honeyjars-sims · 3 months
Chapter 3 Prologue: This Must Be the Place
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Johnny’s eyes were fixed on the mirror as he clumsily attempted to knot his tie. “Ugh, I can't get this right,” he mumbled.
"Let me help.” Solomon took the ends of the tie from his son's trembling hands.
“Feeling nervous?”
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“A little,” Johnny admitted. “I don’t know why, though.” The feeling was more similar to excitement than anxiety but he was still surprised at how jittery he was. “It’s a big day!” David interjected. “I think everyone gets a bit nervous when they get married.” “I know I was a mess!” Solomon laughed at the memory. “Remember how I could barely get any words out during our vows?”
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“I do." David placed his hand on Solomon's cheek. “You were so cute.” “Well that makes me feel better.” Johnny was relieved to know he wasn’t alone in having pre-wedding jitters. “You have nothing to worry about, son." Solomon smiled. “You’re about to marry the love of your life.”
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“Everyone decent?” Chantal’s head appeared around the door frame, her hand shielding her face. “As decent as we can be! Johnny replied. “I was told to give you this." Chantal handed him a letter.
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“Who’s it from?” Chantal rolled her eyes. "The President." “Oh, great, I was hoping he'd get back to me.” Johnny recognized the print on the envelope as the same one used for the wedding invitations, which he knew wasn't by accident.
He and [redacted] had squabbled over which design to go with for weeks before Johnny finally relented. "Fine, you can have your boring-ass white invitations if you want them that bad!" He'd yelled, and after a few seconds of silence they'd both dissolved into fits of laughter. Who could have imagined he'd be so passionate about stationary of all things? It was such a silly disagreement that it became a recurring joke anytime they had a difference of opinion during wedding planning.
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“We’ll give you a moment,” Solomon told Johnny as he and the others exited the room. Johnny began reading the letter:
John, my love, Words can’t express how excited I am that today is our wedding day. When we first met I never would have imagined that we'd end up here, but now I can't picture anyone I'd rather have standing by my side. We've both grown so much since then and I know it's because we bring out the best in each other. There's so much more I want to tell you, but I'm saving it for my vows. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to use this envelope one last time! With all my love, [redacted]
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“Johnny.” Solomon leaned against the door frame. “It’s time.” As Johnny made his way to the ceremony, he couldn’t help but think back to how it all began. How he had gone from one of the lowest points in his life to the highest in what seemed like such a short amount of time.
He wasn’t the same man today as he’d been back then, but he was grateful for where the journey started. He didn’t know it then, but all of that pain led him right here where he needed to be.
To the one he was meant to be with.
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This Must be the Place (Naive Melody)--The Talking Heads
Home is where I want to be Pick me up and turn me round I feel numb, born with a weak heart I guess I must be having fun
The less we say about it the better Make it up as we go along Feet on the ground, head in the sky It's okay, I know nothing's wrong, nothing
Hi yo, I got plenty of time Hi yo, you got light in your eyes And you're standing here beside me I love the passing of time
Never for money, always for love Cover us and say goodnight Say goodnight
Home is where I want to be But I guess I'm already there I come home, she lifted up her wings I guess that this must be the place
I can't tell one from another Did I find you, or you find me? There was a time before we were born If someone asks, this where I'll be, where I'll be
Hi yo, we drift in and out Hi yo, sing into my mouth Out of all those kinds of people You got a face with a view
I'm just an animal looking for a home, and Share the same space for a minute or two And you love me 'til my heart stops Love me 'til I'm dead Eyes that light up, eyes look through you Cover up the blank spots Hit me on the head
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honeyjars-sims · 2 months
3.18 Forward Momentum
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Chantal had invited Johnny to go to the gym with her, which both of them were starting to regret. She’d dragged him to every machine in the building and he had a complaint about all of them.
The treadmill gave him motion sickness. The stationary bike “makes me feel like I’m cycling towards nothing.” Now he was sitting on the workout machine scrolling on his phone.
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“If you’re not going to work out, then get off the machine,” Chantal complained.
“Great idea!” Johnny stood up and started walking off.
“Wait!” Chantal shouted. “I thought you were trying to be more active?”
“I am, but the gym is boring. I can’t just stay in one spot. I need movement!”
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“You don’t seem to mind being still when you’re looking at your phone.”
