#and how i was no better than a man cause she was rockin it guys
arcwrath · 10 months
Not my boss bringing up what she said to me yesterday after seeing a pic of me in a wig☠️ she got me rolling AGAIN
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cainware · 2 years
jason, bruce, and dick for the character asks?
• Favorite thing about them: He's cocky because he's good and he knows he's good. Also, he loves so fucking hard that it's stupid, and I love that for him.
• Least favorite thing about them: oh lord okay, my least favorite thing about Jason is that sometimes his temper gets the better of him, and he doesn't think about how much like Bruce he is in those moments.
• Favorite line: "Take it from me. Angry people are always looking for someone to help them direct their rage."
• brOTP: jason/roy and donna/jason. Their friendship means a lot to me.
• nOTP: jaydami (I don't think I really need to explain that), jason/talia (thats his Mother in my mind okay), and jaytemis (I personally hc Artemis as a lesbian, but that's just me, and I don't have anything against it, its just personally not for me)
• random headcanon: Jason learned how to sew as a kid because he grew up poor, and you can't always afford to replace clothes when you can't even afford food. Alfred caught him sewing up a hole in a pair of jeans and had to explain to him that he didn't have to do that anymore. Coming back as Red Hood, that skill came in handy more than it did as a kid, sad as that may be.
• Unpopular opinion: idk if its unpopular, but I think him using the crowbar as a weapon and making jokes about it is hilarious because I cope with my own issues in similar ways (note: I didn't say it was a good thing, don't get it twisted lmao)
• Song I associate with them: Jurassitol - Filter
• Favorite picture of them:
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• Favorite thing about them: The guy tries so fucking hard to help people no matter what they've done or what they believe (at least in my personal view of him)
• Least favorite thing about them: He tries SO FUCKING HARD TO HELP PEOPLE and yet he still messes up almost constantly because he can't see anything outside of his black and white perspective
• Favorite line: "Maybe that's what Batman is about. Not winning, but failing, and getting back up. Knowing he'll fail, fail a thousand times, but still won't give up."
• brOTP: Bruce/Jim Gordon! ("You are fucking vigilantes! Plus... Gordon. But I'm rockin with Gordon cause Gordon's rockin with us-")
• nOTP: bruce and his kids, bruce/babara, bruce/kate (Kate Kane is a lesbian and I just can't see her being with Bruce even if she wasn't)
• random headcanon: Bruce has a photo album of all his extended friends and family. It's locked up tight and nobody but Alfred knows about it. The first picture is of him and Alfred with his parents, and the cover, soft matte black with golden text, says "for those in need of a home, the night has room for all"
• Unpopular opinion: I really hate how easy it is for people to act like Bruce never really gave a fuck about the people he's fighting? Because that's not true. He cares, sometimes to a fault, and I hate the "all he does is beat up mentally ill people" joke. Like babe, are we reading the same comic?
• Song I associate with them: Cosmic Hero - Car Sear Headrest (lmaooooo yall make jokes about car seat headrest son Tim but Bruce is the car seat headrest father and thats WORSE)
• Favorite picture of them:
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• Favorite thing about them: The DRAMA the ELDEST DAUGHTER SYNDROME the BITCHINESS-
• Least favorite thing about them: How can one man talk so much per second but say so little
• Favorite line: ".While it's great to be a person that others can rely on, a person they need. I've learned that it's okay to need them, too. That's what friends are for, right?"
• brOTP: birdflash!!! Donna/Dick!!!
• nOTP: Gestures towards Mirage and Tarantula with a court order document
• random headcanon: Dick once got himself locked in a suitcase because he was showing off one of his circus skills to Jason and Damian. Damian locked the suitcase, and Jason filmed it as Dick tried to use his weight to move his canvas prison with his body-weight to try and find Alfred for help.
• Unpopular opinion: Dick please stop having these really long, drawn-out monologues in your head every other panel you're worse than Bruce
• Song I associate with them: I'm Still Standing - Elton John
• Favorite picture of them:
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It took some time but everyone slowly awoke each one told the same thing.
“Explanations will be dealt when everyone is awake.”
Some whined while others simply nodded finding the person they were closest to for comfort. Tom and Sabine took a seat closer to their daughter but did not crowd around her. Both content with her spot between Luka and Adrien. Juleka and Rose woke at the same time, and for a short while thought they were simply enjoying another sleepover. Until Luka tickled Juleka under her chin gently, Juleka let out a soft squeal curling closer to Rose to escape her brother. She glared at her brother, eyes softening when she saw Marinette sleeping with her head on his thigh.
“What’s going on?” Juleka asked softly, not letting go of Rose who was shaking as she looked around the room.
“We don’t really know yet, but we’re all safe. And our...captors I guess, their songs are long but they show we can trust them.” Adrien leaned over from his place sitting besides Gorilla’s chair.
“We’re just trying to stay positive Juleka, Rose. Nino and I keep joking that we’re all having one big movie night.” Nino grinned from his spot beside Alya who was currently typing out their entire experience into her phone. Lila sat on her other side looking around warily but smiling to keep up appearances. Juleka gave Adrien a gentle smile as her and Rose sat up. Juleka took her chance to look around and blinked in slight shock as Jagged and Penny walked over to them.
“Hey there Little Rockstars! Mind if Penny and I join you guys? We only know the Rockin’ Dupain-Chengs, and unfortunately the Bourgeois!” Penny slapped his arm gently, glancing over and sighing in relief that the family didn’t hear them.
“A little lower Jagged, they own the hotel we currently reside at.” Jagged looked at her like a kicked puppy before grinning mischievously and leaning closer to the group.
“Just between us, I’d rather live in the zoo than anywhere near the Bourgeois. Their daughter was constantly trying to invite herself into my room when we first came.” Penny slapped his arm a couple times with her notebook causing the group to laugh softly.
“Give her some credit.” Penny glanced at said girl as she made Jagged sit down. “Since the Queen Bee incident she has been...better?” Adrien frowned softly looking at his old friend about to protest until Gorilla put a hand on his shoulder squeezing it gently. Adrien glanced up at him before sighing softly and nodding.
“Chloe can be a good person, she really can. She just...she changed when her mom left.” Jagged was silent as he stared at the boy before looking over at Chloe who was trying to get her mother’s attention. A soft ‘oh’ leaving him as he watched them, his gaze turning sad as he remembered problems with his own family. Jagged coughed into his hand wanting to change the topic as he kicked out his legs crossing them at the knees.
“Well who else are we waiting to wake up?” He asked looking over to Adrien with a gentle smile. His tone calmer than usual as Penny settled near him. Adrien returned the smile glancing down at Marinette.
“Just Marinette and Kim, although I think Alix is ready to smack Kim awake at this point.”
“I am!”
Alix announced loudly from her spot beside Nathaniel. Laughter rang through the room from their classmates and Jagged. Only Luka noticed when Marinette woke up and had to hold back laughter at the disgruntled glare crossing her still sleep filled face. Luka smiled when their eyes met tilting his head to the side.
“Hello Melody.” He said softly, helping her sit up as she rubbed her eyes. “Now we are just waiting on Kim.” he said to Jagged and a second later a loud slap rang through the room. Kim jerked awake holding his right cheek as he glared up at Alix. It only took seconds for the two to be rolling around wrestling on the floor.
The man stood up walking to the front of the room. He waited for a few seconds before deciding to say something.
He said booking no room for argument and the room went silent with all eyes on the man. He nodded looking over them all.
“I have brought you here today to show you not just what your lives could be, but what your lives are in other universes. I am doing this because one of you is very close to setting themselves on a path for death, and if they die your universe will follow.” He looked at all of them before continuing on.
“Depending on how you act will determine who will remember this in full. Identities will be exposed, you will see happy and sad Universes. Time outside this room is frozen, food and drink will be provided. I will let you know when it’s over. Now, would you like to start?” Adrien hesitantly raised his hand looking at the man.
“So you aren’t going to hurt us?” The man gave a gentle smile, his gaze softening.
“No, I am here to save you.”
Jagged looked around the room before deciding to speak up.
“Fine, let's get this show rockin’ an’ rollin’..”
The man nodded before returning to his seat, the tv turning on.
Multi-Mouse: A Different Ladybug
Marinette is shown running through the school heading towards the janitor's closet, loud bangs and crashes heard in the background as she rips the door open practically throwing herself inside.
“Oh is Marinette hiding from an Akuma attack. I hope she stays safe!” Rose gasped huddling closer to Juleka, covering her mouth as she glanced at Marinette. Assuring herself her friend was still there, Marinette gave her a gentle smile before turning back to the screen.
Marinette pressed her back against the door as she looked around the closet making sure she was alone. “Alright Mullo let’s go! Bridgette is half way across Paris right now on a field trip. We need to distract the Akuma until she and Chat arrive. Mullo flew out of her purse grinning at her as he circled her head.
“You know what to say Marinette!”
Marinette grinned, grabbing the pendent and raising her head confidently.
“Mullo! Let’s get Squeaky!”
Everyone watched her transformation amazed, except for Gabriel who glared at the screen turning to look at the Marinette in the room with them. Nathalie glanced at her boss before looking back at the screen.
“Time to get to work!” Muti-Mouse said, running out of the closet and making her way towards the Akuma in the quart yard. Said Akuma looked like a Gargoyle with glowing red eyes and long sharp talons. Every time it hit someone with its talons they turned to stone. Mutli-Mouse watched from a distance before using her rope, wrapping it around one of the talons and yanking back hard, stopping them from swiping at civilians caught in the way. “Now, attacking civilians that's pathetic. But then again everything Hawkmoth does is pathetic so I shouldn’t expect much.” She pulled her rope back grinning as it made the Akuma stumble. Multi-Mouse’s grin grew as the purple outline of a butterfly appeared. She launched herself back performing a backhand spring dodging a swipe.
“Multi-Mouse! You disgusting vermin! You will hand your Miraculous over to me this instant, or I will turn you into a beautiful statue too!” Marinette hummed tapping her chin as she rocked back and forth on her feet almost playfully.
“How about, no.” She said grinning and shaking her hand in a jazz hands fashion. Laughter rang from the building across from her, and the supposed camera on them moved showing Ladybug.
“A different Ladybug? So that means this Ladybug isn’t our own, interesting and look at her costume! Mari isn’t that a cheongsam? It looks amazing!” Alya exclaimed, bouncing in her seat before turning to her bestie for confirmation. Marinette froze as all eyes were on her, she gave them all a shaky smile glancing at her mom before nodding her head.
“Yes it is Alya. It’s very common in China that Ladybug must be really in touch with her heritage! It is very beautiful and if I’m looking correctly, it looks to be made of something similar to Kevlar. The same with her leggings underneath.” Marinette smiled as she took in the heroine of that Universe wondering if she could convince Tikki to change her own outfit to something similar.
This Ladybug wore a red and black spotted Cheongsam with two slits along the side ending at her hips. Giving her plenty of range to move, underneath she had leggings that dipped into red combat boots with black laces. Her mask and yo-yo remained the same but her hair was pulled into a long fishtail braid that ended just past her knee cap.
Though one thought plagued Marinette’s mind as she looked at this Ladybug, who was she?
“I agree with her. You’ll never get our Miraculous!” Ladybug said as she began to spin her yo-yo dropping into a defensive stance.
“My name is Sculptor, and you better remember it because I will be the one taking those earrings from you!” Ladybug smirked as Sculptor launched himself at her. She threw her yo-yo out wrapping it around his outstretched wrist and pulled hard using her foot to pivot. She circled around twice then yanked her yo-yo back sending the Akuma flying towards Multi-Mouse. Who in return wrapped her rope around his waist yanking him to her faster delivering a hard punch to his face causing both to yelp in pain. Multi-Mouse was quick to jump back holding her injured hand to her chest as Sculptor recovered faster than her, nearly catching her with his talons.
“No, no, no!” Alya said fast as she grabbed Marinette’s ankle cementing the fact that her Marinette was with her not facing the Akuma. Marinette reached out grabbing Alya’s hand, squeezing it.
“Breathe Alya, remember that’s not me out there. That’s not me.”
“Ya, not you.” Alya said, keeping her eyes on Marinette’s before turning back to the screen. Marinette let out a relieved sigh before turning to look at her parents giving them a reassuring smile.
“Multi-Mouse!” Ladybug cried out her yo-yo spinning as she got ready to save one of her partners. She stopped herself as Chat Noir dropped down, wrapping an arm around Multi-Mouse’s waist using his baton to launch them to the same rooftop. “Well now we know he is actually made of stone.” Ladybug said as the three hid around the corner. Multi-Mouse gave her an ‘oh really’ look as she tenderly touched her hand. “Let me see.” Ladybug said, taking her hand gently before turning to Chat. “Please distract him for a bit, I need to make sure her fingers aren’t broken.” Chat nodded standing up straight as he twirled his baton.
“On it my Lady, Princess.” He nodded to both before throwing himself back into the Sculptor’s line of sight. Ladybug turned back carefully, touching Multi-Mouse's hand while watching her reactions. After a few moments she stopped nodding with a smile.
“It is hurt but not broken, be careful with it. The Miraculous cure will heal it enough that it’ll bruise slightly. Ready to get back out there?” Ladybug questioned, causing Multi-Mouse to grin. She stood up peaking around the corner watching. Hat dodge Sculptor’s every swipe.
“I am but we need a plan and fast. I believe the Akuma is in his necklace, it looks hand crafted.” Ladybug peeked around the corner, eyes zeroing in on the necklace before both of them pulled back out of sight. “We need to get the necklace off him without being hit with his talons. The question is how?” She turned to Ladybug one hand cupping her chin as she thought. “I think it’s time for you lucky charm. Ladybug spun her yo-yo nodding with a grin.
“I think you’re right, Lucky Charm!” Ladybug cried out groaning when a small statue landed in her arms. “A statue? Really?” Multi-Mouse giggled softly covering her mouth as the two heroines leaned out of their cover again. Ladybug was silent as her eyes shifted from blue to a swirl of red and black, darting back and forth rapidly. “Alright Multi-Mouse, here’s the plan. I am going to leave the statue with you and take over distraction from Chat. You are going to take the statue and make your way to the basketball hoop. Chat will meet you there, give him the statue and tell him to get ready to use Cataclysm. Make sure to stress that he is to not use it on the statue but is going to make Sculptor think he is. I want you to use Multitude and be ready on the flag poles. I am going to hook my yo-yo around both so that you have a platformish surface to get to him. All of you must use your ropes and wrap them around the necklace. Once it is off him Chat will throw the statue to me and use his staff to land on my yo-yo string besides you. He will use cataclysm on the necklace, so either climb on him or cancel Multitude. Understand?” Ladybug said after her eyes returned to her normal blue. Multi-Mouse nodded as she thought the plan through. She grabbed the statue giving Ladybug a bright smile before making her way to the basketball hoop. Ladybug was quick to jump down, taking Chat’s place. “Go to the basketball hoop.” She said and Chat set off for the hoop causing her to smirk. After a few moments Chat’s voice rang out, catching their attention.
“Man I bet this would look cat-astrophic if my hand just grazed it.” He moved his charges up hand towards the statue causing Sculptor to roar in anger. Ladybug uses the moment to wrap around the flag poles grinning as mini Multi-Mouses run across her string rope in hand. Sculptor used his wings to launch himself at Chat, not even noticing when Multi-Mouse ripped the necklace from him.
“Now!” Ladybug cried out bracing herself to catch the statue. Chat grinned, throwing it to her using his staff to propel him to the rope, immediately grabbing the necklace in his powered up hand. Multi-Mouse canceled Multitude wrapping an arm around Chat shoulder. Chat used his staff to get them to the ground as Ladybug pulled her yo-yo back swinging it up to catch the butterfly.
“It’s always amazing to see Ladybug hatch a plan. Even if it isn’t our Ladybug, she is just as amazing as ours is.” Adrien said with practical stars in his eyes, not noticing the slight blush on Marinette’s face, or the snort that left Fu as he looked between the two. “I wonder if we know this other Ladybug? Also it’s so cool that Marinette is a hero in that universe! She’s already out everyday Ladybug, and there she is their literal Multi-Mouse!” Marinette blushed even more not meeting anyone’s eyes and Adrien rambled on. “If only she could be Multi-Mouse in our universe too, she’d be amazing. Her and Ladybug working together I’m sure they’d defeat Hawkmoth in no time.” Alya grinned looking at Marinette, then Adrien decided to join in on the Marinette hype band wagon.
“I know right! Marinette would be the best hero!” Marinette sent Alya a slightly glare as she waved her hands frantically.
“Enough, enough, enough! Let’s-ah-let’s just get back to the...show? Episode??? Universe?? Agh, let’s just call these episodes, this is so confusing.”
“See ya later little butterfly.” She said softly before grabbing the statue. Spinning twice, throwing it into the air after the second spin. Ladybugs spread across the city fixing everything. Ladybug turned to her two partners with a grin on her face as she held out her fist.
“Pound it!” They cried out together soon after Chat’s ring beeped causing him to blanche slightly before giving the two a grin.
“Well my two favorite ladies, that is my que to go. Patrol tonight?” He asked as he pulled Multi-Mouse into a side hug doing the same to Ladybug. The two nodded, voicing their conformation waving as he jumped away.
“Five on both our classes being canceled.” Ladybug said a mischievous look on her face as she gazed down on the shorter hero, who rolled her eyes as the two began leaping across rooftops. “Oh come on Multi, you used to love placing bets with me.” Ladybug pouted as the two landed on the bakeries balcony glancing around before dropping transformation.
“That was when you didn’t try and get me in sucker's bets Bridgette.” Marinette said with a grin as the masks disappeared, she pulled her cousin down through the trap door both landing on her bed with a bounce causing giggles to glow through the room. Soon two Kwami were flying around them tiredly.
“Mari, my pretty pretty Mari. Give. Me. CRACKERS!” The mouse Kwami squeaked out grabbing the front of her bangs tugging, causing the girls and Tikki to giggle.
“Alright alright, Papa probably has food ready for us, Kwami included.” Marinette said, standing up and pulling Bridgette with her.
“Food, food, food!” Bridgette said excitedly, pumping her arms up and down.
“Well, it seems our niece is still as excitable as ever. Oh I miss her.” Sabine said softly leaning against Tom’s side resting her hand on his chest looking at her niece and daughter lovingly. “We should have her spend the summer with us again since she had to leave early last summer.”
The two girls slid down the ladder surprisingly gracefully as they walked to the kitchen teasing and pushing each other.
“Girls…” Sabine said hands on her waist as she eyed the two with a disappointed look. The two simply grinned at her with mischief in their eyes. Sabine’s frown cracked as she walked over to them brushing their hair down. “No training tonight relax I know school has been tough this week. You both did amazing in the fight, Chat as well. Speaking of Chat he has patrol tonight, yes?” Marinette nodded as she sat down at the breakfast table offering Mullo a cracker. “Good good, make sure to leave his box on the balcony for him.” Sabine said, placing the box in the middle of the table.
“I’ll make sure it’s there Auntie, you know he is obsessed with the family pastries.” Bridgette snorted as she bit into a chocolate croissant. She chewed softly waiting till she swallowed to speak again. “Besides thanks to that stupid diet of his, poor kitten isn’t getting the proper amount of calories. Honestly if he followed it he’d be a skeleton!”
“Speaking of my favorite kitty, we have the plan set in motion! Nino, Alya, Chloe, Sabrina, Bridgette, even Jagged Stone, and I all have the proof needed compiled! Sooo Rien is going to start Operation Rebellion!” Sabine hummed amused as she checked on the roast she was making. She shared a look with her niece before looking back at her daughter. “Starting with, unfortunately, his hair, I will miss it’s beautiful sunny blondeness but he will look amazing with bubblegum pink!” Marinette said with a gentle smile, her eyes shining. “I also convinced him to at least wear the cheesy shirts that I make him. After ya know, promising to let him have an actual say in what he wears.” Sabine snorted softly, shaking her head as Marinette gushed on about her Kitty. She turned to Bridgette tapping her wrist as they made eye contact. Bridgette gasped as she stood up quickly looking at the clock.
“Oh no! I’m going to be late if I don’t leave now! I can’t miss practice again! Dimitria will have my head!” Bridgette grabbed her bag running out the door barely giving Tikki time to hide in her pocket. Marinette and Sabine laughed before Marinette went over to the window, opening it and leaning out carefully. She watched Bridgette exit the bakery and start running down the street.
“Have a good practice, Brid!”
“Alright so in this universe Mari’s cousin is Ladybug.” Alya said as she finished typing, placing her phone on Nino’s thigh. “Obviously she’s not our Ladybug as the title screen said. So does that mean someone else related to Marinette is?” Sabine gave Alya a soft slightly pity filled look before turning her gaze back to her daughter. Marinette shoulders were slumped, relief shining in her eyes. Sabine knew why, after all her daughter was never good at keeping secrets from her. Or masking her fighting style and it was her mother who taught her after all.
“Ladybug isn’t someone related to Marinette in our world.” Lila interjected as her confidence slowly came back, if she played her cards right they’d sink even further into her snake pit. “I would know after all, she’s my best friend.” Sabine’s eyes narrowed as she stared at this girl, tightening her grip on Tom’s arm as she realized who it was. Guilt settling in her stomach for not taking her baby girl's side fully in the whole debacle with Rossi and Dramocles.
“Oh I can’t believe we forgot that!” Rose said, looking apologetically at her not moving from her spot against Juleka. “It must be weird for Lila to not see her bestie as Ladybug.” Lila nodded, pulling out crocodile tears as she looked back at the screen showing Marinette’s smiling face. She had to quickly stamp down her anger before wiping her eyes gently.
“I’m more worried about why my friend isn’t Ladybug. After all, she is the only one truly compatible with the Ladybug Miraculous. On top of Marinette’s cousin not being a true holder she is damaging the Miraculous the more she uses it.” Lila sniffled, hiding her face in her hands. Marinette glared down at a corner pillow forcing herself not to say anything, she startled when Luka’s hand intertwined with her and Adrien’s arm wrapped around her shoulder. Her face bright red in slight embarrassment not even noticing the two boys giving each other dirty looks over her head. Gabriel coughed gaining the rooms’ attention before gesturing back to the screen.
