#she spits out her stupid pacifiers and then cries about it not being in her mouth
xxlelaxx · 5 months
My daughter is in a screaming phase. She just spends the whole day shrieking and screaming and I have had the most terrible headache. The last night's she cried for a Minimum of two hours because of the teeth and today everything was fine. I did everything I could and it was fine. We fell asleep. I wake up 45 minutes later to her screaming again and I just can't take it anymore. I've had too little sleep and I've been around her for the last 3 days... Even when I was interacting with her she was still in the same room screeching. My husband complained after two hours and honestly next time he does I'm gonna tell him to shut up about it. I haven't stopped crying for an hour cause now I can't sleep again cause I'm so agitated. I hate mother hormones. I hate not being allowed to sleep. I hate headaches. I don't want to get up and finish all the chores.
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amyscascadingtabs · 3 years
give you my wild, give you a child
"stupid numbers, think they’re so great. i'd love to see numbers give you a baby."
inspired by that one line in 8x08 renewal, because he really did give her a baby.
read on ao3
It's been three days and Amy can't stop crying.
 Sometimes she thinks it's stopped, that she'll finally have a stable moment to talk to her husband or eat a meal in peace or facetime some of the twenty or so relatives on her list, but it feels like it’s never more than minutes before her emotions swim to surface again and something new brings out the vibrating sobs that have seemed to characterize this day. As it turns out, even newly pregnant Amy has got nothing on three days postpartum Amy.
 That she cries about the big, life-changing things doesn’t surprise her. When she wakes up after a night of minimal sleep and sees Mac in the bedside crib next to her, she cries because she’s so grateful; that everything went well, that their baby is finally here and that he's perfect beyond words. Then she cries because she thinks about what could have happened if it hadn't gone well, because she gave birth in a makeshift birthing suite in a police precinct, and so many things could have gone wrong it’s a miracle nothing did. When she gets out of the shower, she cries seeing herself in the bathroom mirror, because she's proud of her body in a way she's never experienced before. Then she cries because she also barely recognizes the person staring back at her, still looking six months pregnant except with hospital underwear and nursing pads in her bra. When she has breakfast after feeding Mac and tries to read the newspaper, she cries because so many terrible things are happening in the world all the time, and she doesn’t know how she’s going to protect this child from a world that sometimes seems to be getting more and more cruel by the day. Then she cries out of guilt for feeling that way, because she’s supposed to be enjoying this baby bubble, and what kind of mother even is she for daring to think about anything but her baby right now?
  As the day goes on, however, her reasons for crying begin to feel increasingly ridiculous. She cries because she’s so relieved to be drinking regular coffee again, then because it doesn’t taste the same as decaf and she’s gotten so used to it that the caffeine tastes weird now. She cries because the coffee goes cold anyway when Mac begins to whimper and suck on his fingers in the way he seems to do whenever he’s hungry and she has to drop everything to feed him another time. She cries when Jake turns on the television and a commercial for diapers comes on, because she can’t believe they get to buy them now. Then she cries when Mac has finished eating because the red flannel she borrowed slash stole from Jake won’t button properly, and she realizes one of the buttons has gone in the wrong hole and she has to redo the whole thing. When Jake offers to help her with it, that makes her cry too, because the way he’s not laughing at her right now but patiently trying to solve her problems is making her feel so loved she doesn't know how to thank him.
  The thing that makes her cry most of all, though, is watching Jake and Mac together. She always knew that sight would drive her crazy, and it’s part of the reason she wanted to have kids with him so much in the first place, but not even in her most indulgent fantasies about their future could she have pictured this. As grateful as she is over the fact that she gets to be a mom, getting to see Jake be a dad is a close second. He loves their son so much, and Mac so clearly loves him too, and Amy has to remind herself of the nine months she's spent carrying this child by herself in order not to feel jealous when Mac stops fussing the moment Jake picks him up. He looks so tiny when Jake holds him, the back of his head fitting perfectly in Jake's palm, and the care with which he’s handling him keeps making her emotional. He's always talking to him, sometimes whispers she can't hear and sometimes praise for her which she can, and that makes her cry too. He even chats to him when he changes his diapers, which Amy hides behind the door frame just so she can hear, failing to stifle a giggle when he asks in a fake interrogation voice what Mac has to say to his defense for making such a mess. He wakes up with her in the middle of the night when she has to breastfeed to get her endless glasses of water and granola bars when it makes her feel starving, and then he lets Mac burp him in the face and spit up on the back of his shirt before he falls back asleep curled up on his chest. He leans his chin on the top of Mac’s head to smell that perfect baby scent, running his finger over those cute neck rolls, and the smile on his face when he looks back at Amy makes her completely lose it, because this is what she dreamed of all along.
  This is what she imagined when they visited her brother Christian’s new baby shortly before they got married and Jake spent the better part of an hour making funny faces to the child in his arms. This is what she panicked over when he said he wasn't sure if he wanted kids, because she had always thought. This is what she thought of those nights after another timed round of unenthusiastic sex, trying to keep the hope alight until that single line would once more tell them not this time. She had felt it in his teary smile when she showed him that first positive test, in how hard he'd squeezed her hand at their first ultrasound when their baby’s heartbeat had filled the room, in the absolute joy on his face the first time he’d managed to put his hand on her stomach just in time to feel their son kick, and now it's right in front of her and almost too much for her heart to take.
 She's so tired, and she's sore and overwhelmed and worried about a billion different things, but she's never felt so grateful.
 That's what makes her cry floods at three a.m. when Mac seems to have finished eating and she comes back from the bathroom to find Jake still sitting up with him in bed, holding him with a hypnotised look on his face. He doesn’t even seem tired, even though he must be, is just looking at his son like he’s holding the entire world in his arms and doesn’t ever want to let go. She always knew seeing him with a baby would be incredible, those surprisingly toned biceps curling around a fragile little human and those heart eyes focused on one thing only, but maybe she hadn’t expected not being able to watch it without breaking into tears.
 “Jeez, Ames,” he says when he looks up, the expression on his face changing to one of concern. “Are you okay? Honestly?”
“Yeah,” she sniffles and dries her eyes again as she sits down on the bed. The skin on her cheeks is stinging at this point. “I just can’t believe this is my life.”
“Why not?” Mac’s pacifier glides out of his mouth, and Jake puts it back with two fingers before he can notice anything. “We’re right here, babe. We’re very much real.”
“Sometimes I thought it was never going to happen.” She hiccups. “All the times we’ve been apart. The months we fought to have him. How freaking long and exhausting being pregnant was. And now I have him, and you, and I’m just so grateful I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“That’s why you’re crying?”
“I think I don’t even know why I’m crying anymore. I’m so sleep-deprived.”
“Yeah.” Jake smirks. “But I get it. I’m really, really grateful too.”
 Mac makes a short gurgling sound that Amy takes to mean he agrees. She reaches out so his hand can wrap around her ring finger, feeling him squeezing it tight in the cutest grip. The grey striped pajamas has little mittens on it to keep him from scratching herself, but Mac gets upset whenever they pull them down, so Amy figures they'll just have to keep filing his nails instead. Their son is already both opinionated and stubborn, and she loves it about him, because she loves everything about who he is. He's perfect, and he's hers, and she still can't quite believe it even though he's right there in Jake's arms. It's all her dreams coming true, and it's making all the hard things feel so worth it.
“Thanks for giving me a baby,” she whispers. She’s too tired, barely even knows what she's saying anymore, but looking at the two of them, all she can think about is how incredibly lucky and thankful she feels.
Jake blinks in disbelief, grinning at her. “Wait, I gotta make sure I heard this right. Did you just thank me for giving you a baby?”
“And you're serious about this?”
“Well… yeah.”
“So you mean after nine months,” he says, still wide-eyed, “of you telling me, minimum a couple times a week but pretty much daily toward the end, that I could never understand what you're going through, and then you shouting some lovely descriptions at me whilst you were literally pushing him out, and also earlier this evening when you cried because I can't breastfeed him for you – you’re thanking me?”
“Some of it was a team effort,” she insists. “You helped.”
“Oh yeah, my nards sure are loving the credit.”
“Don't be gross.”
“Sorry.” He smiles, a little bashfully, stroking his fingers back and forth over Mac’s forehead instead of looking at her. “But Ames, c’mon. It was a pretty limited effort compared to what you did.”
“Maybe they’re not the same thing.” She leans her head on his shoulder. Mac is still holding on to her finger, but his grip is getting looser now. “But you were part of it too, babe.”
“Really?” He’s blushing. “What did I do that was so special?”
“Let's see. You didn’t laugh at me when I kept crying at everything the first weeks. Rosa made fun of me on a daily basis, but you just hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay. You let me sleep in when I had days off, even though I pretended I wanted you to wake me up. You fixed food for me without telling me what it was, and put it in front of me before I could feel sick thinking about it.” She shakes her head at the memory of those, few but complicated, weeks, and how hard they’d had to work around it. “You kept telling me I looked great even when my body kept changing and it all felt weird, and helped me pick out maternity wear when I didn’t want to do it on my own. I don’t know that I would have taken barely any bump pictures if you hadn't made me. You listened to all my research about the best strollers and pacifiers and cribs, and you did those courses and read all those books with me, and you came to almost every scan and held my hand so tight every time. You came home with onesies and hats because you thought they were too cute not to buy, and you gave me massages whenever I wanted them, and you even slept on the couch a couple nights at the end when I got angry at you for snoring. You barely even complained about it.”
“I complained a little,” Jake mumbles. “When you couldn’t hear me.”
“Fine. And lastly, you rode a horse through the city to get to me while I was in labor, and you didn’t even act like seeing him be born was gross.”
“I mean, it was a little bit gross.” Jake lifts Mac so he can kiss his forehead when he whimpers. “No offense, bud. I mean you looked perfect, I didn’t think you looked like a slimy alien even for a second, didn’t cross my mind, et cetera.”
“Whatever.” She rolls her eyes. “Point is, babe, you were there. You're here now. I know I did the actual work, but you were the one who made sure I could. I don’t know how I would have made it through without you. So… thank you.”
 He doesn't give her any witty comebacks for that, only a shy smile.
“I love you,” Amy all but whispers through the tears that fight their way through her determination to keep them in. “Both of you. So much.”
“Love you, Ames.”
She kisses him, putting her hands on each side of his thighs so she can reach over Mac. Kissing is a lot more complicated than usual when both his hands are busy and none of them wants to risk crushing their son, but it's still nice, feeling his soft lips on hers and squeezing his lower lip between both of hers for just a moment before pulling apart.
“It's hard to kiss you while you're holding a baby,” she says, and Jake grimaces. “That might be the only bad thing about it.”
“My bad. I’m just going to put him down so we can make out all night.”
“Don't you dare. He currently doesn't have a boob in his mouth and he's still not crying, you're not doing anything to risk that now.” Amy pulls the comforter up to her chin. “Wake me up when he needs to eat again and not a second earlier.”
Jake chuckles at her as she turns out the light and snuggles up close to him, but he makes no move to put Mac down or even protest, and she didn't think it was possible to love him even more. Her heart has definitely grown with becoming a mom, much like everyone told her about, but most seem to have forgotten to prepare her for how much it would also grow when it came to her partner.
 “I still think I’m the one who should say thank you,” Jake whispers just as she closes her eyes, and Amy can't help but smile. “If we're talking about who gave who a baby.”
“Jake, just accept the praise.”
“Oh, yeah.” She doesn't need to see his face to know that he's grinning. “I’ve locked it in a little box in my brain and I’m gonna keep it as gloat material forever, bringing it up when you least expect it.”
