#but I guess I filled in that role
squeiky · 1 year
Had a dream about shadow the hedgehog and rouge the bat and all we did was solve puzzles and then did customer service in a very elaborate hotdog stand.
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It comes to concern that I had tried to sleep again to continue said dream but no avail. It wasn't even fantastical or anything. I was originally on the heroes team, and everyone just sucked ass so then I just joined the dark team and then somehow we managed to do everything at 100 times the speed it was incredible.
I remember walking down an aisle where everyone was stuck on a puzzle and grinning with my sharp tooth, knowing that we beat everyone faster- and I got it done better because I switched to a team I work better in.
Rouge, at some point even found us this cool area in the ceiling (that was still be renovated) for us to chill in as some kind of base- just for us. It was so cool (but we never got to use it.)
It was fun, I had a lot of fun in the dream.
I think afterwards there was the rollercoaster ride that had a creepy carnival theme to it? and the seats for it was so out of wack. (it was literal seats- akin to that of those rise and drop ride chairs)
we had to split up because one of the seats only had 2 chairs, and there were more coming in and we didn't want to wait for 3.
Then things got.. weird.
I'd say while riding down the rollercoaster (by myself) there were some tom and jerry-esc antics, but there were LITERALLY TOM AND JERRY ANTICS. yeah! so tom and jerry were just... there trying to cartoonishly kill each other during and with the ride I was STILL on.
then when I got off the ride- I WAS A CAT! not just any cat. An actual, real life cat. Not only that, but I expected both Shadow and Rouge to be cats as well.
Some really weird logic leaps occurred when I saw this black cat that got shaved on its side (it was so disheveled. even had scars) and I was like "shadow is that you?!? what happened?!" I was so distraught because I was expecting him to be a fully furry not disheveled at all black cat- but here we are. He didn't even say nothing- I though he could only meow ;-;.
then I ask where rouge is (contemplating if shes also a cat or a bat because apparently rouge defies all catification spells?) and I notice a grave stone (can't read it) and a white cat there and then I go into so much denial (I was saying "she must've turned into a bat! thats why she's not here")
and then I look at Shadow (the cat) and he goes "you've been gone for 20 years" and then I was just having the worst cat crisis imaginable. I think I said "20 YEARS?!?" and I just realized that rollercoaster tom and jerry ride must've taken 20 years but it was only a few minutes for me.
Then I realize there are humans where I am (this place looks kind of like a daycare but.., instead of for children its similar to that little backyard where that poky the little puppy in the book would play.) and I ask them about the 20 years thing and how to return everyone back to not cats. I can't remember what they said and I can't recall if the humans even had facial features to begin with.
I believe the humans dismissed my fears and complaints and then I was left alone with Shadow the shaved cat and I think I passed out?
Then I woke up, just casually walking (still trying to mentally process whatever the fuck just happened) when I come across Rouge and Shadow! they're completely fine but now they're doing what is the equivalent of papa's pizzeria working but for hotdogs, hamburgers and lettuce (but they called it a hotdog stand.)
I was scared to interact because i still imagined that I'd be GONE FOR 20 FUCKING YEARS- and I just watched them do some kind of superspeed teamwork shit in customer service (honestly it was intense)
and I got sad because they had to get these 2 extra helpers involved and I thought i got replaced for good ;-;.
(btw i'm 90% sure Rouge might've just handed me a doggybagg (the resturant plastic box thing) that had a bunch of salad in it and told me to eat. So I did and watched them as I casually (and a little guilty) ate salad and one hotdog without a bun.)
but then they eventually left, and I was asked if I could continue being apart of the team and they were like "yeah here's your hat n' aprin" and what not, so they finished up.
