#Was hoping to see Omega
squeiky · 1 year
Had a dream about shadow the hedgehog and rouge the bat and all we did was solve puzzles and then did customer service in a very elaborate hotdog stand.
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It comes to concern that I had tried to sleep again to continue said dream but no avail. It wasn't even fantastical or anything. I was originally on the heroes team, and everyone just sucked ass so then I just joined the dark team and then somehow we managed to do everything at 100 times the speed it was incredible.
I remember walking down an aisle where everyone was stuck on a puzzle and grinning with my sharp tooth, knowing that we beat everyone faster- and I got it done better because I switched to a team I work better in.
Rouge, at some point even found us this cool area in the ceiling (that was still be renovated) for us to chill in as some kind of base- just for us. It was so cool (but we never got to use it.)
It was fun, I had a lot of fun in the dream.
I think afterwards there was the rollercoaster ride that had a creepy carnival theme to it? and the seats for it was so out of wack. (it was literal seats- akin to that of those rise and drop ride chairs)
we had to split up because one of the seats only had 2 chairs, and there were more coming in and we didn't want to wait for 3.
Then things got.. weird.
I'd say while riding down the rollercoaster (by myself) there were some tom and jerry-esc antics, but there were LITERALLY TOM AND JERRY ANTICS. yeah! so tom and jerry were just... there trying to cartoonishly kill each other during and with the ride I was STILL on.
then when I got off the ride- I WAS A CAT! not just any cat. An actual, real life cat. Not only that, but I expected both Shadow and Rouge to be cats as well.
Some really weird logic leaps occurred when I saw this black cat that got shaved on its side (it was so disheveled. even had scars) and I was like "shadow is that you?!? what happened?!" I was so distraught because I was expecting him to be a fully furry not disheveled at all black cat- but here we are. He didn't even say nothing- I though he could only meow ;-;.
then I ask where rouge is (contemplating if shes also a cat or a bat because apparently rouge defies all catification spells?) and I notice a grave stone (can't read it) and a white cat there and then I go into so much denial (I was saying "she must've turned into a bat! thats why she's not here")
and then I look at Shadow (the cat) and he goes "you've been gone for 20 years" and then I was just having the worst cat crisis imaginable. I think I said "20 YEARS?!?" and I just realized that rollercoaster tom and jerry ride must've taken 20 years but it was only a few minutes for me.
Then I realize there are humans where I am (this place looks kind of like a daycare but.., instead of for children its similar to that little backyard where that poky the little puppy in the book would play.) and I ask them about the 20 years thing and how to return everyone back to not cats. I can't remember what they said and I can't recall if the humans even had facial features to begin with.
I believe the humans dismissed my fears and complaints and then I was left alone with Shadow the shaved cat and I think I passed out?
Then I woke up, just casually walking (still trying to mentally process whatever the fuck just happened) when I come across Rouge and Shadow! they're completely fine but now they're doing what is the equivalent of papa's pizzeria working but for hotdogs, hamburgers and lettuce (but they called it a hotdog stand.)
I was scared to interact because i still imagined that I'd be GONE FOR 20 FUCKING YEARS- and I just watched them do some kind of superspeed teamwork shit in customer service (honestly it was intense)
and I got sad because they had to get these 2 extra helpers involved and I thought i got replaced for good ;-;.
(btw i'm 90% sure Rouge might've just handed me a doggybagg (the resturant plastic box thing) that had a bunch of salad in it and told me to eat. So I did and watched them as I casually (and a little guilty) ate salad and one hotdog without a bun.)
but then they eventually left, and I was asked if I could continue being apart of the team and they were like "yeah here's your hat n' aprin" and what not, so they finished up.
I didn't have much to do (they were almost done) and Rouge just told me to look at the tabs to see what order to do- and I saw this strange looking one with a long list of foods. I ask about it and Shadow comes over and he looks at it and is like "we're done" and then Rouge and Shadow highfive up in the air like they had just won the greatest award and I'm all sad because I wanted to do that and feel the award-ness to! (I believe this might've been another mini-game esc thing. For awhile I really just thought the game ended and they got jobs at.... whatever that was.)
so I apologize for not completely ditching them at some point and they're like "nah it's cool" and then I cried cause they were the best and then my dream ended and I didn't want it to end.
so now I'm writing this because I had experienced something so visceral and desire so badly. I didn't want to stop dreaming about all the fun games and puzzles and shit. Lucid dreams surely are a treat. plus, I love winning.