“That’s different. Anyway, there are other ways to be active other than the gym, you know.”
“I was just trying to help.”
“I know, and I appreciate it," Johnny said apologetically. "It’s just not for me.”
“That’s fair. Thanks for giving it a try. How are things at home?”
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Johnny sighed. Things were better, he supposed. His dads seemed pleased with how well he was performing at his job. He’d been too tired to go out to the club, and the idea didn’t seem particularly appealing these days anyway.
Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. No one was arguing anymore, but were they actually happy?
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“It’s ok,” he told her. “I got Taco a laser pointer and she’s obsessed. She tries so hard to catch it. It's so cute."
“You and that cat!” Chantal grinned. “I’m glad you have her. I hope you’re making actual human friends, though.”
“I am,” Johnny assured her. “Everyone at work is really nice.”
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“I’m sure they are, but you should hang out with people outside of work hours, too. Even if it’s your coworkers. It’ll be good for you, I think.”
“Probably. I’ll think about it,” he promised. “There are a lot of cute girls there."
Chantal groaned. "Trust me, you don't want to get involved with someone you work with! Are you even ready to date right now?"
Johnny shrugged. "I didn't say anything about dating, I was just making an observation. But if I make some new friends and it ends up leading to something more, I'm cool with that. Anyway, what's up with you? Are you still hanging out with Kayla?”
“Yeah. Not as much since school started back, though.”
“Is school going okay?”
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“I guess so. Do you regret dropping out? I mean, you found a pretty good job without it.”
Johnny felt a bit of a pang at the question. Maybe he didn't need university to be successful, but the memory of the people he’d met there and how he quit so abruptly still pained him. “Sometimes. But I wasn’t really in a good frame of mind when I did it.”
“I guess that’s right. I just keep wondering if I really need a degree to achieve my dreams.”
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“Sounds like you and Cece are in the same boat. Imagine our dads reactions if all three of their kids drop out of school!”
“Maybe we’ll all get rich and we can pay them back.”
“I think the endorphins are getting to your head.”
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Author's note: The next post will be written in first person from Johnny's perspective! Something I'm trying out.
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honeyjars-sims · 3 months
3.3 Time to Pretend
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It was a sunny Wednesday morning in Evergreen Harbor. David and Solomon had invited Cece and Chantal over for a mid-morning brunch. Everyone chatted as David prepared the meal, except for Johnny, who was slumped on the counter still half-asleep.
“Oh, I found out Kayla Flemming is a regular at my new gym,” Chantal told the others.
“Really? That's cool, did you talk to her?” Cece asked.
“Yeah, it was nice having a conversation with her about something other than the lawsuit. Although we did have a laugh about how much SNOOT's profits have dropped now that everyone knows what a snake Ambrose is.”
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"Maybe you two should start a business together," Cece suggested.
“I’m definitely keeping that possibility in my back pocket, but I don’t want to rush into anything. One thing I’ve been working on in therapy is living more in the present.”
“That’s great, honey!" David opened a bag of flour. “We’re proud of how hard you’ve been working in therapy!”
“Yeah, unlike some people who are hungover on a Wednesday morning,” Cece teased her brother.
“Do you really have to start with me?” Johnny sat up and rubbed his temple. “I wasn’t even talking, I’ve just been minding my own damn business.”
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“Exactly!" Cece threw her hands up. "Not everything is about you. It wouldn’t kill you to pretend like you care about someone other than yourself.”
“I do care! I’m just going through a hard time time right now.”
“How long are you going to use that as an excuse? You’re not even trying to do better.”
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“Cece has a point,” Chantal said, in a much kinder tone. “It seems like you’re giving up on yourself. We’re all worried about you.”
“All you’ve been doing is sleeping all day and getting high all night.” Cece started again.
“Yeah, it really helps my self-esteem to be told over and over again what a piece of shit I am.” Johnny glared at Cece.
“Well, I’m just calling it like I see it—”
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“ENOUGH!” David slammed his hands on the counter and yelled so loudly his voice echoed across the kitchen. “Can we have one meal as a family without it ending in bickering? This has gone on long enough.”
“Your dad is trying to make a delicious breakfast for you guys," Solomon added. "You should thank him for his hard work.”
“Thank you, Dad,” the siblings grumbled nearly in unison and hung their heads.
