#shane parker x mc
koko-heads · 2 years
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and then they kissed
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
platinum | shane parker x mc (cadence dorian)
shane and cadence have been best friends their entire lives. so why do things feel so different when she comes to visit him at college? set pre-book. (for @platinumweekend ❤️)
tags: @choicesarehard ; @empressazura; @zigtheeortega ; @pixeljazzy ; @withbeautyandrage 
~3.1k words | T
“it’s not like that.” it feels like at least the fourth or fifth time he’s said as much since he first casually mentioned that cadence would be coming to visit this weekend, much to the delight of his friends. “we’ve been best friends our whole lives. that’s it.”
“sure,” angelica grins, looking just about as far from angelic as any one person can get. “if you say so.”
devon takes a less patronizing approach. she shrugs, not looking up from where she’s filing her nails. “i don’t buy it. you don’t go through puberty with someone without having at least a little sexual tension with them.”
“oh my god,” shane groans, “will you guys stop? we’ve never -- i don’t -- we’re just friends.”
evan, his roommate, hums. “just let me know if you need me to clear out tonight, okay? casey said i could bunk with him.”
“if you guys don’t shut up, i swear to god --”
there’s a chorus of protests from around the table, several whispered exhalations of touchy, i see and hands being raised placatingly. he rolls his eyes, picking up his empty plate. it’s time to go pick cadence up from the bus stop, like -- now. “just please be normal when she gets here, okay?”
“we will if you will!” angelica calls out after him. laughter follows him as he exits the dining hall, and he only exhales once he’s halfway to his car, shaking his head. 
his college friends are far from the first group of people to assume that there’s something more than just friendship between he and cadence. his own parents have implied a number of times that it wouldn’t be the worst thing if they got together, and that’s about a girl that’s slept over at his house more times than he can count, a girl who he went through his power rangers phase with, a girl who saw him through middle school and high school and still somehow liked him enough to call him her best friend.
he’s gotten very good at ignoring comments from people who don’t understand their relationship or even think it’s weird how close they are, so being teased by his friends doesn’t bother him as much as it makes him roll his eyes.
shane’s used to the judgments others cast on what’s always been nothing more than a mutually supportive and wholly enjoyable friendship. still, for some reason, it’s a little tougher to shake off this time than in the past, and he finds that some of their comments have poked at certain sore spots he didn’t even know he had.
he’s uneasy, as he ducks his head and jogs across campus.
it’s probably going to be a very long and very strange weekend.
true to form, cadence is beaming when she hops off the bus, the last person to exit the doors that swing open at the campus stop. she’s looking around at everything wide-eyed, like she’s never seen a college campus before, which is hilarious, given that she’s just come from one.
but the tiny performing arts school she attends a few states away is surely at least a little bit different than their hometown state college, a giant university with nearly one-hundred thousand students in attendance.
she rushes over with her duffel and he feels himself grinning back at her as soon as she’s close enough for him to see how bright her eyes are, behind her glasses.
she really is very pretty.
shaking his head, he folds her into the biggest hug he has, making a little oof sound when cadence squeezes him so tightly it leaves him short of breath.
“oh my god, hi,” she squeals into his ear, bouncing up and down on her tip-toes. “i missed you so much. it’s been forever!”
it’s been just about three months, since they said goodbye at her grandma’s house in august the night before they both had to leave to go move in. and while in some ways it feels like they were just together, especially given how they’re constantly in contact, he knows exactly what she means. it definitely also feels like it’s been way too long since he last held her exactly like this.
“i’m so glad you’re here,” he murmurs in return, pulling away to reach for her bag for her. “there’s so much i want to show you.”