“That's great, babe.”
“Mm-hmm. We both know the truth, though.” Jake's left hand strokes over the top of her head, and Amy has to look up to see that Mac is still resting safely on his right arm and doesn't seem to have noticed a thing. Another tear fight its way down her cheek at the thought of how safe he must feel with him. This time, she doesn’t even bother to wipe it away.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Adventures in Cuckysitting (soul eater)
It was Friday night in Death city, and most young couples were going out and having fun, or at least staying in and cuddling.  Most, not all. In a dorm room at Death Weapon Meister Academy however one young pair of lovers were setting up for their Friday night VERY differently from others. Black star and Soul were hands down a favorite couple among the girls at the school, gushing about how perfect they were for each other and arguments had gone on, at least at first, as to which boy ruled the bedroom. It had only happened at first because all too soon it was clear who wore the pants between the boys, and who wore the pampers. A month into their relationship ship and Soul started sporting a puffy butt and crotch at all times, and even if you bought into his claim it was just swelling from a allergic reaction, there was no hiding the crinkles, or the SMELL. Most of the time Soul's arrival was announced with a whiff of baby powder in the air, but other times, well, let's just say students in his classes had started to carry around clothespins for their noses just in case. Then you had to factor in the fact that Black star had started sleeping his way though the male half of the school's population, and from some account made Soul tag along to pay for some of his dates!
Tonight however, Black star had a wonderful evening planned with Death the kid, and didn't want his cute, though total submissive little boy around to sour the mood with a back door bomb if things ended up in the sack. It was with that in mind that Black star had at first contracted soul's partner in the field Maka to look after him, but she gave a hard no, since she wasn't overly fond of the smells the big baby could make when they worked together. She HAD however passed along some useful information that her Father, Spirit, Simply LOVED diaper boys, playing with them, teasing them, and also was Black star and Soul's number one shipper. Black star had been sure she was just exaggerating when she'd said that, but calling spirit up and asking him if he would maybe be interested in baby sitting little Soul for him had almost coast him his ear drum from the deafening squeal. As such, Black star got both of them ready for their big night out, even as soul sulked.
Sitting on their bed and in just his head band and one of the stupid massive thick diapers that Black star had a CLOSET full of, Soul crossed his arms and gave his boyfriend/daddy a pouty look. Black star had gotten himself dressed first and was wearing a pair of black dress pants, with black socks and dress shoe, and a light blue dress shirt, having left his black suit jacket off for right now. "I just don't..why can't you just stay in tonight? you can even have stupid face over if you want..I'll be nice and quiet! I'll go and play cars in my nursery when you uh.." And soul blushed and looked away. "When I get the attention I need from anther man, because my darling boyfriend is just a big baby?" Black star asked. He smirked as he looked though the different outfits his little guy had, as he felt tonight was a important night for them, cementing and confirming for any lingering doubters that soul was in fact, just a big baby. "D-Do you have to say it like that?" Soul whined, and his thumb found it's way into his mouth. "Look sweetie..you can sulk and whine all you want, but the bottom line is this: Who's the one that ASKED to put back in diapers, Me or you?" Black asked. Soul squirmed and sucked loudly on his thumb, drool going down his chin as he pointed at himself. "That's right. Now I know you didn't MEAN for it to escalate like this, but do you even think you could go without your widdle diapies anymore sweetie?" Black star asked, coming over and sitting next to soul and wiping at his chin with a spit towel that had been on the bed. with the boy drool free and not going to mess up his shirt, Black star pulled him in for a hug and tugged his thumb out of his mouth. "I..I could! Maybe..No." Soul said, going from hopeful to doubtful then out right defeated. "That's right. Last time i tried to be intimate with you, and by that I mean more then just rubbing the front of your diapers while bouncing you on my knee in a poopie diaper, what happened?" Black star asked. He'd be lying if he said being mean to Soul wasn't somewhat of a aphoristic for him, but tonight it was more about making sure the silly big bay knew his place. "I..I peed all over the bed before you could even enter me and cried for a hour." Soul said, eyes closed and crimson faced. "that's right. now, Daddy loves you, don't doubt that, but he needs to fuck a cute ass now and then, and get some dick himself. I know, you're so eager to just suck on daddy but it's just not the same sweetie." Black star said, patting the big babies back. "I..I'm sowwy." Soul whimpered. "Hey..heyy. it's all good. Now how about we go and get you in a nice and super embarrassing outfit, and then take you over to your babysitters? Daddy knows how much you love public humiliation." Black star coo'ed. "O-Ok daddy." Soul said, and then as Black star tickled his chin, the big baby giggled.
10 minutes later, as they were heading out the door, soul couldn't help but wonder if maybe he'd been thinking with the wrong head so to speak as he waddled big time out the door. Daddy had double diapered him despite the massive bulk and Soul was more or less cowboy walking as they slowly headed towards spirit's place. He was wearing a pair of baby blue booties and a pair of baby blue mittens that made his hands basically useless, trapping them in fists. He was also wearing a over the top blue with some white frills baby bonnet that at least SOMEWHAT helped hide his burning red face. In his arms was a pack of his Little stinkers extra thick diapers, apparently spirit had everything else a little guy could need but had asked for Soul to bring his own diapers. With his hands useless, Soul basically had to hug the pack of diapers to his chest, almost making it look like he loved his diapers (and in a weird way, that was true) and Black star just lead the way, taking the quickest route, even though it would also be the most crowded. They were already drawing attention, ranging from looks of disgust and sneers to pointing and laughter. Some just stared in disbelief and a rare few had looks of envy and admiration on their faces over how 'brave' Soul was. "Mommy, why's that big boy dressed like a baby?" One little boy asked, tugging on his mothers dress as she went to get them ice cream, and she turned and gasped and picked up the boy and covered his eyes. "Have you no shame?!?" She huffed, glaring at him. Soul of course said nothing but black star, who was feeling all sorts of pride in his big baby, had to speak up. "Not a fucking lick. You should be ashamed coming out with a face looking like that!" he said and smirked. She sputtered and huffed, and stormed off, and Soul found himself wishing the earth would open up and swallow him.
Thankfully the rest of the trip was uneventful, though a few boys had asked to take pictures with the big baby, but they were all chill about it and Soul was giggling a little, and they got to Spirits house with time to spare. Black star didn't even get a chance to knock on spirits door before it was opened up, clearly the older man had been waiting for them eagerly. "Come in come in! Let me see the baby!" Spirit gushed, and locking his eyes on Soul, you could almost SEE the hearts in his eyes. "oh my gosh! YOUR SO CUTE!" Spirit gushed and Without warning and making Soul drop his diapers, picked him up under his arms and held him up in the air. "Who's a super cutie widdle diaper bootie baby boy? You are! yesh you are! Oh yesh you arm!" He gushed. Soul couldn't help but giggle at the reaction while Black star smirked. "I take it you're both gonna be OK then?" he asked. Spirit set soul on his hip, a arm under the wonderfully thick diaper butt and waved Black star away. "Yes yes, shoo, let unca Spirit and his cute widdle darling diapie baby play!" He said "heh, well then, since I've been dismissed.." Black star chuckled and walked towards them. "Soul be a good boy for 'unca Spirit', and Daddy will see you later, or maybe in the morning depending." Black star said and leaned in, giving his little one a kiss on the cheek. "I-I uh..ehehe..Ok daddy. Bye.. Um..Please t'night thought." Soul said and his thumb was heading for his lips. Dis is a new house and might be scary." "oh nonsense, you'll LOVE it here!" Spirit said, dismissing the big baby's nervousness even as he tugged his thumb away and popped a large pacifier with a black mouth guard in the big babies mouth.
Getting inside and still on his newly dubbed 'unca's' hip, Soul looked around. he'd never been over to Maka's fathers place before as maka and her father didn't exactly get along most of the time. He supposed it would of normally looked like your everyday living room, with a couch set up, a coffee table with some magazines on it and the like, but today it had a LARGE playpen set up just past the coffee table with various baby toys inside of it. 'heh, you like? I was going to go with a normal playpen but I didn't think it would have enough room and didn't want my widdle guy getting all cramped. and I wasn't about to just sit you on the floor and risk you getting into things." Spirit gushed. soul squirmed at that, he wanted to tell Unca that he wasn't a REAL baby and could be trusted, but the paci just felt so damn good in his mouth. 'I'll hafa ask daddy ta get me one.' He thought and let himself get lowered into the playpen. for the most part Soul would normally wear diapers and had some baby outfits, and of course the stuff for diaper changes but aside from some stuffies he more or less didn't totally baby out. "You get nice and comfy in there, And I'll go and warm you up a ba-ba ok little guy?" Spirit asked, leaning over the side of the playpen and Soul suckled and nodded. the room in the playpen was enough that soul would have to take 3-4 steps to get from one side to the other, and the sides were high enough that even if he wanted to, there was NO way he'd of been able to get out on his own, even if he'd been in just ONE diaper. 'Holy crud, I feel JUST like a the baby I'm DRESSED as!' He thought and scooting on his padded bottom, he reached for a stuffed blue ducky and hugged it to his chest, grinning BIG time behind his paci. there was a few soft cloth books, with numbers and ABC's in the playpen with him, and a old speak n spell, not to mention a stuffed bear to go along with the ducky, and a stuffie of Death himself, but in his kid friendly appearance. there was some soft toy blocks and all and all, if soul had been a real baby or toddler, this would of been the mother load. he was up on his knees and trying to see how well the blocks would stack when Unca Spirit came back in, though soul hadn't noticed him yet, he was hunched over slightly as he worked and wiggling that big puffy back side from side to side and Spirit almost had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "heh, I know you're having fun but I got a ba-ba ready for you." Spirit finally said, speaking up. Soul jumped a little, then turned around, a blush on his face and looking sheepish as Spirit came over to the edge of the playpen. "hey, no need to blush little guy, you were having fun, that's what I WANNA see." Spirit said and then held out the bottle for soul. the big baby tugged his paci out and set it on the  floor of the playpen, but looked a little uncertain as he reached out for the ba-ba. "what wrong little guy? think it's spiked or something?" spirit teased. "N-No! I just..uh.. " he looked at the comically large, as in maybe one litire big, baby bottle. "I've never used a baby bottle before. well..i mean, I'm sure I did as a baby but like..Daddy just give me drink in big boy cups." soul said, stammering and rubbing the back of his head. "...That is criminal. a big baby like you deserves ba-ba's! and if this is going to be your first, then we're doing it right." Spirit said and withdrew the bottle, and set it on the coffee table then turned back to soul and reached down into the playpen, picking him up. "W-what are yo-" Soul squeaked out as he was effortlessly picked up and carried over to the couch. "Your first time drinking from a bottle, I ust HAVE to bottle feed you." Spirit said and chuckled. "Is that ok?" "I..I guess so." Soul said, blushing and his heart beating fast. 'oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!' he was thinking, never before had he wanted something SO bad, and not known it till this moment.
