#shackled ghasts
aurelion-solar · 10 months
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LoR Fate's Voyage: Beyond - Mordekaiser Followers Deathgrasp Cultist - Shackled Ghasts - Legion of the Severed - Lord Mallat - Amalgamation Of Vile Rites - Bladepierced Revenant - Iron Legionary - Threshold of the Grey
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Shackled Ghasts Concept Art by Kudos Productions
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
I'm just imagining Techno visiting a Bastion and the baby Piglins just start climbing on him by the end of the visit he has like, 16 different babies on him and half of them are asleep. Stop laughing Phliza, it's not funny. He is legally not allowed to wake them up. PHILZA! PHILZA MINECRAFT! HELP!
But the baby Piglins think Techno is so cool! He is the Blood God's Champion and he can go to the OVERWORLD and he is so strong! He knocked a fireball back at a Ghast and killed it! And so much more! He fought a Wither! And even shackled it as an ally! Techno is like... a superhero to baby Piglins. (And the older ones too.)
Now my Piglin Lore! The ones we see in Minecraft are the ones old enough to go on foraging hunts. The ones kept safe in the Bastions and guarded by the Brutes are MUCH smaller. Like could fit in a flowerpot small. There is a reason Brutes are so vicious towards outsiders. And it has nothing to do with their gold.
YES, Techno totally deserves to be a figure of myth in Piglin culture. There are bedtime stories being told about his exploits, and word of mouth that spreads around campfires when other warriors tell of both his deeds and their own. When he comes into the Nether, trading with Techno is considered the greatest honor. And if he visits your bastion, surely that's a sign of great fortune.
(Imagine it's one of those situations where mother Piglins actually encourage Techno to hold their babies or even name them because it's seen as a blessing. Every time Techno comes near a bastion he has to spend like two hours naming all their recently born piglets lmao)
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askthebrokenones-fm · 5 years
Part 1: Sinclair
repost,  don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME. Sinclair Witt PRONUNCIATION. Sin-klair Whit NICKNAME. Sin, Staircase, Flashlight Man, Sinny, Mr. Witt, Witt GENDER. Cis Male HEIGHT. 6′ 9″ AGE. 25 mentally, about 287 physically ZODIAC. Pisces SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR. Black (considering his eyebrows) EYE COLOR. Amber SKIN TONE. Dark and freckled BODY TYPE. A bit bony and skinny but strangely athletic. It’s been like that since he was mortal. ACCENT. He has a slight southern accent that can be heard if he starts getting pissed. VOICE. A bit rough and a bit lighter (Here’s his actual voice claim) DOMINANT HAND. Right POSTURE. He’s usually extremely straight backed, sometimes to a painful degree with squared shoulders. However when he’s alone with friends, his shoulders are far more relaxed. SCARS.  Oh god, he has many. He has at least 5 deep ones in his back along with a dozen or so small scratches evidently from his former owner. He has smaller straight ones cut into his arms that were there near the end of his life he doesn’t like talking about. He’s got scarred over rings of blisters and welts around his ankles from shackles and a few scars on the bottom of his feet from when he escaped slavery with a deeper one near his right heel from a loose nail he accidentally stepped on when he was about 7. TATTOOS. None BIRTHMARKS. Do the freckles count? He has a not very spectacular one on the side of his left thigh. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). A bunch of people from his mortal life and afterlife usually look right at his unusual eyes first. And then they see how tall and skinny he is.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH. Georgia in an insignificant farming town about 70 miles out of Savannah. He doesn’t remember the town name. HOMETOWN. I’ll say Savannah when really he doesn’t remember the town’s name        BIRTH WEIGHT. 7 pounds BIRTH HEIGHT.  6 ounces MANNER OF BIRTH. Natural, at “home”. There was barely any help for Iria; honestly, she should’ve died. FIRST WORDS. “Crack!” Sinclair was a bit amused by the noises he would hear in the night as a kid, before he knew what they were. SIBLINGS. None.        PARENTS. Iria Witt.     PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT. His father never got to see him born since he was sold away from his mother before he was born. Iria was admittedly a huge part of his support system when he was a kid: she made sure her child got enough food, made sure he was comfortable for as long as she could. She was later killed however, leaving him alone at 5 until he ran into Muler Key when he was 10 and a half.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION. As a mortal, he was born into slavery and then escaped when he was 10. Later, he became a skilled technician in New York, New York in the newfangled concept of a factory. He later became a wraith haunting a museum, a pub, then the Haunted Mansion and Endless Staircase. CURRENT RESIDENCE.  He lives in the Endless Staircase in Gracey Manor CLOSE FRIENDS. He’s close with Egore for the most part and Host Ghast and the Hitchhikers along with a few people in the different dimensions. He does really love his friends. RELATIONSHIP STATUS. He’s single as a pringle, and ready to mingle. And crushing too. FINANCIAL STATUS. As a mortal, he definitely wasn’t rich, and he was totally a bit poor, but now he doesn’t need to worry about it, cause he’s DEAD. DRIVER’S LICENSE. No. But he knows how to drive a lone horse CRIMINAL RECORD. Technically, in his time, it was illegal to y’know. Run away from an abuser if you’re a slave, and the justice system is so messed up racism wise, they would’ve considered those people he shot a case of first degree murder rather than self defense. VICES. He smokes and he used to drink (doesn’t anymore).
