#she loves Dinah. Don't get her wrong Dinah is a sweetheart
the-nsr-family · 1 year
You don’t understand how badly I need Electra from Starlight express to meet DJSS. Like I would kill for them to interact they would tear each other apart verbally.
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sweet-dining-car · 3 years
I don't feel like choosing so for the OTP-ask: anything you want (all of them is absolutely fine)
💚 First off, who is your OTP?
GreaseDinah, Dining of Champions I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
💐 Who tends to worry the most?
Greaseball, he’s very protective and treats Dinah so well and always wants to make sure that she’s ok
💋 Who is the most physically affectionate?
Again Greaseball, he’s very hands on and will not hessite to smother Dinah with kisses and affection in public
⛈ Do they enjoy dancing?
Yes, they swing dance
🌹Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Dinah has nightmares more often then Greaseball but typically deals with them on her own and Greaseball doesn't know about most of them. Greaseball’s nightmares are mainly about passed crashes or Dinah leaving him, to deal with them he usually wakes up Dinah to talk to her about it
🌺 Do they go to sleep at the same time as each other?
It depends on shifts but typically yes 
⚡ What are their nicknames for each other?
Dinah nicknames Greaseball just about anything she's cooking or is planning to cook, because that's just how she is, her other nicknames for him are GB, Greasey, Lover Boy, Honey and other typical nicknames
Greaseball on the other hand is rather creative but very silly with his nicknames and would name the color of whatever she's wearing and like some random cute animal (blue kitten for example) but he still does us the more common ones in public like, Darlin', Dear, Babe, Angel
🍃 What do they do when the other is stressed?
Cuddles and kisses, for both
🌻 How do they spend time if the other is gone?
Dinah cooks up a storm, but this is only when they’re gone from each other for a long time. Greaseball sulks, he just mopes around and sulks until they’re together again 
🎮 Do they have a favourite video game they enjoy playing together?
Animal Crossing 
💍 Would they ever get married?
Yes, in my hc they get engaged after the race
✨ Who proposes?
👑 Who is the meme lover?
Both of them, they send each other like 40 everyday
📚 Who likes to read?
Dinah ofc, she reads to Greaseball sometimes
🎩 Who bothers the other person while the other person reads?
Greaseball, he likes to tease her
🌼 How do their personalities complement each other?
Tol and Smol(yes it’s a personality trait now), Greaseball is more aggressive and Dinah is more soft, Greaseball has become more gently and Dinah has learned to speak up for herself even if it means she needs to be a bit aggressive 
🔥 Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner?
Surprisingly Dinah! That whole “Back off girls he’s mine!” Idk why but I have an image of her drop kicking one of the sleepers if they got a little to touchy with her mans
💀 What would they dress up as, for Halloween?
Captain America and Peggy Carter
🌈 What are their favourite colours?
Blue and white for Dinah, black and gold for Greaseball
🌹 Who is the hopeless romantic?
Dinah, that sweetheart
🎭 Who is the dramatic one?
Greaseball, he will dramatically drape himself over Dinah’s lap if he’s not getting enough attention  
🎈 Who makes jokes during inappropriate times?
Greaseball, all the time he chooses the wrong times during smexy times
💝 What do they love about each other the most?
Dinah loves Greaseball’s muscles and his protectiveness, Greaseball loves Dinah’s cooking and her kindness
👓 Who googles everything?
Greaseball, poor boi is a lil dumb
🌙 How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation?
Cuddles and a safe space to vent or to cry
🍂 What is an inside joke they have?
Dinah doesn't get that affection in public but does use code words if she wants Greaseball to know that she's going to be affectionate at home. This gets him very excited and ppl watching just go "Wtf are they talking about?"
💟 What do you think makes them perfect for one another?
Tol and Soml, Big Stronk and Lil Chubby, Bad boy and Cute innocent
🌷 Are you nervous to talk about your OTP? Why?
