akultalkies · 1 year
Shawar Ali, Priya Surte, Irfan Shaikh, Noor Ali, Noor Ansari, Karishama Chavan, Charu Desale, Billa Dhuliawale, Abhijeet Goenka, Abhijit Goenka, Waseem Pinjari, Vakeel Khatik, Prashant Mahajan, Nazir Shola, Ajay Targe
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soon-palestine · 5 months
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With blood we write for Palestine In Cyprus, on May 3, 1984, Hanna Mokbel-Abu Thaer, Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Journalists, was assassinated. Muqbel had contributed to establishing the unified media of the PLO and assumed the editorship of “Palestine the Revolution” after the martyrdom of Kamal Nasser. He founded the “Quds Press” agency in Beirut and “Al-Sharq Press” in Nicosia.
Among his sayings: “To be Palestinian means to be a fighter. At a time when they are trying to separate the cause from the revolution, belonging to the revolution is the only criterion for citizenship. The revolution in the absence of a homeland is the homeland.”
His friend, the writer Rashad Abu Shawar, writes about him: “Abu Thaer: You wrote with your blood in Al-Fakhani, when they shot you, and you wrote with your blood in Cyprus… and you were loyal to your slogan, the slogan of the General Union of Palestinian Writers and Journalists: With blood we write for Palestine… and whoever wrote with blood for Palestine won't die but will remain alive"
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Have made this chicken shawarma recipe twice now and it kicked ass both times. First time was a tad too hot for eating before bed so I halved the cayenne but if you have a higher spice tolerance that might not be necessary. Made the accompanying salad and tahini tzatziki too, though I just used store bought lemon olive oil vinaigrette.
Can’t remember if I posted before but it’s good enough to post again.
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church-history · 1 year
Battle of al-Buqaia 1163 A.D.
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(Battle of al-Buqaia, miniature by Jean Colombe from Sébastien Mamerot's book "Passages d'outremer")
In the Battle of al-Buqaia in 1163, the Crusaders and their allies inflicted a rare defeat on Nur ad-Din Zangi, the Emir of Aleppo and Damascus. King Amalric I led the army of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, together with contingents from the northern Latin states, a substantial body of pilgrims who had just arrived from France, and a force brought by the Byzantine governor of Cilicia. For the Christian forces, this victory only gave a brief respite from the sustained Muslim offensive.
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(Emir of Aleppo, anon French illumination)
Nur ad-Din proved to be one of the most dangerous enemies the Frankish kingdom had ever faced. Starting out as Emir of Aleppo, he steadily increased his territory at the expense of his Muslim and Latin neighbors, until he gained the great city of Damascus in 1154. He seriously defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Lake Huleh in 1157, but fell very ill immediately afterward. This event allowed the Franks a chance to recover and, with the help of Thierry of Alsace and an army of pilgrims, to capture Harim castle later in the year. However, an attack on Shaizar failed when Reynald of Châtillon, the Prince of Antioch, quarreled with the other Franks. Consequently, Shaizar soon became the property of Nur ad-Din. In 1158, Thierry and King Baldwin III beat Nur ad-Din at Butaiha, northeast of Tiberias. The year 1160 saw the capture of Reynald, who spent the next 16 years in Nur ad-Din's dungeons. In December 1161, the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Comnenus married Maria of Antioch and this event gave Antioch a strong protector in the emperor.
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(Knight of the Cross attacking Saracens at the battle of al buqaia, late 12th c. mural painting, chapel of Cressac, Charente, France.)
Both Amalric and Nur ad-Din soon became aware of the weakness of Fatimid Egypt, whose government had fallen into a state of decay. After the assassination of Caliph al-Zafir and a series of palace coups, Shawar seized power in 1162, was soon deposed, and appealed to Nur ad-Din for help. Neither the Latin king nor the Muslim emir could afford to let the other capture the rich prize of Egypt. Accordingly, Nur ad-Din sent his lieutenant Shirkuh with an army to support the Egyptian vizier.
While Shirkuh campaigned in Egypt, Nur ad-Din mounted an offensive in Lebanon. Following Latin policy, King Amalric took an army to support his northern vassals, Bohemund III of Antioch and Raymond III of Tripoli. Fortuitously, a large group of French pilgrims led by Hugh VIII of Lusignan and Geoffrey Martel, the brother of William IV of Angoulême, joined the king of Jerusalem. In addition, Konstantinos Kalamanos, the governor of Cilicia brought his Greek warriors to assist the Crusaders. Nur ad-Din was no match for such a formidable combination of enemies and his army suffered a defeat near al-Buqaia (located between Krak des Chevaliers and Beqaa Valley, in modern-day Akkar District, Lebanon). Both Muslims and Franks were impressed by the fighting qualities of the Byzantine soldiers. The negative result of al-Buqaia only made Nur ad-Din more keen for revenge.
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dinaive · 2 years
A great warrior
By Anwar Syed
Salahuddin, known to Christendom as the great and chivalrous Saladin, was born to an influential Kurdish family in northern Iraq in 1138. His father, Najmuddin Ayyub, was governor of Baalbek at the time, and his uncle, Asaduddin Shirkoh, served as a general in the Syrian army. Salahuddin was still a child when his father sent him to Damascus, where he read theology, and learned the arts of warfare. He gained military experience under his uncle’s command in campaigns against the “Frankish” (European crusaders’) ruling houses in several towns in Syria and Palestine.
He rose to eminence during Shirkoh’s campaigns to Egypt that Nuruddin, the sultan of Damascus, had commissioned. These campaigns were intended to thwart the designs of the covetous Frankish king of Jerusalem upon that land. Strangely enough, as Shirkoh’s forces approached Cairo on January 2, 1169, the Frankish army, which had been besieging the city, retreated. Sixteen days later, Salahuddin ambushed and killed the chief Fatimid vizier, Shawar, whereupon Shirkoh entered the city and assumed the office of vizier. He died unexpectedly two months later (March 23, 1169), and Salahuddin at the age of 30 succeeded him as the vizier and virtual ruler of Egypt. Officially, however, he ruled as an agent of Sultan Nuruddin, who in turn professed allegiance to the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad.
Nuruddin wanted Salahuddin to terminate the Shia Fatimid caliphate in Egypt forthwith. Knowing that the young caliph (Al Adid) was not only powerless but terminally ill, he withheld action until the latter’s death on September 12, 1171. He then instructed the imams to bless the Abbasid caliph, instead of the Fatimid, in their Friday sermons. The Fatimid caliphate thus came to an end without bloodshed.