“I think we should continue with the next episode…” He said ignoring the few glares he was reviving. Soon the tv was black again, the words appearing once again.
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colorseeingchick · 4 years
Crushing On You (Kirishima, Tamaki, Toyomitsu (Fat Gum))
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Ion know bout y’all, but I consistently act weird around my crushes. That being said, I also can NEVER tell when someone has a crush on me (although I’m told its obvious). So let’s commemorate that, shall we? 
A/N: This one is dedicated to the lovely @kirislut​. She passively told me to write this and I was like yeah! And then proceeded to take 2 months to do it *sigh*. But yeah stan her or face my wrath >.<
Warnings: None! It’s fluffy. Y/N is written to match the age of the character (so a first year for Kiri, third year for Amajiki, late 20s for Fat). 
Kirishima Eijirou (xBruh!Y/N)
Kiri would be crushing on you for a long time before he even realizes he’s crushing on you. 
You would be a part of the Bakusquad,  and you also made an effort to stand up for yourself against Bakugou, and something about that really got to Kiri. 
You were somehow so *manly* while also so hot AND cute? Damn, how do you do it? 
Not that he understood that he saw you in such a light.  
Because Kiri doesn’t realize he has a crush on you, he wouldn’t necessarily be super blushy or flustered at first. 
When around you, he’s showering you in compliments.
When you aren’t around, he’s constantly bringing you up in conversation. Every conversation. With every single person. 
He would also team up with you to tease Bakugou.
And you already know that if anyone had anything negative to say about you, then he would stand up for you in a heartbeat. 
He really admired you, to say the least. He loved being around you. That was all (he thought).
That is, until the bros™ decided to give him a talk. 
“So..Y/N?” Is all Sero would say. 
And obviously Kiri smiled at your name, but didn’t know why they were bringing you up. 
“Are you gonna ask them out anytime soon? If you wait any longer I might just do it myself,” Kaminari tries to playfully nudge Kirishima into understanding. 
“Ask them out???” Kiri is now in shock! Because where did this come from!
That being said, his face also got as red as his hair, and the thought of you hugging him or staring back at him felt like a really pleasant idea all of a sudden. 
“Oi, shitty hair, don’t tell me you don’t recognize your own feelings. Are you really that much of an idiot?” Bakugou asks, his tone irritated and disinterested.
Although, he’s kinda invested in seeing you two get together at this point. The whole squad was. 
And then it hit the man like a truck. 
Shit! I have a crush on the coolest, strongest, most amazing person I know. 
After this point, he doesn’t know if he’s ready to ask you out yet. But he definitely starts acting differently. 
Usual shoulder leans and elbow nudges now make him feel like Kaminari was electrocuting him.. 
Any compliments you sent his way would cause Kiri.exe to stop working.
And your smile would make him feel starstruck. 
It was a breaking point when a school sponsored dance came around and you showed up looking like a WHOLE SNACK in the most elegant dress/tux/(whatever badass clothes you wanna be rockin). .
Kiri straight up would not look at you. He fully refused to turn his head in your direction, which was hard because the Bakusquad decided to spend the whole time there together, which meant he wasn’t leaving your side. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Bakugou was so confused (I mean same. Kiri THEY LOOK LIKE A SNACK why aren’t you basking in their glory jeez).
“SHHH Bakugou. It’s not manly to stare…” 
Kiri was worried that he would ogle you into discomfort, jaw dropped and eyes wide because his heart would burst upon looking at you for too long. 
In turning his head, he didn’t notice Kaminari and Sero approach you, whispering into your ear.
It was only when you came up and tapped him on his shoulder that he turned around and looked at you, you smiling at him. 
“Hey Kiri, do you wanna dance with me?”
Hey would pause, because he was really flustered, but then he would flash his huge toothy grin and gladly take your hand, pulling you onto the dancefloor to dance with him into the night. 
BONUS: While dancing with you, Kiri would only look at your face and refused to look at your feet, causing him to stumble a couple of times. 
And naturally, you would ask him about it. 
He would blush but explain, “I didn’t want you to think that I was staring down at your body and making you uncomfortable…”  
WANDERING EYES ARE NOT MANLY! change Kiri’s mind. 
You would laugh and respond, “Hey, if you need to look at our feet to make sure we don’t trip, I don’t mind.”
But you would then pull close to him, wrapping one hand around his neck and speak quietly into his ear-
“And if you wanna look at the rest of me while you're at it, I wouldn’t mind that either.” 
Kiri.exe has stopped working once again. Good job Y/N! 
Amajiki Tamaki (xGentle!Y/N)
Tamaki would have a crush on you after being your friend for a little while. 
Like at first he was super nervous around you because people are nerve inducing and scary (I feel ya buddy its ok).
Over time though, you guys became closer friends. He realized how gentle and sweet you were.
You would spend a lot of time together, studying, going to get food, and training together.
You also would spend late nights together, especially when one of you was stressed or having a panic attack. You kept each other safe. 
It wasn’t a surprise to Tamaki when he found himself wanting to spend more time with you. 
It didn’t shock him that he loved looking into your eyes. 
He felt himself, and watched himself, fall in love with you. 
But despite that, he wasn’t really as awkward about it as you would expect him to be. 
Your entire relationship had been very wholesome and close from the start, and because he was aware of his feelings from the get go, there wasn’t any real shock. 
Ultimately, you were his safe space, and he would rather not compromise that by bringing his emotions into it. He was content to love you from a bit of a distance. 
In a non creepy way, he loved to watch you. He knows looking at people you love or feel safe with is a really good way to calm anxiety and ground yourself, and that’s what Tamaki does all the time with you. 
Just watch you work or eat and laugh. It was enough to keep him together. 
And the times you told him “I love you” made his heart soar, even if he knew it was platonic.
He also had a journal with writing in it, where he would write small notes or lines about his thoughts. Many were about you and how pretty you looked when you came to his room in PJs when you couldn’t sleep, or how happy you were when you down a bowl of ramen, or how-
You get the idea. 
 Though he was content with accepting his crush on you, nothing could have prepared him for how you found out. 
You both had been working together in his room. He was working on some homework while you were studying for your *least* favorite subject, math.
So you ask if you can see his notes to help you understand better.
“Yeah. It’s the first one on my shelf. Its the most recent pages.”
What he forgot was that he had moved it into his backpack and the nondescript notebook that sat first on his shelf was his journal. 
While he kept working, you opened to try and figure out how integrals worked, but instead were met with a cute doodle of your face with a heart next to it.
The line above it said, “On a cold day, y/n’s smile keeps me warm.”
It was oddly poetic, a lil sappy, insanely heart tingling but cOMPLETELY out of left field because- what? This was definitely NOT integrals.
“Tamaki, I don’t think this is the right book…”
He looks up and his face drops in horror as he sees you with his journal, your eyes dazed and unsure.
“O-oh! I’m s-s-so s-sorry I-”
He trips off his bed and runs right up to you, tugging the notebook out of your hand and pulling it to his chest. “This isn’t how I meant for you to f-f-find out I have a c-crush on you-u.” His eyes are glued to the floor. 
“...Tamaki, you have a crush on me?” You ask, in a calm (but very shocked) tone. 
His eyes shot up, wide, and he scrambled through the notebook to see what you read. It was just the doodle and one line, but if you had flipped a page back, you would have seen a long rambling explaining how much he liked you.
But, you didn’t flip a page back, and instead, Tamaki had 100% exposed himself. 
“Y/N I’m s-so so sorry you probably think that I’m a creep now I swear that I really value our friendship and I don’t mean to ruin it so you can just forget about this and-”
He went on for a while, lost in his words and slowly falling apart while you were trying to process what you heard. 
He had a crush on you too? What a relief. You wish you realized sooner! But better late than never right?
Now for how you were gonna calm him down.
On instinct, you wanted to jump on him and kiss him till he couldn’t breathe, but that would probably freak him out more than anything else. 
So you just do what feels right. 
“I really hope you don’t hate me or think I’m weird you just really make me feel complete and peaceful and I never meant to-”
You reach out and gently take hold of one of his hands, pulling it to your face, and softly kiss his knuckles. 
He stops rambling and looks like a deer in headlights as his face ignites into a bright red. 
“Shhh.. Tamaki… I like you too, okay? I like you a lot. So please calm down.”
What a roller coaster for this poor boy. “Y-you don’t think I’m obsessed with you?”
“I don’t! Well, if you’re obsessed with me, I’m just as obsessed with you, so its okay!” 
You smile at him and he blushes, hiding his face into his shoulder, his hand still sweetly entangled with yours. 
“I, I’m glad,” he manages to get the words out after a few seconds.
For the first time in the history of your relationship, Tamaki was a flustered blushy mess with you. 
“Cmon Tamaki, we have more studying to do!!” You want him to mentally gather himself, so you take him back to his bed, hands still intertwined. 
BONUS: After failing at studying, Tamaki laid down on his bed and stared at the wall, failing to nap, while you were sitting at the foot of the bed.  
His mind was racing. 
“We like each other, but we haven’t talked about it since that moment… What if things are going to be awkward? I don’t want it to be what should I-”
The bed dipped down behind him and an arm snaked up around his torso. His back was pulled against your chest. 
“Is it okay if I take a nap with you, sweetheart?” You ask in a lazy and sleepy voice. 
His heart fluttered at the nickname. “Yeah, of course.”
“I’m glad. I love you, Tamaki.” And with that, you nuzzle into his back and fall asleep. 
And with the feeling of your arms and your stable breathing, he realized you were still his safe space. And with that he was lulled to sleep. 
Toyomitsu Taishiro (x Foodie!Y/N)
You’re assigned to represent your agency for the team-up with Fat Gum’s agency.
When you rolled in, Fat Gum didn’t take much note of you at first. 
But when you intensely fawn over takoyaki during lunch break on the first day, he felt like his eyes were being reopened and he was seeing you for the first time. 
Love at first meal!
Though he initially found you attractive because he shares his love of food with you, he slowly found himself loving everything about you. 
You’re a lighthearted person, with a big heart and an even bigger appetite.
You brought a lot of joy, and that was energy Taishiro could never get enough of.
He knew he was a goner when one day were pranked by one of his Agency members, got caught off guard, and ended up jumping at him. 
He caught you and held you (cuz hero instincts obviously), and in that moment you couldn’t help but hug him out of fear (and because he’s SO CUDDLY REEEEEE).
But that’s enough for him to realize he wants to hold you more. And often. 
Yeah he’s whipped okay.
He definitely tries to keep it professional! And not *overtly* flirt with you.
But he brings you food literally 2 or 3 times a day. 
That may sound like a lot, but given its Fat Gum, it came off pretty innocuous at first.
He’s also really observant, so he picks up on what type of foods you really like. 
So he very often pulls up with your favorites, which always makes your day better. 
He also tries to give you some of his favorite foods, and days you like his favorites were the best. 
He was living his best life watching you be happy, even in a professional setting. 
Fat Gum finally came forward about his feelings for you after a mission went awry. 
It was supposed to be an information retrieval mission- simple get in get out. 
You, Fat, and Sun Eater were going to be working together. 
Fat would guard, Sun Eater would infiltrate and restrain, while you would obtain necessary documents.
That plan is sabotaged the moment you realized the League is also present- when they definitely were not supposed to be. 
Before you can process this shocking information, a knife is being plunged into your stomach. 
Toga smiles down at you- “pretty blood from a pretty person, I’m sorry I can’t help myself.”
She jumps back when Sun Eater sends an octopus arm at her. 
He grabs you in the process and pulls you back, where Fat is now standing by his side, eyes wide in horror. 
He takes you into his arms, and the last thing you feel is being held against his fluffiness before blacking out. 
When you wake up, you’re in a hospital bed, Recovery Girl on one side of you, and Taishiro on the other, in his skinny form. 
Evidently, he had beaten most of the villains to a pulp, but the League had dipped before he could do much more damage. 
But after that, he had carried you to the ambulance and hasn’t left your side since. It’s been half a day. 
“Fat Gum…” 
“Hey do me a favor and call me Taishiro, okay?” He asks you very gently.
“Tai-shiro…” Oof his heart skipped a beat at hearing you say his name. 
“Taishiro, the mission…”
“Shhh it’s okay. There’s an interrogation of the villains that we captured going on right now, and Fourth Kind’s agency is following up on our leads. We did our job for now.”
“Are you okay? Amajiki-kun, is he okay?”
“We’re both fine. Some scratches on him, a lil fat lost for me, but we’re okay.”
“Taishiro...The agency, why are you here? You should be there running the ag-”
“I want to be here with you. That’s why I am here. I trust my assistants to cover for me right now.”
“That’s very nice of you, but I still don’t understand why…”
“Because I like you. I like you lots, Mx. L/N.  I know our relationship has been professional, but seeing you injured was something I didn’t…. I care a lot and I couldn’t find it in myself to leave you here alone. I hope our relationship can stay professional and friendly though, I really enjoy spending time with you.”
Recovery Girl looks back and forth between you two, eyeing your shocked face and his determined, serious one. 
“I’ll be back to check on you in an hour, Y/N. But I’ll leave you two alone for now ~~~” 
You paused, silent. The longer you stayed silent the faster his heart began to race. 
Suddenly, you sit up, placing weight on the heels of your palms. 
“Y/N you’re still injured what are you-”
It's your turn to cut him off, grabbing his jacket and yanking him towards you with your left hand.
Your right hand going to wrap around the back of his neck,
and your body falls back, 
Caught off guard, half standing, and balance lost, Fat’s upper body is now looming above yours, his hands planted on either side of you.
His eyes are wide, and your hands on the back of his neck are warm.
“I’m sorry, Taishiro… but I don’t want this relationship to stay just professional. So can I kiss you?”
His heart flutters, and his classic grin spreads across his face as he closes his eyes and let’s his face close the distance between you two. 
BONUS: You and Fat Gum decided that you didn’t want to tell people that you had started dating- the news would take it and make it a public affair. 
But you decided to leave it up in the air for your agency to figure out. They were your friends after all. 
The first to catch on was Amajiki, but he stayed quiet. 
But the new recruit Kirishima wasn’t as quiet about his suspicions. 
When he walked in to see you hug Fat Gum, he didn’t know how to react. 
You both seemed fine and acted as if hugging was a perfectly normal thing he shouldn’t be surprised by. 
You say goodbye and pat Kiri’s head on the way out. 
The last thing you heard was a loud scream, followed by a “Fat, you and Y/N are dating?” 
Yeah! Cat’s out of the bag.
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ryanrosshq · 2 years
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june: playlists // @cityofdreamstasks​ FAVORITE ARTISTS
Ryan has been collecting vinyl since he was a child. He’s spoken a lot about certain musical artists being his influences so for the first playlist I decided to compile a selection of songs from his favorite artists, his friends,  but also some that I haven’t heard him speak about but I think he would listen to based on his aesthetic. There’s a wide range of genres on here and I think that speaks volumes about who he is as an artist himself; I don’t think he has a specific ‘taste in music’ I think he has a taste for music, and he really will listen to anything and find something to appreciate even if it doesn’t make it’s way into his record collection or his liked artists on Spotify/Apple Music. 
spotify playlist / tracklist under read more
Diamonds & Gold | Tom Waits Sing me a rainbow, steal me a dream. This song had such an impact on Ryan that he got the lyrics “Mad as a hatter, thin as a dime” tattooed on his wrists.
Get It On | T.Rex You’re an untamed youth, that’s the truth, with your cloak full of eagles
Daydream Believer | The Monkees Our good times start and end, without dollar one to spend; but how much, baby, do we really need?
All Out Of Tears | Z Berg I’m not your baby, you did forsake me and made me crazy for seven years.
Skin & Bones | Z Berg feat. Shamir You got me by the skin and bones.
The Cult of Dionysus | The Orion Experience I’m feeling devious. You’re looking glamorous.
Nice Guys Finish Last | Cobra Starship You’re a nice guy with the wrong attitude, she wants a bad boy.
California Girls | The Beach Boys By a palm tree in the sand, I been all around this great big world.
Help Me, Rhonda | The Beach Boys I can give you lotsa reasons why you gotta help me, Rhonda, help me get her out of my heart.
Barefoot | Ray Collins’ Hot Club Gonna slip right out of my shoes and we’ll walk straight up to the moon.
Why | The Cues I said “Why oh why oh why don’t you love me?” And she said “cause I know you’ll break my heart”
Come Alive (War Of The Roses) | Janelle Monae We’re dancing in the dungeon every Monday night, that’s when we come alive.
Twist and Shout | The Beatles Shake it up baby. Basically anything by The Beatles tbqh
Rockin’ Bones | The Cramps When I die don’t you bury me at all, just mail my bones up on the wall. Beneath these bones let these words be seen: ‘This is the bloody gears of a boppin’ machine’.
Funnel of Love | Wanda Jackson You just can’t run from the funnel of love, it’s bound to get you some day. This song was covered by Ryan and Jon’s band The Young Veins.
Smile Like You Mean It | The Killers Boy, one day you’ll be a man.
All These Things That I’ve Done | The Killers I got soul but I’m not a soldier.
Vampire Money | My Chemical Romance The kids don’t care if you’re alright honey, the pills don’t help but it sure is funny! Give me, give me some of that vampire money come on!
Famous Last Words | My Chemical Romance I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone.
Seven Nation Army | SKÁLD A seven nation army couldn’t hold me back.
Monkberry Moon Delight | Paul McCartney feat. Linda McCartney My piano was boldly outspoken, in attempts to repeat its refrain.
Shout! Pts. 1 & 2 | The Isley Brothers You been good to me baby, better than I ever been to myself. P!ATD also covered this song.
Who Can Say | The Horrors Maybe it’s better now I’ve gone away, maybe it’s not. Oh, who can say?
Little Victories | The Horrors My paranoia galvanised by your gaze, so austere.
Just Like Heaven | The Cure “Show me how you do that trick, the one that makes me scream” she said, “the one that makes me laugh” she said, and threw her arms around my neck. “Show me how you do it and I promise you, I promise that I’ll run away with you.”
Pretty Girls Make Graves | The Smiths He will not smile for anyone and pretty girls make graves.
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chibsytelford · 3 years
Fallin' In Love
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Requested by @rebelwrites - Hey babe can I get the song “DJ got us falling in love” by usher and pit bull with Clay please 🥰
So we back in the club
With our bodies rockin' from side to side (side to side)
Thank God the week is done
I feel like a zombie comin' back to life (back to life)
After a hard week at work, you and your best friend decided to hit up a bar and get wasted. You rarely drank, but something inside you told you to just go out, let your hair down and enjoy yourself. So that's exactly what you both did. 
You both entered the packed bar and headed straight for the bartender, ordering some shots and a couple of beers. "See anyone you like?" You asked her.
She shrugged, already looking around for her prey. You followed her gaze and noticed a blonde guy and a dark haired guy playing darts, and you'd be lying if you said they weren't attractive. As if on cue, blondie turned and made eye contact with you, holding up his beer in a 'hello' gesture and smirking at you. Damn he was gorgeous.
Your friend grabbed your hand and led you into the middle of the floor. Nobody else was dancing, it wasn't really that type of bar, but the alcohol was already kicking in and you didn't have a care in the world.
Hands up, and suddenly we all got our hands up
No control of my body
Ain't I seen you before?
I think I remember those eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes
You could feel eyes boring into your back as you swayed in time to the music that was vibrating off the four walls. You had no idea who turned the music up, but nobody was complaining. You both seemed to have every pair of eyes on you, but the only eyes you cared about belonged to the blonde bombshell you had seen a few minutes ago. This dance was for him, and he was enjoying every minute.
You grabbed your friends waist and she put her arms around your neck. This wasn't new to the two of you. You were both known for putting on a show in whichever bar was lucky enough to host you.
Suddenly you felt a new pair of hands around your waist and you spun around, looking up into a pair of beautiful blue eyes. "Clay" Blondie said, gracing you with his know-it-all smirk once more.
"Y/N" you replied, shaking his hand and letting them rest on his forearms. 
"What brings you here, Y/N?" Clay asked. You noticed how when he asked you a question his eyes never left yours. He was eagerly awaiting your answer.
"Had a long week at work, needed to blow off some steam, what better way than dancing and drinking" Clay laughed at your response, nodding his head.
"I hear you. Sonny and I" - he said pointing behind you to where your best friend was dancing with Clay's friend - "had a rough week too".
You had only just met this man but instantly you felt like you could trust him. You wanted to tell him your life story, but you refrained. You'd let him ask to scope out if he was interested.
"Let's go somewhere a bit quieter" he spoke, placing his strong hand on the bottom of your back and guiding you to an unoccupied table. 
"What do you do for work?" You asked, making conversation whilst you waited on your drinks.
"I save my brother's asses" he grinned, picking at a beer mat clearly finding himself funny. "Jokes aside, I'm a seal". 
He gave you a second, clearly expecting you to get up and do a runner, but you didn't. He was interesting, and his job didn't scare you.
"A modern day superhero" you smiled at him. "Do you like it?"
Clay was stunned by your calmness. Previously, anyone he mentioned being a seal to would leave, clearly not wanting to come second best to a job. But you were different, he noted.
"Yeah" he nodded "I do. Every time I'm spun up it's a different mission, different target, different environment. It's hard, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It makes it easier knowing I have my brother's there, watching my six".
You were intrigued, and held onto his every word.  You didn't want the man to stop talking. You could tell her was smart, just by the way he spoke. He was confident, but not arrogant. You could tell he loved his team, and you admired that.
Cause baby tonight,
D-J got us fallin' in love again
Yeah, baby tonight,
D-J got us fallin' in love again
The drinks kept flowing, and you didn't realize the time. The bartender shouted last drinks 10 minutes ago, and both Clay and you sighed, clearly upset that you had to leave. He offered you his hand, which you gladly accepted. He placed a few bills down on the table, and led you outside. 
"I really enjoyed tonight Y/N, it's not often I can have fun, so thank you" Clay admitted.
"Me too Clay. And clearly Sonny did too" you laughed as Sonny and your friend exited the bar, hand in hand. 
"Can I see you again?" He abruptly asked, catching you off guard a bit. 
