alatoartsalot · 6 months
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Shadowsight x Frostpaw when?
Chances are they won’t interact much but I really hope that I’m proven wrong when Wind comes out. I think at the very least Shadow would be a great freind for Frost seeing as he was also a medicine cat widley hated for not doing his job ‘right’, and also was almost killed for it.
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spikeinthepunch · 2 months
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another player for my campaign, Shadowfrost, a young warrior from Roseclan
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vinegar-for-wine · 4 months
When the werewolf who keeps away from society because he can’t control his transformations agrees to join the adventuring party, only to be sent into rut by the strength of the cute elf twink’s pheromones.
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DM: “At the center is a stone, gold-painted sarcophagus, the sides of which bear a beautiful relief carving of two humanoid women exploring a forest together. After a closer look, you realize the two women look like those depicted on the knight’s sarcophagus you saw earlier.”
Alphonse: “By the gods.”
Ultora: “What? Have you figured something out?”
Alphonse: “They were tombmates.”
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scourgebff · 8 months
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i would legitimately give my first born for a scene of her teaching him to meditate, or him relating his past struggles with being abandoned by his clan and made out to be a villain when he really was a victim to what she is experiencing right now… come on i need this. i need this.
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quiverpaw · 10 months
if i had a consistent art style i liked it'd be over for you all (<- coping)
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ilovespiderbite · 2 months
The leaders, healers and Deputies
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AmberStar is the leader of Miracle Clan. He’s an older Tom with some anxiety and paranoia. Becoming leader was one last curse from MiracleStar before his death
SpiderBite and ShadowFrost are the clan’s deputies. After a recent loner attack the clan deputy SpiderBite was left badly injured, until he wakes up from his injury and is fully ok ShadowFrost was made deputy, even after some pushback. SpiderBite is a very kind Tom, he’s very energetic and enjoys his job as deputy though I don’t think he’s thought far enough to realize he might be leader. ShadowFrost is close friend to SpiderBite, he’s the opposite of him being more reserved, quiet and smarter. Extra: ApplePaw is a young apprentice learning from an another warrior TawnySplash. You’ll see her next to her mentor, mother or most of the time her father SpiderBite. She got a lot of her personality from him, she a got a bit of their intelligence too
There are three Medicine cats in the Clan. The oldest being GoldenSight, he’s the one that contacts Star Clan and helps with all the important stuff. He doesn’t like his space being invaded. NoEyes is one of the last cats MiracleStar named. He was a kittypet who was abandoned by his two legs due to so many health issues, he was found after getting hit by a monster. He knows a lot about healing and tries to find solutions using two leg objects, GoldenSight doesn’t like it though so he was demoted to only caring to Queens and kits. PoppyPaw was recently brought to the clan with her father Thyme by SpiderBite and ApplePaw. She became a healer to mainly help her dad with his illness. Her and NoEyes have a good friendship but her friendship with GoldenSight is purely teaching and leaving.
Miracle Clan was originally a clan Gen called Dead Clan but then that whole thing got erased and I got really angry cause I was invested. So I made it Miracle Clan, added some Ocs and some references from the original game such as AmberStar being the leader, who I had to kill off at some point cause his own child died of old age and he still had 8 lives left. Then the next leader had the prefix Amber so technically AmberStar never left. I changed a lot from the clan Gen to actually make a story revolving the clan instead of just HareMoth’s really depressing life and every event where everyone except some random kit from 2 moons ago lived. Time to make Dead Clan interesting and give it a ‘Miracle’ :)
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wolftaledaily · 3 months
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130- Shadowfrost businessman. I wanted to have some shape and color fun. This ended up as a weird doodle.
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thetantiger · 7 months
Quick Bio: Frost Leafbreeze
Race: Kaldorei Class: Death Knight Specialization: Frost Pronouns: She/Her
Frost is a pale-skinned, undead female Night Elf with lichfire eyes and icy, light blue hair. She was once a Sentinel, having worked under Commander Alindel Swiftbreeze at Stardust Spire in Ashenvale after fleeing from her abusive manager in Goldshire, Tucker Smith. Frost, then named Fauna, died on the border of Stonetalon Mountains in a border skirmish against the Horde when delivering a message on the battlefield. She was then raised as a Third Generation Death Knight under Arthas Menethil, forced to commit atrocities against her former people until his control over the minds of the Knights of the Ebon Blade was broken at Light's Hope Chapel. Now, she struggles with the elemental infusion of Shadowfrost within her and keeping up relationships with her friends in the Shadows of the Faithful as well as battling her own insecurities.
