#she lied saying that she fell - cuz she told that first to the nurse and then to Roger so it came to her automatically to just say it
onegayastronaut · 5 years
In A Heartbeat (Diana Prince x Reader)
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Requested by anon: Can you do Diana Prince and fem reader where D goes to visit her wife at a hospital. She sees r in her doctor attire chatting up with some patients. Diana calls out "Dr.Prince" feeling proud that her wife chose to take her last name. R asks why Diana is here and she gives a bs reason about R not being safe walking home in evening, really she just wanted to see her wife in dr attire cuz she hot. Some fluff and cute stuff while they walk home or at home. Diana calling her dr Prince in flirty way
Words: 1667
As Diana made her way towards the local hospital, she couldn’t help but let out a little smirk at the surprise she had in mind. She had been on a mission for several weeks, and she had been missing you so much. There were several times that she wanted to come back and hold you in her arms, but she knew that she had a duty to help people where she was. She couldn’t wait to see you at work and take you out to dinner once you were done with your shift at the hospital.
Getting off the train, she quickly made her way through the crowd and entered the building. She wrinkled her nose in distaste as she smelled the antiseptic and heard the noises all the machines made. There was always something about hospitals that disturbed her. There were so many people who needed help, and there was not much she could do to help them. Her expertise lied in helping them get out of dangerous situations, not with giving out medical attention.
Helping people and making them feel better...it was one of the many things that had attracted Diana to you. The first time she saw you, she was just dropping off some people who needed urgent medical attention. Seeing you made her stop in her tracks, but she also knew other people needed her help. She left before she could get to know you better, but she just couldn’t stop thinking about you. However, ever since she saw you that night, Diana had unconsciously made a point to stop by the hospital. She didn’t know how to approach you because you always seemed busy, but both Clark and Barry had told her to just talk to you. She would never know how you would react to her if she didn’t at least try to get to know to you.
You, on the other hand, had always considered Wonder Woman to be the hero that everyone needed but did not necessarily deserve. There were days when you had finished your shift at the hospital and you saw her standing on the building opposite the hospital. It was strange, you thought, how she always seemed to be around the hospital when you came out of work. You shrugged and decided to not concern yourself with the comings and goings of a superhero.
However, your life changed when a tall, beautiful woman stepped into the coffee shop you always went to every morning. There was just something about her that made you pause for a second before introducing yourself. She had noticed all the work you had done for the people in the surrounding community, she said. Everything from her demeanor to how she talked fascinated you, and before long, you had given her your phone number.
The rest was history, from going out on casual coffee dates to more serious dates to finally moving in with one another. Diana telling you about being Wonder Woman did not come as a surprise. How many “emergencies” could a curator at the Louvre have after all? She was always serious about taking care of you, but it was still a surprise when she got down on one knee and proposed to you. Her hands were shaking, but her eyes never wavered from your face as she asked the question that had been on her mind for months. Diana was worried that you wouldn’t be ready to commit to a life her, with her being off to missions and all, but it was for nothing. There was no one else you could have seen yourself with.
Diana smiled as she got inside the elevator and pressed the number marking the floor that you were on. Being a resident meant that you were on call for most of the week, and being a superhero meant that there were times when Diana would be gone for a week or two. She wanted to spend as much time as she could with you, but work always seemed to get in the way of date nights. However, Diana was nothing if not romantic, and she would think of various ways to make you feel special even when she was busy.
She hung back and waited as she watched you talk to your patients. Your caring nature was one of the most endearing parts of your personality to her, and it was one of the reasons why she fell head over heels in love with you. Before long, you were done speaking with your patients, and turned to give the nurse the stack of paperwork that was in your hand. As you turned, you saw Diana leaning against the wall smiling at you.
“Hi Dr. Prince!” Diana could never get tired of saying that out loud. Even before you officially married her, you had told her that you wanted to take her last name when you did get married. You would have married her in a heartbeat if she had wanted to, but Diana has always wanted to go the extra mile for you. She always feels a shot of warmth bloom in her chest every time she saw you working in your doctor attire with “Dr. (Y/N) Prince” stitched above the left chest pocket. There was something about reaffirming the fact that you were her wife that made Diana feel like calling you “Doctor Prince” all the time.