“i know!” cadence exclaims, back to smiling at everything again. “i can’t wait to meet all your friends. but -- come on, i’m freezing. first let me see your dorm.”
right. his room. where she’ll be sleeping... with him.
it wasn’t like that’d never happened before. of course it had. you didn’t get to be lifelong best friends without squeezing into a few strange sleeping arrangements. he and cadence had shared a bed, a couch and the same stretch of floor before without even an ounce of weirdness affecting their relationship.
so he can only assume that the reason why it feels suddenly strange, this time, is because of the way his friends had just been teasing him and how uncomfortably close to home some of their comments had landed. 
devon’s voice in particular flashes through his mind again as he does his best not to stare at cadence and her leggings and the sweater that’s slipping off her shoulder: you don’t go through puberty with someone without having at least a little sexual tension with them.
shaking his head to dispel the unwelcome flipping of his stomach, shane jerks his thumbs at the far side of campus with a grin. “right this way.”
like always, he finds himself waiting around for her to finish getting ready.
they’re not due at the pregame for another hour, so he’s free to catch up with her (alone, thank god -- evan is meeting them out) while she gets her makeup on, his eyes lingering on the precise movement of her dainty hands applying eyeshadow while she talks a mile a minute about her bus trip earlier that day.
“-- and there was this little girl making bracelets at the terminal, she was so cute. i gave her five dollars and she made me this keychain for my bag on the bus. isn’t it so good?” she sets down her concealer to reach for the beaded lizard hanging off the edge of her duffel. “so cute, right?”
“have you ever gone anywhere without making friends with someone?” shane asks instead of answering, smiling fondly at her. “i swear you could hold a conversation with a brick wall.”
cadence laughs, turning back to the tiny compact mirror balanced on her knees. despite the less-than-ideal environment of his very bare and very poorly lit dorm room, she still looks flawless, brushing highlighter on her cheek until it’s glittering. 
he realizes he’s staring again and averts his eyes guiltily. why does he feel guilty? it’s just cadence. have a few simple months apart made him completely forget how to act around her?
“well, the drive would’ve been boring without anyone to talk to,” she answers finally, “and you were in class.”
“i’m surprised you didn’t bring something to read,” he muses. there’ve been plenty of times he’s had to rip a book out of her hands so she’d pay attention to him and the movie he was trying to show her, after all. 
“god, i just wanted a break from anything academic,” cadence groans, “midterms ruined my life. do you feel like college is a thousand times harder than high school, or is it just me? most of the time i thought everyone had to be exaggerating, but -- i don’t know.” she fidgets on the rug, flicking her eyes up to his. “it’s not like how i thought it’d be.”
shane holds her gaze quietly. college isn’t like how he thought it’d be, either -- it’s actually a little bit better. but it’d be impossible to say so now that she’s admitted she’s struggling.
one thing is exactly like he’d imagined it, though: he misses her just as much as he’d expected to. it’s not easy at all to be so far away from his best friend.
“yeah, i know what you mean,” he says finally, keeping his eyes locked on her even when cadence turns back to her makeup to gloss her lips. “it is hard. and it’s definitely important to take those breaks. don’t worry, we’ll get your mind off of school this weekend.”
cadence laughs, snapping her compact shut and stuffing her makeup back into her bag. “i hope i can keep up with you guys. my school is definitely not a party school.”
“we’ll catch you up,” he promises, grinning at the thought of the evening ahead of them. he’s going to show cadence a good time if it’s the last thing he does. and she has no idea what she’s in for. “don’t worry.”
surprisingly, everyone is perfectly nice and normal when they arrive at the pregame. his friends treat cadence like an instant member of the group, like she’s someone they’ve known for years. they welcome her with open arms and start pouring shots down her throat like they’ve done to him so many times before completely effortlessly.
it’s what happens when they get to the party that’s troublesome. 
he’s admittedly a few drinks deep when cadence drags him onto the dance floor. he should’ve known that’d be the first place she’d want to go; all of cadence’s shy little wallflower moments fly straight out the window whenever she’s had so much as a sip of alcohol. 
it’s not his fault he doesn’t manage to stop her. shane’s own head is swimming from the shots he’s had and he figures there’s not much harm in indulging her, but it’s only when they all crowd onto the dance floor and he sees the way his friends are looking at him that he realizes the position they’re in.
“this is awesome!” cadence chirps, angling her head to be near his ear. her arms loop around his neck as she swings her hips to the music. “i’ve never been to a party like this before.”
true, in high school, there were parties like this, but the two of them were never invited to them. they’d gone to prom alone together, and stayed up all night afterwards sneaking sips of alcohol at cadence’s grandma’s while she pointedly went to bed early.
“i’m glad you’re having fun,” he calls back, shuffling awkwardly on his feet in front of her. “do you need a water?”
