hyperwavecrd · 4 years
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radracer · 6 years
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Chevrolet Chevy 500 Mini Truck
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darquiise · 2 years
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I couldn´t sleep once again and I was so hyped for ( @ shakotaism - IG )s DTIYS that i just had to get right into it! And let me tell ya, i enjoyed it so much - i adore Pyra´s Character Design. ( also I´m a sucker for demons ♥) . U should totally check out( @ shakotaism - IG) , her art is amazing!So ya, that´s my entry for the DTIYS Challenge~ I am so excited to see others participate too! _______________________________ Art (c) Mine / Insomnia. Pyra (c) ( @ shakotaism - IG )
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art4lm · 3 years
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Inktober Day 4: Dead
(Or at least close to death) 🖤🤍
Amazing dtiys by @/shakotaism on Instagram
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baby-pan · 5 years
On The Road to Your New Life:| Shakota
Shawn looked her fiancé, the  audacity of the man who so callously spoke so disrespectfully to her. She didn’t know if she could go through with this. “Shawna Kanani Dahlia Pan! Listen to me!  You will be okay, my love, alright. If he gives you lemons you make lemonade! Be my lovely flower. You will be allowed 6 visits okay.” She said placing her hands on her child’s face. Shawn held in her emotions, her mother was  trying to make her stick to this  promise. She sighed, shrugged. “Mama for you, I will not exceed your number of visits home. I will count down the day till it’s today next year.”  Shawn promised her mother. Shawn placed her forehead on her mother’s, her nose to her’s. They took a deep breath. “You will be missing from me till we reunite.” Tiger whispered.  Shawn swallowed. “Mommy I love you forever.” She wanted her mother to come with her. “I love you forever. Go on before you don’t ever leave.” Tiger said backing away.  Shawn swallowed hard, they had to do the rough to get to the hard. Tiger waved to her child watching her walk away. Shawn longed to have her mother come with her.
Adsila was waiting with Shawn’s things. She laughed softly approaching her friend. “Well  aren’t we lucky that they can transform and into horses. They can put all of our stuff in a wagon and pull it to their territory. I decided our roadtrip song. Mr Cellophane but remixed.”  She announced merrily. She shot a look at Dakota, she was going to show him childish since he wanted to be petulant. She took her friend by her arm, taking her to where Rain waited with her daughters. Rain seemed so pure and maternal. She smiled to her beaconing her over. Shawn wondered if she knew of the conversation her son had with her. The girls turned, seeing who was their mother welcoming to join them. Mona ran to her taking Shawn’s hand. “Mommy says you will be with us all year! You will get to have slumber parties with me!” She screamed, so excited. Shawn let go of Adsila’s arm, picking up Mona. “For a year, then I get to come home to my mommy, then I will come back, then I will be your sister forever.”  She smiled to the girl trying not to think about then she will be chained to Dakota. She died a little when realizing she would eventually have to bear him a child. He came from a large family too, eight kids, they breed like rabbits. “Shawna, your mother told me that you prefer being called Shawn, yes?” Rain asked, Shawn could sense she was trying to make her more comfortable around them. “Yes, Shawn, Shawnie, Shay, Baby Pan, my parents occasionally call me Dahlia too.” She said. “I am called Chacha, Magena is Gena, Meda  is Mimi and Mona is Momo. Dakota is Kota, Desin is Des or Desi, Dichali is Chali, Doshosan is Show.” Macha spoke up. Shawn nodded. “Dakota, Chacha, Gena, Des, Mimi, Chali, Show and Baby Momo. Spirit and Rain. Adsila gets called Lala.” Shawn repeated.  Macha looked to her mother then back to Shawn. “Shawn, so my mom decided that we will give you lessons on ways of the Cimarron and things that you will need to know as wife of the chieftain. We know you don’t necessarily like Dakota but he is really a good person and protective. He is like Daddy, only wants to do stuff when he wants to. He is upset that he can’t be with his girlfriend anymore.” Macha explained. Shawn looked to Dakota who stood with his father and Miguel. Shawn sighed. She disliked that it was like she would have to keep being the bigger person.
Dakota shook his head listening to his friend tell his father he was will to be adopted into the family and take Dakota spot in marrying the Sky Eater girl. Dakota looked seeing his mother talking to her while Mona was in her arms. “Come on, I’m actually willing to admit I am attracted to her and I can make her laugh. We danced and it was...look I’m just saying I’m willing to marry her. She is like me, part white too! Dakota!” Miguel was failing in persuading Spirit. Dakota laughed. “You don’t want that, she is childish. She is better suited for your Tío Miguel kid...what’s his middle child name...Andrés! Tulio if he wasn’t already married. Shawna is a beautiful disaster.” Dakota said discouraging his friend. She was...annoying was the beginning of it. She was also egotistical and a narcissist. And so damn childish. He looked back to her. The girls really seem to really taken to her. Mona was attached to the fox girl, her arms around Shawn’s neck. How could Mona love her so much? All the women in his family never agreed, his mother tried to give Neikea a chance, Gena and Mimi too. But Mona and Chacha hated everything about her. He came to expect them to never agree, but they all seemed to love this girl he hated. The beautiful disaster...his beautiful disaster. Maika’i ka pō’ino.
Shawn looked to Mona. “Hey Momo, I think I need some of your strength. It time for me to go tell my family  good bye. Will you walk with me?” She asked knowing if she went alone she would latch on to one of them and would never leave. Mona looked to her family, then nodded. “I can tell them bye too! It’s time to go home!” She sounded so happy that they were leaving. Shawn smiled ruefully. She sat her back on the ground taking her hand. Doshosan ran up, “Mona what are you doing? Daddy said we got to give them space. You think you’re so special that you can’t follow what mommy and daddy tell us to do. Not even Dakota is allowed to be up here when they are saying their goodbyes.” He said viciously rude to his sister. Mona stood up straight her and Shawn almost lost it. She looked like she was ready to go toe to toe. “Show, honey, I asked her to walk with me. I needed someone with me to remind me there is some good for me in the Cimarron tribe awaiting for me. How about you come with us? Jake would love to see his one of his new brothers again before we leave.” She proposed wondering if it just he didn’t want to feel left out. He nodded his head. Shawn led them to the Lost Boys, it would be easy to tell them bye first, then making her way to her grandfather and then her immediate family. “Slightly, Nibs, Tootles, Cubby, Twins, wipe your hands on your back side then group hug! Tigerlily got me this really pretty white dress, Show we keeping...just the part people can see not dirty!” She laughed to them. The boys laughed, swarming around the two Cimarron children, including them in the group hug. “I love you guys! Y’all better not give Jake too much trouble! He is Mama’s heir! He doesn’t need grey hair.” She made them laugh one more time before leaving. She needed that laughter before she left. The rest of them were going to be hard. She stood up, making sure the two Cimarron children were next to her. She looked up, seeing her father next. He moved from standing by her mother. “These are my boys, it’s for me to stand by them, your mom though insisted on being last and having Jake with her. I wanted her here by my side baby girl.” Peter said earnestly. Peter and his love for Tiger Lily was beautiful, he always wanted to be next to her and it was so cute,  it he had a sense of duty too. He pulled her into his arms. “Daddy please don’t launch into the You’re my baby girl, my special little girl speech or I will cry. “ she said in his shoulder. He laughed pulling away, he kissed her nose then her forehead then the top of her head. “You’re my Baby-Pan, you shouldn’t be off getting married, how do I know he is good enough for you? I want you to stay but your mama thinks this is something that will do you good. So look at this as living. To live baby girl?” He asked her with a wry smile. Shawn swore he could get anyone to do anything with that charming smile. “Is an awfully big adventure.” She finished. He patted her cheek. “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” He reminded her. Shawn swallowed hard. “Till I see you again Daddy.” He smiled to her. Shawn began walking to her grandfather, noticing she didn’t have her support. She turned to see them staring at Peter, having a quiet conversation with him. He looked ever so charming. “Daddy, turn the charm off. I need them if I’m to say until next time.” She was using the voice sh learned from  him. It was the voice that no woman was able to resist from him and he couldn’t resist it from her. He smiled to her. “So that girl is off to have her own adventure and she is going to need some companions, think you can be like the Lost Boys for her?” He asked Mona and Doshosan, building excitement within them. The children nodded excitedly. They were being enticed by the Peter Pan, what child wouldn’t be. Mona turned to Shawn running to her.  She turned back to her Grandfather, allowing Doshosan time with her father.