Even though his relationship with Nuruddin had become tense as a result of his “insubordination” in the matter of the Fatimid caliphate, Salahuddin did not proclaim himself the sultan of Egypt until after Nuruddin’s death on March 25, 1174. Nor, until then, did he move out of Egypt to subdue smaller Muslim principalities. He went some distance in the Maghreb (along the North African coast), and to the east to conquer Yemen.
Nuruddin’s heir, Ismail al-Malik, in Damascus was a mere boy controlled by a bunch of eunuchs in the palace. Salahuddin was well received when he entered the city and became the sultan of Damascus. Popular approval might have been taken as sufficient evidence of his legitimacy, but he chose to firm it up further by marrying Nuruddin’s widow. Within a few years he brought nearly all of Syria and parts of northern Iraq under his dominion, partly by skillful diplomacy and, when necessary, by swift and resolute use of force.
Salahuddin engaged the crusader in numerous battles most of which he won. He lost the Battle of Montgisard (November 25, 1177) in which he had to face the combined forces of Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, Raynald of Chattilon, and the Knights Templars. Two years later he attacked the crusaders again and defeated them at Jacob’s Ford. But they continued to provoke him.
Raynald harassed Muslim trading caravans and pilgrims. Worse still, he threatened to invade Makkah and Madina. He looted a caravan of Muslim pilgrims in 1184. On July 4, 1187, Salahuddin met and annihilated the forces of Guy of Lusignan, king-consort of Jerusalem, Raymond III of Tripoli, and Raynald in the Battle of Hattin (near Tiberias in northern Palestine). Raynald was captured and executed; Guy, too, was taken, but his life was spared. This was a terrible defeat from which the crusaders never recovered. Most of the towns under their rule (Acre, Toron, Beruit, Sidon, Nazareth, Nabulus, Caesaria, Jaffa, and Ascalon) fell to Saladin within the next three months.
When the crusaders first conquered Jerusalem in 1099, they slaughtered every Muslim and Jewish man, woman, and child in sight. By contrast Salauddin, upon taking the city on October 2, 1187, announced a general amnesty, ordered his soldiers not to hurt or harass any resident, assured those who wanted to leave safe passage and time to pack their belongings and take along with them all that they or their mules could carry.
The fall of Jerusalem to Salahuddin, and the crusaders’ successive defeats, shocked religious and political circles in Europe and prompted a third crusade in 1190 under the joint leadership of Richard I (the “Lionheart”), of England, and the kings of France and Austria. The Austrian king died on the way, and the French king went back home after a short stay in Palestine, leaving it to Richard to deal with Salahuddin. They met at the battle of Arsuf (September 17, 1191), which Richard won but not decisively. On his way to Jerusalem in June 1192, he became too sick and tired to continue, and made peace with Salahuddin (Treaty of Ramla), providing that Jerusalem would remain under Muslim control, but that it would be open to Christian pilgrims to visit freely. Soon thereafter, Richard left Palestine.
It is said that Richard was greatly impressed by Salahuddin’s generosity of spirit. Once when he was sick with fever, Salahuddin offered to send his personal physician to examine and treat him. On another occasion, Richard lost his horse, and Salahuddin sent him two of his own. When, on his way to Jerusalem, his men were without fresh water and extremely thirsty, Richard appealed to Salahuddin for supplies of fruit and water, which the latter sent.
Sir Walter Scott’s work, “Talisman,” depicts Salahuddin in Richard’s tent in the garb of a physician. So do legend and fable. Actually the two men had never met. Richard wanted a “summit” meeting, and sent a delegation of his knights to propose one, but Salahuddin declined. He asked the knights to tell Richard that they would meet only if and when one of them appeared before the other as a captive.
In terms of personal qualifications, Salahuddin is said to have been rather short, light brown of skin, slight of build, slim and frail, with piercing brown eyes and a pointed black beard. Beyond physical appearance, he was gentle, kind, merciful, and generous; tolerant and forgiving, courteous but firm; hardheaded, prudent, patient and persevering; courageous and chivalrous; competent planner and strategist.
He was a keeper of his covenants, and straightforward in that he said what he meant and meant what he said. He was pious and, according in some vesions, he may have damaged his health by excessive fasting. He was strictly honest; huge amounts of public revenues remained at his disposal but he took none of them. He gave away to the poor and the needy much of any salary that he may have drawn. His family and friends found upon his death that his “treasury” (more like a small cash box) contained no more than one gold piece, which would not be enough to meet his funeral expenses.
It appears that he did not care much for hierarchical distinctions. His subjects were free to sue him. He would not tolerate cruelty on the part of his functionaries, and forbade beating of servants. He banned exclusive enclaves or mansions for the wealthy in Cairo. He made it a thriving city in which commerce and cultural freedom flourished. He tended to treat his subordinates with respect and as near equals.
It has been reported that his secretary was once riding alongside him, and as they came to a muddy patch, his mule splashed mud on Salahuddin’s garment. He pulled back to ride behind the Sultan to avoid his mule’s mud-slinging. The Sultan is said to have laughed and told his secretary to ride alongside, not behind, him, for a bit of mud would not hurt him any.
One afternoon Salahuddin was resting in the opening of his tent when a servant brought him a document to sign. He told the servant to bring it back later because he was extremely tired at that time. The servant said the matter would brook no delay, and that he must sign the paper right away. Salahuddin then pleaded that he did not have an inkwell on hand. The servant retorted that an inkwell sat on a table at the back of the tent, implying that not he but the sultan himself should get up and fetch it. Believe it or not, that is exactly what the sultan did, and the servant got away with behaviour that in most quarters would have been regarded as gross and intolerable impertinence.
Salahuddin was a friend to learning. He established six colleges (seminaries) that taught not only religion but also mathematics, physics, geodesy, medicine, and administration. He recruited professors and scholars from all over the Muslim world to teach at these institutions and to undertake scholarly writing. He built a spacious hospital in Cairo that provided clean beds, free food and medicines, and employed physicians, druggists, and other needed helpers. It maintained a separate ward for women. Next to this hospital he built a facility that cared for mentally disturbed persons, treated them in a humane fashion, and employed experts to discover what had driven the inmates to their respective states of mind.