“no!” cadence’s eyes are bright in the low light of the random living room they’re in, bopping along to the beat. she bounces up and down on her feet, dragging him closer. “you need another drink.”
to say the least. he could probably stand to put some distance between them, too -- get himself a moment of air. shane nods, ducking out from the circle of her arms. “yeah, i’ll be right back.”
he groans as he steps into the kitchen, almost turning around and heading back the way he came; casey and devon are standing in front of the counter. they both give him a pointed look as he slows to a stop in front of them.
“don’t,” he mutters, suddenly feeling very warm from the drinks he’s had and absolutely nothing else. 
“dude,” casey sighs, shaking his head at him, “you guys should probably just hook up and get it over with.”
“okay, that is not helpful,” shane answers, leaning around him to reach for a beer, cracking the tab on the can and taking a big swig in the hopes that it’ll calm him down. unfortunately, his head just spins harder as soon as he swallows. “it’s not a big deal. we’re just excited to see each other.”
there’s a beat before devon answers, eyebrows arched from behind the plastic cup in her hands. “sure.”
admittedly -- the rest of the party is kind of a blur. there’s more drinks and more dancing, and his friends drag he and cadence up on the roof to play some drinking game he doesn’t understand. the thing is... it’s fun, in a way he hasn’t experienced since the summer. sure, he’s been to plenty of parties since the semester started and gone out and gotten drunk and stayed up all night, but...
time with cadence was a different kind of fun. 
having her around, with him at school, filled a void he hadn’t realized he was lacking until she arrived, like he’d simply grown accustomed to a new full-body ache and had only noticed it once it was suddenly removed.
it’d be impossible to pretend not to be endeared by the way she stumbles out of the party and how she hums to herself in the street on the walk home, so he doesn’t bother, slinging his arm around her shoulders to lead her back to the dorm.
while everyone else is arguing about what type of pizza to order, they slip away, and then they’re alone in his room again.
cadence toes out of her shoes and twirls around barefoot across the rug between his and evan’s beds on her way back to her bag. “okay, that was so fun,” she sighs, dropping down onto the floor. “i wish i went to school here.”
“me too,” shane murmurs, watching her pull out her makeup wipes and tie back her hair. his eyes drift over to the twin bed sitting inconspicuously on his side of the room. when he’d invited her up here, he’d assumed they’d both just cram into it like they had so many other times before, in his twin bed at home. now...
now cadence is getting changed into her pajamas with her back to him, and he coughs and does the same, averting his eyes in the dark where he’d never flicked the light on when they got back to the room.
he’s saved from having to think of something to say by the way she crawls straight into his bed and leaves the blanket flipped open for him to join her.
maybe it’s the beer’s fault, that he gets in -- or maybe he has the beer to thank for giving him the courage to get into bed with her, but either way, he does, and within moments he’s nose-to-nose with cadence in the smallest space they’ve ever been in together, and she smiles at him in a way that’s almost unfairly beautiful, for someone who knows him as well as she does.
that’s the thing that’s so unlawful about this: she’s his best friend. she’s been by his side for every single up and down of his life, every moment he was happy or sad or angry. cadence picked him up when he doubted himself, comforted him when he needed it, made him laugh when the world felt ugly and hopeless. 
if he did something wrong now, all of that would go away.
it doesn’t stop her from staring at him, though. cadence keeps her eyes locked on his, and smiles at him through the dark, and evidently he’s the world’s biggest idiot, so he stares back. of course he smiles, too.
“thank you,” she murmurs after a moment, breaking the still silence between them. “i’m glad we did this. i needed this.”
shane swallows, resisting the urge to reach out for her. “you should’ve told me you were struggling. i would’ve had you out sooner. or -- came home, or something.”
she shakes her head. “nah,” cadence whispers, “i could tell you were having too much fun.”
he sighs, giving in and tucking his arm around her back. cadence wiggles closer under the sheets until their knees are touching. “it doesn’t matter how much fun i’m having,” he reminds her, voice as serious as he’s ever heard it before, “because you’re the most important thing in my life. always. and there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you.”
cadence blinks at him. her face splits into a beautiful, dazzling smile and then, quickly enough to make his head spin, she leans in and kisses him, closing the last inch of space between their faces.
