#she couldn't even beat omoi
captnjacksparrow · 3 years
We know Boruto is a bad piece of work. But even today, I see people complaining about Sakura and how wasted her potential was. I saw a -poor- like analysis about her about the last episode of the anime. It was about how she talked to Sasuke on the roof when she gives him the news that Naruto woke up, they said this could be an interesting occasion for SS to develop their bond and I agree, instead the focus was on Naruto and Sasuke paid attention to her when she mentioned Naruto name. (Tho this account wasnt SS friendly) but they said that this wasted opportunity was because of the bad writing.
I mean we know Boruto is really bad and inconsistent, but it's really funny that when it comes about Sakura they pull the bad writing card. Like why Sakura is bad written? What did she do or didn't do that they say she is bad written? She is absolutely consistent the entire work , even in boruto she is still the same.
Sasuke and Sakura don't have anything in common to talk about, how could they talk so casual when the ship was really forced? The ship yes it's caused by bad writing, let's deal with it. But if in Boruto they are consistent about their personalities, and they are not lovey dovey because they are not meant to, specially Sasuke, how can be this bad writing? Again Boruto is shit, but complaining about just Sakura bc of this, and because her lack of phycological skills for dealing with someone even as a doctor, doesn't mean she is bad written. She never showed like the skills of a therapist even lol.
Anyway, what do you think?
Also, do you think team 7 would be really weak without her? I saw people using the parallelism how SNS was beaten in Jigen fight, and how with Sakura they could punch Kaguya lol
[[Disclaimer: This post will be on the aggressive side and don’t read if you get triggered by F word]]
It was about how she talked to Sasuke on the roof when she gives him the news that Naruto woke up, they said this could be an interesting occasion for SS to develop their bond and I agree, instead the focus was on Naruto and Sasuke paid attention to her when she mentioned Naruto name. (Tho this account wasnt SS friendly) but they said that this wasted opportunity was because of the bad writing.
My only question to those people, "What is there to develop?"
If I am being honest, their relationship was developed from Naruto chapter 1 to 700. Whatever they want, they got it already. What do they want to see now?? Like Sakura shamelessly wetting over Sasuke again???? Or do they want Sakura and Sasuke sharing Pillow Talk????Just Give us a break!!!
This is a battle manga, for God's Sake. It's not a family drama where you will see Husband and Wife having their lovey-dovey scenes very often. If this series was all about Sasuke, SakuTrash and Salad, then this is possible. Except that it's not!!!! It's all about Boruto and Kawaki, Naruto and Sasuke, Sarada and Mitsuki to an extent.
And they should be happy that they got atleast that hospital roof scene which was not in the Manga. If I were a true SS shipper I would be angry for another strong reason.
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It looks like Sasuke was sulking on top of the hospital but the moment Naruto’s name was brought up, you get his attention. Well, as an SNS’er it’s heartwarming. But If I were an SS shipper, I would have expected such reaction for Sarada as well, because she was also injured. Why don’t they expect something for Sarada? Why the fuck they fret over developing Pinky’s relationship with Sasuke???? I just don’t get it.
Logically speaking, even though Anime can add few extra scenes for SS in the canon episodes, they cannot tread so far away from the Manga. If Sasuke doesn't interact much with SakuTrash in the Manga, then their interaction in the Anime will also looks shallow.
Sasuke and Sakura don't have anything in common to talk about, how could they talk so casual when the ship was really forced? They are not lovey dovey because they are not meant to, specially Sasuke, how can be this bad writing?
And with this claim, these people are disgusting me with their fetishizing behaviour.
Normally, they should have been angry for making this following scene into nothing. In the Manga,
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Sakura will also be in this scene taking care of Sarada. Sasuke and Sarada will speak about Boruto’s Karma.
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Anime could’ve easily made this scene into a good heartwarming family scene. Like both mom and dad taking care of their hospitalized daughter. But it seems none of those SS shippers are bothered by this. Why can’t they be angry for erasing a family scene from the Manga??? And what’s worse, it’s supposed to be a scene between Sarada and Sasuke and yet all they talked about was Boruto!!!! Are those fans seriously not angry over this scene???
