#she threatens to kill herself because living in a world without Wolfgang would be so miserable
captaine-carter · 2 years
Going through the Sense8 tag (because I’m rewatching and it’s still the best) and I just love how much of it is yelling at Netflix about other terrible decisions.
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vocalprinceseokmin · 5 years
Xcalibur summary (Part 1)
SPOILER ALERT: If you are someone who has tickets to go watch Xcalibur, or you intend to go and watch, then I highly suggest that you do not click under the cut. This is my attempt to piece together the musical from whatever is available online for those who have not or will not manage to catch it. My understanding of Korean is at best minimal, so my understanding is from the summaries that have been floating around (including the summary from the program book), and guesswork from watching the musical.
I watched the first two shows that DK performed, namely 19 June and 22 June, which shall be referred to as Day 1 and Day 2 respectively. I also watched the Kai show on the 21 June, which featured pretty much a completely different lineup from Day 1 and Day 2. 
Cast (Arthur / Lancelot / Morgana / Merlin / Guinevere / Ector )
Day 1: DK / Um Ki Joon / Shin Young Sook / Son Jun Ho / Min Kyung Ah / Lee Jong Moon
Day 2: DK / Lee Jee Hoon / Jang Eun Ah  / Son Jun Ho / Min Kyung Ah / Lee Jong Moon
Kai Day: Kai / Park Kang Hyun / Shin Young Sook / Kim Joon Hyun / Kim Sohyang / Cho Won Hee
 As a matter of background, please do note that DK is triple cast in the role of Arthur together with Kai (not the EXO member, musical actor whose real name is Jung Ki Yeol) and Kim Junsu (Xiah Junsu). Both Kai and Junsu happen to be (very) well regarded musical actors, so let’s just say that there is pretty much no way that DK can match up to the two of them given that he has zilch experience, and I don’t think anyone with background expects him to match up. In addition, as a broad generality, the rest of the cast is well regarded, and it is established that he is the youngest of the lot. I suspect every other main cast is at least five years older than him (with the youngest of the rest I think being Min Kyung Ah), and way way more musical experience.
So really, he has his work cut out for him, and I am saying this as someone who runs a DK vocal appreciation account. That said, Arthur is the lead role in a big budget musical “world premiere”, so he really can’t afford to suck. 
I repeat: If you intend to watch the musical, I suggest you do not spoil yourself.
Due to the length of this post, I will not be embedding the videos like I normally do. There exists more videos, but I want to get this out first.
Edit (28 June): to include alternative videos from the press call + new videos from the Sitzprobe (but please note that the quality of the video in the Sitzprobe is not great but there’s no other source)
0 Prologue
Opening of the musical where masked ensemble members come on stage to do some chanting (think in relation to the Xcalibur). Looks quite ritualistic.
 1 A Bond that Cannot be Broken
Arthur / Lancelot / Ensemble
Arthur runs onto stage (for DK fans, the first guy who runs on to stage with the sword is Arthur, because I couldn’t tell until later). Arthur and Lancelot have a duel (not serious). Don’t recall who wins, but in the end after Arthur and Lancelot are done fighting, some ensemble actor (who is a village boy) kicks Arthur in the butt. Arthur gets angry and brandishes his sword at the ensemble actor. There is some further provocation between the ensemble actor and Arthur, but after interference by Ector (Arthur’s adoptive papa), and the other ensemble actors (village boys), the tension is diffused.
Arthur breaks into song, which I think generally introduces his life (as a ordinary village boy), with his friends and his adoptive papa. Generally a merry mood, with him drinking a few times out of his cup. He appears to be great friends with the village boys (including Lancelot).  At some point Lancelot takes over singing the song. The spoilers are right in that he gets kissed once on his cheek (he falls over), and then I believe the same ensemble actress kisses him on the lips. While shocking when watched the first time, it’s really quick (and contrary to the image you are likely imagining, he has both village boy and girl friends).
Arthur ends the scene on the shoulder of two other village boys with the light shining on him.
2 Telling of a Tale
Lightning strikes, and most of the villagers disperse. Arthur asks what is going on, and Ector (adoptive papa) basically knows that it’s Merlin who is coming.
Merlin sings. I believe the song is telling Arthur that he is destined to be king. Merlin is a very composed character, I feel, and makes hand movements wherein basically the fate of Arthur is projected (namely for him to be king etc). Effects were cool.
3 My Flesh, My Blood, My Skin, My Bones (on DK international twitter, I think people translated it to I Am Mine)
Arthur gets angry and does not want to accept what Merlin is saying and gets angry.  
This is the song that DK sang during the mini live (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiQJGPa5ktM).
Trans: https://twitter.com/17_HAMZZI/status/1130284402150240261
Arthur confronts Merlin, points his finger at Merlin. At some point picks up his sword and points that Merlin too.
4 World on Fire
There is a press call for this.
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIivCO6yewQ
Camelot ensemble is living in fear, and then the Saxons end up barging in and finishing them off.
