#she asks him abt gourgeist facts ^-^
pcktknife · 2 years
HAVE U SEEN THE HALLOWEEN IRIS IN MASTERS idk if its a leak or old news since i dont play but its such a cyute look aughh
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drifloonz · 1 year
btw i never posted this but conceptual pokemon teams for steven. one is mainly pre-incident while the one after is After The Incident ( since yk he canonically releases all his pokemon and goes willingly broke after miki dies. )
pre incident team ( he released like all of these. except miki obviously ):
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post incident:
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reasonings below ( its long i apologize )
PRE-INCIDENT TEAM ; here's a discord screenshot i put for general info lol anyways suicide cw in the screenshot ( just a mention though but yk. heavy shit )
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miki - its miki. do you need me to give explanation. part of me just kind of took a few strangled red fics interpretation of why/how steven has miki ( aka he found her in the rain in pallet town and he didnt even wanna be a trainer - inspired by faulty on ao3 )
pidgeot - first pokemon caught other than miki for probably obvious reasons. he also needed a pokemon to use fly - a lot of his pre incident team is just for tms or for backup but he used like almost exclusively miki bc mikis OVERPOWERED
haunter - steven doesnt go into pokemon tower until after the incident, but i like to think somehow he met a gastly and it just kept following him until he caught it. ( im too lazy to remake the team but bc of this it prob should b a gastly in this image )
Fun fact; Personally i think the gastly in Strangled that lets you into his house is his gastly. why the fuck else would it be there. after steven releases all his mons it still follows him around and tries to get people to help them by moving the stones that block his house, but accidentally makes it worse bc steven just attacks people who come into his home at that time. oopsy.
sandshrew - i dont have a lot to say abt this one it just kinda fits + for tms probably ( sandshrew. learns a lot of tms. )
lapras - likely just for surf but theres probably more i could add to this my brains just not thinking
chansey - gifted by daisy! either as a happiny or just. as a chansey. it's honestly more of an emotional support mon than it is an actual battling mon
POST INCIDENT TEAM ; ( once again discord screenshot w general info )
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there's more post-incident teams, i made like 3, which is why it says he has pokemon that it doesnt seem like he has in the second images. few notable examples are zoroark, gallade, chandelure, hydreigon, gourgeist, and phantump ( ... the phantump is probably a kid he killed ( maybe in strangled ) that follows him arnd since he probably lives in a forest LOL )
miki - she's now fucked up and glitched since its post-incident. he technically has multiple fucked up missingno'd versions of her canonically. Do not ask why
mega absol - it's a disaster pokemon. it follows him arnd and doesn't leave him around bc he's constantly got disasters happening arnd him. he IS the disaster at this point. also i kind of stole this concept from a steven twitter rp account, iirc bc its a really good concept. i like to think he kind of resents it but he still technically Has it
mega houndoom - u can't tell me he wouldn't have a houndoom. steven HAS dog owner energy. also absol and houndoom r mega just bc i think they go hard and their designs fit better w steven. idk if steven would actually have mega evolution shit.
mawile - he would. idk why but he would
staraptor - he doesnt have pidgeot anymore so he got a staraptor, ig. i don't know why he'd have one it just fits
luxray - literally all of these last 3 boil down to "it just fits."
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