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bird-likes-art · 8 months
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Had to get this idea out there. How would omega collars work? I see them in so many fics and I’ve always pictured dog/cat collars but that wouldn’t work! Hannah Adams ticktock put this idea in my head today and wow it’s been on my mind constantly!
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collophora · 5 months
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Happy may the fourth have a 4 minutes animatic about Crosshair and Omega bounding over sniping stuff.
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socksboxsketches · 1 year
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Another lil omega!
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Water Gun Fight / "It's Not What You Think"
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Mox, Stak, Deke, Omega, Lyana, Jax, Eva, Hunter, Crosshair Set when everyone is living happily on Pabu :) Word Count: ~1560 Read Here on AO3
Synopsis: The children of Pabu have a water gun fight
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Check out a teeny sneak peek of the amazing artwork @the-little-moment did to go with my fic! Go see the full piece HERE and tell her how awesome she is!
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“This isn’t fair. Whoever gets the clones on their team will win.”
Mox folded his arms, a faint, aloof smile painting his face. Either side of him, Stak and Deke stood loose and ready, empty water-pistols held with casual, easy confidence.
“Omega’s a clone too,” he pointed out. “So there’s four of us. You can have two on each team to keep it even.”
“That’s not even,” said Deke with exaggerated annoyance. “Omega was trained by the defectives. She fights dirty.”
“She fights tactically,” corrected Mox, smiling at the blonde girl whose own lips twitched in amusement. “Makes it a challenge.”
Around them the children of Pabu shifted and muttered as a ripple of discussion ran through the group. Some of the younger ones were already getting bored with the idea of teams and rules, pretending to aim at each other and pulling the triggers of their empty water pistols with giggles.
The older ones were taking the issue much more seriously. Nobody could decide what counted as an unfair advantage when it came to the former cadets’ and Omega’s training.
“I think the clones should only be allowed to target each other,” volunteered Jax. His confidence was blossoming with the care he received from his new foster-family on Pabu. “That would make it fair… right?”
“But the rest of you can still target us?” scoffed Stak. “No way.”
“We haven’t even picked team captains yet!” groaned Lyana, dragging her hands dramatically over her face. “At this rate the sea will dry up before we fill these water pistols!”
“I have an idea.”
Omega’s voice cut clearly over the chatter, and the children fell quiet. She had that effect when she took command.
She turned to Deke with a smirk that made her look oh-so-like her younger brother, if only she had a toothpick to hand. “You think I fight dirty?”
There was a deceptive casualness to her tone, the way her dark brown eyes flicked to his from under her long lashes.
Deke shifted uncomfortably, aware that being trapped in the spotlight of Omega’s attention whilst she was plotting something was not where he wanted to be.
“How about… I don’t participate?”
A cry immediately went up from the other children, the small crowd surging to surround her. Eva took her hand, tugging gently.
“You have to play, Omega. You have to.”
Omega held up her free hand, and all eyes turned to her. Mox was smiling out the corner of his mouth, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. He nodded to invite her explanation.
She fixed him with a firm look, challenge in her smile. “I won’t participate,” she repeated, squeezing Eva’s hand reassuringly. “I’ll direct them. The rest of the island against you three. Think you can handle it?”
Stak looked up at Mox, his face breaking into a wide grin. Mox glanced from Stak to Deke, taking in the latter’s nerves, then looked back to Omega.
His smile curved wide as he nodded.
“You’ve got a deal.”
“I don’t like this,” muttered Deke as they crept along the side of a building, pressed tight to the shadows and ignoring the glances and titters from the adults going about their daily business. “Omega will be planning something.”
“Exactly,” said Stak with a confident grin. “Wouldn’t be a challenge otherwise.”
Mox smiled but shushed their chatter, leaning round the wall to check the coast was clear. The water gun sat heavy in his hands, freshly reloaded. He’d emptied it – apologetically, almost – into a brother and sister in Lower Pabu.
