#she attempts to ruin lilith’s life when they’re 17 and it doesn’t work because Lilith ends up doing really well
fated-normal-767 · 6 months
She’s so fucking . Far removed from what most people could consider moral that I think the only way to write her would be like ,,,, yknow the Edgar Allen Poe story about the guy who killed his roommate cause he had this weird eye ? Yeah she needs to be like that level of fucked in the head . I think .
But also . Her doing it with startling awareness and knowing every step of the way what she’s doing is fucked but not stopping, never stopping, is just so . Okay wait actually . Now I’m thinking about her monologue being almost normal for most scenes but having an underlying layer of rot that’s only revealed when . Okay ask cancelled there’s actually so many interesting ways to write her . I’m in love with her in the way a morgue loves a corpse .
YES‼️‼️‼️ she’s not having her judgement clouded by any kind of disorder she’s literally just a common or garden sadist who found out she can get away with it easy as pie if she’s rich. and then she did that. and no law enforcement Ever got involved so she was left till her own devices till known freak ares usotsuki decided to do something about it. Cutting her hands off wasn’t his first plan though, his first plan was just to scare her off, but she wanted revenge and ended up without . hands.
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Siblings Interview Tag: Marie and Scarlett Rose
Like I said in this post, I was tagged twice - and therefore I want to do this tag twice. I know I asked for suggestions and I was asked to do either Regan and Felix or Caleb and Lilith Vatore. I was going to do Regan and Felix, since developing them would be more useful for their legacy than developing my nsb!Vatores, but then I thought wait a minute, if I want to do Scarlett’s BC, wouldn’t it be fun to develop her and her twinsister a little more? After all, I treated them like shit in the og legacy. So yeah, thank you guys for suggestions and I’m sorry I didn’t use them in the end. I will keep them in mind though, one day they’ll come in handy for sure.
1. Which one of you is the older sibling?
Scarlett: “You’re the older twin.”
Marie: “The wanted twin. You were quite a surprise.”
Scarlett: “I thought we were grown-ups, why are you rubbing it in my face again?”
2. What do you like about your sibling?
Marie: “I know you probably want me to go really deep, but I’m going to say her style. Like, I wouldn’t be able to pull it off myself, but it’s so cute on her. I love that.”
Scarlett: “Thank you! I like how honest you can be. If you don’t like something or someone, you just say it. I think that’s an important trait.”
Marie: “Definitely. Oh, you’re also really empathetic.”
Scarlett: “Unlike you.”
Marie: “Unlike me. Yeah, I don’t know what empathy is.”
3. What annoys you about your sibling?
Scarlett: ”You just said it. You can be pretty cold sometimes.”
Marie: “I know! I hate that about myself as well. Someone is crying in front of me and I don’t give a shit about why they’re crying, I’ll just stand there and pray they’ll stop soon because it hurts my ears. Which actually brings me to what annoys me about you.”
Scarlett: “Really?”
Marie: “Yeah, you cry about every little thing. Happy ocassion, sad one, doesn’t matter, you’ll have waterfalls coming down your cheeks.”
4. Describe your sibling(s) with three adjectives.
Scarlett: “Determined, sassy, kinda rude sometimes.”
Marie: “Soft, optimistic and caring, like I said already. She won’t leave you alone, she’ll just want to know you’re alright.”
5. What is your sibling’s/siblings’ biggest talent(s)?
Scarlett: “She was a mermaid in her past life. I’ve never understood how you can swim so fast.”
Marie: “It’s just practice.”
Scarlett: “First there’s talent, then you polish it with your practice and you’re amazing.”
Marie: “Thank you. You would’ve been a good goalkeeper.”
Scarlett: “Yeah, if I had kept doing football, I would. But then I injured my ankle and stopped.”
Marie: “I think your biggest talent now is...let me think...you take great pictures.”
Scarlett: “That’s why I’m glad I can take pictures for a living.”
6. What is your sibling(s) really bad at?
Scarlett: “Being nice to people.”
Marie: “Yeah. I don’t even know how to give a good compliment!”
Scarlett: “Okay, no, that’s a lie. You’ve already complimented me so many times in this interview!”
Marie: “I don’t think it’s in my blood to be nice. I took more after dad and he’s, well...I mean he’s nice, but he’s also not.”
Scarlett: “Yeah. Same with you, though you’re a little bit different. What am I bad at?”
Marie: “You’ve always been bad at remembering to give back the borrowed things. You know, pens, pencils...and you always forget to bring back the books from the library on time.”
Scarlett: “I know. Good thing auntie Rachel works there. She’s forgiven me quite a lot.”
7. Do you have nicknames for each other?
Marie: “We don’t.”
Scarlett: “What are you talking about?! We do!”
Marie: “But we didn’t come up with them.”
Scarlett: “Good point.”
Marie: “And we both hate them.”
Scarlett: “Scary Scar and Mini Sharon. Don’t ask our dad why he thought it would be fun to call me Scar.”