Skipping over to her, you immediately hugged your girlfriend. “Babe! What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, but I thought you had some work left with the Justice League. Is there something wrong? Are you hurt?” Even though you knew that your girlfriend was pretty much an invincible goddess, you couldn’t help but worry about her.
Diana immediately leaned down to kiss you and reassure you that everything was okay. “Everything is okay, little one. I have already finished all of my work at the Louvre. I’m here because I wanted to walk you home, and because I missed you too much to just sit around waiting at home. Did you know it’s very dangerous for people to be out walking alone late at night, Dr. Prince?”
You rolled your eyes at the excuse your girlfriend gave and at the fact that she insists on calling you “Dr. Prince”. You’ve managed to make it from work back home without an issue for months, and it seemed somewhat ridiculous that she would be here now. However, you couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. “Are you sure that’s the only reason why you’re here?”
“Well, I might have a different reason for coming here. Maybe...I’m here for a certain someone.” She smiled as she let her fingers slide down the edge of your doctor’s coat. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that she was there for, and the next thing she said only confirmed your suspicions. “I wanted to see my wife a little earlier in the day. I’ve been missing you so much, and I’ve only managed to come home today. And also, you look very intelligent and hot whenever you’re wearing this white coat.” Diana couldn’t contain a blush from spreading across her cheeks as she revealed her true intentions.
You yourself couldn’t help but blush at the compliment and buried your face in Diana’s shoulder. “Babe, we Skyped each other last night.” You knew that was no substitute for actually being with each other, but you loved teasing your girlfriend. You leaned up on your toes to plant a chaste kiss on her cheek. Even though Diana is one of the most confident people you’ve ever met, she still blushes whenever you have to lean up to kiss her. Seeing her blush because of you always made butterflies erupt in your stomach, and you couldn’t help but kiss her again. “I’ll be done with my shift in a few minutes. We can walk home once I sign out.”
Walking home with Diana was something you could definitely get used to. There was just something about holding her hand while the two of you are walking home that always made you feel so safe. Leaning into her arm, you couldn’t help but feel a little sleepy now that you felt safe and warm with your girlfriend. It was these little things that make Diana feel the need to protect you no matter what, and she put her jacket over you so you wouldn’t catch a cold. Dinner might have to wait, considering how tired you looked.
“Just a little bit more, little one. We’re almost home.”
“Home is wherever I'm with you, babe.” You were so tired, and Diana held you closer to her in an effort to hide the blush that was spreading across her cheeks again. She was supposed to be the smooth one in this relationship, for crying out loud!
Just as you were about to close your eyes in exhaustion, you saw that you had finally arrived home. Diana quickly took out her keys and unlocked the door. You don’t remember the last time you were this happy to be home, and you knew it was mainly because you knew Diana wouldn’t be there to spend the night with you. However, now that she was back, you couldn’t wait to cuddle up next to her.
Apparently, the goddess had similar thoughts as she picked you up and carried you up the stairs. She could tell how tired you were, and all she wanted to do was to take care of you. After helping you undress, she tucked you into bed and cuddled tightly against you. She loved the fact that even when you’re half-asleep, you still wanted to be physically close to her. It warmed her heart to feel you so close to her, and she never wanted this moment to end. Diana pulled you close to her and closed her eyes as she drifted off to sleep.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
No I want to get this straight Brown desert City Beach
You guys declare Black Mass f*** all the black skin boys f*** all the black boys and girls
I'm doing this for my son having yacht fish kidnapped and brought here your white hair white skin boy in snow
CUZ WE'RE GOING TO NEED THAT WE'RE GOING TO NEED THIS ONE FOR COURT man neglects entire family and does a favor for her stepson in snow
That's pretty desperate that's pretty bad it's like a man now where to go no purpose to live in life instead of killing himself he says wait why don't I have one more favor into me let me do it for a white hair white skin boy in snow that I don't even know
YEAH SO THAT WOULD BE THE MISTAKEMENT HERE I'M BIKINIS I'M MONEY AND POOL PARTIES but in this because we know how it answer you it doesn't paralyze the fact that it's a small small cities and I saw both parties both families the one in snow and the one that's sunlight City from these specific sites ALL DEAD BOTH FAMILIES ARE PRONOUNCED DEAD AND IF IT WASN'T FOR ME NOT NOTICING PRIVACY WAS THE ISSUE WAS THE MAIN CAUSE
You know maybe you guys want to tear down these buildings and start building some houses? Think about it
GOLD SON DOESN'T HAVE A DAUGHTER white sson said black son said
Why they stop my jerk off sessions hour long on Sunday night because your dad daughter is sunrise grew up after she got in her first ride plane ride I was sick and for her not to see me playing with my penis for over an hour watching p*** watching mommy's p***?