"Of course" you were already getting your phone out to put his number in. "I'll make the first move next time" you boldly admitted.
Clay once again smiled at you, his whole face lighting up and his hair slightly flopping down. At that moment, you could have kissed him, but you decided against it. You had a good feeling, and you didn't want to rush anything.
"Goodnight Mr Blondie" you smiled, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll text you".
"I'll hold you to that"
You waited for your friend to be done saying goodbye to Sonny, and you put your arm through hers, giving Clay one last look and smile before you headed home. 
@rebelwrites @mrsmarvelous1995 @bravo-four-seal-team @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @disasterfandoms @phoenixhalliwell @velvetcardiganbucky @lotsoflovefromlea @muggleborn12 @pinkrockstar19 @seik-o @talicat713 @supervalcsi @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @abby-splace @ohitshanksgirlxo
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #246: GATHERINGS
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August, 1984
Family feud! Guest-starring SERSI of the Eternals!
She comes!
A portent of times to come! I hear a faint rumbling of leather jackets from distant years...
Also, hey! She-Hulk! I missed you!
The Avengers have been through the Secret Wars and participated in the Wraith War! What’s next for our band of heroes?
Maybe parties? The cover makes it look like a party is going on before some Kirby-looking guys crashed.
But also? Vision’s vague scheming to raise the Avengers’ profile continues as he and Scarlet Witch take a trip to visit President Reagan and First Lady Reagan at the White House.
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Weird thing is that we don’t get an unobscructed view of Reagan’s face. He’s either back to the ‘camera’ or cropped on the panel border. Weird, since this wasn’t a problem last time he appeared in this book. Y’know, the time some plant people tried to hold him for ransom? That time?
President Didn’t-Pay-for-the-Likeness-Rights thanks Vision for taking time to personally brief him on all the biz the Avengers have been up to.
President Reagan: “I wish we could talk like this more often! The National Security Council keeps me posted on your missions, but there’s nothing like getting the news firsthand.”
Vision: “I quite agree, Mr. President. In fact, I have a few suggestions for making the lines of communication between Avengers Mansion and the White House more... shall we say... direct?”
He suggests they speak in private which Reagan gladly agrees to, shooing Scarlet Witch and Mrs. Reagan out. To Scarlet Witch’s surprise because he sprang the trip on Washington on her and now he’s sprung this on her.
Also, every time Vision meets someone in private and the conversation takes place off-panel, they suddenly come around to his point of view so.... uh...
Well, I’m sure it’s fine.
Meanwhile, we get back to Captain Monica Marvel Rambeau’s subplot. Remember how she worried after getting back from Secret Wars that she had no explanation to give her family for being missing for several days? And was thinking of telling them about her secret superhero thing?
Well, she calls home to New Orleans and her presumably firefighter dad answers. I presume he’s a firefighter because there’s a firefighter hat and coat hanging up prominently in the background. We call that environmental storytelling.
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Monica’s mom isn’t home so Monica asks for her parents to call her back when they’re both available.
Monica: “In a way, I’m glad momma wasn’t home. That gives me more time to figure out how I’m going to tell them that their ‘little girl’ is leading a double life... as an Avenger called Captain Marvel!”
... Geez, her costume looks so weird when there’s nobody in it.
Monica ponders just bringing it up casually by RECAPPING HER ENTIRE BACKSTORY! Which, in fairness, would be an appropriate way to handle it. But she decides that just going ‘yeah I was helping old family friend Professor LeClare investigate a secret lab on an oil platform, punched a machine, got powers, and then joined the Avengers’ would sound crazy and that there must be a better way to tell them.
I say, take it slow and ramp up. Start from ‘I have superpowers’, do a little pew pew flashlight beam and let their questions guide your explanation.
Meanwhile again but elsewhere, Wasp van Dyne is just chilling at Avengers Mansion, bumming herself out rereading the World According to Garp, and receiving a phone call from West Avengers Chairman Hawkeye.
He tells her that he found a great HQ for the new West Coast Avengers, some old silent film star’s home, and he’s overseeing renovations now.
This ongoing Hawkeye real estate subplot is to get you excited for the upcoming West Coast Avengers series. Are you?
I dread it.
Anyway, Starfox comes in after the phone call and recognizes that Janet is in a Mood. A very bored mood. A post-chairperson funk.
Wasp: “It’s just that Wanda and the Vision are in Washington... Hawkeye and his new wife are setting up a new team in California... Cap and Thor are away on missions of their own... Everybody’s doing something! Everybody but me! It’s funny, after all we’ve been through lately, especially with that horrible Magneto, you’d think I’d appreciate a little leisure time. But instead, I’m bored out of my mind!”
Magneto kissing her really teed her off if that’s what she’s focusing on from the whole Secret Wars thing and not having died.
Starfox has just the answer for Wasp’s post-Magneto-kissing blues though.
He was on his way to a great party and Wasp can be his plus one!
Meanwhile, on the Washington to New York plane, Vision and Scarlet Witch.
She’s confused why they didn’t just take the Quinjets that they have instead of flying on a commercial airline but Vision says that getting out among the people is just good public relations.
I mean, he’s not wrong. But also flying in public, in your costumes, seems like it runs the risk of aggroing a supervillain attack.
It doesn’t happen but I wouldn’t have been surprised if it did.
The flight attendant asks Vision if he drinks before course correcting into asking him if he wants a drink.
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I don’t know what’s more amazing here. Wanda going ‘he never has coffee at home’ like that coffee ad that Airplane spoofed.
Or Vision patting himself on the back for connecting to the common man with his drink order.
Simply superb.
Back at the casa Rambeau, Maria Rambeau returns and then returns Monica’s call. Monica says she’s going to come over for dinner and then a panel later, she’s knocking on the door.
Her parents are confused because it’s a twenty-minute drive between Monica’s house and theirs but that’s just part of what Monica wants to explain to them.
I see Monica decided to just jump into her explanation.
Back in New York, Janet frets over whether she’s dressed right for the party but Starfox just dismisses that as one of Earth’s weird mores. Why, he only wears the one outfit and that’s just gonna have to be good enough.
They arrive at the party and it seems to be a hobnobbin’ sort of event, with people discussing court settlements and acting. Also, She-Hulk is there. Hi, She-Hulk!
Glad Stern found another excuse to include you after Byrne stole you away to the land of the Fantastic.
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She-Hulk says she met the host at an exotic bakery shop just last week and that’s how she scored the invite.
I wonder what made these baked goods so exotic. And I’m wondering if it wasn’t actually erotic. Do I think that She-Hulk would purchase a butt cake? Yes, yes I do.
She asks Starfox how he knows the host and, well, he doesn’t. He heard about the party and decided to invite himself (and Wasp) along. I.e. crash.
But the host...
But the host, Sylvia Sersi, isn’t too bothered by the pair of party-crashing Avengers and has She-Hulk introduce them.
Starfox is enchanted to meet Sersi and she likewise but they’d best not be too enchanted to meet each other because I’m pretty sure they’re not too distant relations.
Mentor founded the Titan colony of the Eternals and the Eternals have all been around a while so there’s not that many branches between Starfox and Sersi, I don’t think.
A drunk man pauses before a mirror to tidy up his tie and gets a startle when a Watcher-looking guy that isn’t the Watcher because he has hair appears in the mirror instead of his own face.
When Sersi comes over to investigate she tells him he must have imagined it and sends the guy away for some air but then interrogates the mirror face man and calls him Domo.
Domo, in the mirror: “We need you here in Olympia! Everyone is needed for the final decision!”
Sersi: “I told you before, I don’t care! Go ahead and make your big decision! It won’t affect me, because I intend to go right on doing as I please!”
Then she turns the mirror into a picture of penguins??
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Her powers are great indeed.
Although her investment in the community is less so.
Whatever this mysterious decision everyone is voting on, it is clearly less important than this rockin’ party. This party has a She-Hulk!
Back over at the Rambeaus, Monica decides to just rip off the band-aid and tell her parents that she’s Captain Marvel. They find it hard to believe so she just pulls out her costume and lightspeeds into it.
Harder to hold doubts when your daughter glows with an awesome power.
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Frank Rambeau: “It’s true... my little girl’s an Avenger. Hey, that means... you’ve met Captain America!”
Frank jumping right to the important points.
Thankfully, Monica’s parents are very supportive. And actually like the Avengers. You have cool parents, Monica.
Frank Rambeau: “Monica, I don’t know what to say! The Avengers are heroes... like Cap and the Black Panther and Thor... They’re like a legend! To think that you’re one of them -- !”
Maria Rambeau: “We’re very, very proud of you, dear... Prouder than we ever thought possible!”
Very cool parents.
Meanwhile, back at the party, mirror spooked guy (apparently Harry) goes out for air like Sersi suggested and then sees something else which spooks him even harder!
He runs from the party babbling about seeing things or not seeing things and not sticking around to sort out which.
Then a bunch of goons crash the party by flying through the terrace doors.
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Look at these total goons.
Starfox steps forward and tries to defuse the situation both by words
Starfox: “Easy, my friends! I’m sure you don’t want to hurt anyone!”
And by shooting pleasure beams from his mind.
Predictably, his pleasure beam, besides being creepy, can’t be allowed to be too effective.
If it actually worked we wouldn’t have conflict and plot.
So like the Hulk in Incredible Hulk #300, these dudes called Delphans just slap Starfox out of the way.
Then superhero number two steps up.
One of the Delphans say that they need to get “that witch” before she can cause them any grief and She-Hulk was in proximity and assumes they meant her and takes exception to that.
She-Hulk: “‘Witch’, huh? You wouldn’t mean me, would you? That’s a bad choice of words, but you’re right about one thing... I can give plenty of grief!”
The Delphan just immediately hits her with an energy pole which just pisses off She-Hulk and ruins her party dress. Thankfully she had the unstable molecules FF costume on underneath.
She dresses in layers.
Delphan: “You’re still standing? But that photon-burst would have stunned the mighty Karkas!”
She-Hulk: “You stupid jerk! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find nice things in my size?!”
She-Hulk and Starfox start beating on the Delphans but its Sersi’s party and she can shoot eye beams if she wants to, eye beams if she wants to.
Sersi: “I should have known Domo would send you Delphans after me! Well, it won’t work! You’re not taking me away without a fight!”
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Not just eyebeams but apparently a piggifying beam!
A singing piggifying beam!
Oh, sure, the Delphan says that its a transmutive ability but I know whats what.
Her name is Sersi, which is like Cerci, and she can shoot pig beams at people, especially Greek soldiers.
Unfortunately, like other witches before her, she needs some wrist range of movement to do her business and grabbing her by the arms will just nullify her.
If only he didn’t have armored outpanties, she could kick him in the business.
But fortunately, Wasp “can blow up a small house” van Dyne won’t be stopped by armored outerwear and shoots the Delphan grabbing Sersi right in the butt.
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That is, Wasp shoots him in the butt, not that he’s grabbing Sersi in the butt.
Meanwhile, over in the Vision and Scarlet Witch subplot, their plane lands at LaGuardia and they’re instantly accosted by journalists who wants Vision’s take on rumors that the president is going to make chairmanship of the Avengers a cabinet-level post.
Vision coyly tells them that he and the president discussed many things but he’s not at liberty to confirm anything.
Then Vision excuses himself, saying that he and Wanda have to get back to Avengers Mansion.
Scarlet Witch: “We certainly do!” And when we get there, we are going to have a little talk!
Seems Wanda is annoyed at all this being left out of the loop.
Back at the A-plot, where A stands for Avengers go to a party and then get into a fight, Sersi gets fed up with these shenanigans and threatens to turn the Delphans into worms but she gets grabbed by the wrists again, this time by power-dampening chonky handcuffs, and dragged away by the Delphans to their spaceship that was hovering right outside the party.
Starfox and Wasp fly out in pursuit, with non-flying She-Hulk complaining about being left behind.
Wasp: “After them, Starfox! We mustn’t let them get away!”
Starfox: “I quite agree! Hostesses such as Ms. Sersi are all too rare!”
Wasp: “No kidding! Once we rescue her, I want to find out how she does that trick with her eyes!”
... Really.
The eyes specifically? Not the singing pig beam?
Huh. To each their own.
The ship takes off shortly after Wasp and Starfox stow aboard and the two heroes resume beating Delphan ass to try to save Sersi.
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Lead Delphan: “We have the advantage in number, but they’re still making us look like idiots! We can’t let them beat us now! Have to initiate transport... while there’s still a chance!”
The ship then disappears with a FWOF!
And reappears above the mountains of Northern Greece.
Apparently, Eternal transportation is like the kind in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy because Starfox and Wasp are discombobulated and nauseated by the transport.
The Lead Delphan seizes the opportunity while the bull is hot and pulls the lever to make the ship just completely disassemble.
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The Delphans take advantage of the heroes startlement to beat the shit out of Starfox in midair.
Clever. But rude.
Sometime later, Starfox comes to in Olympia to discover that he and Wasp are completely surrounded and in the shit.
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Domo: “Citizens of Olympia!! At last, we all stand together... reunited with our Polar and Pacific cousins! Our destiny beckons! But before the ritual may begin, we must first deal with these two... who have intruded into the affairs of the Eternals!”
Hey, dick! They don’t come to a party you’re crashing and slap the host!
But I guess we’re going to meet all the Eternals next time.
What a fun coincidence that I’m hitting this point of the story when the Eternals movie is just a few months away.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because one day I’ll read comics about Sersi wearing a leather jacket. Like and reblog for the same reason or for different reasons.
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markrosewater · 4 years
Answers to “In Other Words”
Song #1
 __________________________________________________ (Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree)
 Christmas tree roller
Leave the Merry Christmas
Then we have pumpkins
We do some songs
 Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Let the Christmas spirit ring
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie
And we'll do some caroling
 Song #2
 __________________________________________________ (Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer)
 Kuia caught deer in a big city
We will be back home in a day
There is nothing wrong with Saints
However, I really think,
 Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Walking home from our house Christmas Eve
You can say there's no such thing as Santa
But as for me and grandpa we believe
 Song #3
 __________________________________________________ (Silent Night)
 Good night!
Everything is quiet and everything is clear.
Girls and mothers and babies.
Newborns are soft and gentle,
Rest in peace
Rest in peace in heaven
 Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace
 Song #4
 __________________________________________________ (Jingle Bells)
 Heart Heart
Categories in every direction
How good a reason?
 Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
 Song #5
 __________________________________________________ (Walking in a Winter Wonderland)
 My God, you ask me
Ice is built on the fence
Hello, we are happy today
In winter, go to natural places
 Sleigh bells ring, are you listening
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland
 Song #6
 __________________________________________________ (All I Want for Christmas Is You)
 No disinfection is required
It is something that is important
There is nothing wrong with that
Under the tree
That is all there is to it
It’s the best thing you can get!
Share your power
Well, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first.
 I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
 Song #7
 __________________________________________________ (I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus)
 There I saw Santa's mother
The snow under his chin turned to snow
Oh that video
If my father had seen his mother, he would have received Santa Claus last night
 Then I saw mommy tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen mommy kissing Santa Claus last night
 Song #8
 __________________________________________________ (Last Christmas)
 Had a heart attack last year
But I left the next day.
This year, I will stop crying.
Give it to someone
 Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
 Song #9
 __________________________________________________ (Santa Baby)
 Push Santa under a tree for me
She was a very, very good girl
Dear Santa, go down to the toilet early in the morning tonight
 Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me
Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
 Song #10
 __________________________________________________ (Step Into Christmas)
 Go to Christmas
Let's meet
We can see snow and ice forever
Eat, drink and enjoy
Come with me
Go to Christmas
Free admission
 Step into Christmas
Let's join together
We can watch the snow fall forever and ever
Eat, drink and be merry
Come along with me
Step into Christmas
The admission's free
 Song #11
 __________________________________________________ (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
 Red Eagle R.
My nose is clear
If you see?
It can be hard to say
 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
 Song #12
 __________________________________________________ (I’m Getting’ Nuttin’ for Christmas)
 I'm going to be Christmas soon
Obsession with parents
I'm going to be Christmas soon
I'm not crazy so I'm not angry
 I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Mommy and daddy are mad
I'm getting nuttin' for Christmas
'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad
 Song #13
 __________________________________________________ (Baby, It’s Cold Outside)
 I can't wait (but the man is cold).
I have to go (but the baby isn't there)
I am lost
Something like this (I hold it in my hand like snow)
 I really can't stay (But, baby, it's cold outside)
I've got to go away (But, baby, it's cold outside)
This evening has been (Been hoping that you'd drop in)
So very nice (I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)
 Song #14
 __________________________________________________ (Deck the Halls)
 Bar on board with sacred branches
 Deck the halls with boughs of holly
 Song #15
 __________________________________________________ (I Had a Little Dreidel)
 I have an elastic band
They made land
Dry when done
Then I play the string.
 I have a little dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready
Then, dreidel I shall play.
 Song #16
 __________________________________________________ (Oh Christmas Tree)
 And Christmas, oh Christmas
The beauty of your articles
 O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How lovely are thy branches
 Song #17
 __________________________________________________ (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing)
 Boring birthday!  Angelic Messenger:
"Birthday of the king's child!”
 Hark! the herald angels sing:
"Glory to the newborn King!
 Song #18
 __________________________________________________ (Little Saint Nick)
 This is especially true in the north,
Christmas story
It happens
The most popular cat is completely red
Skiing throughout the year
 Well way up North where the air gets cold
There's a tale about Christmas
That you've all been told
And a real famous cat all dressed up in red
And he spends the whole year workin' out on his sled
 Song #19
 __________________________________________________ (Santa Claus Is Coming to Town)
 This would be nice
Crying is bad
She couldn't swallow it
I will give a reason
Christmas is coming home
 You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
 Song #20
 __________________________________________________ (The Christmas Song)
 Apparently he was killed
His coat was full of his nose
He left the day before Christmas
The Eskimo is a popular destination
 Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack Frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like Eskimos
 Song #21
 __________________________________________________ (The Chipmunk Song)
 But not yet
Time for dolls, time for fun
We were fine, but we could not continue
Quick Christmas dinner fast
 Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
 Song #22
 __________________________________________________ (It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas)
 It looks like Christmas
Where are you going?
Fifth and tenth, and correct
With reeds and light silverware
 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Take a look at the five and ten, it's glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes that glow
 Song #23
 __________________________________________________ (Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!)
 Unfortunately, the weather is not good.
But fire is important
I have no choice
Free the stone
 Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
 Song #24
 __________________________________________________ (Sleigh Ride)
 It's snowing outside.
Come on, this is a good time for you to ride a horse
 Outside, the snow is falling, and friends are calling, "yoo-hoo!"
Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
 Song #25
 __________________________________________________ (You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch)
 You are a tough guy
You are overweight
You are proud of Aloe Vera
They also use stereo systems.
Cat, bad girl
And a black skirt
 You're a mean one
You really are a heel
You're as cuddly as a cactus
You're as charming as an eel
Mr. Grinch, you're a bad banana
with the greasy black peel
 Bonus Song (worth 5 points)
 __________________________________________________ (Frosty the Snowman)
 Listen to me
This is a purse
All eyes are on the egg
 Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal
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scullyy · 4 years
Birthday Boy
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: It's AJs' birthday! The kids have gathered around for another rockin' hootenanny!
A/N: brUH I’ve been working on this for agesssss and it’s finally dooooneeeeee ~~and it’s still not my best but I TRIED and perfection doesn’t eXIST-~~ it’s a VERY belated birthday gift for @bluebutterfly1 cause she’s been wanting this foREVER. SHE'S AMAZING OKAY-
so yeah this is based off a deleted scene from TFS where it was AJ’s birthday and what not anyways ily and enjoy x
It was hard being a kid sometimes, not having the words to describe how you're feeling, not even knowing what it is you are feeling was also a bummer. AJ had hoped he would know when he got older, especially by Clem's age. He would know so many more words and feelings and extra stuff about the world. He had already learned so much just from Aasims' teachings.
But Aasim hadn't taught him why everyone was giving him strange looks this one particular winter morning.
Clem was the first, she wasn't as good of a liar as she thought she was. There was this...odd smile on her face. AJ recognised it as the same smile Louis makes whenever he tries to get out of trouble. Ruby, Violet and Aasim had immediately zoomed off into the school once breakfast was done, only running out to share little whispers with Clementine. Omar was cooking something in his special big pot, more focused than AJ had ever seen, but he refused to tell the kid what it was.
He hadn't even seen Louis! Not even during breakfast! The only other person outside was Willy, still stationed at the watchtower. AJ's curious mind and talkative nature tried to squeeze as much info out of the young boy, but he was able to keep his mouth shut for once.
It all led him to sit beside Clementine in an unusual silence for the two, one that didn't sneak past her. Nothing AJ did - or in this case, didn't - could slip by her radar. "Why the long face kiddo?" Clem bumped her elbow into his shoulder, attempting to steal his attention.
AJ picked at a speck of dry skin on his hand, sporting a very obvious pout. "Did I do something wrong?"
That caught her off guard. Her leg trembled from both the cold and her deeply-bundled nerves. Keeping a secret, especially one she knew AJ was going to love, was tougher than she thought. "What makes you think that?" Her eyes moved rapidly from AJ and the school doors, keeping her crossed fingers hidden beneath her thigh. The other kids better be done soon...
"No one is talking to me. Like when I shot Marlon and everyone got mad at me. I didn't like that and I don't like this." He kicked at the air, his little legs still too short to touch the ground.
"I'm sure everything is fine-"
As her hand reached out to hold him, he pulled himself away, jumping straight to his feet. "Don't say that! I know you're lying!"
His desperation near broke her heart. She could never say no to his cute face, damn him. Heaving a sigh of defeat, she gave in. "Okay fine, follow me." The other kids would surely be pissed at her for letting on too early, but she would rather that than an upset AJ.
And boy did that remove the frown from his face. He bounded around her as she got her crutches in order, kicking up sparkling snow behind him. "Where are we going?"
"The music room-"
The young boy had bolted off before she could finish, reminding her of another young boy she used to know when this all started. "Slow down, kiddo! You're not the one on crutches!"