Dakota stood watching Shawn tell her parents and family good bye. He wanted to leave her behind but how could he when Mona was so attached and his parents were do determined to have her as his bride. He was agitated watching how Mona acted attached to the hip to Shawn. His father came next to him. “Are you really going to allow your siblings something that you should be doing?” He asked watching the kids talk to Peter. Dakota rolled his eyes, he was the last one that should be going with her. He would make her want to stay and make his parents very disappointed in him. His father turned him to look at him. “I will put you into prospect, she is the key to you being my heir. You don’t marry her, Macha will  be my heir and you can go off doing what every you want. So if you want to get out of all of this, let me know.” He said leaving him just like that. Dakota sighed, he could feel the disappointment radiating off his father. To deny Shawna would mean abdication of something that meant the world to him. It was what he and his father bonded over and he was disappointing him. He groaned, walking to his brother, watching Shawna with her grandfather. He would speak to her parents to appease his father. “Peter Pan...I going to promise you that I will protect your daughter while she is away from you.” He swore to the father of his beautiful disaster. Peter stared at him darkly. He could see why people were terrified of him. “If you fail that promise, I cannot tell you whom will want to harm you more, she is my baby Pan, my princess, but my kids are protective of one another and her mother almost wiped out a whole tribe for the death of her twins. She has grown more fiercely protective of her children. Don’t let us see a scratch on her.” Peter instructed him.
Shawn had finished her until next time when she heard her father threaten Dakota. When did he get there. Doshosan was enthralled by the conversation by the two males. Shawn shook her head making her way to her brother.  “‘Tis this not Jake the Neverland Dork. Promise me you will not grow uglier while I am gone.” She teased him. He grinned to her, pulling her to him. “Missy I am going to miss you and your not funny jokes.” He said holding her to him. She held him tightly. They were never separated for this long. She didn’t know if she was ready to leave him yet.  He pulled away, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a locket. Her eyes lit up. “Don’t forget about us with your new family.” He spoke to her so softly. She looked away, trying not to cry. She looked back to him smiling at him. “You’re absolutely unforgettable, my dork brother. To Infinity and Forever you shall be in my heart.” She whispered to him. He understood the significance of that— of To Infinity and Forever. He kissed the top of her head.
Dakota moved to stand next to Shawn. He looked down to her, she looked like she was struggling not to roll her eyes. She turned from him walking to her mother. Taking her hand. “My flower, boy who lays in flowers. I hope you take time to see what good this can do for you both. Shawn, horses are power, grace, beauty, strength and freedom. Dakota, foxes are wisdom, cleverness, tricksters, strategy, quick thinking. My children be open to what is. Here.” She said pulling a necklace and bracelet. She beaconed Dakota to come closer, she placed the necklace donned with a silver crescent moon, on the moon was a kitsune. She took her child hand, placing the bracelet, on it was a moon charm and a running horse. “Like the hard exterior of the animals, that’s all they seem to you. Learn to look at the beauty of. You see the exterior of one another, but thats flat. Learn the depths of one another and maybe you will learn that like the geode, there’s beauty on the inside.” Tigerlily said taking both of their hands. She saw them both looking away. She let them go. “Shawna do not be disrespectful. No siren song. Aura, not life force. Dakota she is to come back to me safe and not hurt. I do not trust people with my kids, very rarely do I allow them to go in the care of someone else. She gets hurt, I best not hear of her being hurt.” Tigerlily warned them both. Dakota stood terrified of the chieftain. Shawn just smiled hugging her mother. “Love you mama! I will be fine. I promise!” She laughed ruefully in fee mother’s shoulder. Tiger pulled away, turning to the side. Dakota could tell this was hard for her, the two had a close bond. Shawn sighed looking forward, she could see the Cimarron tribe looking to the pair. “The Chavis women await you.” Dakota said trying to prompt her to leave. His father made it clear and he needed her to be able to leave her home. “And a fiancée that called me cellophane. Here is to doing what has to be done to make parents happy.” She sighed moving forward leaving him standing there. He chuckled, thinking that was a good one.
The fox girl found her first friend of the Cimarron tribe. The girl ran into her legs, hugging her. Shawn picked up the girl, hugging her to her chest. Shawn placed her face on Mona’s face, smiling at the girl. “Forehead to forehead, nose to nose. Take a breath in. Honi.” She told the girl who was so happy to have her. Shawn pushed her hair behind her ear. “Momo, did you know that I always wanted a sister...sometimes a big sister and other times a baby sister. And look, I am going to get you, my own baby sister.” She smiled noticing the caravan had started moving. She began to follow, she couldn’t look back at her family or she wouldn’t leave. “Shawnie, you don’t want to come with us?” Mona asked softly, she looked sad. Shawn frowned. “It’s not that baby girl, it’s I don’t want to leave my parents. That’s been my home and all of a sudden I’m leaving them. I want my mommy like you want yours.” Shawn explained. Mona looked to Rain, she smiled. “She can be your mommy too! You’re my sister and she is my mommy so she is your mommy too.” Mona said trying to get Shawn to feel better. Shawn laughed. She started tickling the girl, her laughter ringing out. Shawn looked for Doshosan, there was a herd of horses and in the front was the little boy riding a golden colored horse. Dakota and his friends walked on the other side of the caravan with Adsila. Shawn smiled, calling her friend over. She casted Dakota a dirty glance before rolling her eyes. “Lala, I was thinking, why not entertain our new friends with a song. Hmm” She asked, amber flickering in her eyes. Adsila looked at Shawn skeptical, she was sure Shawn was up to something. “Lead away.” She said softly. Shawn grinned, flipping her hair. “If someone stood up in a crowd, And raised his voice up way out loud, And waved his arm and shook his leg, You'd notice him.” Shawn sung dramatically. She saw Mona beginning to smile, Show looked intrigued while Adsila wore a knowing look. Shawn sat the girl back on the ground. “If someone in the movie show Yelled, ‘Fire in the second row, This whole place is a powder keg’ You'd notice him, And even without clucking like a hen, Everyone gets noticed, now and then. Unless...of course, that person it should be Invisible, inconsequential Him!” Shawn sung looking to Dakota when she said him. He glared at her unwitting to the thought of her changing the lyrics. “Cellophane, Mister Cellophane, Should have been his name, Mister Cellophane ‘Cause you can look right through him, Walk right by him and never know He’s there I tell ya, Cellophane, Mister Cellophane, Should have been his name Mister Cellophane ‘Cause you can look right through him, Walk right by him and never know He’s there...” She sung taking his sibling hands. She winked to Miguel, watching him grin to her while Dakota stood rolling his eyes. She didn’t care that she was being childish. He shouldn’t have called her Cellophane. She finished staring at him, thoroughly pissing him off. He dismissed himself from his friends. He gave his siblings a glare, having them retreat to Adsila as he took Shawn by her arm, dragging her behind him. “Unhand me! I would hate to break a promise to my mother already!” She threatened as she trailed behind him, suddenly feeling more like a child. He pulled her deeper into the forest where they stood alone. He turned to her. He was met with defiance written all over her face, her arms crossed over her chest as if she had the audacity to be upset. “You think your cute? Don’t forget it’s your mom who is sending you away. Trying to reverse my words at me. Clever.” He said sarcastically. He didn’t expect for her to throw his words back in his face, especially in a group setting. She couldn’t get his attention when they were alone to make him feel anger for her words, so she waited to do it when there was more at stake and people would think she was more clever. She was a fox for sure. She rolled her eyes. “You started this! If you cannot handle, I don’t recommend trying me! You sought to hurt my feelings!” She reminded him. “That implies that I care that you even have any! Watch yourself or I will leave you with only your lady while you are with the Cimarron!” He threatened, he knew it would be impossible, but he would most certainly try to turn his family and therefore the whole tribe against her. She laughed. “You think that huh? I don’t think your best friend is quite done with me yet. But think what you want. Maybe I should go see what Spain has to offer a Pan girl. Maybe i won’t say anything to my parents and let them begin to worry and blame you!” She said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders, this was a suggestion of a promise if he wanted to keep trying her. He glared at her. “You’re such a little beast. I guess that’s why you are able to grow so big, trying to overcompensate for your trash personality.” He spat at her, he needed space from her. She had to swallow hard before she leaped on him, consuming his life force. “You better thank my mother the next time you see her.” She muttered to him walking away.
Dakota stood trying to give her space before he charged at he. He didn’t know that she was that observant though to notice his own best friend was willing to take her off his hands. But he couldn’t let her go, they needed this alliance, the Sky Eaters and Peter Pan, the other tribes wouldn’t dare try them. Why couldn’t she be more bearable? It was like every time she opened her mouth, it was her annoying him.