his palm spreads out over her back and he tilts her in closer, kissing back slowly. part of him knows it’s a mistake, but a larger part of him has thought about this before -- too much, probably, for someone who calls himself her best friend. part of him has imagined it a million times, in a million ways, though none of them compare to this -- the real thing.
in none of his fantasies did he ever think it would feel like it does, comforting and familiar but new and exciting all at once. he’d never assumed kissing cadence would feel as natural as breathing -- but it does.
it feels like something they’ve done a thousand times before, and there’s no denying it’s something he’d like to do at least a thousand times more. his exhale is shaky when they break apart, his eyes sweeping her expression for a sign of regret on her beautiful face.
cadence’s eyes blink open slowly, her smile reappearing as soon as they do. “shane...” she murmurs, and something in his chest twists and then cracks wide open, a swarm of butterflies invading his stomach.
“yeah.” this is insane. what are they doing? they shouldn’t be -- he shouldn’t, really, because cadence is his best friend and he needs her and she is...
she is asleep, suddenly, breathing even and deep with her eyes closed again. the lips he’d just been kissing are parted with a little hitch in her exhales.
he relaxes, slumping back against the mattress.
is she even going to remember this in the morning?
studying his best friend, curled in towards his chest and fast asleep without a care in the world, like the entire planet hasn’t somehow just shifted on its axis, he can only hope that she will -- because he knows that tonight, and its many revelations, is going to be impossible for him to ever forget.
not that he’d ever try to. a palm scrubs across his face, and he lays down, resting carefully on the other half of the pillow cadence’s hair is taking up the majority of.
well -- at least they’re together on this one, shane muses, as he stares up at the ceiling and tries to calm down enough to go to sleep. 
no matter what madness tomorrow brings, at least he’ll still be sorting through it with his best friend.
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platinumweekend · 4 years
In the tags, tell us what tv show, music video, movie, etc. you think Shane would direct.
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In conclusion for this Platinum chapter
We lost a bunch of fans, but made up with Shane (us gala goers) and had three great scenes with our LIs.
It was a great chapter, as usual. Platinum, we stan. 🙌
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teenwvlf · 5 years
do i feel bad for shane? yeah of course i do. do i feel bad for making the right choice to boost mc’s career? absolutely not
yall can call me a bad best friend all yall want but i did what’s best mc and her career ! plus i wanted to see raleigh lmao
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griffinshoodie · 5 years
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Hey can I just say that I love the fact that there’s no random, instant animosity here????
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
I can't write longer posts until I feel better... but can we talk about how AMAZING are all three LIs (and our friends) in Platinum? They're all so beautiful people in their own, unique way! I love these people! 💖
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sadgirllovesmusic · 5 years
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i-choose-liam · 5 years
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 4 years
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...I wonder what our past selves would think, looking at us now.
Artists supporting artists, or are the rumors true and it’s something much more? 🤔😙
commission from the lovely, wonderful, amazing @pilitella 💓
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koko-heads · 2 years
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he has NO RIGHT being this cute
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Dreams Come True
Pairing: Shane Parker x MC (Layla Greene @ Cadence Dorian) 
Book: Platinum
Rating: G
Word Count: 1021 words
A/N: Hii! This is my (late) submission for Day 3 of @platinumweekend​ , with a fic for Shane x MC! I didn’t get a chance to edit, but I manage to whip up this fic which will be related with my Day 4 of the event! This is my first time writing other pairing than Bryce x MC (I hope it came out just right aaaaaaaa, I’m nervous! ) and I hope all of you enjoy it! <3 // Also, I’m sorry for not writing much, but uni been busting me, and I will try to post more soon! Thank you for understanding *pleading face emoji* 
Tagging: @platinumweekend​ , @choicesficwriterscreations​  
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10 years ago.
The dark sky was decorated with stars, as Shane and Layla be seen laying on the grass overlooking the sky above. It has been a tradition for them to hang out the night before school starts, and it’s the last night before their senior year began. 
The sound of the waters filled their ears, as they lay down in sync eyes following the skies above; a game of searching the constellations was created during the years. 
“Hey, maybe if we’re lucky the shooting stars are going to happen tonight.” Shane’s words flow through followed by the sounds of airplanes from above.
