#she was found a few years later and taken in by master hamon
bottleoflemons · 5 months
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yanderefangirl · 4 years
Kars was stumped, while he didn't exactly regret getting rid most of the Pillarmen spieces, perhaps he should have spared one or two females. It was kind of hard to repopulate the Pillarmen with another male. While Kars was focused on finding the Red Stone of Aja, he knew that eventually he would have to require a suitable female to help him repopulate the Pillarmen. But so far, none of the females vampire and human were suitable enough for him. They were all too weak, too pathetic and were just completely unsuitable. So Kars just decided that for the time being he would just focus on locating the Red Stone of Stone. Who knows maybe he would get lucky and find a suitable female to breed with, along the way. But unfortunately for Kars, his plans were put on hold as he, Esidesi and Whammu became trapped in stone. (Many years later) (Y/n) was training with her Hamon teacher Straizo. She had been struggling with controlling her breathing while fighting which could be potentially dangerous, if it happened while she was facing an enemy. So Straizo had increased her training to help with this. It was tough, gruelling, hard work but it would all be worth it in the end. She needed to be an efficient fighter after all to fight and kill those horrible, awful vampires. There were few Hamon users nowadays, luckily there was a particular powerful Hamon Master living on Island near Italy called Lisa Lisa who was the adopted daughter of Master Straizo. Master Straizo had been talking recently about sending her (Y/n) to the island Master Lisa Lisa was living on and having Master Lisa Lisa train her from now on. (Y/n) could understand where he was coming from. However it was kind of upsetting that Master Straizo thought that she was so helpless that he thought it was pointless for him to continue to train her. But she knew better than to protest, he was a Master Hamon user after all. Surely he must have a good reason to send her to Master Lisa Lisa. Suddenly (Y/n) was pulled from her thoughts and found herself nearly being hit with Master Straizo's incoming Hamon attack, luckily she managed to dodge the attack just in time. But judging by the expression on Straizo's face, it wasn't good enough. He halted the training and begun scolding (Y/n). "(Y/n), you can't ever take your mind off your opponents. That can and will result in a fatal mistake. This is the third time this week you have become distracted during training." Straizo spoke softly with no hint of anger in his voice but with clear disappointment reaking from his eyes. (Y/n) bowed her head in shame. "I am sorry Master Straizo. I won't let happen again. I promise." She said apologizing sincerely. "You are correct (Y/n) that won't happen again. I have made up my mind, from now you will be training with Lisa Lisa. I am sending you to her island tomorrow. Gather your personal belongings (Y/n) and make sure you have everything. You will not be returning here." Master Straizo ordered quickly, refusing to allow (Y/n) or his other two students to say anything in protest. "Do I make myself clear?" He finished talking and shoot (Y/n) a fierce glare. (Y/n) just sadly nodded her head and went to her room to pack up. She could hear the other two students protesting but Master Straizo shoot down all of their arguments and protests. When (Y/n) arrived at her room, she started packing while softly tearing to herself. The next day (Y/n) found herself on a plane to Italy. She can't believe that she was actually leaving the Hamon Temple forever. It had been her home since her parents had been murdered by a vampire when she was only 5 years old. She had been taken by Master Straizo and the other Hamon Master. Master Straizo had personally trained her for 13 years. He had been a strict, no nonsense, straight to the point but fair teacher. Master Straizo had never went easy on her or had held back. He had treated her like another student, although there were times Master Straizo gave her little treats and allowed her to stop training early. She was going to miss Master Straizo and the others but Master Straizo had been firm in his decision and refused to be wavered. He had been nice enough to personally escort (Y/n) to the airport and had surprisingly hugged her when they were saying their goodbyes and had waved at her when the airport started taking off. It was nice to know that Master Straizo had cared about her. (Y/n) wondered what kind of teacher Master Lisa Lisa was. Was Lisa Lisa gonna be like Master Straizo or would she be more gentle? (Y/n) just hoped that Master Lisa Lisa