She stomped off needing to get away from him before they created a prison to contain her on her own island. She needed to be calm, she didn’t know how he could draw such emotions from her but it was never anything so much as the resemblance of positive energy. She could feel magic pulsating through her but she couldn’t, she couldn’t direct her anger into her, she was so angry that it would certain get the attention of someone else. She could feel electricity crackling off of her. She needed to find Adsila, needing her conductors before she set fire to the island and hurt innocent people. Her ears were erect and her tail was waving in an angry manner. Her canines were protruding, and her eyes were amber. He pulled such a negative energy from her and it was strong one. She stopped, turning around to go face him. She marched back following his scent. She could smell the anger off of him.
He didn’t hear her approaching but he did feel negative energy approaching. He plotted his feet down ready for a fight if that’s is what she wanted, he would charge that little fox girl, carrying her by her hide to the Cimarron tribe. He saw her form coming and she was stomping. “You will not reduce me  to a nogitsune! I was so close to doing something down right malicious! You will not reduce me to something I’m not!” She snapped her canines at him. He never seen that much of her Fox spirit. He couldn’t decide if it was odd or if it was adding to her looks. He wasn’t afraid though of her, she was powerful and obviously dangerous but he didn’t fear for his life. Not because he knew she wouldn’t do anything for the sake of the tribe but something told him he was safe. “I don’t know what that is but if I have that much control of your emotions, maybe you need to check them.” He said pushing by her. She glared at him. He heard electricity snapping and he began to wonder what all could she do. She grazed his arm intentionally, shooting electricity through him. His hair stood at ends, he glared at her as she walked past him with a mischievous smile. “Your move. Or is it checkmate?” She asked getting ahead of him. He didn’t know how he would bare being with her much longer. He sighed heavily trying to ground himself before he charged at the girl.
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goombug624 · 7 years
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Sterling Silver Labradorite Pendant! Handmade one of a kind. Locally made in Wyoming! #shakotabeads #shakota #handmade #localart #beadedjewelry #labradorite #sterlingsilver (at Lander, Wyoming)
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safehouseuk · 3 years
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thelonesomequeen · 6 years
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"shakota" 😂 😂 😂 😂
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79sport-news · 4 years
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Драган Шакота покинул пост тренера баскетбольного клуба "Црвена Звезда" https://79s.ru/dragan-shakota-pokinul-post-trenera-basketbolnogo-kluba-tsrvena-zvezda?_unique_id=5ede3a69be466
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isa-in-accra · 8 years
Halfway Done and Birthday Fun
More photos here!
I cannot believe how quickly time has passed, but with midterms over and spring break on the horizon, we are officially at the halfway point in our semester! Most of the weekend was spent studying and preparing for our exams and spring break trips, but we did make time to be together as well.
A few of us take Traditional Drumming over at the University of Ghana, and one of our professors announced that there would be a dance performance on Saturday. We are friendly with a couple of the UG dance majors, having met them at the NYU dance workshop and then seeing them every week before our drumming class, so we decided to attend the show. It was beautifully done and afterwards we got to say hi to some of the dancers we knew. Somehow I got roped into going to one of their evening dance classes at some point during the semester, so hopefully a few of my friends would be willing to tag along with me so I don’t make a fool of myself alone!
After the show, Alexis, Imani, and I met up with the rest of House 3 (Shakota, Anne, and Natalie) at a nice restaurant called Coco Lounge. Natalie is going to Europe over spring break and will be turning 21 there, so we wanted to celebrate early before we all went away on vacation. I was extremely underdressed for this place – I wore wedges and a nice pair of shorts with a white t-shirt (because I’m lazy) only to read a sign when I got there that said “DRESS CODE: no shorts”! Fortunately this was not enforced strictly and we had a great meal that finished with a big strawberry cake and birthday song for Nat. Happy early birthday Natalie, I love you!
The next morning, Imani and I woke up at 5 am to go to the radio show she produces as part of her internship. She and I are working on a project together for our documentary filmmaking class, so I tagged along that day to help film the show and interview the host, Agnes Ntow. Agnes was born in the States to Ghanaian parents and grew up in the Chicago suburbs. It was great to meet another Chicago girl here in Ghana, and I was definitely able to relate to some of her sentiments about fusing her cultural background with her upbringing in the West. I had so much fun experiencing the “behind-the-scenes” aspect of Agnes’ radio show. She is a great host and a fascinating interview subject. Here is a link to her bio on the YFM page, and you can download the YFM app if you want to listen to her show! It airs on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-9 am Accra time.
I only have class Monday through Wednesday, so midterms are over for me. Today and tomorrow I will spend catching up on work and running last-minute errands. I leave for my spring break trip to São Tomé on Saturday with my friends Grace and Anna and I am so excited! I’ll miss the House 3 squad while we’re all away, but I can’t wait to hear their stories and see pictures from their trips to Europe and around Ghana. Time for me to start packing!
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duky · 6 years
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iPhone 7
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baby-pan · 7 years
Surprise! An Engagement
Shawna pulled her hair up into a ponytail she would need to clean up her face before applying her makeup. She tried not to think about the attractive guy she had tied up to the post. She knew she couldn't do the same things she did at school, it would only make her look more like an outsider. She had to do enough to remind people that she was different but not too different. She looked at the water in the basin, looking at her skin, the clearness of her skin. The water and activated charcoal has been doing wonders for her skin. It was bathing in water infused with oils that her people made that made her skin so soft. She credited her people for giving her the tools to be as beautiful as she was. With her face clean she began shaping her eyebrows, making them slightly darker. She shaded her eye using a peach then gold, patting a light shimmery pink, applying a wing eyeliner. She applied mascara, not going to dramatic. She applied a light highlight to her cheeks; she wanted to shine. With a light shine to her lips, she began working on her hair. Parting her hair, pulling it into two parts, her mind wandering to the fellow again, working absentmindedly as she braided her hair in the center, the rest of her hair in a braided bun. She wondered who the guy was and what purpose did he have to want to spy on her and her people. It made her feel a fiery feeling in the pit of her stomach. His smug grin didn't help, even if she did think in different circumstances she would think he was charming.
She was pulled from her thought hearing her mother humming. She turned see the huntress, smiling when her mama came in sight. She wore her hair in the typical two braids that she always wore, the robins egg blue headband with three crow feathers in her hair. But her skin looked pale, making her child worry. "Mama why are you pale? Today is a good day!" Shawn smiled to her mother, pulling at her hand, pulling her closer to her. This was something Tiger Lily knew was coming for years. Her grandfather wanted to finally feel at ease and not like the had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He wanted to do things and not worry about is this something a leader should do. And he been grooming his daughter to take his role for years. It was time, making Shawn excited. She wondered if he would be so  happy that he would pick her up and put him on his shoulder like he occasionally would. "The reality of my father no longer being leader is setting in, I'm used to advising, but to have the final say, My little Dahlia Flower. There are still some who whisper their doubt about me." She normally talked about this to Peter, making Shawn worry. She took her mother's hand, placing it on her face. "Mama is their doubt from your marriage with Pine Sap?" She asked seeing the shock on her mother's face. "Shawna Dahlia Marania Pan, you've been eavesdropping again? You must stop doing that. But yes. They dislike that I stood waiting for your father every month. They feel like I love your brother and you more that your half siblings, Choviohoya and Chochuschuvio. They dislike that following the 10 years after their death, your father came back here and it was like a flame ignited in me. Or how Peter and Pine Sap battled one another, they claimed it was for jest but we all knew it was for me. Or how the following year, Pine Sap disappeared, leaving merely a note saying he was leaving the island and that he would sooner die than to remain in a place where he was hurting me. They dislike that your father began to come around more often, they insisted that I was the strong one of Pine Sap and I marriage, that if he wanted me, he would have to fight someone. I insisted that it was merely him trying to comfort  me, nothing more, but Peter looked me in the eyes and told me he would be right back. He won over many people that day, but people still whisper." Tiger confided in her child. Shawn merely waved her hand as if she was waving away the doubt. "The heart wants what it wants, and Pine Sap chose to let you go. He chose to let Peter win! Mama don't let them get you down!" She said feeling her mother energy draining her. She pulled her Máma into her arms, hugging her. Tiger kissed her child on top of her head. To see those she loved the most support her. Shawn pulled away from her mama, taking her to Jake's room.
The look on her brother's face when she barged in, he looked at her like she was a pest. It was when he saw his mama that look fell from his face. Tiger Lily let go of her daughter's hand, moving to her boy. Shawn saw in her mother's movement there was a sense of longing. She missed her first two children. The twins and Jake was their replacement. She wondered if Jake ever felt the pressure of having to make up for two boys who lost their lives as well as take care of her, being the amazing big brother he was. He was the one who made her never feel like she was alone. Shawn knew that as today was a big day for her mother, it was monumental for Jake as well, for he was to take his role as adviser to his mother. Essentially he was chief if anything was to happen to Tiger. Shawn watched her mother and brother place their forehead against one another. Tiger was always so tender with them and Shawn loved it. "Today, you will look out to the people and take your place in the tribe, not just as my beloved boy, but my successor. I couldn't pick a better successor, look how well you did in looking out for my pretty little girl." She smiled to him, not giving him the chance to vocalize his worry. Jake looked over to Shawn beaconing her to come over. She smiled to him, flying over to him in true Pan nature. He pulled her to lay her head on his shoulder. "Baby Pan was merely practice for the tribe?" He asked, knowing that would bother her. Shawn pinched his side making him laugh.