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
((This mun is someone completely unaware of anything about sex so just bare with me
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. Panromantic         PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive |  dominant |  switch ((Mun’s note: I don’t know what this means))   PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive |  dominant  |  switch LIBIDO.  Normal TURN ONS. Compassion... uh... Just be chill and respectful (cough and maybe a bit rugged/muscular cough) and he’ll like you if you’re interested in a relationship TURN OFFS. Bigotry, general rudeness/unpleasantness, wanton cruelty (obviously) LOVE LANGUAGE.  He’ll indulge in a kiss in public; he’s not too shy about PDA. He can switch between being the giver or reciever; he can do both. He’ll probably often think about what to get his partner near holidays and try to get them something they want. He’s all about being as good to his partner as he can be.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. Sin is far more of a nervous partner than you would expect, at least at first. Eventually when he gets more comfortable with it, he’ll slowly become far more tender and loving.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. A Sadness Runs Through Him - The Hoosiers HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. He often tinkers with little mechanical things like things he finds lying around. He’ll also occasionally build things. MENTAL ILLNESSES. He has clinical depression and PTSD to a degree. He suffers through night terrors and sometimes suicidal thoughts. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES. He usually starts hurting all over around his death day and usually needs to lay down for most of the day. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. Right PHOBIAS. Potamophobia and cleithrophobia SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. -1. Yeah... He’s trying. Honestly, what environment he was raised in totally wired how he thinks of himself. He’s heard about so many people hating him for just who he is, so eventually he started thinking... maybe it’s his fault and he deserves their hate. VULNERABILITIES. Sinclair attempts to keep a cheerful facade, which often succeeds when talking to new people but they don’t realize how much he’s actually fighting himself. To him, it’s a struggle to get up in the morning and sometimes he’ll just lay in bed for an entire day. He’s, ironically, not the happiest haunt in the Haunted Mansion who’s carrying a bunch of emotional baggage and the constant buzzing thoughts in the back of his mind that he deserved to die the way he did. Woah. That got dark.
TAGGED BY: @theheadlessgroom TAGGING: @theshadowofthechateau and anyone who would like to do it!
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johanna-banana-dnd · 4 years
Sessions 3-4 The Death House
You know, when the party decides to venture into the Death House in Curse of Strahd, you can’t really introduce it as “The Death House.” It might make them suspicious. The party had proceeded through the house, making a run for where they believed to be baby Walter’s room. After defeating the armor on the third floor, they felt drawn to check the southern door. Opening it, the party sees the visage of a middle aged woman, floating across the room and through a door to their right. Amazingly, the party somehow negotiates with the ghostly being, who cannot speak to them, but shows them the empty cradle, where once Walter was swaddled. When asked if there is still a monster in the home or if something was haunting the woman in death, the ghost looked down to the ground gesturing the floors below. She then flew through the party and into a wall in the bedroom she came from. The party discovers this to be a secret passageway to the attic, where the children had been told to stay for their safety. In the attic, the party finds the skeletons of Rose and Thorn in a locked room with bricked up windows. The skeletons are holding each other and may have starved to death in this room. The party takes the skeletons to find a proper burial spot for the children. At this point, the party knows that the children have long been dead, Walter may not have ever lived long past his birth, the nursemaid had died, and the bodies of the Lord and Lady of the house are uncounted for. The party inspects, but does not pick up or disturb, the doll house in Rose and Thorn’s bedroom, finding that there is another secret passageway- this time leading from the attic to the basement. In the basement there are winding halls and odd rooms with dusty beds and small amounts of treasure. The air is stale and it appears no one has been around for sometime. A crumpled letter is found on a table: "My most pathetic servant, I am not a messiah sent to you by the Dark Powers of this land. I have not come to lead you on a path to immortality. However many souls you have bled on your hidden