5 Where Are You Now  
Sitzprobe at approximately 4:14 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE
Morgana is Arthur’s half sister, and appears to be a nun. Believe she is mourning her fate, and asking where Merlin is, but I will admit I didn’t get much more than that. From information that I have seen subsequent, it seems that Morgana is Merlin’s former disciple.
I think at the end of this scene, the Saxons crash into Morgana’s room, kill the other person who was in her room, and Morgana manages to save herself by saying that her father is Uther Pendragon. Not sure if they believe her, but the Saxons spare her life and take her prisoner.
 6  Telling of the Tale Reprise
Arthur runs to the forest and prays. Probably asks why his fate is this, can’t believe it etc. Ector shows up, and I believe confirms that he is not Arthur’s biological father (giving credence to what Merlin says that he is destined to be king, and he is Uther Pendragon’s son). Arthur is angry. I am also being led to believe that Ector tries to convince Arthur to listen to what Merlin has to say.  
Merlin is singing the song, probably showing Arthur his fate. I think there is some suggestion that Arthur has some “dragon blood” and “dragon rage” in him. Many animations of parts of a dragon appear, in which Arthur swings his sword at the animations that appear. In the end he falls on the floor when the animation of the dragon eye appears.
Merlin probably tells Arthur about how the Saxons are threatening Camelot or something. Merlin takes away Arthur’s sword and I think tells Arthur to go pull the xcalibur out of the stone.
 7 The Man You’d Have Me Be
The first song from this clip of press call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbzWMHbszjk
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm0DC5gHyrA
At some point, it seems that Arthur is buying what Merlin is saying. Then the rock formation with the xcalibur sword in it appears.
Arthur scales the rock (while singing) with the intention of trying to pull the sword out of the stone. Villagers are starting to gather below the rock formation.
Arthur fails to pull the xcalibur out of the sword twice (to giggles and then more giggles from the onlooking villagers below).
8 Let the Sword Make This Man
Lancelot / Ensemble
Merlin tells Arthur something, and then the xcalibur slides out easily without Arthur needing to exert force at all.
Second song from this clip of the press call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbzWMHbszjk
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm0DC5gHyrA
Arthur is in awe of the sword, but Lancelot doesn’t seem to be very happy (and Lancelot is the one singing the song mostly). Villagers seem to be in awe of the sword too, and have fallen to their knees to pay respect to the king (except Lancelot). 
There is a moment of suspense when 5 or 6 ensemble actors (to be knights) sing, and then there’s a pause and everyone looks at Lancelot who hasn’t sung yet. And then Lancelot breaks into song, gets on his knees. And then the joker asks to be knighted right away – and Arthur does. Arthur and Lancelot hug. Then Arthur goes to Ector and they hug too. 
Arthur celebrates with Ector, and then Merlin. Believe Arthur hands the xcalibur to Ector.
9 If He Were Standing Here
Guinevere / Arthur
Last 30 seconds of this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbzWMHbszjk is the background to the song. Song itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv6OLpbsnBA
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcYAjOAIVZI
Sitzprobe at approximately 7:05: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE
Guinevere shows up and is in awe that someone managed to pull the xcalibur out of the stone.
I believe Arthur asks Guinevere what she would say to the person who managed to pull the xcalibur from the sword if he were standing here. Guinevere doesn’t know that Arthur was the one who managed to pull the xcalibur from the stone.
Guinevere is excited that someone managed to pull it out of the stone, that is clear enough.
Towards the end of the song, Ector comes and gives the xcalibur back to Arthur, to the shock and horror of Guinevere. Who makes an excuse to run away, but Arthur manages to get her name. Arthur looks smitten anyway, and I have been subsequently informed that Merlin asks Arthur if he likes Guinevere, and he answers yes. Merlin tells Arthur that ok, he’ll make Guinevere his wife, and Arthur answers yes, without paying too much attention to what Merlin is saying, then realizes that Merlin is saying, and pretty much goes “really” or something along those lines and chases Merlin excitedly off stage.
10 The Mark of the Wolf
Wolfgang / Ensemble
Sitzprobe at approximately 12 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE
Ensemble (Saxons) get on stage and demonstrate their power.
Lee Sang Jun (Wolfgang), I think, has more to do than his 7th billing suggests, and I think he sings well. I think he has more to do than Ector for sure.
 11 Where Are You Now Reprise
I think in 10 there might’ve been some Morgana bullying (notably, it seems like Wolfgang’s son (who is a important ensemble member) likes to pull her hair).
So I guess Morgana is again, not very happy.
 12 In Troubled Times Like These
Arthur / Guinevere
Guinevere is with a group of girls. It seems like she’s holding some fighting classes or something. Lancelot and Arthur come along (for what purpose isn’t exactly clear to me). Think Lancelot might have said or done something to piss Guinevere off, so Lancelot and Guinevere get into a (not serious) fight. Guinevere wins.
Lancelot wants to like chase girls, and I think the girls want to see the xcalibur. Arthur moves closer to offer the xcalibur to Lancelot to take to chase the girls, and all the girls save Guinevere flock to Lancelot who leads the girls away.