“You’re welcome," David replied curtly. "Now let’s try to be civil to one another.”
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honeyjars-sims · 6 months
2.36 Don't Give Up
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Solomon: You’ll have to take the girls’ old room. We have too much stuff stored in your old room right now.
Johnny: Ok, that’s fine.
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Solomon: And this is just temporary, until you can get back on your feet. If you’re not in school, we expect you to get a job. 
Johnny: Yeah, ok.
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David: Another thing. You being hurt isn’t a good excuse to make poor decisions. I know we can’t make you stay in school, but I wish you would have discussed it with us first. Pops and I worked hard to make sure all of our kids had the opportunity to get an education. 
Solomon: It’s one thing to take some time off from school if you need it, but quitting right before the end of the semester means you’ll have to retake your classes if you decide to go back. And we don’t get that money back.
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Johnny: I’m sorry, I wasn’t really thinking.
Solomon: We’re not mad, but we do want you to think things through more.
Johnny: I’ll try to do better. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I’m trying.
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David: Look, Johnny, I know you’re having a hard time right now. It’s not easy going through a breakup. But it’s a part of life. It hurts a lot now, but it’ll get better with time.
Johnny: It’s not just about Lexie, though. I’m sad about it, but it’s not the only thing.
Solomon: What is it, then? You can tell us.
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Johnny: It’s everything. I just feel like I’ve never been happy until recently. Then things started getting better. I was starting college, I had a girlfriend, I was talking to mom again. I finally felt like things were going somewhere for me. But now I just feel hopeless again. I feel like this is all my life is ever going to be. So why bother trying? 
Solomon: There’s always hope, Johnny. You have a lot to offer this world. Not everything will work out the way you want, but that just means there’s something different out there for you.
Johnny: I wish I could believe that.
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David: You need to call your therapist and set up an appointment.
Johnny: No! It’s not going to help. It never has.
Solomon: We’re trying our best to be supportive here, but we can’t sit back and watch you give up on yourself. If you want us to help you out, you’ve got to help yourself as well. 
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Johnny: Ok, fine. I’ll go.
Solomon: Good. You’re young and you still have so many opportunities to have the life you want.
David: Things will get better, I promise.
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honeyjars-sims · 3 months
3.10 Lost Track
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David and Solomon had planned to relax in the last few weeks before the cast announcement for Drag Superstar would throw their lives into an upheaval. Instead, it seemed the upheaval had found them early.
In their 20 years together, they’d faced many challenges but for the first time they found themselves at an impasse. Their difference in opinion on how to handle Johnny’s behavior was creating tension at a time when they needed unity the most.
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While David felt their son needed firm guidance, Solomon insisted that too much interference would just push Johnny further away. The only person who knew for sure which one of them was right was Johnny.
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They kept their arguments behind closed doors, but Johnny was painfully aware that he was the main source of conflict between them. If his bad decisions lead to the breakdown of their marriage, he might never forgive himself.
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honeyjars-sims · 6 months
2.34 Witness Part 2/2
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Lilian: Chantal, there’s someone I’d like you to meet. This is my sister, Julianne.
Julianne: I just wanted to thank you for coming forward with all of the information you had. It really helped my case. Now that Ambrose is responsible for paying my medical bills, I’ll finally be able to continue my medical treatments. And the award for pain and suffering will make up for the income I lost after losing my job.
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Chantal: It was the least I could do. I’m glad you and the other victims can finally move on and that Ambrose will be paying for what she’s done.
Lilian: If you need anything let me know. I hope I’ll see you around.
Chantal: Sure, see you!
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[Ambrose and Nico approach Chantal. David starts to walk towards them, but Solomon stops him]
Solomon: She can handle this.
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Ambrose: You! You sneaky little rat! You were supposed to be on my side. You’ll pay for this, Chantel!
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Chantal: My name is Chantal! And from what I hear, I think you’re the one who’ll be paying. I do want to thank you, though. I did learn a lot from you about how not to run a business. 
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Chantal: [turns to Nico] And Nico, I want to thank you for teaching me what kind of man I don’t want. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of big plans I need to focus on, and I’m not letting either of you stand in my way.
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Chantal: [continues] Oh, and if you contact me again, you’ll be hearing from my lawyer.
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David: We’re so proud of you honey!
Solomon: You did the right thing, and it really paid off.