His eagerness outweighed Clem's command, which was usually his law. He could hear muted talking from within Louis' music room, a few giggles here and there too. He crept closer to the door, utilising his amazing ninja skills. His tiny hand gripped the tinier doorknob, opening the door just a crack to find...huh?
The doorknob was set free from his hand, which had now fallen loosely by his side as he took one quiet step into the room. "What's this?" AJ disturbed the other kids, finding them in compromising positions. Louis was on his very tip-toes, tying some blue tinsel around the fireplace, Aasim and Ruby were lighting the last of the candles as Violet was gently moving the gramophone back into it's original place.
It was a real life record scratch moment.
"Oh shit," Louis broke the silence first, drawing everyone's line of sight to the intruder. He chucked the last of the tinsel up onto the mantle in a careless manner before throwing his hands into the air. "Happy birthday AJ!"
The other kids all dropped what they were doing, raising their hands in line with Louis. "Happy birthday!"
Said child stood there with his mouth hung wide open, taking in the sight. "What?" It was the only word racing through his mind.
Louis kneeled down to his level, sporting one of the biggest smiles AJ had ever seen. "It's your birthday little dude, gotta celebrate it big time."
"My...birthday?" Whatwhatwhatwhatwhat-
Willy tugged on the thick tinsel that ran from the fireplace to Louis' piano. "We managed to scrounge up some decorations from the drama class."
"And we re-used the banner from the party back when these guys got kidnapped." Ruby pointed to the banner above the doorway. The original message 'We're getting them back' had been scribbled out and somehow replaced with 'Happy birthday Alvin Junior'.
AJ spun around, his eyes bouncing between all the bright decor; the flickering candles, the weird fuzzy stuff on the piano, it was all so new. "You did this..for me?"
A slightly puffed Clementine finally made her way into the room, smiling with pure glee at how well her friends decorated the space. She stood beside her boy, trying to decipher what he was feeling. "What do you think AJ?"
"It's awesome!" He threw his hands up into the air.
Louis looked between his friends, all of them sharing evil little smiles. "So, who wants to go first?"
"First in what?" AJ questioned, nearly vibrating at wondering what else they could have planned.
Clementine gently nudged him forward with her crutch, pushing him into the centre of the room. "Gift-giving."
"Gifts?" He continued to question. So much new knowledge in such a short span of time.
Louis dead-panned, merely wanting the festivities to begin. "If you keep asking questions we're going to be here all day. Of course, we got you gifts! It's a thing you give someone to show appreciation or celebrate, and today little dude we're celebrating you."
"I'll go first since my gift is the coolest," Violet was guided over to AJ by Ruby, her smile never wavering. From behind her back she presented a roll up parchment, the corners slightly ripped.
AJ pulled it open and blinked rapidly, taking in the faded faces and text. "Green Day? What's that mean?"
"They were a really cool band, before everything happened," Violet nodded to the outside world. "I figured you could hang it up in your room. If I ever find one of their records, you'll be the first to listen, little man." Slowly guiding her hand to the curve of his shoulder, she gave him a gentle punch.
AJ was still hung up on why a day would be green but appreciated the thought from Violet nonetheless. "They look cool...but what's on their eyes?"
Green Day was a rare source of joy from Violet's sordid childhood, a fleating sense of nostalgia washed over her as she came to realise it'll do the same for him.
Ruby skipped closer to AJ once Violet took a seat on the piano stool, thankful that she got to go next. "I figured since you've become an A+ gardener, you could have this little guy," She brandished from behind her back a small pot, with an even smaller plant inside. "If you take good care of it, he'll grow big and strong."
"Just like me!" AJ was near bursting at the seams; the flower was rather dainty, small and barely purple, yet ready to flourish.
She gently pinched his cheek, gushing openly. "Just like you," Ruby bounced away on her feet, feeling another sense of pride at impressing the tot. She patted Aasim on the back, which turned more into a push when he didn't catch onto her actions. "C'mon, it's your turn now!"
Aasim shuffled over, not bothering to hide his gift. He cleared his throat before passing it to AJ. "Here dude," In his grasp laid a tightly bound book, his name carved into the leather cover. His precious journal that he guarded so dearly the night they first met.
AJ took it gently, treating the book as if it were made of glass. "But it's yours?" He questioned, remembering their first encounter. How times had changed.
Aasim shrugged, unsure of what to say. Dammit, he had this all planned out beforehand! "It's ours. Think of it as 'Ericson's History Volume One', you can finish it off if you like."
"This is cool, I hope I can write as good as you." AJ was so captured by his friend's neat handwriting, he didn't notice Aasims' sincere smile.
"My turn!" Willy yelled, pushing Aasim out of the way in the process. His gift was the only wrapped one, albeit it was wrapped in old textbook pages. A tear in the paper revealed a small piece of wood shining through. "It's a slingshot! Mitch and I used to hit walkers with them all day, now we can!"
AJ hadn't even finished tearing the paper away, but his heart still soared. "That's cool, I wish Mitch was here." He added quietly.
Willy lowered his head, gently fidgeting with his own fingers. "Me too."
Their friend's passing left a forever space in every room, an unnerving emptiness that will never go away.
"Okay Willy, my turn," Omar butted in, wanting to steer the conversation back to the joy. He handed AJ a wooden spoon with a neat little bow wrapped around the handle. "It's my best spoon. You can use it to help me cook dinner tonight."
Louis whipped his head to Omar, shooting daggers from his eyes. "You never let anyone help!"
Omar kept a strong smile as he turned to his friend, unphased. "No, I don't let you help because unlike you the kid actually listens to instructions."
"I listen, just like to take a more...casual approach to cooking." He shrugged, finding a sudden interest in his shoes.
"If by casual you mean undercooking the fish, then sure."
Louis poked his tongue out at his friend before sauntering over to AJ, ready to present the greatest gift of all fucking time. "I figured it's time for an upgrade, say goodbye to that crusty knife," Louis whipped out a small bar stool from behind him, holding it out in front of the boy.  "I present...Stoolio! Get it? Cause it's a stool."
"Nope!" AJ beamed brighter than Clem had ever seen, despite the joke flying way over his head. Louis just had that effect on people. The stool was heavier than it seemed, as it immediately hit the floor when AJ took ahold of it. The faded wood declaring the weapons' age, AJ traced the deep cracks with his fingers. "I think I'll call it CJ, Chairles Junior, like my name."
"That's a much better name. It's strong like you too. It defeats monsters, protects people and looks super cool." He purred, selling the gift as only the best of the best.
AJ looked between his new weapon and Louis, letting the weight of it settle in his small palms. It was stronger than his little knife, though not as easy to hold as his gun. But if Louis could do it, so could he. "Sounds more like you."
Clementine noticed the hitch in Louis' breath, both their hearts thumping from the young boys' sentiment. Louis could feel his heart slip up into his throat, thumping faster than his breathing could keep up. "Uh, wow, thank you. It's both of us."
If only AJ was aware of how much his statement meant to Louis, how he would hold onto it during his weakest hours. If that kid could believe in him, he must be doing something right.
Louis cleared his throat, choking back a quiet sob as his heart settled back down. "There's one final surprise, from all of us." He hopped over to a box beside the ladder, dragging Omar over with him.
The boys reached into the box and began to lift something of great weight, as they struggled to keep a tight grip. "Just don't ask how we got it." Omar heaved, forgetting just how little muscle he truly had.
From the box emeregd something AJ could only imagine in his wildest daydreams. A...giant...Disco Broccoli!
The tot stood in pure disbelief, his jaw hanging wide open. "Is that-"
"Oh hell yeah it is," Louis sneered, maybe just a little more excited than AJ.
The boys set it down besides the dusty fireplace, with Omar wiping his brow. "You like it?"
AJ wandered closer, getting a better look. It was certainly Disco Broccoli, despite there being a hole in his cartoon hand. He had the cool glasses and everything! But he looked...funny. "What...what is it?"
Louis clasped the tots' shoulder, it was always a fun venture showing him something from the old world. Seeing the wonder in his wide eyes, made the hassle Louis went through to get the damn thing worth it. "It's a pinata, bro! You hit it and stuff is supposed to come out."
Omar tapped the side of the pinata, being greeted by a soft echo. "There's nothing in it, but it's still fun to hit."
"You can use Chairles Junior there." Louis was nearly bouncing at the idea as he handed the stool leg to the birthday boy, ready for the absolute carnage he was about to witness.
AJ gripped his new(ish) weapon tightly, eyeing down the funny looking Disco Broccoli. "Awesome."
Clem watched from the piano as AJ tried to lift the stool above his head, nearly tipping over from its' weight. Her thoughts drifted to a dream she had, Lees' words at the forefront of her thoughts. "Wanting to give him a childhood, but knowing what it takes for him to survive."
"You okay, Clem?" Louis bumped his shoulder with hers, breaking her away from her memories.
Nodding slightly, Clementine hoped he couldn't notice the tears in her eyes. "Yeah, thanks for this. It's amazing."
"No problemo, it's good to see him smile."
Clem continued to watch AJ laughing with his friends, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "He's been doing that a lot since we've arrived here."
Louis continued to gaze at her, despite her not noticing. "You both have."
Just as it had always been, Clem and AJ sat side by side together on the steps of the courtyard, appreciating the rare beauty of the sunset. The sky a gallery of purely blue and purple. Clem disrupted the silence first, after having spent a lengthy amount of time remembering Rebecca and Alvin, wondering if they would be proud of their young boy. "Can I admit something?"
AJ curiously turned to her, awaiting with an eager tap in his foot.
"I don't actually know if today is your birthday," She pouted. "I know it's at the start of winter, but that's it. There were no calendars, no way to check the date. I just kinda had to guess every year. I also don't know how old you actually are." If she had to guess, either six or seven. Without access to a calendar, all these years trying to keep track of the fleeting months grew tiresome and redundant. Each day was the same, a date made no difference. Hell, she wasn't even sure of her own age anymore.
"Maybe I'm a thousand years old!" He bounced like the truly giddy child he was.
Clem laughed openly into the chilly air. "Sure thing, Grandpa." She pushed at his shoulder before looking back at the sky, knowing deep within her gut that Alvin and Rebecca were smiling with her.
They remained in a balanced silence for a while, until AJ turned back to her. "I don't think it matters. I get bigger and stronger every day, no matter how old I am I'll always protect us."
Clementine wrapped her arm around him, pulling him in close the same way she always had and the same way she always will. "I know you will, forever," She pressed a firm kiss to the top of his head, smiling into his thick hair. "Wanna know what we're having for dinner?"
"Beans with apple slices."
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inoshishidoshi · 3 years
Grease 2 Sentence Starters.
All Summer long I was happy and free.
I’ve got to go back to school, again.
She’s late again.
Personally I think being late shows terrible leadership qualities.
We’re gonna be late. Let’s go.
Biology and chemistry destroys my brain.
Your child’s come down with a fatal disease.
Come on you lazy bum now get your butt out of bed.
You better be in by ten.
Hey, pretty baby, hows about a date?
You won’t find me ‘til the clock strikes three.
I’m looking for a dream on a mean machine.
He’s gonna be wild as the wind.
No ordinary boy is gonna do.
I want a whole lot more than the boy next door.
If it takes forever, then I’ll wait forever.
They don’t know what I’m looking for.
They don’t know what I need.
I’ll do anything to let him know that I’m his, his for the taking.
I’m gonna show you how to knock ‘em down.
Let’s get this show on the road.
If you’re lookin’ for a fight.
I’m your kingpin honey and I’m getting in gear!
Don’t get sore when you lose tonight.
We’re gonna show you how to do it right.
I’ll be yours in springtime when the flowers are in bloom.
We’ll spend the day together, makin’ love and getting tanned.
If you fall, say you’ll fall for me.
I’ll warm you through December
We’ll kiss below the mistletoe when Santa comes to town
I know that we will more than pass the test.
Tomorrow I’ll be fighting, and I’ll win this war for you.
I’ll be a mighty soldier before this night is through.
It would be like as if we’re doing it for... Disneyland!
It’s not a lot to ask of us, our parents will approve.
He’s looking for a rumble.
The only thing you guys re gonna do is eat his dust.
Who’s that guy?
Where did he come from?
He’s just amazin’
It really doesn’t matter that I haven’t seen his face.
The punk is gonna get it!
Everyone wants you when they don’t know who you are.
Everyone arounds you thinks that you’re a star!
Where can I get one?
Looks to me like he could really fly!
I never knew anyone could be so cool.
What’s the secret of success?
‘Cause you know that he’s the best.
I see you’re hungry for a lover.
Down at the grocery store!
Got the best tongue in town.
Now that’s what I call class.
Well, I like a tall girl, with long legs that go right up to her...
I like a girl that’s really smart.
Provided that she’s really stacked.
I love ‘em all, and they love me.
I’ll try to make it crystal-clear.
Oh, that’s good, that’s very good.
Hey, I’m lost where are we?
Make my stamen go beserk.
I don’t think they even know what a pistil is!
Where does the pollen go?
But now we are dealing with sexual response.
When you got ‘em in the back seat.
With his heart beatin’ fast!
They make it sound like a track meet, gross!
Baby, give it to me now.
Is that all you think about?
Ooh, I think I’m gonna throw up!
Any comments on this?
What’s the big deal?
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
He was only pokin’ fun.
Pretending I don’t care.
Guess I really messed up.
Why can’t I be just what I am?
Why can’t she see what I am?
All the love I keep inside me.
You won’t find me.
As a man who isn’t there.
No more secret rendezvous.
How in this world can I make it on my own?
Remember, I love you, I won’t be far away.
Love will turn back the hands of time.
It hurts to say goodbye.
__, please don’t cry.
Just when I found you I lost you.
That doesn’t matter now.
But, I don’t even know your name!
So, ___ don’t forget me!
I promise.
Everybody’s here.
We’re gonna stick together and we won’t let go.
I wish it was forever ���cause it feels so right.
Don’t you worry honey, we’ll be rockin’ all night.
If only this feeling could go on forever.
We’ll always remember.
Don’t forget to write.
Summer is coming.
You were the one.
I wanted to tell you time and again.
All that you are is all that I need.
Now I can be me, and you can be you.
I guess it’s okay if you wanna show it.
I am what I am.
Will I ever score?
There’s nothing wrong with just liking each other.
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bigmafluff · 3 years
Unreal Love Story “Henry Cavill” chapters 1-3
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Sequel To My Story “Tom Hiddleston”
“ Tom Dear ! She is gone!” His mother says when her son barges thru her front door. Diana Hands a sobbing Charlie to His Stunned father Leading  them into the house to a computer sitting @ her kitchen table with a flash drive in it.    Just as Tom is about to say something . His Mom hush's them both and starts the video.   I start with calming Charlie through the computer.  “ Hello Little one . I'm am sorry I have to leave you so. But You are a strong young man . Sometimes even stronger than your father at times. Just know that I love you dear one and will always be your special friend . Now dry those tears and Go see Nanna . So Your dad and I can talk.” I said to Charlie thru the computer. Tom Knew after that our relationship was over maybe had been over for a while.
Chapter 1 
Numbness,& NASCAR
I couldn't Stay in London. It hurt too much all I saw was pain. I couldn't go home yet still felt like I failed myself some how so home wouldn't work. So I numbed myself out in Cali.   I did what I swore I wouldn't. I went full Party Girl. Between the parties ,clubs, Bars I was wasted most of the time.  But I knew that being In Love Like this before then Losing love has it's down side . Tom and I had been it for 3 years. But towards the end I was more His son's nanny than his girlfriend . Most of his friends warned me this was one sided . He never got over Sophia Di Marino ,Charlie's Mom. The split was Mutual. I'm Not mad to be truthful. Annoyed really that I let it go on this long ..
So California I went , to numb the hurt. I don't give a rat's ass what they say about better to have Loved crap ! It still hurt's dammit!  So Party Shannon I became. I still wrote my stories without impairment. By day I was the mildly hungover writer coffee in hand . Luca was still Daydreaming so I was still writing. But @ night Let's just say in the great words of Bill & Ted .” Party on Dudes” So I did. Shaking my ass Beer in hand in a club in south beach !  Rockin' out to Pink. I am vaguely aware I am Jamming with a rather large Englishmen Go Figure ! He has a familiar tone I can't place ,frankly all I see is curls ,beard & muscle , Cause I'm too drunk and don't care but he was hot and can grind Like no other. But even though I was no lady ,he was a gentleman And at the end of the night I was in my Hotel room clothes and dignity intact.
Woke the next morning with another hangover that I never use to get when I was younger. They still Suck! UGH! I'm about to start typing when I get a feed from TMZ. “TWH PROPOSES TO SDM!” I switch on my TV and sure enough The rock on her finger is massive and Charlie Looks so Happy .   The numbness lifts along with the pain . I can see the sun again so I finally pack my stuff .
But not for England . I head home. I decide I need time with my son . So Arkansas, Hot Springs that is.  Although when I get there I find out my son is in Florida . In Daytona Beach. At the Racetrack!  My nephew Christian and his wife Kiki took Lucas to a NASCAR race and Somehow Lucas Landed a job as head mechanic for Carlos Contreras's race team. Shocked as I was,  I get on a flight to Florida it is a good shocked but WOW.  I got a Hotel room and then went to the track . Took me a little convincing to get in  . Security walked me to the Pit where I found my baby boy covered in grease. Under a car . When Lucas jumped up and hugged me they left us alone . test moment's in a parent's life is seeing your child seceded at something he loves. This was Lucas's dream !Like writing is for me. It was his turn. Lucas Introduced me to Carlos with sparkles in his eyes . Carlos seemed to Like what My  Son does. Even tells me that Because of my Boy, Carlos has won 8 races. How more proud can I get I am in tears.  While I was here I went to a few races and Lucas and I raided the theme parks. Then one night Lucas had a grown up moment and told me I had to go back to the U.K.. He said I write my best stuff there and I need to make peace with Myself. How did my Autistic Son get so smart. Then he tells me. He is a big Guy now and He didn't need his Mom to hover.
Chapter 2
Something New
So once I'm back in London. I dust off My flat that Luke made sure I got despite me moving in with Tom. Besides writing, a few friend's gave me the intro to the London night life and I found a outlet to unwind . But I didn't drown myself like in Cali. But I still maintained my Party Mama status. Also I am exercising regularly, to compensate for the Night life . But I found that I have way's now that I am Back to make exercising fun. I do the Gym of course. But I also like rollerskating in Hyde or St. James park, when it's sunny. I found a Ice Skating rink that is 7 day's a week.  And there is a indoor pool at the Gym I go to. .
But I realized some things while I was home in the states. I can't ever forget where I came from . So I pay it forward to 4 special organizations for charity and I never write them off my taxes . I went back to church I actually found a Nazarene church in the U.K. Honestly Church is what keeps me semi sober in the clubs on Friday and Saturday. No hangovers in Gods house .So I have been busy. By maintaining the order of my life like I did way before when My soul purpose was being a MOM. God, Family Friends career is a new addition but not that high on the list.  
I found a way to keep myself going .My heart has even healed to a point and I am actually making good friends with “ The Hiddleston “ I can't even comprehend The fact that Sophia took Tom's name . I didn't think her agent's would let her do that. Any how I Am officially Aunty Shannon to Charlie and he even still talks to Lucas and they talk cars regularly according to Tom. As for right now though I'm actually doing more than writing I am at The Harold Pinter theater in London as a Producer and assistant to Kenneth Branaugh the director of a play Based on one of my fan fiction stories .  It's a Vampire Love story with a family twist.  No Not Twilight no blood sucking fairies here. But what has me excited is the cast . Tom is in it along a whole bunch of my fave idol's Including Henry Cavill as the male lead. . OK! I fibbed Kenny doesn't need me the whole time so I am writing when I am not teaching Charlie Who is acting for the first time. Tom is One Proud Papa! I will tell you what. And Charlie Looks like he is having a wonderful time despite playing a Girl demon!
also I do have a little Mystery of my own I am trying to solve. Every morning when I get to work. Yes I'm getting paid for this production. I go to my seat and drink my coffee but I find a different colored long stem lily in the seat . I asked Tom. If Charlie was doing it and I even ask Ken. None said It was them. Both even offered to investigate with me . Saying they have a little experience because they played P.I.'s
I was actually flattered I had an admirer. I just hope I won't regret taking the Lily more seriously. Anyway The play is gearing up for opening night I called Lucas's aide Reed to Se if He will be able to be in London for my Play . Which If it does well it will head to the States and go on Broadway.  Now tell me if that ain't totally awesome. I.K.R.  We as far as my Book's are concerned Luca start's Middle School. So Social interaction and puberty mixes in with his amazing world which should make for a wild ride for our readers. My honorary nephew is even reading them which make's my heart sing  Oh! So I don't leave it out my lily was Aquamarine and silk today not real but it had a pink bow and it sparkled . He-he! Who ever this is knows I like things that sparkle. It makes me giddy.
Opening Night!!!!
My Lucas is here . Looking Just Like he did Prom Night When he took my god daughter to the prom. My boy is So handsome. Lucas has been working out so My lucas is Tall and Jacked thanks to His Buddy Phillip Hull. We get to ride in a Limo It will be Lucas's first time in one. Me! I'm In all Red  Long red hair with a touch of gray at the temple and proud of it. A Long Jessica rabbit dress that sparkles in the light. Red flat's I ain't that crazy . It's gonna be a long night and I am in my 50's   Heels are not in the program. I had red cloves and a red silk Shaw. I felt amazing and all my boy could say is Wow mama Look Pretty! LOL! I am also excited not only for the play but according to the Little note I got with My Red Rose that was sitting in my seat on the last day of practice. I get to meet my admirer tonight too
So Lucas and I are off Lucas is Like a school boy Looking around and he is also a little nervous. I can tell he Keeps Playing with his collar and tie. I made sure Luke had a pair of ear buds and his fave music in a MP3. And sunglasses to help with Lucas's experience. Plus so he doesn't have to deal with the red carpet stuff Reed is here so Lucas will be with me only for a few pictures then Reed  will take him inside while I deal with the popularity this sold out play has caused . New York here we come!!!!!!