"You know that it was really that she wanted a girl and kept trying till she got her pretty little girl!" She said rolling her eyes. Tiger gave him a hard look. Shawn and Jake both paled seeing her look. "I mean that I would take responsibility for her, looking after her, not reducing her existence to merely practice for me to take over in a millennium." He cleaned up making Shawn laugh. He glared at her, elbowing her. "Weak lil sissy." She teased him knowing that her mother could hear her, but whispered it anyway. He growled to her, but didn't have the time to fight with her. "Baby. Mommy precious little baby." He teased back. She snarled at him. Tiger grabbed Shawn, pulling her away. She took the leather cord that was in Shawn's hands, attached to her cord was beads and crow feathers. "Wimp." She said sticking her tongue out. Tiger flicked her child's tongue making one laugh and the other pout. "You two cut it out. You can fight like children afterwards. My little Kit, you will stand to the right of your brother, for it's for you to assist him. You are the Slightly to his Peter. Act accordingly. Jake, my little Tiger, you're my second in command. Be stoic when my father makes his announcement. This is just to officially tell everyone what was going to happen." She informed the children. Shawn smiled to her mother then to her brother with him looking to his mother, smiling and nodding. Shawn took her mother's hand, feeling like she wanted to sit on her mother. Tiger looked to her baby girl,  caressing her baby's face. She flickered a glance to Jake, her amber eyes shown, using her gift to make her the size of a four year old child, making Tiger laugh. "You're my baby forever huh?" She tsked, picking Shawn up, placing her head on her mother shoulder. She knew as long as her mother thought of her like a baby then she would expect not too much of her besides what she just promised to do.
Tiger took her child out of the room, taking her to the front room, sitting on the couch. Tiger sat on the couch with her baby girl on her lap. Shawn knew that her mother may give her a side look when she did that but her mother also loved it. She loved having Shawn so small and innocent again. She loved her children, so protective of them. She would kill anyone one who dared to hurt them. She recalled how she had a blade against Hook's neck, drawing blood for him kidnapping her child. The only reason he wasn't dead was because Milani walked in and Tiger couldn't kill him like that, not in front of his child. She was not cruel enough to do that, but she left him with a warning for life. To tell anyone if they dared try to take her children away from her, she would make the island rain in blood. That her kittens wouldn't be taken away from her like Choviohoya and Chochuschuvio were. She told him if he had such a problem with Peter, he better find a different way to get at him because her children were off limits, cross her again and nothing in the galaxy would save him from her. Hoya and Huvio were the only thing in the world that helped with the pain that she felt when she longed for Peter. They were the only ones who truly made her feel happy and because of greed they were taken away from her. Peter still had to hold her every year, on the anniversary of Hoya and Huvio's death and on their birthday. He would apologize for foolishly leaving her and for not coming back in time to save her twins. Tiger pulled Shawn in closer to her, she always smelled so sweet making Tiger smile. "Mama your going to be chief, you're my role model. But you look so sad, why?" Shawn asked her mother sitting up. She could see pain in her eyes. "Hoya and Huvio would have been so excited about today, much like you. Hoya would have been holding you on his back. He loved feeling needed, he would love having a little sister, one he could baby and protect. Huvio would have been anxious, but not for me. Huvio would have been struggling to tell me that Huvio isn't just a he, but feels like a she sometimes too and would be scared that they would hurt my image as the future chief." She said looking at the ceiling. Shawn put her head on her mother's chest. "How would we all interact?" Shawn asked, this was something she wanted to ask her mama when she got like this. Tiger sighed, a smile grew on her face. "All four of my kittens? Hoya and you are more extrovert. Huvio conflicting with their identity, would confide with you and Jake, telling y'all at the same time about how they feel. Jake, being the logical one, would provide counseling for Huvio and you, my little Dahlia flower, you would assist in helping show the beautiful little Flower Huvio was for when they feel like she more than he or they. All three would feel extremely protective of you, little dahlia. Hoya would tease Jake for allowing himself to get as stressed as he does. With Jake as protective of you as he is, I know that I would still occasionally find him in your bed holding you when you cry. But Hoya, he would be the one that would protect you both. Someone mess with Jake and if Jake won't fight them, Hoya would get revenge in the most secretive way. Especially when Jake was younger. Let someone mess with a 5 year old Jake, Hoya would hurt anyone. The twins wouldn't be mad at you and Jake for being closer to each other than one of them, Pan babies are close and have things in common. Twins would be jealous of the fact that you two could fly, but you the impulsive one, would randomly hit them with pixie dust. Today, Hoya would be sitting next to me, with your head on my lap, but the rest of you on his lap. He would have paternal feeling towards you, because he would have assisted in raising you, Huvio chose to raise Jake. Huvio like Tick Tock who advised me, would advise Jake. Instead of Jake being my second in command, it would be Hoya as my oldest. Jake would be the one to fall in after him. You and Huvio would be allowed freedom. It's not because of femininity, but you're impulsive and Huvio, not completely honest with themselves, would be going through too much." Tiger said, it was like she constantly thought about it. Shawn wanted to cry now, she always wanted to meet the twins. She grew sad of the relationships she could have had. Jake staggered into the room, coming to sit next to his mother. The look on the two girls face said they were sad. He knew it had to have been talk of the twins. He kissed his mama on top of her head. He poked his sister. "Shawnee, normal size please." He whispered to her. Her lips were in a perfect frown. He frowned seeing the look. "Baby Shawn, Hoya and Huvio will be with us today. You know they are always with us on major days. Come on, we must get mama to the main event, not close to tears as she holds her little flower." Jake said rubbing his sister's back. She looked to her mother's face, then allowed her brother to pull her off her mama. She grew in size, returning to her natural size. Tiger smiled to her children ruefully. Jake took his Máma's hand, pulling her to stand. "Stars have blessed me with two beautiful children." She smiled. She side stepped them, heading outside, the two children following after her, seeing Peter in the distance. He was howling about. Typically he would have flown to their home within the camp, but he was marching to him. Shawn sighed, she knew that between her and Slightly, they would have to watch for the boys. Irony, she was the youngest of all of them, yet she was one that her father trusted to keep them in check when he was doing his duties with Tiger Lily. "Hiya Lily Girl, Baby Pan, Cap Jake!" Peter called out, while Tiger kept her face in a calm look, he radiated with happiness. He was happy for his love, always so supportive. Shawn watched her father march straight up to Tiger, her face emotionless. It wasn't until he pulled her into his arms, placing his forehead against her that a smile grew on her lips. "You took forever." She whispered to him. Shawn smirked looking to the boys. Only she, her brother and father were going to be hearing this conversation. He kissed her nose. "I'm sorry Tiger, I would have flown but the boys wanted to come with me. What did I miss?" He asked, placing his arms around her waist, his eyes completely focused on his wife. Shawn sighed, she wanted love like that. She saw the way her mother's eyes lit up looking at Peter. "Shawn, she made herself little, trying to ease my nerves. Jake shown himself to be the young man I knew he could be. Our children were taking care of me." She laughed to him, making Peter for the first time, take his eyes off his love, smiling to his children. Jake nodded his head to his father, Shawn smiling back. She peered at her brother, seeing him all so serious. She mushed him in the face, snickering as she moved immediately afterwards. The boys fell over laughing, Jake's eyes shown amber like a Tiger. A low growl escaped his lips. Shawn's eyes shown back, her fox was ready to play, her tails shown itself. If he fell for her trickery, he knew she would try to level the playing field, being his size. "Fox chill out, a fight is not what you want." He said darkly. Shawn flipped her hair. "Stop acting like the dutiful soldier then." She huffed. He rolled his eyes. The word soldier reminded her that she had a hostage waiting for her. She looked at her parents, they were consumed with one another. She witness a certain tenderness between her parents, Tiger trusted Peter so much showing her more softer sides and he shown that he would always take care of her. He allowed her to be and it made Shawn sigh. "I will meet y'all there, I need to deal with something." Shawn said, avoiding Jake's glance, she knew he was curious. She dismissed herself then took to the air.
