#shava wildwatcher
cataleerc · 6 years
For one Shava Wildwatcher: 4, 7, 15, 21 :P
Shava, my sweet, feral child.
4. Do they have any verbal ticks? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?
Shava’s most prominent verbal tick is her habit of beginning her sentences with “um”. It’s a tick that formed out of her own insecurity when addressing other people. She’s lived most of her life thus far with almost no need for interpersonal communication, so she’s not sure how to address others effectively. It’s also for this reason that she almost always refrains from addressing groups as a whole and instead chooses to speak with one person at a time. It may be less effective, but it’s really all she can handle.
7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
Shava has a very negative perception of herself. She doesn’t think she’s a bad person, but she doesn’t believe herself to be enough. In her mind, she falls short of satisfactory in everything she does, and it’s been this way for as long as she can remember. It’s a very exhausting state of mind, but so far she hasn’t received the sort of confirmation she needs to change this perception of herself. 
15. Can they multitask or must they focus on one subject at a time?
She’s an absolute nightmare at multitasking, but it doesn’t stop her from trying. She doesn’t have to focus to work one task at a time, but when she tries to tackle multiple things at once something almost always ends up either incomplete or forgotten. 
21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes: what would they wish for and why?
She wouldn’t have to think about her first wish: She wants to find her birth parents. This unknown facet of her life has always left her with a lot of questions. She doesn’t have a complete perception of herself, and she’s always wondered if finding her biological parents would help her find the answers she needs to finally understand who she is and where she belongs. 
As for the other two, she’d likely ask if she can gift them to other people since she doesn’t have anything else to wish for. If that’s not an option, she might save them for an instance where she can use them to benefit those she cares for.
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cataleerc · 6 years
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D&D OC Meme; Shava
Full Name; Shava Wildwatcher Class / Archetype; Druid, Circle of the Moon Race; Wood elf Gender; Female Sexuality; Asexual Pronouns; She/Her Height; 4'7″
Family;  Father - Varis Duskwalker  Mother - Raina Elevir  Mentor - Yrsa  Guardian - Loretta Jane Pride Job; Accidental adventurer Phobias; Vampires, deserts, responsibility Hobbies; Bone carving, swimming, tree climbing, flying, collecting... things Guilty Pleasures; Indulging in Green Pact friendly alcohol
Alignment; True Neutral Virtues; Kindness, Loyalty, Respect Sins; Sloth
Astrological Sign; Cancer Dark Triad; Narcissism, 0.7 | Machiavellianism, 1.3 | Psychopathy, 1.0 Enneagram; The Helper, social variant Four Temperaments; Sanguine Hogwarts House; Hufflepuff Keirsey; Idealist  MBTI; INFP Rosenberg; 9/30, low self-esteem
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert | extrovert organized | disorganized close-minded | open-minded calm | anxious | restless disagreeable | agreeable cautious | reckless patient | impatient outspoken | reserved leader | follower | flexible empathetic | apathetic | in between optimistic | pessimistic | realistic traditional | modern hard-working | lazy | in between cat | dog | neither sweet | savory tea | coffee dawn | dusk spring | summer | autumn | winter mountains | forest | ocean leather | lace | linen fruits | vegetables dancing | singing
OTP;  Confidence BroTP; Raelin Liadel
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cataleerc · 6 years
For Shava: 1, 6, 12, 30
1. What position does your character sleep in? (i.e. stomach, back, side, etc.) Describe why they do this - optional.
Hah. She sleeps curled up in the fetal position in a nest of the softest things she’s scavenged from everywhere in her friends’ keep. Like a little squirrel (actually, sometimes there are real squirrels that share her “nest” with her).
6. If you were to pick one song - and only one song - to describe your character, which one would it be and why?
Rabbit Heart - Florence and the Machine. It’s a song that speaks of insecurity, anticipatory fear, and the need for personal growth - all things Shava is having to acknowledge and overcome in her personal journey to ultimately become the person she and the people around her need. Also it’s just a very good song.
12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
I think they all tie in together, honestly. She has very sharp teeth, partly from being a wood elf, but also from her diet. And on that note, Shava has a strictly carnivorous diet as a follower of the Green Pact. This has, admittedly, resulted in cases of cannibalism, and definitely requires the patience and understanding of her traveling companions. Shava is also rather feral in terms of behavior. She’s lived most of her life apart from any type of civilization or interaction with other humanoids, and it shows in her complete lack of understanding for what others might consider understood societal norms. Also, anything she wears has been harvested from some animal (green pact). And she refuses to wear shoes.
30. If your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
This is tough, considering her choices are already pretty limited. Maybe deer? They’re generally plentiful and have a wide range, so she’d be more likely to find them in just about any of her travels as opposed to other animals she tends to hunt.
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