  Lucas went inside as planned. And Luke is by my side in his place as my escort. Luke felt I shouldn't be alone. Because of the split and Tom's marriage. Even though Tom and I are cool talking about and he is even here with Taylor so I'm cool. I was having lot's of fun taking little interview's and pictures and such. Luke always said I was surprisingly  easy going in the lime light and it shows tonight. `Sophia , Ken and I had some fun with the photo people and Kissed Each side of Tom's cheeks while he was trying to pic up Kenneth, then we Bent down to Kiss Ken's cheeks when Tom dropped him on his butt ,our booties where purposely in the air.  Let's Just say we made Kenny's night! I was all in good fun  Tom told me that Charlie was inside with new Hot wheels car's to show Lucas cause they are NASCAR ones.
Finishing up the pictures and fixing to go inside I was about to give up hope on there being an admirer. When I went to take one last. Picture, Henry Cavill came to Join me in the picture and whispered in my ear to Look down, as he grabbed my waist for the picture . I did. And their was a pink Lily and a white rose in his hand tied in a pink bow. Let's Just say that pic had my mouth hanging open and Henry laughing as we went in to the theater.  Let the new dance begin.
Lois Lane never Got Superman this way Ha! 
Chapter 3
Don't jump! One moment @ a Time.
As far as the play went it was as major success. I couldn't pay attention at all . I was staring at Henry the whole time In awe of all of this.As far as I was concerned it was like I had never tasted this before . I won't lie, it scares the shit out of me .  I was a ball of nerves the whole play . It was Thomas all over again. @ least that was what I thought. Until Henry asked if I would sign a book for is Nephews Daughter who has Down syndrome. I was politely surprised . He then introduced himself to my Son. Which Lucas can recognize any actor who has ever played a Superhero or villain . Henry was one of our faves. He asked if we wanted to grab a bite to eat . Lucas always could eat. Even in his 30's endless Belly! Can you see 3 adult's in fancy dress in Mc. Donald's. I Loved it Because Henry took the liberty to date Lucas first. To me that Mc. Donald's was 5 stars. The Limo dropped 2 very full and sleepy men at My son's Hotel.  I was sparkling in happiness. We pulled up in front of my flat but Henry wouldn't let me out yet. I think he wants to talk . So naturally I listened. 
fore I could even say anything He Quieted me and held my hand .  Baby Blues connected. Then he spoke. “ Shannon I know what you went through with Hiddleston. I grilled him after meeting you . Actually I'm kinda surprised he didn't rat me out. Story for another time. Now that you understand my intent. I want time. Time to know you. Also before you get nervous, will it help If I got permission from Lucas to date you and Charlie Hiddleston second's the permission. I'm normally a prideful Man But Shannon something inside Tell's me I am supposed to started something new with You. I want get to know you Date you proper. If anything let's see where it goes. Even if we don't connect more personally . We can at least catch a grind to a tune and groove like buddies”.
My breath hitch because I just realize that dude I was grinding with in California at that club. The English Dude. That was Henry!!!!! He notices my blush and Shakes his head showing me the bracelet. I smack his shoulder Laughing my Blush off. Then I told him I am willing to try and if all else fails Partying in New York won't get boring . Then he kissed my Palm and let me out . I gave him my # and told him to give me a call when he was ready to try. The Limo waited till I was Inside. But instead of Leaving The door opened and Henry came running up to me . Grabbed my waist, pulled me close and Kissed me.  We exploded!!!!
Hand in Hand at JFK airport Henry and I go straight to the Hotel .  No Not for that .  We came early so Henry  could as he says Court me proper. LOL!   There is nothing I'd rather do the then run all over NYC for the first time with Henry. I have jumped in fully no comparing to any other love . This is true Eros and I'm going with the flow. That was our agreement for each  other  the next morning after the Play. To Just Love & enjoy till the fluffy lady quits singing.
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I exploded because of SuperMan!
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{None of this story is real the pic are from Googles images !!!!!!!!!!!!}
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definitelynottony · 5 years
Grease is the Word [Ch.1 Summer Lovin’]
[Ao3] [part 2] [Song recommendations: Grease OST, 50′s era songs] [Also definitely recommend looking up a 50′s slang dictionary!]
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It started out with just a visit, a holiday to see his family over in the states. Spend his summer break hangin’ out with his aunt,uncle and cousin; he only gets to see them every couple of years. The last time he saw them was for his mother’s funeral. They’re good people though, he should see them more often. Get a break away from his screwed up life back in Australia, with his sorry excuse of a father. He missed the golden coast but it was a change of pace, two months living in Hawkins Indiana would do Billy Hargrove some real good. 
And it did. It was such a simple life. Not havin’ to make sure his deadbeat dad was in bed every night; cause the only thing he was good for after his mom died was drinkin’ and givin’ Billy a real good shiner. Not havin’ to go to school and work every day just to buy his own cigs. Havin’ people that actually cared if you came home at night was pretty good too, not that the greaser would admit it. But yeah, he’s probably been smiling since he walked into the Mayfield house. 
Aunt Susan was just like havin’ his mom back, they even have the same hair color. And Max, she got even bigger since the last time Billy saw her. She was still a little shitbird though. His step uncle wasn’t too bad of a guy either, let him drive his blue ‘58 Bel Air ‘round. Was definitely a helluva a lot better than his old man, that’s fer damn sure. And yeah, Billy’s summer went by in a blink. He followed Max and some of her friends around, learnin’ where all the good spots where. It was a small town, not too hard; the diner, arcade, drive ins, and Hawkins’ Lovers Lake. 
On one hot, real hot Indiana summer day, Billy decided to take the Bel Air for a spin; he ended up at the lake. That’s when he saw him; like a fuckin’ angel. 
He had soft brown hair all shaped perfectly into a quiff. Unlike Billy’s blonde curls, if he could get his hair into a pomp it was a good day, most the time it was somewhere between the flop and a loose teddy boy. Not that it really mattered, everyone knew what he was as soon as they saw him with his leather on, a smoke in his mouth. Poor by birth, Greaser by choice. 
But this cat, this pretty boy with the brown hair, well he looked like he belonged on the telly. Billy didn’t even notice the other’s with him. Some girl, plain jane prep, definitely no Monroe; she wasn’t even in a bathing suit, wet blanket. Some hipster slick was with her reading a book, but Billy’s eyes stayed with the brunette with an angel face and Babmi eyes. The two were sittin’ over on the dock, that angel face was putterin’ in the water. Billy knew they could see him pullin’ up. Sauntering down to the lake edge. Good, Billy loved a dramatic entrance. 
As he showed up, splashin’ around in the shallows of the shoreline, he got that pretty boy’s attention. Well, couldn’t blame him; not many could pull off red trunks as short as Billy’s were. God bless the 50’s. If the brunette didn’t close his mouth pretty soon Billy was sure he’d have to save his life ‘cause he’s gonna drown like that. 
“Steve, do you know him?” the girl hushed down to the brunette--- 
“No, I don’t think so. He kinda chills ‘ya though doesn't he?”
“Not me Stevie, he’s just staring at us. Go say something!” 
“Like what?” 
“Tell’um to take a picture, it’ll last longer.” 
“Not helpful Jonathan, come on Nance why don’t you go talk ta him?” 
“Cause he looks like a bird dog.” 
“Looks like a dreamboat to me.”
“STEVE!” The girl squealed. “Go!”
“Shh! Nance, okay-oaky.”
The greaser watched with anticipation as that earth angel adorably, clumsily strolled up to him, green high ride swims on, he was a prep; Billy could deal with that---
“Hey there daddy-o what’s shakin’?”
God, even his voice was angelic. 
“You know baby, just rockin’ an rollin’.”
“Heh, you ain’t from around here huh? Names Steve.”
“Accent give it’ away?” 
“Yeah. I like it though, it’s bitchin’.” 
“Names Billy” 
“Billy? Hey, you’re Max’s cousin right?” 
“Yeah, you know the ankle biter?”
“She runs with some kids I know.”
“Small world” the blonde charmed.
“Small town” Steve laughed, and it was everything; that laugh “so you wanna come hang?”
“Thought you’d never ask cherry.”
“That mouth you got sure is drippin’ apple butter.”
“Just fer cherry’s like you doll face.”
Steve gave this smirk before turning back to his friends; a smirk that really made Billy wish the cat would drown just so he could give him mouth to mouth. He’d know what to do', Billy was a lifeguard back in 'Straya. 
“Guys, this is Billy. He’s Maxie’s cousin. Billy, this is Nancy and that’s Jonathan.” Steve introduced, Billy just nodded with a smirk. He really wasn’t that interested in a couple drips.
“It’s a pleasure, Billy, are you from around here? Just visiting? Staying long?” Nancy had that look in her eyes Steve knew all too well, and normally he hated when she did this but he wanted to know too.
“You writin’ a book sweetheart?”
“Maybe. Just curious what side of the track you’re from.”
Billy rolled his eyes “I see someone’s got her glasses on, I'm from Australia, just visiting. Leavin’ in the fall.” Yeah, she was definitely a drag, bringing the whole mood down. 
“I knew you were from Australia, that’s choice! What’s it like there?”
“Tell ‘ya all about it over a malt pretty boy.”
“...Guess he’s not a bird dog.” 
Jonathan piped up from his book. Nancy nudged his shoulder holding back a laugh or a sequel, who knows. Billy and Steve sure didn’t cause Steve was too busy dodging Billy’s splashes. They went on for a few hours like that, enjoying the summer heat, the cool water. Some point Steve got Nancy and Jonathan to play chicken with them. Billy dropped Steve on purpose, the brunette was pretty sure he tried to drown him. 
And it was weeks of days like that. Bowlin’ in the arcade, drinkin lemonade, spent hours makin’ out under the dock at lover’s lake. Stayin’ out past 10, nights at the drivin’s. Billy had a car after all and Stevie was real inta back seat bingo. And they held hands when they were alone, and their first time was cause Steve got real friendly down in the sand. God he was good, if you know what I mean. And yeah, Billy felt like it was love at first sight, but he knew it was just a summer fling, didn’t mean a thing. At least it wasn’t supposed to. 
“Goddamn pretty boy, You’re bonafide. I’m so sweet fer ya.”
“Billy, I never met someone like you before.This feels like the real deal.”
“That’s cause it is baby. It is.”
And long fingers tangled in golden curls. Sun kissed flesh wrapped around soft freckled porcelain. Lips to skin, ocean blues drowning in honey browns, teeth biting down like they’re making home there. It was the closest thing to heaven on earth. The closest the greaser was going to get, with this angel looking up at him panting his name. With his fingers wrapped up in his hair and his momma’s necklace. Rolling into him like the Pacific ocean, kissing away tears from that pretty freckled face. Stevie’s legs holding tight around him, his way of sayin’ more, harder, because that cherry mouth of his is just too good ta say it out loud. Like Billy would ever say no, Stevie didn’t know it but Billy’s been wrapped ‘round his gentle finger since he saw that smirk of his two months ago.
“Never gonna forget this Stevie, yur the best fuckin’ thing these hands have ever held.” 
It was summer lovin’ at it’s finest, and they were havin’ a blast. Until they weren’t, until there were tears, tears of pain and not the sweet tears Billy was kissing away last night on cool sand made hot from their bodies. And there were fists, but they weren't the calloused ones made gentle that caressed tony hair. Cause now they were holding porcelain ones aimed to make Billy hurt as much as they did. As much as Steve did. And Billy let him, let him pound those fist into his chest as he held the brunette close. Let him cry and curse him for ever coming to Hawkins, for ever meeting him. Only calming when Billy finally spoke---
“You, Steve Harrington, have made my life worth livin’.”
And those big doe eyes filled with diamonds were going to be permanently branded into the blonde's mind forever.
“I’ve just had the best summer of my life, and now I have ta leave, and it isn’t fuckin’ fair-”
“-It’s not fair.” The greaser pressed in close, so close, to memorize how it felt; how it felt to hold an angel in his hell bound arms. 
“Billy, is this the end? The end of us?”
“No, no ‘course not” Billy fainted a smile “it’s only the beginning Stevie.”
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You Will Be Found - Chapter 2 Waving Through a Window
🎵“When you’re falling in a forest, and there’s nobody around, do you ever really crash or even make a sound?”🎵
Can also be read on AO3
Once again thanks to @khanofallorcs​ for being an awesome beta reader
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As he climbed the stairs to the entrance of his classroom, Adrien's ears picked up the sound of a sweet voice singing softly.
"Step out, step out of the sun because you learned, because you learned."
'Whoever it is that's singing has a fantastic voice,' the blond mused as he quietly approached the classroom, not wanting to disturb the mysterious, obviously female vocalist. He peered through the window, his eyebrows raising to his hairline as he recognized his classmate.
"On the outside always looking in, will I ever be more than I've always been? 'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass. Waving through a window."
Inside the room was one Marinette Dupain-Cheng, singing along to a song coming through her headphones as she sketched out a new design, the music providing a cathartic beat.
"I tried to speak but nobody would hear, so I wait around for an answer to appear," she continued softly, adding more lines to the design. “While I’m watch, watch, watching people pass, waving through a window…”
She was so engrossed in both the song and the dress she was designing that she never took notice of the model walking in and putting his bag down.
The dark-haired girl sighed, focused on sketching the line of the collar just right. “Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?” She sang lowly.
"Wow, Marinette, I never knew you had such a pretty singing voice," Adrien complimented, really impressed with how talented his friend was.
Designer, seamstress, baker, artist, singer. Was there anything that Marinette couldn't do?
Apparently having a conversation was one.
"Gah!" Marinette yelped as she finally noticed that she was no longer alone. Clutching at her chest as she pulled her headphones from her ears, Marinette looked up wide-eyed at her intruder.
"A-Adrien," the dark-haired girl gasped out, trying to catch her breath from her scare. "You s-startled me!"
"I'm sorry, Marinette," the young man gave a low, friendly chuckle as he apologized. "I was complimenting you on your singing. You have a beautiful voice."
She gaped at him for a moment, sapphire eyes blown wide
"She sure does!" an energetic Alya piped in as she walked through the classroom door with Nino. She climbed the steps to her seat, pausing to give a parting kiss on the cheek to her boyfriend. "You should hear her when we're all rockin' out to Clara Nightingale's songs, Sunshine."
"Alya-a-a-a," the designer whined before planting her head face-first on her sketchbook, deciding to hide her embarrassment in her crossed arms on top of her desk, covering her sketchbook.
“So,” began the blogger, totally pretending to ignore her best friend’s embarrassment. “Are you guys excited about the big project?”
“Yeah, dudes, it's gonna be awesome!” Nino said in his chill way.
“I just hope that I get paired with a good partner,” Adrien said with a grin.
“Me too,” came a muffled answer from Marinette, still hiding in her nest of arms.
Alya tapped her fingers to her chin in thought. “Wouldn’t it be interesting if the two of you wound up as partners?” She asked thoughtfully, pointing to the pair of friends, and causing the dark-haired girl to sit upright abruptly with a glare in her direction.
“Why would it be interesting?” The oblivious blond model questioned. “I think Marinette and I would be great partners!”
“Oh?” The auburn-haired girl inquired with a smirk, mischief gleaming in her eyes. She adjusted her glasses in speculation and once again pretended to ignore the beet-red face of the girl sitting next to her. ”How so?”
“Well...” Adrien trailed off in thought before coming to an obvious conclusion. “She’s a designer, and I’m a model. It’s a perfect match, don’t you think?”
A squeak that came from Marinette’s direction went ignored once more.
As was a hidden murderous glare from a pair of olive eyes who climbed the stairs to go to her seat behind them.
At that moment, the rest of the class had filed in, and Ms. Bustier walked in, signaling the beginning of the lesson.
"Good morning, everyone," she began. "Today, we're going to pair up for an art project. The topics cannot be repeated, however, you may be able to pair up with a group that will compliment your group's project. The pairs will be assigned and they will be final."
She began to read off the pairs. Alya was with Nino, Max was with Kim, etc. "And finally, Adrien and Marinette." She turned her full attention back to her students. "You will have two weeks to complete your projects."
"Ms. Bustier! "called a voice from the back row.
"Yes, Lila?" the red-haired woman sighed.
The vixen's olive eyes gleamed with mischief and malice. "My partner and I are going to do our project on fashion," she declared.
"WHAT!?" exclaimed the class, loudest of all Marinette, Adrien, and Nathaniel, Lila's partner.
"I did not agree to this!" the normally quiet red-haired boy seethed in agitation.
"We'll be fine," the smarmy Italian soothed. "You’re a wonderful artist, and I am a model, remember?"
The rest of their conversation got lost in the cacophony, as it seemed obvious to everyone who should’ve been able to choose fashion as their topic.
They also all had an opinion on that matter.
“Alright everyone, settle down!” Ms. Bustier called out, trying to regain the attention of her students. “Now please, we need to finish this up so that we can continue to our next lesson. Juleka, what topic did you and Rose decide on?”
Adrien scowled at the fake fox, watching as she glared back at him in triumph in her attempt to screw him and Marinette over. He turned away from her, feeling nauseous at the thought of that pathological liar, and tuned out the rest of his classmates, deciding instead to place his focus on his partner. Spying the earbuds still lying on her desk, the model’s eyes went wide as a wild idea came to him,
"Hey, Marinette," he began tentatively "would you be okay with singing in public?"
The blue-eyed girl shook herself from her thoughts of maybe giving her red-haired classmate some designing advice before she glanced at her partner with equally wide eyes. "Maybe," she said quietly, biting her lip in a way that drew the blond’s eye unintentionally. "What do you have in mind?"
Pulling his gaze away from her swollen lip took much more effort than he thought possible, but Adrien shook his head to clear his mind and gather his thoughts. "How about we do our project on music. I could play the piano, maybe a little guitar. You could sing? Maybe include any other instruments that you know how to play?"
He could see the gears turning in her head, taking his idea and looking at it from every angle. "Well, I know some notes on the flute.." she started, then wrinkled her nose in distaste, "but I'm not very good with it. I'm actually better with a violin, but it's been ages since I picked one up."
“You play the violin? I never knew that!” Adrien said, amazed at the talented girl before him. “If we could group up with the group who decides to do videography, maybe we could put together a music video?" He asked thoughtfully.
"That is an amazing idea!" she exclaimed. “Let’s do it!”
With a smile beaming on his face, the model raised his hand to get the teacher’s attention. “Ms. Bustier?”
“Yes, Adrien?”
“May my partner and I work with whoever chooses Videography? We’d like to do our project on music, and had some ideas.”
“I’m okay with it if that group is,” she answered with a smile. “Why don’t you ask them yourselves? Alya? Nino?”
With surprised wide eyes, the pair of them turned to look at their best friends. Clearing his throat, Adrien tried to broach the subject. “So….”
“Dude, you don’t even have to ask!” Nino smirked with a fist bump to his best bro. “We’ve overheard your plan and we’re totally in! This project sounds off the hook!”
“So… what song are you guys planning to cover?” The junior journalist inquired with a mischievous look.
Green eyes met blue, as the two of them shrugged.
“We...haven’t really discussed that yet,” Marinette answered, eyes lowered and fingers fidgeting with the edges of her sketchbook.
“We hope to have an answer soon,” Adrien filled in.
“Maybe we should meet after school?” Alya suggested.
The designer’s face fell further at that comment. “I have to help out at the bakery after school today,” she grumbled, lifting her eyes to the rest of the group. “A big order came in, and…”
“Hey, it’s okay, Marinette,” Adrien said, placing a hand on one of hers to comfort her. “I just remembered that I do have a fencing lesson after school. Maybe we could meet up at the bakery after I get done, then head over to my house? I… can’t exactly move a piano too easily,” he chuckled as he lifted his right hand to rub at the back of his neck.
Gratitude glittered in her cerulean eyes as Marinette faced the blond. “Thank you,” she said. “That sounds perfect.”
“That does sound perfect! When do we meet up?” a voice that didn’t belong to the group chimed in, startling the four of them.
The group turned to face one Lila Rossi sporting a sickeningly sweet look on her face.
“Excuse me?” Alya asked with genuine confusion. “Why would you be coming with us, Lila?”
Batting her eyes, the Italian answered, “Why, Adrien and I have a study date later, don't we, Adrien?”
“Uh, no. We don’t,” the model said with a deadpan voice and an expression to match, making the bespeckled pair raise an eyebrow at their sunshine friend. “Also, this would be a closed practice, Lila. Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.”
“Besides,” Marinette chimed in with a barely contained sneer that really took her friends off guard, “don’t you have your own project to work on? You know… with your partner?”
Seeing as there was no way around it, Lila lifted her chin with a sniff, turned on her heel, and walked off.
“Man, what is with her?” Nino asked quietly.
“Really,” Alya agreed. “Who just invites themselves to someone else’s group project like that?”
“Lila,” both Adrien and Marinette simultaneously answered together, causing their friends to blink at them.
“I also really don't want her in my room again,” Adrien emphasized. “The last time that she was there really skeeved me out.”
“Why, dude? If you don’t mind me asking, that is”. Nino asked politely.
“Well… she lied to get into my house. Lied to me, to Gorilla, and to Nathalie. She also lied to my father to get Gorilla and Nathalie into trouble,” the model listed, ticking off his fingers as he went. “She also shamelessly searched my room once we got in there, and forced me to take a picture with her, which she then sent to all of my female contacts, causing Kagami to get akumatized.”
That was what the sunshine child wanted to say.
But he was supposed to be taking the high road, so he just pushed down his feelings about it.
It wasn’t as if anyone other than Marinette would believe him anyway. They were all wrapped around Lila’s fingers.
Even his father, though he wasn’t sure how that happened.
What he wound up saying instead with a shudder was: “I don't know, man. It just did, that’s all.”
He then heard something coming out of Marinette’s earbuds, making him realize that when he surprised her earlier that she had never actually shut off her music.
“Did I even make a sound?
Did I even make a sound?
It's like I never made a sound
Will I ever make a sound?”
“Dude…” Nino breathed out just as the bell rang to switch classes.  ”That was so not cool.”
“Yeah, man,” Adrien said, packing up his books with a grimace. “I know.”
