vielle-art · 1 year
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exist to serve.
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voidwraith · 2 years
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Beginning and end. Shandra’s farm before and after
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tomoleary · 2 years
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Joe Jusko Snow Beasts Painting Original Art (1980), plus Joe Jusko’s frontispiece of Shandra.
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the-great-elwisty · 2 years
Shandra cut dialogue for @songofmadness
Got to head to work now and don't have time to look for the PC responses, but here's more of Shandra's cut dialogue. Bishop and Casavir are mentioned midway through.
Shandra: (Embarassed) Actually... well, I did go to temple for a few years. But... with mother, I never really finished.(Reluctant) Not really... I mean, I healed some of the pigs when they get sick, or to mend a broken plow, but...I can't raise the dead or say holy words or anything like that. (Beat) I always did miss the scriptures, though. It helped things - well, make sense.
PC: If your powers were tied into your farm, you may have some druid in you.
| AVELLONE: Set global for Elanee asking.
Shandra: (Thinking) No, because even though I tend the land - it doesn't feel the same. I guess your friend Elanee would know the difference, if you asked her. It's like she's given herself to the land. Me, I just try to make things grow out of it, even when it's stubborn. It's hard to explain.
Player is a druid or ranger. |
Shandra: (A little rueful at end) And I sure can't talk to animals like you two do. Now that's something that would be helpful... even if the birds and chickens are half as stupid as they seem to be.
| Player is not a druid or ranger. |
(A little rueful at end) And I sure can't talk to animals like she does. Now that's something that would be helpful... even if the birds and chickens are half as stupid as they seem to be.
Yeah... mother got ill, and I had to spend most of my time making sure she was taken care of, and then there was the farm to take care of...And I sort of lost touch with it all, I guess. Except for tiny miracles here and there (shrugs) only the pigs really noticed. (Rolls eyes) And that lasted only a heartbeat before they started grunting to have their troughs filled.
| Player has more influence with Bishop than Casavir. |
Anyway, now that I don't really have a farm left, I guess I'm free enough to follow you around and learn how to heal people properly. (Beat, a little quiet) In Bishop's case, healing him isn't much of a change from tending the pigs, trust me.
| Player has more influence with Casavir than Bishop. |
Anyway, now that I don't really have a farm left, I guess I'm free enough to follow you around and learn how to heal people properly. (Beat, a little quiet) At least when Casavir isn't doing it first.
(Suspicious) What's the deal with Bishop anyway? Why is he following you? It doesn't seem like a good fit, ask me. You have purpose... and well, Bishop doesn't. That's his whole thing. He drifts, uses people, and moves on. You used to see that type pass through Highcliff all the time.
Why is Casavir following you anyway? He looks so... well, so depressed all the time. I thought paladins were supposed to be more... well, have more faith than he seems to have. This may be because I went to temple, but sometimes you can sort of see someone's faith - or convictions. And Casavir's - well, they're sort of slowly bleeding out of him. I don't know what happened, but it's not good.
Player: Did you use your healing talents on your farm?
Shandra: (A little stiff) No, I didn't. (Beat) I mean, I had to take care of my mother, and... well, the answer is, no, I didn't.
| Influence < 10 |[Influence: Failure]
(A little defensive) There's nothing really to talk about. I don't even know why we're talking about this anyway - Highcliff has nothing to do with this.
[Influence: Success]
No, I didn't do any healing for the people of Highcliff. It's because... well, this isn't easy for me to say. Trying to heal my mother... it didn't work, and... well, she suffered a lot before she died. It's made it a little hard to do the same for others. If I healed someone... and it didn't work, I really don't think I could take it again, you know?
PC: But you seem willing to heal us just fine.
Shandra: Well, you all seem like you can take care of yourselves - I'm not sure you even need me as much as you humor me.
PC: So you heal us because we can take care of ourselves?
Shandra: (Getting a little exasperated) All right... look, here's what I mean. (Reluctant) There's another reason I left the temple... it's because... well, because of the people, the people who came to speak to the priests.
PC: What about them?
Shandra: (Tapping into an uncomfortable emotion here) Have you ever seen people come to worship? They think you know things you don't. That because you can make little blessings, that somehow you see the past and present and everything under the Faerun moons and can make sense of it all for them. And they think you can tell them why their father died, why they couldn't save their brother... and... all sorts of things. Things you don't know.
PC: Sounds like that really bothered you.
Shandra: It did. And you don't have the answers - and you don't know what to do if they're hurting badly and it's not something you can heal with a spell or a prayer.
