#she lets feste hang around and lets toby do whatever he wants and gets really intense about everything she feels
devilsskettle · 2 years
i mean it is insane behavior to marry someone you just met because they’re mistaking you for someone else but sebastian does make a real effort at rationalizing that decision, which is more than you can say for any of the other characters in the play besides viola, who has to stay very cognizant of not being too insane in public for her own well-being
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes: 23
Book 23
Narrated by Tobias
No you damn furry, you are a human wearing a bird body
Reasons why choosing to like as a wild animal is a terrible idea
And choosing to not do shit about the situation either way
Am I really supposed to give a damn if he doesn’t?
Tobias you are still a damn wimp
That’s assuming that no other forms of morphing tech exist anywhere else in the whole ass universe
Tobias, you decided that you wanna live as a wild ass animal. No one’s making you do this.
Tobias killed by rabbit inflicted injuries
Tobias is starving
Too proud for roadkill, other than now
Is this dumb motherfucker really gonna eat it on the damn road and not pull it somewhere safer?
Rachel asks if the random hawk eating roadkill is Tobias
Tobias is supremely embarrassed and stops eating. Not that starving i guess
Rachel has news for Tobias
Rachel interrupts Tobias b4 he can get into the pity fest
Tobias thinks Rachel being genuinely angry or upset is funny. 
Why did Rachel phrase it like that? Are you not friends with Melissa anymore Rachel?
I just wanna get to the hork-bajir not stand around listening to Tobias bitch about shit he chose to do
Human brains are the best around, ugh
This is why parrots are better than hawks
You could call child protective services
You could be held in a secure, airtight  metal box
You should still call child protective services
Tobias is followed
Tobias decides not to follow up with the rest for reasons
This is book 23. Tobias has only been to the valley twice?!
What? All escaped horks are supposed to just know where this place is? Who am I kidding the writers don’t give a damn about the hork-bajir or their agency
The valley has watchkeepers who definitely watch the skies
Shut the fuck up Tobias
Why do they need the help pf the Animorphs?
Bek is missing
So Tobias only goes and hangs with the horks to make himself feel better and otherwise just ignored their existance. All the while insulting them in his head
Tobias curses
There’s no way in hell that these people never heard cursing in English before
Bold of Tobias to assume that he’s smarter than any of the hork-bajir
So yeah, canon. The hork-bajir free the fucking hork-bajir.
Tobias ain’t make yall free, you made yall free.
So there’s a yeerk facility in the next town over
I wouldn’t tell the Animorphs about my covert operations either. I know how they operate
Confirmation that horks can track scents
Tobias, if you fucking wanted to you could morph human and have human contact. You’ve once again chosen not to
Wouldn’t the first thing someone would assume a hork-bajir is would be a person in costume? A monster? A cryptid? A new species of reptile?
The fuck is so ugly and deformed about a hork-bajir? Just cause yall squeemish petty fucks doesn’t mean everyone else is.
Have I mentioned that Tobias creeps me out when he talks about Rachel sometimes? He comes off like a stalker
Flight is learned not instinct
Man, wouldn’t it have been cool if Loren disappeared b/c she went off the grid to fight the yeerks?
Too bad none of yall have flying morphs with the stamina to fly long distances in straight lines
That’s incredibly suspiscious and abnormal bird behavior
Yeah, I’m not surprised Cassie would be the kinda dumb jackass that would release the animals from a roadside zoo without any fucking step 2 as to where the animals are going to go
I’m pretty sure 3 ft tall isn’t a damn new born. Young certainly, but up and about on his own definitely not a baby.
Bek was captured and put in a roadside zoo
The animorphs actually do their homework
Ax is distressed by what’s in the science text book
I’m not surprised that this is only the second time Tobias actually uses a useful morph like hork-bajir in the 10 fucking books since he last used it
Rachel decides to wreak the place more than necessary b/c like Cassie she is shit at thinking ahead. These kids don’t give a damn about the actual lives of these animals
Like I’m going to listen to the scientific opinions of someone we know didn’t pay attention in his xenobiology class
That means that atleast those 3 yeerks hears Rachel shouting about dumbo-zilla in thoughspeak
Also, idk man, yer wearing Ket Halpak’s face. She could have an entire reputation you don’t know about
Boo! Let Ket have a reputation as more than just a renagade rebel.
I am reminded of teh fact that if these hosts were anything other than human the animorphs woulda torn them into rags. Fucking hypocrits
Bek is capable of thought speak. While I know this is a fuck up, its more fun to imagine that he’s just a random psychic mutant hork-bajir
Also lying to Bek
Really Tobias? Gonna endanger a kid like that?
Visser 3 recognises Ket. But is not surprised that she’s alive.
All right, how the hell does Tobias know how to speak English with a hork-bajir’s mouth and whatever the hell else is involved with them speaking? I know his ass ain’t practice that shit
Let me guess? Another false surrender? Joke’s on you Tobias, Aximili already forfetted yer side’s ability to surrender
Visser 3 actually accepts this surrender, too bad Tobias doesn’t give a singular shit about Bek or himself continuing to live
In which Tobias is indecisive and suffers and bitches about things instead of finding solutions
And I don’t care about Tobias’ suffering b/c he’s an ass
Ax attempts a joke
Ax gets Tonias to spy on Tob’s supposed cousin again
Ax suspects that Aria is a yeerk who’s doing a lot to act like they aren’t
Rachel and Tobias have a fight and I’m on Rachel’s side 
Of course the Animorphs would intentionally manipulate the free horks and fuck up their own effort to free their people. The animorphs don’t give a damn
The fact that Tobias is still alive is a fucking miricle
Toby is willing to work with the animorphs to smash up and destroy the whole facility. Even if Bek dies b/c of it. She has decided to interpret ‘Free or Dead’ as “Rather dead than a slave”
10 horks go with the animorphs to fight
Fal Tagut talks to Tobias. Fal Tagut is going to fight some yeerks
I feel like these writers don’t know the difference b/w violence against and oppressor and violence from an oppressor? Like there’s a difference. A big difference. As someone else has already said “even kindergarteners can tell ‘I don’t care who started it’ is bullshit”
Tobias the territory sistuation can’t possibly compare for so many reasons. The first of which being you DON’T HAVE TO LIVE AS A WILD ASS ANIMAL YOU DENSE MOTHERFUCKER
Fal Tagut never tried to kill you you fucking nit, the yeerk did
The facility is hidden by a holigram of the forest
Horks canonicly just fucking tie up hosts and Tobias needs to shut the fuck up
Putting hork’s head in a hole/dirt keeps them unconcious longer
The yeerks are building a ground mounted dracon cannon
So a hork raiding team is about 3-4 people
Bek wants a hug. Jara Hamee delivers
Ya know that the yeerk is not their host? That means a yeerk saw a strange bird in a place it doesn’t belong and whent ‘This is not my problem’
Ok but this means that Visser 3 was pretending to be a human woman for who knows how long on the off chance that the andalite bandits knew something and would try to spy on them
And Visser 3 was actually kinda right
Tobias goes into a fucking angst coma in the middle of a fucking fight
Toby why just leave him there
The writer forgets that ‘they’ exists and is less clunky than he/she
Surprise! Elfangor is Tobias’ father
Visser 3 is too much of a coward to take in their nemesis’ son
Visser 3 speaks well of Elfangor
Also there’s something of an implication that Visser 3 can properly morph clothes
All of this b/c the Ellimist wants to use Tobias as a pawn
Tobias learns to deal with the psychic powers
Rachel and Tobias celebrate his birthday
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