#she chose to be a part of this and she'll likely get awards for this
anxietycheesecake · 2 years
The whole Ana de Armas saying Marilyn's ghost was present thing is awful because it either is true and she can't even rest in piece without these parasites using her name and image, or she's lying for attention which is even more ????
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plizetsky x reader)
(Part three)
Part one. Part two. Part four part five Masterlist
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: mentions of minor injury, tsundere Yuri
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*Yuri's POV*
"Do it again. This time slow down and think every turn through before you start over."
It's worse than he anticipated. How many practices did he cancel exactly? The sweat is pooling at the base of his hairline and he can feel a nerve in his pinky twitch uncontrollably after using his hand to save him from a particularly bad fall after attempting a rushed series of jumps ending in a loop. The all too pleasant sound of the blades of his skates cutting up fresh ice from the surface is mixed with grunts of frustration and rapid panting. His mind tells him to repeat repeat repeat from the start if he gets something wrong. Repeat until he gets it right and then move on.
Yakov is visibly in a bad mood after seeing how much training they had to get done before moving to his sessions with (Y/n). That means hiring her longer than expected and that's something both him and Yakov wants to avoid. Not because they don't have the money, but because she'll be wandering around without a purpose in Japan, waiting for Yuri to get back in shape.
Another fall. Yuri attempts to use his other hand for support and spring on his feet again but the balance fails him since it's the wrong hand and the inner edge of his right skate bends outwards. He stumble for a second but gets right onto repeating the combination. Deadset to move on as fast as possible.
He knew that Yakov said they would be starting tomorrow morning with his time at the rink. Though,  Yuri had a feeling he would need all the extra time he could get.
(Y/n). The aftermath of his first meeting with the all too famous singer started kicking in. All he could do was thinking about it. His harsh behavior and the disappointment in her response. 'Your voice isn't that special'. Why did he say that when she's literally gold winner of the hottest contest in current time? Even worse, why did he say that when until today he had been following her journey through We Are Voice with a great interest? He especially remember the shock of entire Russian population when she chose to compete with 'Scream' by Sergey Lazarev. That song got sent as Russia's participating song in Eurovision Song Contest. The music contest arranged by the European countries each year. Even though it only came in 3rd place that year it certainly felt like we had won with such a legendary cover. Her presence glowing on stage like that with one of the prides of Russia certainly exploded all over the internet.
But now? It felt too surreal to stand in the same room as the (y/n) (l/n) from that performance. Like he shouldn't know stuff like what shampoo she uses or her off-camera personality. It was almost too intimate in a way and Yuri wasn't sure that he wanted to get to know her. And certainly not as his coach. That just felt like some sense of mockery to him. 'Hey, let's pic the girl who won gold for her intense stage-presence because Yuri is that sucky on feeling stuff.' Was the stuff people surely would be saying about him as soon as media got hold on the news. No, not that he cared about what other's said. It was partly true.
Each jump more rushed than the other, his ears tuned out the sound of Yakov's irritated voice at the end of the rink. The only sound he heard was the sound of his skates clashing and his own breath. Somewhere a door opened and he heard quiet voices at the entrance.
Great. An audience. He decided to stop with the combination for one moment and went with a basic camel spin, slowly fading into an upright spin, hoping into a salchow. The intention was to gain some of his dignity back before he would have to go back falling on his face again. But when the rotation of the salchow was off, anger burned up inside him. Now he was determined to get the jump right followed by the combined spins.
"Yuri, you still have to..." Yakov said to him somewhere to his left but he didn't hear much of it. Or was it right? No, behind him. Where was he located again? Doesn't matter, just keep moving.
Where are the walls of the rink? No, just do it.
It's just camel, upright and salcho-
A heavy impact to his head and startled gasps somewhere. He was on the ground now, clutching his forehead in his hand. After one look of the object causing the impact he groaned and stood up in a haze. That damned wall. Was he really that caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize his balance was completely off even before the finishing jump?