Cradling the baby in his lap, Spirit mentally chuckled, it was easy to see how eager Soul was to get the full on baby treatment. 'I'm going to have to have a LONG talk with Black star about how to look after a big baby.' He thought, but then shook off the slight anger he was feeling and focused on the bundle of cuteness in his lap as he picked up the baby bottle. "Now I poked 3 holes in the nipple, but if you're not getting your milk fast enough, let me know and I'll go and poke in more OK Lil guy?" He asked. Soul couldn't even talk anymore apparently, his gaze was fixed on the bottle and he was drooling a little as he dumbly nodded. Spirit was tempted for a split second to tease Soul with the bottle, but again chased that thought away and slowly put the nipple to the boys mouth so he wouldn't get squirted in the face. The second he could get his lips around the nipple Soul suckled with a eagerness that was almost lewd and made Spirit blush for a brief second, but he just settled for watching the thirsty boy suckle and chug at his ba-ba, hands coming up and holding onto Spirits arm. "Awww such a good boy, yes you are, you love your milk don't you?" Spirit coo'ed coo'ed softly. Soul nodded as much as he could and closed his eyes, gurgling and cooing even as he chugged away, draining the bottle FAR faster then Spirit would of thought possible, and that made him frown a little as the bottle was rapidly hitting the 2/3's point. "Slow down buddy, you're gonna get a gas bubble." Spirit warned, but he was ignored as Soul, if anything, sped up. "Guess I'll be burping you soon then huh? It's OK. Just know you can have all the ba-ba's you want when you're over at Unca spirits."
Soul hadn't been sure what to expect from the bottle, sure it LOOKED like milk but a small part of him was worried it was gonna be formula or the like. Instead a warm rich creamy milk flooded his mouth and he was in big baby heaven, barely aware as Unca was trying to warn him about something. he had only taken hold of unca's arm because he didn't know what to do with his arm's anyways, and truthfully as he felt himself going total big baby, he didn't trust himself not to start rubbing the front of his diapers. there was a kinda weird pressure building up as he chugged and he let out a small whine that got even louder as the ba-ba was tugged out of his mouth, and he gave out a cry. "Noo! want more!" he babbled in a babyish tone and reached out with his arms as Unca placed the half drained ba-ba on the table. "I know sweetie, but I think I better burp you to be safe." unca said. "den more ba-ba?" soul asked hopefully. "of course." Unca said and soul stopped reaching for it, and clapped his hands together. "Yayy!"
Spirit was a little bit taken back by how rapidly soul was going baby brained, but then again it only made the little guy even more adorable. getting him shifted onto his lap and having a spit rag over a shoulder, he put the big babies head over that shoulder and started to gently but firmly pack his back, and get some pats in on that cute diapered ass. Soul was gurgling and coo'ing like the big baby he was and it didn't take long for a loud belch to erupt out of his mouth, along with a touch of spit up but hey, that was the game when you looked after big babies. he was about to ask if the baby was down when a soft hissing noise was heard, and then loud bubbly farts erupted from the big babies backside. "heh, somebody got make presents?" Spirit asked. "heheh yah yah! Soul making pwesents!" the baby brained boy giggled and scrunched up his face and gave a BIG grunt. the back of the diaper crackled and crinkled as it expanded out and spirit chuckled. "oh my, your making me such a BIG present! good boy soul! Though i can see why your daddy put you in double diapies~" "hehehehe Uh-huh!" the big baby finished destroying the back of his diaper  and well, wasn't exactly fresh smelling, but spirit didn't mind one little bit. "well mister stinky pants, if your all done., do you want a diapie change, or do you wanna finish your ba-ba?" Spirit asked, having a feeling he knew the answer. "BA-BA!"
The little guy conked out as he finished off his baby diaper, and Spirit carried him to a changing table he had set up in a makeshift nursery, to change his poo poo pampers. Or at least that had been the plan but halfway there there was a knock at the front door. There was no way Soul was just gonna leave a sleeping baby on the changing table, and it was quicker anyways to just double back and set the stinker in his playpen, then answered the door, shocked to see Black star. "Your uh..Your back sooner then expected." Spirit said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. "Yeahhh Death was just too anal tonight, and not in the good way. I mean, he's fucking amazing in the sack but was NOT worth the headache to-" Black star paused, getting a whiff and smirked. "Wow, already?" "hehehe yeah. Listen, why don't you come in, I'm gonna change the baby and put him down for a little nap, but I think you and me should have a talk about how to properly treat a little ball of cuteness like soul." Spirit said. "..why do i feel like I just got called into the principles office?" Black star asked, gulping.
The end, for now
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moeruhoshi · 5 years
Single parent x demon
“There, there,” Lucy cooed as she bounced her baby on her hip, the child crying into her chest for whatever made him upset. “Are you hungry, hmm? Should I go get your bottle?”
The baby only continued to cry, his fists balled up as he clenched the fabric of her shirt. She softly lifted his face to stare into his teary brown eyes, a toothless mouth shrieking for comfort he didn’t know how else to beg for.
“Maybe your binky will help,” The young mother sighed, walking them to his dresser to retrieve the pacifier that sat on the surface. She popped it between his lips, relieved as he began sucking on the rubber nipple, his cries silencing into sniffles. “Is that better now, Ryuu?”
The baby only blinked as his mother smiled, setting him down in his crib for the remainder of the night. He eagerly took hold of the stuffed dragon she offered him, a silk cloth coming down to wipe away the trails of his tears.
“Goodnight, my love,” She kissed his forehead before tucking him into bed with his favorite quilted blanket, instantly soothing him to sleep.
The clock now read two hours past the witching time, both Lucy and Ryuu fast asleep. The pacifier soon fell from the child’s drooping lips, the slobbered item rolling over his stuffed animal and falling between the bars onto the carpet Lucy had been gifted by a friend. It was round and old, but still fuzzy and a kind purple that the mother felt fit the baby’s room. They didn’t have much to live with, so Lucy took what she could get to make her home as homey as possible. 
The circular rug now lit with red letters, window curtains were left drawn open and shined the light of the full moon onto its center, fueled by the offering of a spilled human gift.
Ryuu began to stir as his lips puckered for the phantom nipple, his eyes glaring at the light filling the room. He rolled over and grabbed at the bars of his crib, confused as his mother was nowhere in sight, but instead a man stood and cracked his back.
“Geez, that hurt. How long has it been since someone summoned me?” He groaned and scratched his stomach, looking around for the human who called him. The baby burbled and bounced slightly on his feet, and the strange man turned to give him a look.
“A baby? Are you who called me here?” He looked to the floor and saw the binky covered in drool and soaking into one spot on the carpet, the moon casting its gaze upon it. “What a fluke. Here you go, kid.”
The man offered the small thing back to him before seeing the carpet hairs sticking to it, shuddering as he moved to find a wipe and clean it properly.
“I can’t exactly leave without giving you something, stupid laws.” He grumbled and let the kid suck on the rubber nipple again, staring at the blonde boy as he sat on his diaper-clad behind, tilting his head as the man sighed.
“Alright! I’m a demon king, my name is Natsu Dragneel,” He began, pointing to the horns and sharp fangs he sported. “You must got somethin’ pretty powerful in ya if all it took to summon me was some of your spit. But I’ll grant any wish you’ve got. I can’t get home if you don’t tell me what ya want, it can be anything. A new toy if you want, though that dragon you got there is pretty cool.”
He grinned and lifted the toy for the boy, making faux flying noises as he moved the dragon back and forth to imitate its moves in the air. The baby giggled, his pacifier falling out again as he smiled and clapped his hands, enjoying the mild entertainment before him.
“I could get you a real one of these, they’re not easy to train, but I think you’ve got a lot of magic, kid. Not a lot of humans do anymore, I could teach you how to use it if that’s what you want.”
The baby only continued to sit and stare, reaching his hands out to be held as he became restless again. Natsu rose a brow as he lifted the small boy, balancing him on one arm as his hand held his back. 
“I wonder if this counts as givin’ you somethin’. But I doubt it, do you really not know how to say anything?” The demon exasperated as Ryuu pat his cheeks and pulled on his shirt, lost in the maze of his baby mind as Natsu mildly bounced him.
“You’re a pretty calm kid,”  He observed as the boy rested his head against Natsu’s shoulder and sucked his thumb. “Most babies don’t trust people right away, what’s your mom been teachin’ ya? How to be weird? Can’t be all that bad if it means you cause less trouble, I guess. But I don’t think you should, alright? Not everyone’s as nice as me, got it?”
“Damn, you’re kinda cute, y’know? And you smell nice, do all babies smell this good?” Natsu’s nose buried in his hair as the kid began to drift off, cozy against the oddly warm person who blathered on.
“Pa...pa...” Ryuu produced the word as he fell asleep, not really knowing what he had said, nor knowing how that triggered the contract to be etched on his and both Natsu’s soul.
“So you want a dad, hmm? Alright, I’ll see what I can do,”
“Lu-chan! Lu-chan, are you up?!” Levy called as she entered the Hearfilia apartment with her key, balancing a tray of coffee and bag of bagels in one hand before setting it down on the kitchen counter.
“In the shower!” She hollered back, the blue haired girl sighing with a smile as she fixed the food and turned on the T.V to catch up on the news. 
“Ah! Not in your mouth, Ryuu, we don’t eat bubbles, remember?” Lucy rinsed the suds resting atop her son’s small fist, finishing her own hair with one hand as she held him in the other. Their dual shower ended shortly after, the blonde letting her son rest in the sink as she tied a towel around herself and picked him up in his even softer one.
“I’ll be ready in a minute, Levy-chan, do you mind getting Ryuu ready? I already laid out his clothes,” The shorter girl nodded as she eagerly took the baby in her hands, Lucy rushing into her own bedroom to finish preparing for the day.
“Alright, little dragon. Let’s get you ready, hmm? Isn’t it fun when Aunt Levy helps you get ready?” She hummed to the baby as she carefully dried him off, setting him down on his diaper changing table, fitting him for a new pair. She slipped his pudgy arms and legs into the red and white striped onesie, the next layer being a thin jean-like set of overalls. The weather outside called for a jacket as well, the baby ready to go after a ten-minute session. She grabbed his favorite stuffed toy and blanket from his crib, taking them to be packed in his diaper bag.
“Almost ready!” Lucy called as she finished slipping on a plain black dress and pink cardigan, tying her hair into a bun with some loose strands to adorn her features. She never bothered with makeup, much too busy rushing around with her son to take the time. Her matching flats were on in a second as she swung open her bedroom door, quick legs carrying her down the short hallway as she entered the shared living/dining room space. 
“How’s my baby boy? Does your fruit taste good?” The blonde mother wooed and pressed several kisses to her son’s forehead as he sat in his highchair and ate the pureed mush Levy fed to him.
“Blended baby food is better than the packaged pulp, trust me,” Levy explained to the boy who continued to eat quietly, smiling and giggling when she made airplane noises for him. 
“I could’ve slept another hour if we didn’t have a staff meeting today,” Lucy groaned as she multi-tasked, eating her own breakfast as she packed Ryuu’s food for the rest of the day.
“Don’t remind me,” Levy sighed, stretching as she sat up with the empty bowl, the Heartfilia son now drinking from a bottle of cold milk. “We get the same schpeel every time, these are becoming pointless,”
“Well, at least you get to spend some extra time with Gray-sensei, right, Ryuu? You like playing with Gray-sensei, right? Loke-sensei too, yeah?”
“Speaking of whom,” Levy wiggled a brow as Lucy rolled her eyes, drooping a towel over her shoulder and lifting her son up, patting his back as she began to burp him. “He asked you out, right?”
“Loke asks everyone out, Levy-chan. I’m in no place to date, nor would I let it be him.” She shuddered, content as her son let out a loud burp.
“I think you should still take advantage, get yourself some.” Lucy sputtered as her best friend cackled with a wicked laugh.
“Oh shut up! I don’t want any! Especially not with someone who takes care of my son, for heaven’s sake, Levy-chan!”
“Sure, sure. You’ll change your mind once you meet the right guy,”
“Sounds like you just want to brag about how happy you are with Gajeel.” Lucy stuck her tongue out as she picked up her bags and led them out of the apartment, Levy locking the door as they left.