That was the rule of the game. A soaked t-shirt meant you were out.
He ducked back when a jet of water streamed in his direction, accompanied by giggling.
Quirking an amused eyebrow at the other two, he gestured with his head. In moments the clones were storming the main street, water splashing everywhere, as shrieks of laughter filled the air.
In the end five dripping children stood about, huge grins on their faces, whilst the three clone boys were still bone-dry.
Lyana was among the victims. She had been drenched head-to-toe when Stak and Deke chased her into a corner, shielding her head with her arms to little effect and sobbing with laughter the entire time.
She stood proudly with her arms crossed now, her ‘troops’ at her side.
“Well, what now, boys?” she challenged.
Stak stepped forward, levelling the brightly coloured super-soaker towards her. “Tell us where your general is,” he demanded, unable to bite back his grin.
Lyana laughed. “You’ll never find her.”
“She’s at the Archium,” said Mox with a grin.
“You don’t know that,” piped up one of the Pabu boys bravely, but Mox just chuckled.
“It’s where I’d direct my squad from,” he said, tilting his head up and shielding his eyes from the glare of Pabu’s sun as he gazed up towards Upper Pabu.
“Reckon we can fight our way up there?” asked Deke, stepping to his side.
“Sure.” He glanced back at Lyana with a sly smile. “We’ve taken out her lieutenant. It won’t be long before we’ve ended this.”
The adults were generous about letting the clones into their houses to refill their water guns. A lifetime’s training came back easily, even after the soft months without warfare on Pabu, and Deke and Stak easily fell into their roles following Mox’s orders.
They avoided combat when they could to conserve their water supplies. Were ruthless in drenching the island’s children when they could not.
Jax made a valiant attempt to divert them, dancing tauntingly in the mouth of an alley-way which wound into darkness behind the shadow of a two-storey building. Deke laid a warning hand on Stak’s arm.
“Watch out. It could be an ambush.”
“He’s one kid,” grinned Stak. “How bad can it be?”
Jax backed away slowly as Stak advanced. He held his water pistol loosely in one hand as he raised his arms in surrender.
“See?” called Stak. “Not so bad.”
A muffled giggle sounded. Then Eva popped up from the balcony above, tipping a bucket of water which splashed squarely onto Stak, soaking his hair, his shirt, and most of his shorts.
The clone gasped with the shock of it, then a grin spread wide on his face. Jax’s face danced with mirth.
“Vengeance!” howled Mox playfully, and he and Deke dove into the alley, water guns firing. Soon the two force sensitive children were similarly drenched, laughing as Stak threw an arm around each of their shoulders.
“Guess I’m out,” he said good-naturedly, grinning at his brothers. “Think you can take the general down by yourself?”
“Leave it to us,” said Deke with a smile and a salute. “We’ll end Omega’s reign of terror. Just you wait and see.”
Storming the plaza in front of the Archium was a running battle. The clones ducked and hid behind market stalls, weaving between chuckling adults as they pursued their quarry, the other laughing children.
Water pistols emptied. Were refilled. Were replaced with weapons ‘looted’ from ‘fallen’ enemies.
Before long they had Omega pinned. Deke leaned over her where she lay on her back, winded but still smiling slyly, where he had tackled her to the floor.
“Orders, sir?” he asked over his shoulder.
“If we’ve captured their general we can negotiate,” said Mox with a cautious glance at Omega. She smoothed her face into an innocent expression, which was a dangerous thing.
“I say we execute her.” Deke primed his super-soaker. “She’s too dangerous to let her live.”
Mox shook his head. “Let her reach her com. She can call her troops off.”
Reluctantly, Deke lifted his foot from where he had pinned Omega’s arm. The blonde girl’s smile returned as she slowly inched her arm towards her face, activating her wrist-com.
The deep rumble of Hunter’s voice was so unexpected that both younger clones backpedalled in shock.
“Hunter–” said Mox, startled, and Deke glanced in panic at Omega’s prone position as he added, “It’s not what you think!”
Hunter folded his arms, tattooed face shadowed with displeasure, stepping forwards to shield Omega and loom over the cadets.
Mox glanced uneasily between them, holding his hands out to his sides in surrender.
“It’s a game–” he began.
