#shattered glass pt01
shreddedparchment · 5 years
Shattered Glass Pt.01
Team Building
Pairing: Tony x Reader, Steve x Reader          Word Count: 5,750
Prompt: “Agh I’ve been hit!” “Calm down Meryl Streep, it’s just a paintball.”
Masterpost          Warnings: Language, suggestive themes, angst, violent imagery, blood, graphic violence
A/N: I fail. This was SUPPOSED to be a one shot. FML. I can’t do it. It’ll be only two parts. Maybe three if there’s enough content? But probably just two. Don’t hold me to that though. This is my very first Tony-centric fic so hopefully it comes out well. Steve wasn’t supposed to have the part that he has in this one but it kinda just worked itself out this way. This is for @moonbeambucky ‘s #5KWritingChallenge ! When I saw this prompt it screamed Tony. Anyway, I hope you like it! If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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You’re wounded!
It hurts!
“Ah! I’ve been hit!” You cry, an earth-shattering shout of agony.
You fall to your knees and clutch at the piercing in the center of your chest. Head thrown back in a silent shriek as you die.
“Calm down, Meryl Streep, it’s just a paintball.” Tony moves up beside you, carefully hidden behind a tall tower of tires. His snark is layered.
The topmost bit is all annoyance and exasperation with your over the top antics. Probably doesn’t like the competition.
The rest has to be amusement. Affection. Fondness. It’s there, though it’s hidden and carefully smothered.
You fall back, laying on the mulch and dirt of the paintball field, relaxed as you breathe in and out. There’s a large splatter of red paint on the front of your vest. You’re shot and the bright light of the setting sun dips between the swaying branches of the tall and aged poplar and spruce.
You give Tony a pout, eyes skillfully pooling. You can fake a good cry if it'll get you what you want.
“It hurts. I’m dead, Tony.” You inhale a deliberate shuddering breath as he moves to kneel beside you, yearning for his sympathy. “Nat killed me.”
He traces the still wet splatter, coating his index finger in the crimson paint as he essentially runs it down between your breasts. What you wouldn’t give for your vest to be gone.
With hazy eyes, the paint might really be blood.
“Maybe you should be paying attention then, instead of flirting with Rogers?” He counters and though usually his voice would be laced with sarcasm, the stern and serious note in it gives you pause.
Everything, every instance of flirtation with Tony has been one-sided. You throw out the bait but he never bites. He never gives away any interest.
Your shallow playfulness subsides as you consider his shift in voice.
You swallow your spit and taste the chemical flavor of paint and gritty earth. It’s acerbic and normally you’d be spitting and gagging but your heart is suddenly racing.
With a lick to your lips you narrow your eyes, taking in the strong set of his sharp bearded jaw, deep brown eyes, full peach lips, “Jealous?”
Your accusation draws his hand away from your chest but you catch it, tracing the length of his finger so slow there can be no question of your intent.
The flex of his arms, tight, lithe biceps straining against the black and gray thermal. The bright shine of his Nano housing keeps it from clinging to his hard chest. He’s ripped though Steve and Sam and everyone else keeps focus away from Tony’s almost obsessive fixation on fitness.
He holds his gun with the barrel pointed up into the air so that he won’t chance accidentally shooting you.
His eyes watch the clean pink painted nail of your middle finger as you continue to stroke his.
Time seems to stop. Not around you.
Around you, everyone is still very much diving and running, swerving and shooting. You hear the peppered cries of those being shot and those doing the shooting.
You can hear Sam swear and Clint laugh. Steve's playful battle cry and Nat's returning shout of surprise. But here in your little bubble with Tony’s hand in your grasp, things flow like molasses.
Fluid and thick, ripe with unsaid desires and forbidden pleasures that until this moment you’d assumed were only yours. You’re too young. You’re the troublemaker. You give him headaches not hardons.
“Why would I be jealous?” He asks, brow twitching as he queries. “You’re not my type.”
That doesn’t hurt. It’s not the first time he’s told you this. His gentle push to keep you at a distance. It hasn’t worked in a long time and it’s not working now. Not with the slip you just saw.