“Maybe...” She puffed her reddened cheeks, grabbing the diaper bag from Lucy’s shoulder as they walked down to her car. 
The ride to the daycare was only ten minutes from her home, Levy waiting next to the car as Lucy unbuckled Ryuu and grabbed his bag. 
“You wait right here! I don’t want you saying anything weird.” She hissed to the blue-haired girl who only snickered and ushered her to walk into the child-care building.
“Good morning!” Lucy called from the front as she let herself in, walking toward the designated room for infants. 
“Hey, Lucy, good morning.” Gray yawned as he met her inside the room, folding a stack of blankets in the corner of the room, Loke waving from the smaller playground outside. “And you too, Ryuu.”
“Sorry to ask you guys to take him early, I really appreciate it,” She said as she handed off the small boy, marveled in the sight of him smiling and lifting the baby above his head.
“No biggie, that’s what we’re here for. Has Ryuu eaten yet?” He asked, and Lucy nodded, handing him the virtual duffel bag as well. 
“Some fruit and a bottle of milk, I mixed his lunch together too, and I put two bottles of milk in there for him. He was a little fussy last night, but his pacifier seems to calm him down a lot more if you don’t know why he’s crying.”
“He doesn’t cry when he’s with us,” Gray scoffed as Lucy feigned a nod, surprised as the door suddenly slid open behind her.
“Found the other blankets, they were in the wrong room,” A pink haired man grinned as he brought in the basket, his eyes catching Lucy’s for a moment.
“We just hired this loser, his name’s Natsu.” He gestured to the now scowling man who turned to the mother with a hand held out for greeting.
“He’s the loser, just so you know. Natsu Dragneel, nice ta meetcha!”
“Y-Yeah, nice to meet you too,” Her cheeks felt a bit hot as she stared at his charismatically wide grin, her attention soon stolen by her son waving his arms for the new teacher.
“Heya, squirt,” Natsu smiled to the baby as he took him from Gray’s hold, Ryuu instantly clinging to him.
“You must be really good with kids,” Lucy awed, her lip quivering a bit at the cute sight of her son leaning against his shoulder. “Ryuu never hugs people right away.”
“You got that right, better than that lame-o outside.” He snickered and pat the kid’s back. “Ryuu, huh? Looks like we’re gonna be friends from now on,”
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jungshookz · 6 years
ceo!yoongi - daddy’s little girl
Tumblr media
→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ summary: it seems like hwayoung might have a favourite parent, and, spoiler alert: it’s not you.
→ genre: ceo!yoongi universe, fluFF aka jimin and hwayoung in matching teddy jackets, angst because parenthood is hard, lil touch of smut because yoongi n y/n have missed each other and hwayoung keeps cockblocking them womp womp
→ wordcount: 5.5k
→ notes: if you missed the ceo!yoongiverse as much as i did i hope you’ll like this drabble!! i’m sorry it took so long ya girl’s been buSY as heck! anyways i have moVed on from google translate and i have a vEry special translator who i will not expose in case they want to remain anonymous but for those of you who were horrified by the google translate korean from a couple drabbles ago i hope this time around it’s better!! also i couldn’t come up with a better title so get ur minds out of the guTTER
if you have no idea whO ceo!yoongi is, go ahead and read the fic that started it allllllllll anyways i hope you guys like this one! feel free to flood the friCK out of my inbox i love dat shit
or if you’re interested in reading other ceo!yoongi drabbles: the proposal | x | the wedding | x | the first date | x | jealousy | x | baby makes three | x | the fishnet stockings | x | baby min’s timeline | x | the birth of baby min | x |
if u wanna ask yoongs or y/n (or hwayoung?? u won’t get a lot outta her unfortunately) anything u know what to do ;-)
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
you’re pretty sure hwayoung hates you
which is NOT fair because you gRew her for nine months and um also YOU BIRTHED HER
“we’re never going to get this diaper on if you keep kiCking me” you scowl as her tiny foot digs into your (still sensitive) stomach and you wince in pain
how the frick do diapers work
it’s just deconstructed underwear and you can’t even figure it out
which way is the back????
“okay, let me just…” you lift her up a little and slide the diaper underneath and plop her bum back down
no that doesn’t look right
maybe that’s the front???
“sorry, wait-“ you lift her up again and she gurgles when you whIp the diaper away from under her “okay, now i got it”
you’re about to reach out to lift her up again but then
o frick
you sigh frustratedly when her face crumples up and she starts to wail “oH my god girl why are you crying?? what is there to cry about?????? do you want to hang out in a poopy diaper all day???? i’m trying to help you!!”
she starts to cry harder and now yOU want to cry
your ears are literally about to start bleeding
this girl has a pair of lungs for sure
“hey, what’s wrong? y/n, what did you do?” you turn as yoongi walks into the nursery looking as concerned as ever
“wha- what makes you think i did something??” you scoff and yoongi plucks the diaper from your hand
“오~케이 아빠왔다! 아빠가 기저귀 빨리 갈아줄게! [oh...okay... daddy’s here! daddy’s gonna change your diaper!]” yoongi tuts and slides the diaper underneath her and her wails begin to reduce to small hiccups and whimpers “y/n, jagi, i know you’re tired but maybe you shouldn’t yell at our two-month-old child, hm?”
“i wasn’t yelling-“
“you kind of were” yoongi mutters and you clench your fists in frustration
you can’t help it
you haven’t slept in like a week so you’re exhausted and you feel like you’re about to pass out all the time
your boobs are always just,.., leaKIng
your nipples!!! are so chaffed!!! and so raw!!!!!!!!
all of your clothes are now stained with multiple types of bodily fluids
you watch as yoongi tightens the straps and then sticks the little tabs down
and the whole time
hwayoung doesn’t move and barely makes a peep
she gurgles as he tucks her legs back into the onesie and buttons her little outfit back up
“alright, you chunky monkey” he pinches her thighs and grins down at her “we’re all done! 아~ 내 째깐한기— 누구 딸이길레 이렇게 귀여운거야? [oh, you’re so cute - whose baby is this cute?]” he coos and tickles her plump lil belly
he rubs his nose against hers and her tiny palm slaps against his cheek
yoongi picks her up and cradles her in his arms and she sucks her fist into her mouth
“how about you go and take a shower? i can take care of her for a bit” yoongi murmurs and yanks her fist out of her mouth
she whines and shoves her fist back in
he doesn’t give you a choiCe because then he’s walking out of the nursery
guess you’re taking a shower
you let out a long sigh as the hot water rains down on you
you don’t know how you’re going to survive motherhood
it’s already so hard
you can’t even put a diaper on
you know what
motherhood is difficult buT you know for a fact it’s going to become easier
just give it some time
everything will be fine
the sudden sound of wailing jolts you awake and you sit up immediately
the baby monitor next to you is blinking like crazy
u don’t even need the baby monitor to tell u that hwayoung is crying because her cries are so loUD
you reach over and turn on the lamp and let out a sigh
there’s some shuffling next to you and yoongi reaches over and places a hand on your bare thigh
“i got it, don’t worry.” yoongi murmurs and rubs the sleep out of his eyes with his other hand
“you had a long day at work today… i can take care of it” you bring his hand up to your mouth and press a kiss over his knuckles
“no… no….i…i got it…” yoongi rolls over onto his stomach and flops an arm over your lap
he’s basically fallen back asleep and you can’t help but snort quietly at your husband
you run your fingers through his hair gently before pushing him back so that he’s on his back
you let out another yawn and crawl out of bed
“coming, i’m coming…” you make your way down the hall to hwayoung’s room
you are so tired you could pass out right now
“hi, sweet girl… can’t sleep, hm?” you scoop her up into your arms and she tucks her face into the crook of your neck and continues to sob
you can feel your shoulder getting wet from the copious amount of tears and snoT being produced by your child as you pace back and forth
you spend the next twenty or so minutes trying to calm her down but nothing seems to be working
she keeps spitting out her pacifier
you tried bouncing her and it didn’t work
you cradled her in your arms and sat in the rocking chair and it didn’t work
you even tried singing that stupid tomato song that jungkook and jimin sing to her that she seems to like (u don’t really know the lyrics so it was basically just you saying ‘tomato’ over and over again but in the tune of the song lmao)
“she’s still crying?” you look over your shoulder to see yoongi standing by the door
you’re about to respond but hwayoung lets out another ear-piercing sob
he scratches at his bare chest and lets out a yawn before holding his arms out “c’mere, give her to me”
you’re about to protest because u want to prove to yourself AND yoongi that you are capable of making your guys’ child stop crying but like
your arms are starting to get tired
and hwayoung doesn’t seem like she’s going to stop crying any time soon
the moment yoongi takes her into his arms her cries start to quiet down significantly and you’re like ????????
are u having a fever dream
is this even happening right now
“yeah, there we go… 아이고야, 아기야 울지말거라.....[no need to cry…]” yoongi coos and pats her back gently
a fat tear rolls down her cheek as she shuts her eyes and-
did she just fall asleep
she totally just fell asleep
“hey, look at that! easy-peasy.” yoongi teases but the smile drops from his face when he sees that you are very noT amused
“that is so not fair.” you grumble and watch him put her back in her crib
as days start bleeding into weeks you can’t help but realise just how exhausting being a mother is
you can’t even grasp the basic concept of time because you’ve been hanging out at home all day and all night
you only know it’s nighttime whenever yoongi comes back from work
yoongi’s been a vEry supportive and doting husband and father even though you know he’s super busy at work
he offers to make dinner and he gives you back massages when you need it
he’s always the first one outta bed whenever hwayoung starts crying in the middle of the night
jimin and kook stop by from time to time
most of the time they bring food for you which you’re very grateful for
the point is
usually you have someone there with you whenever things get rough
but tonight
tonight is really testing you
yoongi isn’t going to be home for a little while longer
jimin is busy at work with yoongi
jungkook’s hanging out with his other pals tonight
so it’s just you and your baby
speaking of your baby
hwayoung is being especially difficult tonight
more difficult than usual
you can’t help but wonder if she inherited the stubborn gene from you (the answer is yes in case it wasn’t already painfully clear)
she hasn’t cried in two hours which is concerning because she usually bursts into tears like every twenty minutes
that means when she eventually cries it’s going to be the most intense waiLS you think you’ll ever get from her
“you sure you don’t want any milk?” you let out a sigh of frustration as you try feeding her your nipple and she moves her head away before bursting into tears “c’mon, just-“ you try manoeuvring her head towards your boob again and she whips her head away “hwayoung, please, mommy’s boob is literally probABly going to explode if you don’t-“ she starts to cry harder and you’re pretty sure she’s going to pop a lung if she doesn’t stop “okay okAY okay no milk no milk” you shush and stand up and start bouncing her gently
you wince and reach up to cup your boob
o god
your boobs hurt so fuckign much
you need to pump some milk out before you pass out
you haven’t used the breast pump yet because hwayoung’s been diligent with the milk drinking but for some reason she’s refused to drink aLL day today which has resulted in what you think is an ovERProduction of milk in your boobs
“shh, it’s okay, there’s nothing to cry about…” you mutter as you go through the cupboards and- “ah! found it!!”