would be able to help her control her breathing properly. She also slightly was curious about what kind of person Master Lisa Lisa was. (Y/n) soon realized that she shouldn't focus on it, Master Lisa Lisa would be her teacher and (Y/n) would be meeting Master Lisa Lisa in good time. So she instead decided to read one of her favorite books, while she was waiting for the plane to land in Italy. Even though she had read the book (f/b) many times before, it was still one of her favorites. All too soon, the plane landed in Italy and (Y/n) had to gathered up her belongings and managed to make her way to Master Lisa Lisa's island. There she met Master Lisa Lisa, Master Loggins, Master Messina, Caesar Zeppeli Master Lisa Lisa's student and Suzie Q Lisa Lisa's maid. Master Lisa Lisa or rather Coach Lisa Lisa as she liked to be called was strict and no nonsense teacher who didn't hold back against any of her students but she did treat both (Y/n) and Caesar with respect. Coach Lisa Lisa managed to help (Y/n) with her breathing problem, so she was able to control her breathing more easily whenever she was fighting. Caesar was at first kind of hard to approach, but he was a pretty nice, friendly and down to earth guy. Caesar was also kind of a casanova, and at times would flirt and tease with (Y/n). (Y/n) would always return the favor back to Caesar but it was all in good faith and the two were just really good friends. (Y/n) wasn't sure what to think about Master Loggins and Master Messina, as she had only met the two briefly, but they seemed nice enough as it were. Suzie Q was a complete sweetheart, who won't hurt a fly. Suzie Q and (Y/n) quickly became fast friends. They would chat constantly about random topics and often had silly little sleepovers together, staying up late to read books, tell each other stories and just talk. (Y/n)'s life was good that was until she heard the news that Master Straizo had used a stone mask to become a vampire and had tried to kill a man named Robert E.O Speedwagon head of the Speedwagon Foundation and had successfully killed the two students, he had brought with him. (Y/n) was completely distraught that Master Straizo who had practically raised her, would do something so horrible like that and that the students who had been her closest friends were now dead. She didn't know how Coach Lisa Lisa was handling the news or how it was affecting her as Coach Lisa Lisa was able to hide her emotions under a mask. (Y/n) did give Coach Lisa Lisa a hug and told Coach Lisa Lisa she was sorry for her lost. Coach Lisa Lisa seemed touched by her concern and told (Y/n) that anytime she wanted to talk about what had happened or just about anything (Y/n) could always talk to her anytime (Y/n) wanted to. (Y/n) and Caesar had sent to meet Robert E.O. Speedwagon and his friend Joseph Joestar to ask about what exactly had happened and apparently Joseph Joestar was a Hamon User who was pretty talented but had no prior training. (Y/n) was honestly curious about Robert E.O. Speedwagon and his friend Joseph Joestar. She wondered about Joseph Joestar and what kind of person he was. She talked to Caesar about Joseph and Caesar got slightly jealous and said that he must be a real idiot. (Y/n) was surprised by his reaction. Caesar didn't usually act like this. She hoped that Caesar wouldn't act like this when they actually met Robert E.O Speedwagon and Joseph Joestar. Currently they were at a nearby restaurant, waiting for Robert E.O. Speedwagon and Joseph Joestar to arrive. A random lady had approached them when they had entered and said that they were a cute couple which caused (Y/n) to explain that they won't actually a couple and they were actually just friends and that Caesar was actually single. To which the lady immediately jumped on and asked Caesar if he would like to join her for a meal to which Caesar after making sure that it was okay with (Y/n), joined the lady for lunch. (Y/n) went to sit by herself at a table near a window. She gave her order to the waiter and was looking out the window while she was waiting for her food to come when she heard someone loudly and rudely complaining about their food. (Y/n) looked over and saw a brown haired British sounding man yelling at the poor waiter for the color of his food but the waiter calmly delt with the situation and explained why his food was that color. The man actually tried his food and seemed to enjoy it because after he did, the man quickly apologized to the waiter for his behavior. She didn't know why he had been acting like before, he was probably dealing with a lot of stress or something. Etheir way she wasn't going to get involved. Caesar on the other hand, seemed extremely annoyed by the man's