You smile wide, amused by his words. “Too damaged?”
His eyes darken, your past probably flaring into technicolor flashes in his brain, like the violent images of a snuff film and he forcefully takes his finger back.
He clenches his hand, trying to maybe erase the way it felt to have you touch him?
“Too needy.” He corrects then gets to his feet.
Well, damn.
Ouch. That one does hurt.
You push yourself up onto your elbows and watch him sneak away.
“Guess I’ll just have to find someone willing to fill my needs then.” You throw at him, hoping for some type of reaction, not giving two shits about who might hear you.
Your callous behavior pays off. He turns, fixes those chocolate browns on you and you see the shift. It makes your heart race again. There are flutters in your stomach as the fire blazes in his eyes.
It’s a wild chaotic flame that lasts for only a second before it’s calmed and left to smolder behind his shield.
He turns away and keeps going, gun raised.
He only gets to the next cover before he’s shot.
“Eyes up, Tony.” Steve teases and he looks at you then winks.
Tony drops his arms, staring at the splash of patriotic blue on his vest, then sighs. His suit is deemed illegal and he isn’t exactly great without some piece of his tech around, but damn if that brain of his isn’t sexy.
You smile at Steve, chuckling at his sweet flirting. It’s only playful and you know Steve doesn’t want you but it’s nice to be noticed as a woman instead of the kid.
"That’s the game.” Nat calls, and those left standing move towards the picnic tables where food has been laid out.
Wanda and Vision, first out as they really weren’t as competitive as the other idiots on the team, move about laying out plates and drinks.
Tony marches past where you’re still laying on the ground and doesn’t spare you a glance.
Steve’s boots draw your eyes up and you smile, squinting against the bright orange of the setting sun behind him. If flits through the trees again, gilding his already golden hair.
He offers you his hand and you take it.
“Guess we won.” He says, and you hop as you find your feet.
“Guess we did.” You agree and begin to lead the way back to the rest of the group.
“I was the last man standing.” He tells you, voice not proud, but rather curious.
“Yeah.” You nod, looking back at him with a small knowing smirk. “I know."
You stop a few feet from the group as you turn back towards them and spot Tony’s brightening expression.
It’s that look. The look he only give that one person. The most important person. The one person that he can’t live without. That person that you can never measure up to.
Her perfection. Her politeness. Her sweetness. A sweetness that you will never posses because like you told him, you’re too damaged. Too needy, like he said.
You follow his gaze, already knowing what you’ll find.
A happy Pepper wearing a cute set of work out sweats in teal and blue. She stops and holds out her hands, a look of amused disappointment on her pretty face as she lets them drop to slap against her thighs.
“Did I miss it?” She asks, her easy voice full of love for him. For Tony.
“You missed it. You’re late.” He tells her, adoration pouring from his chocolate browns.
All you ever get is his disenchantment. Disappointment that you aren’t better. That you aren’t more. Not her.
Always to be scolded and corrected.
With a drop of your heart, you stare as Tony marches right up to her and pulls her in for a kiss.
It hurts more than you’ll ever admit. Jealousy is not a good color on you. It makes you reckless and lash out.
“Don’t I get a reward?” Steve asks, again, curious, pulling your attention back to him.
He’s testing the boundaries between the two of you and if he’d done it any other time than right now when Tony’s moving towards you with his arm wrapped around Pepper’s waist, you might not have taken Steve’s bait.
You force your eyes away from the couple and look up into Steve’s storm blue twinkle.
“A hero deserves a prize.” You tell him, then wrap your arms up underneath his to stroke the muscular planes of his vested back.
You push yourself up, getting as close as your paintball gear will let you and kiss him.
It isn’t a chaste kiss either. You tilt your head to the right and suck on his lower lip until he opens up for you and you give his mouth a taste.
Spearmint and the slightest chocolate sugar of his mocha. It’s delicious but all wrong.
When you pull back, his lips remained puckered in shock.
“Thanks for winning the game for us, Cap.” You boop his nose then move to settle into a seat at the edge of the nearest picnic table and lean forward onto your elbows as you spare Tony a glance.
