#she thinks i dont care about it and so she scolded me and reaffirms every doubtful thought ive been having
sleepless-crows · 1 month
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sai-teru · 4 years
Together with you
Warning: This is a Saiki x Teruhashi story so if you dont like them I suggest you to not read this :) but of course every SaiTeru fans are welcome.
Disclaimer: All characters are not mine they belong to Asou Shuuichi-Sensei.
Don’t forget to review that means so much to me. Okay, that’s all and let’s start. Enjoy!
(Chapter 1) (FFNet)
Chapter 2: Help!
It’s been more than a week since the incident occurred and at a certain place, some people are gathered at the school rooftop to talked about the news spreading worldwide and because of that, they’re getting uneasy each day past. And to add some more, a certain pink-headed boy is nowhere to found.
They were all gathered at the PK Academy rooftop discussing the news spreading that concerns their friend.
And after the long silence, Kaido was the one who spoke first.
“What should we do?” he asks with concern.
Everyone still remained silent, thinking hard what to say or suggest at the minute. Since all of them are not entirely sure how much of the news we’re true and how much was it is fake. Furthermore, the man in question was not even there to clarify the misunderstanding so how can they know what to believe. Until Yumehara responds to Kaido’s query.
“The only thing we need to do in this situation is to confirm it to him!” she asserts and everyone murmurs in agreement.
“Then, after class, we should all go to Saiki’s house and talk this to him!” Kobayasu proposes the idea which everyone agrees. Until Nendou butt-in.
Scratching his chin absentmindedly.
“Eh… earlier before going at PK, I tried visiting Aibou’s house to check on him. Yet, according to her Mother, Aibou is currently not in their house.”
Everyone is rendered speechless to what Nendou informed. And they began to think of something again to help the situation they’re in.
“Eh…” Kaidoh grimaced “Then where do you think Saiki is?” looking at everyone to gain some answer but all he heard was an unhappy sigh.
Crossing his arms over his chest, Hairo started to murmur aloud. “Hmm… Well, I’ve been thinking…” now all eyes were on him as he continues “what if Saiki’s parents were just making that up” they all tilted their heads.
Hairo scratching the back of his head “You know… to avoid further interruption and also for Saiki’s safety?!” he queried.
All of them stared at their class representative as if he said something spectacular as they began to gossip. Agreeing on what Hairo affirmed as they began to talk coherently.
While everyone was busy chatting. A certain blue-headed girl was quietly staring at nothing, deep in thought. Until Yumehera her best friend notices her restlessness. She taps her friend’s shoulder that brought her back to reality.
Teruhashi glance at Yumehara with concern. Which the latter smiled towards the girl and ask.
“Are you okay?” gently squeezes her hand.
Teruhashi tilted her head for a minute until it dawned on her what she meant, she shook her head and waving her hands frantically.
“A…hehehe yes I’m fine” smiling warily as she reassured her friend still, Yumehera didn’t believe her one-bit but she let it slide for a moment.
Smiling at her friend. “Okay then. Tell me if you have concerns, hmm?” She reaffirmed which the latter nodded in agreement.
“Yes. Thank you!” thanking and smiling at her friend for understanding her whim.
“So… after class all of us should go to Saiki’s and plead her mother and convinced her that we don’t mean no harm and we just want to talk to her son!” Kaidoh concludes their plan which all agreed and laugh as nothing worrisome happened a moment ago.
All of them were relieve somehow and excited to see their friend who’s been shutting them down till now.
And after their long discussion, they decided to rehearse their plan that took a few minutes and when they are done they all decided to go but, Teruhashi stops them.
“Wait!” she called. And everyone stopped to look at her.
“Is there something wrong Teruhashi-san” Hairo ask first.
Teruhashi’s hand was trembling and her heart was beating fast. She places her hands on her chest while calming her beating heart. After that, she decided to face her classmate full of determination. But when she opens her mouth her voice stuttered.
“I-If it’s alright with you guys… I-I…” struggling to speak, until Mera called her.
“Teruhashi-san are you okay??” asking her classmate worriedly.
She flinches at the sudden question as she started to play with her hands.
-what do I do? At this point, I can never say it. If this goes on, I will never have the chance! Get a grief Kokomi, you can do this! - She thought and started slapping her cheeks, running her hands through her hair. With that, everyone started to look at her strangely at the same time worried.
