enkelimagnus · 4 years
Quiet Love (Jace/Andrew)
Jace/Andrew, Rated T, 1k words, Post Canon
Jace needs a bit more cuddles time in the morning. Andrew is very happy to oblige. Love confessions ensue.
Written for @shadowhunterschallenges, Day 7 of the RarePair Challenge: Heronhill
Read On AO3
The warm weight over Jace’s back shifts cruelly away, leaving him alone in the bed.
That is definitely enough to wake him up. He isn’t a big sleeper. Especially when his boyfriend is leaving the bed way too early.
He pulls the white sheets up a little, eyes fluttering open.
Morning light is streaming in the room, catching on the mirror of the wardrobe. Jace buries his face a little further into the pillows. Unfair. It’s unfair that when he manages to fall asleep, when he manages to sleep through the night, he has to be awakened by the loss of Andrew’s body against his.
Andrew walks away from the bed and towards the bathroom, walking in front of Jace and Jace makes an annoyed groan. He’s so not ready to share Andrew with other people. He’s so not ready to be part of the world again this morning.
He shifts slowly, moving his limbs to wake himself up a little. Everything’s still a bit hazy and heavy, and he wants it to stay like this as long as possible.
"If I say there’s a demon in my bed, are you obligated to check it out?" Jace croaks out. His voice is muddled with sleep and rusty from not using it in the past few hours. He needs a glass of water and a coffee but that will have to wait until later. Until he’s been able to get the rest of his cuddles.
"You’re a good enough Shadowhunter not to need the Head of Security checking for demons in your bed, babe,” Andrew replies. He’s barely even looking at him.
Jace pouts. This is not okay. He groans again. He doesn’t care if he’s ridiculous right now, he just needs more of Andrew this morning. Like all mornings.
“Come on,” he whispers, and finally, Andrew turns towards him. His eyes are blue like the sky in Idris and it makes Jace almost forget what he’s trying to get out of being cute. “You’re basically the boss, and I’ll deal with Izzy if she says anything.”
Andrew looks at him with a soft, fond and slightly annoyed look. Jace tries not to focus too much on the fact Andrew’s shirtless and that his abs are level with Jace’s eyes right now. Not only his abs…  
“I just need a tiny bit more of you this morning. Before I have to share you with the world…”
For now, they just get to be safe, quiet, everything Jace needs these days. He’s doing better than he ever has, and that’s partly thanks to Andrew’s quiet love and patience. Some days are just a little harder than others. And cuddles before he walks out into the noisy, busy world make it a little easier.
He has things to do today, people to train and reports to write. Jace closes his eyes for a moment, pushing his face deeper into the pillow and inhaling. He can already feel the stress building back into his body, like a weight over his chest. So many people, expecting so many things.
The bed creaks slightly as Andrew gets on it. He slides under the sheets again and wraps an arm around Jace’s waist, pulling him to him. Jace exhales when his back hits Andrew’s chest. He’s so thankful for this. For this quiet moment.
Andrew presses a kiss at the tender junction of his neck and his collarbone. “You have an alarm on in case we fall back asleep?” he mutters against Jace’s neck, sending shivers down Jace’s spine.
Jace hums in reply. He always does. Andrew swallows and shifts a little to get more comfortable. His hand reaches up to hold Jace’s. It’s so quiet that Jace feels like he can hear both of their hearts beating. Everything’s so peaceful.
Jace twists his hand to kiss Andrew’s knuckles. “I love you,” he murmurs, so incredibly quiet that he doubts Andrew can even hear the words.
“I love you too, Jace,” Andrew replies. “Every day more than before, I think.”
Jace feels a little choked up. He always is when Andrew says things like that. He’s not used to this, never thought he’d have more than one-night-stands and fleeting connections. He’s not used to the idea of a steady love like the one between the two of them, like the one that makes every day easier to deal with.
He never thought he would be able to love someone like this, to be loved back, and for it not to feel like it was consuming him alive, poisoning him almost. He could stay forever in Andrew’s arms, and in his life.
