Hello! I read your post and I am sorry that you were getting those messages, and for everything you've been through. I know words won't make up for them, but I just wanted to drop by and spread some positivity and offer my inbox/ims whenever you want. Unfortunately, the interwebs can bring the worst of some, but I saw a lot of people here for you! mkay i guess i talked a lot. byeee
Oh this is legit the sweetest message and I gasped and then d’awww’d when I got it! Sorry I took a couple of hours to respond once I woke up I am a very emotional raccoon like 98% of the time jkdff
Thank you honestly from the bottom of my heart for this message, and your kindness and just the positivity this is. You are such an amazing person and I hope you know that. and that offer also extends to you also! I am here if you need someone too! Also I talk a lot too dw! jaslkfdjfd 
But I am very very thankful for the people on here who had my back, who are kind, who I interact with and for those who came into my im’s and sent nice messages and everything. I just am very grateful and will never be able to word how much all that meant to me especially at that moment. But yes I had a lot of people here for me and I wish I could thank them and let them know how grateful I am for them in more ways than just saying thank you <3
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requicms · 5 years
a puppy boy who likes other boys, but he pretends that doesnt, he gets red at compliments and likes sports, he is shy and has the sweetest adoptive fam
describe one of your oc’s to me & i’ll tell you which one of mine i ship them with.
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       will would 100 % love this puppy boy down because a) he knows what it’s like to pretend that he doesn’t like other boys ( still does it in front of his family too, but his friends know ), and b) he loves compliments and would shower him with them any chance he gets just to see that cute little blush, aaand c) he absolutely loves sports ok. his father has gotten him into all the teams since he could walk, but he actually likes it himself too, especially anything that involves a ball. they can hang out in the changing rooms after everyone is gone and sneak away from parties together to kiss in the car thanks.
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moonflowcr · 4 years
@duchessdiaries replied to your post “will i be that lazy person who will just rename a character just after...”
is that laziness or being a roleplayer?
i wish i knew which one, nat, i wish i knew
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fcntastical · 5 years
◆ we will get this show rolling
send me a “◆” if you like rping with me or want to someday.
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saintlegacy · 7 years
😍 (Scassie & Squad as your heart desire)
scassie: x
elliot: x
heather: x
jack: x
james: x
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endlessdrifter · 7 years
duchessdiaries ha respondido a tu publicación: @axhes, @duchessdiaries, @dangerous-smoll WHY IS...
meme lord, no chill and love/hate
sounds like an accurate description of you xD
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orthographewrites · 7 years
duchessdiaries replied to your post: yesssss ive read about it, but for some reason it...
bless <33 ill probably check all my other side pages and see what needs fixing :I why cant tumblr just leave us alone
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rhemic · 7 years
duchessdiaries replied to your post: just an fyi somewhere in the near future i will be...
aaaah the best!!
im soooooooo exciteeeedddd
gonna take so many pics to share
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requicms · 5 years
the light of your life, she has a whole lot of sunshine inside and she looks the bad through the rose colored lenses, she wants to hug the universe and she anxiously bake. her motto would be "eat cookies and avoid responsibilities", she blushes when complimented and she loves kittens, puppies and children.
describe one of your oc’s to me & i’ll tell you which one of mine i ship them with.
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       grayson definitely needs a light in his life, someone to give him back the joy and bake for him so he won’t starve to death. he’s a workaholic and has witnessed too much pain in his life. 10/10 would melt when he sees her blush, actually get home early from the hospital to spend time with her and eat her cookies, also not opposed to avoiding responsibilities by staying in with her for a whole weekend.
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saintlegacy · 7 years
kid: schuyler, how do you feel about your betrothed?
Schuyler wrinkles her nose the second the question is asked, however she knows what’s expected of her — and it was not that. In truth, she hadn’t thought much about Nathaniel, just that she was due to marry him when they were older, but that didn’t stop her from being ...well, confused. “I don’t know,” she answers truthfully, her hand flying to fix a runaway strand of hair. In the presence of an elder she squirms when her gaze should be steady. A touch of pink dusts her cheeks when she truly thinks about Nathaniel, about how handsome he is and how he’d make a suitable husband. A great king. “He’ll be a grand ruler one day. I’m very lucky to be the one by his side.“ She smooths her hands out on her dress. “I may grow to love him one day. I’m sure of it.”
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“When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” (huntora)
An unattractive snort is the first thing that Cora hears as a response. Hunter's practically buried himself in blankets and is, admittedly, wearing the same hoodie for a week straight. Personal hygiene was always a number one priority for him, but after the last few days he'd had, he thinks he deserves a good pass. Hunter groans as he feels the blankets being tugged off of him, fingers finding the soft fabric and giving a hard pull in defiant response.
"Does it matter?" He complains, voice groggy, like he'd been sleeping and Cora had woken him. Cora raises an eyebrow like it does, like he knows that it does, and he rolls his eyes. "I got dumped. For real. Let me fucking wallow."
Cora lets go of the blankets and he curls on his side, comforted by the darkness in his room. It's only a second before that's ruined, too, as she whips the curtains open and lets sunlight into the room. He groans, loud, and covers his face. "She's never gonna want me again, Cor. I'm done for. The love of my life is gone."
Cora rolls her eyes right back, and tugs at his sleeve. "You're being dramatic."
Hunter scoffs. "Never more dramatic than you." Still, he pushes up into a seated position, and watches as she pulls harder on his hoodie. He misinterperates the pointed look on her face. "I don't wanna drink, Cor. Alcohol can't fix this."
She huffs, like he's the bane of her existence. "Who said anything about drinking? Ugh, you're such a guy. We're watching a movie." Before Hunter can get his hopes up, she points a finger at him. "But you're showering first. You stink."
Regardless, a smile finds its way on his face. Only Cora would be able to insult him and get a positive reaction out of him. "Thanks, babe."
She smiles, too. "Don't thank me yet."
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endlessdrifter · 7 years
duchessdiaries ha respondido a tu set de fotos: Scott Wagner - Infographic [1/?] “Be soft. Do not...
he looks like a genuine mix of sam and gabe
Too bad they only had 2 daughters :P
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fawnovermegain · 3 years
I have a plan that I think will work but will need the help of everyone that I can get it from! Please read my post and share it with everyone! Also can we refrain from starting any petitions on this until we can all agree on what we should do next? Thank you all so much!!
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orthographewrites · 7 years
duchessdiaries replied to your post: is staff doing some shitty updates again???...
mine too. I’ve give up
its so annoying i dont see the pont x_x i have a theory staff is trying to come up with ways to get people off the site but xkit is constantly putting a stop to their selfish plans
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rhemic · 7 years
duchessdiaries replied to your post: is it worth the effort to tackle canon characters?...
it is totes worth, ignore the haters if you get any, just put canon divergent if you wish and that is your interpretation of the character. fuck the rest
i just might. bc honestly they look so fun to play
thanks, fam
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requicms · 5 years
she's a smol full of rage, caffeinated, sugar baby in secret. She lives a double life going to ivy league paid by her sugar daddy, playing sports and being almost an it girl, but being the side piece on the side lol wine mom in training, military brat, doesn't speak to her parents anymore
describe one of your oc’s to me & i’ll tell you which one of mine i ship them with.
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        adam is the man who’s gonna steal her from her sugar daddy tbh. probably meets her while she’s out with him and hanging around the rich and famous. he’s bored by all these stupid people but her personality catches his attention. 1000% ready to pay for anything she wants, fly her anywhere she wants, and in conclusion just do whatever she wants. would write a song for her to win her over. also not opposed to just taking his shirt off whenever he can to impress her.
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