Beside him, Pepper is happily in shock at your display. As is almost everyone else on the team.
“When did that happen?” Pepper asks quietly in Tony’s ear and he gives his head a minute shake.
Your eyes meet his and for one long moment, you silently dare him to say something. As much as he may try to hide it, you can see the flame in his eyes, the jealous edge that cuts at your poor hopeful heart.
More than the snark, the cold fire in his eyes, and the forced calm of his form tells you all you need to know about how Tony really feels about you.
Steve comes to sit by you, leaning in to whisper happy praise for your chosen reward in your ear, and you tear your eyes away from Tony to give Steve your undivided attention.
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It doesn’t stop. It never stops. The wanting and the yearning. The need to fill that hole that can never really be filled.
That incessant need to be cared for. To be given affection. That desire to feel desired and wanted.
It’s always there and it’s always been easily met with an invitation to get a cup of coffee with Wanda or Nat. Thor inviting you out for a walk. Sam reaching out for a sparring partner, or Clint needing a live target for practice.
A small gesture of inclusion and your deepest of stirrings is quelled.
You don’t like to think about why you feel this way. You dream about it enough.
Sometimes it’s a small flicker of an image here or the fading memory of something there but lately, it’s coming back vivid and violent.
It always starts out the same.
You’re small. Tiny compared to the two large bodies beside you. One to your left. One to your right.
You lean towards the one on your right at first, clinging to that person’s arm, stroking the soft satin of a fancy dress. It feels nice. It reminds you of that cat from the summer house before it went missing.
You miss that cat and its smooth fluffy fur.
Vermillion. The dress is like a blood-orange, bright and eye-catching but she smells like Chanel. The musk is thick but good, it invades your senses.
You shift on your bed, tossing onto your right.
Images of a beautiful face fill your mind like sudden bursts of color. Twinkling eyes. Full curving lips. Soft skin. An elegant neck. Austere pearls.
She caresses the side of your head then you giggle and lean onto the body on your left.
This one is large. Thick. Heavy. Fat? No. Sturdy. Stocky. Tall and built like a rhino with a rounded belly but he’s not fat.
He chuckles and wraps you up in his large, black tuxedo clad arm. You fist the side of his jacket, stroking this material too but the red satin is far softer. This musky scent is better though.
He smells like wood, with the bitter tang of pepper creosote from his cigar. You don’t mind. It smells like home. He smells safe. He smells like you’re shielded, and nothing can ever harm you.
You toss onto your back, groaning as you frown. Daddy. Your mind thinks.
The ambient whoosh draws you closer and closer to sleep.
You pass out, clinging to him, a tiny smile on your lips.
Life is perfect. The soft babble of their words helps lull you. Her tinkling laugh sounds far away but it’s beautiful and you wish you could laugh like she does.
It makes him chuckle and you can feel the love between them.
They fade away and you’re in darkness. You’re standing alone with nothing and no one around you.
Only, it’s not you. The girl is older. Much older. Like Mommy. Who is she? She looks like mommy too but not exactly. She looks like a cheap imitation. Not as beautiful. Not as sweet.
“Daddy?” You open your mouth to speak and the girl in the darkness opens her mouth to speak too.
You freeze as your young mind catches up with your dream. You’re the cheap imitation.
She takes a step forward, that mock-mommy. She splits into two. The other one turns to look at you and you’re staring at yourself, confused.
“Who-?” You begin to ask but the other one opens her mouth to ask too. “Who are-?”
She cuts you off again. You sigh.
The other you smiles, too wide. It’s scary. Your little child heart thrums wildly as fear and panic bubble up in your tiny guts.
You shift uncomfortably, fighting the terror that begins to spread through you.
She presses her hand to her chest, laying it flat against her breasts before she begins to cup it until only her fingertips are touching your shirt.
You stare at her movements, unsure of what you’re looking at.
It takes every bit of courage not to run.
She pulls her hand away from her chest and then lays it flat out in front of you.