Shawn landed next to the boy, with her illusion she was the only one who could see him and he knew that. He saw her and looked at her with a vicious stare. She smiled to him. "Hey there Pretty eyes, wanna tell me what I wanna know?" She asked poking him in the chest. He held his head up high, unwilling to give her any reaction. She feigned a pout, poking him again. "Oh don't be like that Pretty Eyes, it's just your name and tribe. Maybe mama will be able to identify you. Hate to have you sit there for months on end...with only me to hear your pleas." She smiled to him. He turned his head away from her. He had to hope that his guys were smart enough to tell his chief. Or he was screwed. He knew that if he would just tell her his name or his tribe, she would get his chief as she said. He could sense she was honest. "Worry not a pretty hair on your pretty head, I will be freed. But you are pretty cute when you worry about me." He said knowing that would infuriate her, speaking so smugly. He was going to need to need to have as much fun as he could, once he got home, he was surely dead. She growled to him. She didn't need his words, he was saying that to mess with her. She squatted next to him. "Cute? Such a weak word to compare to me. But keep on, you will see I will have the last laugh." She whispered in his ear.
He looked at her, smugly. She was getting annoyed by his attitude. She was dressed nicely, there was going to be an event, people were setting up all around him and no one could hear him yelling when she was away. His captor was most certainly correct, cute was wrong. He wouldn't tell her though that he found her attractive. She was as he heard at school, like medusa, beautiful but a monster. His arms were tired and he couldn't use his gifts to free himself, he was stuck at her will. And he had no gift to influence his will on her. "Mommy's little flower, can you be a doll and get me some water?" He asked snidely. To hear the word doll made her stiffen up completely. She didn't look upset, or annoyed. Sadness filled her and she fought the will to run home. Charlotte Avery Lightyear, her best friend and a doll. "You must not know much about dolls, but call me Mommy's little flower and I will slap you." She threatened him. It was one thing to hear Jake call her that, but him, that was not about to happen. He just laughed though. "Did I upset you, it's what I have been hear your people call you. Tell me, what flower did Tiger Lily name you after?" He said, having something to mess with her about. Shawn grew more enraged, her fox tempted to come out and show she might be Tiger's little flower, but she was their giant fox spirit. She could invoke their worst nightmares. "Wouldn't you like to know. Stranger do not trifle with me."she said flashing her amber eyes to him. He rolled his eyes, she was sensitive he noticed. He smirked at her, he knew how to always mess with her. Shawn stood up, looking away from him, people were starting to arrive. She smiled to him. "Time for the show!" She walked away from him, taking a seat in her spot, waiting for her family to arrive.
The last two people to arrive to the festivities were Tiger Lily and Big Little Panther, walking arm in arm. He looked proud, he always looked so proud when he had his progeny near. It seems to get livelier when they got there. Everyone was anxious to hear the long awaited news, Tiger Lily was going to be the new Sky Eater leader and everyone wondered who was going to be her second in command. Some rumored that she would pick Peter, others thought Shawn possibly, with the rest thinking Jake. People were trying to gain favor from her, presenting her with flowers and jewelry. There was even a marriage proposal. She looked to Jake's way, seeing him corralled by a group of women, all seeking to gain favor. She laughed, dancing around it. Her eyes searched around, lingering on the captive, he looked to be struggling. He had spirit, he wouldn't give up. She laughed softly, meeting his eyes. He looked so upset, making her smirk, she winked turning away. Tiger Lily and her father walked around greeting people and smiling. It was Big Little Panther who got everyone's attention. Shawn looked at him with much admiration, loving his aura. It shown with much love, digging deeper, seeing his love for his people, for his grandchildren, for his daughter. It was Tigerlily who was his most prized treasure in the world.
"I want to officially welcome everyone to today's festivities. I have thought, with my granddaughter coming back, it's only fair that she owes us a song, everyone can dance if willing." Big Little Panther announced. Shawn looked to her grandfather, surprised, but took a deep breath. Shawn placed her hand on her chest, starting a beat, others begin to copy. "He he he he he, Welcome to my earth, It's a crying shame, We have built a foolish world..." she placed her hand up to stop them. "Busy fighting, cruelly lying and denying..." She began to signal them to join again. "My ghosts are not gone, They dance in the shade..." she signaled them to stop beating and to clap. "And kiss the black core of my heart, Making words, making sounds, making songs..." She signaled for them to start harmonizing. Now you can feel my heart spinning, You turn my whole life around
I want to write a new beginning, Let go of the ghosts, Let dreams and hopes fly
And give our love another try..." she stopped them singing the next line acapella, "Should we just let it be?"
The tribe people had started dancing catching the beat to the foreign song their chief family member brought home. The stranger was lost in her voice to stop trying to break free. How she was able to get others to join in with her. What made him shock the most though was that she had such a beautiful voice, he never knew a harpy had such a voice. He was mistaken, she was a siren. She had to be, with a voice like that. That's how he would think of her, a siren, her exterior so beautiful, the sweetest voice, but the things she would do.
Coming into conclusions from the song, Shawn began dancing with everyone else. This was something she missed at WDA, they didnt sing a song and everyone would dance when they had dances. It was those dances that made her feel lonely. She felt exhilaration from the energy they were giving her. She pulled away from the people, strolling over to her father, who already pulled himself from the dance. It was time. She took his right hand, squeezing with excitement. Jake to stand next to his sister, kissing her cheek. "Thank you for being here Baby Pan." He whispered in her ear. She patted his shoulder, smiling to him. She could see in his eyes he appreciated that she came. Today was his day, she was proud of him.
"My people! Today we gather with something much rumored. I am retiring, leaving my successor, my progeny, Tiger Lily to fulfill my role as Chief of this tribe." Big Little Panther said, his tone was robust as he announced his daughter was taking his job. People broke into applause, though no one was supposed. She was announced to be his successor since her marriage to Pine Sap. Tiger moved to stand next to her father. "I have chosen my
Right hand and successor. My son, Jacob, has proven his dedication and responsibility over time and time again. He is a youngling, but I plan to allow my right hand grow into this role and I don't plan on retiring for a long time. This may be my day, but it's for your fun, please, music." Tiger announced. She looked pleased, she was smiling to everyone.
Shawn coughed, drawing everyone's attention to her, everyone looked to her with wonder. She walked away from her family walking to where the stranger sat. "Everyone knows that our future chief is extremely fierce when it comes to protecting anyone in this tribe. That is how we need to all be when it comes to her in return. Ready to protect her as she would us. Today, someone possibly thought about doing something harmful to OUR Tiger." She said with a massive amount of conviction. People's face grew dark. Peter looked visibly the most upset. Shawn turned her hand to face her thighs. "Tahw saw ecno elbisinvi! Eb nees, worf rou seye, eb nees!" Shawna chanted, revealing the stranger. People gasped and leaned closer, looking between him and the Pan girl, shocked he was there and that she was able to conceal him. It was Tiger Lily who moved closer. "Shawn that's the.." Tiger was cut off  by the booming voice of another stranger. "Future chief of the Cimarron herd, Dakota." A man said emerging from the shadows with a group of people.
Shawn stood straighter, not knowing how to feel about the new tribe walking into their event. She watched the man, her eyes glimmering. Tiger looked to her child, then to the man. "Spirit-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Tamed, care to explain why your son is here, uninvited in the Sky Eaters territory? Rain, can you?" Tiger Lily asked, the amused nature fade from her face. Spirit had his head held high, he was prideful. Shawn recalled hearing the Cimarron tribe were able to transform to horses. Her fox was prepared for a fight. She didn't feel comfortable with the way they appeared and they didn't seem friendly the way they appeared. He looked at Shawn, shifting his gaze to Jake. "My son, must have heard rumors of your news and wanted to see for himself." Spirit said keeping his eyes on Jake. Shawn felt a challenge was placed before her mother, she looked to her mom, wondering what she would do. "Spirit, I'm the future chief of the Sky Eaters, this was a formal announcement and this is an insult to me." She said looking to Dakota. He looked indigent, trying not to hold his head up, he didn’t want to come face to face with Tiger Lily when she felt disrespected. She was a powerful woman and she was disrespected by him. Shawn smirked seeing his reaction. The Cimarron leader shook his head, a displeased look on his face. “Why would you not invite your allies, i thought.” Spirit was certainly domineering in his tone. His son snorted making Shawn sneer. “This was an announcement to the people of this tribe, there was one planned to bring the leaders of the tribes together to tell you all. We know that it isn’t conventional, but it’s our people who are most impacted by this.” Shawn said speaking up in defense of her mother. Dakota snorted, Shawn shot him a look, how dare he do anything. “Shawn untie him, then follow us. Spirit, Rain, Peter, father, this way please.” Tiger said taking control of the situation, she didn’t need a large scene in front of the tribe, and there was things that needed to be said. 