They were all attempting to fulfill their best to get the awareness of the pretty girl but to no avail, it all failed big time as the school Madonna is pretty much out of it.
A minute goes by and they were all murmuring on how to get Teruhashi’s attention back. Be it tapping one’s shoulder to make them do it until…
“Are you okay Teruhashi-san?”
While all of them are busy pointing fingers at each other Nendou being Nendou initiated to move. He leaned his face a few inches towards Teruhashi’s that startled the pretty girl.
“Gah!!” Startled at the proximity of Nendou’s face towards her that she stepped a few inches away from him and made her screamed that alarmed the others.
“You surprised me Nendou-kun” placing her hands on her chest as she took a deep breath.
Everyone glance towards Teruhashi and spoons toward the two to ask what happened. And Teruhashi explained calmly that Nendou just startled her and nothing more as she apologizes for frightening them. They all look at Nendou suspiciously while he just randomly poking his nose which the guys expect Hairo got irritated. Though to speak, they all know everything they say will never get to Nendou as he was stupid in a nice way. So Kaido and Kobayasu run their hands through their hair and shrug it off.
After the little fiasco, Yumehera stared at her friend.
“Ne, Kokomi, so what do you want to say earlier?” She inquires.
“Yeah! Teruhashi-san is there something wrong?” before Teruhashi could answer. Mera beat her first and ask a follow-up question that made God’s favorite shrug.
“Hmm…” rubbing the back of her neck. “Well I was thinking…” sighing tiredly but decided to just let it all out. “I was just thinking if, If it’s alright with you guys” Clenching her hands tightly “Instead of all of us… this is it Kokomi” trying to cheer herself. “I should just go there by myself. Kyaaa… I said it” with her eyes shut down and saying her last words as fast as she could and at the same time cheering herself.
She took a deep breath as she slowly opening her eyes to see their reactions. Seeing that their eyes was wide open she started to fondled her fingers and shook her head in different directions thinking of an excuse to escape the situation she’s in. While the others are looking at each other confirming if they heard it right.
“Eh!” Hairo rubbing her chin “You’ll go there yourself!?” He asks again for confirmation.
Teruhashi sighed umpteenth time and bowed her head in agreement. “Yes, I will!” Others are still confused but didn’t bother to ask more as they believe she has her reasons.
“Do you like Aibou? Teruhahsi-san?”
At Nendou’s sudden query everyone panic mostly Teruhashi who again screams.
Waving her hands in the air frantically while she shook’s her head in dazed.
“Eh… N-no it’s not like that!!!!” blushing madly and scratching her face while looking away and cold sweat starts to appear on her face.
“Yeah! Nendou you Stupid! I’m sure Teruhashi-san was just worried at Saiki. Right Teruhashi-san?” Kaido informed but started to get flustered as he shouts at Nendou. And Teruhashi Nodding at Kaido’s statement fastly and sighed.
Kobayasu and Kaido for the second time scolded Nendou for being straight-forward and saying stupid things. Once the commotion calmed down, Hairo spoke.
“Then it’s up to you Teruhashi-san!” Hairo enthusiastically cheered God’s beloved angel.
Kaido approved of it as well. Raising his thumb “Good luck Teruhashi-san!” cheered the chuunibyo.
Kobayasu scratching his nose. “Yeah! We believe in you Teruhashi-san!” smiling at Teruhashi.
“If it’s Teruhashi-san I’m sure Saiki-kun will be convinced!” Mera clasped her hand in excitement.
Yumehera claps. “Then it’s settled! Good luck Kokomi!” she winked at her which the latter smiled wryly.
Teruhashi, flattered at everyone who trusts her wholeheartedly started to sigh in contentment as she looked at everyone with a warm smile on her face and thank them for the trust they give.
“Thank you, everyone! I’ll try-“she shakes her head in disapproval. “No” looking up to everyone with refining determination “I will do my best to bring Saiki-kun back to us!” she nodded and smiled again.
After her warm speech, all of them cheered for her. Yumehera secretly giving her thumbs-up and she nods and smiled at her.
Hairo exhaled loudly and claps his hand to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, guys! We will live this matter to Teruhashi-san. I’m sure she will bring Saiki to us back! And we will help him in whatever he needs because…”
“THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS DO!” they all shout in unison. Everyone laughs after that and decided to adjourn their meeting and went back to there classroom.
After their long discussion at the school hallway, it’s Aiura and Toritsuka’s turn to discuss something.