He looked around on the people inside the room. Yakov with his furrowed brows and a girl and a man running into a lounge. That must be the piglet's friends. And beside Yakov a few turns away-
(Y/n). Of course she had to see that. After her stern words at dinner time, Yuri had no intention of causing a further scolding from her. Yakov he could handle but her, just ridiculous.
The old man flailed his arms for a motion for Yuri to continue practicing.
"Don't stop now! You haven't gotten it right yet!"
R-right, he stopped moving and ended up staring at the people around him. Even if he didn't get to catch his breath, he still was too far behind to call it a day now. 'This time I'll have to get it right.' He thought and proceeded to finish the camel/upright spin and then-
Yes! He landed on the outer edge with his right foot like expected and took a little skip to finish it off more aesthetically pleasing.
He tried to ignore the blood pounding in his ears as he went back to the previous combination. But once again the loop faltered and the muscles in his hand hissed underneath the ice as he held himself upright.
"Hey, Yuri! You go take a breather, don't ya? And come here while you do."
It was (Y/n) who rested her arms against the edge of the rink. But a confused cough from Yakov made him hesitate and he stood still, waiting for the two of them to decide for him. He should probably keep going-
"But he just got it right!"
"I can tell when someone's on the verge of collapsing. It's very clear that he won't get anything done if you keep it at this rate. Hell, he might even get seriously injured if his limbs don't follow instructions, Yakov. At least grant him a break." The smile (Y/n) gave the man was a sign to say 'no hard feelings' but the tone of her voice said otherwise. After a moment of silence he nodded and waved at Yuri to get off the ice towards (Y/n). But Yuri didn't really want to be alone with her so he went to the opposite side of where she was waiting for him. He earned a questioning look from her but just waved it off with his own hand.
His fingers were cold and stale. It was hard getting a good grip on the shoelaces and getting the blades in its sheathing. He grunted and leaned back against his seat, the skates still on his feet and his hands turned to fists.
"I know you don't need my help." The boy gazes up at the girl beside him. His new coach looks down at him from where he's sitting and takes a seat beside him. A first aid kit and a blanket rests in her lap.
He sits up properly and turns his head away from her, continuing to untie his skates.
"You're right, I don't."
"You're very consistent. I personally think you did a grea-"
"Why are you here anyway? Aren't you supposed to meet your fans or something?" Yuri knew it was risky to cut your coach off mid-sentence but the words came anyway. Besides, is she really a coach if she has zero experience how to teach others? She's just playing like Victor did two years ago and kept doing so. Even if she's no coach, her (h/c) eyes still feels like they are piercing his soul and there no way to shield himself from her. He feels like an open book for her to abuse so... Maybe she's just good at reading emotions and not actually teaching them. How does one teach emotions? What will she be doing exactly?
"That ended hours ago. You weren't at Hot Springs when I returned so Victor figured you'd be here."
Stupid Victor. Couldn't he tell that Yuri didn't want her near?
(Y/n) opened up the first aid kit and Yuri eyed it carefully. She handed him the blanket with an extended arm but he just swatted it away. It fell on the floor and she stared at it blankly. Then she bent forwards and picked it back up, forcefully wrapping it around the skater burrito style.
"Wha- stop it!" He pouted and shot daggers at her once again. This time, he only earned a grin of satisfaction from her as she took a cotton pad and drenched it in hydrogen peroxide.
"You earned a pretty nasty wound when you headbanged the wall, you know." He knew. Blood was dripping into his left eye and made his vision turn red. He started thrashing and trying to eel his way away from her. That caused her to take a steady grip of both of his cheeks and hold him still. The look she gave him said 'don't you dare move again' and she put the drenched cotton against his forehead. Sharp pain exploded from the wound and he hissed. When the pad was removed, a wet tissue swept up the blood on his cheek and on his eyelid. The touch was cool against his hot skin. Some of his vision turned back and he released a small sigh of relief. Lastly a bandaid was put over the wound. He saw (Y/n) judging her work carefully and then she nodded to herself.