I didn't have much to do (they were almost done) and Rouge just told me to look at the tabs to see what order to do- and I saw this strange looking one with a long list of foods. I ask about it and Shadow comes over and he looks at it and is like "we're done" and then Rouge and Shadow highfive up in the air like they had just won the greatest award and I'm all sad because I wanted to do that and feel the award-ness to! (I believe this might've been another mini-game esc thing. For awhile I really just thought the game ended and they got jobs at.... whatever that was.)
so I apologize for not completely ditching them at some point and they're like "nah it's cool" and then I cried cause they were the best and then my dream ended and I didn't want it to end.
so now I'm writing this because I had experienced something so visceral and desire so badly. I didn't want to stop dreaming about all the fun games and puzzles and shit. Lucid dreams surely are a treat. plus, I love winning.
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benevolenterrancy · 24 days
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this description made me realise what one of my favourite MXTX character tropes is: Over-Worked, Under-Appreciated Employee Who Is Not Above Becoming Somewhat Evil About It
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i rewatched the deadpool movies and then watched the new one over this past week, and while these movies are lot of fun in a lot of ways and i enjoy a lot about them, may i just say: DAMN, is the writing for vanessa ever thankless as all hell, especially in the sequels
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
It always perplexed me how in over 80 years, DC never tried to give us a magical in-universe reason to why Batman and other human vigilantes in Gotham can recover from their injuries so fast?
Like yeah its just fictional characters in a comic books, but every other story one of them has to get slashed/stabbed or break a bone and those things take months to heal and at one point it just comes off as extremely unrealistic to claim that the characters simply healed their injuries during a mini-timeskip that happened off-panel every single time (especially since if you stacked all the months of healing they had, it will probably take years away from their life)
I don’t know about you, but I personally wouldn’t mind if Batman recruited a new “healer” character as an associate to the Batfamily who can heal their injuries with their powers (with some limitation of course, you still need some type of suspense/stakes when someone is attacked)
Basically this character would be taking the role of Dr. Leslie in Batman comics, except its instead of an overworked old lady, its some type of non-combatant meta person with supernatural healing powers.
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defyingthefates · 1 year
With the revelation that Orym had a feeling Laudna killing Bor'dor would give Delilah a foot in the door again, and let it happen even as Laudna turned to him as a lifeline to stop herself. And with the Expanse and its characters on the brain. I'm just thinking about how sometimes, even in the absence of evil necromantic soul parasites, the important question isn't "is mercy the morally correct choice?" it's "is revenge the right choice for us?" It's about self-preservation. About staying the person you want to be. The person you need to be to keep putting one foot in front of the other every day. The person you can look at in mirror every morning. It's about knowing your friend will be disproportionately burdened by that choice and chosing to intervene. Not even necessarily to stop the killing altogether, just to stop your friend from hurting themself in the process. ("You're not that guy" but "I am that guy." "It's not about [them]. It's about us." "It wasn't mercy. It was vanity. I didn't want to think of myself as someone who wanted vengeance.")
In that moment Laudna needed someone to step in for her. To take the weight off her shoulders. I don't think Laudna wants to be the kind of person who kills to satisfy feelings of revenge (even without the threat of an evil necromancer hiding in her soul). Imogen pulled her back from the brink before. But this time she wasn't there. And Orym, in her stead, let her fall. When he could have chosen to intervene. Ashton too, to an extent, although in the moment it was Orym that Laudna looked to for restraint. Either of them could have made the kill instead. That this also put Delilah back in the picture... well that just makes this situation all that much worse. How does it feel to know that your friends let you free-fall into the dark? How does it feel knowing you let your friend free-fall into the dark? Worse, how does it feel to know you gave them that final shove over the precipice?
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transmasc-rose · 2 months
Amy/Rory I Saw the TV Glow au:
Amy as Maddy/Tara, who ran away and never came home, who talks about things that can't be real (the TV show, the TARDIS, a world where they're strong, a world where they're something better).
Rory as Owen/Isabel, meek and yet loyal and yet terrified of his best friend and what she means. And what she says. And what she shows him.
Doctor Who, the TARDIS, the Doctor, all wrapped up into the role of the Pink Opaque, the TV show from their youth, and something Amy grasps onto and never let's go. Something Rory abandons for a normal life.
And yet.
