#shan gets randomly motivated
ddepressedbookworm · 2 years
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they are in love your honour
yea u can use them just ask? ig? i don’t really mind HDKHDKS
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Sorry in advance about my bad english. (1/2)I have this theory about he tian. in the past he tian was that kind of person which when he's interested in someone it's only for a short time until he gets bored and moves on to the next.(not talking about sex, just his typical behavior and flirting). For example: when we first introduced to he tian(ch60) he has his arm around this guy but then we don't see him again because he got bored of him. Then he's relationship with jian yi, don't know if he-
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Good morning, dear anon-san!
“Sorry in advance about my bad english”
Don’t worry, your English is very good and perfectly understandable. It’s not my first language either, so I more than know the struggle. It takes courage to publically use a language you’re not 100% confident with, so pat yourself on the back today! (^_^)/
In my mind, your theory can be answered or summed up in one general question: What could be He Tian’s objective to get close to his classmates (including both Jian Yi and Mo Guan Shan)? I feel like pondering that question might help shape your theory. But first, let me address a specific chapter you mentioned.
“when we first introduced to he tian(ch60) he has his arm around this guy but then we don't see him again because he got bored of him“
Your memory was a bit off about who had his arm around whom but this must be the panel you’re talking about (ch. 60):
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To be honest, I would be hesitant to think the HT we saw in ch. 60 and 61 is the same HT we know these days. To me, he looks like a fairly random black-haired classmate setting up a situation for a Zhanyi moment. I’m not saying he’s not HT but rather that it’s unclear to us was OldXian planning on making an actual character out of him at that point yet. Let’s remember that it took about 40 chapters for HT to appear in the comic again after that (ch. 102). So, I wouldn’t read too much into the two passer-by characters or make conclusions about HT “in the past”. To me, they look more like two random classmates.
Secondly, HT doesn’t feel like HT in his supposed first chapter. I’m having a hard time imagining the actual HT letting someone put their arm around his neck like that. We know he’s putting on a mask at school but playing the more submissive one feels quite out of character. Let’s remember we’re talking about 15-year-old boys who often assert themselves physically. That kind of hold shows who’s currently leading and who’s following - or rather, who’s allowed himself to be led.
All of that being said, though, your theory kind of intrigued my inner headcanon machine. The nameless guy seems to be somewhat physical in general which I find interesting (ch. 61):
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My mind is coming up with questions and ideas about what kind of person he is. He gives off a carefree and somewhat dominant vibe. Like, imagine HT is walking out the school doors and Nameless Guy spots him in the crowd, catches up to him, and casually throws his arm over HT’s shoulders, maybe even pulls him a bit closer. Asking “Yo, what’s up? You wanna shoot some hoops?”. He maybe has lively eyes and easily initiates conversation.
Overall, though, I think we can exclude this HT and the guy hanging around with him. That moment was the very early days of the comic, and I doubt it’s not that tied to the HT introduced in the later chapters.
“when he's interested in someone it's only for a short time until he gets bored and moves on to the next”
Before I get to HT’s early relationships with JY and MGS more, let me address your idea in a broader sense. Generally speaking, I don’t think HT was switching his interest out of boredom. I don’t even see him switching. He wasn’t looking for BFFs but his objective wasn’t to aimlessly wander from one friend to another, either.
Rather, HT’s relationships with his classmates have always been about distance. For most of his classmates, he’s living a double life. He appears the carefree, outgoing cool guy when actually there’s a whole other side to him as well. That distance and solitary are very paramount and self-initiated by HT. It’s a part of the savior/hero role he has taken on in order to distance himself from the legacy of his family. He’s far from being the same kind of carefree teenager as his peers at school and yet plays one, probably even craves to be one for real.
It’s also important to remember HT is on a mission, and his objectives to befriend people are somewhat selfish. He wants to become someone better by doing good deeds and becoming a savior of sorts. When JY bumped into MGS, HT seemed to almost itch to use his strength for good and eagerly stepped in to effectively take control of the situation (ch. 116):
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Instead of moving on because of boredom, I would rather say he’s roaming, searching for people who would need someone standing up for them. He doesn’t randomly drift among people but chooses them according to who he thinks is being oppressed and wronged. He’s looking out for his friends but it’s always one-sided; no one is allowed to get close to him in return. It’s not a part of his role because it can put innocent people in harm’s way and he doesn’t feel like he deserves those kinds of friends. At least not until he’s done enough good and become a better person.
