#shall we date destiny ninja 2
memoria-99 · 5 months
Shall we date heroines' discord chat
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shall-we-imagine · 2 years
Guys I was considering creating a yt channel to post and read my one shots plus some other non swd related writings do any of you think that'd be a good idea or would want to check it out if I made it?
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trickster-kat · 1 year
Destiny Ninja 2 - Shiroya CGs
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everyday-castaway · 9 months
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After blinking several times, I venture to call his name. "...Sh...Shiroya?"
He looks at me in a sluggish manner, and he is not smiling as he usually is.
Where did his cheerful smile go....? I feel as if my chest were being pricked by a tiny thorn.
—Shiroya's route, Destiny Ninja 2 (belongs to NTT Solmare/Shall We Date)
I played through a lot of Shall We Date's mobile otome games back in high school before many of them were shut down a few years ago. My second game was Destiny Ninja 2, and my first route within that game was Shiroya.
Shiroya has become one of my favorite fictional characters, and by far my favorite system that I've seen in fictional media (read about DID/OSDD for more info on what being a system means). I was so surprised by how an otome game company depicted the complexity and nuance of DID more kindly than I've seen in media in some other places.
I get that DID tends to show up as a character trope that writers in the past liked to tag on to people to amp up drama, especially in the mystery, horror, and thriller genres. It also sometimes shows up as a trope in the fantasy genre (in which, I think, Destiny Ninja 2 would fall). However, there's a surprising amount of care and depth that Shall We Date put into their system characters (those being Shiroya/Other Shiroya in DN2+, and Kagura/Homura in Ninja Shadow+). I have so much more I could say, but I'll save that for another place and time.
Anyway, the first time MC encounters Other Shiroya has lived so vividly in my brain for YEARS, so I've always wanted to try to illustrate it. I don't usually have energy to draw fan art, but I realized recently that I had developed my art skills enough to attempt drawing out this scene, and so here is the result. I'm honestly pretty happy with it. :) —🏵️
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ceragondubs · 1 year
Jaydee Marie will be playing as our heroine Ayame Kushinada in our reboot/remake Destiny Ninja 2 fandub! We will only be doing these for the trailers and whatever endings the recording team and I could save before the otome got purged. So we will not do any routes. The voice lines used were from the very first audition.
I will be doing these voice reveals for everyone in the cast, regardless of whether or not they are new to the team or have already made an appearance on the channel! :)
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hanafubukki · 2 years
I miss SWD, I miss Destiny Ninja 2
Hello Anonie 🌻💕💗,
SWD as in Shall we date series? Don’t they still have that app that had all their old games? I could be wrong but I though I saw one before. I never played Destiny Ninja, my first being obey me. Though I feel for you that you don’t have access to it anymore 😔
Maybe YouTube? Or a blog might have it archived?
Would anyone of my followers know? Please help Anonie out 🌻🙏
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My Favorite Dating Sims (Otome Games) and Characters I would legit date List:
No. 1
Mr. Love Queen's Choice - evolxlove - love and producer
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Victor or Gavin (I like them both equally).
Shaw (maybe...)
No 2.
Kuni no Alice Series
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(Heart, Clover, Diamond and Spade)
Yes I know there's more but Imma keep it simple (unlike these games)
Gray Ringmarc
Julius Monrey
No 3.
Ikémen Sengoku: Romances Across Time
Link to Wiki Page
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Nobunaga Oda
Masamune Date
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Yukimura Sanada
Shingen Takeda
Mitsunari Ishida
No. 4
Mystic Messenger
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Saeran / Ray
Jumin Han
707/ Saeyoung
No. 5
Shall we date? | Destiny Ninja
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Oop my hand slipped (but here's the pic source without marks)
Hattori Hanzo
Benkei Musashibou
Yoshitsune Minamioto
Go back to the Main Harbor
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Thank you~ ٩( ^ᴗ^ )۶
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angelicapocalypse · 3 years
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yeetmeintothe-abyss · 5 years
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I have become a serial otome player.
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memoria-99 · 3 months
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Forever wip 😂😂
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meowtheninjas · 4 years
Okay, I had a random idea while I was taking my daily 2 hour nap, and fill free to shoot me down on this but okay—
The Shall We Date? Games. But all the characters are in a big crossover fighting game.
You know? Like the ninja games, Wizardess Heart, Niflheim, Obey Me, etc... All having a battle royale? Ain’t that fun to imagine???
I imagined the gaming format would be similar to the Fate Grand Order Arcade games or SSBU and that we’d have to unlock the characters the same way we’d unlock cards in Obey Me. (Or like any fate game in general lol.)
Idk it’s just a thought, I love fighting games... And Solmare ain’t doing them justice :(
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destinyninjatrash · 4 years
Autumn Next Gen Bios
- Name: Aiko Akashiro
Parents: Kimiko Akashiro & an unnamed father
Siblings: n/a
Birthday: May 5th (Taurus)
Height: 5’6”
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Sexuality: Lesbian
Likes: bubble tea, shopping, helping others
Dislikes: ugly clothes, cooking
The future chieftain of the Autumn Village, Aiko is the pacifist descendant of Lord Goyo. A self taught healer, she much more prefers to take a supportive role, but if her love one's are in danger she has no problem going on the offense to protect them. When she's not busy with work she likes to go shopping around the island (usually dragging the other girls along with her) and eating out since everything she cooks turns to charcoal.
- Name: Ryoma Musashibou
Parents: Kaede Musashibou & an unnamed father
Siblings: n/a
Birthday: September 27th (Libra)
Height: 6’3”
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexuality: Bi
Likes: baking, training
Dislikes: confrontation, being teased, awkward situations
Assistant to Aiko and descendant of Lord Benkei, Ryoma is the gentle giant of the Autumn Village. Kind and considerate, he's not as awkward as his ancestor, but also not as confident as his grandfather, falling somewhere in the middle. Despite this seemingly healthy balance though, when he falls in love he usually falls hard, and can struggle to find the right time to confess his feelings.
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wcassiopeaw · 4 years
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This is quite devastating. ...Oz...My fairy tales...My sweet prince...Magic sword! One of my first otome games... Only the + versions...at least. But all the avatars...😭
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Ran: My mind is like an internet browser.
Kiku: Okay...Explain?
Ran: 27 tabs open, 7 of them are frozen, 2 of them playing ads at the same time, and I have no idea where the music is coming from.
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shall-we-imagine · 5 years
Yandere one shot?
So guys I was considering writing a yandere one shot maybe in October cuz Halloween and all but I wasn't sure if y'all would be interested in that so tell me your thoughts?? Also if you'd enjoy that type of one shot please send me who you'd want the yandere to be! (Replies, asks, messages, anything is fine) so yeah thank you to anyone that responds to this!
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the2tailedfoxy · 5 years
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Ibuki! I didn’t know you did Ice Skating when you were younger!
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