The jet of water caught him squarely in the back, running down his spine to soak him to the skin. He yelled, and his shout was echoed by Deke when a similarly targeted blast drenched him too.
The clones spun, searching for the source of the attack. It didn’t take them long to spot Crosshair perched in the weeping maya tree, an impressively large super-soaker in his hands, toothpick clenched between teeth which were bared in a grin.
“No fair,” objected Deke. “This game is supposed to be for kids.”
“It is,” said Hunter, and now he let his brooding façade crack as he picked Omega up from the floor with a fond smile. “Didn’t you hear? We’re younger than Omega. If she can play, we can play…”
Omega returned her big-little brother’s smile and turned a sympathetic look on the two dripping cadets.
“Don’t feel bad,” she said blithely, glancing first at Hunter and then at Crosshair with adoration in her eyes. Her smile turned soft. “You were never going to win, not when I have them.”
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Haha well way back at the submitting prompts stage it was my kiddo who volunteered water gun fight, and I guess you know I engaged in some spurious voting practice to get it into the top 26... thrilled that it got drawn as week 1!
With thanks to @ninjadeathblade who said Crosshair should be camping in the weeping maya tree waiting to snipe the cadets :P
And thanks to the amazing @kybercrystals94 for organising this challenge! You struck up a conversation with me out of the blue last summer and it's been so fun spending the past 10 months bouncing fic ideas back and forth as well as participating in prompt challenges with you. And now you're hosting your own one! Bad Batch Themed! How great is that! :D
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ladykagewaki · 5 months
The Baby Batch: If the War Ended Early and They Lived Happily Ever After
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@zaya-mo @chrissywakingup @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @aintinacage @ladykatakuri @marierg @thecoffeelorian @salubriousbean
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heyclickadee · 27 days
Okay but for all we know Saw and his buddies picked Tech up (alive) on Eriadu.
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mirersc · 3 months
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-imma have alone the title for now till the cover art is ready, oops-
« LoST SiGNaLs » || I ACT
“Say, Sonic, how about you and I play a game? Think of it though as a tracking skills test! Bring me within a week the three pieces of the chaos pentagon and I will release your two friends. Refuse and they pay the price. Trick me and well, better for me not to indulge in what I will do in that predicament. Either scenario, I sti~ill win.”
When Tikal summons Sonic to Angel Island the hero would have never been able to imagine what would follow after. It is unbelievable to think that the guardian of the Master Emerald, Knuckles and the ultimate lifeform, Shadow are taken as hostages. As Eggman forces Sonic on a quest to retrieve an old artifact for him, entitled ”Chaos Pentagon”, the blue blur is to set after a journey with the aid of Rouge the Bat and E-123 Omega to find the three shards of the object in question.
For them to succeed they will all need to be on the same wavelength. Are they however? And what seems to be the deal with Sonic’s communicator? Secrets are lurking around yet no one bats an eye. Will the trio actually manage to get along in the end to save their friends from the mad scientist?
Set after Sonic Frontiers. Please meet the newly formed team of Lost Signals. Or not so new?
❗link to fic:: here!
Heya, guys! Myler’s here! And guess what? Yep, yep! I have been as well participating in the STH Big Bang 2024 event with all the amazing writers and artists you have seen so far! Today is the last posting day so everyone is hoping that you will still enjoy the third batch’s works.
I participated as a writer on the event and I came up with a work called “Lost Signals” featuring a story around Sonic, Rouge and Omega because I thought it would be an interesting team to search the bonds between them.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to produce all the work since I didn’t work well with my given time, but it had still been a blast to write as far as I got, successful managing to cover ACT 1!
Big thank you to the @sthbigbang for hosting this lovely event! You guys rock and without y’all this event wouldn’t have happened and none if all these works would have been made. We will always remember the fun times we had while contributing in the event and the friendships or acquaintances we made along the way. You better take the credit you are been given for you deserve them!
And now ladies and gens and creaturas, a big THANK YOU to all the wonderful artists that accompanied me in this journey, @rapidhighway @rohansoutsidemydoor @petitcanard and despite my incompetence and FUULL delay, heh, they saw it through and were as supportive as one could be! Truly I wouldn’t have made it without them.