“Then he's relationship with jian yi, don't know if he liked him but maybe he was interested in him but it didn't go anywhere because, well zhang. So he moved on until he meet mo.”
Some time ago I answered another ask about what do I think about HT and JY’s friendship. I remember being annoyed by HT at first because I took him being so chummy with JY as a potential third wheel. Love triangles are really not my thing, and I wanted to shoo HT away. However, I don’t think HT got randomly interested in JY. Rather, I would say he probably got closer and closer out of loneliness. Out of the three, JY was the first one who almost sneakily reached a deeper connection with HT.
Secondly, I think HT also got closer to JY because he knew who JY really was. I believe HT was aware of JY’s family’s connections to the same underworld HT was defying. And who would need his protection more than an oblivious kid who was about to be pulled into the same darkness HT had been trying to shed his whole life? Again, I don’t think he randomly switched interests but rather he has his own goals and motives.
Thirdly, I wouldn’t say HT has moved on from JY to MGS. They still have their own unique connection and he’s still very much looking out for JY. It’s just that his interest in MGS - which was also sparked by his need to protect and save those in need - developed to be different in nature. And even if HT hadn’t fallen for MGS, I doubt he would have easily been distracted from his mission to make MGS into an outstanding person and move on to another person. Let’s not forget that besides being someone in need of saving, MGS also acts as a guiding light of sorts for HT. He’s the kind person HT admires and wants to keep around so he won’t stray from his path.
To summarize, I don’t see HT being led by fickle and ever-fluctuating interest until he gets bored with someone and moves on to the next person. I don’t see that in ch. 60 or his relationships with JY and MGS. Instead, he has his own objectives and missions. He’s motivated and guided by his goal of becoming a respectable person by protecting and helping others. However, I would say there’s a certain level of distraction involved in his way of doing things. His goal is to change his destiny, so not getting involved isn’t really an option. He wants saving and protecting to be a part of his nature. Unfortunately, you can’t save everyone, and I’ve always been wondering if HT will end up trying to do just that only to learn it’s not possible. Will he feel responsible and guilty for not being able to help and save everyone?
Your theory has interesting possibilities, and I agree with the overall idea that HT was looking for a clear direction when all he had was an abstract ideal. And I think he found his direction in MGS - in various ways. Thank you for sharing your interpretation with me, dear anon-san!
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torielectra83 · 6 years
Prindrohi bio
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Preliminary Info:
Name: Prindrohi Candaren
Nicknames: “Prin”, “Cap’n”, “Mr. Drohi”
Alias(es): The Voidhound
Age: 26
Born: 3664 BBY
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliations: Republic, all the way
Occupation: Republic privateer/free-trader, future King-Consort of Dubrillion
General Description:
Almost your typical smuggler-- a guy with a snarky sense of humor, an attitude that speaks for everyone depending on what crazy crap he’s been roped into this week, and a sense of justice that doesn’t waver. Just about the only thing that sets him apart is A: his reputation as the Voidhound and B: his cyborg add-ons.
Height: 5’2
Weight: 187 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green (albeit covered up by ocular implants)
Skin/Fur: White
Random assortment of scars suffered from injuries, battle and everything else, none are too notable to write about
Ocular implants and certain related devices (see Disorders for more)
Handedness: Right-handed
Prin doesn’t have one style per se, he randomly chooses clothing that isn’t too dirty/stinky and wears that. Risha’s trying to give him a sense of style, time will tell how that fares.
Frequently carries around a CEC MyComm, an early adopter (the MyComm is essentially an iPhone in the Star Wars-verse, rolling a holocomm, a spot-on locator and a datapad into one small package)
Born on Chandrila to a normal family, James Malloy expressed constant boredom in the small town of Sludaan, having an urge to explore beyond the planet. When in 3643 BBY, a smuggler left his ship in town, only to be arrested by Chandrilan authorities for parking a starship without a permit, James seized his opportunity. He took the ship and escaped Chandrila, using the ship’s existing cargo to jumpstart a smuggling career. He also renamed the ship as the Boundless. Then, he took a fateful delivery of blasters for Rogun the Butcher, and headed for Ord Mantell, where thanks to a traitorous slimeball named Skavak, he found himself working with Ord Mantellian native and patriot Corso Riggs in an attempt to get the Boundless back. He regained his ship at Coruscant, along with a mysterious woman named Risha, who aided them in recovering the lost treasure of legendary cartel leader Nok Drayen. After Risha’s real origins were revealed, the duo stuck together and eventually began a relationship, with Prin helping Risha in her quest to regain her rightful place as Queen of Dubrillion.