You look down and at the very center of her palm is a small silver gleam, the brightest bit of teal at the very edges. It shimmers and shakes chaotically while the silver sits still, stretching and constricting back into place.
For a moment all you can do is stare at the silver and teal. This light is scary.
You groan, kicking your legs as your hands fist your sheets.
When you look back up at her, her eyes are gone. They are black pools of threat and your little heart panics.
The silver and teal light releases a pulse and you’re blind.
You hear panicked cries. Mommy…she’s scared.
“No.” You whimper.
Daddy’s arm is gone from you and you open your eyes to see that same silver pulsing around you.
“What’s happening?” Mommy asks, “What is that? What’s she doing?”
It takes you a moment to realize she’s talking about you.
Daddy is forcing the steering wheel to the left and the right. The sounds of the tires squealing against the asphalt of the road is loud and nearly drowns out their screams. Almost.
“Hold on!” Daddy shouts, but the light flashes once more and the car is suddenly up in the air.
You can see Mommy and Daddy floating around you. They’re not moving and you’re safe beside them.
It’s all over in one violent tumble.
The car lands with a loud metallic clatter. It rolls and rolls, tossing them around with abandon. You hear their bones crack and break. Femur, humerus, ribs, neck; one sickening crunch after the other.
Crimson paints the air, it paints the car and the pavement beneath.
As the shatter of glass dies and your body falls painfully onto the street between them, you look around, searching for that safety from before. Searching for Daddy. For Mommy.
“Mom…” You cry.
Your eyes meet hers. Dead eyes. Unmoving eyes. She’s gone.
Your own small body feels twisted and battered but not broken. Not like them.
There is no crimson on you that is yours and something in you tells you that it’s you. You did this.
Even as a baby, a little one, you know that you did this. You killed your parents.
“Mom!” You gasp, sitting up with spasms of fear shaking your hands.
They tremble, clutching the thin sheet you’re covering yourself with in tight fists. It all feels so…present.
“Y/N? Your heartrate is elevated. You seem to be having an episode. Shall I alert the infirmary?” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s accented voice fills your room with a soft worried whisper.
It always astonishes you, how concerned she seems. Like she’s really genuinely worried about you. Like she can really feel it. Like she’s not just a bunch of ones and zeroes programmed to have just the exact right responses.
“No.” You tell her, and she turns up your lights for you, dimming them up slightly as you throw your blanket off and place your feet on the soft black carpet of your bedroom.
You’re still reeling, trying to come to grips with the here and now and not the lifeless bodies of your parents floating around your head. Instead of your parents, in your room there are several small objects floating above their designated spots.
Your glass jewelry box on your nightstand. Your laptop. Several books on your desk. The picture of you and the team on your nightstand. Your shoes by the end of your bed.
“Are you sure?” F.R.I.D.A.Y. persists. “You seem to be having a fit.”
You scoff. Only one person would call what’s happening that.
“Yes. I’m sure.”
Shutting your eyes, you sigh, heartbeat finally leveling out.
“Would you like me to tell Tony-?”
“No!” You nearly scream, rising to your feet and looking for a face though you know there’s none to look at. “No. I’m fine. I just…give me a minute.”
Your stuff falls, crashing back into place. You hear the glass of your jewelry box shatter. You’ll have to buy a new one.
You stumble to the bathroom and switch the light on. Your bare feet slap gently as you cross the cold beige and gold marble tile to the sink with a quiet plap, plap, plap.
The counter becomes your center. You cling to the white concrete desperately as you stare at your reflection in the large backlit mirror.
You’re pale and sweaty. Clammy. Cold trickles of perspiration along your temples and above your lip. With trembling hands, you wipe it away.
This hasn’t happened for so long that it’s caught you off guard. Normally, there’s a build-up. The memories start slowly during waking hours. Small images of lovely people, loving and caring. Over time it all leads up to that night.
The night you killed them.
You shut your eyes tight, wishing the images away. All you can see are your mom’s eyes. Once brilliant with life not dead and staring. Daddy’s body twisted in strange and impossible angles.
You dip down into your sink and down as much water as your belly will let you drink.