Shawn began to untie Dakota, watching the her parents leave the Cimarron leaders. “Jake.” She whispered to her brother in a frequency where only someone with supernatural hearing could hear. “Start the party back up. Máma should be here again soon enough.” She whispered to him. Dakota chuckled again, she pinched him as she untied him. He grunted, he was able to get his hands free once she loosened the ropes some. He turned to look at her then followed where his parents went, leaving her trailing behind him. She could hear her mother “...I agreed to the arrangement but you will not force me to tell her before I am ready. She just got home and you send your spies for what?” Tiger asked sounding perplexed, Shawn grew more concerned. Why were they talking about her coming home. “Tiger we didn’t know she was coming home today, it was in every intention to see what was going on as we haven’t heard from you all since you agreed.” Spirit said, stopping his wife from saying anything. Shawn could see them and it looked like Rain had something to say but her husband stopped her. That made her confused. Why would they be talking about it. “She was dealing with the loss of her best friend and another student and you think I will just force her to come home? I’m a lot of things but I’m not cruel to not allow my child to grieve. I hadn’t expected for you to want to get started on it so soon. I thought you all wanted the wedding next spring, that time is no where near.” Tiger said darkly. Shawn stopped, paralyzed by the words she just heard. It couldn’t be. Rain stepped forward, her expression was soft. “Peter...Tigerlily...you love your daughter greatly and wish for her the best. Spirit and I wish for her the best as she will soon enough be our daughter too, we want her to know the culture of our people as it’s without a doubt different in ways. We want her to be comfortable with our people by the time of the wedding.” Rain said trying to say what her husband couldn’t get out. Peter placed his hand on his wife pulling her back, his touch calming her. She sighed, the energy began to subside when Dakota spoke up. “You aren’t planning on me wedding to her.” He looked disgusted at her. Shawn was shaken from her thought. “What makes you think I want to marry, let alone a creature like you? You have no honor!” She spat. He turned to her like he had something to say. It was Big Little Panther clearing his throat that stopped the pair from fighting any further. “Dakota, son of the Cimarron, you knew you were going to be in an arranged marriage your whole life. You had to figure it would be of something to benefit your tribe and what better than to strengthen your people’s alliance, not just with a tribes but the feared Lost Boys? Shawna of the Pan and Sky Eater, you are ushering a stronger alliance, solidifying your mother’s reign as one of the most powerful women on the islands, growing her power. With the Cimarron, Sky Eaters and Lost Boys, we will all hold the most power on the island. Ayita, for your grandpapa.” He said beaconing her to come over. Shawn looked to Dakota, so much good to come from being married to such an awful person. She took her grandfather’s hand, sighing as looked down. Reduced to a pawn to help her mother, how could she object. Rain smiled softly to her. “Dakota, you foal, how could you object to such a beautiful girl? I look forward to teaching you about our culture. Perhaps you will learn to ride horse back like our warriors. Such a fiery girl, with such lovely face.” Rain smiled to Shawn. It was impossible to hate her when she seemed so genuine in her wish to teach her. Spirit looker her over nodding, as if he agreed with Rain. Her father look satiated with pride as daughter was looked upon so much pride from her would be parents in law.
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goombug624 · 7 years
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New signed piece! Sterling Silver Agate Pendant Necklace! Available on eBay! #shakotabeads #shakota #ebay #sterlingsilver #agate #handmadejewelry #localart #wyomingmade #greenagate #stonebeads #signedart #signedpiece #signaturebead (at Lander, Wyoming)
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isa-in-accra · 8 years
Orientation Days 6 and 7
Ghana gained its independence from Britain in 1957 under the leadership of its first prime minister and president: Kwame Nkrumah. On Saturday, we had the chance to visit and tour his burial site, the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum and memorial park. The mausoleum houses both Dr. Nkrumah and his wife Fathia, an Egyptian woman whose dying wish was to be buried with her husband. The site on which he was buried is historically significant as well; during Britain’s rule over Ghana, the grounds were used as a whites-only polo field. Later, it was the grounds on which Dr. Nkrumah gave a speech declaring Ghana’s independence. Dr. Nkrumah’s impact on Ghana and the rest of the world was noticeably large; he met with countless world leaders and truly became a symbol of Ghanaian independence and capability.
On Sunday, we were treated to a wonderful brunch at Sunshine Salads. I was feeling pretty tired from the past week’s events, but the promise of fresh fruit at brunch got me out of bed. It is no secret that I absolutely love fruit – tropical fruit especially – and there is no shortage of that here. As my friend Shakota said to me later, “You love fruit Isa. And you especially love fruit that’s sliced for you.”
All of the fruit here is incredible, especially the papaya, mango, and pineapple. The pineapples are much smaller than what we are used to at home, and they’re more white than yellow on the inside. They’re very sweet and absolutely delicious. The avocados here are amazing as well, and SO cheap!
I was looking forward to going to Labadi Beach afterwards, but unfortunately I was incredibly sad to see that the beach had quite a bit of trash on it. It was a good reminder of the importance of keeping our oceans and shores clean.
On a brighter note, classes begin tomorrow and I am very excited. I have my first Twi class at the University of Ghana, so wish me luck finding my way around their huge campus!
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dakota-anderson-blog · 12 years
A Shot in the Dark || Shakota
Groaning as she rolled out of bed, Dakota cursed herself for the eventful evening she had enjoyed the night before. It was a Saturday morning and she had to work her shift at the diner that her parents had forced her into. She slipped into the shower and downed a few Advil in efforts to reduce her hangover. Tying her hair into a damp ponytail, she laughed at the reflection in the mirror. She knew she would just do the same thing all over again tonight. It was the way she operated.
As she walked outside, Wes was already waiting for her in the car. She was grateful for one of her best friends on days like this. She was saving up money to get her own apartment so she could finally move out and be on her own. A diner job wasn't the best money, but there wasn't much she could do only with a high school education. "Thanks so much for this, Wes. I promise. Just a couple more weeks and I'll be out of your hair." The blonde looked at him with a sincere smile. She owed him a lot. "No problem, Kota. By the way, Addie told me this morning about this party tonight in some fancy penthouse or something. She's really looking forward to it. You in?" Dakota's smile changed to a mischievous smirk. "Of course I'm in. The best cure for a hangover is to drink more anyway."
"Order up!" Ding! The little bell went off in the kitchen and Dakota spun on her heel to pick it up. The shift was slow, but she wasn't really complaining. She was too tired to keep up with a busy day. She brought the food to the only table she had at the moment - a young couple with a new baby - before returning to her perch behind the counter. Reaching into her pocket, she counted her tips. Slow day, slow tips. She let out a sigh when she heard the chime of the bell that signaled someone's arrival. Her eyes and ears perked up when she saw the scruffy, but cute guy walking in. Her eyes followed his form as he walked over to a table and she didn't mind when she realized that he was in her section. 
"Well hello there handsome. My name is Dakota and I'll be taking care of you today. See anything you like?" she asked, giving him her signature smile. She knew she was flirting and she knew that she would get in trouble if she was caught fraternizing with customers on the job, but she didn't really care. Licking his lips, the boy looked her sleek figure up and down and met her eyes with a wink. "Oh I think I see something I like. Name's Ryder, beautiful. And since you've been so kind, I'd like ya to accompany me to a penthouse party this evening. Think ya can squeeze me in?" he asked, his blue eyes sparkling. "I think so." She figured that the party he was talking about was the same one Wes had mentioned this morning. How many penthouse parties could there be on one night in this small town?
She had given Ryder Wes's address so he could pick her up for the party. Wes had warned her to be careful with this new guy, but she wasn't worried. Dakota fluffed her hair in the mirror. The black dress that she was wearing was short and hugged her curves in the best way possible. Ryder would love it, she was sure of that. Her phone vibrated and she looked down at the text. He was outside.
As she entered the car, the blonde kissed the boy's cheek. The car ride to the penthouse was brief and quiet. All she cared about was getting the party and having as much fun as possible. Hand in hand, the pair walked up to the party and it was clear that she was going to have all the fun she wanted. Liquor flowed familiarly down her throat and burned slightly. Dakota had found her best friends and made quick conversation with them, but was too drunk and too energetic to stay in one place. Her eyes scanned over the crowd, but she had lost sight of Ryder. Without a hint of discouragement, she caught the eyes of an alluring stranger and decided to take her chances. She backed her body into his lithe, yet muscular form and began to sway her hips to the rhythm of the blasting overhead music. "Hope you don't mind my...forwardness," she called out.