Layla lets out a laugh before answering,
“You said that every year Shane, there is no shooting star here, unfortunately.” 
He lets out a small chuckle as he sat up from his position, 
“No negative talks Layla, maybe tonight will be different; who knows?” 
Layla follows as they sat cross-legged on the grass after a while of star-gazing. There was a silence followed, a comforting one.
“We been here for the last few years Shane, and tomorrow it’s the start of our senior year. How did time fly by so quickly?” She wonders looking at him somehow searching for an answer.
His expression formed into a small smile, “We grew up, and…next we are going to go our separate ways. You will be the number one singer in the whole damn world, while I’ll be in LA for school. We are going to be adults with….” 
He cringes a bit, “…responsibilities.” 
Layla lets out a laugh at the response,
“You are going to nail it as a director Shane, I knew you had it in you when you manage to overcome my panic of not being able to use iMovie!” She replies with full enthusiasm.
His smile as wide as he could, somewhat feeling speechless as he pulls her into a hug. She was taken aback by it but accepts it wholeheartedly. 
“You’ll be amazing too, I remember you been talking about being the next superstar; the music sheets scattered on the floor… or the time that you accidentally submitted your lyrics sheet for our chemistry assignment.” He snickers as Layla cringes at the memory.
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I still got flashbacks from that day, and thank goodness I wasn’t suspended or anything.” Layla replies still shuddering from the memory beforehand, but they both ended up laughing at the memory once more. 
After a moment of laughter, Shane went quiet as his eyes darted above them…a shooting star. 
Both of them held each other’s hands, as they wished upon the star; all their dreams and wishes were bundled into one. Moments later, they exchange a look between them as they sealed the promise that both of them to reach their dreams as they cheered for each other in both the dark and good times. 
10 years later. 
“…and the winner for Album of The Year is, Cadence Dorian with Stars Behind My Scars.” The announcer stated earning a round of applause from the audience, as Shane pull her into a tight hug leaving a kiss on her face.
As she walks up to the stage, the mix of shock, overwhelmed, and happiness was written all over her face as she held her Vinyl award for the first time after all these years dreaming of it. Shane stood up proudly applauding for his girlfriend, followed by her friends cheering her from below. The shouts made her flush, as she presented her speech for the win. 
“I… am very surprised for this win, and I can’t stop smiling tonight. I want to say thank you to the other nominees for inspiring me every day….and, gosh I don’t even know where to begin…”
Shane signals her to take deep breaths, as she follows in order to calm herself down. It worked as she resumes her speech once more.
“First of all, I want to thank my producer Ozone for making this a reality, as we worked our butts in the booth every night to make it perfect. I want to thank my friends and family for supporting me from afar and taking their precious time to be apart of this project. And, I wanted to thank my fans as well; all of you have been supporting me after all these years, and I love each and every one of you.” She paused, as her eyes fall onto Shane who smiles as wide as he could with a proud expression written over his face.
“…and, I want to say thank you to one of the best people I ever met, that I had the pleasure of meeting more than a decade ago. I remember we made a promise to never give up on our dreams, and it's been a sole reminder as I wake up every day. And, standing here today I want to assure you that… Dreams can indeed come true, and sometimes a wish upon a star really can make a huge difference…” 
There was a pause once more, as they locked onto each other gaze before she was taken back to reality once again, “Thank you again.” 
As she walked backstage, she was crushed into a hug as the show went into commercial. It was none other than Shane himself, as they were caught upon an embrace.
“I knew you could do it.” He whispers into her air, as a tear finally escaped her eyes for the first time that night. 
“We did it, together.” She corrects him, as they both smile with happiness, she won her vinyl, as his movie got nominated for an award show, the best ending that one could ever asked for.  The stars above were shining brightly that night for the two of them, as their wish had come true.
“It was a metaphor for the ones with an empty heart, the stars above will heal the scars within as it leaves something special behind. It is the stars behind my scars that shined brightly during the dark times, as you stood beside me through it all.” – Stars Behind My Scars. 
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omgjasminesimone · 4 years
#27 for Raleigh
Last one from these prompts! Thanks for the request
First Time Hanging Out with the Other’s Friends
Shane shakes his head fondly as the trio get settled at a table in Smoothie Star. “I can’t believe you wanted to meet up here.”