Salahuddin was a devout Sunni Muslim, apparently of the Shafi’i persuasion. He hoped to diminish any lingering Shia influence in Egypt, left by the long Fatimid rule, not by coercing but by “re-educating” the people. To this end he brought in quite a number of appropriate preachers, and hoped to re-establish Egypt as a stronghold of Sunni Islam.
He was zealous but by no means a fanatic. In his struggle against the European invaders he had the support of eastern Christians — the Georgian orthodox and the Egyptian Copts, who preferred him to the pope in Rome.
On the negative side, it may be noted that he dismantled the elaborate bureaucracy the Fatimids had maintained, appointed fellow-Kurds to high offices, gave many of his officers control over large tracts of fertile land, and thus furthered, if not introduced, feudalism in Egypt.
He died in Damascus on March 4, 1193. He was buried in the grounds of the Umayyad mosque and his tomb remains one of the most frequently visited in the Muslim world.
The writer is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, US.
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Hoekom dink hierdie meisies soos, ek wil hul kêrels naai? Dit is soos, so nie waar nie Hulle boyfriends like, wil my naai Soos, o my god Ek weet ek is warm en al, maar soos Dit is so verkeerd, jy weet? So soos, ek is nie, ek is nie
[Haak] Ek probeer nie fokken man nie Almal ken hy my nommer een fan Ek was klaar daar, het dit gedoen, teef en Jy wil kwaad word, teef? Ek gee nie 'n verdoemenis nie
[Vers 1] Dit is hoe dit doen, jy is hoe ek nie Talkin' al hierdie kak, maar jy weet jy sal regtig nie Voel onseker as ek om die plek kom Tila kry dit crunk, so ek laat dit val asof dit warm is Ek sien jou in die hoek braai my van daar af "Want jy weet jy hou daarvan om my reguit skaars te slaan Nuttin' tot binne terwyl hy aan my hare trek Haat dit of hou daarvan, die underdog is net daar
Pse mendojnë këto vajza, dua të palloj të dashurit e tyre? Kjo është si, kështu që nuk është e vërtetë Të dashurit e tyre duan, duan të më pallojnë Si, oh zot. E di që jam seksi dhe të gjitha, por si Kjo është shumë e gabuar, e di? Pra, unë nuk jam, unë nuk jam
[Hook] Unë nuk jam tryna fuck ya man Të gjithë e dinë se ai është tifozi im numër një. Kam qenë atje, e kam bërë këtë, bushtër dhe Do të çmendesh, bushtër? Nuk më intereson fare.
[Vargu 1] Kjo është se si ajo bën, ju është se si unë nuk Duke folur për të gjitha këto gjëra, por ti e di që vërtet nuk do ta bësh. Ndihem i pasigurt kur vij përreth vendit Tila merre atë crunk, kështu që unë e hedh atë si ajo është e nxehtë Të shoh në qoshe duke më grirë nga atje Sepse ti e di që të pëlqen të më godasësh rrallë Nuttin'up brenda ndërsa ai tërheq mbi flokët e mi Urreje ose duaje, i nënçmuari është aty.
እነዚህ ሴቶች የወንድ ጓደኞቻቸውን ማጋጨት የምፈልገው ለምንድን ነው? ይኸው ነው እውነት አይደለም የወንድ ጓደኞቻቸው ይወዳሉ, ሊደበዝዘኝ ይፈልጋሉ እንደ ሆ ሆ አምላኬ እኔ ሞቃት ነኝ ሁሉንም አውቃለሁ ግን እንደ ይህ በጣም ስህተት እንደሆነ ታውቃለህ? እንደዚህ አልሆንኩም
[Hook] I in't tryna fuck ya man ሁሉም ሰው እሱ ያውቃል የእኔ ቁጥር አንድ አድናቂ እኔም እዚያ ነበርኩ ያንን አደረግኩ አሻሚ መናደድ ትፈልጊያለሽ? እርግም አልሰጥም
[ቁጥር ፩] እንደዚህ ነው እኔ ያልሆንኩት ይህን ሁሉ ነገር ተናገር, ነገር ግን በእርግጥ እንደማታገኝ ታውቃለህ በስፍራው ስዞር ያለመረጋጋት ስሜት ተሰማኝ Tila ያግኙት, ስለዚህ እንደ ትኩስ እጥለዋለሁ ማዕዘኑ ግራሊን ውስጥ አይቼሃለሁ'' ከዛ ''you know you know ya boos like like to like to hit me like to hit a rare ኑቲን ፀጉሬን እየጎተተ ወደ ውስጥ ጠላው ወይ ውደደው, የበታች ���ሃ እዚያው
لماذا تفكر هؤلاء الفتيات ، أريد أن أمارس الجنس مع أصدقائهن؟ هذا مثل ، لذلك ليس صحيحا أصدقائهم مثل ، يريدون أن يمارس الجنس معي مثل ، يا إلهي أعلم أنني حار وكل شيء ، لكن مثل هذا خطأ كبير ، هل تعلم؟ لذا ، أنا لست كذلك ، أنا لست كذلك
[هوك] أنا لا أحاول اللعنة يا رجل الجميع يعرف أنه معجبي رقم واحد فعلت كان هناك ، فعلت ذلك ، العاهرة و تريد أن تغضب ، العاهرة؟ أنا لا أهتم
[الآية 1] هذه هي الطريقة التي تفعل بها ، أنت كيف لا أفعل تحدث عن كل هذا القرف ، لكنك تعلم أنك لن تفعل ذلك حقا الشعور بعدم الأمان عندما آتي على الفور تيلا تجعله مقرمشا ، لذلك أسقطه كما لو كان ساخنا أراك في الزاوية شولين لي من هناك لأنك تعرف يا صيحات الاستهجان تحب أن تضربني بشكل مستقيم نادر نوتين في الداخل بينما كان يشد شعري أكرهها أو تحبها ، حق المستضعف هناك
lamada tufker houlaa al-fatyat ، arred an amars al-genes ma asdakahnes hatha muthall ، lathlek les sahiha usdaqayham muthall ، lerydon an yemars al-genes muay muthall ، ya elahi alam anni har wall shaya ، lucken muthall hatha khatta kabier ، hull talmeb leza ، anne list kethlek ، anne list kethlek
[hooke] anne cerda ahawol al-lana ya umbrella al-jamia yaarof anne maajbi raqam wahid falat kan hannak ، falat delk ، al-ahra and traid an taghdab ، al-ahrab anne cerda ehtem