Be sure to congratulate them and check their astonishing art pieces for they are sure captivating and pretty much describing without words the story for you all to listen to and imagine~
@rapidhighway :: art! → CH 1 “Spirit’s Worry” who doesn’t love a laid-back sonic the hedgehog? I truly adore sooo much this art piece! The calm before the storm *cough cough*. I specifically got drawn by the flowers– like c’mon! They are so pretty! And palm trees. The colours all so vibrant and for real Green Hill couldn’t have looked any better! Dare I say I envy him -only at the beginning :)), shh-
@petitcanard :: art! → CH 4 “Mirror, mirror on the Wall” this art piece finalized the outfits and accessories of the characters which they all rooock!!! You can all see perfectly well from this specific work how the interactions have between Sonic, Rouge and Omega. I love how Omega wants to fry Sonic! “A not-completely-functioning team” she described them, which is indeed right, hehe.
@rohansoutsidemydoor :: art! → CH 8 “Keep away. Don’t come closer. Danger! Stop!” this made me write chapter 8 faster than the speed of sound! The realization, the mystery, the agony. Breathtaking! The expressions of the characters do make me have chills running down my spine and the blazy environment of the art, is top. They did the specific moment justice! << SPOILERS >>
Another part of my gratitude certainly goes to my beta reader @lunesart who despite my inactiveness at some point she was sure to check up on me and helped me lots with her useful tips and guidance. The speech without her would have been very dry and more complicated in comparison to the final result. Sooo special kudos to her too ✨!
Also– before I wrap things up– HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 SONIC 🌀💨 !
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zincbart · 5 months
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emjiroki · 1 year
Omegaverse *and* tribal au just the thought has me freaking drooling...... and the world building opportunities that secondary genders could bring in to tribal life like just imagining all the ways it could work is so cool!
Also just like. Enji in leather and jewelry and nothing else... Enji in the firelight under a full moon... Enji with tattoos that celebrate his successes... Enji scooping you up and carrying you to somewhere at least passably private to fuck your brains out....... 🥺😳👉👈
AAAAAAHHHHHH okay yes this has been making me crazy!!!! (Disclaimer the only reason the tribal au headcanons weren't Omegaverse was because a nice anon asked if I could make the headcanons regular, I totally understand that Omegaverse is not for everyone! BUT NOW I HAVE A GREAT EXCUSE TO GO FERAL) sorry it took so long everyone I hope you enjoy
Link to the non a/b/o tribal headcanons
18+ ONLY below the readmore
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Your courtship was short, a week at the gathering before you agreed to travel back with him to the mountains and only a month before he publicly proclaimed before his tribe council that he, their Chief, would be taking you as his mate and future bride
Enji knows you're his fated mate from the moment he sees you. He always kind of knew his former omega wasn't it, inspite of the arranged marriage. After she had left back to her home tribe he really thought he'd never find love again, until he met you at one of the large tribe gatherings during the harvest season. Your scent drew him in like a moth to a flame and he knew you were his
He did his best to keep to tradition and not copulate with you until your bonding ceremony, so the foreplay was almost constant. He was barely in the mindset for meetings with his tribe members or any sort of celebrations or other important ceremonies, his mind constantly fixated on stretching you on his fingers and drinking your slick down like ambrosia. Your cries of pleasure were like angels singing in his ears and could be heard very clearly to anyone straying too close to his hut. Unfortunately for them...
The first full moon of the summer season finally came your bonding ceremony, he had discussed his tribal traditions with you before hand to make sure you were comfortable and that you weren't caught off guard due to the nature of the ceremony. The beginning was simple, Enji slaughters a goat for a blood sacrifice in your honor and the Shaman paints the blood across you and Enji’s chest first, across your heart for eternal love and across your face and eyelids to ward off negativity and evil. But the second half of the ceremony after your marital beads are place around your throats is the part he tried to make you comfortable with
The tribe council has to be present for the official bonding and first knotting, to at least see you connected and bonding marks fresh bleeding. It made you a little uneasy at first, but with Enji being as aggressive as he is they all kept their eyes to the floor as he shielded you from their view.
