honeyjars-sims · 4 months
I've got 3 posts in my drafts now 😤 Still a while before I'll start my story back up, but in the meantime enjoy this...thing that just happened
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Um, can I help you, lady?
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I feel like this could've waited until I came out of the bathroom.
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yo wtf!
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Yeah, that's what I thought you weirdo!
Later she posted the photo on her neighbor app with the caption: Anyone know this man? Ive never seen him before but I could tell he was up to something. Please be careful out there 🙏
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honeyjars-sims · 7 months
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honeyjars-sims · 7 months
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honeyjars-sims · 3 months
No story post today because I'm a little behind, but I should have something for Monday. In the meantime, enjoy these outtakes!
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I sent Chantal to the gym to take some screenshots and Paul and Danika showed up. Unfortunately, the yoga session left him pretty smelly. He looks embarrassed, but he went over to Chantal and had a whole conversation with her, green fumes and all.
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I guess Nasir had some reading to catch up on.
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I was trying to get some pics of Chantal having a conversation with Kayla, but Kayla was really insistent on giving her a massage. For real, they went to the massage room 3 times but other Sims kept getting to the table first. Once the massage was done, Kayla left. I did get the pics I needed before that though!
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Cece invited Ben over and this was expression after greeting her (apparently the lot has a No Shoes sign and he got in trouble for not taking his shoes off lol)
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I keep forgetting that Chantal has a thing for Ben 🥴
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Johnny's reaction to having to look for a job.
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honeyjars-sims · 4 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: If you have any stories, what's the name of your stories? Why did you go with this name and were there any other names you were going to go with, if so, what were they?
Sharing the SQOTD from @simblr-question-of-the-day 💕 (sorry if I sent this to you twice!)
Thanks for the ask! I apologize in advance for the lengthy response lol, but this question came at a good time because I've been thinking more about themes.
My main story is called Safe Harbor. I chose the name because the story was initially set in Evergreen Harbor and it relates to the themes I wanted to explore--the search for home and the sense of safety that comes when you find it.
Now with Chapter 3 on the horizon, I'm heading towards some major plot developments which will explore these themes in a big way. I found a quote recently that helped me see the concept of safety/security in a new light: "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are built for."
It made me realize that truly feeling secure isn't about being settled and free from harm but about facing the journey knowing you can weather whatever storms come. So that's definitely something I keep in mind as I'm writing the next chapter (which I promise I'm doing, it's just coming slowly).
Thanks again for the ask!
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honeyjars-sims · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire
Thanks for tagging me @lynzishell!
Since you did 2 characters I will as well. I wanted to do Johnny of course but he is sadly single 🥺 So I picked Paul for the 2nd character.
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Johnny Ayers
-what common/uncommon fear do they have?
I don't really have a fear of heights exactly but I do get a little nervous. Oh, and there's this one doll my sister used to have that haunts my dreams. It had soulless eyes.
-do they have any pet peeves?
I hate it when people talk to their kids like they're too stupid to understand things or explaining something to them isn't worth their time.
-what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
There's a lot of junk in there but my 3 favorites are my notebooks (for journaling and drawing), my gaming computer, and my stuffed cat Jinkies.
-what do they notice first in a person?
How serious they are. If I can't get a laugh pretty easily, we're probably not gonna get along.
-on a scale of 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
I'd say it's around an 8. I just got my first tattoo and I barely flinched. I can't wait to get more!
-do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Flight for sure. When things get too tough, I try to remove myself from the situation as quick as possible.
-do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
That's a loaded question! My parents split before I was born. I have 4 sisters that I'm pretty close to. I don't talk to my mom but I get along with my father and his husband, who is more of a parent to me than my mom ever has been. He's not my stepdad, he's just my dad. So I guess I'm a family person to the ones who treat me with respect.
-what animal represents them best?
Maybe a dog because they like getting attention and affection. Probably some sort of lap dog!
-what is a smell that they dislike?
I hate strong colognes and perfumes especially if the scent seems artificial.
-have they broken any bones? if so, how?
I've had a few small fractures that healed on their own. I don't really want to talk about it, though.
-how would a stranger likely describe them?
They'd probably say I'm talkative and joke around a lot. People sometimes think I don't take things seriously when they first meet me.
-are they a night owl or a morning bird?