Quite snarky, easily held his own against Risha in the earlier days of their relationship. Can be very confused by the strange events he frequently finds himself in. Knows how to have fun. He also has a strong sense of justice.
Raps his hand on the Boundless’ navicomp for good luck, and it seems to work, given how many near-disasters he’s managed to escape.
When his mother was pregnant with him, a virus swept through Chandrila; though it mainly caused normal sickness in most people, pregnant women were at risk of their fetuses developing birth defects. Prindrohi was one such victim. His defect was that, beginning at puberty, his senses became highly developed, allowing him to see better, hear better and the like, almost to the point that his sense could be on par with your average Jedi-- but his brain was not meant for such sensory input, and with a lack of Force-sensitivity, it meant his brain could be at risk of shutting down for a few seconds from the feedback of the sensory input. Hence, he received a set of cyborg implants designed to lessen the effects and filter the data. Most of these are internal, but the ocular implants are a special case. Per his request, he had special implants for his eyes that he could remove with a special wristband, if he ever needed/wished to disable the implants.
His sense of right and justice, never giving up
His sense of right and justice, being in close-range of an EMP (which can disable his cyborg implants)
Flying his ship, blasting through mooks, dancing
Traitors, giant jerks
Biscuit Baron (due to several bad incidents involving them, like a bad case of food poisoning)
Sabacc, binging on holo-vids, extreme sports, reading, smoking canny
Favorite TV shows: 
Thunderbolts, VCL (Vehicular Combat League), Max Titanium, anything with big explosions
Crack shot with a blaster, political maneuvering (from his Chandrilian heritage)
Sometimes he can get really revved up and start blasting everything in sight without realizing the fight’s over already, or that he’s just blasting the wall.
He’ll always take the light-side path even when inconvenient to him or others, because of his upbringing on Chandrila instilling a sense of peace and justice in him practically from birth. As a result, he’s helped out more people than he can count and embraces his reputation as the Voidhound-- together with Risha, once they reclaim Dubrillion they can hopefully move forward with making the Republic more opening to everyone.
Short-term goals: 
get Port Nowhere back up and running, take some time off after the Voidwolf’s defeat. Long-term goals: help Risha dethrone Actavarus
To explore their crazy galaxy, to help Risha regain her birthright, and to just plain have some fun
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: 
Relationship History:
Was in a relationship or two during high school, but nothing serious; only Risha has truly managed to capture him
Pretty much squeaky-clean, between his actions as the Voidhound and his moral choices, his rep is that of a good smuggler, and due to his actions against the Voidwolf, the more morally dubious smugglers respect him for that even if they don’t care for his moral leanings
He gets along well with his father, who encouraged his son to pursue what he wanted (though he never anticipated James stealing a starship); his mom, on the other hand, never approved of his wanderlust and wanted him to remain on Chandrila, grooming him to be her successor at Chandrila House; when she found out about his move into the smuggling game, she realized that maybe she’d gone too far in trying to make him her successor; she’s been keeping tabs on his whereabouts and is proud of what he’s done
Corso, Bowdaar, Risha, Akaavi, Guss, Beryl
Skavak to start, then the Voidwolf (and once their true angles were revealed, Darmas and Dodonna); Actavarus is also one, albeit one Prin hasn’t even seen a picture of, all he knows is that he saved Risha from one of his assassins
Love Interest:
When he first met Risha, he only expected to cooperate with her in finding Nok Drayen’s treasure, then drop her off somewhere. But neither of them expected how loyal they’d be to each other’s goals, and eventually it escalated into a full-blown romance, especially after Risha was injured in an Imperial attack on the Boundless. He’s sworn to help her get to Dubrillion and take back her throne.