Yes, it gets some backlash because of how it portrayed in London but I choose to ignore the early London days except, "No Comeback" cuz that song slaps, I just don't like drama
🧵 Is your OTP Oc x Canon?
Nope, it's very canon
🎵 What's a song (or songs) that remind you of your OTP?
Your the one that I want from Grease, Honey (I forgot who sings it)
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
Bad Vibes (Sad Eyes X Reader)
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Gif by @merakiaes​
OMB Masterlist / Tag List
B/F/N - Best Friend
C/B - Car Brand
"Hi baby." you beamed as your boyfriend, Sad Eyes enter the house.
You were in the kitchen making dinner as he just came back from doing another task with Spooky for the gang, the Santos.
"Hi Y/N." Sad Eyes replies depressingly. He sounds annoyed, making you stop stirring the shrimp scampi in the pan, put a top on it, and walk out of the kitchen.
"What's wrong, baby?" you asked as you went over and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"I don't want to talk about it." Sad Eyes said, with a sigh of irritation.
He grabs your arms and unwraps them from his torso. He walked over to the couch and grunted as he sat down.
He grabs the remote and turns on the TV. His attention was grabbed as he saw his favorite football team playing in the championship.
"Baby, I thought I told you to tell me what's going on immediately. You can't ignore it." you remind him.
Sad Eyes didn't respond, he continued on watching the championship game on the TV as he took off his plaid flannel and threw it on the floor with no care in the world.
Your jaw dropped a bit by his rude action. You just cleaned and swept the floor. You walked over and picked up the shirt irritably.
You walked through the hallway of the house with his flannel aggressively until you accidentally dropped it.
You pick it back up and see a little piece of paper that wasn't on the floor before underneath it.
You pick up the little piece of paper and unveil it. You couldn't believe what you're seeing right now.
The paper has a phone number with hearts surrounding it. You felt rage going through your body, making you clench the over-shirt in your left hand.
You look back down the hall to see your boyfriend's eyes still focused on the game on the couch. Your mind starts to question his intentions of getting somebody's else's number.
"Ooo, this looks good, babygirl. Thank you." Sad Eyes grinned as you sat dinner in front of him at the dining table.
"You're welcome, babe. I was wondering if you're able to make it to my singing gig this Friday." you said in a casual voice.
"You got a gig? Where?" He said, cheerfully.
You place the little poster next to him on the table. He grabbed it and read the information of your upcoming performance.
He shrugged and looked back at you. His face became full of grief as he saw you full of excitement in your eyes.
He knows this was your passion and it's your first gig since last year. He didn't want to disappoint you but sadly, he has to tell the truth.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but...I can't make it." He drawled out while looking at you with upsetting eyes.
You scoffed and looked away from him. This isn't the first time he disappointed you.
He never came and supported you with your dreams. He is always doing something else, which upsets you even more.
"Reina, come sit down with me." your boyfriend advised and pat the seat next to him.
You turn back around and look at him with a provoked face. You have enough of this.
"Since you don't want to talk about what's wrong, I won't be sitting with you. I'm taking a bath." you remarked with crossed arms and a gruff tone.
"Y/N, babe." He said sympathetically as he looked at you leaving the dining room to the bathroom.
You lit some candles, connected your speaker to your phone for music, and took off your clothes.
You put your hair up in a bun, and drop a bath bomb in the warm bathtub you set up before giving dinner to Sad Eyes.
You locked the door and got into the bathtub. You let your mixed feelings for Sad Eyes melt away with chill music playing in the background on the speaker.
Meanwhile, Sad Eyes took out his phone, and started to talk to somebody on the phone with your singing gig poster in his hands.
"Have a good day, hermosa" Sad Eyes beamed and kissed you on the lips.
"Bye baby." you said with a small smile and shut the door behind him.
You look out the window and see Sad Eyes pulling away from the house. You make sure you can't see him in the distance.
You slowly back up from the window and pull out your phone to call somebody.
"He's gone." you said with an approving smile on the phone.
A moment later, the front door busted open, making your heart beating fast and your eyes widened in fear.