I'm a night owl thanks to insomnia. I don't like being up too late, though, because I get lonely when everyone else goes to bed.
-what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
I hate cauliflower, it tastes like mush! My favorite food is mac and cheese. I like anything cheesy, really.
-do they have any hobbies?
I love video games so that's a big one. I write a lot. I started keeping a journal when I started therapy but I also like to write down random thoughts that I find amusing. I haven't really done anything with them but maybe they'll be useful one day.
-boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
It depends on who's there. If it's people I'm close to then I'm totally down for being the center of attention but there are some people I'd rather not see unexpectedly.
-do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
I wear jewelry but nothing fancy. Just some piercings, necklaces, and bracelets that I think look cool. I like finding handmade stuff. I have a few ear piercings and I got my septum pierced recently.
-do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It depends. If I'm doing something artsy I can experiment with my handwriting in cool ways but taking notes? Good luck reading that later!
-what are two emotions they feel the most?
Just two? Damn. I'd say longing and regret. Wow, that sounds kind of depressing!
-do they have a favorite fabric?
I like things with interesting textures as long as it's not too scratchy.
-what kind of accent do they have?
I think it's kind of neutral but I'm good at mimicking accents and voices. Sometimes I do it without even realizing it if I spend a lot of time with someone.
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Paul DiMarco
-what common/uncommon fear do they have?
I don't really have many fears, but sometimes when I'm reading about weird diseases I start thinking about what would happen if I or one of my loved ones got it.
-do they have any pet peeves?
It really bugs me when people don't return their shopping carts. It's not that hard to walk a few feet and put it away!
-what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Plants because I like to garden, nonfiction books because I like to learn new things, and hiking boots because I like to be active outdoors.
-what do they notice first in a person?
I notice people's smiles first. I'm generally a happy person and I like to see others happy, too.
-on a scale of 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Maybe a 6 or 7? I'm good at pushing past discomfort when I'm doing something strenuous like climbing, but I don't tolerate sudden injuries quite as well.
-do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Usually fight. I go into action mode when a crises hits and start thinking about how I'll tackle the problem.
-do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Definitely! I have 4 siblings, 3 niblings, and we all get along great. Family is very important to me!
-what animal represents them best?
I'll go for a labrador because they're good companions and they like to explore.
-what is a smell that they dislike?
I hate the smell of gasoline.
-have they broken any bones? if so, how?
Surprisingly I haven't, though I'm pretty active. I've come close a couple of times, though!
-how would a stranger likely describe them?
Most people would say I'm friendly and curious.
-are they a night owl or a morning bird?
I'm a morning bird. I like to have a little time to myself before the rest of the world wakes up to prepare for my day. I do enjoy sleeping in on those lazy days when I don't have anywhere to be, though.
-what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
I'm not picky, but I don't like flavors that are too bland. As for favorites, I don't think I could pick just one! I like trying new cuisines and experimenting with flavor combinations. If I had to pick, I'd go with my mom's homemade tomato sauce. Nothing else compares.
-do they have any hobbies?
I like to garden, though I don't have much space in my apartment. I'd love to have a big garden someday and have lots of fresh fruits and veggies to cook with. I'm pretty active and I love the outdoors. Hiking, rock climbing...anything that gets me moving and allows me to explore.
-boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
I would appreciate the gesture, but hopefully I would be in the mood to party!
-do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
I don't really wear jewelry. I've seen some beautiful pieces, but it's not very practical for my lifestyle.
-do they have neat or messy handwriting?
As a future doctor, I've been practicing my indecipherable handwriting for years!
-what are two emotions they feel the most?
That's a good question because sometimes I tend to suppress my emotions.
-do they have a favorite fabric?
I like silk and anything that feels nice on my skin.
-what kind of accent do they have?
I'm from Tartosa, so I have the local accent. Although people in Tartosa say I'm losing it a bit.
I'll tag @weirdosalike, @morningglory-sims, @beachyserasims, @zosa95, and @kelsey-sims if you'd like to play along!
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
2 things:
I finally figured out how to recolor hair! Yay! (See Johnny's hair below)
I have been fiddling around with alpha skins. Full on alpha looks out of place with my MM hair, so I tried lowering the opacity and layering with MM overlays (i just kept their original overlays). I had to remove the twins' freckles since the skins were saved in the same category (I'll fix that later). I'm still deciding if I like it or not. This is just a quick and dirty experiment. I'm open to feedback!