Links: WHAT IS THE RADIANT SONG "Retirement" mog screenshots The Doe and the Fawn Character playlist link Song to Character Analysis: All You Wanna Do A guide to drawing blushes Frost's "Winter Sentinel" mog screenshots "The Wolf and the Fawn" art piece Ray's message to Frost Frost body ref SotF as Vines 4 "Seven Deadly Sins" art piece Color wheel challenge Pride doodles 2023 Fracques ship doodle 2023
Related Characters: Alindel Swiftbreeze (adoptive mother) Doelina Leafbreeze (mother) Staggius Leafbreeze (father) Maxwell Irves (ex) (not my character)
<Toyhouse Page>
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boilingrain · 1 year
Fun Fact about Me:
Years before the character Shadowsight was introduced in canon, I had an OC named Shadowsight who happened to be a gray tabby medicine cat
I have since renamed her Shadowfrost
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necroarchy · 2 years
     Currently obsessed thanks to @throned with the idea of Arthas personally participating in the assault against Kil'jaeden. ( And recruiting him to help kill his old boss’s boss as a questline, and plopping him in Argus for questlines, and et cetera et cetera. ) He's busy keeping the lesser demons at bay like the other NPCs, but there is no chance he’d allow himself to be outdone by Illidan & thus would contribute a few mechanics of his own to the raid. They aren’t nearly as necessary, because he still hates everyone involved and demands that you “ earn ” his aid. They also involve dying, because of course.
     Firstly: once per person, anyone who dies has the chance to be reanimated instantly as a zombie, to fight on for a few extra seconds before going down ... at the cost of not being able to be properly resurrected for the rest of the fight. He insults you for it.
     When Kil’jaeden casts Shadow Reflection on players, “ severing their souls & creating copies of them, ” Arthas gets annoyed and boasts at how far necromancy has progressed free from the Legion’s yoke. Players who land the killing blow on their own Shadow Reflection gain a buff: Legacy of Ner’zhul. Under its aegis, they do additional shadowfrost damage until they die, at which point they’ll be reanimated by Arthas but without the time limit. ( Potentially also they’re being damaged by shadowfrost, thus ensuring that you’re eventually going to eat it if only because a raid-long damage buff like this seems excessive. )
     I’m still very ish about the details. Game design is hard. Jam-packing new mechanics into a pretty tight fight is even harder. I’ll probably come back to this later when something better occurs to me.
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acherys · 2 years
Trying to solidify the advantages and disadvantages of Zoen's Wraith form, this is only like eight years late coming:
      1. Her sight changes. She can't really see people and things but more their souls / essences a la demon hunter spectral sight. It’s not quite as strong as that, in that she cannot as easily see through illusory magic. While she wouldn’t be able to clock a dragon masquerading as a man, she can pinpoint someone hiding invisibly. 
     2. He's basically walking Shadowfrost magic, like mobile AOE your raid group needs to dodge but won't. More the consistency of fire than a ghost, while Zoen cannot phase through physical objects, he can spread and shift form very fluidly.
     3. Physical attacks can't harm her, but holy attacks are extra effective and other non-physical attacks work just fine.
     4. While Zoen can maintain the form indefinitely, it erodes his humanity and his inhibitions the longer he's in it. He becomes more irritable and quicker to violence, which not a lot of people thought was possible! ( Similar to the Endless Hunger as described here, but accelerated and confined to the form itself. ) If he remains the Wraith for too long, he may fall into a frenzy .... or forget how to come back to his flesh form.
     5. There's no goddamn way she's the one who came up with ' Wraith, ' you've seen her naming skills.
     6. His clothes don't naturally turn to black smoke when he wraiths out. He has to individually augment each article with runic magic, otherwise he turns into a purely lichfire form. Extra work, but comes with the benefit of looking so much cooler! Additionally, lichfire is not .... subtle, so the smoke at least gives him the chance of escaping and hiding in the shadows if things start to look dicey.