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baby-pan · 7 years
How it Began.... :| Shakota introduction
Shawn looked back at her room, noticing how empty it looked without her things in it any more. Her things were all packed up, most were already neverland, but there was so much left and now she got it all. "Shawnie, come on." She heard her father say. She turned to see the boy flying beside her. She mushed him in the face, rolling her eyes. "Shut up daddy, I'm almost ready to go. I just need to say good bye to this place. It's where I met my infinity, you know?" She said loftily. He landed next to her, a sad look in his eyes. "I don't like death." He said meekly. Shawn looked to her dad, taking his hand. She knew how he felt about death. He found out that his parents didn't abandon him, that he was taken when he was about 16 months. That  9 months later his parents and 6 month brother died in a fire. "Daddy don't get sad. How will you fly? I hope you aren't trying to make it even easier to beat you home." She said trying to entice him to change his mind. Peter grinned up at her, pulling her into a hug. "I love you baby Pan, but you will never beat me." He said before kissing her on the forehead. Shawn pushed her father before grabbing her last bag, tossing it to him, then running down the hall. 
 She reached Savy's room, placing her hand over the door. Shawn looked at her as her only connection to her best friend, occasionally speaking to her. They met when Shawn would visit Char's home. Shawn found the twins delightfully different, but of the perfect representation of where they came from. Shawn slipped a note under the door, formally telling her she would be withdrawing from WDA, that due to her genetic make up, she could chose to come to school whenever she felt like it and maybe would be back in like 60 years. She wrote that she had a forever invitation to Neverland and to tell Buzz, Jessie and Ranger hello. That was the only person she felt bad for leaving behind. "Where you even close to her sister " Peter asked walking behind her, almost startling her if not her sharp hearing. She turned to look at him ruefully. "Nah, I didn't want Char looking down at me thinking I was simply trying to replace her and it would so make Savy feel like shit if I was onto trying to be close to her because her sister was dead. But I liked her, she was cool, and one of the best soccer players I've ever seen." She said starting to walk away. Peter nodded his head, he was surprised to see such growth in his daughter. To admit to someone else greatness. He held one bang in one hand and used the other to put Shawn in a headlock. "Who are you and what have you done with my conceited baby girl?" She said, feigning gruffness. Shawn laughed, trying to pry her head room her father's hold. "Daddy...let me go! I never said she was better than me, it's awfully hard to watch yourself! No one is better than me." She said through the grit of her teeth. Peter laughed. "That more like my girl." He smirked, he said petting her head. Shawn looked at her father. 
  "Do you think mama is ready?"
  Peter chuckled. "She has been ready from the day I met her in the woods. She was ready when I foolishly let her go. She may have taken a step backward when she let that stupid village boy love her the way I should have. When I came back to Neverland  and saw her staring at me like I was a ghost." He said, he started looking sad. Shawn smile. "You love her, you love her, you're going to be chief with her...do you love mommy more than that Wendy Bird?" She asked as they walked outside, taking flight. "Tiger loves me for me. She gives me competition, is always quick on her toes. I like feeling needed, like a hero and I thought that she didn't need me to protect her, that Wendy bird did....but your mom is stoic, and I learned that she does need me. She gave me purpose in her life, and then she gave me you and your brother. Tiger lily is my happy thought." He said, taking off into the air. "One day you will find that. Then maybe then you will be half as strong as me." And the two were off the Neverland.
  Shawn didn't immediately go home, but instead landed near Mermaid Lagoon. She took a deep breath, taking in the freshest air she ever smelled. The air at home, it was so pure.  She smiled, picking up the saltiness from the lagoon. She knew not many natives came over here, fearing drowning by the mermaids. Not even the boys dared to come near. Peter was going to meet Tiger Lily and Jake was supposedly of an fishing exhibition with the village men to prepare for the feast. Shawn felt safe enough to shed off her clothes there before shifting into her fox form. Standing there naked, she turn to look back spotting a mermaid with a merman. "Swoop?" She grinned. 
  "Shawn when did you get back? Where's Peter?" She asked anticipating that she would say he would be coming soon. The merman sneered. Shawn turned around fully. "'Would I be like this is if he was coming? I just got back today and felt like going for a run." She said. She looked the male over, he was new. He must haven't been used to how things were done here. Shawn nodded towards him. "He is from Pirate's island cove." Swoop said readily. Shawn just nodded before shifting into a fox. She shivered taking in how the ground felt with her new senses. She looked at them before taking off running. "Bet you never seen Captain Jake and his crew do that. That's our Neverland girl." Swoop said proudly before diving back into the water. 
  Shawn took off into the woods, running aimlessly, enjoying the feeling of going so fast. She began to grow a bit to be bigger than a wolf, able to strike more fear in any animal that dared to try something with her. Her sense of smell was much more keen when she was in this form. She took another whiff of the air, smelling...a bird...but it didn't smell like any bird that she could recall. She stop running, looking around. Huntress mode was on.  
  She couldn't place the smell...smelled like blood and dirt...deer blood. It smelled old too. Shawn groaned. In this form she could have enjoyed some deer, extremely rare. It had to be on an animal...or person. Whatever it was, it smelled like more than one person. It couldn't have been her people, The Sky Eaters. They wouldn't have basked in the smell unless they were trying to mask it...Shawn then realized what was going on. She grew agitated, growing even bigger. She could feel fire starting to grow in her belly. With her snout in the air, she took a sniff, learning the direction of the intruders. With their sent locked in, Shawn took off in pursuit. Who was trying to spy on her tribe?
  Shawn didn't want to give herself up yet, she wanted to get close though. Just wanting to get close enough spy who it was. If she got too big they would sense her behind them, if she got too small, she could lose their trail and to shift back into a girl and run naked presented too many problems. But she also saw it was the best possibility. She would need to focus on not letting her instincts get the best of her, but maybe causes some mayhem. She started barking, but threw her voice to sound like she was somewhere else far enough to where they could hear her but weakly. It was then when had them distracted that she shifted then shrunk to be small as Tinker Bell. She flew to a branch, watching them, seeing who acted like the leader and who were the followers.
  "Hey, how about we show the tribe just how strong we are; let’s attack tonight. Just with the men we have here. They are weak, the old chief is losing his touch, his daughter is nothing but a flower and that husband of hers is off chasing that old tick tock pirate. Think of the honor!" One man said to what must have been the leader. The leader turned to the guy and pushed him into the tree. "Are you daft? We are going to spy and see if it's true; is Tiger Lily is taking over and if she is, we can take her. She will be new, so her reign will be weak, which is the time to strike. We will strike when I say so." The leader said looming over the other guy. Another spoke up. "What about the Lost Boys, or her son? Isn't he like some kind of beast?” he said, questioning his leader. "If you're scared, leave." Shawn tried to look and see their face, but it was well concealed, making her feel revolted by the men even more. 
  She flew to the leader's shoulder, propping herself to be hidden by his helmet. The men trekked there way, closer and closer to her home. "Betas," the leader whispered loud enough for the men to hear him while not getting caught by Tiger Lily's village people. "Get to the top of the trees. Let the branches conceal you. If it's true, the people are protected by beast of strange being. Look for Tiger Lily or her children. She looks like a girl with Raven hair, three crow feathers in her hair. The son is taller, hair slightly longer than shoulder length and the daughter is the shortest, her hair is golden. Look for them. Get as much information as you can. Don't get caught." He said warning them. With that, he began moving along the outskirts of the village.
  Shawn needed to plan quickly on how she could scare away these spies. The idea came to her quickly. She threw her voice to sound like she was close by with two females. "Shawna, you're back! What's going on with your hair...it's all golden...but not like Tootles." She said, making it seem like it was another female. Shawn flew to where she was making it seem like she was coming from. She quickly grew in size, grabbing some clothing, promising to make it up to whoever she was stealing from. "Baby Deer, I will be right back." She said, hearing his heart race.
  Shawn went outside, and around the corner catching him. He froze looking at her. "So you’re Shawna?" He asked, speaking in a gruff tone, unlike how he spoke with his men. She felt her nails grow into claws. "Yeah, I feel so rude, you know who I am, but who are you?" She purred at him, a predatory glare in her eyes but a smile crept on her face. Seeing this, he pulled out a knife. "Why do you need to bring out the claws? So it's true that your part beast? Is that the Pan in you?" He asked, teasing her. He knew well of his enemy, hearing that enraged her. How dare he call her beast and then blame her father. She leaped at him, growling. "No, it's power!" She said landing on him, wrestling him to the ground. He let out three whistles, trying to keep her arms away from him. "You know, you would be quite beautiful if you weren't trying to bite my head off." He said, making her loath him. "I don't need you to tell me I'm beautiful, because I know I'm beyond it. Take your helmet off and reveal your identity." She snapped at him. 
  "You obviously want to fight, so let's fight fair. No power. Hand to hand combat. Maybe we can both get the info we want."