The Gyaru girl looks at Toritsuka warily and asks. “What happened? The last time I check kusuo was asking me about you… then all of a sudden, this happens? Care to explain?” she bombarded him with questions.
“Eh…” rubbing his hair “Um… actually…” he leaned towards Aiura to whisper on her ears. “Saiki-kun preferred for me not to say anything.”
“Eh!!!!” Aiura said loud enough that everyone near them stared suspiciously at them. And Toritsuka immediately covers her mouth and shush her.
She nods in agreement “Sorry!” and wink apologetically. Whispering “But why? I don’t get it, why I shouldn’t know of it? As if I’ll make trouble for him. If I know the problem, I can help him in someway.” Stating her fact.
“Well… this is Saiki-kun we’re talking about. So, I’m sure he has his reason. I don’t exactly know his plan but to assure you, this will end soon. I hope!” reassuring the other member of pysckikers.
Sighing on contentment as she doesn’t have a choice but to believe. “Okay then, I’m sure he’ll contact me if push comes to shove!”
“In agreement” Toritsuka approved.
Meanwhile, after all the commotion that happened. A certain Pink-headed boy was using his clairvoyance to check on what was happening on the school and on those certain troublesome people that always pestering him to no end.
Smiling to himself while saying his catchphrase.
“Yare, Yare… what a troublesome people you are! really” adjusting his glasses and a smirk appears on his face.
“Now what?” He thought as he slumped on his bed. Resting his arms over his eyes. Then, sudden flashback appears on his mind.
-Ku-Kuu-chan is… Kuu-chan is on the news worldwide!- her mother on the phone said in a panic way.
Kuusuke’s eye was wide open as he heard what her Mother informed him over the phone. He glanced at Saiki knowing full well that he knew what the phone call was all about. Taking a deep breath and look straight again.
“Calm down Oka-san, do not worry. Just… for now, don’t answer the phone nor open the door. Wait for us to go home. Don’t panic we’ll be there soon!” he explained calmly as possible.
-okay then, please both of you be safe!- she said worriedly
“Yes, we will! I’ll turn off the phone now. Again, don’t answer the phone and don’t open the door. We’ll teleport there!” He assured her worried mom.
-Okay, Be safe. Bye!-
The phone call ended and Kuusuke glance at his brother.
Sighing “hmm, this is bad!” he said calmly
“What was the phone call all about? Why do you look so tense a while ago? Did the police found this place and are now trying to find us? Or you?” Toritsuka queried frantically.
Scratching the back of his head Kuusuke murmur aloud “well… I got busted!”
Raising his brow in confusion the spirit medium ask again “busted? Am I right? Please tell me I’m not involved with this charade!” sweat running through his face.
Kuusuke laughs half-heartedly as he scratch his cheeks “hehehe… You see, I, somehow and for some reason did an error and it so happened that the mistake I’ve done will cause Kusuo a great danger.” He laughs again which Toritsuka didn’t get what he meant while tilting his head waiting for more explanation.
“What do we do now Kusuo?” glancing on his brother
Saiki sighs ‘Yare, Yare…’
Laughing at his reaction. While Toritsuka was looking back and forth still waiting for the explanation or what the hell is even happening now that he doesn’t know.
‘I’m worried about Mom, so we need to go home first.’ He said expressionlessly which his brother fully agreed. Then, Saiki look at Totitsuka and sighed again. ‘First, I’ll teleport you to your home’
“Eh… but first, tell me what happened?” Totitsuka plead.
“You’ll see when you got home. But make sure, not to open your mouth regarding the matter. I’ll do my best to make it right!” Kuusuke said, though it didn’t answer his question but let it slide. He is worried but he’ll trust the words that Kuusuke let out.
And by that Kuusuke nods at his brother signaling him to take Toritsuka home which he complies without a fight. Later on, they were now at their own house. Their Mother is with their Father now waiting for them to be back and as they teleported in the living room their mother runs fast to embrace both her sons while their father just followed suit looking at his son with a concerned look on his face.
“What is happening? Why is Kuu-chan on the internet?” she asked looking at her two sons for an answer.
“I was startled when my supervisor showed me his phone and seeing Kusuo using his power. I was startled that I stuttered every word I said but in the end, I just did my best to deny all the claims! What happened you two?” looking at his two sons suspiciously.