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Chantal: Yeah, I’m just glad some good came from this whole situation. This whole thing made me realize that I do have some trauma from my upbringing that I need to address. I’ve always tried to ignore it, but I think it’s time I started therapy.
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David: I think that’s a great idea.
Solomon: I hope you feel more comfortable coming to us with your problems. 
Chantal: I do! Thanks for being there for me today...and every day.
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honeyjars-sims · 6 months
2.29 Support System
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David: How’s Johnny been?
Chantal: A lot better. He blocked Mom’s number and has been trying to focus on other things.
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Solomon: I can’t believe Jimmy was out of prison and she didn’t even say anything.
Chantal: Yeah, I’m pretty pissed off about it myself. I’ve been so stressed worrying about Johnny on top of everything else.
David: Is work still giving you trouble?
Chantal: Yeah.
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Solomon: Just talk to us about it, honey. You don’t have to go through this alone.
David: Yeah, we’re here for you. That’s how things work in this family.
Chantal: Okay, I think I’m in over my head at this point anyway. So the CEO has gotten herself into some legal trouble. She was purchasing ingredients through third party sellers that don’t meet government standards. The ingredients caused some bad reactions and now people are taking legal action.
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Solomon: Sounds like she’s gotten herself into quite the mess. Are you going to quit?
Chantal: Well, it’s not that simple. I’ve been helping gather evidence against her for the opposition that they couldn't get. They needed my help because I have connections at the company.
David: What kind of connections?
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Chantal: I don’t want to say.
Solomon: Chan, you know you can tell us anything. We’re here to help.
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Chantal: I…kind of had a relationship with my boss. But I found out he knows about the ingredients, and he’s just using me.
David: Oh, Chan, I wish you’d told us about all of this.
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Chantal: I just feel so ashamed. I knew it was wrong, but he just kept telling me all of these good things and I just wanted to feel special.
Solomon: Honey, you are special. You don’t need a man to tell you that. 
Chantal: I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I started that job with the intention of working hard and proving myself, and I ended up almost ruining my life for a man.
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David: No, this isn’t your fault. That man manipulated someone vulnerable for his own benefit.    
Solomon: People like that know how to seek out people’s insecurities and use them against them.
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Chantal: I guess I didn’t realize I was so insecure. I’ve always thought I was strong and self-assured. I just don’t know how I got myself into this position.
David: You don’t have to be strong all of the time. 
Chantal: I know. I just hate feeling like I don’t have it together. I don’t want to have to rely on other people.
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Solomon: That’s what we’re here for, to give you a safe place to come to when you need help.
David: We’re really proud of you for opening up about this. I know it’s hard to ask for help, but everyone needs other people sometimes. Is there anything we can do?
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Chantal: Could you guys come with me to talk to the prosecutor? I’m supposed to be a witness for the prosecution, but my bosses think I’m going to help them out. I’m worried about what they’ll do when they realize what I’m doing. 
Solomon: Of course, honey. We’ll be there when you speak with the lawyer and we’ll come to the trial. What’s the lawyer’s name?
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Chantal: It’s Lou DiMarco. From what I could find online, he seems like a decent guy.
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honeyjars-sims · 6 months
2.32 Lou to the Rescue
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Lou: Chantal, I just want to say I appreciate you helping out with this case. You could’ve just walked away and washed your hands of all of this, but what you’re doing is going to help a lot of people.
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Chantal: I hope so. I feel bad enough that I’ve been working for a company that’s doing such horrible things.
Lou: The important thing is that you’re doing something about it now. I understand you have some reservations about this whole thing. I know lawyers don’t have the greatest reputations, but I promise you–and your dads– that you’re in good hands.
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David: Father to father, we’re worried about what this company is capable of. How do we know that testifying against them won’t have consequences for Chantal?
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Lou: Look, as a father, I wouldn’t put a young woman through this if I didn’t think we had a strong case. Thanks to your daughter, we do. The evidence speaks for itself, but with Chantal’s testimony, we have it in the bag.
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Solomon: Well, it’s up to Chantal if she wants to proceed with testifying. What do you think, honey?
Chantal: I want to do what I can to make things right. If that means testifying against SNOOT and putting myself at risk for retaliation, then so be it. I just can’t walk away knowing I could’ve done something and didn’t.
