#she was also at least 15 years older than me x.x
arcwrath · 10 months
Not my boss bringing up what she said to me yesterday after seeing a pic of me in a wig☠️ she got me rolling AGAIN
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sonatanotwo · 5 years
Gonna jot down couple quick some thoughts for todays ep. =D
(Yeah, I wrote WAY more than I thought I would. Oops, this ep gave me a lotta thoughts somehow. lol)
Looking forward to rewatching this cause uh... >.> the uh stream I had to use today... for some reason they had described video turned on. x.x Visual surprises were spoiled. 😂 And made a busy ep kinda feel even busier, I think.
SO my instinct says this was still a jam filled ep that struggled a bit with pacing, but I’m not gonna take too many points away... we’ll see how I feel after a second viewing though. XDDD But also I mean... even if didn’t entirely WORK they still we’re trying to keep moving a plot along, so they can have a you tried star if nothing else. lol
The writer here was Dan Berlinka... he’s written 3 other eps for the series... Tunnels of Time, Fight or Flight and Long Haul.
BUT yeah, it did feel like they were trying to move plot, BUT still have some nice character moments... but felt like tried to squish in a bit TOO much to point felt a bit unnatural. BUT. Again, need a rewatch cause had constantly an extra outside voice. XDDD
Was very fun to see Kayo and Scott interact for longer than a few mins or without the other boys around. If I recall right, Kayo is actually meant to be around Virgil’s age, so that does kinda explain why there’s a bit more teasing happening here from Scott (and Virgil having a fair laugh at the end.) She’s usually the one teasing with Gordon and Alan... and course her and John are pretty all the serious when interacting. lol SO yeah. There’s a bit more of a even playing field I imagine here... much like Scott and Virgil. Very interesting~
And man... Scott at the start... That is just so... Scott. (AND SUCH AN ARIES, GOOD LORD.) I think I got it pretty right... we’re kinda seeing some of that same kinda mess of feelings we saw in a lot of S1!Scott show up again here. He’s frustrated and anxious, and having trouble dealing with those feelings. And GOSH... most often Brains does defer to Scott, but nice to see him kinda show he really is older than Scott here. (I think it’s often forgotten... Brains built the TV-21... when Scott called himself ‘just a kid’ when it met it’s end. Even if Scott considered that 12-15ish... Brains is likely at the very, VERY LEAST 5 years older than Scott... but I’d honestly suspect 10-15 years even.)
Seeing him just deflate under Brains there guiding him off. 
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I get the feeling Scott does realize there he’s not acting very rational. =(a
But man. Scott. Buddy. “I can’t handle waiting around, not able to do anything...” I feel ya. :( I don’t handle that well either. 😂 
(Poor Scott though... he looks like he needs a hug. lol Scott you need some time with Virgil, clearly.)
Too bad don’t get to see who was co-piloting. lol
And DAMMIT. I was excited when they said ‘Medical Bay’ ...but it was just inside the module.  😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 I guess was where the writer was hoping it was a thing, but budget didn’t allow for another TB2 interior design at this point. lolol SIGH. XD But did get a bit of Virgil medicing! HOHO. +o+
Penelope was a bit odd briefly... maybe all those mystery dinner parties have gotten to her.  😂 But second Higgins appears, she snaps to her usual self so. lol
...Poor Peter Davison. He... didn’t have a whole lot of lines did he? lol Proving there was a lot they wanted to get to in this ep and it didn’t work as maybe they’d hoped.
ALSO there was that call back to Avalanche. ‘I’ve been through this before... we won’t get near it.’ LOLOLOLOL
BUT ALSO. LIKE. Virgil, were you really in danger? If a SPIDER can puncture your suit... why are you wearing it into SPACE???  😂 (Shoulda had it on his shoulder or something. lol)
AND G’OL VIRGIL showing up RIGHT when he’s needed.  XDDD
And... I. Really love Scott’s first thought after omg butterflies is... I have to tell Virgil. 🤣 And then them LAUGHING together like that. OMG. 😭 THEY ARE SUCH BEST FRIENDS. 😭😭😭😭😭 Kayo’s gonna make them regret it so much, isn’t she?