[alaya 1] hedheh hui el-tureeqa al-tay tufal beha ، ant keefe cerda afel tuhadth an gul hatha guerf ، lekink talam ank linh tufal delk haqqa al-shawar baadem al-aman andama atti ola al-fur tila tajaleh meqremsha ، lathlek askata kama lieuwe kan sakhna arak fe zawiye schoelen lee min hannak lank taref ya sehat al-astahjan tahab an todrebney beshkel mastaqim nadir naughtin fe al-dakhel benma kan yechd saari akraha ou tahbaha ، haq al-mustadaf hannak
Ինչո՞ւ են այս աղջիկները մտածում, ես ուզում եմ իրենց ընկերուհիներին կծել: Որ նման է, այնպես չէ որ ճիշտ չէ Իրենց սիրեկանները սիրում են, ուզում են ինձ ծծել Ինչպես, օ՜, իմ աստված Ես գիտեմ, որ տաք եմ եւ ամեն ինչ, բայց նման Դա այնքան սխալ է, գիտե՞ք: Այնպես որ, ես չեմ, ես չեմ
[Հուք] Ես չեմ ջանում я я я Բոլորը գիտեն, որ նա իմ թիվ մեկ երկրպագուն է Ես այնտեղ եմ եղել, արել եմ դա, բլիթ եւ Ուզում ես խելագարվել, բիչո՞վ: Ես նզովք չեմ տալիս,
[1-ին համար] Այսպես է անում, դու ինչպես ես չեմ Թոլքեն' այս ամենը, բայց դու գիտես, որ իրականում չես Ինձ անվստահ եմ զգում, երբ գալիս եմ այդ վայրից Tila get it crunk, այնպես որ ես նետում եմ այնպես, կարծես տաք է Ես տեսնում եմ քեզ անկյունում' ինձ այնտեղից «Որովհետեւ գիտես, որ ya boos-ը սիրում է ուղիղ հարվածել ինձ Նուտտինը ներս է բարձրանում, երբ քաշում է մազերս Ատում է կամ սիրում է, ստորոգյալը հենց այնտեղ է
এই ছোৱালীবোৰে কিয় এনে ভাবে, মই তেওঁলোকৰ প্ৰেমিকসকলক যৌনসঙ্গম কৰিব বিচাৰো? সেয়া এনেকুৱা, গতিকে সঁচা নহয় তেওঁলোকৰ প্ৰেমিকে মোক যৌনসঙ্গম কৰিব বিচাৰে যেনে, হে ভগৱান মই জানো মই গৰম আৰু সকলো, কিন্তু এনেকুৱা এইটো ইমান ভুল, আপুনি জানেনে? গতিকে যেনে, মই নহয়, মই নহয়
[হুক] মই ট্ৰাইনা ফাক য়া মেন নকৰো সকলোৱে জানে তেওঁ মোৰ এক নম্বৰ অনুৰাগী আমি সেখানে ছিলাম, তা করেছি, কুত্তা এবং তুমি পাগল হ'ব বিচাৰা, কুত্তা? মই একো নিদিওঁ
[শ্লোক ১] এনেদৰেই হয়, আপুনি এনেদৰে নকৰো মই নকৰো টকিনৰ এই সকলোবোৰ বিষ্ঠা, কিন্তু আপুনি জানে যে আপুনি সঁচাকৈয়ে নকৰিব যেতিয়া মই ঠাইখনৰ চাৰিওফালে আহো তেতিয়া অসুৰক্ষিত অনুভৱ কৰোঁ টিলাই ইয়াক ক্ৰংক পাইছে, গতিকে মই ইয়াক গৰম হোৱাৰ দৰে পেলাই দিওঁ মই তোমাক তাৰ পৰা কোণৰ গ্ৰিলিনত দেখিছো 'কারণ তুমি জানো ইয়া বুস আমাকে সোজা বিরল আঘাত করতে পছন্দ করে মোৰ চুলি টানি থাকোতে নুটিন ভিতৰলৈ উঠি ছে ইয়াক ঘৃণা কৰক বা ভাল পাওঁ, আণ্ডাৰডগতা তাত আছে
ae chowalibore kia anne bhabe, mai teonlok premix yaunasangam karib visaro? seya enekuwa, gotike sancha nahay teonlok premic mok yaunasangam karib visar jene, hay bhagwan mai jano mai garam aaru saklo, kintu enekuwa aito iman bhul, apuni janen? gotike jene, mai nahay, mai nahay
[hooke] mai trina fuck ya man nokoro sockloway jaan teon more ek number anuragi ami sekhan chilam, ta karechi, kutta ebong tumi puggle ho'va visara, kutta? mai acco nidion
[sloke ১] enedre hoy, apuni enether nokoro mai nokoro takiner ae saklobore vishtha, kintu apuni jaan ye apuni sanchakaiah nakrib yetia mai thaikhan chariofal aho tetia asurakshita anubhav karon tilai yak krank paise, gotike mai yak garam hower dare pelai deon mai tomak tar para konar grelene dekhiso 'karan tumi jano ya boose amak soja viral aghat karat pasand kare more chuli tanny thakote nutin bhitaralai uthi che yak ghrina karak va bhal paon, underdog taat ash
Bu qızlar niyə belə düşünür, mən onların oğlanlarını sikmək istəyirəm? Bu, belədir, deməli, doğru deyil Onların boyfriends like, məni sikmək istəyirəm Ey mənim tanrım, Bilirəm ki, isti və hamısındayam, amma kimi Bu, çox yanlışdır, bilirsənmi? Yəni, mən yoxam, mən yoxam,
[Huk] mən sınamıram ki, ya kişi sikim Hamı bilir ki, o mənim bir nömrəli fanatımdır Mən orada oldum, bunu etdim, çələnk və Dəli olmaq istəyirsən, çələnk? Mən bir lənət vermirəm
[1-ci ayə] Bu cür edir, sən mən belə etmirəm Bütün bu şıkları danış, amma bilirsən ki, həqiqətən də olmayacaqsan Yeri gələndə özümü inamsız hiss edirəm Tila qırışır, ona görə də isti kimi atıram Səni küncdə görürəm grillin' məni ordan "Çünki bilirsən ki, ya boos məni düz nadir vurmağı xoşlayır Saçlarımı dartarkən içinə nuttin' Nifrət edin və ya onu sevin, underdog's right orada
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Om Shanti Om
Reincarnated 30 years after being killed in a suspicious on-set fire, a small-time actor is determined to punish the person who ignited the blaze. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Om Prakash Makhija / Om Kapoor: Shah Rukh Khan Shantipriya / Sandy: Deepika Padukone Mukesh “Mike” Mehra: Arjun Rampal Pappu Master: Shreyas Talpade Bela Makhija: Kirron Kher Anwar: Nitesh Pandey Shahwar: Shawar…
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heartstoppermybeloved · 6 months
Poor Nick and Char… #lgbtqia #heartstopper #shawareness #edawareness via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_A3r-G40tc
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ramadhanseries · 1 year
What happened on the ninth day of Ramadan throughout history?