behavior and proceeded to make a snide comment at the man who got pissed and to her surprise used Hamon to fling some of his pasta at Caesar who was kissing the lady he was with. Caesar without even looking up evaded the man's pasta Hamon attack using his fork and sent the pasta Hamon attack back to the man who seemed startled by this, barely had enough time to use his wine glass to be able block the pasta Hamon attack. The whole situation happened and was dealt with in under five minutes, but it was still pretty shocking to (Y/n) that someone would actually attack with Hamon other person in public for a kind of petty reason. But then a older gentleman came up and introduced himself as Robert E.O. Speedwagon and then introduced the other man as Joseph Joestar. Caesar seemed uncharacteristically dismissive of Joseph Joestar and then explained that his grandfather had fought alongside Joseph's grandfather and died and crisetzed Joseph for not knowing about his family's history which hurt (Y/n)'s feelings as she was also unaware of her family's history thanks to her parent's brutal deaths but Caesar quickly noticing how upset she was about what he had said apologized to her. Joseph Joestar turned to (Y/n) and waved to her, shooting her a smile and asked "Who is this lovely lady?" (Y/n) stood up and walked over to Caesar, Mr Speedwagon and Joseph and shook hands with Mr Speedwagon and Joseph while saying "It's nice to meet you Mr Speedwagon and Joseph Joestar I am (Y/n) (l/n). I am 18 years old and I am also a Hamon user. We were sent here by our Coach to greet you." After she shook hands with Mr Speedwagon and Joseph Joestar, she politely bowed then returned back to her table where her food was being served. She ate her food while Joseph and Caesar fought outside then once she was finished paid for her meal then went outside and told off the pair for acting like children. She would never understand why most men would insist on fighting like cats and dogs. That night, Mr Speedwagon, Joseph or JoJo as he liked to be called, Caesar and (Y/n) were being driven by Mark Caesar's German friend to where some German soldiers had some mysterious and strange statues. According to Joseph and Mr Speedwagon, they had met and fought with a man who had came from a similar statue but had barely managed to defeat him which worried (Y/n) greatly but Caesar had reassured her that they could handle it. Caesar had gently teased Mark about his girlfriend who Mark revealed to be his now fiance. Caesar then nearly caused a car crash in trying to show the photo of Mark's fiance to JoJo and Speedwagon. But they luckily somehow managed to make it to their destination without so much as a starch. They all climbed out of the car and walked down a eerie and weird cave, stepping on what they first thought was bat droppings but to their shock and horror discovered it was actually the dead bodies of the German soldiers. Then out of the darkness came three scantily dressed muscled handsome men and started walking towards them. Mark who was extremely shaken up by the state of his fallen comrades tried to ran away only for one of the men to walk pass and she didn't even know how to explain what she saw but one second Mark was complete the next half of his body was missing. The worst part of this? He didn't die straight away so Caesar had to mercy kill him. (Y/n) let out a squel of horror at this sight which caused all three men to turn and stare at her. The men then for some reason sniffed the air and must have smelt something good as they all smiled rather creepily then begun talking. The one with strange and weird things on his body spoke first "So it seems one of the females was able to escape and breed with one of those inferior humans." Then another one nodded his head and said "This girl must be her descendent. What should we do with her Master Kars?" They both turned to the last one who had his head warped in a scarf who (Y/n) guessed was Kars thought for a while while staring at (Y/n) then licked his lips and spoke "Whammu Bring the girl with us. She will be useful later." The one who was Whammu nodded his head and stepped towards (Y/n) who instantly went on the defensive. Caesar upon hearing this, already upset over Mark's death reacted with immediate anger and attacked Whammu. Whammu managed to fight back against Casear and revealed that he, Kars and Esidesi knew about Hamon users and had actually fought against them before. They seemed to imply that they had killed most of the Hamon users they had met. When it seemed like Caesar was on the verge of death. (Y/n) immediately stepped in and fought Whammu to protect. But (Y/n) even though was focusing on the fight, she wasn't really focusing on