true-squid · 1 year
provide a shadow lesbian moment :)
Ok so due to PROJECT "SHADOW": APOCALYPSE, Shadow eventually teaches himself how to read his own code (with DREAM's help). This is a thing DREAM teaches him after he finds out about it in order to help him deal with learning about the fact that Gerald programmed him to become worse and worse over time. DREAM figured that if they could figure out how to manipulate the code themselves, they could just stop Shadow from changing any more than he already has.
This is not what Shadow did.
He learned how to edit his own code and then started playing flash dressup game with himself.
Basically imagine you have a flash game and Shadow is the default girl and then you can add things to her like scales and horns and a third eye and wings and a long tail and extra fur and etc. By the time Shadow and DREAM find out about APOCALYPSE, most of the drastic physical changes to Shadow's body have already occured. (There are a few other ones that are less physical, but this isn't about them rn this is about GOGIRLSGAMES DRESSUP.) So Shadow and DREAM first do the practical thing and shut off future changes. Like, there's one that renders Shadow's voicebox unable to produce human language and thats fucking terrifying to Shadow so he shuts it off.
And then he realizes that he can turn off changes that have already occured, like his horns or his scales or his third eye, and this gets him really excited. It's one of the rare times where he like, literally wags his tail he is so excited about this. So he starts messing around with it and envisioning his ideal self. At first this is just his old self, like his canon design, but its so strange, because soon he realizes he actually misses things like his long tail or his extra fur, and that actually at this point the third eye is a necessity that he can't not have (or else Doom's Eye gets a lil weird) so he goes back to them.
In his euphoria and self-loathing, Shadow forgets something very important. Undergoing every stage of APOCALYPSE's transformation in the first place really fucking hurt. Because growing extra bones and rapidly increasing the rate at which your body changes is, you know, painful and not what your body expects, and Shadow already suffers from chronic pain on top of this. So he accidentally sends his body into the same kind of physical shock he felt the first time.
So now some days he'll wake up and be like "hm today is a horn day" for whatever reason and go into his programming and change the code and then spend the rest of the day in a fucking pain coma while they grow in. He's really fucking dramatic about it too he makes DREAM sit with him all day so he can go comatose in her lap and she can hold him cuz that's where he feels safest (they are wives).
It's usually not painful when he turns off a physical trait, because chances are it'll just fall off. Like, his horns fall off like a deer's horns would and the skin where they used to be is a little raw so he might but a bandage there until it closes up, but it doesn't hurt like a dagger piercing through his flesh, you know?
He likes to make himself fluffier and also give himself more breathing holes because those two things help with The Horrors. He will grab onto his fur and brush it when DREAM isn't around to stim with and having more breathing holes makes it easier to calm down when he's panicking. Everything is not finw but at least Shadow can play flash dressup with himself.
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gothimp · 8 months
Ive talked about it before but one of the biggest things that draws shadowheart to lorcan isn’t just him getting her out of the pod on the nautiloid, it’s breaking her of the harpie’s song on the beach.
It’s the first time she sees how ruthless he is up close, ripping the wing off the harpy that’s luring her. It’s not contained calculated stealth that she saw from him in the dilapidated temple where they found withers.
Yet she can’t express her gratitude for what he does without revealing yet another weakness of hers, and so quickly after being saved on the nautiloid and admitting her fear of wolves I imagine it was just entirely too much.
It really just starts their awkward dance between desire and resentment that they have til the end of act 2. They’re so entwined and its too close for either of their comforts but they have little other choice.
