Anabel wasn’t exactly sure what to do with the paid leave she’d been given by the International Police; she’d hardly packed for a vacation, after all. But it was as she’d told Mr. Looker before leaving Aether Paradise; she rather liked the idea of vacationing like an actual tourist, for once. They were always traveling from place to place and they never so much as got to try the food. But here, for once, barring no special orders to return home for another assignment, they would have the time to not only enjoy the food, but the sights as well.
Royal Avenue’s name was fitting; the Battle Royal Dome no doubt paid some landscapers and groundskeepers half a fortune to keep everything in the surrounding area looking nice. She took her time walking down the path, and found little of interest to look at except for the flowers—until her eyes fell upon a trainer sitting outside of one of the masalada shops. Well, not right outside. He was with a gleaming metagross, and apparently…feeding it.
The trainer himself hardly caught her eye; it was the metagross that did that. She hadn’t seen many of them in recent memory; they weren’t the kind of favorite pet that, say, espurr or lillipup were. But they were incredible in a fight under the right trainer’s guidance, and this one looked to be in top form.
Though Anabel was hardly the type of person to approach a stranger, it seemed almost wrong not to, in this case.
She offered the trainer a smile as she stepped off of the path and approached both him and his pokémon. “I’m sorry to interrupt,” she said, “but your metagross is…honestly quite amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in such good shape.”
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dxtiful-blog · 8 years
'A shiny Scizor! I have never seen your kind before!!!' And Steven proceeded to nerd out over the Steel-type. - sharplydressed-rockcollector
She just blankly stares at Steven with a sweatdrop going down her face.
“Errr... thank you? I guess this is a compliment.”
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12 - sharplydressed-rockcollector
Questions for the Muse || accepting
12.) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
“…Is this supposed to be the sort of question they ask in introductory psychology classes?” Arms crossed, she taps the forefinger of one hand against her arm. “It’s not that deep. Besides, sociology is a field better equipped to answer a question like this, I think. Like any species out there, we as human beings are also unique, in possession of different personalities and therefore also likes and dislikes. It stands to reason, then, that what I like you might not like, and what makes me happy might not make you happy…”
She’s not really one to get into these sorts of discussions; most of her thinking leans toward the logical, after all, and as she’s learned the hard way in the past, her sensibilities tend to be a bit of a mood killer. A lot of things aren’t as deep or thought-provoking as people wish they were.
“Even if my happiness meant your happiness, it does not imply that subjecting you to the root cause of my happiness would result in your happiness.” She shrugs, arms still crossed. “People like to think that if we all found happiness in the same things everyone would get along and people like me wouldn’t be necessary. Those people are… They mean well, I know, but they are intentionally ignorant and shortsighted. There is no such thing as a perfect world.”
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rubyki-blog · 8 years
Everything considered, today was a good day. Not one of the best, but good enough. With sheaves of paper sitting upon his desk like immovable mountains, everything was fine and all was right with the world.
And in fifteen minutes, he could finally --
“... sir?” What was Steven doing here, in the office, at this time? “... is there something I can assist with?”
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shironandina · 8 years
Continued from here.
‘Splendid! Where would you like to go, Shirona-san?’
“You’re the one treating me, I’ll allow you to decide.”
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typeadvantages-blog · 8 years
Excuse me, have you seen a Hard Stone around here? - sharplydressed-rockcollector
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“Aren’t most stones hard...? There’s plenty of them in Rock Tunnel.”
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URL MEME || accepting
my opinion on;
character in general: I admit I’ve never thought overmuch of Steven before, but he’s honestly a pretty interesting character and it’s been cool seeing how different people write him.how they play them: Pretty well, I think. He comes across as fairly mature and, well, ready to take on the responsibility of being president of the Devon Corporation.the mun: Very nice; we’ve enjoyed a couple of little chats.
do i;
follow them: Yes.rp with them: I have!want to rp with them: Mmhm.
what is my;
overall opinion: I haven’t RP’d with Steven enough to have a really strong opinion but so far I think the mun is doing nicely! I can see Steven and Anabel getting along and having a good professional relationship in the future. Both characters can benefit from having made each other’s acquaintance and I have to admit that’s pretty awesome because I hadn’t thought much of it before. That said, I’m enjoying our interactions and hope to do more in the future.
**Note: Mun’s answers are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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“Visage, you have an... interesting taste in women.” 
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I love my Steven because he's so sweet! He's really a nerd XD - sharplydressed-rockcollector
tell me why you love your muse! (accepting)
You’d think with my enjoyment of geology & paleobiology, not to mention my job working with/in aggregates, that I’d know more about characters like Steven, but for some reason he slipped in under the radar. I’m glad to see that other people really enjoy him, though, and take the time to delve into his character and figure out who he is beyond an excellent trainer and president’s son/future president of Devon. He’s a fun character!
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