Cadence smiles at Shane, sipping on her strawberry banana crush. “Old habits die hard.”
Shane smiles back, but his smile falters as his gaze drifts just to Cadence’s left, taking in Raleigh Carrera. “So....I’ve heard a lot about you.” Shane informs him.
“All good things, I hope.” Raleigh quips sarcastically. He can already tell Shane doesn’t like him, or maybe he just doesn’t trust him. Or maybe he’s jealous, since it seems the aspiring director has been firmly friend zoned by Cadence Dorian.
“Very few good things, actually. Like, don’t you have a new girlfriend? How does she feel about you jetting off to Cadence’s hometown?” Shane accuses.
“That was just to draw some press away from Cadence. I’m not a cheating scumbag.” Raleigh informs him.
“Shane, you promised you’d be nice.” Cadence reminds him. After all these years of friendship, Shane can be a little overprotective. He always grills her boyfriends much harder than her own father.
“I am being nice! It’s just friendly conversation!” Shane insists.
Raleigh sips his pineapple mango breeze with a smirk. “Oh yeah, I bet we’re gonna end up being the best of friends.”
Last Time Hanging Out with the Other’s Friends
“What about this one?” Raleigh asks, showing Shane an engagement ring with a unique pinkish hue to the large diamond.
Shane takes the ring out of Raleigh’s hand, bringing it to his face to inspect closely. “I don’t know man, it might be a little showy for Cadence.” He advises.
“Hmm, you’re right, she’d hate that. Okay, what about this one?”
“.....that’s like half a carat Raleigh.”
“Ok ok, you don’t have to look at me like that. So, I need to find some happy medium.” Raleigh’s eyes scan the display case. “Ooh, what about this one?”
Raleigh points to the ring in question, and Shane smiles. “I think that’s the one.” Cadence’s best friend confirms.
Raleigh waves down the sales clerk. “Wow, this feels so real now. I’m getting a little nervous.” He admits.
“I wouldn’t be too worried, you know she’s gonna say yes. How are you planning to propose? What are you gonna say?” Shane queries.
“I don’t know. I was thinking fancy dinner, and then I’ll just speak from the heart.” Raleigh answers.
“...But you’re terrible at speaking from the heart. Remember when they let you do that Univision interview without a prepared statement?”
Like Raleigh could forget that disaster. “Oh, yeah.”
“Here, pretend I’m Cadence.” Shane tries to look a little more feminine, pursing his lips a little. “Go.”
“uh...Cadence....it’s been a crazy couple of years...and-“ Raleigh starts before he’s interrupted.
“Are you not going to get down on one knee?”
Raleigh quirks a brow. “Are people still doing that?”
“Oh my god, you’re so lucky you have me looking out for you, you moron.” Shane insults, albeit fondly.
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Okay, so there are two different scenarios
If you go to the gala with Shane, you'll get the option for two 30-diamond scenes.
One with Avery (after they text you the invite for the celebration)
And one with Shane (which he offers after the movie's over)
If you go to the gala instead, the two diamond scenes are either with:
Raleigh, who subtly hints for you to go inside and meet them there
Or Avery, who again offers you to meet them at their rooftop
This, of course, really suits both scenarios. Shane would never offer an MC that basically "berayed" him to come over to his apartment and hang out. Raleigh's similar. They care for MC, but speaking to her outside the gala, or meeting up with her anywhere else, will cause a lot of unnecessary drama. They can only meet her there, and even then they need to sneak out.
And Avery? Amazing, sweet Avery? Avery is always sweet and kind. In the gala scenario they're right there to let you know about the nomination, face to face. To me the invitation felt more personal that way, and I loved it.
And if not? Avery is the type of person who sees utmost importance in MC and they show it. So yes, even if MC goes to Shane's film thing Avery will let her know about their nomination and text her their invite. That may not be as personal as the first scenario, but it shows even more how important MC is to Avery.
So again, I love this book, and I love how, no matter what you choose, Avery will be there for you. They are honestly the best. ❤
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holystxne · 4 years
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Hank deserves the praises because he’s been supportive of MC since day 1. I love this man’s endless support !!
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cavillkingdom · 5 years
Someone: Hey, are you alright?
Me: Yeah.. Sure.
Also me:
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