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kanamedaite · 3 years
I forgot how emotionally taxing the last 2 hours of nier are holy fuck
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Now this came straight out of nowhere. Don't worry, it came out of nowhere for me, too! One of my relatives brought up an old-ass pen-and-paper RP setting that I used to follow IRL (when I was like... eight or something, unsure about age, but I know I was really young at the time) known as Ad Astra Arcana, or just Ad Astra for short: A mix of sci-fi and fantasy with a bunch of magitek and star sailing. I've never actually played any pen-and-paper stuff, but I did add some things to the setting, like a whole-ass planet and the like. Being really young at the time, the character/NPC that I ended up making was a whole lot of fuckery and shenanigans lmao. The relative found our really old notes on the character that I made. Yes, her name is indeed misspelled, but I'm keeping it because it's fun. She was a fox-bat mix, had a railgun bow (yes, really. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it also really cool/cheesy? Also yes.) and was an Alchemist that specialized in in various types of explosives and arrows, from fire to water to electric and etc. and being that I was young and quite influenced by my superiors, I made her a semi-expy of Fiona from Burn Notice, i.e. Women love it when things go boom. She had a thing where she had a shop with mostly-normal wares, but if you said "Lilyan goes boom," she'd show you all of her explosive wares. I wouldn't have really remembered much else besides that if my relative hadn't recovered and shown me the old notes. For some basic stuff: Name: Lilyan Species: Bloodlander (yes, really.) Planet of Origin: Dreamland Birth Location: Tree-Ring Islands Occupation: Soldier-of-Fortune (some bizarre term I made up in place of Mercenary, but I'm keeping it because it still sounds cool) Alchemist and Warrior Specialties (from her old sheet): Archery, high-dex, physical, dogfighting (aerial fighting), ranged, operations, martial arts, shadowlore (knowledge of criminal organizations/criminal connections/underworld lore), investigation Background (mostly the same, though modified slightly): She originates from a clan that gives occupations to those that prove themselves as full warriors. In order to do so, they have to hunt the beasts that one day began to terrorize the island Bloodlanders, their assault heralded by strange lights that originated from the outer islands. With her archery skills and a staff in hand, she went off across the outer islands to slay any abomination she came across. After coming across a cave to rest, she came across a massive, bizarre machine, decorated in screens and other technology, the screens cycling through images familiar: Figures of the bizarre beasts, the device endlessly clanging and dazzling with lights as the beasts on-screen emerged from its inner workings. These monsters weren't natural, they were being created by these... things. And this most certainly isn't the only one. After purging enough beasts to give her some breathing room, she sabotaged and laid waste to the horrendous device, quickly fleeing as the device exploded and obliterated the cave she was previously in, some rubble and shrapnel scarring her face as a result. Returning to her home and proclaiming what she did, she was elevated to the status of a proper warrior, dying her tail black, blue, and white as the final rite of passage before she chose to fully pursue the art of Alchemy. Soon enough she found herself leaving her island, and even her planet as she expanded her shop and business, selling off her alchemy and combat services as what is called in the Bloodlander tongue as a "Soldier-of-Fortune," or a Mercenary in more common tongue. Notes: I didn't really change much. Her old art was all traditional art, so I had some free reign with the new colors. I muted her clothing's colors and made her bow look more technological to show off the railgun part. I also decided to rough up her details a little, giving her wings and ears some tattering: Working with volatile concoctions and being a combat mercenary does that to a person. I hope you like it!
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cnox · 3 years
Open call for Shadowlore Compilation 9. First volume in the next season. Out this fall. Come one, come all. Dungeon Synth, Dark Ambient, Darkwave, Neoclassical, Black Metal, 8-bit, Experimental.
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6pm SLT The Rogue Dj spins Goth Trax @ Cemeterium [STORY TIME]
6pm SLT The Rogue Dj spins Goth Trax @ Cemeterium [STORY TIME] by Z㊉ώιε ƉaякϟϮaя™ (Jessikadarkstar) Via Flickr: DJ: The Rogue DJ, Zowie Stardust Host: Shadowlore TIME: 6pm to 8pm SLT GENRE: Goth & Whatever You May Requests Where: Cemeterium The Rogue DJ is the inFAMEous Mistress of Ceremonies of Dark Star Radio who specializes in telling tales with the Song Titles. YOU MUST BE HERE TO MAKE A SONG REQUEST! So come and influence the story and Join us today! Visit this location at +CEMETERIUM+ 24/7 Underground Club, WHERE THE DEAD LIVES ON! in Second Life
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gothimp · 1 year
finished act ii last night but my game glitched and acted like i hadnt finished halsin’s quest so i had to backtrack before the boss fight 🤪🤙 i love this game….