“mommy’s just gonna put you down here, okay?” hwayoung’s calmed down a bit but you know she’s still irritated because she keeps fussing and whining
you lie her down on the couch and take a seat next to her
you don’t think you’ve ever felt suCh relief in your life when you finally attach the pump to your boob and it starts suCkINg the milk out of your body
“thank god..” you sigh and rest your head back against the couch
all that can be heard in the room is the continuous pumping of the machine with hwayoung’s occasional babble thrown in
everything’s fine
you glance over and-
“hwayoung-!” you gasp and imMediately reach out to grab her before she can roll off the damn couch
and then all hell breaks loose
your hand knocks against the bottle attached to your boob when your arms whIP out to grab onto her
the bottle tumbles onto the ground and you literally want to die when the milk spills out and starts soaking into the rug
that was
that was like all of your milk
that was hwayoung’s meal and it’s all gone
“fuckin-“ hwayoung’s shrieking at this point and you have no idea what to do
here you are in the middle of the living room with a boob hanging out of your nurSing bra with your child crying into the crook of your neck
“okay, it’s fine, don’t cry!” you seem like you’re telling yourself that rather than hwayoung
you groan in pain when you shoVe your sore boob back into your bra and you don’t even bother buttoning yoongi’s shirt up because there’s no timE
“okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, mommy’s here,” you try to shush hwayoung as you furiously dab at the carpet with her ducky blanket
she’s squirming in your grip and you wince when she smacks her tiny fist against your face
“-daddy heard your crying all the way from- woAh what the hell” the last thing yoongi expects to see when he walks into the penthouse is the sight of you on your knees scrubbing at the carpet while cradling hwayoung in your arms (who is squirming so much she’s literally about to faLL out of your arms)  
“take her, i need to clean up the milk” yoongi rushes over and takes hwayoung from you and you immediately zip to the kitchen to grab the cleaning supplies
“눈물 뚝... [don’t cry, don’t cry...]” yoongi whispers and bounces her in his arms
she continues blubbering and big fat tears roll down the sides of her face “화영아 울지마... 아빠야.. [hwayoungie, don’t cry... it’s daddy...] no, no! don’t cry, it’s okay!] y/n, what happened??”
“i- it’s fine, everything’s fine, it was an accident,” you breathe out as you come back with a damp cloth “-i was pumping milk and i put her down and i wasn’t paying attention and she was wiggling around a lot and i guess she squirmed all the way to the edge of the couch buT BUT i caught her! i caught her and ended up ripPing the pump off my boob-“ you drop to your knees and start dabbing at the milk
it’s too late
most of it has soaked into the rug and you don’t want the living room to reek of your crusty breast milk when it fully dries
you should grab the bleach
but this rug was eXPENSIVE
“i’ll go put her to bed, okay? i’ll be right back”
you don’t know if it’s the hormones or the lack of sleep or whatever but suddenly you feel your eyes starting to well up with tears the moment you’re left alone
it’s just
you’re so overwhelmed and so tired
hwayoung hates you
you can’t do anything right
you can’t even put a damn diaper on your baby
you can’t get her to drink from your stupid boob
and not to mention it took you like 20 minutes to figure out how to attach a pump to your boOb
your movements start to slow down significantly when it hits you
you’re an unfit mother
it’s true
you are an unfit mother
“she’s a bit fussy tonight, no?” yoongi jokes as he comes down the stairs
he purses his lips when you don’t reply and continue to scrub fuRIously at the rug “…lemme help-“
“no, it’s okay.” you shake your head quickly and swallow the lump growing in your throat
yoongi kinda stands there awkwardly because he doesn’t know,..,,. what to do.,.,
“okay. uh… do you… want pizza for dinner? cauliflower crust good with you.” he jokes aGain as he loosens his tie
and once again
he’s met with nothing but silence
he feels like this is the calm before the storm
something’s coming
u know what
he’s just going to call the pizza place
he’ll make sure to get extra garlic dip for u
hopefully that’ll cheer you up a bit
you lean back against the couch and look down at the dark patch on the rug
okay well
you got most of the milk out
so everything is fine now
everything is fine
you press your lips together to try and suppress the incoming soB because you know yoongi’s tired and he probably doesn’t want to deal with-  
“i’m a terrible mother!” you burst into tears and immediately reach up to cover your face with your hands and yoongi jumps in surprise
thEre it is
“baby, no! you’re not a terrible mother!!” yoongi’s brows knit together and he drops to the ground right next to you
you immediately launch yourself into yoongi’s arms and bury your face into the crook of his neck
“i just don’t understand why i can’t do anything right like i can’t [hiccup] even change her diaper i don’t know [sob] what the f-front of the diaper looks like and what the back of the diaper [hiccup] looks like and she won’T EVEN drINk from my b-boob so now my boobs huRT [sob] and i know it’s not her fault because it’s always my fault i’m the one who keeps messing up howamisupposedtotakecareofababywhenicanbarelytakecareofmyself-“  
yoongi can barely understand what you’re saying because your words are muffled and you’re blurring them together pluS you’re uncontrollably sobbing but he manages to make out a couple of your sentences
he lets you cry and cry and crY out all your anger and sadness and frustrations for the next ten minutes until you quite literally have no tears left to cry
you sniffle and pull away from yoongi
your eyes are watery and puffy and your nose is red and your lips are swollen “…so how was work?”
“you aren’t a terrible mother.” yoongi deadpans before reaching up to cup your cheeks “how’d you manage to get that silly idea into your head?”
you scoff and reach up to wipe at your eyes “yoongi, i can’t do anything right. you’re nailing this whole being a parent thing and i’m just fucking it up for everyone.”
“no, you’re not! and you’re not alone, you know that! we’re both in this together - last time i checked, hwayoung is half of you and half of me. i have my fuck up moments too! i didn’t tell you this because i didn’t want you to get mad but i accidentally clipped hwayoung’s finger when i was cutting her fingernails and there was a little bit of blood but-“
“you whAT-“
“-not to mention, you have jimin and unfortunately you have jungkook too but the point is you are not alone in this!!! i know things are hard right now because babies are difficult but you are not a terrible mother. you take care of hwayoung-ie so well and you love her so much and i can’t even think of any woman more perfect than you to raise my child. it’ll get better, i promise. but for now, the most important thing you need to know is that you are not a terrible mother.” yoongi holds your face up “look at me and say it.”
your eyes flicker up to him before they look back down at the rug “…u r not a terrible mother”
“y/n, seriously-“
“i am not a terrible mother.” you murmur and reach up to wipe at your puffy eyes
“i would ask you to say it louder but i’m not risking waking the baby up.” yoongi laughs lightly and wipes a stray tear away for you before giving you a sweet lil kiss “you okay?”
“ya i guess so... you still gonna order pizza for us?”
“with extra cheese?”
“and stuffed crust?”
“…well now you’re just pushing it buT yes, you deserve stuffed crust.”
yoongi was right
things got better
“what’s the matter with this film?? it’s about mermaids! i’m sure you’ll grow to like mermaids.” you look over at hwayoung who’s just chilling in her little rocker
since you and yoongi are ~millennial~ parents obviously you guys had to get your baby more modern things
it’s a rocker that rocks itself!!
..or maybe u guys are just lazy lol
hwayoung gurgles and her little arms flail around a bit
“unless you wanna watch basketball or something.” you mutter and switch the channel
you’re sitting on the ground next to her and the both of you are just enjoying each others’ company
once again hwayoung’s pudgy bread roll arms flail around
“what’s the matter, miss fussy?” you coo and pull her out of the rocker gently and proceed to place her on your chest
you lower the volume on the tv because you figure she’d appreciate more silence since she’s tryna go to sleep
“alright alright just gimme a second to get comfortable.” you can’t help but laugh when she lets out the tiniest most adorable yawn
you sit on the couch and lean back a bit and hwayoung burrows her face into the crook of your neck before turning and squishing her cheek against your shoulder
you pause
“…hwayoung?” you whisper and awkwardly crane your neck so you can kINda look at her face
oh my god
she fell asleep
no way
you press your lips together to keep yourself from scREECHING in excitement because she nEVER falls asleep in your arms!!!!!!! EVER
holy shit
oh god
now you can’t move because u don’t want to wake her up
u know what it’s totally fine because the point is hwayoung is sleeping on yOU
“i can do this.” you breathe out as you look up at the ceiling
you can do this
you’re not a terrible mother
yoongi shuts the door behind him as quietly as he can
the penthouse is eerily quiet tonight and yoongi’s only slightly concerned
he’s tempted to call out for you but he doesn’t want to just in case-
yoongi has to press his lips together to suppress the big fat grin on his face because there you are
there you are
asleep on the couch with an arm hanging off the edge while the other is wrapped around hwayoung
meanwhile hwayoung is sprawled on top of you with her lil cheek smushed against your chest
her little duckie blanket is tossed over her
the two of you are drooling which yoongi finds absolutely endearing
“c’mere...” yoongi scoops hwayoung up from your chest and cradles her in his arms
she stirs in her sleep and her little nose twitches (yoongi wants to melt right then and there because she definitely picked that up from you!!)
he tucks her into bed as slowly as possible so that she doesn’t wake up
of course his head knocks into the mobile hanging above her bed and it jingles a little bit
luckily she’s a deep sleeper
he picks up her little chocolate chip cookie plushie (you named it shooky for some reason which don’t even make any damn sense) and places it right next to her head
and then he just takes a moment to admire her
that’s his little baby
that’s his daughter
he never thought he’d be a dad this young
he didn’t even think he’d be married this young but
u know what
life works in funny ways
and he’s pretty sure he’s the luckiest guy in the world
the floorboards creak under his feet as he makes his way back to you
he bends down and reaches over to move a strand of hair away from your face
“y/n…” yoongi whispers and smiles fondly when you stir in your sleep
there’s that nose twitch
you peel an eye open before reaching over to cup yoongi’s jaw “hey… you’re finally ho-“ suddenly you sit straIGHt up and look down
“i put her in bed a minute ago” you visibly relax and you let out a sigh before lying back down
“she fell asleep on me tonight” you hum happily “i think she likes me”
yoongi snorts and rolls his eyes before getting back up onto his feet “c’mon, you. let’s get you into bed too” you let out a whine and swat lazily at his hand
“i’m too tired to move”
yoongi bends down to pick you up
you wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps your legs around his waist
“c’mon, you big baby.”
he bounces you a little to make sure he has a good grip on you and you hum
this position feels very familiar hEhe
“i thought you were tired” yoongi teases when he feels you begin to plant kisses down his neck as he makes his way up the stairs
“changed my mind” you murmur
one hand wraps around the nape of his neck
meanwhile your other hand wraps around his bicep and you give him a lil squeeze
hoLy moly
“have you been working out?” you pull away from him and yoongi raises his eyebrows
“if by rocking our child to sleep every night for like two hours straight, then yes, i have been working out”
yoongi plops you down on the mattress before settling in between your legs
you wrap your legs around his waist and yoongi can’t help but laugh because he’s trYIng to undo his tie but you keep pawing at him
“what’s gotten into you??” you’ve sat up to unbuckle his belt
you are a woman on a mission
and he’s not complaining
you’re just being vERY speedy
“our baby might start crying at any moment-“
“she sleeps like a log-“
“buT she always starts crying at the most inconvenient time!! it’s like she knows everythING that goes on- christ, you’re really taking your sweet time with- you know what-“ suddenly everything whiRLS and yoongi’s staring up at the ceiling
he blinks twice
what the heck
“now shut up and enjoy the ride.”
he really is the luckiest guy in the world
“look, we match!” jimin beams
he has hwayoung cradled in his arms and she’s sucking on her fist while wearing the most adorable teddy jacket
and jimin
jiMIN is wearing an equally as adorable teddy jacket and you’re pretty sure your heart stops beating when he nuzzles his nose into her cheek
they’re both so squishy
she places her hand over his mouth and pinches his plump bottom lip in response and he yelps in pain which then triggers hwayoung to become a giggling mess
“y/n, take a picture!!” jimin hands you his phone and points to you in an attempt to get hwayoung to look at the camera
she keeps staring at him as if she were completely entranced by his beauty which.,.,. is fair
jungkook appears behind you and starts whistling and popping his tongue “정국삼촌보세요!!! [look at uncle jungkook!]”
