tieflings-in-kuffs · 10 months
So excited to share with you my first Frodo and Sam mini Comic !!!
'As long as Sam Gamgee still talks about potatoes everything will be alright'
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This took me forever but i sincerely hope you guys like it !!
I always loved the thought of Sam being comforting to Frodo by simply just being there haha
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
45 - Agitation
"I... I guess I helped you because... well, you're the first person who has been... nice to me... in a while." He was unsure of his words. Was it really true? Was he just being stupid? Kiel was still a stranger, after all. The shorter tiefling took a loaf of bread out of his pack and tore it in half. He broke some pieces off and popped them into his mouth. "C'mere, I'll heal you a bit." Suf tensed slightly. Magic was a touchy thing for him. Just because it's dangerous, he told himself. Yet he knew that that wasn't why he didn't like people using healing magic on him. It made him remember her soft voice, her hands as they magically soothed the scratches and burns he sometimes came home with. "N-no thanks. I've only got some scratches, and they aren't too bad." Suf realized that he had completely neglected his own wounds, which even though weren't serious, were still in need of attention. "Besides, you shouldn't use magic in your current state. You need to rest so that you can recover." Suf's tail curled and uncurled repeatedly. This situation was getting too familiar.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
44 - Guilty
"Ah, thanks." A small smile played upon his lips as he took his bag. He ducked his head slightly in embarrassment to the scolding. Kiel looked up at Suf, frowning in turn with the taller tiefling. He felt guilty for being the reason Suf would be excommunicated. "Why did you help me? You can't go back to your home anymore, and you said you had no plans to leave." He reached into the pack, pulling out a loaf of bread. Tearing it in half, he broke off small pieces before popping them into his mouth. "C'mere, I'll heal you a bit." He offered.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
43 - Confusing feelings
Suf stood at the edge of the clearing, next to the still unconscious Kiel and their supplies. He looked up at the starry night sky. Why did I do that... Now I'll be viewed as a traitor here, with nowhere to call home. It wasn't like Suf to help people. He tended to live up to his full name. He had killed lots of others before he came to this village, and he never gave a second look to the hurt and helpless. But... He would have done the same for Drip. He cared about her, of course he would have helped her. Maybe that's it, maybe I care about him? I dont want him to get hurt, and what I just did proves that I would risk a lot to save him. Maybe... He cast a look over his shoulder at the unconscious tiefling. Maybe it's ok to care about someone? To not want them to get hurt? The tall tiefling heard a sigh and some rustling. He turned to see Kiel twisting around, looking for his pack, probably. The grounded tiefling paused. "Hey... Thanks for the help." He called out, and dipped his head in acknowledgment. Suf realized that Kiel probably shouldn't be moving, with his leg and all. He walked up to the struggling man, crouched down and placed a hand on his shoulder to get him to stay still. "I'll get your pack for you. You shouldn't move too much, so stay still unless you want to possibly rip your stitches." He scolded, hissing lightly. Suf got up and picked up Kiel's pack from the small pile of supplies lying nearby. He handed it to the other. "And, it's ok. It's done now." He looked at the ground with a frown. He would miss his home.
(A/N: keep in mind that this RP was supposed to be short-lived since we were only doing it for a dnd campaign, which is prooobably why past me forced Suf's character to develop so quickly at the beginning)
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
42 - Thanks
Kiel groaned and brought a hand to his head. The evening had quickly turned to night, the stars twinkling gently in the sky. He looked down, wincing as fire shot through his leg. The sword had been removed, the hole hastily stitched up. Suf stood nearby. Why did he save me? Kiel pondered. He wouldn't be allowed back into his village after this incident. Sighing, he twisted around looking for his pack. He was still light headed, and eating would help ground him. He paused. "Hey.. Thanks for the help." He called to Suf, dipping his head in acknowledgement.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
41 - Repair
CWs: blood, injury, needle
Suf let out a sight of relief. Being unconscious was better than being concious for Kiel right now. He realized he couldn't waste any time, with the amount of blood soaking the bandages, the injury was probably pretty bad. (Idk how tf to heal shit so just roll with it). He prepared himself for the pain that his companion would soon endure. Without a second thought, he yanked the sword out and covered one side of the would with a bandage to control the bleeding for a few minutes. He quickly took out a needle and thread from his medical supply bag and stitched the uncovered side of the wound as best he could. Next he uncovered the other side and stitched it up also. Suf sat back and allowed himself a moment for a wave of relief to wash over him. Kiel wasnt dead, and he wasnt going to die. Suf wrapped his leg in clean bandages and gently pulled him under a tree for some cover.
