#shadow the hedgehog appeared multiple times in my dreams- but its nice to see Rouge and Shadow together for once!
squeiky · 1 year
Had a dream about shadow the hedgehog and rouge the bat and all we did was solve puzzles and then did customer service in a very elaborate hotdog stand.
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It comes to concern that I had tried to sleep again to continue said dream but no avail. It wasn't even fantastical or anything. I was originally on the heroes team, and everyone just sucked ass so then I just joined the dark team and then somehow we managed to do everything at 100 times the speed it was incredible.
I remember walking down an aisle where everyone was stuck on a puzzle and grinning with my sharp tooth, knowing that we beat everyone faster- and I got it done better because I switched to a team I work better in.
Rouge, at some point even found us this cool area in the ceiling (that was still be renovated) for us to chill in as some kind of base- just for us. It was so cool (but we never got to use it.)
It was fun, I had a lot of fun in the dream.
I think afterwards there was the rollercoaster ride that had a creepy carnival theme to it? and the seats for it was so out of wack. (it was literal seats- akin to that of those rise and drop ride chairs)
we had to split up because one of the seats only had 2 chairs, and there were more coming in and we didn't want to wait for 3.
Then things got.. weird.
I'd say while riding down the rollercoaster (by myself) there were some tom and jerry-esc antics, but there were LITERALLY TOM AND JERRY ANTICS. yeah! so tom and jerry were just... there trying to cartoonishly kill each other during and with the ride I was STILL on.
then when I got off the ride- I WAS A CAT! not just any cat. An actual, real life cat. Not only that, but I expected both Shadow and Rouge to be cats as well.
Some really weird logic leaps occurred when I saw this black cat that got shaved on its side (it was so disheveled. even had scars) and I was like "shadow is that you?!? what happened?!" I was so distraught because I was expecting him to be a fully furry not disheveled at all black cat- but here we are. He didn't even say nothing- I though he could only meow ;-;.
then I ask where rouge is (contemplating if shes also a cat or a bat because apparently rouge defies all catification spells?) and I notice a grave stone (can't read it) and a white cat there and then I go into so much denial (I was saying "she must've turned into a bat! thats why she's not here")
and then I look at Shadow (the cat) and he goes "you've been gone for 20 years" and then I was just having the worst cat crisis imaginable. I think I said "20 YEARS?!?" and I just realized that rollercoaster tom and jerry ride must've taken 20 years but it was only a few minutes for me.
Then I realize there are humans where I am (this place looks kind of like a daycare but.., instead of for children its similar to that little backyard where that poky the little puppy in the book would play.) and I ask them about the 20 years thing and how to return everyone back to not cats. I can't remember what they said and I can't recall if the humans even had facial features to begin with.
I believe the humans dismissed my fears and complaints and then I was left alone with Shadow the shaved cat and I think I passed out?
Then I woke up, just casually walking (still trying to mentally process whatever the fuck just happened) when I come across Rouge and Shadow! they're completely fine but now they're doing what is the equivalent of papa's pizzeria working but for hotdogs, hamburgers and lettuce (but they called it a hotdog stand.)
I was scared to interact because i still imagined that I'd be GONE FOR 20 FUCKING YEARS- and I just watched them do some kind of superspeed teamwork shit in customer service (honestly it was intense)
and I got sad because they had to get these 2 extra helpers involved and I thought i got replaced for good ;-;.
(btw i'm 90% sure Rouge might've just handed me a doggybagg (the resturant plastic box thing) that had a bunch of salad in it and told me to eat. So I did and watched them as I casually (and a little guilty) ate salad and one hotdog without a bun.)
but then they eventually left, and I was asked if I could continue being apart of the team and they were like "yeah here's your hat n' aprin" and what not, so they finished up.
I didn't have much to do (they were almost done) and Rouge just told me to look at the tabs to see what order to do- and I saw this strange looking one with a long list of foods. I ask about it and Shadow comes over and he looks at it and is like "we're done" and then Rouge and Shadow highfive up in the air like they had just won the greatest award and I'm all sad because I wanted to do that and feel the award-ness to! (I believe this might've been another mini-game esc thing. For awhile I really just thought the game ended and they got jobs at.... whatever that was.)
so I apologize for not completely ditching them at some point and they're like "nah it's cool" and then I cried cause they were the best and then my dream ended and I didn't want it to end.
so now I'm writing this because I had experienced something so visceral and desire so badly. I didn't want to stop dreaming about all the fun games and puzzles and shit. Lucid dreams surely are a treat. plus, I love winning.
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