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How it feels to realize I'm transitioning into an IT guy
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frogaroundandfindout · 4 months
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Tim telling Bruce why there needs to be a Robin
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prismit · 4 months
dead cells show looks sooo ugly but aside from that it does look fun to watch ngl.... i feel so conflicted
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pekoeboo · 1 year
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I don't want us to change, don't want us to chip away.... Could we stay in bloom?
Every time I listen to that song, it reminds me of how Aya views her relationship with Khalan. after some time - and especially after he starts showing signs of illness - Aya realizes that things are changing in their lives and doesn't want to accept those changes.
so she wants to hold onto the past; the way things were before - when their familial relationship only first started to blossom. when she wasn't afraid of what the future might hold or afraid of potentially losing Khalan. when things were fun and new and the responsibilities of growing older didn't weigh down so much on her.
I tried to portray that sort of 'moment of reflection' with this image, loosely basing it off of this particular entry in Khalan's Journal: a moment that's both serene and comforting, yet somber at the same time. but despite those complicated emotions that Aya is struggling to deal with, Khalan always does his best to give her the love and support that she needs to help her through it, as every good big brother should;;
gosh I love these two so, so much;; everything about them gets me right in the feels every time <3
Aya Armas belongs to @cookieg122. please do not remove caption or repost. also on deviantart
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spotaus · 2 months
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Woah!!! Ec-4o.Verse reference?? Bringing you Geno! (With a bunch of notes that are intelligible off to the sides-)
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Cropped versions for easier reading/zooming! But to be more fun about it, here's a Lore Recap for each design! (I'd say these designs are from... hmm, a hundred years or so? He's a Boss Monster so he lives a lot longer.)
(Tw: Mentions of Death, Self-Loathing, Mental Illness, and I feel a few other things)
Geno was a normal guy, had a dayjob, but was beloved by his friends for being a Programmer. He was lazy, had awful work ethic, but would pump out amazing quality work for cheap as long as he was given the time to do things at his own pace. He has a passion for Psychology, but was awful socially, so he designed programs that mimicked mental illnesses in Test Ectos (ectos not embedded with personalities or magic) so people could research mental health without risking patient wellness. He made A.Z. too, the first real mimicry of mental illnesses in children. Geno got attached and kept A.Z. himself, the last prototype of the code. The finalized ones can be found anywhere, but he kept A.Z. around, and even though A.Z. wasn't sentient it was such a good mimicry, Geno practically treated him like a son.
Geno was known for his work, and was contacted by the government of his country to come and work on a big nation-wide upgrade they were planning to improve ecto functionality. Again and again Geno simply ignored their letters, emails, chats, and attempts to call. It wasn't his field of study, so he could care less. So, all that led to the government sending people to confiscate A.Z. from Geno and shut down his workshop under the pretenses of 'unethical programming methods'. He was forced to relocate, and A.Z. was basically held as blackmail to force Geno into working. (Since A.Z. wasn't sentient, he was simply property, and therefore there was no legal issues with the government taking him.)
Before/During the War:
In this time, Geno was among hundreds of other talented people from all across the country who were 'recruited' to work on this project. People who didn't comply with orders went missing, loved ones were "lost" and life projects destroyed. Geno was part of the Programming team (there were also Medical, Bio-Enhineering, and Engineering teams) and he was initially supposed to just shut off the programs within an Ecto that gave them emotion protocols, even the ones infused with magic.
But, as things went on, he was told to do more and more. He was involved in more marketing and branding and announcements. He was made to be on screen, be the face of the change. His background was good for publicity (man who studied ways to harmlessly study mental health) and he was supposedly trustworthy. By day he'd stand up beside someone and listen to them implore people to bring their ectos in for this quality of life upgrade to their nearest government office. By night he'd be slaving away infront of code, being forced to find a way to make these robots kill people. Just enough people. To nullify themselves when it was all over. I'm his despair he tried to make it so that their emotion drives would at least register these events as something positive, so they felt no distress if they were sentient. He tried so hard to stop but any backlash did nothing. So he kept his head down and worked quietly.