Marie: “Mine isn’t that bad. I mean, if mum didn’t dye her hair, we would really look alike, so -”
Scarlett: “Why didn’t he call me Mini Lynn then or something? Grandma’s haircolour somehow made it through genetics to me. Scary Scar is the worst nickname of all times.”
Marie: “I’m pretty sure uncle Caleb would beg to differ.”
8. What’s one thing you can do that your sibling(s) can’t?
Scarlett: “I’ve always been good at writing.”
Marie: “That’s right, you always got good grades on your writing homework, while me...I’m not creative, okay? Not to mention spelling is hard sometimes.”
Scarlett: “But you can swim and run faster than anyone in the family.”
Marie: “That’s right. I’m unstoppable!”
9. Did you get along when you were younger?
Marie: “Sometimes we didn’t talk for days.”
Scarlett: “True.”
Marie: “But most of the time, we were okay, I guess.”
10. What is your funniest childhood memory of your sibling?
Marie: “Oh god, this is embarrassing.”
Scarlett: “It is. If we’re thinking the same thing, it is.”
Marie: “But we were so little - wait, are you thinking the concert too?”
Scarlett: “The concert. We should tell the story.”
Marie: “Yeah, totally. So, it was dad’s birthday, he had a concert that night, and his bandmates thought it would be cute if they got us on stage so we could sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him in front of everyone.”
Scarlett: “We thought it would be nice too, even mum agreed, and so we got ready for our moment of fame. And as we walked on the stage, I realized how many people were staring at us.”
Marie: “And you started shaking and crying. I tried to calm you down, but it didn’t work, and before anyone could do anything else, I dragged you to the backstage again. I remember dad was so confused, like what the hell were we doing there?! But he wasn’t mad at all. We wished him a happy birthday later and never attempted to surprise him in the middle of his concert again.”
Scarlett: “That’s a lie. I don’t know who it was - Joe maybe? - I think he tried to convince us next year again, but mum was against it.”
11. Are you closer now or when you were younger?
Scarlett: “Definitely now.”
Marie: “When there’s a problem, we now solve it by talking, instead of putting it off for days. I think that’s the biggest difference.”
12. Did you compete with each other?
Marie: “Don’t all siblings compete from time to time?”
13. Which one of you is more likely to turn out like your mum or dad?
Marie: “Dad literally calls me Mini Sharon sometimes, so guess what.”
Scarlett: “You’re a good mix of both though! I feel like - I mean you can tell I’m their daughter, but it’s not as clear as with you.”
Marie: “You inherited all of dad’s talent. You can sing, you could write songs if you wanted to. I’m more like mum.”
Scarlett: “Meaning there’s not a sport you wouldn’t succeed in.”
Marie: “I wish. But yeah, sort of.”
14. Which one is most likely to have a big family?
Scarlett: “I’m single right now, so...what about you, Marie?”
Marie: “Mason and I are too young and stupid to have spawns of our own.”
Scarlett: “When I was little, I wanted a big family, but now that I’m older and I travel a lot, I think children can wait.”
Marie: “It’s not like mum and dad want to become grandparents, is it?”
Scarlett: “It’s likely that it is dad’s biggest nightmare.”
Marie: “It would ruin this illusion that he’s still young.”
Scarlett: “Yeah. No offense, dad.”
Marie: “Can we turn this into a ‘let’s roast our dad’ session? I strangely enjoy that.”
Scarlett: “Same! Again, no offense, dad.”
15. What is one thing about your sibling(s) that has changed as you’ve gotten older?
Scarlett: “She’s not as mean anymore. She used to pull my hair all the time just to tease me.”
Marie: “I can still do that if you miss it.”
Scarlett: “No! Stop it!”
16. Who’s better at maths?
Marie: “Good question.”
Scarlett: “We were both a little above the average, I’d say.”
Marie: “Yeah. But I won that prize in the second grade, so I’m slightly better.”
17. Who is more pessimistic and who is more optimistic?
Scarlett: “I wouldn’t call you either of those things.”
Marie: “I’m trying to stay realistic. You on the other hand, you’re always like ‘oh yeah, this could be fun, let’s try it!’ and you never think about what could go wrong! How do you do that?”
Scarlett: “I wish I knew. It’s just who I am.”
18. Is there anything you don’t like doing together?
Marie: “I hate going shopping with you. I’m sorry but it just takes too long. It’s not necessary!”
Scarlett: “It is! I don’t want to buy something and then later at home realize that I actually don’t need it!”
19. Which one of you do you think will get married first?
Scarlett: “The one of us that is currently in a relationship.”
Marie: “Never say never. You might find the right person soon and you won’t want to wait.”
20. Lastly, how often do you argue?
Marie: “Not so often anymore.”
Scarlett: “It’s because we spend less time together and when we see each other, we actually miss each other and neither of us thinks about arguing.”
Marie: “Oh yeah, I’m so happy you travel so much and I don’t have to see you every single day.”
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