him.
Still, he pushes past his own worries and focuses on Heather instead. She needs him. Now, apparently, more than anything. “That’s not true,” he coos. She sniffles and shakes her head, which only causes Nate to tilt her chin up so she can tearfully look at him. He frowns, but keeps his eyes gentle. “Heather, you’re beautiful inside and out. I don’t give a fuck what anyone else says about you. Half the people out there don’t even know you, so how could they make assumptions? The Heather that I see, that Scott sees, that Cassie sees, she is beautiful and smart and caring. She’s gorgeous, and there’s... There’s this sunshine inside of her that only the best can see.”
Her sniffles subside, if only for a second, before she buries her face in the side of his neck. Words are coming up short, and while he would love to sit there and talk her ear off, everything seems to fail him. All he knows is that he wants to help her in any way that he can. Nate wraps his arms around her and allows himself the chance to bask in the moment, unsure if he’ll get anything like this ever again. “You’re beautiful, Heather Davenport. You’re absolutely beautiful.”
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"Am I in Hell?” (scott + hunter)
“What the fuck?” Hunter whips around to Scott as if the very words he’s spoken burn him to his core. No doubt that out of the group, Hunter and Scott are the friends that border the line of frenemies. Seeing as how most of the time Hunter’s pulling some shit to piss Scott off, it’s justified that he’d be furious over a prank gone wrong. Just as Hunter turns to spew off a few sentences that’ll surely get his ass kicked, Scott levels him with a glare hard enough that it has him knocking into the shelves behind him. A bucket falls from the top shelf and knocks him in the head, ruining his hair and earning a sharp yelp in the silence that lingered.
He’d meant to shove Scott into a closet and lock the door. Hunter truly should’ve known better by now not to fuck with a Vanderbilt, but he’d still been surprised when Scott had dragged his ass into the closet with him. Now they were both stuck, with the key somewhere in Hunter’s car. Outside, their friends alternate between gasping for air in fits of laughter and concerned talks about how to get the both of them out before they kill each other.
With the glare Scott gives Hunter, he’s pretty sure that his time ticks short.
He puts his hands up in self-defense, ready to wield the bucket like a fucking shield if he has to. Any smart-ass comments that usually linger on the tip of his tongue die out in the presence of Scott Vanderbilt, and he has to swallow the urge to shove himself on the door and cry for help. “It- It was a joke, Scott. I meant... Look, we weren’t supposed to both— It’s fine. Listen, it’s fine.” Hunter talks a mile a minute, becoming less and less sure of himself the more time spent in the closet.
It was a bad day to choose this type of prank, Hunter realizes quickly. The usual anger that Scott levels him with is tame compared to now. Fuck. He should’ve known that when Vienna disbanded from them four hours earlier than planned, something was going on. Scott wouldn’t be this pissed for no reason at all. Hunter swallows hard, the back of a shelf digging into his lower back. Double fuck. He’s going to die in this fucking closet. He’s sure of it.
“Okay, so maybe- maybe it’s not fine. Right? But Cora and Astor, they’ll- they’ll help us out. They’ll find the key.” Hunter flinches as Scott takes a step towards him, a growl of you don’t have the key? leaving his lips. Sweat collects at the base of his spine, and he nervously runs a hand through his hair, feeling a bump from the bucket on the top of his head. “Please don’t kill me, man. I’m sorry. I’m fuckin’ sorry. If I’d known... Listen, I just— You can get back at me, yeah? Do whatever you gotta do. Shave my hair off or, or knick one of my eyebrows, right? Burn my hoodies? Whatever you gotta do just- just don’t kill me. I’m gonna- I’m gonna fix this. Yeah? And it’ll... it’ll all be fuckin’ great.”
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[ text ]: I woke up to a half empty bottle of cider on my dresser. I drank it and have no regrets. Morning. (from Heather)
Hunter → Heather: You realize that could’ve been laced?Hunter → Heather: It was me. I tried killing you. I laced the drink.Hunter → Heather: JK. Not really. I mean, you’ll be fine, though.Hunter → Heather: Why the fuck are you awake at 6 in the morning??? Who are you???
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