#shō omamori
twsthoodstar · 3 years
The Omamori Clan 🎋
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One of the minor sorcerer families in Japan, but they are still plenty well respected. Especially since they rank just below the 3 Major Clans.
Gifted with the power of chance, something we as humans so desire, their technique Seal of Fortune is cherished among their lineage & even envied by outsiders.
Like most sorcerer clans, if there were more than one child it was most likely the eldest child would inherit the technique. However, it took a different turn as it was a daughter that took up the technique as well as the family name.
The most powerful ancestor known throughout the Omamori blood line, the Lady Fortune. The only female sorcerer that has inherited the Clan’s technique: there has never been another female heir until the birth of Miyoko.
Thus granting Miyoko the title of the Clan’s heir and as the next Lady Fortune. Miyoko is known very well throughout the rest of the clans because of this. However, due to traditional values, the Omamori deal with a lot of criticism for having a woman as heir.
Unsei Omamori
Age: 47
Cursed Technique: Seal of Fortune
Likes: Sake, dice games, & Ahmya’s cooking but mostly her motsuyaki
As head of the Omamori Clan, Unsei is quite prideful in his skills & powerful strength regarding his technique. While to the public he is prideful & rambunctious, he holds a deep sense of love for his family & proudly states how wonderful they are. However there are times his arrogance gets the better of him & his wife often keeps him in check.
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Ahmya Omamori
Age: 42
Cursed Technique: Paper Doll - Resembling Washi Ningyo dolls, she is able to summon & control these little paper than can easily be hidden from sight. Making it useful for stealth & surprise attacks.
Likes: Origami, kaninabe, & doing her daughter’s makeup
Regal & strong willed, Ahmya is well known throughout the Jujutsu World not only for her husband but for her status as the 2nd head of her Clan. She was married into Omamori Family by her parents & despised Unsei for when they were younger, but seeing Unsei’s kind heart she eventually fell in love with him. As it was him that gave her a position & never saw her as an object nor trophy. However, a good smack to the neck often keeps him in line.
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Kenji Omamori
Age: 15
Cursed Technique: Paper Doll
Likes: Omurice, pretty girls, anime
The second oldest: Kenji sees himself as a “handsome & reliable young man” but in reality he’s just a skirt chaser. However, he knows his mother & sister disapprove of this behavior so he often pulls the “innocent child” routine when they’re around. Despite this, he admires his eldest sister to an incredible extent, however he struggles knowing how sometimes he wishes he were born first.
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Shō Omamori
Age: 13
Cursed Technique: Paper Doll
Likes: Daifuku, manga, video games
The youngest: Shō is often a very quiet & timid child who stand out in his rowdy family. He’s always had trouble making friends especially outside of his status so he’s often seen clinging to his brother or sister. Like Kenji, he admires his sister to a great extent but ends up following her like a lost little puppy. He doesn’t speak much, one might think he’s mute.
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