Instead they are fretting over an extra scene. All they care about is to have some hot and steamy scene between Sasuke and Pinky. They really don’t care about Salad at all.!!! Pathetic!!
I mean we know Boruto is really bad and inconsistent, but it's really funny that when it comes about Sakura they pull the bad writing card.
In Naruto series, the only character which suffered because of Bad Writing was Uchiha Madara. Dot. 
Madara had a lot of potential, like the build up to introduce him was excellently handled. And he should have been the final villain and it would have satisfied me so much, but instead they butchered his character to bring some Alien Shit called Kaguya. 
Other than that, every character was carefully handled with consistent writing. Especially Sakura. If Kishimoto decided to make her more likeable, he should have did something in the beginning of Part 2. It would have been totally believable. People change during their teenage years and Sakura changing her attitude during Time Skip would have been better for the storyline. 
But he intentionally did not!!! How is this called Bad Writing???
Just because your favourite character is not doing something what you expect, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad writing.
do you think team 7 would be really weak without her? I saw people using the parallelism how SNS was beaten in Jigen fight, and how with Sakura they could punch Kaguya lol
SNS were beaten in the fight because they want to make Young Gremlins to shine. And Naruto and Sasuke were basically protecting the village and hence their skills are pretty sharpened most of the time and yet they couldn’t make a dent on Jigen. This pink trash is not even going for any missions and all she does is dusting her home decorated with Uchiha Clan symbol all over (No offense to any housewives here. But her fans are building her up like some superior Ninja but all she does is staying in her home and flirting with Sasuke. So, there’s no way a retired ninja from field battle is capable of doing any shit other than healing. And I fucking don’t want her being a burden on Naruto or Sasuke. Am done with that trash.).
Anyways, lets play a game... Shall we?
As you all know my favourite character in this series is Uchiha Itachi with Sasuke comes next and Naruto after that. 
Even if many of you accept it or not, Itachi is one of the most powerful character in this series in terms of Jutsu. Am not playing favourite card here. Even if you analyze his jutsus, he was stronger than Naruto and Sasuke till his final death after releasing Edo Tensei. Naruto and Sasuke may have surpassed him only after Rikkudou sennin power up. Until then Itachi was the superior one. Because his Susanoo has that reflecting mirrors plus Totsuka Blade which seals everything he pierces, He could cast powerful Tsukuyomi. In both of the departments, Sasuke is inferior. 
[[God!!! It even hurts me more to think that Naruto or Sasuke never got to surpass their predecessors and before that they were Nerfed like clowns just to make these shitty gremlins shine!!! Ooof!!! anyways]]
Let’s see what Pink kween did in the series!!!!
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“Uchiha Itachi... Our worst enemy who causes suffering for Sasuke-kun and Targets Naruto. This time, I will save those two”
As a fan of Itachi, Sasuke and Naruto, this claim is pretty vomit inducing. But still, let’s continue this game!!!! 
Look at her grand claim!!! Look at the anger in her face!!! She looks like she will crush Itachi with her looks alone....
And yet When Itachi appears what did she do?
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Yeah!!! She just watched Naruto punching ‘Oodama Rasengan’ on Itachi. Why couldn’t she do what she said earlier?
Atleast I expected her to do do something here in Orochimaru Hideout!!!
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She just fucking did NOTHING!!!.... Atleast Sai who just came in as a new teammate had some protective instinct towards Naruto... SakuTrash knew Naruto for a very long time.... Why the fuck she didn’t do anything????
Orochimaru hideout is the best place to honour her words... She could have saved both Naruto and Sasuke here.... It’s seems honesty or self-worth means nothing for this Pinky.... All she can do is spout lies!!!! Just like her stans...
Well, Let’s see how our boys fare before Itachi!!!
Itachi vs Naruto - Version 1
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LOL.... Naruto couldn’t do jackshit against Itachi’s Genjutsu. It took his just 5 seconds to knock Naruto off. How about Sasuke at this point of time?
Itachi vs Sasuke - Version 1
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Look at Sasuke’s legs..... He was trembling!!!!! And he was clearly afraid of Itachi here. And later Obito revealed that If Itachi really wanted to fight, Sasuke wouldn’t be alive. So, I leave this at here.