the words being spoken at the moment. All she think about what they had said about her. (Y/n) was descended from a pillar woman? Part of her was the same species as these monsters? Surely it can't be true right? They must be mistaken or maybe they were lying. (Kars' POV) Kars was watching Whammu fight the blonde haired male who was trying avenge his fallen friend and protect the beautiful girl whom he referred to as (Y/n). (Y/n) what a lovely name for a equally lovely girl. She had beautiful (h/c) (h/l) (h/s) hair with perfect (e/c) eyes and stunning (s/c) skin and she had a unwavering fighting spirit, judging how she had positioned her body when Whammy had approached. While Kars had been slightly uncertain about her worthiness to be the one to help him repopulate the Pillarmen species. His doubts were dashed by watching the way she fought Whammu. She was a skilled fighter though she wasn't as skilled as Kars himself, Whammu and Esidesi. She was still pretty skilled and looked stunning while she was fighting, her focused expression, her amazing and unique movements and the way her beautiful body moved. Kars could feel himself getting slowly turned on watching this beautiful (Y/n) fight. He really wanted to tear her clothes off and fuck her senseless and breed her with the next generation of the Pillarmen species but Kars knew that if he attempted something like that right now, the males that were with her wouldn't allow that and Kars wasn't really in mood to fight. Soon it became obvious that (Y/n) was losing but she refused to back down. Whammu was slightly holding back as he was aware what exactly Kars wanted (Y/n) for but was treating (Y/n) with honor and respect. (Y/n) ended up nearly collapsing due to sheer exhaustion. One of the males upon noticing this started coughing which temporarily distracted the Pillarmen and allowed the blonde haired to grab (Y/n) and carry her behind the coughing brown haired male and the older male. When Kars noticed the blonde haired male touching and carrying (Y/n), he felt rage and jealous spread through out his body. How dare that interior pathetic male think he was worthy to touch the beautiful amazing (Y/n). He wanted to go over that and tear him from limb to limb and watch the light fade from his eyes but Kars somehow managed to control his temper and just shoot a death glare at the blonde haired male who didn't seem to notice this. The coughing brown haired male then claimed he was coughing because of his Hamon and attacked Whammu with what he called were Clackers or rather tried to attack Whammu and instead hit himself in the head with the Clackers. The older male and the blonde haired male called the coughing brown haired JoJo and he called the older male Speedwagon and the blonde haired male Caesar. Kars saw to his anger and jealously that Caesar was still holding onto the stunning (Y/n) tightly and Kars decided right there and then that he personally hated Caesar and the first chance he got, he would painfully and brutally kill Caesar and laughing while he committing the act. Kars was so preoccupied with imagining how to kill Caesar and fucking (Y/n) over Caesar's dead body that he didn't notice that Whammu had apparently killed JoJo at least he didn't notice at first. But then Kars noticed that JoJo wasn't actually dead and was seemily trying to get away like a coward which shocked his comrades. Whammu noticed this and got pissed at JoJo but to Kars' surpise it turned out that JoJo was actually planning on this and lured Whammu onto a mine cart and managed to get a mine cart to move away from everyone. Kars and Esidesi then focused their attention on Speedwagon, Caesar and (Y/n). Kars spoke first "Now if you would be so kind and hand over (Y/n) to us and we can carry on our merry way." Caesar pushed (Y/n) behind him, glaring at Kars and Esidesi. "You aren't taking her anywhere. You already killed one of my friends. I won't let you hurt another one of my friends you bastards." He growled at them. Even Speedwagon was standing in front of (Y/n) in some feeble attempt to protect her. Kars closed his eyes and took a deep breathe and breathed in (Y/n)'s alluring and addicting scent. God she smelt so fucking good. He could smell her Pillarmen or rather Pillarwomen blood and her hormones. She was fertile and ready to be breed. He would treat her like a Queen. "Hand her over or we will take her." Esidesi bruntly stated. Kars could see her peeking behind Speedwagon and Caesar and smiled at her. It was adorable how she was acting right now. Both Speedwagon and Caesar just glared at Esidesi and Kars without saying a word but giving their answer. Kars was pissed at their behavior. How dare they try to keep (Y/n) from him. Didn't they know she belonged to him? But he realized that he could use this to his advantage. He signled to Esidesi to stand down. Then he calmly walked up to Speedwagon, Caesar and (Y/n) and said "For now you (Y/n) will allowed to stay with them but don't get comfortable because we will be coming for you (Y/n)." Kars then proceeded to leave closely followed by Esidesi. They found Whammu and JoJo outside with JoJo on the ground and Whammu standing above talking about something. Esidesi went over and joined in the conversation and they placed their poison rings into Joseph's body.