It’s only at this point that the song starts. Unlike If He Was Standing Here, this song is probably even. It seems like some love song, and it seems like at the end there was an intention to kiss, but they get interrupted by the Saxons. Arthur pushes Guinevere away and fights the Saxons (without the xcalibur, or any other kind of proper sword), but soon after Lancelot comes back, hands Arthur his xcalibur, then Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere (with the bow and arrow) manage to fend off the Saxons. However, Arthur is injured in the process. Wolfgang’s son is seriously injured in this battle, and I think Arthur tells Wolfgang’s son that he is the son of Uther Pendragon.
 13 Pagan Dance & Ritual
I think basically what it suggests. A lavish number of ensemble (the female Saxons(??) who like entertain instead of fight, are not as good as the male Saxons). They are celebrating and then engaging in some ritual, which seems to result in perhaps crowning Wolfgang as king? (Morgana is still Saxons’ prisoner).
Wolfgang’s son runs in, and I think is quite injured. Understand that he reveals that he met Uther Pendragon’s son. Wolfgang is angry. Morgana is angry and shocked that Arthur is alive/exists/in the way.
 14 Sins of Father
Press call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijpz7GqTAaI
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xWQgN7VOoE
Sitzprobe at approximately 15:50 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE (sung by Jang Eun-Ah instead of Shin Young Sook at the press call)
Understand that Morgana is angry/jealous of Arthur for taking away what she believes is rightfully hers, and is angry at her father.
The edges of the dragon in the background shine more brightly as the song goes on, and at the climax, a dragon projection roars out (this does not show up in the press call). Cool stuff but Morgana is definitely the highlight still.
15 The Tempest
Recall that Arthur got injured due to the clash with the Saxons. At the start Arthur didn’t have a weapon because Lancelot took it away to go and chase girls (though to be fair, Arthur offered the xcalibur). Still, Arthur is the one who got injured.
At the start of the scene, some of the knights are angry at Lancelot. Lancelot breaks into song. If you believe the summary, it’s probably Lancelot regretting and vowing to be a better person or something along those lines.
 16 In Troubled Times Like This Reprise
Merlin does some singing at the start (understand that he’s backed by ensemble). Arthur is in Merlin’s cave, and Merlin is trying to save him.
Guinevere comes along, and Merlin is quite exhausted from trying to rescue Arthur. Not sure what Merlin tells Guinevere. But at the end of the scene, Guinevere told Arthur that she loves him. Arthur is already awake (or wakes up) and tells her that he loves her too. They embrace.
 17 Hundred Years From Now
Scene starts with many villagers who are all out and about building things. There is a fair bit of construction equipment. Ensemble starts out singing a short number.
As you can guess Arthur survives, and walks in (with Guinevere and Merlin supporting him) to a crowd of villagers chanting his name.
 18 Why Am I Here
Morgana / Merlin / Arthur
Lightning strikes, and Morgana (somehow) is on the floor (for avoidance of doubt, this is a direct continuation from the previous scene with the villagers still all around them with the construction equipment, though as the scene goes on the villagers start to retreat). I think Arthur and Guinevere check if Morgana is ok,  and then Arthur asks Morgana who she is to which Morgana says that she is Morgana Pendragon, and that she is Arthur’s older sister.
Morgana and Merlin have a confrontation, and this is where Morgana breaks into song.  Merlin joins in.  There is a lot of back and forth between Morgana and Merlin. Then Arthur joins in. And there’s a lot of back and forth. At the end it seems like Merlin is on the other side from Morgana and Arthur.
After the song (I think, but no promises, might have been before), Arthur embraces Morgana. Arthur seems genuinely happy to meet her. It seems like Arthur is not happy that Merlin kept this fact from him.
 19 The Mark of The Wolf Reprise
Wolfgang / Ensemble
Saxons display their power. As before, they have a very cool routine in which the Saxons ensemble bang their weapons on their shields. If you sit near the front it’s really quite scary.
 20 Sins of Father Reprise Chant
As the title suggests, Morgana is angry about the sins of her father.
 21 Remember This Night
Arthur / Merlin / Ensemble
Press call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZySqHmL3qc
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-Fzaj6NYFg
Sitzprobe at approximately 20:30 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE (with Kim Joon Hyun as Merlin instead of Son Jun Ho)
Crowning of Arthur atop the rock formation. All key casts are present (Merlin, Ector, Guinevere, Lancelot). The knights have now their knight outfits, and well, now knights around the round table. Villagers are also present.
I think the press call is quite accurate, except at the end, the light on Arthur intensifies and gets really bright and then Arthur thrusts his sword into the air to bring an end to Act 1.
I have thoughts, and initially thought of including them, but I have left them out, and have decided this to be a skeletal of the musical instead. I will share my thoughts eventually (probably in a separate post). On DK, let me just say that when I decided to fly in to watch him (I have never flown to watch a concert before), I knew that if he did not meet expectations (whatever that means, to be clear expectations is not to be as good as Junsu or Kai because that’s simply unrealistic), I would likely drop him and leave kpop altogether. That got messed with because the rehearsal reviews were quite positive (which I saw), and I guess, despite that I’m still writing this to piece together the musical so.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a message, and to the people who have reblogged this, thanks alot!!
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