“Well, it’s my fault!” Kuusuke claimed while walking towards the sofa to seat on it. “You see, I and Kusuo a while ago were playing… to make it short, Kusuo removed the device in which people will know his well being as a psychic through the internet” raising his point finger waving it on the air as if he’s directing an orchestra.
Both their parents were shocked and realized the information Kuusuke said. They both looked at Saiki questioningly.
‘Yare, yare… I did it because it’s unfair for me to act normal when I’m not! And also, I was prepared to when I removed it. You see, as Kuusuke said a while back, he has a good reason why people should be aware of my existence and looking at the bright side… once people know me as a psychic, crimes will stop tremendously.’ stating the facts with deadpan expression but as soon as it escapes his thoughts her parents mostly her mom looks at him worriedly.
“But, Kuu-chan you will never get that peaceful life you desire!”
Saiki sighing triumphantly ‘I don’t care! This is for the best… and don’t worry because I’ll make sure you all… will still be peaceful as it gets. I’ll make sure of that’ smiling reassuringly to her parents, which they held back the tears that are swelling in their eyes for their younger son’s braveness and determination.
“Ayuuuuuuu” both his parents doing the duck-face Saiki hated the most. Until Kuusuke grinned widely.
“hehehe” he laughs that warrant the attention of the three.
“Why are you laughing Kuusuke?” his father asks looking confused.
“Well… seeing the determination look of my younger brother makes me laugh” he grinned widely that annoyed Saiki
‘Please tell me that’s your last word. So I can erase you in this world’ he warns his brother which their parents stop them. But, Kuusuke laughs at him.
“Don’t panic! And Kusuo!” looking serious “I have a plan-“
Kuniharu and Kurumi hurriedly went to Kuusuke facing their son wide eyes as they said in unison.
“Yes, but till then, don’t do any stupid things until it’s done.” They agreed to him nodding their head approvingly.
“Also, when reporters start to gather here don’t open the door but if it can’t be help… just deny everything.” Again, they agreed.
“One last thing, I have a question for you Kusuo!” looking at his psychic brother and Saiki glanced back at him.
Saiki look at him confused but answered ‘definitely, It’s Saiko!” he answered telepathically as always.
Kuusuke smirked and raising both his hand to stretch it as he stands while yawning he starts to walk away leaving his family behind… but before he finally leaves. He glances back at his brother and reminded him of the things he needed to do.
“Kusuo don’t do anything while I’m gone. Stay at home don’t go to school!” again, informing his psychic bother and he just nods uninterested. He smirks and walks away leaving for sure this time.
Recalling his genius brother statement, he groaned and tiredly closed his eyes.
“Yare, Yare…”
Several hours later her mother suddenly knocks on his door that woke him on his slumber. Her mother picks at his door.
“Kuu-chan I went and bought you your favorite coffee jelly, do you wa-“
And the doorbell suddenly rang which cause her mother to stop what she’s about to say and mumbled to herself.
“Who might that be this time?”
Though, Saiki knew well who was ringing there doorbell as he groaned tiredly…
“Yare, yare… here comes the troublesome” He thought to himself.
“I’ll go check on it. Wait here Kuu-chan and don’t go anywhere, stay in your room!” as soon as she said that, she dashes towards the front gate to check who might be the visitor this time. And as soon as she saw the person ringing their intercom, her eyes went wide open.
“Kokomi-chan!” she said excitedly.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Saiki!” Teruhashi greets Saiki’s mother. She felt uneasy all of a sudden but still determined to do her job.
“Mrs. Saiki, can… can I go inside for a while?” pleading Saiki’s mom.
“A…” stuttering “Eto… Kokomi-chan you see…” scratching his cheeks “Kusuo’s not-“
“Please!” Teruhashi bowed pleading Saiki’s mother which at the moment felt uneasy avoiding her.
“Well…” -What to do?- having a hard time declining Teruhashi every second until…
“Just bring her inside. I’ll deal with it myself!”
Kurumi got startled for a second and almost said her son’s name. She nods in agreement and looks back at Teruhashi who is still waiting for her answer. She smiled warmly at the girl and dashes towards their main gate as she welcomed Teruhashi.
“You can go in, Kokomi-chan” smiling at the young girl.
“This is it. Go Kokomi!” cheering herself. She glances at Kurumi and thanked her “Thank you, auntie!” Sighing in relief.
Kurumi nods as she walks beside Teruhashi. When they were inside what welcomed them was a pure shock over the maiden as she didn’t expect to see him instantly. She stuttered.
-End of chapter 2-
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