(Yes this actually happened in the show) Esidesi did ask Kars if he also wanted to join in on their little bet. Kars declined then they all left. Over the course of a couple of weeks Kars sent Whammu to stalk (Y/n) and learn everything he could about her, because Kars wanted to know everything about (Y/n) after she was going to be his mate and mother of his children. It was important to Kars that he knew everything about (Y/n) so that he could treat her like the Queen that she was. The more he found out about (Y/n), the more he fall in love with her and he just wanted to found her and just keep her with him forever. He discovered her favorite books and her favorite colors and found out what her likes and dislikes were and all of her little habits and quirks. He loved everything about her. It was getting harder and harder each day to resist the temptations of his beautiful (Y/n). Kars can't wait to get his hands on (Y/n) and show her what she meant to him. ( (Y/n's) POV ) (Y/n) was on her way to bed after she had finished her training for the day. Ever since she, JoJo and Caesar had met the Pillarmen, (Y/n) was shaken up by what they had said, so she would sometimes go to bed early. Coach Lisa Lisa was kind enough allow her to do this. After they had met the Pillarmen, JoJo Caesar and (Y/n) met up with Coach Lisa Lisa. Coach Lisa Lisa placed a weird breathing mask onto JoJo's face then brought them all to her island. Coach Lisa Lisa had first made them climb The Hell Climb Pillar to test them then had Master Loggins and Master Messina train them. The training was difficult and Master Loggins and Master Messina were relentless. But she understood that this was all for their own good, JoJo on the other hand hated every second of their training and won't stop complaining about their training. She understood that he was just stressed about the rings inside his neck and heart that would dissolve and kill him unless he got the antidote from Whammu and Esidesi. She hoped that JoJo would be alright, he may not be the nicest guy she knew but she definitely considered him a friend. She would hate for something to happen him. (Y/n) crawled into her bed and snuggled under her blankets and her favorite book and placed it down next to her bed and fell asleep unaware of the eyes watching her patiently waiting for her to fall asleep. When (Y/n) woke up, she found herself in her bra and underwear, tied up and gagged in a strange and mysterious bed and in a room she haven't ever seen before. She looked around the strange room scared and terrified, there was several bookshelves filled with books, the walls were painted with her favorite colors, there were four soft chairs with multiple cushions, the curtains were drewed shut, there were multiple candles all light in candleholders, there was a waredora, there was also a few deskers and drawers around the room and then (Y/n) finally noticed Kars was sitting in one of the chairs reading a book. Her eyes widened upon seeing Kars, she didn't know why she haven't noticed him before, she started to hyperventilate remembering how he acted when they had first met and the way he had looked at her. (Y/n) begun struggled and tried to get out of her restraints, which caused Kars to look up from the book he was reading, he smiled creepily at her and proceeded to mark the page he was on and placed the book down on a small table next to the chair. (Y/n) could feel her heart began to race out of sheer fear. She couldn't use her Hamon, thanks to the gag. What was Kars going to do to her? (Kars' POV) Kars had been reading one of (Y/n)'s favorite books while he was waiting for her to wake up. It was hard not to tear her clothes off and just fuck her unconscious body but Kars decided he wanted (Y/n) to be conscious so they could share with the pleasure. Kars upon hearing (Y/n) moving around on the bed, looked up from his book and smiled at her. She looked so adorable with the fear in her eyes and her non stop struggling to break out of her restraints. She was acting like a scared little rabbit when she should be acting like a queen. He would treat her like the queen she was and