Now, Itachi again got Edo Tensei’ed.... What happened then?
Itachi vs Naruto - Version 2
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Itachi is handling 2 Jinchurikkis like a piece of cake!!! No Pressure at all!!! He then went on to accidentally reunited with Sasuke.
Itachi vs Sasuke - Version 2
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Itachi was protecting Sasuke in his own Susanoo because Kabuto was trying to grab Sasuke and standing before him shielding in a protective stance!!! 
So, you see Itachi was still stronger than Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan Sasuke and Kurama Controlled Naruto. 
Where is Pink Trash???? Why is she not protecting these two boys from Itachi as she said earlier????? Oh it seems she forgotten, I guess!!! Or she is just a lying piece of Trash!!!! I bet it’s the later...
If Naruto and Sasuke couldn’t beat someone superior, is there any chance for Pinky to survive?
Well, I find this interesting!!!
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Again Naruto is saving Pinky’s ass. This time she got kicked by Omoi!!!! [[Nice work, my man, Omoi, you are literally the only person to kick her shit out in this series]]
This piece of trash couldn’t even manage to deflect a kick from Omoi.... Let alone saving Sasuke and Naruto from Itachi who could use Amaterasu, Susanoo, Izanami, Tsukuyomi and a powerful sealing Jutsu!!!!! And then she can think about beating Jigen!!!! 
Atleast we SNS people, when it comes to the context of Boruto series, we never exclude Boruto out of Naruto and Sasuke... even though I don’t like that young gremlin... But still!!!!  
No, this is not Bad Writing!!!! It’s just the way she is and not many people like her as a character. Kishimoto written her this way deliberately and Boruto series is just toning her lunatic tendencies down, a bit.... Atleast they should be happy with this development instead of fretting over pointless scenes where she has no business in the first place!!!
I am thoroughly disgusted with her stans because of the way they ignore Sarada by fetishizing Sasuke and Sakura!!!! That couple has been married for 12 years and have a kid. And yet all they expect is some steamy scenes between Pinky and Sasuke....
This pink trash is a big lying piece of shit who claims she will do something but she never does anything helpful to anyone and her lunatic stans are also the same!!!! I’ve suffered enough with her in Team 7 acting as a horny queen at every moment and also her presence never brought anything unique to the team, she was just a waste luggage. Naruto and Sasuke are better off without her, because they now have kids to watch out for in the battle!!! Pinky will only bring the team down!!!
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narhinafan · 2 years
I never understood why naruto fans on tiktok WORSHIP sakura like she's some demigod and they always rave about how "well-written" she is but in reality she has so manyy wrong things within her personality but sakura stans LOVE to turn eye blind and talk about other characters flaws. Even if she became "stronger" that doesn't mean that she's a well written character. LIKE THEY ALWAYS IGNORE HER FLAWS AND COVER IT UP WITH "SHE PUNCHES SO HARD SO CHECKMATE 😜😜" like bro she has a very horrible personality her punching the ground every minute isn't gonna make me like her.
I assume it was cause they got chased out from the other social media platforms. On other platforms especially when Naruto was running they were hit hard with facts that proved them wrong, plus most of the fandom don't have the patients to sit and watch their trash video content so not many people will point out their fault logic.
Sakura has always had the most flaws even saying she became stronger is stretch. Sure she can hit harder, but you will notice she never lands a full power punch on decent enemies on her own or without taking the enemy by surprise. There is a reason she punches the ground a lot she doesn't actually have the skill to land a punch on anyone with decent fighting abilities. As we saw Sakura couldn't even avoid a kick from Omoi who was a Chunin and got knocked out in one hit after Pain arc. That shows how weak Sakura is even a Chunin easily deals with her. They try and use Sakura's war feats to say she is Kage level, but all she got was chakra from her seal and creation rebirth her fighting skills are still at the level where a Chunin beats her. Sakura is a medic not a fighter, she was never meant to be one hence why she stays on the side lines.
As for her personality it is never ending with how bad she is, like I don't get how they can be so blind its as if they are talking about another character. If they don't even mentioned they are talking about Sakura I bet no one would know they are talking about her and think it was some other character.
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