He was delicate as he laid you against the fur bedding, whispering reassurance and promises against your skin as he breached your virgin entrance for the first time. The combination of your scents and smell of your blood staining his cock had him nearly going feral but he kept himself steady so he didn't hurt you. It was the last thing he ever wanted to do. "I love you, so much. Endless as the river my sweet omega" he whispers as he kisses the overwhelmed tears from your cheeks. And you believed him, could feel it through the grip of his fingers laced with yours above your head as he began to move and fuck into your soft body. It took a few minutes to adjust to his size but soon you were calling for more, locking your legs around his waist and pulling him into you until his flushed head was tapping your cervix with every thrust of his hips.
Enji was coming to his end just as soon as he expected, your tightness milking everything from him until he was dizzy with your sweet scent flooding his senses. He was holding back drool as he watched your eyes roll back and your pretty swollen lips part in ecstasy. "A-Alpha I'm-" "Cum for me love, let me feel you so I can give you everything" with a strangled and barely coherent cry you were tensing and squeezing around him so hard it nearly forced him out until one of his strong hands locked your hips into place as he growled deeply and released into your warmth, his knot sealing your entrance to keep his cum inside.
With aftershocks of your orgasms racking our bodies you two sealed the bond, your mating marks red, raw, and prominent against your throats as you tasted each others blood. Everything felt calm and peaceful after the bond was set, the pheremones calming and instincts feeling the rightness of everything settling in. The council was all but forgotten about until the motion of them leaving the hut had Enji snarling and holding you close to his body protectively, your blood staining against his chin and bringing forth the true animal version of his instincts that had your inner omega preening and purring against his strong chest.
After a moment you could hear the tribe cheering from the news of your consumation, the great bonfire starting and soon the smell of roasting meat reached your hut and your growling stomachs. "As soon as the knot releases we can join the celebration if you'd like" he says quietly as he strokes his fingers along your spine in a soothing pattern, your own fingers tracing the tattoos along his chest and arms, his many years of success telling stories across his skin. "I'd like that, but could we spend a bit longer in here together, just us?" You asked, feeling vulnerable after your private moment. "Of course, anything for you" he says with a rumbling purr, nosing against his mating mark, "my beloved mate and soon to be mother of my pups".
If anyone has anymore Tribal au thoughts or requests send them my way because I love this au!!! Doesn't have to be omegaverse btw
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thegoldenelite · 9 months
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"Kenny will be fine, he will definitely come back.Absolutely absolutely absolutely!He has overcome everything before.Until then, I'll do my best!I'll do my best in everything.Even if I'm broken, Kenny's recovery is my priority ❗I'm broken too, but I have to do it.I have to live."
[Translated with DeepL Translate]
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the-genius-az · 5 months
I'm writing Azula's parts of the oneshot, it's quite chaotic. She's in a lot of pain, physical and emotional. She's in denial about how sick she is, even if the Royal physicians are very worried about how suddenly the healthy, young and strong alpha is exhausted all the time. I'm a sucker for "Ursa was a bit better as a parent" AUs, so in this one when Azula hallucinates her, it's more about someone that made her feel safe.
Izumi as Maizula's baby is such a nice concept. The AU I'm thinking does, for my own delight, include cheating because I'm into that kind of trope. (Let's say Zuko not quite happy about it but he knew Mai would eventually leave him for the alpha she has always loved more.)
(In that AU, Mai loves Zuko more than she fears Azula because doesn't fear Azula at all.)
- Ash 🔥🍌
Thanks for this, Ash!
She's in denial about how sick she is, even if the Royal physicians are very worried about how suddenly the healthy, young and strong alpha is exhausted all the time.
Poor my princess, probably her Alpha instincts tell her that she has a puppy and she is not close to her Omega :(
I honestly love that idea, that parents get sick when they're not around their partner and unborn child.
(Maybe this way no one will run away from their responsibilities while they are still a fetus).
The AU I'm thinking does, for my own delight, include cheating because I'm into that kind of trope.
The deceptions aren't my favorite, but as long as Maizula triumphs over everyone it's fine.
Let's say Zuko not quite happy about it but he knew Mai would eventually leave him for the alpha she has always loved more.
Mai is Azula's, Zuko shouldn't have gotten involved, but what can we say? Zuko is not so observant of feelings.