"B/F/N's in the house!" B/F/N chiming in with pride as they entered the house.
"B/F/N!" you cautioned her as you closed the front door again. B/F/N drops onto the couch and lay on their back.
"So, what's going on with you and Sad Eyes that gave you trouble last night?" your best friend, appealed as you sat down on the recliner.
You pull out the little piece of paper from your pocket and hand it to B/F/N.
B/F/N look at the phone number on the paper and they sit up slowly. Their lips tighten in suspicion.
"Y/N, what's this?" They wondered while holding the paper in their right hand and leaning it to their right while looking at you with narrow eyes.
"I don't know. You tell me. He hasn't been communicating. He's always out with the gang." you explained, while having a shifty eye contact with B/F/N.
"Y/N, you're just going to let him get away like that? The Santos doesn't matter if he doesn't communicate with you!" B/F/N barked, while clutching both of their hands together, making the paper crumble.
"B/F/N, you know I'm the quiet one. I don't like conflict." you shuddered as you scratch the back of your right ear.
"Conflict my a*s! We're leaving! Let's go!" B/F/N remarked, in an angrily tone and they got up from the couch and walked over to the front door aggressively.
"B/F/N! Stop!" you shouted as you got up and looked at her with wide eyes. B/F/N stopped walking and looked back at you.
"Come on. I'm sure he will tell me what's going on tonight. I don't want to be the pushing girlfriend." you said with a sad grimace.
"Why do you want to wait when you can find out now? Let's go and confront him! You need to know what's going on!" B/F/N said with simple directness.
"Get in the car." B/F/N ordered you and grabbed your car keys. They walked out before you could even respond.
You did an exasperated sigh and you grab your phone and purse before walking out the house to see what's going on with Sad Eyes.
"Could've found out tonight but nooo, we have to find it now. B/F/N, if he sees us and he don't trust me no more, I'm blaming it on you cause this is some ridiculous-"
B/F/N slapped her right hand on your mouth, making you stop talking. You made a whining sound through her hand because it hurt you.
B/F/N turn their head to you and raise their eyebrow to see if you're done. You nodded your head and B/F/N slowly pulled their hand away from your mouth.
B/F/N look back out their window while you leaned forward and look over to see Spooky's house with some gang members all over the front lawn.
Luckily, nobody hasn't noticed your car on the other side of the street yet so you're able to see what's going on.
Your gaze becomes fixed as you see Sad Eyes coming out of the house and sitting on the staircase.
"What's he hiding?" you thought as you look at your boyfriend talking to Oso.
You started with wide eyes as you saw a woman walking down the sidewalk and walking up to Sad Eyes. She sat down next to him and they started talking.
You lean more forward to the window with narrow eyes as you see both of them talking like they know each other from a long time ago.
You saw the girl giggling as Sad Eyes was looking like he was telling one of his stories.
You started to contemplate their interaction with each other. You couldn't take it no more.
"I've had enough. Let's go." you scoffed and you lean back on your seat and cross arms.
"I've said let's go. I'll deal with him." you ordered again and looked out your side of the window with a tight-lipped mouth.
B/F/N looked at you doubted for a few moments before starting the car again and pulling out from the parking spot.
"Hey sweetheart." said Spooky as he came over from his car and walked over to his girl.
The girl walked over to him and they did a sweet kiss.
"Dude, you weren't trying to steal my girl, wouldn't you?" Spooky questioned as he walked over to his best friend, Sad Eyes with the girl's waist around his right arm.
"Nah, just keeping her company." Sad Eyes grinned and Spooky reached into his left pocket and pulled out two dollar stacks.
"Here, mano. You're been working hard for the past few weeks and I've wanted to give you a gift." said Spooky, causing Sad Eyes to quickly get up and walking over to collect it.
"Thanks, Spooky. I think I have enough to buy Y/N's gift. I've been so distant from her. I've been so distant that I'm not able to make it to her gig." sad Eyes grieving of what your relationship with him has been for the past few weeks.