If you use for you guys to use this tool Force this belief on me forced two Men and your your white hair white skin daughter wasn't in court saying that she could be called God SO I WROTE HER OFF I WROTE HER OFF THE TOP OF THE BUILDING AND SHE FELL TO THE CONCRETE SIDEWALK
For you to be using gold sun on me is a nuclear and fatal accident for your daughter for you thinking that you have a daughter between yacht fish OH NO IT'S THIS GUY AGAIN BLACK HAIR WHITE SON IS FOLLOWING THAT FISH versus guy follows me to the barbershop then he follows me to my mom's nursing home and he steals her pudding
So so for this lunatic to come up performing cut out eyes because of the incident went snow so well they tricked me to say satellite maker white skin doesn't one pound her doesn't get b******** and orgies 40 years and then quits cuz he's bored of sex IT'S BECAUSE THE SATELLITE TOLD ME THAT MORE IMPORTANTLY IT JUST SAID BLACK PEOPLE ARE BLIND AND I KNEW THAT
And you guys should know the white skin satellite makers blind I said the fat 300 lb white skin is a satellite operator and even black people know he's blind SO IF IT WASN'T OTHER THAN ME FINDING SLEEPING BABIES AND BLIND HOW BLIND GOT REINTRODUCED TO OUR MANTRA AND THEN THE SLEEPING BABIES CAME UP AGAIN
And then for you to avoid my answer prison prison made sense to every single one of us people and admit it would have kept us safe OH I KNOW WHERE THOSE SLEEPING MEN AND SLEEPING WOMEN ARE THEY'RE DOWNTOWN IN PRISON WHERE THEY BELONG
But if it wasn't for your f****** n***** behind the word having to share where with the white skin cracker and that's dividing a house full of 100 people into 200 more people got to squeeze it in BLIND THAT'S THE ONLY WAY THAT CAME BACK FOR BLIND THEY SAY SATELLITE MAKER SO BLIND IN HIS SAFETY
Satellite makers soul blind and safety and I said no no that's the n****** that don't know that those fat whites can satellite operators are legally blind SAT S SN ACCIDENT that's sat the 300 lb fat white skin man but listen your satellite has put lies into my brain AND AND NO WONDER THE KIDS WERE ALL KILLED FOR THEIR STATEMENTS BECAUSE THEY'RE WRONG I'M GOING OVER ALL THEIR STATEMENTS AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS AN INCOMPLETE ANSWER
So then other than carrying a statements that worked in sunrise some of them didn't work on me but they 24/7 tell me because in these cities I believe every sunrise was in the region in in the location to continue talking to me and if it wasn't for the new recruits and new recruits and congratulations I sold you so many boys away from their girls? May the genocide be more and merrier oh and if you think I'm playing keep them talking keep them jerking off THE LITTLE ANTECEDENT QUEEN IN LAX 3/4 WHITE SKIN DOESN'T MATTER THE COLOR OF HER HAIR had a little message for you boys and men KEEP HIM TALKING KEEP THEM JERKING OFF KEEP HIM TALKING KEEP THEM JERKING OFF
I just want to make it make sure that the family took me off the beach took our beach parties away we could have been back home in Fort Lauderdale but you kicked me off that Beach AND AND LISTEN I REALLY DON'T CARE I HAVEN'T PAID ATTENTION TO MY BROTHER ON THE OTHER SATELLITE IN 20 YEARS AND I DON'T TEND ON START TODAY THE PROBLEM WITH YOUR F****** N***** FAMILY IT'S ALL CIRCLED AROUND MY BROTHER
And last I checked the only brother I had was Sean Shawn IT'S SO BAD WITH THIS GUY JAY SEAN DOWN BABY LET ME TAKE YOU DOWN DOWN WE CAN'T CHANGE THE ACTION DENT TO UPTOWN without watching that boring ass Bruno Mars video again
So does that n***** daughter family is following me around for Mike and a brother at this point timeline and every seat I go to we spent 30 days and they're asking me where's your brother your one brother he's in one house where's your brother THEN DOES IT SNOW DO WE HAVE A BEACH? LISTEN YOUR DAUGHTER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF THE SOCIALISM RIGHT WHERE ARE WE REALLY? DO WE HAVE A BEACH? DOES IT SNOW HERE? AND THEN A FAVORITE AS SOON AS YOU GET IN THE BUS THE BLACK SKIN GIRL THE BUS DRIVER SHE HITS THE PEDAL AND THEN YOU FALL ASLEEP AND AN HOUR LATER YOU WAKE UP AND YOU'RE AN ENTIRE DIFFERENT NEIGHBORHOOD
Have you ever been to the city before have you ever been to the city before?