...Yeah, the pacing was weird, but certainly some enjoyable bits in here. XDa
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crystallinetides · 8 years
So I was tagged by @just-plain-aiden to do a tag thingy!!! I don't really care about the rules but I love these things so I'mma do it anyway
[1] drink: water, bc I'm basic like that
2] phone call: like, one I answered? shit man, idk. The most recent call to my phone was for a bill tho
[3] text message: My Tumblr auth code
[4] song you listened to: "Tous les Memes" by Stromae (the last English song I listened to was "Guillotine"...)
[5] time you cried: not recently enough my friend
[6] dated someone twice: yes, bad idea, 0/10 would not recommend
[7] been cheated on: .... no?
[8] kissed someone and regretted it:  yeah x.x
[9] lost someone special: yeah, my grandmother
[10] been depressed: it's p much a constant thing now???
11] gotten drunk and thrown up: it is not fun
[12] blue!!!!!!
[13] purple
[14] mint! (that weird green/blue bullshit color)
[15] made new friends:  oui
[16] fallen out of love: DAMN RIGHT, FUCKIN FREEEEEEE
[17] laughed until you cried: yes. actually I think that has happened more recently than actual crying
[18] found out someone was talking about you: idk???
[19] met someone who changed you: I don't think so?
20] found out who your true friends are: already knew, bruh
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: yes, actually
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: like... all of them? I think that maybe 2% of my friends I don't actually know
[23] do you have any pets: three dogs, Charlie, Taz, and Flea Biscuit; three cats, Ivory, Tubbs, and Spooky
[24] do you want to change your name: nah. I use Crys online, that's good enough for me. although I went through a phase where I REALLY wanted to change my last name bc it's gross 
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: GOT TURNT and by turnt I mean I had a single drink at dinner and that's about it OH I WENT ICE SKATING
[26] what time did you wake up: WHOO BOY I have not slept since I woke up at 7AM Friday morning (it is currently 12:29AM Sunday...)
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: I was at work!
[28] name something you cannot wait for: part of me wants to say the Sweet Embrace of Death but I'm really just ready to go to medical school like fuck this
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: Thursday??? I think???
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my propensity for procrastination
[31] what are you listening to right now: the various beeps of a hospital (Guillotine is stuck in my head on repeat)
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ... I don't think I have
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: my roots showing through the hair dye
[34] most visited website: this hellhole of a website (I use Instagram a lot more now???)
[35] elementary: I am unsure of the question??? Did I go to elementary school, is that the question? I assume so. Yes, I did. I loved it.
[36] high school: literally fuck high school
[38] hair color: dark brown with red, but right now it's bright ass pink
[39] long or short hair: I got short hair bruh, easier to deal with
[40] do you have a crush on someone: nah, relationships scare me rn
[41] what do you like about yourself?: my eye color??? my ear for tone???
[42] piercings: I have two holes in each ear lobe and one in my cartilage
[43] blood type: A positive!
[44] nickname: Crys on here, but irl it's Brie like the goddamn cheese
[45] relationship status: single Pringle
[46] zodiac sign: Aquarius~
[47] pronouns: she/her
[48] fav tv show: this is not a fair question bc it changes; I am currently in Voltron hell, but FMA: B will always be my Number One anime
[49] tattoos: lmao I have five; one that is half of the phrase "Together forever, never apart; maybe in distance, but never in heart" (my sister has the first half, I have the second); the second is a watercolor style pink ribbon; the third is a Celtic knot for sisterhood; the fourth is a tree of life with a DNA trunk and birds in it; the fifth is a line from "Iridescent" by Linkin Park. I also have a teeny star on the inside of my wrist
oh lol and I have a plan to get two more in April at least
[50] right or left handed: right handed, but I play saxophone and am learning to play guitar and that's basically like being ambidextrous right
[51] surgery: wisdom teeth removal!