It doesn’t help. Maybe a real drink? You have one so rarely. Drunk you is not good with your abilities.
Mistakes have been made. Bail has been paid. It’s how you ended up here. On the team.
Tony should have left me where I was.
The bitter thought falls away as you wander down the hallway towards the kitchen.
Thankfully, it’s empty.
You go straight for the whiskey. You pour yourself too much. You drink it. Then pour another glass before moving to sit at the island.
The brown slosh hurts your throat as it goes down. It burns, but it burns so good. Because you don’t drink very often, just one glass makes you lightheaded. The second pushes you towards unconsciousness.
Not fast enough. You start with it held between your carefully folded left arm, right hand clutching the small old-fashioned crystal glass tight as if you’re afraid it might get snatched away. As you drink, you drift forward until your heated cheek is pressed against the cool counter.
You kick your legs, swinging them casually as you stare across the kitchen at the fine, black modern cabinet. Not really seeing it but playing the moment you killed your parents over and over and over.
You see other moments too. The moment your godparents saw you use your abilities. They watched you with terror in their eyes. The next thing you knew you were in a home for girls.
You see the nice couple who took you next. Then the girl’s home again when they too became terrified of you. Then the next. A faceless couple that you were with for only two days. Then the next two were also faceless.
You lived your adolescent life out in the home.
You see yourself on your eighteenth birthday. You’re excited, dancing with the prospect of becoming a “real” woman. Or so you’d thought at the time.
You come home, smiling at the promise of the cheap birthday cake that you know you’ll get. You see your smile waver as you approach the fence of the home and two boxes full of your things are piled on the sidewalk.
Two homeless women are rifling through the clothes. Fighting over your favorite pair of jeans.
You scamper towards them, hold out your hand and you don’t mean to slip up. You don’t.
Stunning silver-teal burns them. They fly back several feet and crash against the sidewalk painfully as you hold your hand out towards them, palm open.
You shut it quickly and turn away from them as they stare at you with hate and fear. You hurry and shove your clothes back into the box they’d been looking through and shut it.
With both boxes carefully piled into your arms, you look up at the doorway to the home. Your home…Mrs. Meyerson watches you through a split in the blinds of the front window and when she sees you spot her; she shuts them and ignores you.
“Y/N?” His voice is like the hymn of angels.
It’s hot. It burns like your whiskey and tastes just as rich.
“Tony.” You whisper, a sad whimper.
You don’t lift your head because you’re crying. You don’t want him to see.
“Hey.” His voice is so soft. So gentle. F.R.I.D.A.Y. must have told him something was wrong.
He moves around you and comes into view, leaning forward a bit so that he can be more on your level as he looks at your face, still pressed against the cool counter.
“Hi.” You cry.
“Busted out the big guns, huh?” He reaches out and takes your drink from you.
You don’t fight him. The only one who you wouldn’t.
“They didn’t want me.” You sigh, sniffling as you struggle to keep from sobbing. That hole, the one that never fills right at the center of your chest aches. “None of them wanted me. They…they were afraid of me.”
Tony puts the whiskey aside and leans his elbows against the counter, getting close so that he can speak quietly. Just to you.
“Having a little pity party?” He asks, a small smile offered. “You’re drunk.”
“Yes.” You agree, reaching up to wipe at your dripping nose.
“That’s sexy.” He rattles, moving closer to stand beside you.
He’s close. You can feel the heat from his body. Dark gray t-shirt. Black sleep pants. He smells so good. Like aftershave and coconut shampoo. Despite his close proximity, he folds his arms onto the counter, shoving his hands underneath his arms as if he’s determined to keep his hands to himself.
You lean towards him but don’t touch him. He doesn’t want your touch. You know that. It makes you sob once.
“Tony?” You sigh, staring down at your hands in your lap, lower lip quivering helplessly as you’re that little girl again. Wrapped in her daddy’s safe arms. Loved by her mom. Peacefully sleeping when that nightmare awakens something within you and then the car is sent flying.
“Yeah?” He knows what he’s doing. He’s being so careful with you.