"Whoa, she's having a new gig? Why didn't you say so? I've let you off the hook for a few days. Get some of these other Santos to actually do something." Spooky glared at his gang members playing card games or lifting weights all over his front lawn.
"You should bring her gift to her show. That would make her night." The girl said with a beam on her face.
"That ain't a bad idea. Thanks, Dinah." Sad Eyes remarked happily.
"No problem. She's going to love it." Dinah said with excitement.
"I hope so. I really do. I'm worried she may break up with me soon." Sad Eyes said, doubting himself.
"Don't worry, I know she wouldn't break up with you. Both of you are in deep with each other. Nothing is going to break that." Spooky acknowledged and he walked into his house with Dinah.
Sad Eyes starts to think about you and all the good memories you have with him. It made him smile and agree with what Spooky said.
"Baby, I'm home!" shouted Sad Eyes as he came into the house and closed the front door behind him.
He walked into the living room and he saw you drinking a drink in your hand with your legs crossed and your foot shaking repeatedly impatiently.
Sad Eyes cautiously tries to get close to you. He knew something was wrong once you were doing that.
"Babe? You're home early!" you said with excitement.
You quickly went over to him and hugged him tight. Sad Eyes calms down and his tension of something being wrong goes away quickly as he hugs you back.
Both of you sat down on the couch next to each other.
"Does that mean, you're going to my show?" you asked as you looked at him with hopeful eyes.
"I told you I got to go out with the gang tonight. We have to make a plan to make sure these Prophet$ ain't trying to take the gang down." he explained in a perpetually tired voice.
"Why tonight? Why not tomorrow? You haven't taken a break from the gang in a while. Do you even want to see me perform?" you asked with pleasing eyes.
"Babe, I do want to see you perform, " he confronted while looking deep into your eyes.
He grabs both of your hands with his, brings them to his lips, and kisses both back sides of your hand. "But we need to protect this neighborhood. You know how dangerous it is at night. I don't want nothing to happen to you so we have to do this tonight."
"You know how passionate I am about singing and this is my first performance in a while so can you skip it? Please? You haven't seen any of my performances yet." you said with determination as Sad Eyes walked to the island of the kitchen.
"I know and I'm so happy that you found your purpose in life but that doesn't get us out of this bad neighborhood. We don't have enough money." he said with firm persistence as you walked over to him.
"If you're so happy that I found it, then why can't you just come and see me? I want your support there." you conceded and Sad Eyes looked away without a response.
"Why are you always with the gang? You are not communicating with me and I can't get you a moment alone without you running off again." you confessed as you looked at him tumbling a bit.
"Y/N, I-"
"No. Go ahead. I don't care if you go to my show or not. Be with the gang." you snapped as you walked over to the bin of dirty laundry on the dining table and grabbed it.
You start walking through the house with the laundry to the laundry room until you stop and look straight with a tight lips. You don't even turn around to look at your distant boyfriend right now.
"Look, if you don't want to be with me or talk about what's going on, just pack your clothes and be on your way." you said with a straight face, making Sad Eyes finally giving his undivided attention on you.
Sad Eyes quickly ran to the laundry room and tried to open the door but it was locked. He grips the handle and shakes it with all of his strength to open it but it didn't budge.
"Y/N! Hermosa, you didn't mean that! Let's talk! Please!" Sad Eyes shouted while leaning against the door and gripping the handle.
He was pleased to talk to you right now. He definitely knows he really messed this up this time.
It's so bad that you wanted him out. He has to fix this. Now.
"Hello, future artist!" shouted B/F/N as they entered your dressing room already dressed up for the performance.
You were wearing a Marilyn Monroe inspired white sleeveless dress with sleeves and matching heels. Your hair was in a high ponytail with curls at the end and was wearing silver jewelry.
"So, what's the reason with these throwback outfits?" B/F/N wondered.
"It's a 60′s-inspired night at the theater so all music is modified or made inspired by that time." you answered as you were putting on bold red lipstick on your lips.