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Lou: You’re doing the right thing. I’ll work with you to prepare you for what kind of questions they might ask and how to answer them. I promise you, everything’s going to be fine. And if they try anything after the trial, let me know and I’ll help you however I can.
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Chantal: Thanks so much! I feel better now. I can’t wait to see Ambrose get what she deserves.
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honeyjars-sims · 6 months
2.37 Strong Enough
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Solomon: Well, David, we’ve barely spent any time apart in the past 19 years, but that’s about to change.
Angelique: Yeah, and don’t hurry back! I’ll miss you but I want you to make it all the way to the end!
[Everyone cheers]
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David: Don’t worry, you won’t be seeing my beautiful face around here for a while. I have no intention of coming home early.
Cece: Bring home the crown, Dad!
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[More cheering]
[As the others socialize, David is watching Johnny, Chantal, and Cece. Solomon approaches David]
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Solomon: I can’t believe you’ll be gone by this time tomorrow.
David: I know. I don’t know how I’ll be able to fall asleep without you laying next to me.
Solomon: I think you’ll manage. Besides, it’s only for a couple of months at the most. We're strong enough to survive a few weeks apart.
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David: [looking at his kids] Maybe I'm being selfish, but part of me is glad that our kids still need us. Obviously, I want them to be self-sufficient and well-adjusted but I feel so much better about Johnny now that he's back home. I just wish it didn't happen right before I had to leave.
Solomon: That's the life of a parent. Spending years preparing your kids to go out on their own and worrying about them when they finally do.
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David: I just hate to leave with things how they are. Johnny’s having such a hard time with everything, and Chantal’s dealing with her own issues. Plus, I'm going to miss all of Cece's performances. I wish I could be there for them.
Solomon: Well, I’ll still be here if they need someone. But they’re adults now. We can continue to love and support them as much as we can, but we have to trust that we gave them what they need to take care of themselves.
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Solomon: And we can’t stop them from getting their hearts broken or having work issues. Sometimes our kids are going to hurt, and we just have to do what we can.
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David: [sighing] They might be 18, but to me they’re still just kids. I don’t know, I guess part of me feels like I need to make up for all the support they didn’t get when they were young.
Solomon: I know what you mean. I feel guilty sometimes that I wasn’t there, even though I had no way of knowing they even existed. We can't change the past, but we can help influence the future.
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David: Do you really think they’ll be ok without me?
Solomon: I don’t know if I’ll be ok without you. But we’re all going to try.
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And that's a wrap for Chapter 2! This was a heavy chapter, and though I'm proud of it, I'm glad to be moving on. Some good things are coming and I'm excited to see them come to life!
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honeyjars-sims · 10 months
1.49 The Sweetest Thing
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Solomon: Welcome! Everyone make yourselves at home. Cece: Hey, this is still our home even if we don’t live here anymore! Chantal: Pops is just trying to be a good host. We have a guest, you know.
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David: Lexie, it’s wonderful to see you again, especially under the circumstances! I have to say, Solomon and I were really happy to hear that you and Johnny started dating. You’ve always been so lovely when we’ve come to visit Cece. Lexie: Thank you, Mr. Owens-Haim! You’ve raised some really great kids. I’m pretty fond of this one in particular! Johnny: Oh, stop! You know how I hate being fawned over.
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Solomon: I see you’re starting with the jokes already! David: Alright, I’m going to go ahead and get the first movie started. Feel free to change into your pajamas if you want to be more comfortable. We have popcorn and other snacks, and Pops is going to make his famous hot chocolate in a little bit.
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Johnny: He makes the best hot chocolate you’ll ever taste. Lexie: Mmm, I can’t wait!
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Everyone settles in and begins their movie night. The sun starts to set as everyone fills up on savory snacks and good conversation.
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Sisters reminisce about holidays past and share their hopes (and fears) for the coming year.
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Longtime lovers find solace in each others' arms as they always have, even when an uncertain future looms around the corner.
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Apprehension fades away as a new relationship blossoms into something more substantial.
The lonely feeling dwelling within Lexie over the past couple of weeks begins to subside. It’s comforting being surrounded by a warm and loving family, even if it’s not her own.
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In the morning, the family exchanges gifts and then gathers for a holiday breakfast before they start heading their separate ways.
