#she lives 19 hours away from me and i drove because i wouldn't miss this for the world
littlestartopaz · 2 years
This is a thank you to all my temporary friends.
To all my friends for a day, who participated in something with me and i never saw again.
To my friends whom i knew since childhood, then distance drew us apart.
To my best friends and siblings of choice who moved away or never lived near me to begin with.
To my friends whose inboxes I'll agonize over for hours, aching to reconnect but not knowing how.
To all my internet friends who moved on.
To all the traitors and back stabbers and fake friends, i guess i was the only one who thought us friends, but thank you too for being kind while you were.
Thank you all, for being my friend. I ache for the days we talked and laughed. I hope that life treats you well, and that you find someone who can accept you as you need.
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