"Y/N! B/F/N! Jasmine! You're up in one minute." Ruby reported outside the dressing room after knocking three times.
He was the planner for the show tonight and wanted everything to be perfect...before everything becomes a mess as usual.
"Cesar, no! Those are for the stars!" shouted Ruby as he walked over to Cesar at the snack table.
"Y/N? I don't think you confirm that Jasmine was to be performing with us!" shouted B/F/N upset. She didn't like Jasmine because it's already sad that she's her sister.
"Chill out. You just sing backup. So, you better not fight and mess this up for me, okay? I heard there's some producer coming tonight." you growled as your eyes glared at your best friend.
B/F/N's eyes widened knowing that you're serious about this. They don't want to ruin the night where you could potentially be signed to a record label.!
"Okay, okay. I'll deal with her." B/F/N said with annoyance as they rolled their eyes.
You hugged them quickly and tight before getting on stage.
"Performing next, the beautiful essential Y/N!" shouted Ruby through the microphone on stage.
Everybody in the audience clapped and cheered as Ruby moved off stage and the curtains opened revealing you in front and B/F/N and Jasmine behind you.
The music started playing and you grip the microphone in front of you softly waiting to start singing at the right time.
As you were halfway through the song, somebody entered the theater which caught your attention but didn't stop you from singing.
Your heart skips a beat as you see your boyfriend, Sad Eyes entering with a suit on and sitting in the back.
You couldn't believe he came. For the first time. To support you. You smile with excitement as a feeling of happiness going through your body.
You started to snap as you sang with the instrumental playing. You fixed your gaze at Sad Eyes which he immediately sends back.
He did a huge goofy grin, making you blush and look down for a few moments. Luckily, it happened when you weren't singing in the song.
The instrumental ended and everybody got up from their seats and cheered and applauded. You did a huge smile to the crowd because they like it which made you feel so happy inside.
You, B/F/N, and Jasmine bowed down at the same time, making the cheers and applause become louder.
As you lifted back up, your attention went to Sad Eyes. You felt a glow coming from your soul as you saw him clapping with a huge smile on his face looking straight at you.
"Thank you so much." you said with a smile on your face to an old couple.
As they walked away, somebody hugged you out of nowhere. They caused you to stumble a bit.
"I'm so proud of you! You did amazing!" B/F/N said with excitement causing you to chuckle.
"Awe thanks," you flowed as you stepped back from B/F/N's hug. "I'm so glad both of you were able to put aside your differences for my performance."
"Yeah...about that..." B/F/N drawled out slowly as they rub the nape of their neck with their right hand.
You groaned in annoyance as you pulled out your wallet, put out twenty dollars and handed it to her.
"Thanks. Love you, bye!" B/F/N shouted as they walked away with your money.
You shake your head in B/F/N's silliness with a smile on your face. All of the sudden, you felt two strong arms wrap around your torso and pull up back to a person's body.
You glance over your shoulder and you make eye contact to very similar dark brown eyes. Your heart skips a beat as you see the eyes pupils dilated.
Your eyes widened and your attention quickly went to a guy standing tall while holding his hands together in front of him. You quickly unwrap Sad Eyes's arms from your torso.
He was wearing a suit that looks more expensive than others, gold chains hanging down from their neck, and a wavy haircut.
"Hello. My name is Damian Ross, a producer who works at Hollywood Records." he said with pride and he did a firm handshake with you that you returned back.
"I love your voice and I think you could be the next big thing." Damian said a wink, making Sad Eyes mumbled underneath his breath angrily.
He grabs your hip with his right hand to pull you back to him, making you gasp by his sudden action.
"Really? Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." you said happily as you have your hands clasped together and looking at Damian.
"Well, if you're interested, give me a call and we can talk." said Damian in a flirtatious way and hands you his card.
You feel Sad Eyes's grip on your hip become tighter, making you glance over your right shoulder again and your eyes widened to Sad Eyes tight lips and clench jaw.