He jolted slightly when he felt her grab his hand with careful manners. Her hands spread is fingers cautiously and he felt her thumb swipe over his still twitching pinky.
"You feel this, right? Does it hurt badly?" Her voice was soft like a breeze and it startled him slightly. A moment ago she was rough and stern and now she's soft and tender? And for the record, yes. Yes he does feel that. And he doesn't even want to begin to think of how soft her hands are-
"No... It's nothing." He lied. But what else what he supposed to say anyway. His hand was swollen but he can't skate with a bandage. But depending on the unimpressed look she gave him, he knew she wasn't buying any of his bullshit.
"Then how come your face looks like that when I touch this spot?" She spoke and applied the slightest of pressure in between the joints of his knuckles. He let out a forced 'owowow' at the action and yanked his hand out of her grip.
"Fine! But you don't have to hurt me further then!"
"Then only one hurting you here, is yourself."
She picked up the rolled bandage and grabbed his hand once again. He took a moment to linger his attention on what she said. How is he hurting himself? He's just doing what needs to be done!
Yakov returned to the two of them and stood slightly off to the side. Yuri saw the dismay in his eyes when he saw the bandage (Y/n) held.
"Kid, we're done for today. Take the rest of the day to gain back your energy for tomorrow's practice."
Yuri nodded and kept watching (Y/n) wrap the bandage. Meanwhile, he couldn't help but catch the mild scent of peach and wild berries. But there was something else. Probably (f/c) (favorite scent) and it smelled fantastic for some reason.
"You know, you should probably get settled into your room immediately when we return." (Y/n) spoke up and flashed Yuri a smile.
"I'll help you." She continued but he shook his head.
"No, that won't be necessary!"
"Oh right, there is one more thing I forgot to mention earlier." Yakov leaned against the walls of the rink as (Y/n) finished wrapping Yuri's hand with the bandage. It felt better with the comforting pressure onto his swollen hand. Jokes aside, maybe he could actually find something to enjoy at his stay here.
"Hot Springs and the hotels in Japan are currently all occupied. You will be staying in (Y/n)'s room thought your stay, as roommates."
Nevermind, scratch that thought.
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the-nubiest · 3 years
If my Indra OCs were LIs in Sweet Elite
I have another blog, explaining who they are, but I'm only doing 6 of the 9 main characters due to ages (one identify as AroAce). I'll reblog their actual descriptions once I posted this. Since their actual names are out of place. I'll be using modernised names to fit. (All of them are in their 20s, so they're deaged to be the same age as the Main 10)
(Thea) (Actual name: Theodora)
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(General Information)
Full name: Thea Entari
Birthday: July 14
Gender: Female
Department: Health Sciences and Biology
Concentration: Veterinary Medicine
Nationality: Indonesian
Citizen: No
Height: 5'8/172 cm
Prof. Affiliations: N/A
Theory: ⬜⬜⬜ /5
Academics: ⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Teamwork: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Extracurricular: ⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Laboratory: ⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
(General comments)
"Quite the talented student. From what I have seen, she is ambitious and determined to a fault. With a sense of compassion towards animals, but that exact ambition might be a slight weakness to her. Her high achieving past, makes her quite the strict person with people. Her teamwork might be through the roof as she is charismatic, it's her high expectations of others that affect the dynamic. If Thea learns how to listen to others and take criticism, she'll be one of the best vets in the field." - Dr. Meifeng Wu
(Academic Record)
Strengths: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
Weaknesses: Economics, Fine Arts
Notes: "Diligent and has one of the best work ethics I have seen in my class. If she doesn't talk to her classmates that often, she would focus better." - Dr. Meifeng Wu
(Health Record)
Received a severe left arm injury when she was 14
Excused from participating in Phys. Ed
(Awards and Honors)
Won most popular in her department
See comprehensive list of sports tournaments
(Disciplinary Actions)
Volunteers at the local animal shelter
(Conr) (Actual name: Cyrus)
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(General Information)