Maybe some days, for Andrew, it’s a burden to always have Jace need him the way he does. Maybe Jace is the only one that’s really content right now… He tries to shove away the sudden paranoia that threatens the quiet perfection of his moment, but fails.
“I’m sorry you always need to take care of me,” Jace whispers. “I’m sorry you always have to make sure I’m okay.”
Andrew huffs slightly behind him. “I’ve never been trusted with anything half as precious as you before,” he answers, voice firm and full of an emotion Jace has trouble dealing with. “I love caring for you. I love knowing that you trust me enough to let me take care of you. I know it can be hard…”
Jace shakes his head. “Never with you. I trust you with my life.”
Andrew holds him tighter suddenly. “Thank you, Jace,” he whispers. “Thank you for letting me take care of you.”
Jace turns around in his arms, all idea of getting more sleep forgotten. He looks at the man that’s holding him now, the man that he loves more than he can actually say because words are still complicated for him.
Andrew looks a little tired like this, all soft against the pillow. His hair is getting a bit long, he needs a haircut, and the curls roll against Jace’s fingers when he reaches up and brushes his hand over him.
He leans in softly, and kisses him. It’s not a heated kiss, none of them really feel like more right now, more than the quiet of this. Jace kisses him, thanks him, loves him in one breath.
The world around them doesn’t exist, for a solid few minutes until the alarm rings.
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tobythewise · 4 years
Don’t Sniff Pretty Things
Written for @shadowhunterschallenges for Meliorn/Jace. Warnings for Sex Pollen
“Jace,” Meliorn murmurs, making Jace pause. “I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.”
Jace lets out a huff before putting his face even closer to the pretty, bright blue flower. He takes a deep smell only to sneeze. His nose burns as the pollen gets inhaled. When Jace turns around, Meliorn is pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. It makes Jace smile. 
“It’s pretty. And it smells good. Well, as long as you don’t get the pollen up your nose.”
Meliorn puts his hand down. “Do you have any idea what that flower is or what it does?”
Jace shakes his head, fanning his hand in front of his face. His cheeks flush and sweat begins to bead at his brow. Jace shrugs as he pulls his jacket off. “I just thought it was pretty.”
“I think you’re pretty but you don’t see me sniffing you.” 
Heat pools in Jace’s belly at the comment and his mind is rapidly growing foggy. His cock is rock hard, aching as it throbs. “Jesus,” he hisses, leaning against a nearby tree and wiping his brow. “What the fuck was that?”
“In layman's terms? That’s sex pollon.”
Jace freezes, his eyes going wide. His gaze darts between Meliorn and the flower, over and over, hoping the Seelie is wrong. But he’s not. Now that Jace thinks about it, he has learned about this flower. He grows, thinking about the night he’s about to experience. 
“Dealing with this sort of thing alone can be quite troublesome,” Meliorn adds with a smirk. 
“Fuck,” Jace hisses under his breath. He looks at Meliorn, standing tall in his Seelie armor. Finally, Jace grabs Meliorn by the front of his armor, his heart racing. “Fuck it. Take me back to your tent and fuck me under the stars.”
Meliorn’s face breaks out into a smile. “Gladly.”
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dark-alice-lilith · 4 years
Title: Trust
Pairing: Underhill/Lorenzo
Rating: T
Summary: “I feel safe around you,” Lorenzo confessed.
A/N: For @shadowhunterschallenges day 4 of their Rare, Obscure and Crack ship challenge.
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polarnacht1 · 4 years
Title: Nothing stays forever
"Jace watched Alec with a small smirk on his face. His brother held a seraph blade to Meliorn’s throat, his eyes glazed over with rage. Jace had to admit, he liked Alec's ruthless side. Alec had played by the rules for far too long, it was time that changed. He had always wondered what it would take to make him snap."
Warning: canonical character death
Pairing: Jace/Meliorn
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unstrrdy · 4 years
Eat [Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago/Jace Wayland]
Part 1 of the Eat, Pray, Love [Simon/Raphael/Jace] series  for the Shadowhunters Challenges - Rare Pairs (AO3 collection) by @shadowhunterschallenges
Established Relationship, Vampire! Simon TRIGGER WARNING FOR VOMITING
Simon takes care of Jace a lot by feeding him. He likes eating too, just for the semblance of normalcy. 