[52] piercing: my ears when I was like 7
[53] best friend : a girl in 1st grade that I don't talk to anymore
[54] sport: marching band bro. fight me
[55] vacation: Florida for family visits; my first out of country visit was Mexico
[56] pair of trainers: ... like, sneakers? shit man idk that was so long ago
[57] eating: nothing, unfortunately. might heat up some pizza.
[58] drinking: water
[59] i’m about to: actually focus on my job 
60] listening to: nothing
[61] waiting for: a chance to sleep properly, I am so tired 
[62] want: sleep for a week and binge watch anime
[63] get married: I am nowhere near ready for that. maybe???
64] career: Im gonna be some sort of surgeon. thinking orthopedic.
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs. give me all the cuddles.
[66] lips or eyes: eyes.
[67] shorter or taller: I prefer taller
[68] older or younger: I don't really care???
[69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic. I need structure in my life
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms, I think.
[71] sensitive or loud: ???? I have no clue
[72] hook up or relationship: at this point, neither. but if I had to choose, hookup. relationships are scary
73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant. think that shit through
[74] kissed a stranger? nah
[75] drank hard liquor? lmao its pretty much all I drink
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? so many contacts have been lost to the Void
[77] turned someone down: yup
[78] sex on first date? definitely not for me
[79] broken someone’s heart? depends on who you ask
[80] had your own heart broken? yeah, wont make that mistake again
81] been arrested? no but I have had a parking ticket, I'm so awful I know
[82] cried when someone died? yup
[83] fallen for a friend: yeah
[84] yourself? I WILL BECOME HOKAGE (genuinely idk)
[85] miracles? okay the fact that we exist at all and can mount an immune response to literally any organic molecule is a miracle and I will fight anyone who says otherwise
[86] love at first sight? nah
[87] santa claus? hes clearly real 
[88] kiss on the first date? if you like em, why not???
[89] angels? .... meeehhh TECHNICALLY yes bc im hard polytheist....
[90] current best friend’s name: Mikaela and Erin <3
[91] eye colour: grey!!! fuck u theyre not blue or green
[92] favourite movie: Spirited Away probably
wow this took longer than expected
anyway now you know how lame I am even tho only ONE of you asked <3
if you do this, send me a link bc I'm nosy
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metalpiratequeen · 8 years
// On a sidenote with Tettares of mainverse, she is aware of anyone Gravitas "orbits" as she calls it or has frequented. She keeps tabs on these individuals. She is outwardly evil because of her Void-aura and appearance but is, in reality, rather a sweetheart. Devoted to her family and Empire. Her love and gentle dedication to Gravitas extends into anyone Gravitas gives even a basic shit about, if Lazarette was ever in dire trouble where Tettares would notice a distress signal from her ship or an abnormal shift in Lazrette's signal (having a huge Empire tends to help you keep tabs on whoever you wish) strange "help" might appear but that would only be if you accepted that. I wouldn't force anything. Their ships are marked by a symbol but Kristen and I haven't figured it out yet though the ones Tetta might send would be black stealth ships, unmarked, because she doesn't want it being traced back to her but she may, in a way, be a dark angel for Lazarette T_T without the pirate ever knowing...She also has to remain unknown because Gravitas wants no crossing-of-his-lives and he'd beat the shit out of her for it, heh.I was just thinking of this from what you mentioned, Lazarette being stuck on an asteroid and I could see Tetta learning of this and sending a small sleek single-bot ship on autopilot to this location and this beautiful little ship landing and opening its landing ramp. The A.I. system auto-deletes when Lazarette enters and the down-on-her-luck pirate being like "what the frag?" because an expensive craft randomly lands here, in the middle of nowhere, and she can fly away? But that would only be if you wanted to give your lady a break.
Omg that would be lovely! Seeing Lazarette interact with robo Tetta, even if they never actually meet! Having this powerful force constantly watching her back and looking out for her well being, solely for her brother sake.