His tone is softer than it’s been in a long time. You know that it’s your fault. You’re always so forward. Throwing yourself at him. Making suggestive comments and just being a downright dumbass. You should stop it.
You look at him, blubbering still and the way that his soft brown hair sticks up at odd angles because he’s just freshly showered and was actually probably still bathing when F.R.I.D.A.Y. told him you were having a fit.
You want him. Damn it all.
With a lick to your lips, you shake your head. “I killed them, Tony.”
You sob, hating yourself. Hating your gifts. Hating your life.
“I killed them. I did. I did that. I killed them.” You repeat, as if saying it any other way will possibly make it stick any harder than it’s already sticking.
It startles you into silence when Tony pulls his left arm out and then slides his hand back behind your neck, up into your hair to hold the back of your head. He caresses you, comforting you. Loving you?
That isn’t platonic in his eyes. There’s that fire from the day on the paintball field in his eyes again. When you told him you’d go find someone else to fill your needs. When you kissed Steve.
It’s there. You can see it. Up close. He wants you. Like you want him. Why won’t he—oh, right, Pepper.
With his hand on you though, you can’t focus on her enough to care.
You lean in more towards him, burrowing into the crook of his arm. For one whole second he holds you tight. He wraps you up and pulls your head against his chest and you’re right where you want to be.
Then there’s the sound of feet from the hallway and he’s leaning against the far counter while you catch yourself on the edge of the island.
You stare up at him, still crying and now confused.
“Tony?” You ask, searching his face but he’s got his back to you now as he dumps out your whiskey.
“No more alcohol. We don’t need you lifting cars onto the roof again.” He throws at you, back tense through his t-shirt.
“Tony?” You check again, wanting to see his eyes, to have him look at you with that fire again.
Had you imagined it? Is it all in your head?
“Look, kid, just take a shower and get to bed, alright? Stop thinking about this stuff.” He orders.
Does he think you started to think about your parents on a whim? You’d dreamt about them! Bastard.
“Tony?” Another voice, deep, smooth, almost monotone in its calm nature.
You can hear the inflection of emotion because you’re so used to his voice. Steve.
“What’s going on?” He asks, looking from Tony to you.
“I…I had-” You begin but Tony cuts you off.
“A few too many. I was just sending her to bed before she puts my cars on the roof again.” He finally turns around and his face is back in its detached control.
When he looks at you, there is no fire anymore. Just stern disapproval.
Your shoulders slump and you make a point of sitting quiet as Steve continues to stare at you.
Clearly, you’re still upset about something. You’re still crying. Your cheeks are stained in tear tracks. You worry your lip as you wait for Tony to leave. You don’t want to be around him when he’s like this with you.
Not right now. Not when you already have all of those other people in your memory pushing you away.
“What’s the matter with Y/N? Why is she crying?” Steve wonders, genuine concern in his voice.
Tony’s had been just as worried if not more so a second ago.
“I don’t know.” Tony lies. “I’m going to bed. Pepper’s waiting.”
He says this for you, and you know that he’s drawing that line again. The line that he crossed. Continues to cross. You hate him.
You look at him.
You love him.
“Night.” Steve tells him but when Tony speaks, it’s for you.
“Go to bed. Stop drinking.” He says but you don’t respond.
He leaves and Steve settles into the seat beside you.
“You smell like the bottom of a bottle.” He observes. “How much did you have?”
You shrug.
“Not talking to me now?”
You shrug again.
“Y/N?” It’s his tone that pulls your gaze up to meet his own storm blue eyes.
His blonde hair looks soft and brushed out. His beard is full but neatly trimmed. He looks good for Steve.
Okay…he looks good for anyone. He’s a hunk. But he’s not your hunk.
“What’s going on?” He asks, reaching out to place his hand on the back of your shoulder.
“I had a nightmare.” You admit, licking your lips once more. “About my parents.”
Steve already knows what happened with your parents. He doesn’t need an explanation.
Tony had consulted him before you were allowed on the team after all.
He nods, understanding you in an instant. For a long moment he thinks.