Full Name: Conroy Entari
Birthday: February 4
Gender: Male
Department: Business, Commerce, & Politics
Concentration: Political Science
Nationality: Indonesian
Citizen: No
Height: 6'1/185 cm
Prof. Affiliations: N/A
Leadership: ⬜⬜⬜ /5
Academics: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Teamwork: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Extracurricular: ⬜⬜ /5
Initiative: ⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
(General comments)
"Hardworking and creative. He is not the most social person, but Conr knows how to talk his way through things. Except, being too compassionate and emotional may affect his work to become a politician. Looking at the emotions more than the facts. While that is a good thing, it could affect his reputation as a future political figure. If Conr learns how to take both sides and think it through, he'll be one of the most respected politicians in his time." - Lady Ameilia Arlington
(Academic Record)
Strengths: History, Politics, Chemistry, Humanities
Weaknesses: Performing Arts, Languages
Notes: "Hardworking and great work ethic. Gets distracted quite easily by classmates." - Lady Ameilia Arlington
(Health Record)
(Awards and Honors)
See comprehensive list of won debate tournaments
(Disciplinary Actions)
Part of Arlington's debate team, and its captain
(Amara) (Actual name: Astarte)
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(General Information)
Full name: Amara Ijaya
Birthday: September 18
Gender: Female
Department: Athletics
Concentration: Track & Field
Nationality: Iranian
Citizen: No
Height: 5'4/162 cm
Prof. Affiliations: International Olympic Comittee
Physical: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Academics: ⬜⬜⬜ /5
Teamwork: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Extracurricular: ⬜⬜⬜ /5
Discipline: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
(General Comments)
"Amala is a disciplined athlete and probably one of the best pole vaulters and sprinters that I have seen. She knows how to control herself both mentally and physically, but not emotionally. I hope she speaks up for herself at times; most of the time, she's concerningly quiet. Relies on others to speak for her. I think why she chose track and those specific events, it's because Amala doesn't want to deal with people." - Murdoc Davis
(Academic Records)
Strengths: Athletics, Mathematics, Fine Arts, Economics
Weaknesses: Chemistry, Biology, Humanities
Notes: "Knows how to get her work done in time. Doesn't interact often, where some points get taken off due to lack of participation." - Murdoc Davis
(Health Record)
Requires above average focus on endurance training
(Awards and Honors)
Voted most likely by classmates to win gold at her first event
See comprehensive list of won national events
(Disciplinary Actions)
(Thierry) (Actual name: Teucer/⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜)
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(General Information)
Full name: Classified, supposedly uses Thierry Asinan to protect his real one
Birthday: April 8
Gender: Male
Department: Business, Commerce, & Politics
Concentration: Management
Nationality: Italian-French
Citizen: No (Dual)
Height: 5'11/180
Prof. Affiliations: Classified
Leadership: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Academics: ⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Teamwork: ⬜⬜ /5
Extracurricular: ⬜⬜⬜ /5
Initiative: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
(General Comments)
"He's a good kid. Loyal from what I have seen. He's determined and stubborn, willing to get to one goal, just to finish it. Thierry's convictions are quite impressive to say the least. Due to personal reasons, I cannot explain any more of his personal interest. I can say his teamwork needs improvement, he doesn't know how to communicate with people that well. If Thierry learns how to talk to others, he'll be one of the greatest businessmen." - Lady Ameilia Arlington
(Academic Record)
Strengths: Economics, Physical Education, History, Performing Arts
Weaknesses: Fine Arts, Biology
Notes: "His convictions is a reason why he is in the top 10. He needs to communicate with others more often to get better rankings." - Lady Ameilia Arlington
(Health Record)
(Awards and Honors)
Won in top 3 in stock market simulation
See comprehensive list of won speech tournaments
(Disciplinary Actions)
Captain and member of Arlington's Speech team
(Anane) (Actual name: Arete)
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(General Information)
Full name: Anane Dyjan
Birthday: June 3