The Boundless:
A CEC XS-11 stock freighter, first enhanced during the search for the Drayen treasure with a class .7 Arkanian hyperdrive, super sublight engines for increased maneuverability, powerful sensors, and an additional ventral turbolaser turret. However, the upgraded hyperdrive has a tendency to run hot, sometimes necessitating a temporary realspace reversion to cool the engines (this proved to be disastrous in one case, where the reversion led to the Boundless being ambushed by Imperials). It also has two different aliases, the Early Riser, and the Stoneskipper
Role: Captain
Faction Loyalty:
Republic all the way. He isn’t a patriot like Corso, but he still sees them as the far better alternative to the Sith Empire, mainly because the Republic actually has a working infrastructure.
Famous Jobs:
Defeating the Voidwolf in orbit of Corellia, managing to escape the self-destruction of the Voidwolf’s flagship and using his pirate fleet to help stop an Empire fleet enroute to Corellia
Prefers a Merr-Sonn IR-5 blaster pistol, favoring it for its’ high rate of fire and increased accuracy compared to other pistols; also uses a IT-10 scattergun, and prefers fighting dirty because it gets the job done quicker
Other Biographical Info:
Birthworld: Chandrila
Homeworld: Corsucant
Their stronghold is a spacious Coruscant apartment, bought for a song (only 5,000 credits!) and a place for the crew to settle down in after so many galaxy-spanning adventures.
Familial Background:
Prin’s mother, Sarah Malloy (nee Tuveld) is one of the more prominent figures in the Chandrilan House, leading the “Key” political faction, devoted to helping the Republic against the Sith Empire non-violently
Prin’s father, Walter Malloy, is a middle-management figure at ChandrilTech’s industrial sensor division
Other Info:
His real name was originally James Malloy, but he legally changed it when he first acquired the Boundless, wanting to both protect his family, and give himself a more ”spacer” name, considering his original name to be rather pedestrian by galactic standards
Oh yeah, @therron-shan created the google doc template for this, thanks dude
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Debilitated marriage
Zhang Lean (Hebei Province, China), after optional school graduation, she came to work in the city of Tian He. In 1992, she met a man named Guo Leng.
That same year he married a man, and following a year he passed on a young lady named Guo Xiao Li. Notwithstanding the way in which that her life associate is just an ordinary specialist, the economy isn't wealthy regardless family life is respectably happy kissa sins porn .
Unfit to withstand the wheeze of her life associate, the woman pushed the catlike fat. (Structure)
Unfit to withstand the wheeze of her cherished one, the woman pushed the catlike fat. (Portrayal)
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Regardless, after that re-feeling of his present life extremely obliged, he needs, making it hard to quickly get rich off work and motivate money to team up. After a couple of failed theories, he wound up mistook for alcohol dependence, the couple dependably quarreled over obviously immaterial purposes of intrigue.
In 2001, Dan did not drive forward through any further spills, so recorded a division. After the fundamental, the court apparent two bundles, the 8-year-old young lady was taken to home country.
Guards who isolate from must act regularly needy, so it gives Le had progressed toward winding up sooner than trade youngsters. Running home with his father, Le began a radical new life, this impacts her as consistently as possible to have evaluations of misery.
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Reliably despite taking in the learning, Le similarly sharpened diversion makes her life more epic. In 2003, Zhang got together in Beijing and related for a furniture bargains alliance.
This time, weave a 25-year-old man named Li An. A will be a territory of Shan State, Beijing. Positively he's an OK individual who giggles and makes people feel so especially composed and charming.
In spite of how she was seven years old, in spite of she has a relationship with a woman who has had a presence accessory since she has a debilitated past. Proceeding forward from discretionary school A dropped out and went to work in a paper system in an adjoining town.
With his dormant cheerful nature, he makes accomplices with the hazards of general play and eating and drinking. Endeavor not to pay high pay to regard drinking so An enthusiastically gobbling up stash. So he has negative examinations, in 2001, A broke into the place of robbery and got and got a sentence of 1 eighteen months year in prison.
Following to leaving A prison to work and a humble piece at some random minute accumulate money and legitimately limiting professional change for little works, the economy in like way has a spot of adequate. Appeared by sidekicks Dan and after that married her, married couple married couple rent a house in the suburbs living. Seeing young ladies living with their relatives scarcely despised not to mind intentionally so Dan with her loved one to live with Le.
Stepfather into mate
In the wake of returning home with my mother, Lệ felt the gleam that I long to hurt for. His father was reasonably to an inconceivable degree breathtaking. A moreover worships his life partner's youngsters, dependably get her new bits of pieces of clothing, toys, books, now and again take Le play stop.