Simon knew it was all due to Jace’s Shadowhunter lifestyle that he didn’t react to changes in time. He didn’t tire at night, he didn’t eat at society’s established meal times. It most likely began when he was still young and training, and it was terribly concerning.
It was three in the morning. At least Jace knew the Hotel was still closer than the Institute and trusted his lovers to be there for him. Raphael was still quite busy in his office, but he’ll come out soon. Simon got started caring for their Shadowhunter, guiding Jace to sit in front of the small circular table in Raphael’s room. 
Simon helped Jace shrug some layers off and set the weapons on top of a dresser they’d recently installed for Simon and Jace’s belongings to properly fit in the room. 
“I’ll bring you food. You’ll eat, then shower, and then sleep ‘til noon.” Simon smiled lightly, the worried furrow on his forehead still visible.
Jace silently looked up at Simon before nodding and letting the man leave his side.
Jace played with the seams of his pants and allowed a tired smile to settle as Simon prepared plates for both of them. 
Simon hummed as he worked, calmer knowing both his lovers were in the Hotel and safe. He’ll pull Raph from work later after he and Jace had eaten. The other man didn’t bother to consume food.
Jace grasped Simon’s hand as soon as the man deposited the plate of egg omelette and whole grain toast in front of him. “Thank you.”
Simon stared at Jace in wonder and slowly tucked the hand away to let him eat. Simon ran a comforting hand through Jace’s hair before sitting beside him and eating too.
“Everything went okay?” Simon asked, coating the food evenly with blood.
Jace shrugged, twirling the fork like he does with his stele. “Everything went okay.” Everyone went home alive. We did what we had to. I’m home.
Jace’s shoulders slowly but visibly started to droop. 
Simon held Jace’s arm. “You up for that shower now?” 
Jace nodded and stood up after finishing the omelette. “Thank you for looking out for me, Si.”
Simon leaned into the kiss Jace pressed into his hair. He stared at the toast Jace had left on the plate.
 Simon got up from the bed. He looked down at the two still wrapped in each other and fixed the blanket on top of them. 
He took his time dressing up, watching Jace settle deeper into Raphael’s arms. He smiled and pocketed his phone which displayed 7:13, glad the two found time for rest. It had only been two hours, though. He decided they needed more; he scribbled out 4 groceries <3 good morning on the small mirror near the dresser  with a dry erase marker then locked the door behind himself.
 Simon shut the bedroom door and hastily dropped the bags of food on the table before running to the bathroom. He gagged on the result of a liter of blood on top of food his body couldn’t digest. 
It barely hurt to throw up, just uncomfortable to make the intruding objects rise and leave his throat. The food came out the way he’d chewed it, as if he’d just placed it in his mouth for a second then spit it out.
It made him feel like a robot, operating the way his programming insists, using a vessel to look familiar despite being hollow. 
Simon glared at the toilet bowl, slammed the cover on the seat, and flushed it. He locked the bathroom door and washed his face and hands. He sat on the toilet cover while wiping off with a towel. He just sat there a while. 
He’d much rather pretend, but he knew of the eternity he’d have to deal with which would go smoothly if he got over this already.
 Jace and Raphael were startled from their positions on the bed, Raphael raising his head from Jace’s lap. They watched Simon enter the bathroom and stay there. They shared a look. 
Raphael turned his phone off, leaving it on the bed, and squeezed Jace’s hand before approaching the bathroom door. 
Jace placed the book he’d been reading on the nightstand, got up similarly and proceeded to pull open the first layer of the dresser and the fridge to put away the groceries.
 A knock came from the other side of the door. Simon shut his eyes a while before opening the door to Raphael’s familiar hands guiding him to a hug.
Raphael pulled back to cradle Simon’s face gently. “Alec called me to insist the two of you stay home today. Missions and patrol were delegated already.”
Simon nodded and sighed. “Hi, Rapha.”