(A/N: I literally had no idea how injuries worked back then so this method is not legit don't follow it lmao)
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
40 - Woozy
CWs: blood, injury
Kiel groaned as he was shook a bit too hard. His leg was numb, and he felt GREAT. He lazily opened one eye, grinning at Sufs worried expression. He was feeling a bit woozy and high on adrenaline. "Yeah I can- I can hear you." He mumbled. Worry painted the other tiefling's face, his eyes filled with a pain Kiel recognized. His legs were slick with blood, the bandages quickly becoming soaked. "Youuu are ssoo sweaty right now. Cahm down." He chuckled. He immediately regretted it. Eyes bulging, he twisted to a side and threw up. "Ugh. Things are not going well. That's gross. I'm gross. Hey my leg is dying. Did you notice that?" He pondered, flopping out of the tree and landing with a thud on the ground. He screamed. Pain shot through his leg like rockets. "Th.. That adrenaline.. It didn't last long," he groaned. Pain is good, he reminded himself. It meant that he was still alive. His mind, on the other hand, was all over the place. "Ahm just gon lie here.. for a bit.. ddon't mind me. Yer naht gonna kill me, are you?" He asked, pursing his lips in suspicion. His vision was turning hazy. Warmth trickled onto his hand. He followed it back to his leg. Oh right, that. Huh. "Ahm going tu die by bbleeding out in the fforest." He muttered bitterly, his mind returning to him for a moment. "Tanks for comin forr me." He added, throwing a grateful glance at Suf. "I'll see ya later." He huffed, his vision going dark.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
39 - Hear me
CWs: injury, blood
Suf ran into the woods. Most people had been too out of it to notice him dash in, and some were dead, too. And with the fog still there, he felt certain no one would follow him. He slowed to a speed walk and had walked about ten meters into the woods when he saw the blood trail. He didnt know if it was Kiel's, and he prayed it wasn't, but it was his best shot. He jogged along it, coming to a stop at a tree. He noticed some blood smeared on the trunk. It has to be his, he thought, scared out of his mind at what he might see. He took a deep breath and climbed up. Inside he saw Kiel, curled up, face scrunched up in pain, his whole body shuddering. A sword had been stabbed right through his leg, the wound hastily wrapped in bandages. "Holy shit," Suf whispered under his breath as his hands started to shake. Drip. He couldnt save her, they weren't there, no one was there- He inhaled, and exhaled slowly to calm himself down. Now was to the time to panic or think about Drip. Kiel needed his help now. He could panic later. Suf shook Kiel a little too hard, scared that he wouldn't wake even though he was still breathing. "Kiel! Can you hear me??"