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aleapoffaithfiction · 5 years
"You will manage to keep a woman in love with you, only for as long as  you can keep her in love with the person she becomes when she is with  you." C. JoyBell
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Rockin' around the Christmas tree, let the Christmas spirit ring. Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling…
Naturally, my own vocals lightly meshed in with those of Brenda Lee while my head bopped back and forth to the infectious Christmas tune as it blared from the Beats Pill, I gifted to my mother a couple of months ago. To take advantage of the majority of my weight being pressed against the kitchen island, I slowly flexed my toes and extended my aches in an effort to minimize the throbbing in my feet. Short hisses turned into a deep sigh of bliss but unfortunately it was short lived once I grasped a knife in my hand again.
“Pass me two stalks of celery out of that bag, please.” My precise instructions were pointless. With her eyes intently focused on the phone in front of her, Celeste aloofly tossed the plastic bag in my direction as if I were a nuisance interrupting the ridiculous number of hours she spends interacting on Facebook. If anything, I avoid it, because once you reach a certain age, Facebook is nothing more than a scroll fest filled with engagement and pregnancy announcements, weddings and post-birth pictures, garbage hot takes from people about the most trivial of topics, and finally older relatives who have nothing better to do other than to be in everyone’s business, including yours.
“Shouldn’t you be doing something?” If she’s not going to be in the kitchen either helping me or doing something of her own, then the better choice would be for her to exit. She hasn’t been much company because we’re barely spoken since she arrived and I’d rather not be distracted by her sitting there in a trance with a phone in her hand like a mindless teen.
“Not really. You always do Christmas Eve, I do Christmas breakfast, and mommy does Christmas dinner. Don’t act brand new now.”
“I’m not acting brand new. I just see no point in you being in here.” Celeste does Christmas breakfast because it’s the easiest task to handle and I don’t have much of a problem pushing her dry ass pancakes around on a plate in anticipation for dinner later on the evening.
“For someone who claims to be so demure in the manner that you carry yourself, I’m super confused about why you have streams of diamonds glistening and circling around your neck.”
“What?” Thoughtlessly, I stretched my unoccupied hand up to the exposed skin and lightly brushed my fingers over nearly sixty carats of brilliant round cut diamonds that do not belong to me.
The manner in which O layers his many necklaces always grabs my attention and it’s something about the showiness in the midst of the simplicity of them that I continue to compliment whenever I see him donning them. This morning, for whatever reason, he randomly placed two of them around my neck as I stood in the mirror attempting to figure out just how festive my attire would be for today. Once I’d gotten past three unwarranted outfit changes, I found myself admiring the jewelry as it glimmered in the natural lighting cascading into his master bedroom beyond the curtains. I’d forgotten to remove them.
“They’re not real. It’s just costume jewelry.”
“They look pretty damn real to me.”
“Well, they’re not. There’s this new spot that opened up over on West 47th Street. I grabbed them in there. I just thought they looked cute and they reminded me of something Lil’ Kim wore one time. You know Kimberly Denise Jones is one of my spirit animals. They’re not something you wear everyday but it’s the holidays and I’m on vacation until after the New Year, so why not? I’m glad they look real though. That just means they were well made.”
“You seem to have a million alter egos. One minute you’re Florence Joyner, the next minute you’re Lil’ Kim, on another day you’re Angela Bassett, and then you’re Michelle Obama. We can’t forget you being the Oprah of sports journalism, oh and there’s Rihanna and Beyonce, who else?”
“Phylicia Rashard, Eartha Kitt, Regina King, Janet Jackson, Cari Champion, Lisa Salters, Pam Oliver, Jemele Hill. And I’ve never considered any of those women to be my alter egos. They’re women that I admire due to their drive, success, and character. I’ve taken bits and pieces from all of their careers and used them as lessons for my own. What you’ve mistaken is me saying that Lil Kim, Rihanna, and Tracee Ellis Ross are my style icons. Oh, and Mary J. Blige is my boot icon.” I think all women have a mood board of aspirations and inspirations. It doesn’t always have to be specific people. A portion of mine just so happens to contains who I believe are some of the greatest black women of the past and current generation. They’re not alter egos who I attempt to mimic but rather stories of triumph that keep me driven.
“What’s up with you and Kyle? Why are you interested?” I nearly cut into the flesh of my finger while dicing the stalks of celery. Briefly, I paused to gather myself, and immediately moved on to the three cloves of garlic.
“Nothing at all. I’m not interested so please stop pressing me about that. I’m not going to date your husband’s brother. I don’t do that all in the family stuff.”
“He’s really into you.”
“Or maybe you’re just exaggerating things. We’re just cool. We always have great conversations whenever we’re around one another and that’s good enough for me. I’ve already spoken to you multiple times about my disdain for your matchmaking bullshit. How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not a fan of it?”
“You continue to hold Shamel against me. Things didn’t work out. Okay. Shit happens. That doesn’t mean that every guy that I attempt to introduce you to won’t be compatible with you.”
“Compatibility? It’s deeper than that.” Parsley and cilantro were next for the wrath of the knife in my hand. I’m going to have to med onions next. I should have just bought all of this stuff chopped already.
“What’s deeper?”
“Celeste, you don’t know shit about what I went through with Shamel. You know the shortened version of years’ worth of bullshit. You think we just had a couple of typical couple disagreements to the point of us coming to terms with the reality that we could no longer be together? I wish it were that fucking simple, so don’t sit in here on your high horse with that matchmaker shit. Focus on your man and your marriage. I’m fine.”
I internalized so much of what I went through with the man. I was never the one to take my household troubles and spread all of it in places that it didn’t need to be. Anyone with the vision could see the tension between the two of us whenever we were out and about together and if you couldn’t see it, then it was thick enough to be felt. As my career began to take off, I chose to move as a single woman, often leaving him behind whenever I was out and about at industry events whether they were sports related or not. Shamel had a tendency to spend way too much time at the open bar, tossing back shots of tequila while slyly entertaining any woman that fawned over his deep mocha presence. He’d then cause a scene if he caught any men paying even the slightest attention to mine.
Beyond the decision to mask our toxicity as best as I could, I yearned to make my mother proud by being the quintessential woman; brains, beauty, a reputable career, and a good man standing alongside me. The pride she wore on her face at Celeste’s wedding stood out beyond any and everything that went on that summer night in Brooklyn. Since my father’s death, that wedding and all of the events leading up to it sparked a liveliness in her that I hadn’t experienced in quite some time although it had absolutely nothing to do with me. I’m not sure if she was vicariously living through my sister or she was simply just thrilled to see her began her own family, but in observing her response to it all, I wanted to give that to her.
After a short lived around of sex that left tears of mental exhaustion pouring down the sides of my face as I lie under him, he whispered in my ear that he intended to make me his wife. I’ll never forget the wave of nausea that rushed over my body and sent me dashing into the bathroom to empty out of the contents within my stomach. I thought of marriage as something beautiful until then. Just the thought of spending the rest of my life in misery with him left my mind in an emotional frenzy as I attempt to figure out when and how I’d end our relationship. Less than three weeks later, I finally mustered up the courage to get it done.
“You want to be alone forever?”
“Whether I do or I don’t, it’s my decision. You may be older, but we’re not kids anymore. We’re no longer in Brooklyn, under mommy’s roof, trying to figure out what we’re going to do with ourselves. You have your life and I have mine. I have time to figure that relationship shit out. I’m not stressed about it. Being single doesn’t bother me at all. For whatever reason, it bothers you.”
“It doesn’t bother me that you’re single. I just think you deserve happiness.”
“And you think that I don’t have it without a man? You give them way too much credit.”
And she always has. Celeste has been a serial monogamist for as long as I can remember her dating history. As soon as one relationship of hers would end, she’d be in another one within a week or two. I can recall a couple of overlaps, but that’s none of my business.
“Don’t put the whole bonnet pepper in there.”
“I know that. I’m only doing half.” The last thing I want is to give our mother heartburn on Christmas Eve.
In the midst of me pouring olive oil into the deep red pot I already had on the stove, I reached into my back pocket for my vibrating phone.
Mrs. Claus, I’m missing you. When are you coming home?
Home? To mask my budding smile, I slowly pulled my lip in-between my teeth.
This man knows how to put a smile on my face by saying the simplest things.
Anywhere I lay my head is just as much yours as it is mine.
I should have known that when he gave me keys and the security codes last night. I’m still in disbelief about that.
I should be finished here really soon and I’ll be right back at the North Pole to keep your lap warm, Santa.
It’ll be the first time I’m spending Christmas Eve anywhere other than here and to say I’m nervous would be an understatement. Usually around this time of the year, O would be in the midst of the season so his family would make the effort to come to New Jersey to be with him. Even though he’s currently not playing, they still decided to come up and enjoy the chilled weather. For the past couple of days, he’s convinced me to rid myself of my reluctance and to be with him and a few people I’ve yet to meet like his grandmother Mille, his uncle Mike, his aunt Pat, and his step-father Derek.
Naked right?
And don’t even get me started on the lie that I had to tell everyone in this house so that I’d be able to get out of our Christmas Eve tradition of my cooking and us sitting around watching our favorite Christmas classics while bundled up under quilts that we’ve had since Celeste and I were toddlers. That lie involved Taylor, who’s actually in Atlanta right now, and Scott who actually did invite me to his Christmas Eve game night over at his place.
I can make that happen. Not while the elves are awake though. That’s a bit inappropriate, Santa.
My snicker wasn’t soundless. It was loud enough to alert Celeste and her eyes slowly panned in my direction and raised in curiosity at what tickled me.
“It’s Taylor.” I said it before she could ask.
Baby, don’t be mad at me but I already cut the red velvet cake. It was just sitting there and I couldn’t help myself.
I knew he’d do it. The fume enticed him by itself, so his response to the finished product was of no surprise. I didn’t even make him promise me that he wouldn’t touch it because I knew he wouldn’t be able to help himself just as he said. It’s why I made two of them.
I knew you would. Enjoy it.  That’s why I made it.
I spent the morning baking as a part of his Christmas request. Renee’s handling everything else, but all of the sweets are my task. When I return, I’m going to make my mini eggnog cheesecakes and cookies.
Try and make it back before the snow starts. I don’t want you driving in that.
It’s not supposed to be enough snow to keep the east coast hiding inside of their homes, but it will be enough to leave traffic dragging and the roads hazardous. I’ve never been much of a fan of driving in the snow, so I do want to be out of here before those flurries began to fall.
Will do. I’ll see you in a bit love.
“I can’t believe you’re about to go and spend Christmas Eve hanging out with your co-workers. Don’t you get enough of seeing them at work?” This is her second time making commentary about this since I’ve been here and I’m not even sure why. Celeste and I barely say much of anything to one another whenever I’m around, unless she’s scolding me about some area of my life that she assumes that I need to improve. It’ll be no different tonight as they’re all curled up in the living room watching classic holiday films while enjoying the dinner that I’m preparing and a shit ton of junk food we bought at Walmart the other day. Besides, her husband is here and when he’s with her, nearly all of her attention is on him.
“What’s the big deal? We’re not kids waiting around on Santa anymore. There are no babies here in the house that we need to be extra festive for. I’ll be back in the morning for breakfast and then we’ll all open up the presents together like we usually do. You won’t even notice that I’m gone.” Maybe my mother will, but she certainly won’t. Whenever her husband’s around, her attention remains solely focused on him. She parades herself on being a so-called traditionalist as a wife; whatever that means. Either way, her head is up his ass and luckily for her, his is just as far up hers.
“What time are you getting here in the morning? I figure I’ll at least be considerate enough to start making breakfast around them so by the time you’re here, you won’t have to eat cold food.”
“Most likely around nine or a half hour after it. It won’t be much later than that.”
“That’s if you’re not hungover, huh?”
“I won’t be. I have no plans to drink, unless it’s like a half glass of some spiked egg nog. Can’t go to a Christmas function and not have some egg nog. I’m driving, so it won’t be much.” I’m not irresponsible with my life and in addition to that, if O smells the alcohol on my breath, he’ll be scolding me all night long for having the audacity to drink and drive.
“Okay.” I never thought she’d leave the kitchen. She’s been in here since my arrival and comfortably settled at a spot in front of the island, while watching my every move. Initially, I thought she was doing it simply to be a critic of whatever I intended to prepare in the kitchen, but now I know she sat there as a mean to try and find her way into my business as she always seems to do. I’ve never been interested in what she has going on with Preston since she met the man. Even when we all went out to dinner a few years back and she first introduced him to both my mother and I, I didn’t have much of anything to say. All I could make of their connection was that she was obsessed with everything about him and luckily for her, he was smitten enough to feel the same way about her. She needed a man who could and world be a bit of a pushover for her and he is exactly that.
My father’s beloved stewed chicken or as he called it, poulet creole, was a breeze to prepare because I’m the only one in our home who learned every single aspect of that recipe directly from him. On a random summer day, while my mom and Celeste were out at the hair salon getting curls put into their hair for Sunday service, he interrupted me from watching ESPN, and called me into the kitchen for yet another one of his many lessons. The manner in which he taught me wasn’t by me looking on at his every task but instead me doing all of the work while he closely directed so I’d my hands would familiarize themselves with the process as he claimed. It was the same method that his grandmother taught him to cook with.
I preferred learning to cook under his guidance far more than my mother’s because she’s like a drill sergeant in the kitchen; barking down on her subject for any mistake or mishap with her directions. He and I laughed, danced to whatever he chose to play in the radio, and compared and contrasted our opinions on any topic we could think of. I will always hold him in the highest regard for allowing my self-expression to flourish. As a West Indian father of two girls, he could have easily chosen the overprotective and absurdly sexist route in raising us, but he didn’t. Rather than doing his best attempt to blind me from life beyond the doors of our home, he chose to listen to my perspective and then teach me about what life has to offer whether good or bad; easy, moderate, or difficult.
I miss him. Actually, that’s an understatement. During the holiday season, that pain that lies dormant within my soul flares up into an intensity that I have to stoically mask for the sake of getting through. As much as he emphasized the need to prepare both Celeste and I for the day that he was no longer with us, none of us ever expected it to be as soon as it was. I want to be the strong and independent woman that he raised me to be, but in some ways, I still need him. My mother needs him because she hasn’t been quite right ever since. Celeste needs him just as much, because there’s a part of her that has always sought him out in the men that she chose to allow into her life since his death.
“Celeste, I’m heading out.”
“Nice coat and hat.”
The caramel wool cashmere single-breasted silhouette was an unexpected gift from Kobe before we went on break for the holiday. Everything about the hand-embroidered embellishments and the manner in which it loosely accentuated my frame instantly made me fall in love with it with the Burberry piece. He encouraged me to open it up while we were standing there in my dressing room so I’d be able to see if I liked it, but I voiced that it wouldn’t be right to open it before Christmas. My curiosity nipped at me all morning long until I fed into its urge by opening it up and like a kid whenever they’re given anything new, I had to wear it immediately. The matching beanie hat is the cherry on top. Before I’m off to bed tonight, I intend to thank him again.
“Thanks. It’s my Christmas gift from Bean.”
“So, you’re going to be here around nine, right? You better not be late because I’m not defending you when mommy snaps.”
“Yes. I’ll be here. When she gets in from church, tell her to call me if she needs me.” I still can’t believe she went to Christmas Eve service. Actually, I’m quite surprised that she didn’t pressure Celeste and I into attending.
“Will do. Enjoy yourself.”
“Thank you. Merry Christmas Eve.” Unexpectedly for her, I leaned in and planted a soft peck on her cheek. We’ve never been the type of sisters who shower one another with a lot of love whether it be physical or verbal, but on there are those random occasions when I do show or tell her how much I love her. I’d like to think in all the ways I help her or come running when she needs me, it’s a reflection of what I feel just as much.
“Merry Christmas Eve. Have fun.”
“Will do. You too. Since mom isn’t here, maybe you and Preston can get a little practice in on that baby that you want.” With a slight scoff, her eyebrows raised.
“Since when are you on the wild side?”
“I’m reserved, not virginal. See you in the morning.”
A gust a wind slithered through the open space as soon as I opened the door to step outside and very faint sprinkles of snow filled the air as they lightly cascaded down to meet my frame. I thought I would have been out of here before it all started but the beauty of it ceased any complaints that I usually would have if it weren’t Christmas Eve. If anything, the snow makes the spirit of tonight even more fulfilling. I don’t have to dream of a white Christmas because it seems like the city is being gifted with one this year. “Happy Holidays stranger.” I didn’t see his car parked across the street nor had I noticed him jogging across the street after locking the doors behind himself and yet here he is, stepping up onto the sidewalk and inching closer to the steps of my mother’s porch to trigger a slight downward spiral of my mood with his presence alone. I don’t know what it is with Quinton and his purposeful choice to remain all in the family despite my resistance towards whatever he and my mother thought they had planned for my love life. Initially, I believed he genuinely viewed us as an extension of his own family and supporters in the neighborhood who he knew he could count on, but now, I’m not sure what the fuck this is or where he’s going with it. “Happy Holidays.” “How have you been?” “Well. You?” I was better just a minute ago. “I’m well enough.” “What brings you around? The holiday? You seem to always show up around here whenever there’s one.” In his hand, he held a gift bag that I’m going to assume is for my mother. It’s not that I mind that he buys her gifts, because deep down, I don’t. I’m mostly concerned with what they mean. “I don’t just show up here on holidays. I come over and check on your mom from time to time. You know I love Mrs. Nazaire.” My scoff was loud and clear. Any time we speak now, he sounds like nothing more than a fame hungry politician, who uses manipulation tactics to garner allies and supporters. I’m sure his antics are no different with my mother. It’s why she holds him in such high regard no matter how much I don’t give a fuck. “Yeah? It’s starting to feel like you’re screwing my mother. I’m not looking for any step-dads within our age range. Sniff around women your own age Quinton.” The sarcasm flowed from my mouth and into his ears; leaving a flustered expression on his face that quickly transitioned into one of annoyance. “I’m not. I’ve only been to bed with one Nazaire woman.” “I’m glad you used the past tense. I barely remember that one and done situation; but I’m glad that you do. She’s not here, but Celeste and her husband are. You’re more than welcome to wait for her and I’m sure that you will.” “I don’t know what it is that Shamel did to you, but you’re so bitter now. Not all men are hood gym owners who fucked you over repeatedly while dipping into women who bought memberships to be trained in doggystyle position rather than on treadmills. All I wanted to do was be a good man to you, but you’re coming at my head as if I’m your enemy.” He said all of that and yet I’m the bitter one? If anyone asked me anything about this man’s personal life, I wouldn’t be able to tell you anything aside from what I know from the days when we’d actually hangout with one another. I haven’t kept up with much about his life story since then and I’d prefer not to know now. That’s the difference between he and I; he remains invested in what doesn’t concern him while I can’t seem to find a reason or the time to concern myself with what he wishes I would concern myself with. “I’m growing a bit confused about who has the pussy between the two of us. Only bored and lonely women concern themselves with what was or wasn’t going on in another woman’s relationship. Damn, you were more invested in what Shamel was doing with his time than I was. I’m bitter because I don’t want to play your political trophy wife or are you bitter because despite my firm no, you’re still sniffing around here and chasing me? Find your dignity Quinton. Don’t go out like a wack bitch, aight?” “I hope you don’t go out like one either. Make sure you keep it classy by not fucking with all of those athletes that you’re constantly around. How many have you been with thus far?” “All of them.” I’m usually not the type to laugh at my own jokes but I couldn’t help but to chuckle at his facial expression. I’ve been slut shammed more times than I can count. It happens every day when random people hiding behind social media accounts on apps decide to accuse me of using my body in order to keep my job, so Quinton doing it isn’t offending me any more than it does when strangers are doing it. Initially, I used to be extremely irritated by it but I’ve come to terms with the reality that people are going to say and assume whatever they want no matter what I do or feel about it. No matter who I do or don’t have in my bed, my bills are paid. “Excuse me. I have some place to be.”
Stepping around him wasn’t the problem; it was the oddness of him standing there and watching me slip into my car. Like a lost puppy, he trudged up the stairs to the house door and continued to burn a hole into my foggy windows with a scowl on his face that I couldn’t see but I’m sure is there. Maybe one day he’ll get it or maybe he won’t, either way, I’m not responsible for what he feels. I’ve been clear with all intentions and lack their off.
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No matter how much snowfall happens in the northeast year after year, as soon as flakes of any size begins to fall out of the sky, the snail-paced traffic is an immediate effect and it drives me insane. It’s one of the primary reasons why I was in no rush to get a new car and am currently wishing I had a driver taking me to my destination. Not even the holiday tunes that I love so much are distracting me from wanting to roll my window down and shout at the drivers in front of me who are missing green lights and evoking slight amounts of fear within me with their skidding. What would usually be a forty-five-minute commute turned into nearly an hour and a half.
The relief that washed over me at the sight of the double entry driveway was well received as I slowly inched my way in and focused in on the three bodies standing in the driveway. I reached out to him just a few minutes ago to notify him that I’d need help getting bags out of the backseat of the car, so we wouldn’t have to make multiple trips in the brisk weather. Unlike the other males standing alongside him, the handsome one who belongs to me was hilariously covered in an oversized Santa coat with a black hood covering his blonde mane.
“The traffic was so stupid as I was on my way to the Lincoln Tunnel. I will never understand how people who have been living on the East Coast since forever still fear the damn snow. It’s not even snowing that hard.” My right hand latched onto his and he carefully pulled me out of the driver’s seat and into his awaiting arms. My complaint went into one ear and right out of the other as he endearingly snuggled my frame as close to his as possible while nuzzling his chilled face into the nape of my neck. Admittedly, I needed to feel him in this exact manner for the restoration of the joy that this night is supposed to be and bring.
“And don’t even get me started on this ass wipe in this big ass Navigator who kept slightly skidding. I was caught in between being worried for my damn life and wanting to kick his ass for driving so stupidly. Oh and…” His peck was sweet; subtle and yet enough to leave me yearning for so much more.
“Give me your keys.” To oblige his request, I dropped them into his hand and turned to both Kordell and Derek who were looking on and most likely extremely bored with my rant.
“Hi guys.”
“You finally made it. This guy was about five minutes away from hopping into his Rolls Royce and driving all the way to Brooklyn for you.” I’ve only met his step-father Derek once and in my quick assessment of him I understood that he was more of a reserve man who somehow had a humorous side to him that couldn’t be ignored. He can crack a joke and it usually comes at the right time.