And then he was transferred locations. Somewhere closer to the heart of the operation. He met Sci, a man unaware of the Culling Orders or the heartache, because they government had been treating him well. He was a bio-engineer, and his project (nicknamed Fresh) was like if a self-healing code was a living thing and could slow, or even heal, wounds. The government wanted it, in the case that it could unlock immortality. Sci was getting funding and a cushy life. Geno realized Fresh was the best way he coukd possibly end all of this war that was in the works. For good.
So he poured hid heart and soul into finishing that code. "A change of heart prompted by wanting so desperately for his prized project, AZ, to be saved" He claimed. There were a few useful bots that filled through the office. He offered to install code that would prevent the Culling Order from activating inside them since they were going to be preserved. While adding code he added failsafes and kill codes and important information from his and others work he wanted saved. He added the names of every researcher he knew had been drafted into this unwillingly. He did it in secret, so entrenched in code only another programmer would notice.
And then the war started, and Sci learned the truth, and people started dying. Geno had to convince Sci to help him after that. Sci feared being killed. He feared not being able to finish his work. He feared not being protected from the pain and destruction outside. It was a long plenty of *years* that Geno had to configure just the right plan, just the right way to ensure that Sci abd Fresh would survive it. That the rest of the base would be no threat and that it'd stop the Ectos and the Culling Code.
And then he did it. He put an end to the war, at the price of all the power on the continent running to every piece of tech, and at the price of his own arm and eye.
Geno was disfigured. He knew that to make an EMP large enough to cut off all electricity, he would need to overload his own master consol to the point of battery meltdown. An explosion. He didn't tell Sci. Only mentioned he'd need Fresh on-hand. So when it exploded, his left arm (non-dominent just like he planned), his chest, and the right side of his skull (his left eye was better) were demolished in the blast and dusted near instantly. Sci and Fresh managed to save his life, and Sci, resident Bio-Engineer, was able to replace his missing limbs and his wounds with spare ecto parts over the course of a few weeks.
Geno was slow to recover, nearly on the verge of falling down during recovery (He didn't know where they'd stored A.Z. if he was even still in-tact, he had been the reason so many humans and monsters had died, and now to reverse his mistake he'd taken out the electricity the country had been relying on for the past thousands of years.) But he pushed through. He was Determined. He needed to get to the four robots he embedded information and failsafes into. But they were scattered across the country for aafe-keeping. Incase he'd failed. So he has to hunt them down.
As soon as he can he leaves. Sci stays. Geno promises he'll come back (he doesn't). Geno takes a medical uniform, packs the supply belt with programming tools, and moves out. He enters the main story while on this trek to hunt down his Ectos. Not a single one is where they should've been, and he can't help but be furious, praying to a non-existant God that they weren't scrapped by heathens out for parts or destroyed in a rage by scared survivors.
Looking for the four? One day their trackers finally Light up again. One by one. All in the same location. And Geno follows it like a moth to the flame.
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teamfortresstwo · 8 months
Hear me out but villains / protagonist swap au . Where . Adam and Charlie get swapped .
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
so Leon drives into Raccoon City in RE2make blasting grunge in his Jeep
Ashley has a scene kid outfit in RE4make
this tells me that the two of them probably have very similar tastes in music (don’t get me started on the grunge to alt metal to post-grunge pipeline LITERALLY EVERY FUCKER IN MY IRL FRIEND GROUP WENT THROUGH THIS though some of us also had pop-punk thrown in there also as well but that’s not important for this post)
and while I’m not saying outright that that alone means that the two of them have more in common with each other than literally any other two people in RE and so it was probably the first thing that they bonded over after getting home from Spain and becoming just, like. normal people again.
what I am saying is that there was at least one instance where they fucked in the front seat of his car while he had Bush’s Sixteen Stone album in the cd player.
and now you all have to fucking live with the curse of that thought now that I’ve said it and you’re welcome.
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pardonmystardust · 2 months
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sofastuffing · 10 months
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I'm not dead
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perpetuallyfive · 1 year
This isn’t an especially insightful observation, but just seeing people on twitter say that Guel should be the actual protagonist after that last episode of The Witch from Mercury is such misogynistic brain rot I can barely even cope
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