PC: So you just don't want the responsibility of people looking up to you for guidance.
Shandra: (Defensive) I didn't say I didn't want to help them - I just had other responsibilities, like my farm.
PC: That's why you didn't want to help the people of Highcliff?
Shandra: (Defensive) It's not like that. I had responsibilities to my farm.
(Getting angry) What are you saying? That I don't like watching out for others?
PC: No, that you feel helpless to help others. Or that you don't want to try.
Shandra: (Angry) Gods, you are self-righteous, aren't you? I take care of myself, I do what any one person can to make a living.
PC: But that's not enough.
Shandra: (Angry) I don't believe that at all. You may think you can do that, but you can't.
PC: I think one person can do more than that – they just have to try.
Shandra: (Throwing it back in the player's face) I mean look at you - you don't even know what family is! Or your home! Or who your Uncle Duncan is! Or anything! You're a stranger to yourself! How dare you lecture me on what I should do, when you don't even know anything about the people around you - the people whose lives you cross on a day to day basis.
Is it? What, are you going to give me a lecture on having to take care of my mother and my farm? You don't know anything about it!
 | Set global for getting irritated. |
Look, I'm done with this and with you. Leave me alone.
ETA: I went back into dialog.tlk to look for the player responses, and instead I found this:
| This occurs once players discover Ammon Jerro alive. |
Shandra: (Still a little confused by the revelation her ancestor is still alive) Well... I didn't realize he was still alive. That just seems... it is impossible. I mean, how old would he be now? I know sorcerers can live a long time – but I never had anyone in my family be alive that long. (Slight frustration, builds throughout line) And how come he never tried to find us? (Starting to get frustrated) When mother was sick... and when the farm went through the bad season... all of this... it just makes no sense.
Well, that would have made for a different Act 3, presumably.
Also, there was supposed to be a dungeon (a cellar with traps) beneath Shandra's farm as well as escape tunnel(s), probably created by Ammon.
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Today's Beauty-Marked Beauty is: Shandra Jimenez from Gravity Falls
Requested by: @constantinho
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sleepsentry · 8 months
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I'm genuinely very happy B.T found himself during wierdmaggedon.
That isn't a joke or an exaggeration for comedy. It genuinely made 12 year old me so happy. ^^
The punching bag character is very counter productive in a show supposedly about embracing oddities, although it's obvious the show stumbled into that message, out of a sense of obligation, when it would more often be petty and mocking in a very 2000s 2010s way.
Gravity Falls would have suuuuuucked if it was an adult show "unrestricted by mushy kid's shit" x[
It's actually obnoxiously judgemental a lot of the time, no better example than the popularity of dipper and stan and their "witty remarks" which is just them being insecure assholes, both when the show is aware of it, and when it isn't.
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shungieshrieks · 1 year
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Neverwinter Nights 2 Companions in Baldur's Gate 3
I miss them.
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doli-nemae · 6 months
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sam protecting her brother ran (belongs to @clericnortke) and her crush friend shandra
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dontforgetukraine · 2 months
"Make no mistake: MH17 was not an isolated case but a spillover of a sea of lawlessness perpetuated by the impunity that emboldened Putin’s regime." —Alya Shandra, editor-in-chief at Euromaidan Press
Source: Real justice for MH17 is Ukraine’s victory
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vielle-art · 1 year
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i’ll look for you in every lifetime 💞
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voidwraith · 1 year
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And here are our dearies in noir style 🌚
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quenthel · 1 year
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Neverwinter nights girlies we are unstoppable
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chaoticdumbsorcerer · 2 months
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Why Shandra is my favorite companion of all time
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erosrageclaw · 2 months
hey actually yknow what where the fuck did everything shandra have on her go. i just spent like 273819284g upgrading her before she got kentucky fried chickened from when i had to cart the gith chick around. parked khelgar at the inn like oop this is fine i got a tank u stay here :) and now im like WHERES THE BODY MOTHERFUCKERS
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dairine-bonnet · 4 months
On Manaan:
One of the jedi knights from the Dantooine Enclave: Now, we don't have many jobs on Dantooine after you left the planet. But we searched the surroundings for opportunities. After that me and my friends took to the road, and I found an old lady and rescued a cat. We each got an apple.
Mission: Aye... well, I guess you have to start somewhere.
Jolee: I'm sure this old woman was as delighted by your actions as we are.
Bastila: Well, if it had been our leader doing it, the cat would be lost, the tree burned down, and the old lady would be travelling with us now.
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