jimin grins for the camera and squishes his cheek against hwayoung’s as he squeezes her tight
hwayoung squeals in delight when jungkook sticks his tongue out and crosses his eyes and you snap the picture quickly
“got it??” jimin bounces hwayoung up and down while continuing to squish his cheek against hers
you nod and hand his phone back to him expEcting him to give you hwayoung
“i’m taking her for the rest of the day!! i have to show the reSt of the office my baby”
“your baby?? i’m the one who pushed her out of my vagina!” you scoff and jimin puShes past you while baby-talking to hwayoung
“look at you in your little teddy jacket, you cutie! uncle jimin loves spoiling you, yes he does! i’m gonna take you on a shopping spree and you can buy whatever your little heart wants!”  
she babbles back to him and shoves her fist back into her mouth
“화영이 내꺼~야, 삼촌이 더 좋지? [hwayoung is mine~ i’m better, right?]” jimin coos and you watch as he disappears down the hallway
you’re probably never going to get your child back now
jungkook didn’t think he’d like hwayoung as much as he does because like
babies are disgusting
and annoying
and loud
and they drool and poop everywhere and they’re just constantly leaking fluids
but bitch
he is W HI P P ED for this baby with a capital wH
“i love tummy time, don’t you?” jungkook sighs and rests his cheek against his fist before looking over at hwayoung
he reaches over to squeeze her bread roll arm
“i’m gonna eat ur little bread roll arms yes i am yes i am” he shifts closer and leans down to nip at her elbow and she squawks
you can’t help but snort before returning your attention back to your laptop
you set up hwayoung’s mobile in yoongi’s office and jungkook popped over with your coffee and is supposed to go back to work immediately but here he is lying on the floor with your baby
hwayoung gurgles before letting out a huff and squishing her cheek against the floor
keeping your head up is hard work okAy give her a break
jungkook flips over onto his back and reaches up to whack at the little moon plush that’s hanging from the top of the mobile
hwayoung lets out a muffled whine because her face is currently smooshed against the floor seeing that she cannoT LIFT HER HEAD SOMEONE HELP HER
“알았~어 인제 한번 뒤집어보자? [okay~ how about we flip you over?]” jungkook tilts his head backwards so that he can look at hwayoung but all he sees is the top of her head
he sits up before turning and picking hwayoung up gently and flips her over like a lil pancake
“jungkook, careful” you scowl and jungkook waves you off before reaching down to flick the moon plush
hwayoung reaches up to try and grab it
her chubby fingers brush against the bottom of it and jungkook coos
“you can’t reach the moon because of your sausage fingers, ya loser” he teases and reaches down to boop her nose and she swats at his finger
jungkook is still hooked on this bread roll arm thing (he’ll never get over it for as long as he lives) and pretty soon all that can be heard in the room is him fAWning over hwayoung
“얘는 팔에 식빵 있네! 식빵 사세요!!! [this baby has bread-roll arms! come buy this bread!]” he laughs as he wiggles her plump arm around
“and if those papers aren’t on my desk by monday morning 8am you can consider yourself fiREd” yoongi barks before slamming the phone back down onto the receiver “ridiculous! absolutely ridiculous” he scoffs and whips around
hwayoung squawks in the baby carrier and wraps her tiny fingers around yoongi’s pointer finger
“하.. 나진짜! [i mean, seriously!]” yoongi bounces up and down as he continues to ramble on and on “이 사람들은 내 시간 낭비하는게 일인가.. 서류 작성하는게 뭔 어려운 일이라고...??[these people are wasting my time! how hard is it to fill out documents??]”
when the korean comes out that’s when you know yoongi’s suPer pissed
you poke your head through the crack of the door and you’re only a little surprised to see yoongi pacing back and forth ranting angrily while hwayoung lets out the occasional babble
she looks at you like she wants you to save her from this hELL because yoongi’s bouncing her a little bit too aggressively now
she’s got her fingers wrapped around his pointer finger as he goes oN and oN
yoongi looks down at the baby attached to his chest “don’t you think this is ridiculous? i’m probably going to have to start firing people at this rate.”
hwayoung looks up at him and gurgles
“누구 해고하는거 내 마음인데, [i can fire whoever i want] thank you very much.”
“얘네 무능하다 [they’re incompetent], that’s why!”
this seems like a daddy-daughter moment
you’ll leave them alone for now
“you look like such a dad.” you snort and yoongi glances over at you before returning his attention to the TV
“i am a dad.”
he’s wearing a plaid button-up pyjama top with a t-shirt underneath (because it’s still a lil cold out) and hwayoung is lying on his chest just snoozing away
she’s wearing a matching plaid onesie which is adorable and u know yoongi did it on puRpose
you sit down next to yoongi and peek at hwayoung
her cheek is squished against his chest and you can’t help but poke her little nose
you rest your head on yoongi’s shoulder n he gives the top of your head a kiss
in this moment you can’t help but feel overwhelmingly happy
because you love your husband
and you love your daughter
“…i think hwayoung just pooped.”
…and you love your lil family of three.
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rottmntrulesall · 5 years
So awhile back, I wanted to do some prompts with my Little Sister Venus AU, but I knew if I tried to do one at a time, I’d never get it done. So I’m going to combine said prompts with @fanfic-inator795 's human AU fanfic “Dating... With Children”. (READ IT, IT’S SO GOOD). Venus is already apart of the family in this head canon. She’s ten months old here. 
Venus’ First Word
       Raph, Donnie, and Leo watched with amusement as Mikey was trying (and failing) to teach Venus how to speak. Mainly say his name first of course. “Repeat after me, Mi...key. Mi....KEY...Mikey! Mikey! See? So easy.” Michelangelo stated confidently, staring at his baby sister, Venus. Said sister continued to stare at him, while she dribbled on her pacifier. “Mi...Key. Say it, Venus. Mah-eye-kuh-eee." Mikey coaxed, staring intently into his sister's eyes. "Muhmuh!" Venus squealed through her pacy, giggling and clapping her tiny hands together excitedly. Mikey hung his head. "No..." He sighed, and rubbed his hair in frustration. "She's not getting it at all!" The youngest brother groaned as Raph knelt beside him. "Maybe it's because not all babies are able to say the names of a loved one?" Donnie said with a laugh. "You have to start small. For example: Venus, can you say Boobs? Boo-buh-s?" He asked, watching as the infant’s chocolate brown eyes widened. "Boo Buh! Boo Buh!" Venus exclaimed. "Holy crap! She said Boob!" Leo cried. "How'd you do it?" Mikey demanded, whirling around to face Donnie, who shrugged in response.
"Infants need nourishment, often found in breastmilk. Even in Venus' case, where she's fed formula, the bottle is still designed to resemble the nipple. Breasts are very important for babies." He assured. "Ohhhh... I get it." Mikey said (he actually didn’t). Leo turned to face Venus. "Venus, can you say Leo? Lee-oh?" He asked sweetly. Donnie stared at his twin annoyed. "How does THAT connect to infants?!" He cried. Now it was Leo who gave the "My-God-You're-Stupid" look.
"As the favorite older brother, I am important for Venus’ nourishment. I provide a healthy dose of awesome, coolness, razz matazz..." Leo trailed off, as the remaining three brothers glared at him. "Venus is too young to be picking favorites, and even if she weren’t, I can assure you the favorite brother isn’t you!" Donnie snapped, getting in his brother’s face, before facing Venus again. Only to see Raph blocking his view. "How about Raph? Rrraaa-fuh?" Raph asked. "Buh Buh!" Venus said happily, beaming at her eldest brother and waving her tiny fists in the air enthusiastically. "No, that's not right, either." Raph sighed again. "Your turn." He grumbled to Leo.
"Can you say titty? Tee-tee?" Leo asked. His purple twin rolled his eyes, but stopped and gasped in shock as Venus exclaimed "Tee tee! Tee tee!" To which Leo and Mikey praised her with compliments such a "Good job, Venus!" and "What a smart girl!" Earning him squeals of delight from their baby sister. "You're going to turn her into some kind of pervert." A voice exclaimed from behind the boys. Said brothers all yelped and spun around to see Lou and Draxum staring down at them with amused/playful disapproving looks. "DAD! DRAXUM! How long have you guys been there!?!” Lou took his arm from around his boyfriend’s waist, and poked Leo’s nose. “Long enough to hear you boys trying to ‘corrupt’ your sister.” “We are not! She's just going to know a lot about the female body, seeing that she herself is female." Donnie stated defensively, a serious look on his face. “Especially the booby parts!” Mikey chirped, earning him a smack on the head from Raph. Lou shook his head at his sons. Glancing at his daughter, he figured he’d join in. He and Ben were just going to chill at home with the kids anyway. Why not try to get Venus to speak. In fact, he knew exactly what his little girl would say.
"Okay, Venus... How about... Hot Soup? Haa-tuh Suh-oo-puh?" Lou offered, his grin faltering as he was met with a blank stare from Venus. Draxum couldn’t help but chuckle at his love, of course Lou would want that to be Venus’ first words. “Come on, Venny baby. Hot...Soup. Just like Daddy. Hot...Soup. HOT...SOUP!” Venus just blew a spit bubble instead. "No?" He sighed and turned away. “Lou, don’t be too discouraged. Venus mental state isn’t yet fully developed for such words.” Draxum reassured him. “But Donnie said that babies ALWAYS start talking around her age!” Mikey whined. “Uh No. I said they sometimes start at her age. SOMETIMES, not always!” Donnie objected. “Be that as it may, we all have to be patient. Venus will speak when she is ready.” The four boys sighed, as Lou went over to pick up Venus. “Right now, it’s time for this little lady’s snack and naptime. Come on, Princes-” "Ha Sup! Ha Sup! HA SUP!!" Venus suddenly exclaimed excitedly. Leo and Donnie’s jaw dropped simultaneously, Raph and Mikey gasped. Draxum whipped his head around, as Lou grinned and nodded encouragingly. "Ha sup! HA SUP!!" Venus yelled. "And, just like that, you've started her down the path of a cheesy action star." Draxum chuckled, shaking his head. "Better than being a pervert or a nerd." Lou playfully retorted. "Not really." Draxum smirked and laughed.
"Oh, Damare." Lou muttered, tickling his daughter’s stomach. The little baby giggled, as her older brothers gushed over her speaking their father’s signature catch phrase. A moment later,  he felt Draxum wrap his arms around him. "Great work....baby-daddy." He whispered, smiling softly as Lou turned around slowly and looked up at him. "You too." Lou smiled lovingly. “Me? I didn’t do anything.” Draxum stated, as he felt his face flush, only to have Lou used his free arm tilt his face close to him, their lips inches away. Draxum could feel his warmth at this distance, could smell his sweet breath. It was so...
Just as their lips were about to meet, Venus let out another high-pitched squeal, and they jumped apart, startled. “Thank you, Venus. You spared us from a gross make out session.” Leo said with relief. Seeing his dad and Draxum kiss always turned his stomach.  Lou rolled his eyes and flicked Leo’s forehead, before  he headed to the kitchen to feed Venus. “Now, can we get Venus to say MY name now?” Donnie cut in. 
“No, my name!” 
“You wish! My name is waaaay easier for her to say!”
“As the favorite brother, I should be first!”
Draxum smiled and wrapped his arm around Lou’s shoulder, reaching over to tickle little Venus’ cheek.
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5sos-kingsandqueens · 5 years
The Dealer~Chapter 26~Calum Hood
Buying out of our lease sucked. It cost more than the rent I was paying but I was happy that we were able to move out and into a home!