altar, however many visitors you have tortured in your dungeon, know that you are not the ones who brought me to this beautiful land. You are but worms writhing in my earth. You say that you are cursed, your fortunes spent. You abandoned love for madness, took solace in the bosom of another woman, and sired a stillborn son. Cursed by darkness? Of that I have no doubt. Save you from your wretchedness? I think not. I much prefer you as you are. Your dread Lord and Master, Strahd von Zarovich" The party surmises from this that Walter may be the child of the nursemaid and was stillborn, hence the nursemaid’s turmoil, the family’s fall into necromancy, and the locking of Rose and Thorn in the attic. The party finds crypt’s labeled for all the family members, though Walter’s does not have a coffin. They lay the bodies of Rose and Thorn to rest, and feel a sense of calmness surround them. Investigating the other crypts, the coffins of Elisabeth and Gustav, the presumed Lady and Lord, are empty (other than some nasty bugs). After a few more winding walls and ghoulish encounters, the party finds themselves in a shrine room with a statue to Strahd himself as the focal point. Five shadows appear and attack the party, to which the party is victorious. Searching the room, they see skeletons that hang from shackles against the walls, possibly for ritual torture. A crystal orb is found at the foot of the statue to Strahd. Adventuring further, inspired by the thought of destroying this tell-tale monster that still haunts the nursemaid’s ghost, the party encounters a grick and a mimic, separately, but surprising them both times. The house seems that even when it is quiet, it is never truly at rest. Finally, the party comes upon a room with a locker full of treasures, but as soon as one member goes to pick up one, two ghasts begin screaming from within the walls, one from the east and one from the north. As the battle begins, the ghasts appear one by one- both well dressed and resembling the depictions of Elisabeth and Gustav Durst, the Lady and Lord of the house. The party fights a hard won battle, but is rewarded with the many items that had been collected in the foot locker. Eventually, the party is ready to make their way to the depths of the basement, where a smell of death and decay seem to emanate from. They find a Reliquary room full of small idols (mummified hands, a shrunken head, mummy figurine, etc). Some members take some of the items of interest and chanting can be heard from the room to the south. A 20-25 foot long sharp slope leads to the sound, so the party decides to take the other door to look for an alternate route. This door leads to a prison, where a secret door is found to the room of chanting. However, when the door is opened, the chanting stops. A giant room filled with water is presented before them, with scaffolding like walkways along the edges and an octagonal dais in the middle of the room with an altar on top. A rounded room is off to the side that has a putrid smell emanating from it. Two members go to check out the altar, but as they approach, 13 cloaked faceless figures appear along the edges of the room and shout “ONE MUST DIE, ONE MUST DIE” repeatedly. Their chanting does not stop as the party tries to figure out what to do. (One member actually throws a playing die onto the altar! with no effect.) Upon closer look, the altar is caked with dried blood and a chain hangs from the ceiling above it. They know what the cloaked figures want, but sacrificing a member isn’t an option. Still unsure of whether to flee or try to negotiate with the still shouting 13 figures, one member steps off of the dais, and the cloaked figures shout “Lorghoth the Decayer, we awaken thee!” Suddenly, the pile of garbage and decay from the rounded room rises up and the party is faced with this monster of vines, decay, bones, and refuse. The 13 cloaked figures disappear and the party begins to face the creature before them. It is difficult to hit, but appears to take full damage from the party’s weapons. Ozborn stays wary of the creature and is able to avoid all of it’s attacks of opportunity- and for good reason, as the creature is able to absorb Springfield and Goromar into it’s vines and refuse, choking off all air, vision, and movement. Goon wildshapes into a dire wolf, and thankfully between him, Ozborn, and Obmar, they are able to cut the mound down to size. It is unable to hold onto both party members and spits out Goromar, but tries to run off with Springfield in it’s body, whom is being crushed every few seconds by its tightening vines. Finally, Obmar releases a string of magic missiles and destroys the decaying vined monster, allowing Springfield to be rescued and breathe easy once again. The party takes some deep breaths and acknowledges that this was probably the monster that the ghosts had been leading them too. Maybe now the house can rest in peace.
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