“I told him I was coming. I would have been here if it weren’t for the traffic.”
“And he wanted me to get in the car and go with his lame ass.” After a shared hug with Derek, I threw my arms around Kordell and pecked his forehead despite his maneuvers to avoid it. He’s not exactly the most physically affectionate person so I purposefully shower him with some of my own to worsen whatever annoyance his oldest brother sent his way.
“You weren’t going to come looking for me with your brother? I thought you and I are good friends now?”
“We’re family or whatever, but you and bro are old. I have a lot more life to live. I wasn’t about to catch hypothermia messing with the two of you.”
“It’s not even that bad out here. You haven’t seen a real blizzard yet Louisiana boy.” His dramatics earned a light mush to his head. I’d love to see how he reacts to a couple of feet of snow covering the ground and maybe even a power outage to go with it. Now that’s hell.
“Sarai, what is all of this?” The bewildered expression on his face and him using my first name evoked me to widen my eyes in a confusion about what I could possibly be in trouble about. I don’t believe there’s anything incriminating in my trunk and if there is, I didn’t place it there.
“All of this?” Like a nagging elderly man who borders between obnoxiously cheap and being frugal with his money, he extended his arm towards the overflowing trunk and placed his idly hand on his hip to await an explanation that he’s not going to receive.
“What? I told you that I was coming with gifts. Don’t be ridiculous. Just grab them. Oh, and don’t forget the ones in the backseat. I’m going inside. It’s cold.”
“This is crazy. You went overboard.”
“I know you’re not talking about overboard. There’s a Rolls Royce parked right over there. I can start there and keep on going for hours. You really want to do this right now?” If there’s anything I’m ever ready for; it’s to prove somebody wrong. Debating is an essential part of my profession as an analyst and I haven’t lost a debate yet if you let me tell it, so I can and will give him an extensive five minutes of dialog about his spending habits and how he is by far one of the biggest spenders that I know. This man doesn’t even use his washer and dryer. He dry cleans every damn thing and never wears the same underwear, socks, or t-shirts twice.
“Nah, baby, you got it.” Without any further questions or concerns, he extended his arms into the trunk and began to retrieve a few of the many bags that they all needed to bring inside.
“Wow. You know how things go in arguments. Good job, man.”
While on my way to the warmth, my laughter at Derek’s commentary was loud enough for me to hear it but low enough so that the man of my affection couldn’t make it out. Sometimes it’s just best to keep quiet about the reality that your man is willing to put himself aside to please you and, in this case, it was his mouth.
Sometimes I’m stunned by my sincere acceptance into his family dynamic. We’re anything but traditional and we’re navigating in a manner that I’m sure they don’t understand because we certainly don’t. Aside from my overwhelming emotional affection towards the man who belongs to them more than he does to me, they’ve been unknowingly responsible for making me feel like I deserve the joy that I feel when I’m with him and around them. In my transition from hugs with Heather, Jazzy, and those who I’ve been led around the first level of the house to meet, I haven’t been able to ease away the smile gracing my face.
“Your outfit and pajamas are upstairs in the room.” I know pasta when I smell it. The fumes coming from the kitchen appealed to my senses quickly and left my stomach turning in knots for nourishment.
“Wait until you see what your guy bought for you.” Her amusement was my fear. I tend to like to make him the butt of a couple of my jokes, but I don’t want to be the one on the other end of his tonight.
“Is it a onesie?”
“No.” Suddenly I wish this glass of egg nog were spiked.
“I’m going to head up and see it. If it’s a disaster I’m pulling the feminist card and blaming the both of you because we’re supposed to be united against these men.” I waggled my finger back and forth to point out the mother and daughter duo who found my apprehension to be amusing and began slowly inch my way up the spiraling staircase that leads to the upper level of the house. Though I could hear his voice loud and clear from the foyer, O hadn’t brought my personal belongings upstairs and I’m already up here so that’s out. With that in mind, it seems even more logical to take him up on his offer of my own closet space so that I no longer need to keep trekking overnight backs to and from here.
A blend of the Italian bergamot and clay sage from his beloved cologne meshed in blissfully with the gingerbread scent that I know he purposefully misted into the room just for me. Since December came in, he frequently made note of how my home smelled like cookies whenever he came over and accused me of trying to toy with his already slightly ridiculous appetite for junk food, especially candy. Despite my love for Bath and Body Works and Yankee Candle’s holiday scents, he deemed them to be exceedingly sweet and overdone. Now look at him.
Flutters filled my core at the sight of his master suite’s fireplace being utilized for the first time ever. Unlike my obsession with them, it’s a feature within the house that he hasn’t concerned himself with since moving in. There’s something about the way the flames are curling and oscillating, flickering like gleaming lights, and cascading hues of scarlet onto the wall that naturally warms the space.
“Your stuff is on the bed.” I knew he was in the doorway. The chills trickling onto the back of my neck spoke before he did.
“You put the fireplace on.”
“I figured you’d like it. Thank God it’s electric. I’m no fireplace expert.” As his feet trudged against the wooden flooring, he dropped my monogram Louis Vuitton Keepall Bandoulière duffle bag near the entry way of his closet.
“It’s beautiful.” If it were just us, I’d curl up on the floor in front of it with a good playlist going.
As soon as my Ugg boots were kicked aside, I inched closer to the bed and alongside three bags, was a Snoopy and Woodstock perfectly wrapped present that I certainly wasn’t expecting to see. My curiously instantly peaked but in a swift second, I checked myself for discarding the waiting rule I’ve grown up with. Celeste and I weren’t even able to open one gift at midnight on Christmas Eve.
“You forgot to put that under the tree?” Instead, I reached for the crimson red gift bag and snickered as soon as my hand silky velvet material that is identical to the kind covering his frame. My Mrs. Claus coat was that of something I’d be waiting for Santa in the bedroom in rather than keeping an eye on the elves. It’s lace-up front called for a good cleavage while the pure white faux fur trimming and flared skirted bottom were more along the lines of tradition until anyone notices the split open front. What exactly is supposed to go under this?
“No, that’s for you to open now. You probably thought I was playing when I mentioned it before but I really am impatient on Christmas Eve. I like to open presents the night before and just sleep on Christmas morning. Since it’s our first one together, I figured I’d be fair to your traditions and my own. So, we can open some tonight and then open the first in the morning. Fair?” Like an eager child hoping to get his way, his narrowed eyes slightly widened with hopes that I’d agree to what he calls fair. I don’t see what the big deal is. It all has to be opened either way.
“So open that.”
Lazily, my body flopped down onto the plushness of the bed and I grabbed the box with a bit of shaking to increase his growing anticipation. The contents inside only slighting moved, throwing off just about all of my potential guesses for what it may be. My first donned a smirk as I commenced with tearing through the wrapping paper to uncover the infamous Christian Louboutin box under it. Shoes? Infinite brownie points already. Much like himself, I adore footwear. I stand by the law that a shoe can make or break a look more than any other article of clothing.
“You didn’t.” Instantaneously, thoughts of a random conversation I was having with Taylor came to mind. Christian Louboutin collaborated with Indian Couture Designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee on an extremely limited-edition collection featuring hand-embroidered sari fabrics and jaw dropping embellishments that left me in awe upon the sight of it online. Every piece of material used to craft the shoes were taken from Sabyasachi’s private archive, leaving only a few pairs of each design to be created.
“Didn’t what?” His confusion was intentional. The grin called his bluff. The lid to the box went flying behind me in an instant and in dramatic fashion, I dropped back onto the bed in astonishment and bliss at the sight of the exquisite thigh high boots that I fell in love with. Their golden delicate leather straps were specially designed harness and highlight the leg. On top of it, they’re made to measure.
“Is this real life?”
“I feel pretty alive, what about you?”
“How the hell did you get these? I called everywhere. No, literally. I e-mailed fucking Hong Kong for them. Supposedly only like six pairs were made.” “Those have been in my closet since October.” The nonchalance in his tone evoked a moisture lightly seep into the seat of the lace under my jeans. I don’t know whether to jump on the bed in joy or discard everything covering my frame allow him to twist and flip me into any position of his liking. Maybe both? Both can certainly be done.
“Come and give me a hug please.” With the box now resting alongside me, I opened my arms and awaited his presence. Like a weighted blanket, a wave of tranquility washed over me at the mass of his body now being closely hard-pressed against mine. My fingers found their way into the platinum blonde curls and few loose dreads dangling from his scalp and our lips met for a kiss that I’d been yearning for since I opened my eyes this morning. The sweetness of his supple lips intoxicated me far more than anything alcoholic ever could and the way his length fingers dug into the skin of my hips nearly blurred the actuality that we’re not home alone.
“I love them so much. Thank you, handsome.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Get up so that I can get one of yours from downstairs.”
“I can wait until after you’re dressed.”
“No, I insist. Let me get it.”
“Another kiss first?”
Without hesitation, I once again pressed my lips into his own for a deep peck and moved in a fluidity with his body as we eased off of the bed. I made it downstairs and back up, with a promise that I’d hurry up and change so the festivities could really begin. I need a quick shower first before I do anything else.
“I hope that you like it. I saw it and you instantly came to mind.”
“Can I just warn you that I didn’t wrap all of your gifts. The only reason why your boots were wrapped is because the boutique did it for me.”
“It’s fine. I don’t care about all of that.” The last thing I expected him to do is be frustrating himself with wrapping paper. His patience would never be able to handle it. For some odd reason, I enjoy doing it. I’ve been the designated gift wrapper in my family for years.
Though it may seem childish to some, I wrapped everything I bought him in Dr. Seuss’ “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” wrapping paper that I randomly spotted and happily picked up from a Hallmark store in Rutherford, New Jersey. Since he deemed it to be his favorite holiday classic, I imagined it would be festive to bring an element of it into the fun.
With my phone in hand, I snapped a photo of him as he tore through it to reveal the Louis Vuitton box, I knew it to be. Within seconds, its lid was on the floor and he drew away the protective paper to reveal the tan cowhide and calf leather “Christopher Backpack” backpack I bought for him. Unlike his ridiculously vibrant Supreme bags, I fell in love with the timeless style of the backpack and the classic solidness of its color. It’s a perfect choice for those game days when he’s more dressed up than down and needs something that’s subtle while still somehow being a statement piece.
“Damn, this is clean. This is perfect for when we’re traveling because they usually want us a little more dressed up.”
“That’s what I was thinking.”
“Yeah, I love this baby. I don’t know about waiting until next season to wear it though. I’ll have this on within a couple of days. Watch.”
Knowing him, he will. If it’s new, he’s in it shortly after receiving it. I don’t know him to be that person who saves things for later. Why should he when he’s constantly either buying or receiving things?
“I’m going to take a short shower. It’ll be quick.”
“You already smell good. What you need a shower for?”
“I was cooking. I can smell it on me. It’ll be quick. Ten minutes.”
“Your showers are never ten minutes.”
“This one will be. I assure you.”
The fib didn’t go without being grumbled about when that ten-minute duration I assured him up turned into an additional ten simply because of the feel of the warm water cascading over my skin left me in damn near a state of slumber as I stood there. My lotion lathering came with assistance and so did pulling up the opaque plaid patterned tights over my thighs. By the way of their fit, they were clearly sewn together to cater to an extremely slender woman’s shape but by the grace of God and my man’s hands they were up and over my ass without a snag or hole in sight.
“I really can’t believe you bought all of this.” We look like we work in the middle of a mall. Instead of having crying babies sitting up on his lap for photographs, he’d have lusty women beating one another to a bloody pulp for daring to cut the line to ruin their chances of sitting upon his lap and asking for his genitalia while I’d be called Santa’s Slore.
“Let’s go outside.”
Intricate patterns of the weightless ice floated downward from the darkened sky. Each flake whirled and twirled as a faint wind blustered them in our direction. Much like the silly man alongside myself randomly dancing for his personal media guy’s camera, I joyfully tracked footsteps into the barely there bed of snow covering the grounds of his driveway and took satisfaction in the sound of it squishing under my boots. I’m no longer camera shy, but being on one with him has awoken what used to be a part of me. I already knew that George would be documenting all of this just as he does for a lot of milestones and random moments of his life, but what happens if I’m no longer what he wants and he randomly comes across this Christmas video and the pictures to go with it one day? How awkward would that be?
“Hey, look.”
“Huh?” Though he only spoke two words, the thick cloud of breath still lingered as I faced him. In following his eyes as they slowly panned up, mine met the mistletoe idly hanging on the door with the red bows that were already there.
“That was not there when I got here.” I saw the bows, but the mistletoe? No. Laughter spilled from our lips at what I knew to be true. I’m slightly fatigued, but I can remember what I did and did not see.
“It was.”
“It was not.”
“Come and kiss me so that we can go inside, open up more stuff, and play cards with grandma.”
“That tone. I like it.” I’m alright with a man taking charge every now and then.
“Come here.”
The frost of the winter air was of no match to the warmth radiating from our bodies and serving as a shield around our affection. I’d often fantasize about moments like this; having a companion to comfortably, and most of all safely, bare my all to without any guards or painful baggage weighing me down. I believed the advice of allowing it to come to me was standard and cliché, but I undoubtedly understand it now. It’s when you least expect it that the unexpected happens in the best way possible. I ruled him out of my life as soon as we had that initial conversation and yet the universe continued to cross our paths, naturally coercing me to allow him in. In the midst of all of my fears from the past and present, I want only him.
“Okay, let’s go. I want to see everything that you got me.”
“You can’t open everything tonight. That’s breaking our deal.”
“Huh?” I trailed behind him as he dashed back into the house and towards the living room.
“You heard me!”
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I chose the kitchen counter top as my designated seat for what turned into the most chaotic gift giving presentation. Like a hood Santa Claus, all I could pay attention to was my man and his slightly sagging plaid pants zipping through his home pulling out gifts from seemingly everywhere. They jokingly talked about how much of a grinch he was last Christmas but he’s certainly redeeming himself this year.
I can’t remember the last time I thoughtlessly splurged on luxury designer goods but I don’t need to do so any time soon because he covered that and then some. Being overwhelmed was an understatement. Chanel, Versace, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga, Saint Laurent, Fendi. I lost track of the rest and the process of just how I’m going to be able to organize all of it in my closet.
In watching him, it’s so easy to understand human purpose. In the midst of being here to seek fulfillment within our own purpose, we’re just as much here to look after our loved ones and even those who aren’t. Fortunately, he’s been blessed to have more and because of it, he spreads not only his love but also the benefits of his wealth among them. There’s a pride within it that has been radiating from him for over an hour now. I too, can relate. I’ve been given just as many hugs and kisses of thanks that he’s been given and I expect that it’ll continue when I am with my own family in the morning.
“Draw 4, blondie.” What he thought was going to be a swift Uno out moment turned into him having fifteen cards in his hand and a scowl on his face that is hysterical. He’d beaten me to the point of embarrassment at Spades because I’ve never been that great at it despite the many times my dad taught me how to play, so I had to somehow coerce him into playing something that I could play by pretending that I didn’t know how to.
“You know what, I’m going downstairs to whoop Kordell in some hoops because you’re cheating.” A snicker slipped past my lips at the playfully aggravated scowl on his face as he used his body’s strength to push his chair away from the round table. In a manner to taunt him, I held out my hands before me and wiggled my fingers to signify my lack of cards and the reality that I’d just won yet another game of UNO. My man being a sore loser isn’t something that he’s modest about. I and many others have known that about him for quite some time.
“Don’t be mad.”
“You’re cheating. You keep making up imaginary rules that don’t exist.”
“Seriously? The directions are in the box. Look at them or look them up on Google. It’s not my fault that you don’t know them all. You just suck.”
“I suck?” The amused expression on Mille’s face tickled all of us as she glanced back and forth, to take in every shit talking word as they left the both of our mouths. She’d been quietly observing the two of us since we joined both she and Jasmyne at the table for a round of card games.
Initially, I thought I’d been intruding on her time with her grandchildren, but the sly smirks and eventual huge smiles gracing her angelic face swarmed me with a warmness that I needed to further soothe me into a comfort zone around those who I do not know well just yet. Every couple of minutes or so, she’d give me either a gracious caress to the hand as a sign of her welcoming or a pat of encouragement to continue beating her oldest grandchild at Uno. I’m going to accredit that to the feminism within her.
“If the shoe fits, babe.”
“I’m going to remember that baby. The mental note is made.” He used his index finger to tap his forehead as I wordlessly ogled over his exterior.
If anyone looked at his attire, it wouldn’t be deemed as anything impressive; a black Supreme sweatshirt and a pair of black loose shorts to keep him much cooler than all of that velvet he had on. Simple. Why my eyes are continuing to embarrassingly bulge out of their sockets every time they land on him is beyond my comprehension. I’ve never seen anyone’s facial structure be as chiseled to perfection as his is. The silhouette of his jawbone is completely shielded by the blackness of his thick beard and yet just the hint of it sends unwavering shivers down my spine.
The glimmer in his faintly slanted and ever so narrowed eyes illuminates any room when that priceless smile arises on his face and every aspect of myself begins to figuratively melt into liquid form; between my thighs is the worst of it. In the midst of his sleep, I love to plant soft pecks down the finely lined bridge of his nose until my lips are gently pressed into the suppleness of his own. I’m addicted. I lose all sense of who I am whenever his warm tongue meets mine.
Handsome is an understatement; it isn’t enough to compare. He is beauty personified. I don’t believe there is another man in sports entertainment who has left me gasping for just a slight breath of air upon my every sight of him. It never gets old. I don’t believe it ever will.
Sometimes I have to wonder if he’s truly mine or if the universe is playing some type of sick joke on me.
“I don’t mind you remembering that.” Whatever payback he has for that may come with pleasure that I am more than willing to accept.
“Alright.” The sly smirk tugging on his lips was enough to leave me on the borderline of tickled and embarrassed as soon as he leaned over to plant a knowing and warning kiss on my lips. Despite the presence of his younger siblings and the elders within his family, he didn’t harbor not even an ounce of regard or bashfulness when it came to his need to have his hands touching some part of my body or any other display of affection, he bestowed upon me at random moments. His actions remained consistent with all that he does when we’re alone; barely any discretion involved.
“I’m not sure if my stomach is churning because of you two or because I want some cake, but I’m going to get some cake anyway. Y’all want anything?”
“You just mad.” And just like that, her brother’s large palms were lightly meshing into the side of her head for a playful mush and she instantly pushed him out of her way.
“I’m just fine with my egg nog.” Mille opted to keep hers virgin along with the other underage beings around. The rest of us had just a teaser of rum to give it a subtle kick.
“Me too. I’m fine.” I stepped on the scale a couple of days ago and I’ve gained five pounds. Between the man in my life constantly feeding me and the holidays, I’ve been overindulging on just about everything that’s offered to me. I need to get my life together.
With yet another shove to her brother’s side, Jasmyne darted away from the table with him hot on her trail with jokes about the size of her head which is no different from his own, but I’ll leave him be. They left the matriarch of their family and I at the table with decks of cards and a “Snow Place Like Home” five-hundred-piece jigsaw puzzle that she’s beginning to open so that we can attempt to put it all together before we’re off to bed. The peacefulness on her face evoked a solace within me that I’ve been seeking since this day began. My internal mourning subsided for the meantime as I observed her joy in being surrounded by family and most of all, because they’re all doing quite well in all aspects.
“My daughter went from telling me that you have my grandson’s nose wide open to telling me that he’s completely lost into your world and I couldn’t believe it. Odell would always laugh me off when I asked him about girls or women and he’d tell me that myself, Heather, and Jasmyne are the only ladies of value and importance in his life. From the way he’s been floating around here since your arrival and the way he looks at you, there’s officially a fourth.” My mouth moved to speak but the words remained stuck in the pit of my throat as her ash white eyebrows arose in a satisfaction at the believed accuracy of her all too knowing spirit.
“You don’t have to be modest. He’s not sitting next to you anymore.” Immediately, giggles spilled from her rosy lips prompting my shoulders to sink in a relief that I’m not sure why I needed.
“I’m not being modest. I just don’t know what to say. It feels like a lot of this is unfamiliar territory for me but at the same time, it evokes the shy and bashful side of me.” She’s been making little comments since we were introduced. I guess they were all leading up to this moment.
“That’s a good thing dear; a great thing. I’ve been wanting to meet you ever since his momma showed me a video of him working out with his physical therapists and trainers. You’ve built him back up. She gives you most of the credit for that.”
“I wouldn’t give myself any credit. His determination did it. You can’t keep someone with his determination down and he certainly wasn’t going to do it to himself.”
“Determination goes a long way, but often time, there has to be something or someone to ignite the fire behind that determination and that has been you. You cared for him, physically and most of all mentally, during what he calls one of the most disappointing and darkest times of his life thus far. So, don’t sell yourself cheaply because he talks about you like you’re priceless.”
“I believe in everyone having a person; that person that they can go to for laughter and good times or to lean on for a cry session. Whether it’s a close relative or a friend, you just need that person. I wanted to be that person for him because I know what it’s like to not have that person. He didn’t need pity. He needed encouragement that the injury is just a small part of his journey and most of all, he just needed someone to simply be there. That’s what you do for someone you lo-“
My tongue pressed against the backs of my top front teeth as I halted an admission that I’ve been withholding for a short while and coming to grips with on my own. I’ve been overly analyzing what that means for myself and how to navigate it going forward because it’s never felt quite like this before. As with all that I’ve been sharing with him, it’s new and I’ve jumped off of a cliff and into a pit of fear that I’m doing my best not to drown in.
Acceptance needed to come first and now that it has, I’ve been in a wonderment of whether or not those feelings are reciprocated on his end and how I’m going to handle my ever-going emotions if they are not. I cannot berate him for what he may not feel nor can I resent him for not sparing my feelings with lies if he does admit that I am in this alone.
I want to do nothing more than protect him. It’s almost odd because I’ve felt compelled to do that prior to even knowing him. Every attack and biased commentary that came his way felt like a personal attack on the character of a man who the world refused to understand. Now that I’ve experienced him in ways that are far beyond what were in my imagination at that time, I stand firm in what I knew all along. He’s not perfect and yet his imperfections are too what I love about him. He’s the embodiment of a security in his personhood and masculinity that I am irrevocably attached to.