While I was at work for the last few weeks, Calum had been packing up our place. It was difficult to pack while we still needed things so he started in the living room packing away books and movies and anything that was never used on a daily basis.
Next he moved onto winter clothes that weren't being used since the weather was warmer. It was difficult for me to let him pack because I liked things done a certain way. It was strange when he moved in because I was used to the routine I had and suddenly there was another person that I was caring for.
And then the baby came along and for a very long time I was frustrated when things didn't go my way.  There were things that I liked to do at the same time everyday and it seemed nearly impossible after having a baby who had different plans.
I had decided to take a few days off work so that I could help Calum pack our things. We had gotten the house inspected and we were ready to move in. Our lease was ending in a few weeks and we needed to get everything packed and moved.
My parents were here helping the best they could but they pretty much just watched the baby for us.
"We're going to take  trip to the house and drop some things off. Can you watch her for a few hours?" I asked.
"Of course we can." Calum drove the truck to the house while I drove my car. My next plan was going to get Calum a car so that when I went to work, he wouldn't be stuck in the house with the baby all day. He could take her out to do stuff. I knew it was going to get expensive so I've been having my dad help me look into leasing a car.
As as soon as we got to the house he started unloading boxes. Julia and Luke showed up not long after to help us. We worked as fast as we could so that we could get back to the apartment and start loading the truck and car up again.
I could tell that Calum was getting annoyed. It had been a very long day and people were constantly bothering us about things we wanted to keep or things we wanted to throw away. I rubbed his back as he stood to eat his pizza.
"You can go lay down for a few if you want." I whispered to him. "I'll hold down the fort. Just lock the door." Our mattress was on the floor in the apartment and as much as it sucked trying to get in and out of it, I wanted him to go relax. I knew if he didn't he would be angry and he would take it out on me later.
"I will after I eat." I smiled kissing him before turning back to my own piece. We appreciated the help from everyone but sometimes it was just annoying. Calum and I both were very much people who liked alone time. I liked spending time away from people including him.
Once we were finished eating Calum went to lay down while I stayed to pack more things. We had a month to move out of the apartment but I wanted to move into our house as soon as possible. Why would I stay living in a tiny two bedroom apartment when I could be living in my four bedroom home?
"Where did Calum go?"
"He went to lay down. Please leave him alone." I promised him that I wouldn't let anyone bother him. "I'm assuming he took V with him." I looked around and she wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Yes." My dad answered. I wiped everything down so that we wouldn't be charged a cleaning bill before moving onto Violet's closet. I packed away all of her stuffed animals and books. I also packed most of her bedding but left a few in case she spit up on it.
"We're gonna head out." My mom came into the room. "Thank you for dinner." She smiled.
"Thanks for helping us. We really appreciate it." I smiled standing to my feet. "I would hug you but I'm sweaty and probably smell."
"Don't worry, Darling." She smiled as I walked them to the front door. "Hopefully you'll be all moved in soon."
"Hopefully." I sighed. I wasn't too worried about the move itself. I was worried about unpacking everything in the new house. Calum would probably have to do most of it himself.
"With both of you working it's probably hard." I wasn't going to correct her. Calum wasn't working and he hadn't worked the entire time I've known him. He wasn't using me at all. He wanted to be here with our baby and I would rather him stay home with her than to work.
"Yeah. We'll figure something out." She smiled.
"Bye." They both left and I locked the door behind them. Calum came out a few minutes later as I was taping boxes.
"Finally." He sighed sitting against the wall. We had already moved everything from the living room.
"I'm sorry. I know they can be a lot." I looked over at him. Violet was sitting between his legs but leaning into him since she couldn't quite sit up on her own yet. "Can I take your picture?" I asked.
"Sure." He commented smiling as I took a picture of him and Violet. "Should we give this girlie a bath and then head to bed? I say we take apart the crib now and let her sleep in our bed. That way we can just put it in the truck tomorrow."
"Sure." I smiled standing up before picking her up and taking her to the bathroom. "Do you wanna take apart the crib while I give her a bath?"
"No." He commented sitting on the tub. "I don't know how to do it."
"I don't know how to do it either." I commented. "Luke built it." I shrugged. I was hugely pregnant by the time I had gotten the crib and I wasn't strong enough to hold it up.
"I'm sure I can figure it out." He commented placing a towel on his lap so I could place Violet in it and he could wrap her up. "Don't pee pee on me." He talked to her in a funny voice making her giggle.
"She giggled!" I shouted excited. "Oh my god! That was the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life." I don't know why but I teared up.
"What's wrong?" Calum asked pulling me into him.
"I'm just so happy." I cried trying to wipe my tears. My little girl was getting so big and I hated that I was going to miss even more of her life now that we were moving outside of the city. Usually it takes me 20 minutes to get to work. Now it's going to take over an hour with traffic.
"It was a beautiful sound I agree but I am exhausted so can we get her dressed so I can take the crib apart?"
"Yes, dear." I smiled picking out her pj's and got into bed with her trying to get her to sleep while Calum took apart the crib.
"What the fuck!" He shouted so many times making me giggle. I stood up from the bed with Violet in my arms and went into her room to help him. "Is she not going to sleep?"
"Not with all the shouting no." I giggled. "Do you need help?"
"Yes. Come hold these for me." He commented and I stood to help him. I wanted to ask him if he was still dealing drugs.
"Are you still dealing drugs?" I blurted. It was as if my brain wasn't working and my mouth took over. I mentally cursed myself because I did not want to fight about this.
"Yes." He casually commented. "It brings in extra money so that I can help you." I sighed.
"I don't need your help."
"It makes me feel like shit that you pay for everything for us." He commented.
"Then get a real job. You could be arrested." I commented as I laid a piece of the crib on the floor. The last thing I wanted was for him to be arrested and our apartment or house being searched for his drugs. I did not want to lose custody of Violet because he was doing something stupid.
"I tried to get a job remember? It didn't work out." I sighed again. I felt like I was going that a lot to him recently.
"I mean there has to be something you can do." I commented. He didn't respond as he took apart the crib but kept the screws together so that we could rebuild it once we moved into the house.
"Good night." He commented going to our room and laying down. I looked over at Violet who was still wide awake giggling in her seat.
"You think it's funny that daddy's mad at me?" I questioned her picking her up and sitting down in the rocking chair trying to get her to sleep. I stuck a pacifier in her mouth to help keep her calm but she just kept staring up at me. I sighed standing up and heading to our bedroom that was empty besides our mattress and a few articles of clothing. I quietly put Violet on the bed next to him before changing and getting in beside both of them.
Calum had his eyes closed but he tucked Violet into him and turned over so his back was to me.
"What's wrong?" I asked touching his back and he shrugged me off. I slowly lifted my hand off of him and rolled so our backs were to each other. I was freaking out. The last time this happened he left and I didn't hear from him for weeks.
I heard his breathing change not long after but I couldn't sleep. I hated knowing that he was mad at me and that we were moving into a house together tomorrow.
I got up early next the morning to start packing things into the moving truck and my car. We didn't have much left. I slowly carried each piece of the crib to the truck and set it up so that they wouldn't break when the truck started moving. I was able to get the last of our things into the truck before going to wake up Calum.
He quickly got Violet changed and handed her to me before going to change himself. The last thing to go was our mattress and thankfully he was able to get it into the truck by himself.
"I told them we would leave our keys." I commented putting the keys under the mat like the guy asked me to. It felt so strange that we were able to move into our own home. "I can't believe we're actually moving into a house."
"Yeah." He commented. I wasn't sure what the future held with our family. I had never asked Calum where it was going. I would love to spend the rest of my life with him and have more kids but I wasn't so sure anymore.
0 notes
sheps-shepherd · 8 years
Title: Intuition
Rating: G
Pairing: None (but lots of brotherly AschLuke and Guy being a good friend)
A/N: And here we go! This year’s Lorelei Day spectacular, featuring the return of what I’ve been lovingly referring to as the Brothers AU. I was originally going to write some sort of sequel to Traditions - last year’s story - but I decided to take the baby route this year in honor of my new nephew being born yesterday! I’ve had baby on the brain ever since. Enjoy!
[Modern AU/Canon Divergence]
Dedicated to Baby Ayden! <3 
It was a beautiful night to be awake at two in the morning. The sky was a rich inky black, with faint purple puddles of wispy clouds streaking out overhead. Small dots of twinkling stars were scattered throughout the mass, like sprinkles atop a black frosted cake. A perfectly round full moon completed the picture. A spot of bright white in the sea of darkness. And it was quiet. Practically silent, save for the occasional chime of a cricket or rustle of leaves as the wind whistled by.
Guy took his key from the ignition, tipped his head back, and yawned for all he was worth. His eyes watered from the strength of it. What he wouldn’t give to be back in his apartment, cocooned warmly in his blanket, fast asleep in his bed like he had been just twenty minutes before. He glanced up at the house standing in front of him, the only house on the block with windows tinted orange with light, and sighed heavily. Surely he wasn’t the only one thinking along those lines. Rubbing his hand over his face, Guy clambered out of his car and headed up the driveway.
The door was unlocked, just like he’d been promised. Guy stepped inside, wincing as the sound of a crying child assaulted his ears, a sharp contrast to the previous tranquility of the front yard. He was in the middle of shedding his shoes and hoodie when he caught a movement at the edge of his vision and lifted his head. Asch was standing at the top of the steps, his black nightshirt hanging off of one shoulder and his crimson hair mussed from what clearly was not sleep. The boy’s emerald eyes were hazy and his lips were pulled tight. He looked as tired as Guy felt.
“How long has he been up?” Asch sucked in a large breath, held it, and let it whoosh back out of his lungs.
“Too long.” He turned sharply and stalked back down the hallway from which he’d come. Guy climbed the staircase and followed behind him. The crying became louder and stronger as he walked, and he wondered just what had little Luke in such distress.
Luke was a good baby – or at least, as good as a four month old infant could be. He ate most of his food when he was fed. He didn’t fuss much. It wasn’t hard to put him to sleep. And while he cried his fair share, just like all babies did, he was easily appeased and quieted back down after being given what he wanted. So why the younger Fabre child was awake and crying at such an early hour was beyond him. Guy was actually surprised Asch had even called him. He was by far the best at dealing with Luke, potentially better than their mother even. It was normally no problem for the redheaded boy to figure out what was upsetting his little brother and taking care of it. Guy hoped nothing was seriously wrong; he didn’t want to be the one making a phone call to Suzanne at two in the morning and explaining why he and her sons were currently at the hospital.
Guy poked his head into the nursery. Luke’s room was painted a soft blue, with a white stripe on the wall behind his crib where his name had been carefully spelled out. Stickers of white trees decorated the remaining empty space on the other three walls. More stickers were used for splashes of color: red, green, and yellow birds sitting in the branches of the trees. There was a wooden dresser doused in white to match the room and complimentary shelves filled with small toys and framed photos. A mobile hung over the crib from the ceiling; a ring of birds, squirrels, fawns, and leaves that spun in a slow circle to the clicks of a child’s lullaby. The tune was inaudible tonight. Guy only knew it was on because he could see the animals “running through the leaves” above the child’s mattress. Asch was standing at the crib, peering down at his baby brother as he wailed.
“How long has he been up?” Guy asked again, stepping into the room. The redhead glanced over his shoulder at the clock on the wall behind him.
“Two hours. I heard him start around midnight.”
Luke was apparently not pleased that his older brother’s attention had shifted to something that wasn’t him. He wailed out again, and Guy could see his feet pounding the air through the thick bars of the crib.