So to do this for another boy another man to tell the world WE'RE GOING TO SEPARATE BROTHERS FROM SISTERS AND THIS IS OKAY LISTENING TO A BLACK SKIN MAN
We just don't see the purpose of these two hanging out the black skin man in the white skin man YOU KNOW IN TWO MEN AND A HOLE IN THE WALL LOOKING AT A LITTLE BOY DEAD BLEEDING OUT IN THE BEDROOM BEHIND A LOCKED DOOR with a hole in it
0 notes
livewiremind · 6 years
The Hospital part 1
“ Was going to the hospital for your bipolar a positive experience?” I look back at the straight faced psychologist, looking for a signal of some understanding of what the experience had truly been. Gut-wrenching, life altering, mind destroying, unbelievably hopeless- no indication of these words played for a moment across the doctors face. How could I begin to explain those three weeks in the psyche ward with a broken arm?  “ It was grounding,”  I finally reply. “ seeing everyone else with their delusions caused mine to crumble. I learned I wasn’t the only one, and up to that point I had felt like it.” His next question surprised me. “ have you written about your experience?”  
Writing had always been an escape for me. A place I sought to distill life events and emotions to find some definitive meaning. I hadn’t written much since the hospital, not for a lack of time but rather because I felt a profound inability to be the author of my experience. I didn’t know how to interpret what happened. The events were so confusing, the higher meaning that an author weaves his story around seemed to be missing, or at least I wasn’t able to see it. The only option I had was to write down exactly what my perspective was, without the final vision of clarity that i always imagined would come with absolute truth. 
“I just know I have to go. I have to go. It’s my only chance to chase my star, I have to go. “ Before the hospital I was determined to leave my hometown again, but I was worried. Concerned I was making irrational choices. “ I want to understand where my mind was at when I made this decision.” I thought to myself, sitting on my bed that I had recently ripped the sheets off. My room was in the unfinished basement and I stared up at the floor rafters above me. My roommate was having friends over in the living room upstairs. I heard a girl, one of his friends, but couldn’t make out what she was saying. Suddenly I heard laughter, and it broke me. It wasn’t malicious, it was friendly and warm. I wanted more than anything to go upstairs and join in, but as long as I lived in that house I never felt like I belonged. “ There’s nothing for me here.” I thought to myself. I felt the opposite of inclusion, like I literally had no belonging at all. The year and half previous of strange experiences and stranger thoughts had made isolation a familiar place. I was convinced that there was a higher purpose for my life, that I had been set apart and chose by God, as the Bible says. I certainly felt set apart. 
No one could understand. Others were, in fact, enemies of the inspiration that I was being given. Their minds had not been awoken to see the spiritual side of life, or so I was convinced. If they did see, it didn’t seem to matter as much to them as it did to me. It was a lonely road, but I was convinced there was a reason I was walking it.  
When I came to in the hospital, the first thing I remember was that I couldn’t breathe. I was laying on a table, flat on my back in the emergency room surrounded by nurses and doctors and fighting desperately for air. There was a strong pressure on my back, making it impossible for my lungs to fill with air. I arched my back and pointed out my chest, with all the symbolism of Christ on the cross, rising only to fill my chest then sink back down again. “ Stop moving!” the nurse ordered, angrily. “ i can’t breathe!” I yelled back. “ I need something under my back”. The nurse relented and though not understanding, agreed to my demands with the placement of a small wash cloth under my upper back. I said I was thirsty and they gave me ice chips. To me, this entire procedure felt like a crucifixion. I was in pain and couldn’t breathe, but the nurse helped with the wash cloth. Suddenly supported, though without any idea why I needed the support, I could breathe again. I relaxed for a moment and looked around the room. 