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gothimp · 1 year
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rules: go on pinterest and share the first celeb, outfit, quotes, and aesthetic that appears on your dash
tagged by: @devilbrakers @jillvalentinesday + @envergothash (ty! 🩵)
tagging: @feykiller @molochka-koshka @katstwistedmind @duskwulfs @katsigian @rindemption @florbelles @mapeslyrup @acealistair @feypacts @gortash @shellibisshe
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gothimp · 1 year
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gothimp · 7 months
in my pea brain shadowlor boiled down is just the blue one + the purple one so shadowheart with blue makes brain go 🤯🩵💜
kinda like how people see bright pink and green and go cosmo and wanda!! 👉🎀🍏
but its shadowlor!!! 👉🦋🪻
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gothimp · 1 year
WIP whenever
i’m behind on a few of these so woe, shadowlor scene be upon thee 🥳 i think @devilbrakers was the last to tag iirc.
content warnings: none really, just some innuendo and mild mind fuckery
Shadowheart could feel Lorcan’s eyes on her even as her own were closed as she knelt on her rug. When she finally felt the gentle caress of him in her mind, she sighed and allowed him to slip in just enough to converse.
“You are a disruption to my devotion.” Her soft voice echoed in his mind as he sat by the campfire.
Three empty bottles of wine sat between him and Wyll, as Volo paced around deep in one of his tales.
“I am simply expanding my mind, though I am thoroughly impressed by how well you fare on your knees.” Lorcan’s words were like a viny tendril tickling her mind, searching for further purchase.
“Any excuse to probe me with your tadpole?” She steeled her mind against his curiosity.
When she finally allowed her eyes to open, his eerily blue gaze was waiting for her, as it often was.
“Would you prefer to probe me instead? I would enjoy watching you try. Perhaps you’re curious as to what’s on my mind?” He offered.
Through their stoked connection, she could faintly feel the warmth of the spiced wine as it traveled down his throat, his wooden goblet pressed to his lips.
Hazy images of the night they’d spent together before venturing to the underdark flooded her mind.
Suddenly it felt as if his hands were in her hair, gently freeing her dark tresses. She was overcome with the release of tension as if he’d truly done so, and she could feel his deft fingers rub circles into her scalp in a way that assured her they’d be just as skilled elsewhere.
With a sigh, she averted her eyes and reached up to touch her still-bound hair to ground herself with reality.
“I place no sentiment in memories. You should live in the present.” She replied.
His presence in her mind smirked akin to a mischievous cat on the prowl. She could see that very smirk on his face. It never failed to amuse her how such a massive man could possess such feline qualities.
“Aye but if you’d only permit. You’ve given a starving man a taste and cruelly left him with only memories without even the guarantee they will always be shared.”
“Perhaps I’d feel for you if you were either starving or man, but you are neither. I thought your kind incapable of lies?” She challenged.
A sudden emptiness devoured her and she felt as if she were falling down an endless pit. Hunger panged at her core and her muscles twitched for any contact they could take, tender or violent. Her eyes grew more sensitive and the colors she saw became almost offensively bright, but her ears. Her ears were her eyes.
A steady drumbeat ground her, focused her gaze. Her desires were entwined with it as tightly and as undulating as mating serpents. It was the very own beating of her heart, she realized as it quickened.
“I can taste you in the air, mo chuisle. Do you still think I mean to deceive?”
Her fingers curled against her rug as she fell to all fours with a sharp gasp. Their connection snapped like a strand of hair. Once she was sure her mind was her own, she gathered herself up from her rug and tossed her hair over her shoulder.