   7. Zoen’s control over her transformation is ... somewhat dicey itself. She cannot, at the moment, consciously transform only part of her body into the form, but also it’s not unusual nor uncommon for her to partially transform if she’s overcome by strong emotions. We call this the Rule of Cool.
     8. Experimentation and their soulbond affords Tiris his own ghostly form, though he’s all shadow. Incidentally, he actually can consciously partially transform himself, in that sometimes he’s just a big black cloud of smoke and teeth. ( He hungy. )
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semi-imaginary-place · 6 months
I’ve talked a bit about those adventures in other posts but the City has existed for many tens of thousands of years (millions? billions? I haven't decided). MC in their homeland is a research professor at the University specializing in the study of the nature of reality, how space and time weave together, patterns in the fabric of reality, and how to modify it (to simultaneously move and move with). The are also extremely good at mental manipulation (City style dueling), barriers and seals. They're an omni-mage.
They are a network being, multi-nodal entity, or hivemind with multiple bodies as many are. Because they don’t belong to any universe though, its incredibly difficult to manifest in a newly discovered one. The usual method to gain a body is to simulate death by killing someone’s soul but keeping the body alive and possessing the body, but there’s a lot of problems with that. No body will ever fit you as well as your original, and there’s a degree of rejection by the body to the new soul that often is fatal and even if no the body often rapidly deteriorates. At best it will fit you like using a jam jar as a glove, and usually it just plain doesn’t work. Its slightly better if you can find a body to which you have a high affinity with, so a person with a similar personality, strong magic ties, and a similar body to your original, but its still not very good. In addition to that the universe itself will reject you and keep trying to kick you out, so getting in and establishing a grounding point is pretty tricky. If you are coming from another universe there’s also a degree of translating that happens since concepts that don’t exist in that universe have to be converted. An example is elemental affinities, so they might have an affinity for air and fire in the Avatar: the Last Airbender series but might be a shadowfrost mage in Luminous Arc 2. they were translated over into each different universe. Think of poking a sponge, you have to maintain pressure there to maintain a presence, the moment you let up on the pressure, it pushes you out.
In the City murder is generally frowned upon, as is stealing their body, and wearing their skin because… well, ethics. but they will take a body that has been bought and paid for. Sadly the only people willing to do that are the desperate and dying and they always want stuff like take vengeance for my murdered family, or exterminate this bandit gang. MC is just tired of killing. "why doesn't anyone else wish for… like a flower garden, or a new well for the village, or good health for their family, but noooo its always blood and vengeance."
So I don’t have a defined age of appearance for them since all their bodies are at different ages. ok tangent so disregarding universe hopping and time shenanigans for a moment a body will have 1. duration of existence as measured in sec/min/years/etc. 2. phase of development/lifecycle 3. age of appearance. and while 1 and 2 are generally correlated, its not a 1 to 1 relationship so you could have the body of a 56 year old that has existed for 3000 or for 3 years. ease of reverting to an earlier development phase depends on species for example for humans its on the more difficult side and usually not worth it. (the City motto lol (not really) is its not about possible/impossible its about cost, risk, and probability of failure). certain forms of magic work better with certain physical forms as do some soul attuned objects. normally when MC physically alters their body, the process if irreversible, like another alternation can be made but there’s no undo button because there is no “memory” of that past form (unless its in very specific universes where the rules are weird and there is that level of detail imprinted (info stored) somewhere).
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vinegar-for-wine · 4 months
What do you do when you fall for the grizzled old werewolf who's hundreds of years older than you, and the hypersexual dragon-elf hybrid that was given to you as a peace offering by the king of a neighboring land? You claim them both, of course.
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Party: Meets up at the Unearthed Cafe to discuss the heist plan
Rosamel: “Are any of the guards assholes so I can avoid interacting with them?”
Ernaldis and Ultora: start venting about Maryam and Garent
Rosamel and Quinrich:
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consumeroflemoans · 2 years
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Originally supposed to be a redraw of one of my oldest OCs, but I was too lazy to add his scars.
He got fangs (:
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