Gender: Female
Department: Pure & Applied Sciences
Concentration: Thermal Engineering
Nationality: Ghanaian
Citizen: No
Height: 5'2/157 cm
Prof. Affiliations: Hecate Engineering
Technology: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Academics: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Teamwork: ⬜⬜ /5
Extracurricular: ⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Laboratory: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
(General Comments)
"One of the best engineers I have seen in the department. Her skills in science cannot be matched by her classmates. Known to be charismatic among them, but is odd that she cannot fully trust her teammates. Her need to do everything herself, can cause team tension. I hope Anane learns how to put faith in others." - Dr. Zoe Lee
(Academic Record)
Strengths: Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics
Weaknesses: Fine Arts, Languages
Notes: "Her talent in class is unprecedented! Perfect work ethic and determination is what makes Anane great, if only she learns how to trust others, she'll be better." - Dr. Zoe Lee
(Health Record)
Prone to mental burnouts
(Awards and Honors)
Voted most popular student in her department
See comprehensive list of won engineering tournaments
(Disciplinary Actions)
12.25.20XX - Detention for blowing up the robotics room
(Keegan) (Actual name: Kai)
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(General Information)
Full name: Keegan Haeyun
Birthday: December 3
Gender: Non-binary (He/they)
Department: Fine Arts
Concentration: Animation
Nationality: Korean-American
Citizen: Yes (dual)
Height: 5'9/175 cm
Prof. Affiliations: N/A
Creativity: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Academics: ⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Teamwork: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Extracurricular: ⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
Technique: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ /5
(General Comments)
"Their creativity is quite unparalleled, and technique developed beyond their years. Along with that, his academic talents is off the charts and well crafted. Keegan is unfortunately a little demanding of others, often keeping people with them to work a little longer, refusing to be alone. If he listens to people, he'll be one of the best animators that the industry will ever seen." - Prof. Robert Boss
(Academic Records)
Strengths: Fine Arts, Humanities, Physical Education
Weaknesses: Physics, Languages
Notes: "Keegan's creative work is perfect, along with his academics. Unfortunately, if he doesn't get too distracted by classmates, his rank would've been higher." - Prof. Robert Boss
(Health Record)
(Awards and Honors)
See comprehensive list of won film festivals
(Disciplinary Actions)
9.30.20XX - Detention for blowing up the robotics room
After done reading, want to get more information on my OCs? See the reblogged post with the word Indra. It discusses the personality of these 6 of the 9 characters. You can also follow the OC account if you're interested, the content will be darker than it is. As it discusses mental health and various issues. It only has two posts (as I write this rn), more of my OCs and their stories will be posted.
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reysccp · 5 years
Thank God I read Vogue before reading Tumblr
I loved the article. I understand people feeling sad an pessimistic, but for me it was totally a step on the right direction. It could be part of a coming out plan (that we don't know if is still up, but I'm leaning on thinking it is, although delayed). 90% of the interview was about gay topics. She didn't say she was straight. The Toe insertion was a editor thing and it even said we might assume it, making clear Taylor never mentioned him. The interviewer was very suspicious of her all the time, saying how she control everything, talked about her many layers and easter eggs and how she couldn't grasp everything about Taylor.
Even her fabricated dialogue with Todrick, which he spoiled us before, was great. She realized her friends and fans didn't know her stand on gay rights can be easily extrapolated to realize her friends and fans don't know she's gay later.
Gay rights, sexism, artists rights. That's her politic stances. Everyone can see she's not venturing into politics she doesn't belong. She's not talking about racism or immigration or environmental crises or any of the so many topics I'm sure she really care and has much to say. She's advocating for Gay, Woman and Artists. It's deeply personal and anyone can see it.