Lexie: I really want to thank you all for letting me intrude on your family tradition. I’ve had a really great time. Solomon: It’s no intrusion at all! We’re glad we’ve been able to get to know you better. David: You’re all welcome to stay a little longer if you’d like. We don’t mind the company.
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Cece: I think Dad is trying to tell us that he’s not ready for us to leave yet. Chantal: I can stick around for a while. I don’t have anything else planned for today.
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Johnny: Lexie and I would like to stay, but we have a few things to do. We still need to exchange our gifts with each other.
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Solomon: Well, don’t let us stop you from having some alone time. David: You’re both welcome to stop by any time. Lexie: Thanks again for such a warm welcome!
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Later, Johnny and Lexie arrive back at Johnny’s apartment and begin exchanging gifts.
Johnny: Thanks, I love the hoodie! It’s super soft. I’m sure I’ll get a lot of use out of it. Lexie: You’re welcome! I’m glad you like it. I wasn’t sure what to get you, but I figured I couldn’t go wrong with a hoodie. Johnny: You know me well! Thanks, baby. Now it’s your turn.
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Lexie: I’m excited to see what you got me. I have no idea what it could be. Johnny: I’d be surprised if you guessed. It was hard to track down. Lexie: My curiosity is piqued…
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[Lexie opens the box and peers inside. As she pulls the gift out, she can’t quite believe what she’s seeing.]
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Lexie: What? Is this…? It's Snowflake! H--how did you even find this?
Johnny: Like I said, it was hard to track down. The company hasn’t been producing them for over a decade, so I went searching on some auction sites. I lost out on a couple until I finally outbid someone on this one at the last minute. It’s not exactly brand new, but it’s in pretty good condition all things considered.
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Lexie: [eyes filling with tears] Johnny! This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. And all I got you was a hoodie! I don’t know what I did to deserve something like this. Someone like you.
Johnny: Hey, you’re worth it. You make me happy, so I want to make you happy. And I love my gift. It's special because it came from you. 
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Lexie: Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.
Johnny: You have no idea how much you mean to me.
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Lexie: You know, I can think of one way we can show each other how we feel. That is, if you’re ready.
Johnny: I definitely am.
[Lexie and Johnny head to Johnny’s bedroom. I’m sure you can figure out what happens next…spicy PG-13 pics below]
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See you in Chapter 2!
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
1.12 A Chance Meeting
[Pineshore Assisted Living, 4 years ago]
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[Esther enters her shared room with David and Solomon in tow. Ginny is unpacking]
Esther: And this is my new roommate, Virginia. Virginia, this is my son David and his husband Solomon.
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[Ginny continues unpacking, turned away from the guests]
Ginny: Hmph. It's Ginny. No one calls me Virginia. Solomon: Ok, well, it's nice to meet you Ginny. Ginny: Hmph.
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Esther: She's a little upset about moving here. Ginny: My daughters don't think I can take care of myself, just because I had a little fall. Can you believe that?
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David: You look perfectly capable to me! But I'm sure your daughters have your best interests at heart. Ginny: You don't know my daughters. Leslie treats me like an infant and Bonnie...well, she's a whole mess herself. Has no business telling me what to do with my life when hers is a disaster.
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Solomon: Huh, I used to know a Bonnie. What's her last name? Ginny: Messer now, after marrying her no-good husband. Before that she was Bonnie Ayers.
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Solomon: That's her! [addressing David] She was the woman I was dating when I came to terms with being gay. David: Oh, the homophobe? Esther: David!
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Ginny: Eh, he's probably right. I never heard her mention a Solomon. When did you date? Solomon: Let's see, it was right before I met David, so it must've been about 15 years ago. She might’ve referred to me as Sunny, that was the nickname she gave me.
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Ginny: Sunny? Oh my God. It's you. I can't believe this. You didn't know, did you? I knew she wasn't telling me the truth! David: What are you talking about? He didn't know what?
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Ginny: About the babies! Solomon: Babies??? Ginny: Bonnie had twins 14 years ago. All she told us about their dad is that she called him Sunny. Esther: You really think Sol is the father?
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Ginny: I do see a resemblance. Here, let me show you a picture.
[Ginny shows everyone a picture on her phone] The boy is named Johnny and the girl is Chantal. Esther: Look at the freckles! David: And that's a Solomon expression if I've ever seen one. I think she might be right. These could be your kids!