On the ninth day of Ramadan throughout history, Muslims seized control of Sicily in 212 Hijri (AH), ended the siege on Fustat in 559 AH and scholar Sheikh Yusuf an-Nabhani died in 1350 AH.
1. The ninth day of Ramadan in 212 AH, Asad ibn al-Furat who began the conquest of Sicily seized the latter which connected North Africa with Italy and which had commercial and cultural significance.
2. The siege on Fustat, Egypt’s capital, ended on the ninth day of Ramadan in 559 AH. Egypt has almost completely collapsed on the political, economic and military levels towards the end of the Fatimid era.
Vizier (minister) Shawar was well-known for shifting alliances and playing parties against each other.
When Crusader king Amalric I of Jerusalem traveled to Egypt under the excuse that Shawar did not pay taxes, the latter sought the help of the Sultan of Damascus Nur ad-Din. The latter, however, realized that Shawar was playing both sides so he decided to get rid of him and of the Fatimids and the Crusaders. Nur ad-Din thus sent an army led by Asad ad-Din Shirkuh and Saladin to conquer Egypt.
Fustat gutted: In order to prevent the Crusaders from entering Cairo, Shawar ordered burning Fustat using 20,000 naphtha pots and 10,000 lighting bombs. The fire burnt for 54 days, until the ninth of Ramadan 559 AH.
The Ayyubids executed Shawar and all that was left of Fustat since Amr bin al-Aas built it was the mosque.
3. Also on the ninth day of Ramadan 1350 AH, scholar and judge Yusuf an-Nabhani passed away.
He was born in 1265 AH in Ijzim in Haifa. His father taught him the Quran and he then went to Azhar in Egypt to study in 1283 AH.
Nabhani spent six years in Azhar and returned to Palestine in 1289 AH and lived in Akka teaching religion and Arabic.
He also worked in the judiciary in Jenin and later worked as an editor in the al-Jawaneb daily and as a judge in Mosul.
Nabhani also lived in Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Caliphate, and in Jerusalem, Beirut and Medina.
He lived in Medina until World War I then returned to Ijzim where he died on the ninth of Ramadan in 1350 AH.
வரலாற்றில் ரமழானின் ஒன்பதாம் நாளில் என்ன நடந்தது?
வரலாறு முழுவதும் ரமலான் ஒன்பதாம் நாளில், ஹிஜ்ரி (AH) 212 இல் முஸ்லிம்கள் சிசிலியின் கட்டுப்பாட்டைக் கைப்பற்றினர், 559 AH இல் ஃபுஸ்டாட் மீதான முற்றுகையை முடிவுக்குக் கொண்டுவந்தனர் மற்றும் அறிஞர் ஷேக் யூசுப் அன்-நபானி 1350 இல் இறந்தார்.
1. ஹிஜ்ரி 212 இல் ரமழானின் ஒன்பதாம் நாள், சிசிலியின் வெற்றியைத் தொடங்கிய அசாத் இபின் அல்-ஃபுரத் வட ஆப்பிரிக்காவை இத்தாலியுடன் இணைக்கும் வணிக மற்றும் கலாச்சார முக்கியத்துவம் வாய்ந்த பிந்தையதைக் கைப்பற்றினார்.
2. எகிப்தின் தலைநகரான ஃபுஸ்டாட் மீதான முற்றுகை, ஹிஜ்ரி 559 இல் ரமழானின் ஒன்பதாம் நாளில் முடிவடைந்தது. ஃபாத்திமிட் சகாப்தத்தின் முடிவில் எகிப்து அரசியல், பொருளாதார மற்றும் இராணுவ மட்டங்களில் கிட்டத்தட்ட முற்றிலும் சரிந்துவிட்டது.
வைசியர் (அமைச்சர்) ஷவர் கூட்டணிகளை மாற்றிக் கொள்வதற்கும், ஒருவருக்கொருவர் எதிராக கட்சிகளை விளையாடுவதற்கும் நன்கு அறியப்பட்டவர்.
எருசலேமின் சிலுவைப்போர் மன்னர் அமல்ரிக் I எகிப்துக்குப் பயணம் செய்தபோது, ​​ஷவர் வரி செலுத்தவில்லை என்ற சாக்குப்போக்கில், பிந்தையவர் டமாஸ்கஸ் சுல்தான் நூர் அட்-தினின் உதவியை நாடினார். இருப்பினும், பிந்தையவர், ஷவர் இருபுறமும் விளையாடுகிறார் என்பதை உணர்ந்தார், எனவே அவர் அவரையும் பாத்திமிட்கள் மற்றும் சிலுவைப்போர்களையும் அகற்ற முடிவு செய்தார். இதனால் நூர் அத்-தின் எகிப்தை கைப்பற்ற ஆசாத் அத்-தின் ஷிர்கு மற்றும் சலாதீன் தலைமையில் ஒரு படையை அனுப்பினார்.
ஃபுஸ்டாட் அழிக்கப்பட்டது: சிலுவைப்போர் கெய்ரோவுக்குள் நுழைவதைத் தடுக்க, ஷாவர் 20,000 நாப்தா பானைகள் மற்றும் 10,000 லைட்டிங் குண்டுகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி ஃபுஸ்டாட்டை எரிக்க உத்தரவிட்டார். ஹிஜ்ரி 559 ரமலான் ஒன்பதாம் தேதி வரை 54 நாட்கள் நெருப்பு எரிந்தது.
அய்யூபிட்கள் ஷவாரை தூக்கிலிட்டனர் மற்றும் அம்ர் பின் அல்-ஆஸ் கட்டியதிலிருந்து ஃபுஸ்டாட்டில் எஞ்சியிருப்பது மசூதி மட்டுமே.