Lae’zel’s scrutinizing gaze watched her, vexed by the curious display.
“Intense prayer.” She muttered.
With the infrequent pain of her hand, it did not take much to excuse such an outburst from herself. Their companions grew accustomed to such occurrences.
The night air cooled her heated cheeks as she stalked off from camp to collect herself.
Lorcan drained the last of his wine. The sudden sever of their connection felt like a brisk splash of cool water to the face.
Still, the subtle shift of her gait as she passed cued him in. He would not pursue so brazenly if he didn’t know the desires were reciprocated, it was she who seemed intent on this charade. He did not know what else he could expect of a Sharran.
Though maddening, he had to admit their games gave him an outlet when the camp got too quiet and darker thoughts threatened to surface.
“I’ll be down by the water.” He relayed to Wyll, who did not fare quite as well against the wine as his fey constitution.
Wyll had caught Shadowheart’s exit, and he gave Lorcan an inebriated grin.
“As you say, friend.”
The sound of lapping water surrounded them as they stood surrounded by the light glow of bioluminescent fungi.
She didn’t tense in the slightest when Lorcan’s arms encircled her waist from behind. Though she hadn’t heard his approach, his following was as certain as the dark of the night.
It was that certainty she feared to lose should she acquiesce to their shared desires. To have the leader of their endeavors betwixt her fingers was a power too dangerous to lose when there were so many unknowns flitting around them.
And yet… to be engulfed in his embrace such as this had her teetering on the precipice far more than she could ever voice, and damned if he hadn’t proven she needn’t voice anything at all.
tagging: @feykiller @halsin @jillvalentinesday @katsigian @rindemption @gortash @aelyosos + any other creator reading this!! 🩵
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gothimp · 1 year
help for shadowlor ?
also slightly based off this post i made a while back 🤭
Lorcan had to kneel and hunch over in the crumbling temple to attempt to pick the dilapidated door lock.
He hoped past these doors laid somewhere they could possibly recuperate briefly, as the nautiloid crash had perceptibly shaken them all.
It would seem he was not immune to this as well, his deft fingers and well practiced tools fumbled in the ancient lock. Decrepit or not, it should have clicked open for him by now, especially since he was well familiar with the mechanisms used from picking doors (albeit taller doors) like this in Finley’s court.
“Perhaps you could use a little help?” A voice called out as footsteps neared.
The elven caster. Despite only just meeting, hers and the gith warrior’s voices were easy to distinguish from one another, as were their footsteps.
Before he could grumble a quiet refusal, cool slender fingers graced the slim stretch of exposed skin at the back of his neck between his hair and collar.
Magic imbued his skin and made his hairs stand on end. The lock clicked open just as he let out a shaky breath of surprise.
“I didn’t ask you to do that.” He commented.
He rose from the floor, dust discolored the knees of his leathers and he now stood well over a head taller than her.
“Ah, but look, our way ahead is open now.” She replied with a gentle smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes.
He wanted to be furious with her. This woman he’d only just met thrusting unknown magic upon his person without consent, the rage should have come to him easily, yet he couldn’t help but find himself charmed by her pragmatism.
With a final wavering side eye, he shouldered the door open for them, and settled dust rained down upon their heads and shoulders as the smell of decay filled their lungs.
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gothimp · 10 months
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woe birthday shadowlor be upon ye, big thank you to @feykiller 🩵🩵🩵
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gothimp · 1 year
Get To Know Me 🦢
tagged by @katsigian
tagging (no pressure!) @feykiller @aelyosos @molochka-koshka @katstwistedmind @acealistair @halsin @devilbrakers @jillvalentinesday @alexxmason @gortash
last song: wicked game - HIM
fave color: black lol but i do also like dark blues/greens/purples
currently watching: i don’t really watch much tv but im excited for the fall of the house of usher show coming out soon (i think)
last movie: green room (top tier movie)
currently reading: rereading the strixhaven source book for an upcoming mini campaign
sweet/savory/spicy: spicy and savory, i don’t have much of a sweet tooth
relationship status: married 💍
current obsession: BG3/D&D
last google: gremishka 5e
currently working on: a few shadowlor prompts, my homebrew campaign, and also we’re renovating our bathroom
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gothimp · 10 months
OOPS i misread it. touching #50 for shadowlor >:3c divorce era ???? the MIMIC SCENE?