You can see the idea forming in his head and only after you’re stuck staring at him with unbridled curiosity does he turn to sit facing you. One hand on the back of your chair, the other placed on the counter in front of you.
“I like you.” He says, just like that.
You’re drunk. Hearing him say that, throws you.
“What?” You ask, narrowing your eyes at him confused. You must be hearing things.
“You heard me.” He says, stern, hard. No games.
“Steve…” You start, blinking hard to clear the buzz from your head.
“I know…” He sighs, scooting in closer as he grabs hold of your seat and turns you to face him. “I know where your head is. And your heart.”
Your cheeks flare. They flame and burn, and your neck burns too. You haven’t exactly tried to hide how you feel about Tony but to be called out on it?
“I can’t speak as to where his head is at, but I know that he’s not going to look your way with Pepper there.”
You hate Steve too. You look down at his chest, hating the knowing glint in his eyes.
His thumb and forefinger close around the tip of your chin and tilt your head back until you can look into his eyes again.
“What I can tell you is that I’m interested. I wasn’t playing when I said and did all those things. I don’t know if maybe you thought I was just flirting, but I wasn’t. I like you.” He confesses.
You’re so startled that your heart pounds. You shake your head, but he doesn’t release you. If anything, he leans in closer.
“I can’t give you what you want.” You tell him, knowing that all deep affection is diverted to the jerk that just left the room.
“I know.” He acknowledges. “What can you give me?”
Is he seriously asking?
“It doesn’t have to be detailed, Y/N. I just…I’m not exactly in a place to make commitments either. This job we have, it’s tough. I’ve left love behind for it before and odds are, I’ll have to do it again. I’m not going into this with any illusions. I just want to pass the time with you.
“You’re funny and you never do what I expect you to do. You’re easy to talk to and you’re sexy as hell.” He smiles and you’re suddenly very aware of your stupid blubbering face and how much of a mess it actually is.
“Yeah, right.” You gasp, yanking your chin out of his grip.
“You are.” He insists. “You’re not like other people and I like that. So, what can you give me?”
You think. You think hard and as fast as you can.
He’s right. Tony is never going to give in. He’s never going to look at you the way you see him. You’re tired of feeling alone and unwanted. Steve is offering you a little bit of companionship. It’s not love but it’s not being alone.
Maybe you should know better but it’s too tempting. And it’s been a while. Your libido is going to go dormant if you don’t get under someone soon.
That’s what you decide you can give him.
“I can’t love you.” You tell him.
“That’s…that’s okay.” He says.
“I think I can like you.” You sigh. “Kissing you wasn’t bad.”
“Oh,” He chuckles. “That’s good to know. Thanks.”
You smile, eased by his amusement. He’s right. He’s easy to talk to as well.
With trembling hands, you reach up to trace the outline of his chest through his t-shirt. He’s so hard. Super Soldier perfection. It doesn’t mean as much like Tony’s physique does because Steve gets this on default, but you’d be lying if you said it isn’t nice.
He puts his hand over yours and holds it against his chest.
“Is this a yes? You’ll be with me?” He asks, hopeful.
After a second, you nod. He leans in towards you, excitement in his eyes.
“We’re not a couple.” Your clarification stops him in his tracks. “But we’re also not, not a couple. I want you. I do. It’s been such a long time and I…are you a virgin?”
You suddenly ask him this, wondering because of his past with Peggy. You’re not sure he would have had the time to be with her back then.
Steve laughs genuinely amused by your question before he hops off of his stool. He grabs you, one arm underneath your legs, the other your back as he lifts you up into his arms and begins to walk with you towards his bedroom.
“Guess that rumor’s still floating around. Nat?” He asks.
You nod, reaching up to hold him around his neck.
“Don’t worry, doll-face. We’ll get that rumor cleared up.”
“Right now?” You ask, slightly startled at the prospect of sleeping with Steve so quickly.
“Unless you wanna wait?” He asks, stopping just outside your doorway.
You bite your lips, considering for a moment the prospect of sleeping in that bed again, your dreams fresh and vivid.
“No.” You protest. “Kiss me, Steve.”
He dips his head and continues on, kissing the whiskey away.
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