give everything she could ever want and the two of them would rule over this world. Kars after he placed the book down, walked over to the bed which caused (Y/n) to increase her struggling and he could faintly hear her muffled begging and pleading. Kars igroned her begging and pleading, because he knew that (Y/n) loved him, she was just being difficult and playing hard to get. She just needed to see how perfect they were for each other and how much Kars loved her, then she love Kars. Maybe she would love Kars as much as Kars loved (Y/n). He certainly hoped so. Kars rubbed his hands all over (Y/n)'s bare legs, loving the feeling of her smooth perfect legs. "Hello my love. I hoped you slept well. You are going to need your strength because you are going to help me repopulate the Pillarmen species and we will create a new stronger, powerful, beautiful generation." Kars' words caused (Y/n)'s eyes widened and she seemed to be trying to somehow wiggle out of her restraints and now he could hear her muffled screaming. He cooed and purred at her, while crawling on top of (Y/n) kissing up her body as he did so. When he reached her gagged mouth, he pushed the gag gently into her mouth and kissed her roughly. (Y/n) attempted to move her head away from him, which made Kars growl and grip her chin tightly to prevent her head from moving. "Now, now, now, my darling stop being so difficult and stubborn. And just relax and enjoy this my darling." Kars then licked and sucked on her neck, gently biting her neck every so often. He carefully pushed up her bra, playing with and sucking her breasts. He could hear her faint and muffled moans despite her feeble attempts to cover up her wonderful moans of pleasure and chuckled. His right hand slide down her body into her panties and found to his delight that she was aroused and her pussy was getting wet, so Kars slide her panties down her beautiful and smooth legs and he slipped one of his fingers inside of her pussy and fingered her wet and right pussy, then Kars added another finger to prepare her pussy for his huge throbbing cock. He didn't want to hurt his darling too badly after all. Kars then would add another finger and another until finally, he was fisiting his darling's pussy. He could tell by the way she was acting that she was on the verge of a orgasm, so Kars went down her body and licked and sucked on her pussy while fisting her pussy until finally she orgasmed all over his fist and mouth. Kars eagerly licked up her sweet and tasty juices from his fist while finding out to his joy that (Y/n) was still a virgin, making sure to keep eye contact with (Y/n) the entire time. Once Kars had licked up all of her juices off his fist, he reached down and removed his liencloth. "Now darling, its time for the main event. I am going to breed the next generation into you and you are never going to leave unless you want your precious and beloved friends to die by my hand." Kars growled as he rubbed his cock against her entrance. Then Kars positioned himself and slowly but surely pushed his cock into her virgin pussy, forcing (Y/n) to make eye contact with him the entire time. He could hear muffled whimpers and faint moans and could see the tears running down her face. Kars leaned down and kissed her tears away while roughly thrusting his cock into her. Kars' primal instincts took over and he went harder, deeper and faster. He continued to thrust as deep as he could into (Y/n) and felt his cock hit her womb which caused her to release more muffled and faint moans. Kars reached down and pulled her gag off of her mouth and shoved his tongue inside of her mouth. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth and wrestled with her tongue which fought for domtance. Kars continued to thrust into (Y/n) while he kissed her, making sure to hit that spot that made her moan so beautifully. Eventually Kars felt his own orgasm building up and increased the pace of his thrusts. He would only stop kissing (Y/n), so that she could breathe then once she had caught her breath, he would instantly deep kissed her again. Kars upon feeling himself on the verge pf orgasm, proceeded to grip her sides tightly and growled into her mouth as he released his seed inside of her pussy. He knew that his seed would travel to her fertile womb and fertilize her womb. Kars kept his cock inside of her pussy and wrapped his arms around her. He looked at (Y/n)'s face only to see that she had passed out. Kars smiled and shook his head at this. Her human side made her soft, but Kars found that he didn't care about that all that he cared about was the fact that he had found his perfect mate and he would never let her go.
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