So we get to the controversial quote: she's not part of the community. What does that mean?
To me it means she's still in the closet and that's it. All the anti-gaylor can breathe for a moment while it lasts. Homophobia is going rampant on social media, they are all calling us out. Fuck them, we are used to it by now.
Some people I reblog earlier cleverly explained how it was a vague and ambiguous quote, to be honest I didn't even notice the first time I read. I think most of general public won't notice it either. They are not like anti-gaylor trying so hard to find proof she's straight, general public is thinking "hey this straight lady won't shut up about the gays uh?" And there it goes... another little seed has been planted.
But, anyway, she's still in the closet and Toe is still around like a dead corpse someone forgot to bury.
I don't know if we were too much optimistic before or something really changed. I'm inclined to think I personally was over optimistic an I chose to ignore some blogs warning us to be careful. It's ok. She's not out yet but she's still in this direction. I believe karlie's troubles are really difficult and who knows maybe there are even problems on Taylor's side too, her fight for her masters, new contracts, we have no idea.
To be honest I even like the idea that she's yet to come out properly. I really don't like the take "let's imply that I'm bi with hair colors and bracelets while dating a man" when we know the boyfriend is fake. (To make it clear there is nothing wrong coming out bisexual while dating a man, I'm talking specifically about Taylor when WE KNOW toe is fake).
I expect so much more from her. She's brave, she's strong, she's smart, I'm not worried about her breaking my heart.
Ask your "2016 pre-reputation" self if you would ever believe she would release the YNTCD video? She clearly put herself in the community there. Now she's saying she's not.
I'll always trust the art over the PR.
(Otherwise I would have to believe YAIL is about Lena Dunham... argh)
So this interview got me thinking about what I am expecting from Lover.
Politics. Looks like the next single is the song she talked about being a man that will take on sexism on music industry. Wonderful. Interesting that she's choosing the political songs over the romantics for singles. Also to notice if there is any subtext that in her imagination being a man would mean she could also date women openly. She could hint bearding too. This song could be gold.
There won't be anything UNAMBIGUOUSLY gay on the romantic songs. It will be rep level of gay which is pretty gay for me.
It will punch a lot more holes on Toe timeline. A LOT. At this point if she doesn't start to heavily stunting with him (and I don't think she will) swifties are not buying Toe anymore (except the very naive or homophobic ones). There's just no more reasons for secrets or to not go to red carpets and awards together or mention each other in interviews. Some events are coming soon and we'll see if she'll step up the stunts to make Toe fit the "engaged couple ready to marry". I don't think she will do it.
Lover will be KAYLOR KAYLOR KAYLOR. She's going to sing about being commited/engaged/married and at the same time all the difficulties and troubles and secrets and that sad shit we know is going on with them. Again we are going to say "why this boring white straight couple need so much secrecy and what fights they need to fight to be together? Time zones?"
And she just spoiled us this
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This lyric is KAYLOR af, and it has been buried beneath the "not part of the community" quote commotion.
To conclude I just want to say it feels like there is so many narratives she's telling right now.
She's telling a romantic straight narrative because she's keeping Toe around. She's telling gaylor/kaylor narrative because the visuals and themes are all about it. She's going for a more political approach and she's also focusing A LOT on a younger demographic. Younger than the 30/20 swifties that grow up with her, maybe she's targeting their children I don't know. I didn't expected this but definitely it's a thing.
That's why when we look at everything together it seems very contradictory and feels like she's going forward and backwards with the coming out at the same time.
I'm not an specialist in PR but this feels like what's going on in politics where candidates shape themselves different for each demographic. I can totally see artists doing it too.
Ps: I'm open to discuss anything Taylor related but I won't engage anybody with assumptions she might be straight or Toe or Karlie wedding is real. She's gay toe is gay karlie is gay and the gay from the fascist family is gay too. That's it.
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