You saw his veins throbbing out in his neck and his left hand in a hard clench fist and bear his rapid breathing. You have to end this now before this becomes a scene.
"I will. Thank you so much. Have a good night." you quickly bursted as you basically snatched the card out of Damian's hand.
"You too." Damian said in a casual tone and he licked his lips as he walked away.
Sad Eyes lets go of your waist and starts to walk away aggressively with clench fists towards him until you stopped him.
"Baby, baby, babe. Please, don't make a scene tonight." you warned as you try to look into his eyes.
"Hermosa, did you not see his interest in you?! It's disgusting! He saw me behind you with my arm around your hip! I-"
Sad Eyes started to look into your eyes and his anger went away. He saw the fear in your eyes, knowing you don't want him to make a scene.
"I'm sorry, babygirl." Sad Eyes agonized as he bow his head down.
You hugged him, making his body freeze and stare down at you with wide eyes.
"Thanks for coming tonight. I really appreciate it. None of this matters if you ain't here with me." you confessed as you smiled into his chest.
His smile immediately smiles and he hugs you back tight. You miss moments like this with him.
"I want to show you something." he said with a grin on your face, causing you to smile again.
"What is it? You being here is the greatest thing right now. What else could I get today?" you asked with excitement.
"Let's find out, shall we?" He insisted as he pulled his right hand out in front of you.
You giggled as you grabbed it and both of you walked out of the theater and into the parking lot.
Sad Eyes pulled out the keys and clicked a button, making a car's lights lit up. You gasped and felt happy tears coming out of your eyes.
You couldn't believe this. In front of you was your dream car, C/B. in your favorite color! Were you dreaming?
"Happy early anniversary, babygirl." said Sad Eyes happily and he hands you the car keys.
You croaked as you saw the car you wanted forever in your life in your hands. You started to cry hard, making your boyfriend concerned real quick.
"Y/N? What's wrong? You don't like it? I can get you a another and-"
His eyes widened by your sudden burst. You wipe your eyes and you look at your best boyfriend ever.
"Happy tears. Thank you." you cried as you went over to him and jumped into his arms.
Sad Eyes quickly grabs your waist and holds you up as you hug him tight around your night.
"Why? How? When?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise. I know you wanted this for so long so that's why I was always out. I'm sorry for being distant from you when I should've been the boyfriend you deserve." he confesses as he maintains eye contact with you.
"Awe, babe. I didn't know. I didn't mean to snap on you earlier. I thought you didn't want to be with me any more so you were with another girl than being with the gang like you said you were." you confronted as you clasped his hands with yours.
"Dinah? Baby, that's Spooky's girl. I'm sorry if it did look like that. I was only with her because she helped me get the car for you. I would never be with anybody else but you. You're my world and my everything. And hopefully one day, you'll have my last name." he said with determination and love in his eyes.
"I will have your last name. I ain't planning to be with anybody else but you." you said with a warm smile, making him smile back.
"Ready to ride?" asked Sad Eyes with a grin on his face.
"Yesss!" you drawled out loudly as you quickly jog up to your dream car in heels, making Sad Eyes laughing at your silliness.
You got in the driver's seat as he got in the passenger's seat. You started it and your eyes widened in excitement at the sound of the engine.
Sad Eyes starts to stare at your adorable self as you are looking at all of the different features of your dream car and trying some of them.
You feel his stare and you turn to him with waggling eyebrows and a goofy grin on your face.
"What are you staring at?" you asked with a fixed gaze at your staring boyfriend.
"The most beautiful girl in the world." he said with his flirtatious behavior.
"Oh my gosh, you can be so clingy sometimes." you said while giggling, causing him to chuckle with you.
"It's only with you. I can't help it." he blushed while covering his face with his hands and wiping it off.
"I don't mind. I love it and you." you said as you made eye contact with him.
"I love you too, hermosa."
Both of you leaned in and did a passionate kiss. You felt butterflies going through your body all over again like the first time you ever kissed him.
The feeling never fails and you want to experience it only with him forever.
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