In 2005, Dan passed on An a young lady, similarly starting there Dan contributed all the hugeness and love to consider this child. By uprightness of her revered one dependably rest wheezing, Dan searched for after her life accomplice to bed with Le in his bed outside and in his live with the newborn child kid.
A little piece at some random minute grabbed that giving me and my stepfather were the decide warmth that she felt. Medium-term lying with his life accomplice's own specific youths, A tapped for basic rest. The likelihood of the stepfather constantly makes her vibe the most blissful and considers his stepfather the closest individual in his life.
Around 8 pm reliably in April 2007, the whole family finished dinner, A mate into the room taking a gander at the TV, a little slice Dan uncovered to her young woman need to rest so A likewise go to bed early. Take a gander at his life partner cover the bed out clearly.
Starting at now Xiao Li in like path went to bed, taking a gander at the methods for his stepfather should Le trade people lying on the edge of the divider for An outside. In context of high physical development, the 13-year-old looked like a youthful.
In the midst of the night, the body moved and a concise time period later randomly disintegrated his arms over A, causing A to mix, his heart throbbing and his hands pushing down on him. That night A had beated his moral purpose behind limitation and Le had no reaction by any stretch of the creative limit.
Dan rested in the room so alongside by no means whatsoever, see what happened. Days eventually later, Le and his stepfather kept up this incredible relationship, and reliably, Ly set his head back on A's hand to rest, with her lone when she was put on his father's chest to be ensured.
Dependably, Dan other than watched the capability in his appreciated one, he no longer extravagant thought of his cherished one as before should suspected life gather as one with fondness n
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
hi welcome to my rwrb dump
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okay bye
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
i made this
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okay bye
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
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i made this
okay bye :)
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
guess what i just spent the last 30 minutes of my life on (i know it seems like a picture of a house just wait)
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
Percy Jackson, DARK! DEMIGODS AU
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based on the fic by @idiotacadamia and i which we are writing, in which everyday until the new year, we come out with a new chapter and a moodboard about dark! demigods!
here’s a playlist if anyone is interested
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Characters: Hazel Levesque, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Thalia Grace, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Will Solace
Additional Tags: Shan and Sams' 2K22 Countdown, Angst, dark demigods au, get ready for a but load of angst, we might put in some fluff too, shan and i aren't completely evil, no beta we die like jason, Suicide, Blood and Violence, you know, the normal stuff
Summary: Every day until New Year, Shan and I bring you Shan and Sams 2K22 Countdown: Dark! demigods edition where every day a Dark! demigod drabbles will be released along with moodboards for each demigod (available on our tumblrs) and a playlist Shan put together personally.
okay ily bye
tagging some pjo moots under the cut (tell me if you don't wanna be tagged <33)
@travelledtheseas @onlypanickedqueerness @drunk-on-water @damhalfblood @simpingforreynarameriz @simpingforpjo @simpingforwillsolace @incorrectinfinity
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
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the fic by @idiotacadamia and i which we are writing, in which everyday until the new year, we come out with a new chapter and a moodboard about dark! demigods!
here’s a playlist if anyone’s interested
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Characters: Hazel Levesque, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Thalia Grace, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Will Solace
Additional Tags: Shan and Sams' 2K22 Countdown, Angst, dark demigods au, get ready for a but load of angst, we might put in some fluff too, shan and i aren't completely evil, no beta we die like jason, Suicide, Blood and Violence, you know, the normal stuff, Attempted Rape/Non-Con
Summary: Every day until New Year, Shan and I bring you Shan and Sams 2K22 Countdown: Dark! demigods edition where every day a Dark! demigod drabbles will be released along with moodboards for each demigod (available on our tumblrs) and a playlist Shan put together personally.
okay ily bye
tagging some pjo moots under the cut (tell me if you don't wanna be tagged)
@travelledtheseas @onlypanickedqueerness @drunk-on-water @simpingforreynarameriz @simpingforpjo @simpingforwillsolace @incorrectinfinity @simping-for-solangelo @dustyp1xie @darkandbittercat @booksscienceandmath
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, DARK! DEMIGODS AU
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based on the fic by @idiotacadamia and i which we are writing, in which everyday until the new year, we come out with a new chapter and a moodboard about dark! demigods!