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Ginny: Oh, I hope so! They’ve been looking for so long. Something’s been off in that house ever since her husband came along and it’s only getting worse. Solomon: This is all so overwhelming! I'll contact my lawyer right now and see about setting up a DNA test.
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[Ginny warmly embraces Solomon, knowing that this moment will change the course of her grandkids’ lives forever]
Ginny: It's nice to meet you, Solomon.
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
1.5 The Big Reveal
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Transcript below:
Chantal: So, how does it look?
Johnny: Hmm, looks pretty bland and lifeless.
Chantal: Great, just what I was going for.
[Intercom buzzes]
Chantal: They're here! Hopefully this place doesn't smell too much like weed.
Chantal: Welcome! So what do you guys think?
David: Oh, it's beautiful, Shawn. I can tell you've really put some effort into this place.
Johnny: Yeah, you can't even tell we've been doing dr*gs in here.
Chantal: Don't listen to him, Dad.
Solomon: We know what weed smells like, Chantal. It's not like we don't partake ourselves. Just enjoy it moderately and safely, please.
David: Besides, it's the cigarettes we're more concerned about, Johnny. You know how dangerous smoking is.
Johnny: Hey, I'm trying to quit. I just don't want to and haven't put in any real effort to stop.
David: That's not funny. Well smoking aside, I have to say, we're so proud of all of you. All a parent can hope for is that their children grow up well and make their own way.
Solomon: And you two have both been through so much and never gave up.
Chantal: Well, things would have been a lot different if we'd stayed with mom. Finding you really changed our lives, Pops.
Johnny: Don't forget about Dad!
David: Oh, don't worry about me feeling excluded. I know biology doesn't matter. Pops doesn't love Cece any less because of it, and I don't love you or Chantal any less.
Solomon: Speaking of Cece, we're meeting her for dinner later and we'd love for you both to come.
Johnny: Only if you're paying.
David: There are two kinds of people in the world.
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
1.7 Desperate Measures
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Transcript below:
[19 years ago, Part 2 of 3]
[Bonnie is taking a pregnancy test]
Bonnie: Shit, it's positive! You have got to be kidding me.
[Solomon's house]
Solomon: Hey Dad, Bonnie called and asked me to come over so I'll be late for dinner.
Reggie: That's not a problem, son.
Reggie: I'm just glad things are going well with her. I'm proud of you. We all make mistakes, but you were willing to take responsibility and turn your life around. Not everyone involved in that lifestyle gets out so easily.
Solomon: Thanks, Dad. I just want to be a good son and a good person.
Reggie: You are, you are. You know, I feel bad for the parents of those people who've been out protesting for gays to get married. They must feel so ashamed.
Solomon: Yeah, it's pretty horrible. Anyway, I guess I need to head out.
Reggie: Tell Bonnie I said Hello!
[Bonnie's house]
Bonnie: Thanks for coming. I hope you didn't run into any of those protestors on the way. I heard they're getting rowdy out there.
Solomon: Oh, no, I didn't.
Bonnie: Crazy isn't it? I mean, I don't hate gays or anything but I don't think they should be getting married or raising children. It's just not the same.
Solomon: Yeah, it's…not right.
Bonnie: It's just unnatural. Like they can do what they want behind closed doors but they don't have to call it marriage or bring kids into it. Children need a mom and a dad. Speaking of…have you ever thought about getting married or having kids?
Solomon: Yeah, I'd really like to find someone I can truly love and grow old with. And I'd love to be a father. I'd love my kids unconditionally and support them no matter what.
Bonnie: Wow, that's great! You'll be an amazing husband and father, Sunny, I just know it. Look, I know we haven't been together that long, but I can really see us getting married, having kids, all of it. Actually, there's something I need to tell you.
Solomon: There's something I need to tell you, too.
Bonnie: What is it?
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
1.8 All's Not Lost
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Protest poses by @hula-zombie and @deadlymodern
Transcript below:
[19 years ago, Part 3 of 3]
Solomon: Look, Bonnie, I'm really sorry for wasting your time. I was really trying to change, but I don't think I can. I don't know if I even want to anymore.
Bonnie: What are you talking about?
Solomon: Bonnie, I'm just like those protestors. I'm…I'm gay.
Bonnie: No, you're not. You're not like that. That can't be true!