“You tried feeding him?”
“And changing him?”
“Did you try giving him his pacifier–?”
“Yes!” Asch suddenly whirled to face him, cheeks pink. “Do you really think I would have called you if I hadn’t already tried all that? I don’t know what else to try!”
He was screaming. Guy was pretty sure it was frustration gradually leaking out of him and not an attempt to be heard over the also-screaming baby. Asch’s shouting most likely wasn’t helping much, and was instead only serving to terrify the infant and cause him to cry harder. Guy kept this thought to himself. “I fed him, I burped him, I changed his stupid diaper twice! I tried giving him his pacifier but he won’t keep it in his mouth, he won’t pay attention to his rattle and he won’t stop crying!”
A particularly loud burst erupted from Luke. Asch groaned and clamped his hands over his ears, head bowing so his chin touched his chest in defeat. Guy could see all the signs of an exhausted ten year old boy, who was tired and desperate for sleep and whose last desire was to be up at two in the morning taking care of his pain-in-the-butt baby brother. Asch looked like a college student who was up all night studying for an exam early the next morning, when he should have been looking more like a well-rested fifth grader.
The blonde stepped forward and placed his hands on Asch’s shoulders. “Okay, just calm down. You freaking out is making him freak out more, so take a deep breath, and relax.” Asch huffed, still annoyed and frustrated, but obeyed and inflated his chest with air. He repeated his actions from earlier: hold the breath and let it out slowly, the air forcing its way through his half parted lips and emitting a faint whistling sound. Guy gave his shoulders a rub. He could feel the muscles hidden beneath his fingers tense and contract whenever Luke released a howling reminder of his unhappiness. Crouching down to the older redhead’s level, he asked, “When did you feed him last?”
“Almost two hours ago,” Asch offered, more mindful of his volume this time. “I fed him before he fell asleep, so when he woke up crying I thought he was hungry. He drank about half of his bottle.”
“And you remembered to burp him, you said?” An affirmative nod. “All right, and you changed him twice?”
“After he finished eating and before I called you.” Asch found something interesting on the wall to his left and shifted his attention there. “…I didn’t know what else to do. I thought it would make him stop crying.”
“You did fine.” Guy patted the boy’s shoulders a few times before straightening his legs and heading over to the crib. He peered down at the wailing infant inside. Luke had his little hands stretched above his head, fingers closing and opening repeatedly. His feet, tucked warmly away in little red booties, were flailing and kicking, pounding against the mattress and tangling the blanket around his small legs. The baby’s cheeks were as red as his tuft of hair, and his big green eyes were shining with tears. A pale green pacifier and a matching rattle had been shoved into the corner of the crib above Luke’s grabbing hands. When Guy placed the rattle into his hold, however, Luke only offered another scream and dropped it.
“Tried that,” Asch muttered as he padded up to the crib and stood beside the blonde. “He doesn’t want to play with it, and he keeps spitting out his pacifier. I even tried holding it to his mouth to get him to keep it in, but he just cried around it.” The redhead sighed, crossing his arms and leaning against the edge of the crib. “What do you want, Luke?” More crying. More grabby hands. “What, do you want Mother? Mother’s gone. She left with Father and they won’t be back until tomorrow, so you might as well stop crying about it!” He was all but snarling towards the end, and Asch turned away, retreating back to the center of the room. Guy left him alone, knowing that his parents’ frequent leaves for business trips upset Asch more than he would ever admit. The blonde was pretty sure it was Asch himself who truly wanted their mother home.
As the boy walked away, Luke emitted another blood curdling screech. He raised his hands straight upwards, fingers nabbing desperately at the air above him, tears overfilling his eyes and cascading down his cheeks. Guy blinked, and then smiled as he realized just what Luke was so unhappy about.
“You silly little kid.” He undid the latches on the side of the crib and lowered the guard down. He made sure it clicked into place at the bottom before reaching inside. “All right, c’mere, Luke.” The infant’s wandering hands instantly latched onto the cuffs of Guy’s sleeves as he bundled the redheaded child into his arms and lifted him from his wooden prison. Almost immediately, the wails quieted down to sniffles and whimpers. “There you go. All better now, hmm?” Guy turned to face Asch, who was watching the scene wide eyed. He smiled. “He just wanted to be picked up is all.” Asch’s face flushed red, embarrassed that he hadn’t thought of such a simple solution.
“Maybe he just wanted you,” he mumbled bitterly, no doubt nursing a now bruised brotherly ego. “Maybe he was just being as loud and annoying as possible knowing I would call you eventually.”
Guy gazed down at the baby nestled in his elbow. While much calmer, Luke was not yet appeased; tears still ran down his face and his fingers were going haywire, grabbing once more at something that wasn’t there. Or, more accurately, grabbing towards something he wanted.
“Actually, I think you’re the one he wants.”
Asch blinked owlishly. “Me?”
Guy crossed the room to where the redhead stood and bent forward a bit, offering to hand the infant over. Asch hesitated for only a moment before he held his arms out and allowed the blonde to place his younger sibling into his hold. As Asch brought him close to his chest, Luke finally stopped his feeble noises. His big green eyes stared up into those of his older brother. The tears were turned off. His little hand reached up and caught hold of Asch’s shirt, clinging to it tightly. He inhaled deeply, and the two older occupants of the room watched the little body give a slight tremor as the child then exhaled what was presumably the remains of his sour mood. The nursery was almost unnervingly silent now that the crying had stopped. Watching the siblings fondly, Guy smiled and said, “He just wanted his big brother to hold him.”
The older sibling lifted a finger, and gently wiped at the baby’s cheeks, clearing his pinkened skin of moisture. Luke gave a soft coo of acceptance. Asch looked up incredulously. “You mean, babies know that kind of stuff?”
“Of course they do.” Guy chuckled. “He knows you’re his older brother, Asch. He knows who you are. He loves you. He wanted you to love him back.”
The boy’s gaze went back to his little sibling, still tenderly stroking his cheek with the tip of his finger. “…Idiot. Just cause I’m not holding you, doesn’t mean I don’t love you, okay?” Luke raised a chubby hand and grabbed Asch’s finger in a small fist. He offered a quiet cooing noise, but other than that paid the statement little mind. He recognized his big brother’s voice, and that was good enough for him.
“Something might have scared him when he woke up,” Guy suggested as he watched the siblings. “You should probably wait until he falls asleep again before you try putting him back in his crib. In case he gets scared again.”
“Yeah, I will.” Asch looked up at the blonde, and again Guy couldn’t help but notice how exhausted he looked. “…Sorry I called you for something so stupid. I should’ve thought to just pick him up.” Guy reached out and settled his hand atop Asch’s head.
“Don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t have told you ‘call me any time’ if I hadn’t meant it. But.” He crouched down so he was eye level with the redhead. “While I’m old enough to be up at two in the morning and still be all right, you’re not. So after Luke falls asleep, you better get back to bed yourself. Even if you don’t have school tomorrow, you need rest. Okay?”
Guy smiled, ruffled the boy’s fluffy mess of crimson hair, and stood up. “I’ll let myself out. Stay here with him. Is the spare key where it normally is?” Asch nodded confirmation. “I’ll lock it behind me then. Night, Asch.” He gave Luke’s forehead an affectionate rub with the pad of his thumb. The baby blinked, pausing in his tugging of Asch’s finger, and craned his head back to try and see the culprit. Guy smoothed down the tuft of hair on his head. “Night, Luke.”
“Goodnight, Guy.” The blonde gave Asch a pat on the shoulder before turning and making his way out of the nursery.
Asch watched Guy’s silhouette disappear from the room, watched his shadow bop along the wall until that too disappeared from his sight. He listened as sock-covered feet padded on the wood flooring, the steady sound suddenly halting just moments before the hallway was shrouded in darkness. More footsteps, and then a clicking sound as the living room light was shut off as well. The creaking of the stairs, the scuffling of shoes on the landing, and finally the front door opening and shutting.
He waited until he heard the sound of the lock sliding home before he finally moved. Still carrying Luke, Asch walked back out to the living room, moving to stand in front of the large windows that opened up a view of the yard. He could see the driveway, could see Guy trudging down it to where his car was parked at the bottom. The house was quiet and still and dark. A soft buzz echoed through his head and fizzled in his ears, his auditory senses still not quite caught up with the fact that there was no longer any screaming to be heard. Luke was tucked in his arms, pleased and pacified, entertaining himself with gnawing on his fingers. Asch reached up and gently pulled the tiny hand away from the equally tiny mouth. He let Luke revert back to holding onto his finger, unfazed by the warm feeling of saliva beginning to coat his skin.
Guy had reached his car and climbed into the driver’s seat. Asch heard the hum of the engine starting, saw the headlights light up orange. The blonde peered through the windshield and met his gaze. He waved with a smile. Asch didn’t have a free hand to wave back, but he kept his gaze trained on the figure of his friend as the car backed out of the driveway. Seconds later, the outside of the house was just as dark as the inside, and just as quiet, too.
Asch stood at the window for a while longer, staring out at the empty street, rhythmically rocking the infant in his arms. He felt the grip around his finger loosen and pulled free, positioning Luke’s little hand on his stomach. His brother’s willingness to comply let Asch know he was getting tired once more. “I’m sorry for not seeing that you were scared,” he said, voice silky soft so he wouldn’t startle the child. “I’ll remember for next time, as long as you promise not to scream so loud.” Luke’s eyes fluttered sleepily, his head lolling against Asch’s chest as he melted into the warmth of his big brother’s body. Asch adjusted his hold. “C’mon. Let’s go back to bed.”
He carried his brother back down the hallway and into the nursery, where the gate of the crib was still down. Asch went to place his brother inside, then stopped himself. What had even scared Luke in the first place? What if whatever it was scared him again? He glanced down at the bundle in his arms; Luke was staring back up at him, eyes glazed with drowsiness. “…All right.” Asch straightened up and settled his baby sibling back in place. “Father doesn’t have to know.” He left the nursery, turning the nightlight off with his foot as he passed it.
Luke was fast asleep in his arms by the time Asch walked back into his bedroom. The blankets on his mattress were spilling halfway to the floor, kicked aside in his rush to get down the hall when he’d first heard Luke start crying. Balancing his baby brother carefully against one shoulder, he crouched down and gathered up the fallen covers, throwing them back onto the mattress. Luke snuffled into the crook of Asch’s neck, but didn’t wake up.
The first time Asch had slept with Luke in his bed, he’d been terrified. Terrified that Luke would roll over or shift somehow and fall off the bed. Terrified that he’d roll over and end up accidentally crushing his younger sibling without even realizing it. But nothing had ever happened. Luke always stayed relatively still when sleeping, and somehow Asch did too. He was convinced that being around babies brought out some kind of hidden intuition in people that helped them do things like not roll over in their sleep and crush the baby next to them.
Asch knew how this worked. He set Luke, still wrapped in his blanket, down in the middle of the bed. He grabbed the throw-pillows from under his bed – where he stored them at night when he didn’t need them – and used them to form a wall around his little brother. That done, Asch climbed in himself, careful not to dip the mattress too close to the infant and disturb his slumber. He pulled the blankets back up, only as high as Luke’s chin so his face wouldn’t be covered in his sleep. Luke turned his head to the other side and fit his tiny fist into his mouth, still sound asleep. Watching him made Asch smile.
“You know,” he murmured, reaching out to gently set his hand on the baby’s stomach. “I think I’m getting the hang of this ‘big brother’ thing.”
Luke was silent. Asch pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
He still had some learning to do, but he would get there. Someday, he would be the best big brother ever.
“I promise.”
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