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honeyjars-sims · 6 months
Time for some outtakes! So I actually had Lexie break up with Johnny in game and chose "incompatible sexual orientation" as the reason (I use Lumpinou's mods).
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I chose for them to have an amicable breakup and at first Johnny seemed ok, but then...
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Now they're no longer friends and they've both been sad all the time 😭 A couple days later I got this notification
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I have no idea who was trying to propose to Lexie! It might've been Cece for all I know because despite being straight and demisexual, Cece autonomously flirted with Lexie a long time ago:
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But when Lexie flirted back, she got a notification saying Cece isn't interested due to her sexual orientation? (The Wicked Whims notif is from Lexie & Johnny btw). Also sometime after I finished the scene from yesterday's post with Lexie and Liz, Cece and Liz apparently flirted with each other because Liz is now her love interest 😳 This is why I can't be one of those people who let their Sims' autonomous actions influence their story, because these Sims would ruin all of my carefully laid plans.
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honeyjars-sims · 7 months
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oc evolution tag: Johnny Ayers
Ugh I hate this version of Johnny, it's so bad! It's not even the oldest one, but I purged that one from earth 🤢 This shot is from a gameplay I did before I joined simblr. I only have a few screenshots saved from that area, a lot of them are of Johnny hitting the bong in weird places 😅 This one was immediately after he emerged from the cave in Sulani.
Thank you @daniigh0ul for tagging me! I'll tag @morningglory-sims, @moonfromearth, @lovelymushrooom, @smok3inm1rrors, and @stargazer-sims.
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
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This is something I've been working on featuring my story characters. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with it and I'm still deciding on what characters should be featured, but I like it so far!
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honeyjars-sims · 9 months
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Khadija NO! He's here for therapy, I thought you were more professional than that! (He did have a dirty dream about her once, but don't worry, I'm not going there lol)
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honeyjars-sims · 9 months
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From David, Solomon, Cece, Chantal, Johnny, Lexie, and ME! Wishing a happy holiday season to all who celebrate, and a happy December to those who don't!
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
It's time once again for Safe Harbor outtakes!
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More karaoke pics because they were so cute on stage.
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Apparently Cece really enjoyed her birthday! She immediately passed out once she got home.
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I just love the family kiss interaction!
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
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Safe Harbor Chapter 1: Great Expectations
And so Chapter 1 is soon upon us, taking place 8 years after the events in the prologue. We join Chantal and Johnny as they embark on college life at Del Sol Valley University, where Cecelia is entering her junior year. Chantal is a Communications major with big dreams while Drama major Johnny struggles to stay afloat. Cece still envisions a career in music, but her carefully thought out plans may be taking a detour.
David and Solomon are still holding it down in Conifer Station, where gentrification is driving away the gay community, including some of their closest friends. While Bonnie tries to move her life forward, her troubled past won't let her go. Destiny is elated to welcome her first child, but she must also face the consequences of her past decisions.
The past 8 years has seen some families brought together and others torn apart. Family secrets have been revealed. While some have seen their darkest days, others are still filled with hope. As the members of the Messer and Owens-Haim families continue on their journeys, they are faced with high expectations, both for themselves and for others. Who will live up to their potential and who will falter? Chapter 1 starts tomorrow at 8AM EST.
Story directory | Characters | Prologue
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honeyjars-sims · 10 months
⭐ it's loving other people oc's time ⭐ show me a pic you love of your oc(s) pretty please!
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Sorry for taking so long...I haven't been taking many pics lately but I remembered this one that I don't think I've posted. I captured this moment when I paused the game to fiddle with the lighting. I love it because it looks like Chantal and David are judging the viewer for all of their life choices lol
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
Oh, I wanted to post this because I made it for today's post but I didn't end up using it. I planned to start the post with a exterior shot of the club and this poster was going to be on the wall, but I forgot to take the exterior shot. So I was going to add it to the draft later but then I got sick. Anyway I spent way too much time on this lol.
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I used this template. I will have to post more about the House of Galloway at some point, but David, Patty, Jacqueline, and Angelique are all drag sisters and Ambrosia is Jacqueline's drag daughter. They won't be major characters or anything so you don't need to know this. It's just something I'm having fun with.
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