Solomon: It is. I'm sorry I mislead you. I wasn't thinking about the consequences of getting involved with you. I just didn't want to lose my family or my friends. I was desperate, but I know now it wasn't right of me to bring someone else into it.
Bonnie: I can't believe this! You were just telling me how you want to grow old with someone and have kids! You really think you're going to find that with another man?
Solomon: Yeah, I do. All those people out protesting are fighting for the right to have their relationships recognized like straight relationships are. They're fighting for love.
Bonnie: Love? You don't know anything about love. I was wrong about you, Solomon. You're not father material at all.
Solomon: I'm going to leave now. I hope you can open your mind someday. Wait, didn't you need to tell me something?
Bonnie: It doesn't matter anymore.
[As Solomon leaves Bonnie’s house he once again sees the gay bar. This time a crowd of protestors, including David, are gathered outside. He starts heading towards them.]
[David's and Solomon's eyes meet]
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
1.6 Swallow Your Pride
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Transcript below:
[19 years ago, Part 1 of 3]
Reggie: No son of mine is going to be a homosexual! Don't come back until you get some sense.
Solomon: Fine.
[As Solomon walks through town, he glances at a gay bar. He walks past it to another bar across the street.]
Bonnie: Hey, I haven't seen you around here.
Bonnie: Nice to meet you too, Sunshine.
Solomon: I'm sorry, I just got into it with my dad, so I'm not in a great mood.
Bonnie: I get it. I don't really get along with my mom. She wants me to be a different person, and I'm too stubborn to change.
Solomon: Yeah, I guess parents just have high expectations for their kids.
Bonnie: I'm sure you two can work it out. I want things to be better with my mom, too. My dad died when I was young, so I'm always worried I'm going to run out of time with her, too.
Solomon: It's tough because my Dad and I have always been so close. Now he wants nothing to do with me.
Bonnie: Why not?
Solomon: It's a long story. Nothing worth talking about.
Bonnie: Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it's not enough to ruin your relationship over. I would give anything to have one more day with my dad.
Solomon: I'd never want to be in your position. Maybe I should just swallow my pride and apologize.
Bonnie: I think that's the right choice. Maybe I'll work things out with my mom soon. I'm Bonnie by the way.
Solomon: I'm Solomon.
Bonnie: I think I'll stick to calling you Sunshine. Or how about Sunny? It suits.
Solomon: Ok…but what can I call you?
Bonnie: I don't care, as long as you call me. Here's my number. Don't be shy.
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
Johnny's Journal Entry #1
This is something new I'm trying out. It's meant to give extra insight into what's going on in Johnny's head but isn't an actual story post. I will post these whenever I want to give more context.
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For a full-page view of this journal entry, see it on blogspot (I will posting all of the entries here as well).
[Photo of a journal cover, labeled "This Journal Belongs to Johnny." It has various stickers and reads "if you read this I will CRY loudly" and "I'm serious, if you read this I will be very upset and it will be very uncomfortable for everyone."]
When I first moved in with my dads it was harder than I thought it would be. I wanted to get out of my mom's house so bad but it was still the only home I’d ever known.
I didn't know how to handle it, so I was either having emotional outbursts or avoiding everyone. Even Chantal.
[Stylized picture of Johnny meant to represent a drawing] Caption: artist interpretation of a sad boi in his natural habitat
My dads didn't really know what to do with me. I was basically begging for help but when they tried I just pushed them away. I didn’t know if I could trust them yet.
Chantal was a little different. She was able to fit in with the rest of the fam but that’s because she buried all of her feelings.
[A torn piece of paper reading "Happy birthday, baby! Love ya, Mom"] Caption: the last bday card I got from my mom. From when I turned twelve
Cece had to adjust too. Imagine all of a sudden having two new siblings.
She REALLY didn’t like me at first. She didn’t know about everything that happened to me, just that I was loud and emotional and Chantal wasn’t. She didn’t know Chantal was hurting too.
[Polaroid photo of Chantal and Cece as teenagers smiling, captioned "the unproblematic children"]
Of course, we all went to therapy. It took me and Chantal a long time to open up, but Dad and Pops learned how to help us feel safe and Cece was able to understand us better.
Things aren’t perfect and probably never will be, but it’s nice having people in my life I can trust.
[Polaroid photo of David, Solomon, Cece, Chantal, and Johnny all smiling, captioned "a mostly happy family"]
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