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
38 - Definitely
Kiel was crawling now. He thought he heard Suf call his name a couple times, but he couldn't be sure. His ears were ringing and he felt weak from loss of blood. All the movement had not helped, but at least the sword had stayed in to prevent a fountain of blood. He had stashed his supplies in a large hollowed out tree to the west. The blood might attract predators. He could handle one, befriend it, even, with one of his spells. But the woods were oddly quiet as he reached his tree. Staggering to his feet, he climbed inside the tree, grabbing his bag as he crouched, hidden. He hoped his blood trail wouldn't be too obvious. He fumbled for his bandages, and wrapped himself up best he could in the cramped area with a sword still sticking out. He didn't trust himself with a needle yet, his hands were shaking too much to stitch himself up and he definitely couldn't concentrate enough to heal magically. I'll just... Rest for a bit. To regain my strength. Yeah. Definitely. He convinced himself. Definitely.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
37 - Run for it
Suf heard Kiel call out as the child ran. He was then cut off mid sentence by something. Suf whipped around, but couldnt see much because of the fog. Whatever or whoever it was, it was gonna pay. He called out Kiel's name, but either Kiel wasn't close enough to hear him anymore, or he couldnt respond. Suf ran around, attempting to find his fellow tiefling. But he couldnt find him anywhere. His immediate thoughts were the woods. He wanted to go after him, but he knew he would never be accepted in the village again, so his logical side convinced him to go to his house and gather supplies. Luckily, his place wasnt far away. He ran to it and dashed inside, quickly gathering medical supplies, food and water. He ran back out, and ran for the woods.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
36 - Leg kebab
CWs: stabbing
Kiel panted in exertion. He couldn't sense many people left, many had fled or were incapacitated. The fog would last for an hour, and he couldn't disperse it at will. He looked around, trying to spot Suf. He brought his hands to his mouth to yell, an irrational fear taking over. "Suf! Where are y-gk" He stared down with wide eyes. A guard lay on the ground, his eyes determined. A sword stuck through Kiels leg like a skewer. "Well." He whispered. He stumbled backwards, the guard smiling wrily as his grip loosened. Breathing heavily, Kiel stumbled away from the battlefield, sword still in leg, trying to get as far as possible to tend to his wound. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a tall tiefling crouched over a short human, a teen perhaps? He didn't look for long, but was relieved Suf was alright. He seemed to be carrying the person? Shaking himself, he focused on escaping and hiding in the woods.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
35 - Streak of awareness
Suf couldn't see well. A fog had surrounded the battlefield, which he guessed this now was. Something seemed to enrage Kiel earlier, perhaps it was seeing him kill all these humans? Or was it because... because he was hurt? Something hit Suf hard on the back of the head. Even though it didn't hurt much, he still swore and whipped around, his sword cutting along the womans stomach. He felt a pang of guilt. Maybe it was because of him killing all these people. He was vicious. He liked to hurt people. He was evil. Fuck it. As long as Kiel gets out of this alive it wont matter. He realised what just went through his mind. He didnt have time to dwell on it, however, because he heard steps from behind him. It was... It was a child... or maybe teenager human, looking lost and confused. As soon as they noticed the tiefling with the bloody sword, they screamed and tried to run, but Suf couldn't let this innocent child possibly get stuck in the center of this chaos and maybe even get killed. He carefully scooped up the child, ignoring the painful kicking, scratching, biting and hitting coming from the panicked being. The fog started to become lighter as he neared the edge of the commotion, and checking behind his shoulder to make sure no one was pursuing him, he put the child down and in a hard tone said, "Run. Dont come back until it's over." All the human did was turn and run.
(A/N please forgive how the writing quality is slowly slipping in my chapters *crying* stork and I had reached like 6 straight (gay) hours of writing by this point)
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
34 - Fierce
CWs: murder, fighting, blood
Kiel heard the wet schk of a weapon sliding through flesh. He turned and watched in horror as Suf cut through the masses. A strange glee seemed to take over the other tieflings body. Kiel hardened. They deserve this. He thought, but winced whenever a body hit the ground. He used the entangle spell, and watched as vines ripped up the ground, snaring people in the progress. He made sure to capture as many guards as he could, their numbers swelling. The whistle of a blade cut through the air making him duck, the sword catching his horns with a dull thunk. Growling, Kiel attacked the guard, clumsily avoiding the attacks and returning them with equaled ferocity. He managed to catch the guard in his stomach, making him fall to the ground. With a savage punch to the head the guard fell. He couldn't bring himself to kill the guy, instead moving on and attacking as many as he could. He spotted Suf, his arm bleeding from a cut. That made him unimageneably angry. Suf was hurt, because of him. Flashbacks to his childhood made him roar in anger, eyes glowing with magic as a thick mist engulfed the area. He slunk through the shroud, maybe in their confusion they would take out their own. Plus this way they couldn't hit him with thrown objects. He grinned savagely, holding no bars as he violently hit people in the back of their heads, rendering them unconscious. He wondered how long it would last.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
33: Numbness of adrenaline
(CWs: fighting, injuries, murder.)
