#she and zalenka are constantly getting into knock down screaming arguments over their jobs
queerfables · 5 months
911 often makes me think about Stargate. It draws on a lot of the same ingredients that made those shows compelling to me, especially the found family team bonds in a setting of constant high stakes danger.
I have this half formed Stargate: Atlantis fusion idea that keeps floating around in my brain, where the 118 is a specialised extraction team whose primary mission is to provide support and rescue to other gate teams in distress. They become informally known as Gate Team 911, which Rodney snarks about since this is allegedly an international mission until John points out 911 is the emergency number in Canada too. And then Teyla wants them to explain exactly how emergency calls work and Elizabeth has to introduce her to Maddie Buckley in communications who actually used to be an emergency dispatcher, and who just so happens to be the sister of team 911's Evan Buckley.
I don't know I don't have much more than the basic concept but I love the idea of the 118 doing basically the same thing they do in this universe except now they're exploring the galaxy while they do it.
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