A nurse to my right was washing my right arm while a doctor stood over her. It was broken, I realized. Mentally, It started to click, I was in the hospital, something had happened. They started asking me questions, none of which I remember in the confusion. I asked the doctor what was going on.  
“ You fell on a train track and broke your arm and fractured your back.” Dr.McAndrew answered in a matter of fact voice. “ Can you tell me, Dr. McAndrew went on, “why you jumped on the train tracks?” I didn’t answer right away, everything was a blur.” “ I think”, I finally stammered, “ God told me to.”. The doctor shook his head then turned to a female nurse that had just entered the room. “ He says God told him to do it” he told the new nurse. McAndrew turned back to me “ This nurse will be watching you. We need to perform surgery on your arm.” I didn’t realize at the time, I was being assigned a caregiver not for the sake of hospitality, but because I was considered a suicide risk. They were still cleaning my fractured right arm when another nurse on my left offered me her hand. “ You can hold my hand, if you want.” she smiled sweetly. I reached for her hand, held it in mine and passed out on the table. 
I hadn’t lied to Dr, McAndrew, as far as I could remember, God had told me to jump on the train tracks. At least, to some extent. When I left my hometown of Springfield 2 night earlier, I had taken the greyhound bus to St. Louis. Our bus out of town was delayed, and during my time in the station I had met Sean, a mid 30′s black man who said that I was dead. “ Your mind is gone, that means you’re dead. But you’ll be alright kid, you’ll be alright.”  Another had asked if I was an angel. “ I’s just asking cuz you got that look about you like you’re supernatural, and the Bible says we entertain angels unaware.” I had said nothing unusual to either of these two to prompt their odd behavior...It had been a strange way to begin a fateful journey. 
Finally that night the bus arrived and we left for St. Louis. Exhausted, I remember feeling that the trip was not as much fun as I had expected it to be. Usually when I am moving to a new place or beginning some other life transition, I genuinely enjoy the rush and excitement of something new. This time it was different, this time I was scared. I didn’t have a phone for entertainment, as it had been acting glitchy so I threw it on the ground a few weeks earlier. Instead, I huddled up in my greyhound seat, grateful no one was next to me. I looked out my rain streaked window to find the moon, but it must have been over the bus because all I saw was rain. 
Arriving in St. Louis, I wasn’t really sure why I was there. I felt I was leaping out in faith and waiting on God to direct my steps. I went to the park to sleep for the night, after discovering a 24 hour white castle was drive thru only. 
I more waited for the sunrise than I did actually sleep at night. In the morning I wandered through downtown heading back to the greyhound station. The song lyrics “ You don’t know me but you don’t like me” was playing in my head and I sang along. I had a sense that a profound transformation was taking place within myself, but couldn’t describe it. I was helpless to direct it either, but it felt like I was being tossed around by whatever arbitrary sign the universe or my own mind wanted to throw at me. 
With no home to go back to, I wasn’t sure my next steps. I had come to the city for two reasons, firstly because months earlier a church group I belonged to mentioned that there were rap battles in St Louis. I had convinced myself that my path would be like Eminem in 8 mile, that I would walk into a room of battle rappers and just blow them away with divine inspiriation. Still, although it was a strongly held delusion of mine, after a day in the city I didn’t see a direct line to it. There were no bars or clubs that I was aware where I could perform. 
The second reason I had come to the city was because of its title as “ Gateway to the west.” There were more bus routes and trains leaving St. Louis to anywhere in the country than I had access to in Springfield. I finally realized that I didn’t have to do this, that I could go anywhere that amtrak or greyhound station connected to and God’s will would find me. I wondered if this made me like Jonah, and if I was in fact running from God and my mission to preach the gospel of Christ as I knew it.. Really I guess I was just being dumb and impulsive. I had $500 and decided to buy a ticket to Portland Oregon. Suddenly this was a journey about coming home. I had grown up in Oregon when I was 5, and the thought of returning was extremely exciting. i was going to simply wait for my train in the station, when a security guard demanded to see my ticket, saying there was a two hour limit for customers. My train wasn’t leaving for six. A brief argument ensued, and the security guy won. I left the station as he advised that would “ be the smart thing to do.” 