here’s a playlist if anyone is interested
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Characters: Hazel Levesque, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Thalia Grace, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Will Solace
Additional Tags: Shan and Sams' 2K22 Countdown, Angst, dark demigods au, get ready for a but load of angst, we might put in some fluff too, shan and i aren't completely evil, no beta we die like jason, Suicide, Blood and Violence, you know, the normal stuff
Summary: Every day until New Year, Shan and I bring you Shan and Sams 2K22 Countdown: Dark! demigods edition where every day a Dark! demigod drabbles will be released along with moodboards for each demigod (available on our tumblrs) and a playlist Shan put together personally.
okay ily bye
tagging some pjo moots under the cut (tell me if you don’t wanna be tagged <33)
@travelledtheseas @onlypanickedqueerness @drunk-on-water @simpingforreynarameriz @simpingforpjo @simpingforwillsolace @incorrectinfinity @simping-for-solangelo @dustyp1xie @darkandbittercat
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
hello darlings
i made this
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okay bye
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
i made a thing
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yea it was my first time making one of these and i’m not good at it but eh
sorry if you didn’t wanna be tagged i still haven’t made my taglist and god i really need to get to that
@idiotacadamia @bi-saster-and-chaos @buttcrflys-rose @queenlilith43 @haline-of-troy
yea i suck i’m sorry ;-;
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
Annabeth Chase, DARK! DEMIGODS AU
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based on the fic by @idiotacadamia and i which we are writing, in which everyday until the new year, we come out with a new chapter and a moodboard about dark! demigods!
here’s a playlist if anyone is interested
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Characters: Hazel Levesque, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Thalia Grace, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Will Solace
Additional Tags: Shan and Sams' 2K22 Countdown, Angst, dark demigods au, get ready for a but load of angst, we might put in some fluff too, shan and i aren't completely evil, no beta we die like jason, Suicide, Blood and Violence, you know, the normal stuff
Summary: Every day until New Year, Shan and I bring you Shan and Sams 2K22 Countdown: Dark! demigods edition where every day a Dark! demigod drabbles will be released along with moodboards for each demigod (available on our tumblrs) and a playlist Shan put together personally.
okay ily bye
tagging some pjo moots under the cut (tell me if you don't wanna be tagged)
@travelledtheseas @onlypanickedqueerness @drunk-on-water @damhalfblood @simpingforreynarameriz @simpingforpjo @simpingforwillsolace @incorrectinfinity @simping-for-solangelo @dustyp1xie @darkandbittercat
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
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based on the fic by @idiotacadamia and i which we are writing, in which everyday until the new year, we come out with a new chapter and a moodboard about dark! demigods!
here’s a playlist if anyone is interested
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Characters: Hazel Levesque, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Thalia Grace, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Will Solace
Additional Tags: Shan and Sams' 2K22 Countdown, Angst, dark demigods au, get ready for a but load of angst, we might put in some fluff too, shan and i aren't completely evil, no beta we die like jason, Suicide, Blood and Violence, you know, the normal stuff
Summary: Every day until New Year, Shan and I bring you Shan and Sams 2K22 Countdown: Dark! demigods edition where every day a Dark! demigod drabbles will be released along with moodboards for each demigod (available on our tumblrs) and a playlist Shan put together personally.
okay ily bye
tagging some pjo moots under the cut (tell me if you don't wanna be tagged <33)
@travelledtheseas @onlypanickedqueerness @drunk-on-water @damhalfblood @simpingforreynarameriz @simpingforpjo @simpingforwillsolace @incorrectinfinity @simping-for-solangelo
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ddepressedbookworm · 3 years
Nico di Angelo, DARK! DEMIGODS AU
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based on the fic by @idiotacadamia and i are writing, in which everyday until the new year, we come out with a new chapter and moodboard about dark! demigods!
here’s a playlist if anyone’s interested
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Characters: Hazel Levesque, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Thalia Grace, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Will Solace
Additional Tags: Shan and Sams' 2K22 Countdown, Angst, dark demigods au, get ready for a but load of angst, we might put in some fluff too, shan and i aren't completely evil, no beta we die like jason, Suicide, Blood and Violence, you know, the normal stuff
Summary: Every day until New Year, Shan and I bring you Shan and Sams 2K22 Countdown: Dark! demigods edition where every day a Dark! demigod drabbles will be released along with moodboards for each demigod (available on our tumblrs) and a playlist Shan put together personally.
okay love yall bye <3
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