  "But I'm a girl; you're a guy." She said trying to use sexist ideas for her benefit.
  "You're a Pan." He said, rolling over to have her under him. "A Pan's savagery is legendary."
   "Go to hell." She said noticing that since she was no longer on top, she wasn't straddling him and could truly hurt him. She placed her foot on his ankle. "Move or I'll slam my foot."
  He smirked. "I pine, I burn, I parish." He said, figuring it would infuriate her more. Shawn bared her canines at him. "How about I scream and let them all see how you have the lost boys’ princess pinned under you?"
  It was his turn to growl at her. She took this moment to allow her trickier fox to think. She had to, he was obviously strong enough where he could take her on. There was something about him…that seemed wild. Like in a way, in animalistic way, his wild matched her wild, yet in the ways of man, he could never compete with the Pan in her. She would have to get creative if she was to overpower him. That's when she got the idea, she shoved him over so they would rollover again, with her on top. His helmet rolled off, startling her to see who it was, but she had no time to react, she needed to act quick. He opened his mouth to retort, but she had leaned down, kissing him. She waited for him to deepen the kiss as she knew he would, then pulled her wrist away from him. He was surprised her kiss, but her lips were soft and her taste was sweet. Shawn waited a second to make sure she wasn't using her super strength before pulling away. She looked down at him, smiling, taking in his sight, he was handsome, before punching him in the face, hard enough to knock him out. He was good and out. She lifted his head, taking in the sight. Shawn leaned down, kissing his cheek, then his lips before getting up.
  With that Shawn got up, running to go get rope so she could tie him to the post in the center of the village. She wasn't listening out for if his crew was to find him and help him get away, she was focused on getting the things she needed. She was sorely disappointed to find him gone. She had half  a mind to go track them, but her mother would need her soon, she was sure of it.
  Shawn turned seeing her mother look at her, a stony expression which she knew could mean a million things. Her mother wasn't known to be the easiest person to read. Shawn was sure she was certainly the hardest person to read, she blinked her eyes, glowing Amber eyes reflected at Tiger Lily. She could read her mother's aura and knew what was going on with her. "Shawn come along now, they need your help." Tiger said turning to look towards the house where all the women were in, trying to remain calm. Shawn ran up to her mother, leaning her head on her shoulder. 
 "Aunty Sticky Feet is annoying you again?"
"You read me." Shawn knew that was Tiger Lily for yes.
"You're about to be chief, mom you have to remember to assert your dominance even more now. Old people are weird." Shawn said waving her hands in her mom's face creepily.
Tiger lily was attempting to swat her hand away, but end up hitting her. Shawn pouted. "When the cat is away, the mice will play. The cat may be away, but there is a Tigress on their hands now."
"One loved by the Ravens too, Lady of the Ravens." Shawn teased. Tiger lily pushed Shawn, shaking her head at her daughter and her antics. Tiger Lily turned to Shawn, holding her face. She look her in the eyes, her eyes searching her child's face. Shawn often wondered what made her mom feel the way she did, she could know the emotions, but she could never find out what was it that caused the feeling.
Tiger’s eyes did not soften, but she knew her child. “Shawna, do not worry. Go bathe, you have to dance tonight.” Shawn merely nodded her head, she needed to get back to make sure the boy she captured was still there.
“I will go bathe and get ready. Let me grab some stuff then I will go!” She said pulling away from her mother, running into their home. Tiger eyed her child, she was acting off.
Shawn grabbed a towel, the rope, soap and new clothes. She wrapped the rope inside of the towel. She grinned to her mother as she ran out, running the direction she came.
She was surprised to see the young man was still there. She whistled out, summoning some of the Lost Boys. She told them of what she learned when she was coming back to the village. She ordered them to go out and tell their chief she has one of his members holding captive. That they would not receive this member back unless he came for him. He was their prisoner and would only would be released into his custody.
The boys looked over to the unconscious young man before dispersing. Shawn knew these boys loved nothing more than hunting and she gave them just that. She looked back at the young man. There was a level of peace in his face, given that she knocked him out, she could only summaries that if he had fallen asleep on his own that he would look completely peaceful. She ran her hand across his face. His face was soft and she noticed his hair  was down his back, he had some traditional ways about him. She fought herself not to stick her hand in his hair.
Shawn grabbed him up by his shoulders, dragging him to the center of the community, placing him across the pole. She looked up to the sky wondering if her father was going to fly over at anytime. She didn’t hear him, nor the boys, but there was a steady buzz of people starting to move around her as they prepared for tonight. Shawn casted an illusion of invisibility, so the people wouldn’t get distracted as she worked. She used the rope tying him to the pole successfully around him, keeping him there tied tight. Now there was the thing of waking him up.
She placed her hand on his face, closing her eyes, she focused on his mind, accessing his dream. It was in some huge ritzy ballroom inside of a hotel it looked like. She looked down, she was shocked to see a white gown that showed off her natural waistline, with an open cut back. She love going into dreams, there she always wore the prettiest of things. Shawn looked up realizing she was the only one in black. She located the young man dancing with some young woman along with a line of couples dancing. She smirked, walking along the edge of the room, calculating where she would need to be to get to him. She stood along the dance floor, waiting before coming up behind him, placing her arms under his, then pulling her arms up to his shoulders, stopping his dance. “Time to wake up.” She whispered softly in his ear. He pulled away from her, looking her up and down, shaking his head. Shawn walked up closer to him, placing her arms around his neck, he followed suit, placing his arms around her waist. She  into his brown eyes, her hands moving from his shoulders, to his neck, pulling his head down some more as if she was about to kiss him. “Time to wake up.” She whispered.
“No.” He said, but it was too late.
Shawn opened her eyes, focusing on his face. “Shawna?” He croaked. She backed up, watching him open eyes. She stood up, watching his start to squirm as he realized he was tied up.
“Shawna let me go!”
“No, you will sit here there until my mother decides what to do with you.”
“You always do what mommy tell you?” He teased her, she rolled her eyes.
“Will you shut up?” She asked looking at him annoyed, he was ridiculous. He wore a mischievous grin, making her wonder if people wanted to choke her when she wore a grin all too similar to the one on his face. He stared at her trying to figure out a way to free himself. She squat to look him square in the face. She looked his face over, he truly was attractive, but there was something about him that told her he was important, making him a valued hostage. “Wanna tell me who you are since you know who I am?” She asked looking at him crossly. He rolled his eyes. It just further annoyed her. She huffed. ‘So vexing!’ She thought turning away from him. She began to walk away from him. She took a deep breath, turning to face him, she could see the worry on his face him. She could see curiousity on his face. His aura shown with curiosity, he wanted to know what was she about to do to him. He knew of her powers, but there was so many rumors about her powers on the island. He was taken aback by the smile she presented to him. He decided he didn’t like when she smiled at him, nor any resemblance of good feelings, with her, it always meant the opposite.  “You shall get front row seating at my grandfather’s big announcement tonight. Cant have you flirting your way to freedom and I can’t stand guard all day, so it’s time for some magic.” His eyes began to bug out, wondering what was she about to do to him. She smiled to him before closing her eyes.
Her eyes glimmered “Morf gniyrp seye si won elbisivni! Leef ym noisulli, tuo fo thgis, tou fo dnim, tonnac ees, tonnac raeh! Eh llahs eb rednu ym niosulli llit I yas Nob Aid!” She recited as she casted her illusion. The young man began tugging roughly at the ropes seeking freedom. He finally realize what his father meant when he told him about being captured. She laughed to herself seeing him try to free himself. She wasn’t like other girls in her tribe, she was Tiger Lily’s daughter, the huntress herself. He was stuck there until someone cut him free or untied him and after her illusion, his comrades would not be able to see him to assist in his prison break. The only one who could see him right now was her. He was her prisoner. “Witch! What did you do to me!” He yelled at her, looking at her as if she was evil incarnated. She rolled her eyes, sitting on the ground next to him. She poked him in the nose, smiling at him. “Wanna tell me your name…or tribe? Gotta be able to tell someone to negotiate for your freedom…oh your cohorts simply will not be able to see you…or hear you.” She informed him, feeling extremely powerful in that moment. He thought for a moment, he knew his comrades would think that the sKy Eaters did something to him if he didn’t meet up at the rendezvous point. “Princess, no worries, someone will come for me. Don’t worry a single hair on that pretty blonde head of yours.”  He said snidely at her, insisting on annoying her. Shawn sighed, flipping her hair, she rolled her eyes thinking about how she must look to the natives on her island with her blonde hair, she knew the boys would love it, but the natives probably thought she was crazy. To hear him comment on her hair, she felt more confident, even if it was sarcasm. She turned away, shrugging. “Suit yourself, I must get ready for the announcement.”
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