Mai loves Zuko more than she fears Azula because doesn't fear Azula at all.
(It's canon, Mai never feared him, I have no idea why the creators did that)
He obviously won't be afraid of his Alpha and mother of his puppy!
I bet Azula is a tantrum Alpha who always wants to be around her beloved Omega, even when she's in heat she acts like a little girl who just wants to get into Mai and she's still so soft with her Omega!
I actually love that thought, it's so funny, the others talk about how scary Azula is, while Mai just sees her Alpha as a slutty spoiled brat.
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umeminyan · 28 days
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phantom-of-the-501st · 8 months
The Rambles Return
Ya girl's back and she's got more thoughts about Echo!
It's been a while since I've done one of these (life be hectic and all) but with season 3 coming out soon I'm revisiting season 2 and I have some more thoughts about episodes 1 and 2. When the episodes came out I touched on the conversations that Echo has with Omega and how he handled the fact that she was pushing too hard to prove herself. Originally, I said that his understanding of her feelings came from a) knowing that she is a child and is more likely to make reckless decisions and b) knowing that what he said could have been worded differently and that "our lives are like this because of Omega" could easily lead to her feelings being hurt (even though the statement isn't wrong and I still stand by that). But looking at the episodes now, I think that there is an extra layer to it.
And it's that Echo understands what it's like to have to try and prove your worth.
Echo was trained in Domino Squad, who were considered by many to be incompetent. It got to the stage where they were almost barred from being allowed to join the GAR completely and only passed their training after being given a second chance. He had to work so hard to prove that he was valuable, that he could be what the army needed, and that he wasn't just a burden. And when Domino passed their training, it showed the higher ups that this group of clones could pull their weight and be valuable members of the GAR.
And then everything went wrong on the Rishi Moon. 3/5 of the squad members were taken out and Fives and Echo were not only left to mourn their brothers, but to carry on going, to prove that even after everything that they had been through, they could be the soldiers that the army wanted them to be. A job that became even harder upon being conscripted into the 501st. Imagine the amount of pressure that those two must have felt to prove themselves and show that they deserved to be in one of the most prominent clone battalions.
And they did prove themselves. Their promotion to ARC Trooper and their subsequent involvement in important missions going forward demonstrated how capable these two were. They could finally stand in front of the people that doubted them, knowing that they had proved their worth.
Cut to the Citadel mission.
Echo gets injured, kidnapped, and turned into a cyborg. His brain is harvested for information and thousands of his brothers die because of the information that the separatists got a hold of. The guilt, the self-hatred, the depression and the PTSD that Echo deals with as a result of that would drag him back down. Because now he's back where he started. Suddenly he has to prove himself all over again: prove that he can still fight, prove that he still has the same level of intellect he did, and prove that he isn't a traitor. If anything, Echo had even more to prove now than he did in training.
Echo knows what it's like to want to prove your worth, to fight to show that you deserve to be there as much as anyone else, and that you are not a burden. It's why he understands Omega.
Because he understands what it's like to feel worthless.
Echo despises feeling useless. "The Empire's growing stronger and we're doing nothing about it". It isn't just about what's right, or about preventing the worst from happening, it's also about an inability to sit by the sidelines and prove to everyone that doubted you that you are the waste of space they said you were.
He's someone who will always be driven to do the right thing. But he's also someone who will forever be trying to prove his worth. He can't do nothing because he got belittled for being incompetent. He can't do nothing because if he lets the Empire take over he could be labelled as a traitor. He can't do nothing because Echo doesn't want to be nothing.
It's why he doesn't question Omega. Because he gets it. He's been in her position more than he should have been.
Now don't get me wrong. This isn't me saying that this is Echo's only driving force. There are so many different layers and reasons to why he does what he does throughout the series, and a lot of that is rooted in the fact that fundamentally, Echo is a good person. He isn't flawless (no-one is) but he is good. However, his past and his trauma will always be an influence in his actions and his constant need to prove himself is a huge factor in that.
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dreadpirateurania13 · 5 months
That bad batch epilogue felt very “Bring on the Monsters” from the Lightning Thief musical
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common-blackbird · 1 year
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He was crying ;__;
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