Suf grinned as he saw the guards barging into the fight. He felt Kiel cast a spell behind him as he raised his sword. He had been peaceful far too long. He had to acknowledge his thirst for blood, something that had been left unattended for too long. Even though this side of Suf's mind scared him, he needed to accept that it was a part of him- a part that needed attention. He raised his blade and swung. The slice as it hit the body, that thwack as the man felt to the ground; it thrilled him. He kept going, taking out some of the crowd of people that had grown significantly over the last few minutes. A wooden board with a rusty nail sticking out managed to cut his arm, but there was no pain. All he could feel was the white hot adrenaline as he killed more.
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
32: Settling for violence
Kiel grimaced as he got assaulted on all sides. Fighting back would make things worse, but he couldn't just take it or they'd beat him to death. He heard a few cries of pain accompanied by flashes of silver. Suddenly, Suf was standing beside him. His eyes were alight with fury, and Kiel couldn't help but be in awe of the battle ready Tiefling. "Figures I'd be the one to get in trouble, huh?" He grimaced, feeling warm blood trickling down his cheek. He was surprised Suf would risk himself like this, surprised he thought he was worth helping. He reached into his boot for a concealed dagger. Might as well go down with a fight. The guards finally reached the mob, and upon seeing the tieflings assumed the worst. They ran towards them, swords at the ready. Cursing under his breath, his eyes glowed lightly as he activated his powers. He couldn't do a whole lot of magic at his low level, and he didn't particularly enjoy revealing his druidic nature to others, but desperate times call for desperate measures. More guards could be just around the corner. Debating for a moment, he lightly touched Suf, activating his Longstrider spell. It would take a moment before he'd be able to gather enough magic to cast the two spells he wanted, but for now he'd have to settle for violence, he decided as he kicked at the nearest person and focused on the guards.
(A/N: Longstrider is a druid spell that increases the speed of the target.)
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
31 - Inexplicable protectiveness
Suf walked around town in the light evening breeze. It was usually peaceful in this area of town. The talk with Kiel had left him feeling happier, lighter then before. It was something he hadn't felt in a long time. As he started towards his house in a busier section of town, he started hearing distant yells. First one. Then a few more. He quickened his pace as the yells got louder. "-kill us! He'll burn the town!" Suf began running towards the yells at full speed. This isnt good. A few more yells followed. "Dammit!" He was close enough to hear the hiss. This voice. Suf knew it, even though he had only heard it a few hours ago for the first time. Kiel! He sprinted around a building and saw it- about a dozen people swinging at Kiel with wooden planks, broken bricks, even stones. The yells were getting louder as Kiel attempted to block all the on-coming attacks. Suf didn't even think. He just punched a woman about to send a brick at Kiel as hard as he could, sending her to the ground, and fought his way to the middle of the commotion, where he knew he would find the tiefling. Shoving, kicking, punching through several people before he finally reached Kiel. Without a second thought, Suf took his sword out of its sheath that hung at his back and stood in front of Kiel, holding the long, sharp blade up in defense. His tail was lashing violently from side to side as he bared his teeth in a snarl. The attackers froze.
(A/N: ho ho, the action starts~)
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tieflings-in-kuffs · 2 years
30 - Demon filth
~•~ Arc II: Wild and Unbound ~•~
Kiel walked through the streets, his spirits lifted after the confusing yet heartfelt conversation with Suf. It hit him that he never asked where the other tiefling lived. He was even able to forget the people lining the road as they stared and whispered. "Get out of our town demon filth! We have enough trash around already!" A half drunk man yelled. Kiel frowned. "I'm just heading to the library." He muttered. "He's gonna burn the books!" A woman screamed. "The demons going to burn the library!" They rallied. "No! I'm just here to read some-" "Get out of our town tiefling!" An older woman yelled. A small mob began to form around him, some drunk, others sober and angry. "Out! Leave!" They screamed at him. "No! I haven't even done anything!" He snarled, temper flaring. "He's going to bite us! He'll kill us! He'll burn the town!" They cried. The man who started the small riot attacked Kiel with a piece of broken wood. "Leave!" He yelled, swinging at Kiels back. Following example, the villagers began scrambling for weapons. A pair of guards in the distance started heading to the commotion, hands on their sword sheaths as they approached. They would reach him soon. "Damnit!" Kiel hissed, tail lashing violently as it escaped his cloak. This was going to end badly.
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