There was something mentioned to me, very briefly, I don't know if this was something you plan-planned or just a passing conversation but it was Lazarette having a kid of Gravitas'? I also wanted to drop for RP needs, if this did happen, and for whatever reason Lazarette was struggling (like she was kicked off her ship with an infant or her life is too dangerous or), Tettares can feel through Gravitas' spark because of their bond. She'd know. She'd find out. She's a scary genius in the center of an Empire. Even though Gravitas would be... furious and she'd more than a bit frightened of him being angry with her, his innocent offspring trumps whatever punishment she'd be given for interfering. She would go to Lazarette, personally, probably the first time she's ever left her parents on her own and offer to take the infant, beg if she has to. Tettares as a character is set up for kids, a mother, a caregiver, she's... very sweet. I feel sorry for her sometimes. But she would. And she'd love that child as her own, she'd love it perfectly. She had a baby around 16 equiv but the child dies when she's in her 20s, she has a lot of grief. She's more than 'a little' sensitive about little ones. But that had been something I was thinking about. I know Gravitas keeps his home-life a secret and Tetta, too, she's very submissive and does as she's told. She's nothing like Gravitas, LOL. He controls her in every way possible when they're young and she's not an adventurer like he is aside from the occasional outings into the Void but the Void is her territory so there's no danger there for her, the living world is dangerous. But I wanted to pass that along for plot, having no idea if said-child ever happens or not but it was in my thoughts.I figure Lazarette may be suspicious at times, of these mystery ships if she ever learns Gravitas comes from some "New Cybertronian Empire". His double-life, lmao. I'd think their controlled territories are dangerous for any outlaws, their Empire is mobilized, militant, and rich but Tetta will honor her mate in all ways, that includes anyone else Gravitas may love. (Also Lazarette is so much older than the twins!)// I think I read in your tags once you said you love world building, so do I heh, the more I have the more my mind explodes with plot
OMG that is so sweet of her. We still don't know where in Gravitas' timeline he becomes a father, but Lazarette will struggle regardless, wanting to give Maelstrom everything but not wanting her to grow up among thieves and cutthroats. Assuming the pirates have not rebuilt their empire by that point. Lazarette will be forced to leave her daughter with someone she trusts in-between jobs, raise Maelstrom on the ship while trying to preserve her innocence, convincing Gravitas to raise her himself or at the very least look after her as time share, or, worst of all, give her up for adoption while secretly watching her grow up. Meeting Tettares for the first time might have Lazarette on edge, questioning her origins and relationship to her brother, but if they got to know each other long enough, Lazarette might see Tettares as her daughters Savior. Maelstrom would love her auntie ;-;
Yeah if, for whatever reason, Gravitas had the child he'd pass it to Tettares and that would be another... path to her. She'd be rather nervous around Lazarette because she knows she's not "supposed to" be involved in her brother's life away from the family and she'd be nervous to say anything Gravitas didn't want to be said. Though if Gravitas had her and Tettares is given her by those means, it'd be the same, she'd take the child weeping and love it to pieces. Tettares doesn't have much of a life outside "the core" of her Empire and her family, she never leaves her parents until they die when she's like fucking equiv of 40+. She's also badly, badddddly abused by Gravitas from... god like 15 until ... her 20s, slowly improving over her 30s onward, until it's healed and he's not that way anymore. I always assumed when he returns home in his later life to be King and "settle down" with Tettares that it is, of course, from age and maturity but also I had a feeling Lazarette might have passed on.Tettares would answer any questions diligently. She'd probably show Lazarette her "true self" and not wear the mask (like Cyclonus does) because there's a child on the line and she's way out of her comfort zone already. She'd have to spill a few of Gravitas' secrets x.x hopefully knowing he is incestuous with his twin doesn't lower Lazarette's respect for him too much. Also depending where this baby is born in the timeline, whenever you pick that, would hint to me her state (how deep in abuse land she is with Gravitas and even if her child with him (who Gravitas utterly rejects) is alive or not, probably not, he only lives to be 7 years old).Tettares though... fantastic mother, kind and patient, gentle, loving. And Maelstrom would have the benefit of education and training, if she lived with Tetta, she lives with Galvatron, Scourge, and Cyclonus. Would have her grandparents surrounding her as well. They wouldn't slight her though Gravitas is outright exiled for some and not overly welcome for a lot of years because of his mistakes.But I wanted the info out in the air for future things, however it goes :)
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