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50. putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up
(The mimic scene is still cooking forgive me but here’s some juicy divorce era)
some act ii spoilers below the cut and some explicit dialogue
pairing: lorcan x shadowheart
“Why do you beleaguer our descent into the gauntlet?” Shadowheart’s shrill tone bounced off the stone walls of the dock beneath last light inn.
Lorcan had been taking respite in the lapping waters and isolation from the refugees and companions, but no more it seemed, judging by her posturing.
He tossed his sketch aside, charcoal Dammon had given him was smudged along his hands and dark green shirt.
“Because there are more important matters at hand and I am not quite sure how I feel about the devil’s warning.” Lorcan replied as an aside, his eyes slowly traveling up her frame to meet her gaze.
It was only two days ago that he had nearly had to throw Shadowheart over his shoulder and drag her out of the damned crumbling ruin after they’d found the entrance. He wasn’t ready to sacrifice the time it would take to go through it until they’d gotten the refugees out of the prison at Moonrise, which they’d only just accomplished yesterday.
“Do you even intend on seeing this through with me? Is this all just some annoyance to you on the path to sieging the damnable tower?” Shadowheart demanded, his casual tone only serving to ruffle her further.
Lorcan finally stood at that, her harping at last plucking a nerve. Ever since they’d found that damned sharran sanctuary Shadowheart had been nigh insufferable, when before she was the most steadfast amongst them.
“Were it not for the necessity of going down there again for the artifact, I would not stand with you at all. I spare no thoughts on torturing oneself for the perception of so called gods. Perhaps you should get some sleep, darling. Maybe you’ll have forgotten about this in the morning.” He taunted.
Lorcan stiffened in surprise when her cool slender hand clamped over his mouth.
His brows furrowed in confusion and annoyance as he looked down at an equally confused and moreso angry Shadowheart. It appeared she hadn’t thought much past this step.
He could hear her heart beat jump up frantically as he stared at her.
“You mock me again. I tire of this, you best remember who amongst us knows your true nature.” Shadowheart spoke at last.
Lorcan grabbed at her hair and quickly turned them around to slam her against the cold stone wall, her hand pinned tightly to the small of her back as he loomed down, his mouth near her ear.
“My infatuation with you has its limits, hard as that may be for you to believe. I stand by you, not your goddess, and you’ll do best to remember that, for if the line between those two blurs, my fealty will dissolve. Do you understand? Pray to whomever you please but do not confuse my stance simply because I care for you.” He whispered.
His hand wrapped around in her hair again, tugging her head to the side and elongating her pale slender neck to him.
“You care not, then. My lady loves me.”
“Your lady seeks to strip away your personhood. Our memories make us who we are. I would sooner die than forget how your lips curl when you are angry, or the way your body trembles when you cum. The crimps left in your hair when you let it down at night. The mischievous glint in your eye when you hear gossip. Is there no memory you fear the loss of?” He asked.
His hands fell away from her as he took a step back, readied for her to angrily wheel herself around to face him.
When she turned, there was a faint red marking on her cheek from where it had pressed into the stone that quickly faded away.
“Do not crawl to my room tonight.” Were her parting words as she left him.
And he was alone in the silence once more, yet now it held no comfort like it did a few moments before.
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gothimp · 10 months
Can us heathens expect to see the shadowlor knife play piece posted here in the future? 👀
ahaaa I do have a WIP of one i just happen to be in the middle of moving and haven’t had enough time to finish my WIPs but here is a snippet!! 😈
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