3. மேலும் ஹிஜ்ரி 1350 ரமழான் ஒன்பதாம் நாளில், அறிஞரும் நீதிபதியுமான யூசுஃப் அந்-நபானி காலமானார்.
இவர் ஹிஜ்ரி 1265 இல் ஹைஃபாவில் உள்ள இஜ்ஜிமில் பிறந்தார். அவரது தந்தை அவருக்கு குர்ஆனைக் கற்றுக் கொடுத்தார், பின்னர் அவர் ஹிஜ்ரி 1283 இல் படிக்க எகிப்தில் அஸ்ஹர் சென்றார்.
நபானி ஆறு வருடங்கள் அஸ்ஹரில் கழித்தார் மற்றும் ஹிஜ்ரி 1289 இல் பாலஸ்தீனத்திற்குத் திரும்பினார், மேலும் அக்காவில் மதம் மற்றும் அரபு கற்பித்தல் வாழ்ந்தார்.
அவர் ஜெனினில் நீதித்துறையிலும் பணியாற்றினார், பின்னர் அல்-ஜவானப் நாளிதழில் ஆசிரியராகவும், மொசூலில் நீதிபதியாகவும் பணியாற்றினார்.
நபானி ஓட்டோமான் கலிபாவின் தலைநகரான இஸ்தான்புல் மற்றும் ஜெருசலேம், பெய்ரூட் மற்றும் மதீனாவிலும் வாழ்ந்தார்.
அவர் முதலாம் உலகப் போர் வரை மதீனாவில் வாழ்ந்தார், பின்னர் இஜ்ஜிமுக்குத் திரும்பினார், அங்கு அவர் 1350 ரமழான் ஒன்பதாம் தேதி இறந்தார்.
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titou-nz · 2 years
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Le Caire - Égypte
Fondation et expansion
En 969 la ville d'Al-Fustat (Fustât/Fostat) est renommé Le Caire.
En 969, menées par le général Jawhar al-Siqilli (littéralement « Le Joyau Sicilien »), les armées de la dynastie chiite des Fatimides composée de troupes berbères originaire de petite Kabylie, conquièrent l'Égypte et s'établissent dans une nouvelle cité-forteresse, en construisant des fortifications autour de trois petits bourgs préexistants au nord de Fustât (l'ancienne capitale arabe de l'Égypte, fondée en 642). La construction de la forteresse et des remparts dure quatre ans : il est initialement prévu de la nommer al-Manṣūriyyah (« La Victorieuse » en arabe).
Al-Qahira aurait pu être la transcritption altérée de Al-Qadira s'agissant effectivement de la fondation d'une forteresse destinée à être baptisée « al mansouryyah » (la Victorieuse) plutôt que Al-Qahira pour Mars, alors que le nom de l'astre le plus répandu en arabe est Al-Merrikh, ou Al-Qahira pour désigner la victorieuse, au lieu du terme le plus répandu qui est « al mansourah » (la narguante) ; occurrence en toponymie alors inexistante, sachant la forteresse fatimide victorieuse, bien plus au nord que l'ancienne capitale arabe Fostat.
Al-Qahira devient alors la nouvelle capitale de tout le califat fatimide. Après les murailles, Jawhar fait édifier la mosquée Al-Azhar, une des plus anciennes université au monde. Quand le calife Al-Muʿizz li-Dīn Allāh arrive depuis l'ancienne capitale fatimide Mahdia en 973, la cité abrite la cour dans de somptueux complexes palatins, et les troupes, qui reçurent, par groupes ethniques, des concessions : les hâra-s.
Pendant trois siècles (642–969), de la conquête de l'Égypte par les musulmans jusqu'à l'arrivée des Fatimides, le centre administratif de l'Égypte est Fustât. En 969, le centre de gravité bascule et al-Qâhira qui abrite désormais la cour, l'armée, le gouvernement et ses différents ministères (dîwân-s) alors que Fustât demeure un centre économique qui prospère, les Fatimides y faisant transiter le commerce de la soie depuis la mer Rouge, ré-embarqué via les bras du Nil à proximité vers Alexandrie où les attendent les marchands Européens.
Mais la période est aussi celle des croisades, et Amaury Ier, roi du royaume de Jérusalem, arrive aux portes du Caire (à cette période, l'ensemble Fustât-al-‘Askar-al-Qatâ'i‘-al-Qâhira) en 1168. Pour ne pas risquer de tout perdre sous les coups des croisés, les Fatimides, à l'instigation du vizir Shawar, mettent le feu à Fustât, et la population se réfugie dans la cité-fortersse proprement dit, al-Qâhira. Peu après, en 1169, craignant que les croisés ne reviennent attaquer Le Caire, les Fatimides font appel à Shirkuh, un prince de la famille ayyubide, régnant sur une principauté de Syrie. Les croisés se retirent d'Égypte sans combattre, et Shirkuh devient vizir des Fatimides en 1169, mais il est assassiné et son jeune neveu, Saladin, le remplace à ce poste. Lorsque le dernier des califes fatimides, Al-Adid, meurt, en 1171, Saladin prend le titre de sultan, c'est le début de la dynastie des Ayyoubides.
Dominant Le Caire, elle fut le siège du pouvoir politique jusqu'au XIXe siècle.
Saladin rétablit le sunnisme en Égypte et fait faire la prière au nom du califat des Abbassides de Bagdad.