“You could have finished that. Words are powerful but so are body language and actions. Yours have said it all. You know, I used to call you the young lady on TV that he likes so much, but now I call you the young lady on TV that he loves so much.”
Faint tingling nipped at the nape of my neck and the lined crevice of my back as certain aspects of her statement entered my ear like a vibrating echo; hypothetically repeating themselves for an emphasis to my thoughts. The last man I remember genuinely loving me laid down with my mom to create me. Shamel did not love me; I was something to do.
He rarely ever used the word and when he did, it was to emphasize something that he loved for me to do for him. In poor judgement and a lack of character, I accepted that because I was too emotionally exhausted to be combative with him or myself about it. Eventually, I didn’t even want him to love me. There didn’t need to be anything that kept us attached beyond an ignorant familiarity that I clung to for far too long.
“You really think so?”
“I know so dear.”
In an effort to help her, I reached my arms out and used my hands to spread out the many pieces all over the table so that we could begin a strategy to get it done. It’s been quite some time since I’ve done one of these and I’m not even sure my tired body can concentrate enough but I’m willing to try.
“Merry Christmas.” Yet again, the scent of his Sean Jean cologne slithered up my nose as the heat radiating from his body left me leaning back against my seat, relishing in it. His long arms extended over and he placed a navy-blue box down on the table directly in front of me. Upon my eyes landing on it, the all too famous Harry Winston initials were engraved in a bold gold on its surface.
“What’s this?” Along with him, Mille, and myself being in the room, there was also George who was continuing to document every aspect of this holiday celebration.
“Just a little something for my Brooklyn girl to rock with her Timbs.”
“Shut up!” Our regional teasing never ends. He tends edge me out with the Brooklyn jokes because I don’t know how many other ways, I can talk about how country he is. Technically speaking, he’s not even as country as some of the other athletes that I’ve spoken with over the last couple of years. Even his accent, that nearly melted me out of my heels the night we first conversed with one another, isn’t heavily ingrained with that Louisiana flare.
“Open it.” Without any bickering or hesitation, I slowly pulled up the lid on the box to reveal a pair of hoop earrings that instantly left me in a state of breathlessness. The emerald and round cut stones circled their platinum setting with a glimmer that one could not ignore. Every aspect of their make oozed a meticulousness to his taste and Mr. Winston’s talent. Any figure of price that came to mind could not match up with what sat before me and I know better than to ask him for specifics. I can admit to being a gold hoop wearing girl while I was back in high school, but I never imagined myself having a pair quite like this.
“Oh my God.” Circling my fingers over their surfaces solidified the reality of them now being within my possession and his supple lips pressing against my forehead widened the smile I was already donning.
“You like them? They seemed like they were very you when I saw them. Hoops for when you rock those buns in your hair.” Whether it’s a well done or sloppy bun, he always compliments how “cute” it is on me and he takes it a step further by enjoying the open access to my neck while my hair is out of the way.
“I love them. Thank you, babe. Thank you so much, they’re beautiful.” Just as I’ve done with every gift he’s given me thus far, I leapt out of the chair and threw my arms around his body in a physical showering of the love that I have for him. It’s beyond the gifts but rather the reality of him thinking of me and being so intuitive with what I desire and need that has taken his endless gift giving over the edge tonight.
“George did you get that? Now that’s a picture-perfect moment.” Mille’s face glowed in pleasure at the sight of us. I wonder if we’re reminiscent of those old black and white films that I secretly love so much. I hope so, but just in color. Everything about us is vibrant.
“I have it all Mama Millz.”
“I’ll be back.” I couldn’t take another moment of being in that unbearably warm coat or the tights.
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I did change. The crimson red fair isle long john was a perfect touch for tonight. Much like earlier, the fireplace distracted me and I found myself sliding down onto the floor to marvel in its heat and beauty. If there were a pillow down here with me, I’d be asleep within minutes. Though he moved into this house not that long ago, for some reason it feels more lived in than my own. Maybe it’s because it’s filled with family right now or it may be the dogs, but I enjoy the way I feel here. There’s an eerie loneliness in my home that can be difficult to ignore sometimes.
“What are you doing?”
“Enjoying the fireplace.”
“Why are you acting like you don’t have one?” Once inside, he closed the door enough just to leave a crack in it.
“I don’t have one in my bedroom.”
“We can fix that.” Yet again, the nonchalance tone and now shrug awoken parts of me that I’ve been mentally taming since my arrival. He talks like he’s more than willing to give me the world in a silver platter if I were to request it.
“I have something for you.”
“I want something for you too.”
“Me first.” Rather than hanging it to him, I nudged the velvet gift bag towards his feet and he flopped down onto the floor to meet it. He dropped his gift for me, Cartier from what I observed, into his lap.
“Patek Philippe? Oh wow.” With no response, I allowed him to have the moment to himself as he pulled the chocolate toned leather box out of the bag. Our eye contact was brief as he pulled open the lid and his silence intrigued me instead of rattling my already racing nerves. Just as I’d done to the hoop earrings, his fingers ran over its surface while his lips parted to leave his mouth agape. It may not be on his arm now, but I’ve envisioned just how incredible it’s going to look on him over and over again.
“The blue isn’t only representative of the team but it also takes me back to the night we both spoke for the first time. You were wearing blue and black. In New Orleans, when we made things official, you were wearing blue. Blue makes me think of you. I know most associate that color with sorrow, but you give it life and joy. You give it character.”  
Only the sound of the fire crackling against the wood served as a tune dancing in the air of stillness between the two of us. His reaction to so many of the other things I gifted to him were boisterous and comedic, but this stole his words and left him to wallow in speechlessness.
“Sarai, I love you.”
The wholeness of his words filled voids that I neglected and accepted as everlasting destruction. His patience has sealed my gaping wounds and rid me of the leftover scarring. The acceptor of my deficiencies and the protector of my delicate soul, in his eyes, for the first time in such a long time, I recognize myself. The duality of being able to love myself and him is as synchronized as my breathing.
“I love you too, Odell.”
Undoubtedly. Irrevocably.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Leonard Hofstader Prompts
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1 “This song is never going to stop. Have you ever dealt with something so relentlessly irritating?” “That's a trick question, right?”
2 “Well, you can spend the rest of the day being bitter about this --“ “Agreed.” “I was going to say ‘or,’ but why bother?”
3 [knock knock knock] “NAME?” (x3) “What, NAME!? What, NAME!? What, NAME!?” “Tell me what you see here.” “The blunt instrument that will be the focus of my murder trial?”
4 “At my age, do you know how I'm statistically most likely to die?” “At the hands of your room mate?” “An accident.” “That's how I'm going to make it look.”
5 “Black beans, not pinto beans?” “Yes.” “Double guacamole?” “Of course.” “Lettuce shredded, not chopped?” “Yes.” “No cilantro?” “Nope.” “You understand why I'm doing this to you?” “I do.” “That will be all.”
6 “I often forget other people have limitations. It's so sad.” “He/she can feel sadness?” “Not really. It's what you and I would call condescension.”
7 “Come here, tushie face.” “Tushie face! That is going on twitter right now.”
8 “I like it. I think you're on to something.” “Really? You're not messing with me?” “Not at all. In fact, I have got something for just such an occasion. I was starting to think I'd never get a chance to give it to you. Good job!” “You're giving me a sticker?” “Not just a sticker. That's a sticker of a kitty saying ‘Mee-wow’.” “I'm not a preschooler.” “Fine, I'll take it back.” “I earned this. Back off.”
9 “What are we gonna do?” “We? No, no, no. You had your chance to be ‘we’ for like a year and a half now. Right now, you are you and you are screwed!”
10 “Would someone please turn off the NAME commentary track?”
11 “Oh, I know. This might help.” [Gets a ring out of wallet] “Where did you get a ring?” “I've had it for a couple of years. Not important.”
12 “I'm not sure it's a good idea to take NAME to where wine comes from.”
13 “I'm the king/queen of foreplay.”
14 “Just you wait and see. I'm gonna romance your freakin' ass off.” “That's beautiful. Is that Shakespeare?”
15 “How do I make them stop loving me?” “You could invite them to live with us.”
16 “Hard as this may be to believe, it's possible that I'm not boyfriend/girlfriend material.” “Glad I was sitting down for that.”
17 “I'd make fun of NAME for having boy/girl problems, if I wasn't shocked that NAME has boy/girl problems.”
18 “NAME , you wanna take a break? Your food's ready.” “What are you doing? He's/she’s both happy and quiet. It's like seeing a unicorn and big foot at the same time.”
19 “You guys kiss and hold hands.” “I've seen him/her do it. It's not romantic.”
20 “NAME 's nervous about me leaving. Just keep an eye on him/her while I'm gone.” “Oh, I don't know. Remember what happened when I took care of your goldfish?” “Well, flush NAME down the toilet and get me a new one.”
21 “That was such a fun night.” “Probably 'cause you got to see your man/woman up there rockin' the mic.” “Yeah, yeah. I was a little surprised when you decided to beat-box.” “Oh, that was really an asthma attack. I just sold it.”
22 “Okay, instead of protecting me, why don't you try being excited when something good happens?” “I'm always excited for you. I'm excited that you found this new job where you're making decent money.” ���Decent? I make twice what you make.” “Wait, twice?” “Yeah.” “Like times two, twice?”
23 “NAME , why are you making such a big deal out of this? So our roles have changed a bit over the last couple of years. That's the way life is. And I'm sure, in time, they'll change again.” “Great. Not only are you more successful than me. Now you're more mature.”
24 “Thanks for closed captioning my pain, NAME.”
25 “Boy, you're really smart.” “Yeah, I'm a freaking genius.”
26 “Have you considered telling him/her how you feel?”
27 “NAME is going to love this.” “Yeah, it must be nice to have somebody do something so romantic.” “Okay, you know what's not romantic? Rubbing it in someone's face.” “Actually, it can be. But I told you sex doesn't count.”
28 “NAME, do you think I'm funny?” “No. Do you?” “I think I'm hysterical.” “I take it back. That was funny!”
29 “Well you wouldn't have asked me either.” “I would have asked you. In my head. On the way home. While I was having a good cry.”
30 “I missed you.” “You see me all the time. You sure you don't just miss the sex?” “Well, yeah, the sex with you is pretty great. Have you ever tried it?” “I have. You're not wrong.”
31 “Uhh, umm. I'm NAME.” “Really? You don't sound so sure.” “No, I am me.”
32 “Where are my pants?” “You might wanna check out YouTube.”
33 “I'm sorry, dude, she didn't look anything like her picture.” “They never do.”
34 “You know, you two make a cute couple.” “No, no we're not, we're not a couple, we're single, two singles, like those individually wrapped slices of cheese that are friends.” “Did I pluck a nerve there?” “Oh yeah.”
35 “Why can't all guys be like you?” “Because if all guys were like me the human race couldn't survive.”
36 “Is that the song from Toy Story?” “He/She loves that movie.” [emotional] “I do.”
37 “What ya doin' there? Working on a new plan to catch the road runner?”
38 “NAME, give me a beat.” “I will not.”
39 “Thanks for cooking.” “My pleasure.” “That carrot was delicious.” “Yeah. I wish I'd fought harder for the rest of 'em.”
40 “Lots of people wear matching pajamas who aren't dating.” “Like who?” “Like you and your dog.” “Don't rule out the dating.”
41 “I just read about an experiment designed to see if you can make two people fall in love in a matter of hours.” “That doesn't sound right. My research has shown it takes three to five years of shameless begging.” “Honey, neither of us comes off good in that story.”
42 “Ooh, flowers and chocolates? Somebody's trying to get me out of my panties.”
43 “Aw, jewelry. Oh my God, BLANK tickets!” “It gets better. Instead of me you can take someone who will actually enjoy it.” “You are the best boyfriend/girlfriend ever.” “Seriously, please don't make me go.”
44 “This place is terrific. Why have we never been here before?” “The same reason we don't do a lot of fun stuff — you.”
45 “By the way, my leg is killing me. Thanks for asking.”
46 [person a & b are kissing] “Damn it, I can't. I can't do this.” “Is it my tongue stud? 'Cause if that freaks you out, you're in for a real surprise later on.”
47 “Oh Lord, this can't be more humiliating.” “No, no, no, give him/her a minute.”
48 “Is he/she always like this when he/she loses?” “Oh, yes. You should have been here for the great Jenga tantrum of 2008.” “You bumped the table and you know it.”
49 “You've spent time with NAME, can you think of anything he’s/she's fond of that has a bunch of flaws he/she hasn't noticed?” “... I got to go.”
50 “What self-important preening fraud are they honoring this year?” “I'm so glad you asked it like that. You!”
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klanstability · 6 years
Updated Fic Recs!
It’s been literally a thousand years since I last updated my fic rec page (as always), but I’ve finally gotten my shit together. These go all the way back to mid-August, and I was really bad at keeping track of what I read and I don’t use bookmarks on AO3 like an idiot, so I’m definitely missing a few good ones, but I’ll get to that some other day.
"Fractal Glances Beyond a Shattered Plane" by 2towels
Teen | 30k
“Our containment study of that magic isn’t giving us a lot of information but what we can tell is that it was nasty, and it targets. You remembering stuff that didn’t seem important enough to erase—like Clarabelle Cow, or how to milk Kaltenecker, or simple stuff—is normal because it never reached the husk stage Coran keeps talking about.” Distantly, Lance echoes, “Husk stage.” -- All he has is a cow, a ship, and a rockin' tattoo, but boy howdy if he's going to let that keep him from getting his memories in order.
"meteoric" by zukos
Teen | 7k
It doesn't matter how good-looking the son of Aphrodite thinks he is. Keith isn't going to sleep with Lance. Ever.
"best friends?" by Lynn1998
Explicit | 9k
Lance and Keith have been friends for a long time, but what happens when hormones start to get in the mix?
"Hang the DJ" by Ehlihr (Elihaha)
Teen | 13k
“Lance can't get along with someone who likes the Smiths, he tells himself, after Allura rejects him and his Michael-Jackson-esque proposal for a date because she "prefers the Smiths".
Then, Keith (the boy who Lance does nothing but compete with in gym class) gives him a mixtape of his 'favourite Smiths' songs', to which Lance promises he won't listen to any of them. Proceeded by Lance listening to the tape on repeat for an entire weekend.
[Inspired by 80s music, high school life, and riddled with their awful slang.]
"life after death" by taylortot
Teen | 40k
Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice. She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes--” He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.” * After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
"The Futures Full of Clones" by jilliancares
Explicit | 20k
Keith accidentally winds up in his future self’s body, who he then has to pretend to actually be because apparently the future is full of clones who will say or do anything to trick Team Voltron. In the future, anyone acting out of the ordinary is a suspect, and Keith can't afford to get his future-self killed by being incompetent. This is only made harder by the fact that he has to pretend to know what it’s like to be a boyfriend, because in the future, he and Lance are dating.
"To Catch A Thief" by orphan_account
Teen | 5k
“You’re him,” said Keith, hardly able to believe it himself. “The Collector.” He laughed, grin wide. “That’s what you guys call me? Classic.” Eyeing Keith up and down, the man leaned against the gallery wall, next to Van Gogh’s Blossoming Almond Tree, with a coy grin. “That’s too formal, though, so call me Lance.”
"baby, you're a haunted house" by seabear 
Teen | 6k
The thing is? Lance doesn’t even really like Halloween.
"dynamic" by kagshina
Teen | 17k
“So, uh,” Keith starts, and Lance notices the way he shifts, like he’s not quite sure how to say what he wants to say. “How are we gonna...do this?” Before answering the question, Lance makes a quick list in his head of things he should never do: 1. Ask the boy he has a huge crush on to be his fake boyfriend for the sake of proving a point (even if Lance thinks he’s going to say no, because apparently he might actually say yes!)
"I just wanna make love to you" by DairyFarmer
Explicit | 26k
Both Paladin and Blade stood in silence for almost a full minute, staring at each other with indiscernible expressions (or at least Lance thinks the latter is, can’t really tell with the identity protecting mask adorning their face.) Before he can stop himself, he opens his mouth with a smirk curling at his lips. “You come here often?” Lance asks, tilting his head coyly. XxX In which Lance hooks up with a masked Marmora member, unaware he might know the person a little better than he thinks.
"Jealousy Thy Name is Lance" by RandyDowager
Teen | 8k
“I heard that you like someone,” he admitted. Wow, it hurt to say it out loud.
"when the lights go out" by dimpleforyourthoughts
Teen | 18k
Date and a Fifth: a type of party in which everyone must come with a date and a 750 ML bottle of hard alcohol (fifth). However, you must stay zip tied to your date until the two of you finish the entire bottle together. // (In which Lance needs a date, Keith needs cash, and maybe they fall in love along the way.)
"Feel me, I'm running through your veins" by Queerklancing
Explicit | 2k
“Hunk?” Lance pulls a face at the hoarse sound of his voice. “What’s this smell?” “Uh, yeah,” Hunk says and rubs the back of his neck. “Keith … asked me to give this to you.” He takes a few more steps towards Lance’s bed and hands him a dark cloth. Lance can feel how his body reacts the moment he realizes what he’s holding in his hands. It’s Keith’s shirt.
"three minutes to closing" by Yuisaki
General | 1.5k
“So you don’t know his name,” Pidge says slowly. “And he says meme-y things. And he always comes in three minutes before closing, and—” “Always leaves on the dot,” Keith adds. “And uh, he never orders the same thing twice in a row.” Pidge’s face is blank. “A customer who leaves at nine on the dot and never orders the same thing twice in a row,” she repeats. She opens her mouth, closes it, and taps at the screen of her tablet, hopping off the counter. “I’ll just tell everyone I didn’t get the answer out of you.” “Pidge,” Keith protests. “I mean it.” “And I think you have a cryptid customer,” Pidge says. (or: eccentricities in a small coffee shop where a cuban boy with cute dimples only exists three minutes to closing.)
"sweep him off his feet" by hcneylesbian
Teen | 25k
“I win.” Lance’s rapid breath hit his face, and that’s when Keith realized how close he was. He was close enough to see small freckles dotting across Lance’s cheeks, and to see his eyes taking him in. After a moment, he was just surprised Lance hadn’t pushed him away. “What were you down here for in the first place?” Lance’s face was red—Keith presumed he was flushed from the workout. “Hunk made lunch, I thought you might be hungry. Plus, I hadn’t really seen you all day.” And Keith was pissed that something in that sentence made his face fall of all cockiness, replaced with surprise. “Oh,” he said simply. Lance’s breath was finally evening out, but he still hadn’t shoved Keith off his waist. -- In which Keith and Lance keep having bonding moments until it's almost too late.
"i don't wanna let you love somebody else but me" by ericawrites, killproof
Teen | 16k
A stellar collision is the coming together of two stars caused by gravity, gravitational radiation, or other mechanisms not well understood. Any stars in the universe can collide. Keith and Lance do.
"Cereal Sweepstakes and Other Bad Ideas ft. Lance McClain" by ruralfishingcat
Teen | 50k
After winning a free session from a cereal contest, Lance decides to visit Voltron Skydiving. Unfortunately, there's only one employee working at the time and he has a stupid mullet. And to make matters worse, Lance seemingly can't escape interactions with him.
"flesh and blood (you deserved to be loved)" by rosedvst
Teen | 12k
Lance is melting under the intensity of Keith’s words, the sincerity of his voice, the softness of his heart. Falling for him all over again, but in different ways--not just for his smiles and his hands and his iridescent eyes, but for his heart and his voice and the way he makes Lance feel--tender and warm and deeply, deeply in love. Keith is like the ocean, Lance thinks, in that he is incredibly deep and beautiful and dangerous and dark. And when you get too close, he pulls you in like the sinking tides. Whether or not you embrace him is up to you. ☆゚. * ・ 。゚ Or, Lance dreams of Earth's oceans to put out the fire raging within him. Falling in love with Keith happens somewhere along the way.
"put the stars in our eyes" by keithkin
Teen | 7k
Keith turns his body and brings his legs onto his bed, sitting criss cross with his shoulders hunched up near his ears. He wants to say something, and he can tell that Lance is waiting patiently for him to find the words, but he isn’t sure that it’s possible to form something eloquent. So, he says, “are you disappointed?” He doesn’t look at Lance when he speaks. He doesn’t know that he’d like what he would find on the other’s face. “Well, I’d rather not be glowing right now.” Lance responds. or: after years of Keith not having a soulmate, something changes.
"Nightmares" by Trashness
Teen | 15k
Lance's nightmares are getting out of control. It's effecting his and the team's performance, but he's at a loss for how to fix this. Apparently sleeping next to a warm body helps.
"fit the crown to my head" by aknightley
Teen | 76k
“What’s the fun in a masquerade if you don’t flirt outrageously with the prettiest person in the room?” the young man says flippantly, and then winks at Keith. Keith huffs a laugh, amused. “You keep saying things like that, but you haven’t seen my face,” he says, gesturing to his mask. “I could have warts under here. I could have spots, or scars.” “You’d be lovely even with all of those,” the young man says, and he suddenly sounds serious. It takes Keith by surprise, makes his heart twist along with his stomach. “Your eyes,” he continues, tilting his head. “I’ve never seen eyes like yours before.”
"Everybody's Got a Hungry Heart" by 2towels
Teen | 3k
“I’m Lance! Nice to meet you! Can I ask you something? Just fielding here, no funny business!” No, Keith wants to say as he glances at Pidge’s circle again and sees her throw her head back and scream something victorious at the ceiling. He doesn’t even think they’re playing flip-cup anymore. “Shoot.” He says instead, peering mysteriously into his drink as he moves his hand from over the lip of it. It’s just water, but clearly something has afflicted him if he’s going to indulge the guy. Maybe Pidge’s enthusiasm is infectious from across the way. Lance’s lips quirk very wide before he seems to be able to calm his expression. “Well, I am a sharpshooter!” He blurts, blinking when Keith blinks in turn at him. His shoulders bunch, then, and he barrels on, “Nevermind. Anyway, uh, would you ever date a zombie? Quick survey.”
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