Simon looked over Raphael to see Jace putting the groceries away. Raphael dropped his hands and Simon walked up to Jace to hug him from behind.
Jace grunted and twisted in Simon’s arms to hug him properly. “Morning.”
Raphael shut the dresser and fridge then moved his lovers back to bed.
Jace ran his fingers through Simon’s hair, his other arm still wound around the man. “So Raph and I went through that list of movies you sent us the other day.”
“Yeah. We woke up incomplete, then Raph got the call from Alec, then we went through the list.”
Raphael settled on Simon’s other side. “We picked some that didn’t sound too terrible. We’ll go through a couple today, hm?”
“Yeah, okay.”
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cuntpuntcowboy · 8 years
🏹 — beautiful pain #shadowhunterschallenge day 1; favorite male — helena
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Day One ➳ Favourite Male ↳ Alec Lightwood 🏹 #shadowhunterschallenge
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myhouseinbudapest · 8 years
Malec || the feeling #shadowhunterschallenge day 3: Otp cc: ok posey (edited)
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enkelimagnus · 4 years
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Day 1 of @shadowhunterschallenges May RarePair Challenge: 
I made some moodboards, one for RSJ, and then for the inner dynamics, Saphael, Japhael and Jimon.
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Rare, Obscure, & Crack Ship Imagination Challenge
Hey y’all!
I have a challenge for you.
I have assembled a list of rare ships ranging from “Canon in that one episode” to “Oh, that’s an interesting thought” to “How in the world did it even occur to you to think of that?”
Each ship has been assigned a day in May. If you decide to create something for a ship on the list, post it on that day! (Or any day after.)
If you’re looking at the list and thinking “How would that even work?! What would that even look like?!” Then congratulations. You understand the core point of it all. The challenge is for your imagination. Explore the possibilities of the universe, and then safely return home to your OTP, with fond memories of a crazy adventure.
RULE # 1 : Have Fun! This is meant to be a silly casual challenge for your imagination. A chance to play with your writing a little.  You don’t have to ship or even approve of any of the pairings. Just see if you can tell us what that relationship might look like.
Rule # 1B : Let everyone else have fun. Don’t be a dick. If you don’t have anything nice to say, then, shush.
Polite ways to decline if someone asks you to view their work and you don’t want to :
“Oh, that’s a NoTP for me.”
“No thanks, cross-gen squicks me out.”
“Sorry, that’s not my thing.”
Rule # 2 : No BroTPs or platonic/family relationships. (I have a different idea for that. This particular challenge is for romance (And/or such-like))
However! That still leaves a lot of options!
The characters in one of the pairings are about 4 and 12 in the canon timeline. Childhood crushes are adorable! (Not to mention, you don’t have to stay in the canon timeline at all. Future and past fics are totally on the table.
There are no stakes. There’s no pressure to participate, and no prize for doing them all. (Though I might make you a little graphic or something if you do, I don’t know.) Do as few or as many as you want.
Make whatever you want.
Wanna write a drabble? Cool. 10k fic? Sweet. Fan art? Absolutely! Mood board? Those are awesome. Fanvid? Amazing! Wanna just freewrite a short essay anylizing the characters and what their dynamic would look like? That would be fun. Wanna do one of those “who hogs the covers” “who calls the plumber” survey things? That would be interesting.
Just be sure you tag and @ mention @Shadowhunterschallenges so I can reblog everything here. I’m also going to make a collection for anything posted on AO3.
“I want to participate in all fandom events, but I don’t feel comfortable with any of these pairings!”
Damn. Sorry. I wanted to do Tenticletober but just could not get into it. I was bummed. But not every challenge or event is gonna appeal to everyone. And I found two other ones to do instead.
And if this goes well, I have ideas for a lot more challenge exercises that are a lot more broad.
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tobythewise · 4 years
Better Together
Written for the @shadowhunterschallenges Today’s theme is RJS (This is for @thelightofthebane <3 Thanks for helping me come up with this idea)
Jace looks out the window to his right, watching as people stroll by, oblivious to the weird situation he’s found himself in. 