Unsure what I would do for the next several hours. 
After leaving the station, I was amped up because of the confrontation with the security guard. I guess I’d been a bit of a smart ass, but I was direct and truthful in what I said. It felt like a superpower and I was tripping off the energy of it. No one can make me feel bad if I don’t let them, was the basis of the realization and power that I felt. I saw a cable van that said “ be careful around electricity.” and I immediately applied it to the incident with the security guy. I would have to be careful with this new energy. 
 I saw a St. Louis city work vehicle, it’s work number #667 identifying it on the license plate. At that point in time, I had made the number 67 my God. The Bible said that in the end times, the number of the beast would be 666. In my psychotic state, I paid extreme attention to numbers. Whether it was addresses, phone numbers or grocery store totals, I seemed to be followed around by 667 or 67. If 666 was the number of the beast, I imagined 777 would be God’s numbers so being told that my number was 667 seemed to fit. That I was awash with sin, a mortal man, one step away from the great beast, but with one single digit that signified the redemption of God. Surely 67 was the number that suited me, a bringing together of my good and bad qualities to form a cohesive, redeemed identity. I would make decisions based on this number, determine if I was “ following the path” based on where and how often it would come up. Seeing the St Louis city truck with that number, when I had already decided to leave set me back. “Maybe I am supposed to stay here.” I thought to myself. I went back to the greyhound station and cancelled my ticket. 
Once out of the station, I was feeling euphorically happy, although still just as aimless. I was so enthusiastic, I begin to dance by myself in front of the greyhound station. “ Stop, you’ll be arrested” a small voice seemed to whisper in my ear. I wasn’t dancing too bizarrely that security would mind, but being that I felt aligned with God, it made sense that the enemy of this world would be looking to destroy me.  
I gathered my things and  wandered the streets downtown for a while, finally ending up at a bus stop when it began to rain. 
Here is where my mind really begin to fail me. Prior to this point I held a lot of unsubstantiated beliefs, but it was over those last 24 hours things started to go haywire. I was praying, intensely, asking why God had led me to St. louis. My thoughts were coming at a rapid rate, so quickly it was hard to identify where they were coming from. All I was sure of is they were not mine. I would be walking down the street and something would tell me “ pick up that hat on the ground, put it on.” i would notice the tag would have a number like 3343 which would add up to 67 and it would set my mind spinning on if that was God telling me to put the hat on and if there was a deeper meaning.
 I never actually heard any voices, but the thoughts in my own head had a life of their own.  As I sat in that bus stop, the thoughts kept coming faster and faster. I saw a father pull up with his family in a small car. It was pouring rain and as I watched him hold the umbrella for his wife, then open up the rear door and take his child from their car seat, it broke something inside of me again and I started crying. Why was I so different? Why couldn’t I be a father and have a family that I loved? I felt so distant from everyone. “ Go to Oregon Sam, I’ll be waiting for you on the becah.” The thought popped into my head and I didn’t know what to do with it. “ I only want what God has for me!” i shouted back in my own mind, trying to find contentment and peace of mind. What followed was an intense battle with my own mind mocking me as I insisted on peace and higher purpose. Never before had my own thoughts antagonized me so directly, calling me names and shouting curses.  The sign at the bus stop said “ hold until safe” and that was exactly what I intended to do- to hold myself until I felt safe again or the thoughts calmed down. It felt like my mind was melting.
I can do this thing, and I’m not sure if it’s common or not where I can empty my mind completely and not think when I went to. I can simply shut off my thoughts. I think I did that then after a while and just watched the rain. 
I noticed two people walk by during this time. The first was a rough looking, ghetto type character with sunglasses and flashy dress. He motioned for me to follow him, and in the midst of the mental war that my mind was going through I imagined him to be the devil. I shook my head and the man tossed his hand, waving it in a “ you ain’t shit.” kind of way and he walked off. I was relieved, but wondered what purpose my life would now have not in the devils employ. The second person to walk by I barely noticed as I wasn’t facing him when he did. He was on his cell phone, and I only heard him say” metro station.” Immediately I got up and followed him, figuring maybe I would take a train back to the greyhound station. I still had all my bags with me at this point while I bought my ticket, went down the stairs and stood on the metro platform. 
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