En 1250, lors de la VIIe croisade, le sultan ayyubide Tûrân Châh, se montre incapable de défendre l'Égypte et ce sont ses esclaves militaires, les Mamelouks, qui remportent la bataille et font Louis IX (Saint Louis) prisonnier. À la suite de ce succès militaire, et à celui qui leur permit de repousser les Mongols de Gengis Khan (1260, bataille d'Aïn Djalout, au nord de la Syrie), ils gardent le pouvoir et établissent le sultanat mamelouk. Continuant l'œuvre architecturale et urbanistique inaugurée par les Ayyubides, sur l'emplacement des anciens palais fatimides, en ruine dès la fin de la dynastie chiite, ils réurbanisent le centre d'al-Qâhira en construisant de nombreux monuments15. Tout en développant les infrastructures du centre de la ville (le quartier commercial et artisanal du Khân al-Khalîlî, par exemple, grâce à l'institution musulmane des waqf-s, les Mamelouks développent la ville du Caire dans de nombreuses directions16. Le Caire continue à être le grand centre de transmission du savoir, et des étudiants de l'ensemble du monde musulman continuent à fréquenter la madrasa al-Azhar. Le commerce des épices entre l'Europe et l'Asie, qui transitait par l'Égypte assure une période de prospérité et, vers 1340, la population du Caire atteint un demi-million d'habitants, ce qui en fait la plus grande ville du monde, à l'ouest de la Chine17. Mais les ravages de la peste noire dans la deuxième moitié du XIVe siècle, conjugués à des années de mauvaises récoltes, à la pénurie du Trésor consécutive aux guerres incessantes (contre les Mongols : Tamerlan ravage Damas en 1400, puis contre les Ottomans : chute de Constantinople en 1453), et aux rentrées insuffisantes du commerce international (les Portugais ont découvert la route maritime de l'Inde en doublant le cap de Bonne-Espérance), permettent aux Ottomans d'anéantir la dynastie mamelouke. La Syrie est prise en 1516, l'Égypte en 1517 et Le Caire redevient une capitale provinciale, la capitale de l'Égypte, province de l'Empire ottoman, gouverné depuis Istanbul.
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drawbecauseitsheard · 3 years
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A Short Comic PSA made for Self Harm Awareness Day 2022! #arttherapy #dontcensormyskin #shawareness #mentalhealth #selfcare #shrecovery #traumahealing https://www.instagram.com/p/Cam3uCPORyR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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taenuviel · 3 years
i want laksa soooo bad SO bad s o b a d. it's midnight
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greatestwarriors · 11 years
Asad ad-Din Shirkuh bin Shadhi  literally means lion of the mountains in Kurdish), also known as Shêrko or "Shêrgo" (died 22 February 1169) was an important Kurdish military commander, and uncle of Saladin. His military and diplomatic efforts in Egypt were a key factor in establishing the Ayyubid family in that country. He was originally from a Kurdish village in Armenia near the town of Dvin. He was the son of Shadhi ibn Marwan, a Kurdish ruler, and was the brother of Najm ad-Din Ayyub, the ancestor of the Ayyubid dynasty.[1] The family was closely connected to the Shaddadid dynasty, and when the last Shaddadid was deposed in Dvin in 1130, Shahdi moved the family first to Baghdad and then to Tikrit, where he was appointed governor by the regional administrator Bihruz. Ayyub succeeded his father as governor of Tikrit when Shahdi died soon after.
 When Shirkuh killed a Christian with whom he was quarrelling in Tikrit in 1138,[2] the brothers were exiled (Shirkuh's nephew Yusuf, later known as Saladin, was supposedly born the night they left). They joined Nur ad-Din Zengi's army, and Shirkuh served under Nur ad-Din Zengi who succeeded Zengi in Mosul. Shirkuh was later given Homs, Ar-Rahba and other appanages by Nur ad Din Zengi as his vassal.[3] Ayyub served as governor of Baalbek and later Damascus, and the two brothers negotiated the surrender of Damascus to Nur ad-Din in 1154. In 1163 Nur ad-Din was asked by Shawar to intervene in Egypt in a dispute between him and Dirgham over the Fatimid vizierate. Nur ad-Din sent Shirkuh, and this was to be the first of three ventures Shirkuh made into Egypt, nominally on Nur ad-Din's behalf. On this first occasion, his nephew Saladin accompanied him as an advisor. Shawar was restored and Dirgham was killed, but after quarrelling with Shirkuh, Shawar allied with Amalric I of Jerusalem, who marched into Egypt in 1164 and besieged Shirkuh at Bilbeis [4] (see Crusader invasion of Egypt). In response Nur ad-Din attacked the Crusader states and almost captured the Principality of Antioch.
 Shirkuh was invited back into Egypt by the Fatimid Caliph Al-'Āḍid in 1167, to help defeat the Crusaders who were attacking Cairo.[5] Shawar once again allied with Amalric, who besieged Shirkuh in Alexandria until he agreed to leave; however, a Crusader garrison remained in Egypt and Amalric allied with the Byzantine Empire, planning to conquer it entirely. To destroy the garrison, Shawar switched alliances, from Amalric to Shirkuh. The Muslims fought a pitched battle with the Crusaders, who did not have the resources to conquer Egypt and were forced to retreat. Shirkuh and his associates enjoyed widespread support among the civil elite In Egypt for religious reasons. Although the Fatimid rulers were Shiite, the majority of people remained Sunni Muslims.[6] In January 1169 Shirkuh entered Cairo and had the untrustworthy Shawar executed.
 When he reached Cairo with his armies he was welcomed by the Fatimid Caliph Al-'Āḍid and treated with great honour.[7] He accepted the office of vizier, but died two months later on March 22; as Baha ad-Din ibn Shaddad describes, "it was the case that Asad ad-Din was a great eater, excessively given to partaking of rich meats. He suffered many bouts of indigestion and from quinsy, from which he would recover after putting up with great discomfort. He was taken severely ill, afflicted with a serious quinsy, which killed him on 22 Jumada II 564 [22 February 1169]."He was succeeded as vizier by his nephew Saladin, who had served with him on his campaigns in Egypt. Saladin eventually succeeded Nur ad-Din as well, uniting Egypt and Syria, which enabled him to almost completely drive out the crusaders from Syria and Palestine. A number of historians have offered the view that Shirkuh's death was an important factor in allowing Saladin to consolidate his position as Sultan and as undisputed head of the Ayyubid family.[8]
 Shirkuh is a Kurdish-Persian name which literally means "the lion (of the) mountain". His Arabic honorific Asad ad-Din similarly means "the lion of faith". In Latin, his name was rendered as "Siraconus"; William of Tyre, referring to the expedition of 1163, describes him as:
"an able and energetic warrior, eager for glory and of wide experience in military affairs. Generous far beyond the resources of his patrimony, Shirkuh was beloved by his followers because of this munificence. He was small of stature, very stout and fat and already advanced in years. Though of lowly origin, he had become rich and risen by merit from his humble estate to the rank of prince. He was afflicted with cataract in one eye. He was a man of great endurance under hardships, one who bore hunger and thirst with an equanimity quite unusual for that time of life.[9]
Although Nur ad-Din Zengi took back the domain of Homs on Shirkuh's death, in 1193 Saladin gave Homs to Shirkuh's son Muhammad ibn Shirkuh[10] and his descendants continued to rule in Homs thereafter until the death in 1263 of his last descendant the emir, Al-Ashraf Musa, Emir of Homs. After this Homs was ruled directly as part of the Mamluk empire.