“Jace,” Raphael says gently, pulling Jace back to the present. Jace flushes, looking down at his coffee cup and wrapping his fingers around it. 
“Sorry,” Jace murmurs, shaking his head. “I’m bad at this. With Simon it felt easy, you know?” Raphael makes a noise of agreement and Jace feels confident enough to keep going, looking up and meeting Raphael’s eyes. “He just smells so right. And it’s easy to court him. I’m not sure if it’s because you and I are both alphas or if it’s just me being freaked out about the thought of having two mates but this feels harder.”
Raphael watches him a moment and Jace has to look away, suddenly feeling too seen. His hands tighten around the cup in frustration. 
When he started courting Simon, he never thought it would put him in this position. He fell so fucking hard and so fast, and somehow, so did Raphael and Simon at the same time. Simon’s been so stressed out, so devastated because he said they both smell like the best thing he’s ever scented. He couldn’t pick between the two alphas. And therefore, he stopped accepting gifts from both of them, not wanting to hurt them further. 
It was Raphael who came up with the solution. Jace and Raphael would go on dates and get to know each other and see if they were compatible. Then they’d both get to be with Simon. Triads aren’t unheard of. This was fine. 
“I understand how you feel,” Raphael finally says, leaning back in the booth. “May I ask a question?”
“Of course.”
“How do I smell to you? Because if I don’t smell right, I have a feeling we’re wasting our time.”
Jace instinctively takes in a long sniff, scenting the air. The corner of his lip curves up into a soft smile. “Uh, that’s not really a problem,” Jace confesses. “You smell like spicy chocolate. It’s really nice.”
“Oh,” Raphael gets out, the tops of his cheeks brightening just slightly. “For the record, you smell nice to me as well.”
Jace nods his head, his eyes glued to his coffee as the cream on top slowly melts into the rest of it. “I feel like if you were an omega I’d be able to wine and dine you without overthinking it.”
Raphael rolls his eyes. “Like I would let you do the woo’ing. Obviously I’ll be the one wining and dining.”
Jace huffs in amusement. His chest feels a little lighter, things coming a little easier. The banter flows back and forth. Jace gets why Simon loves Raphael and if he’s being honest with himself, he could very easily see himself falling too. Raphael is handsome and smells good and his no nonsense attitude is refreshing and he’s got such a dry sense of humor that leaves Jace’s side aching from laughing. 
When Simon shows up to the coffee shop looking apprehensive, Jace is the one to stand up and reassure him. He kisses Simon’s cheek before guiding him to sit down beside Raphael. Raphael leans over, kissing Simon’s other cheek before wrapping his arm around Simon’s shoulder. 
At one point, seeing them together had left Jace’s chest aching with jealousy. But now that they’re all on the same page, it leaves him feeling warm. His inner alpha purrs that these two are his. Both of them. Together. 
“So you worked something out?” Simon asks nervously. 
Jace reaches his hand out and Raphael takes it halfway. “Yeah,” Jace says with a smile. “This is gonna work out just fine.”
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dark-alice-lilith · 4 years
Title: Hey Honey
Pairing: Jace/Meliorn
Rating: T
Summary: Mundane AU. 
“You want to join me at my table?” Meliorn asked, pointing towards an empty table near the corner where there sat an almost empty drink. “We don’t have to talk, but no one would bother you.”
A/N: For @shadowhunterschallenges day 3 of their Rare, Obscure and Crack ship challenge.
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polarnacht1 · 4 years
Title: Where Dreams Can Play
Pairing: Madzie/Ghost Max
Written for @shadowhunterschallenges
Madzie hates being in the Institute with her adoptive mother Catarina. She has bad memories of that place and mostly it is just boring. This changes when she meets Max Lightwood, Alec’s and Izzy’s younger brother who is supposed to be dead…
A story about growing up in the Shadow World, friendship and a first crush.
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platonicbee · 8 years
day four — jimon such a beautiful brotp cc lovely elenas #shadowhunterschallenge
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quaglietta-girl25 · 8 years
#shadowhunterschallenge Day 4: brotp Clary and Alec Ib: xshadowhunters ~Taylor
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