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Definition: According to Joseph, ELIZA – a Chatbot is a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine, The term Chatbot – chat(ter)bot was coined by Michael L. Mauldin. Another simplified version is offered by Shawar and Atwell who define it as – Chatbots are chat applications supported by artificial intelligence whose functions range from answering simple questions to taking part in complex conversations.
Types: Depending on their type, Chatbots can conduct voice and text-based conversations. Chat applications are capable of giving different responses to requests or questions from different users. Older generation Chatbots were not very intelligent, to some preprogramed questions they would give specific, predetermined responses hence making the application redundant and not utilitarian. With the advent of artificial intelligence, however, they stared learning and often assuming the role of human operators in several areas, including some basic communication tasks in education and are now being fast adopted in important areas such as healthcare, induction training and daily task performance in corporate and offices. According to Britz, Chatbots are computer programs capable of conducting conversations similar to those between people. Chatbots are often used in order to automate or optimize a business process. The types of Chatbots range from simple to complex – in the latter case, the aim is to exploit a wide spectrum of artificial intelligence. Simple bots handle basic messages and requests from users. When communicating with users, algorithms give pre-programmed responses to a given input as outputs, and their communication style or language use is not sophisticated or highly differentiated.
Market size: Due to the vast range of applications and the widening of a vista of opportunities that Chatbots offer, the global market for smart virtual personal assistants (SVPA), or Chatbots, is growing exponentially. What was valued at $113 million in 2015, according to Transparency MarketResearch Inc., is expected to reach $994.5 million by 2024.1 Google’s Home and Allo, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Amazon’s Alexa are popular examples of smart virtual assistants. An SVPA associated with a particular user can begin to understand the tasks offered by its human counterpart, and can learn on the job as humans do. Platforms like IBM Watson Assistant and Google’s Dialogflow provide open access to NLP tools and technologies and make it accessible for every business to design and train its own Digital Assistant. These two technological giants are a guarantee that these technologies will continue to evolve and continue to impact our everyday lives.
Advantages: Similarly in healthcare industry Chatbots have assumed a pivotal role to play and have numerous advantages to both the patients, doctors and the health institutions. This is since Chatbots are interactive and since most hospitals don’t have a robust relationship with their clients when it comes to sharing information. Clients are left in the lurch while searching the web. However with bots which are user friendly, they get real-time instructions. This has boosted inclusivity, efficiency, and responsiveness. Through conversational healthcare, it is more likeable to patients as they enjoy the individualised proactive experience. More importantly, the ability of Chatbots to create a mono system of records saves the health care tonnes of money and time.
Usage in Healthcare: It helps in scheduling appointments, organise admissions and discharges and also schedule patient consultation needs. Telemedicine also helps to diagnose and treat patients remotely. Some salient uses of Chatbots already in operation are:
Examples: Florence — this Chatbot assistant reminds you to take your medicine and gives you instructions if you have not had your medication. It monitors patient health and can help find specialists and book appointments in the assigned geography.
Your. MD — It replaces the assistant of a General Practitioner, asks about symptoms and puts relevant and adequate queries approved by health professionals to identify a condition probabilistically and then sets up appointments.
Safedrugbot— This messaging app helps doctors take notice of possible side effects of drugs during breastfeeding and helps to keep mothers safe.
SimSensei — Still in its infancy stage, it uses voice and face recognition to mimic a therapist, also interacting with the patient at deeper levels.
Other functionalities that are still under testing and development stage include chronic illness management such as Type 2 Diabetes and mental health management. Although premature these Chatbots can offer comfort and reassurance to the patient until the doctor takes up the case.
Structure: The functioning of Chatbots is based on at least four different structures. The first is natural language processing to make sense of the user’s demands followed by knowledge management to provide an answer. Deep and quick learning capability helps the Chatbot to improve its response to each interaction. Sentiment analysis enables the Chatbot to gauge and asses the user’s frustration in order to take a call whether to transfer them to a human interface immediately. Depending on the sophistication degree of the Chatbot, it will try to anticipate the interaction and provide the user with appropriate choices, or just wait for new commands.
Probable issues: It is by now well established that Chatbots are bringing many advantages in the medical field, such as minimizing the cost and increasing efficiency. However, the potential negative side need not be overlooked as well. A lot of attention should be put especially in their functionalities that are computerized. It should therefore not be an objective to substitute doctors with Chatbots, but only be utilised in potentially tasks which carry lesser risk such as reminding patients to take drugs and scheduling meetings for health practitioners. Also, we need to understand that the Chatbot technology is in its infancy stage and security measures are still being established. They can revolutionise how things are done online. However, they can be quite damaging and can lead to cybersecurity issues. Therefore a judicious well tested out system of using Chatbots in healthcare is what is expected to be evolving in times to come.
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salmankhanholics · 5 years
★ Shahwar Ali joins Salman Khan in Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai!
November 7, 2019
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Talented actor Shawar Ali, who has worked in films like Om Shanti Om and Buddha? Hoga Terra Baap, has bagged a new big budget project.The actor, who is also known for his negative roles in Telugu films, will be part of Salman Khan’s Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai.
IWMBuzz.com has exclusively learnt that Shawar has been roped in to play an important character. Produced by Salman Khan, Sohail Khan and Atul Agnihotri, and directed by Prabhu Deva, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai stars Salman Khan, Disha Patani, Randeep Hooda, Jackie Shroff and Rajat Bedi in the main cast.
The film just had a muhurat pooja.We buzzed Shawar but could not get through to him.We buzzed the spokesperson of Salman Khan but could not get through for comments.
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kayealcos-blog · 5 years
Welcome to Nobody But Chew!
Hey There!
 We are your budget-friendly and oh-so-amazing partners for your taste buds that crave such delicious snacks and drinks that will also fill your stomach with fullness and satisfaction. The food we provide will generally fit your taste and is for all ages. Wether you want something that's to-go on the road or just for a simple walk in the park, Nobody but Chew is here for you!
 Made from the creative minds of lovely young ladies, they have conjured something that is for the many. Our menu would include our Tapioka-Loka, Shawar-Made For You, and Mango Munchew. With each of the products so handy, you can have them anywhere.
 Read further to be enlightened with the delight that is Nobody But Chew!
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