#separated from her clan as they were passing through
morphodae · 7 hours
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ღ HSR Men Becoming Parents (part I) ღ · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ✦ I used a randomized wheel to select some characters on parent/baby head-canons. I will do the rest in other parts, and I also plan on including the HSR women as parents too! ≫ Note: some children of these characters are biological and some are adopted! :) ✦ CW: some related story spoilers for characters, non-graphic mentions of labor and delivery, pregnancy, fluff, mentions of angst but not much
✦ Characters: Aventurine, Boothill, Gallagher, Jiaoqiu x Reader (separate)
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≫"Aventurine" - Kakavasha • ♧ • ☆———☆ • ♧ •  You aren't sure why you were nervous to tell him in the first place. He takes the news shockingly well; with a bright, wide smile and a tight hug. But there's no mistaking the tremble in his hands as he envelops you, the worry that furrows between his brows at night when he thinks to his own family, his clan, and their fate. So when that fateful day arrives and you go into labor, it nearly kills him to be kept out of the room with you. "There's issues happening, sir. She's lost a lot of blood and still is, but we are doing everything we can to ensure baby and mother survive this."
Hours pass, minutes, eternity. The mocking ticking of the clock does little to lessen the incessant pacing Aventurine does with his leg as he sits, gets up to pace, then sits some more. Every possible scenario runs through his mind; none of them are positive. He can't help but think back to his cursed luck, to the fate that befell his family and now - you. His child. His flesh and blood and his hope for the future... would he even be awarded that chance? Or would "luck" take you away from him, too? Nearly stumbling over himself, a nurse comes to get him; her eyes dark, exhausted, and her face forlorn as a tired smile stretches gently across her face. "They are both stable now. Would you like to see your little boy, Mr. Aventurine?" ≫ Boothill ━━✥◈✥━━ "Well fudge me! Ain't no way it actually worked!" He spins you around in his strong cybernetic arms; ecstasy doesn't even do his own emotions justice in this very moment. The two of you looked at galactic doctors in passing, some promising the idea of conception as long as Boothill had some genetic makeup left on his person. Which he did: his head and his hair. Still, the two of you didn't put much stock into it but figured you might as well both try. If not, neither of you had any issue being childless or even adopting an orphan from one of the many war planets. Boothill, for as curt and reckless as he could be, always admired your enormous heart for children and animals who had no home, and no one to take care of them. So, when the news of that so-called galactic genius of a doctor managed to successfully combine both your and Boothill's genes to create a baby, it isn't several minutes before Boothill lets your feet touch the ground. Even so, throughout your pregnancy, he still doesn't let your feet touch the ground. Call it dedication to you, his spouse, but also call it a fear of losing his family again. Months pass by quicker than expected and Boothill always managed to talk with the growing life inside you every night, telling stories of the sister they could've had, how proud he was of them already, how much of a fighter they were gonna be when they managed to kick you a little too hard.
And so, when time passes by in another blur, Boothill's eyes are glazed over as he stares down at the tiniest little bundle swaddled in his arms. Tiny tufts of hair that resemble his fill her small head, eyes thar resembles yours. She looks up at him, at her daddy, and one stray arm lands square on his face until her hand squeezes at his nose. Boothill is speechless for once; glad his little girl is strong and healthy and reaching out for his face - the one part of his body he can still feel touch. He swears on every part of his being: it's not just you he has to keep safe anymore, but his new chance at being a father.
≫ Gallagher ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
The enigma known as "Gallagher" has always perplexed you. Even when the two of you met; just who or what was he? A person? A former person? Or an amalgamation of dreams? He proves you wrong one day when he decides to travel with you to a worn-torn world for your work. As a nurse, you usually went by yourself, but for whatever reason, Gallagher decided to tag along. "It'll be nice to stretch these old legs and get out to new sights," he said. That was before the two of you were stumped: staring slack-jawed at the little boy who had smuggled himself onto your ship. He is a Halovian child; small wings flapping nervously out of shame as he peers at the two of you behind some shipping crates. Sighing, you reach down to his level, outstretching your hand and hoping that your demeanor will allow the child to feel safe with you. To your and Gallagher's surprise, the little Halovian rushes to you in a desperate hug, a familiar sound of sniffles and a dampness near the collar of your shirt. "Please! I have nowhere to go! I'm so, so, so sorry to have snuck on to your ship!" the boy sniffles, voice muffled by the fabric he buried his face into by your neck, "please don't leave me! I p-promise I'll be useful!"
'Useful'... a word Gallagher could resonate with, one that hit a little harder than most when he slowly began approaching the boy in your arms. Something changed in his demeanor then, large, scarred hand deciding to ruffle the boy's hair until the Halovian sniffled and peered up at him. "No need to cry, kid. We'll take you with us, alright?" Gallagher glances to you for approval and you send him a kind smile and nod. The young boy grips on harder to your shirt, thanking you profusely as you carry him off somewhere safe until you can go through the proper channels to adopt him.
≫ Jiaoqiu —————❖————— "Why?"
"Why?" "How could I ever be upset with you...? The only part of me that's upset is you thinking I wouldn't want you after this news." He wraps his arms around you, contented smile on his face. "If this is what you want then, yes, of course it'll be hard, but I'm willing to experience this with you." Your hormones are raging as you hug him back, fear slowly dissipating as the guilt for letting yourself fall pregnant when Jiaoqiu's eyesight and wounds were still healing. "I never thought an old fox like me could be a dad, heh," he mumbles, holding you just a little closer, "but I think I could get used to it... the word: 'Papa'."
Despite one of senses severely impaired, Jiaoqiu is still just as much of a mother-hen as always; ensuring you are taken care of, properly nourished, and resting when you need to. He uses the excuse each day that he "needs to check your progress" on the growth of your belly, but knowing he has little to no experience with pregnancy as a healer, it's quite obvious he's lying just to feel your tummy and bond with his little kit. Jiaoqiu will use text-to-speech books on pregnancy and parenting frequently, telling you all about the progress and changes your body is going through. And, for the record, he takes any mood swings and changes quite well; the reason is quite simple, too. He never thought he'd ever have the luxury of settling down with a family of his own and so, he cherishes every single moment of the process: good and bad. When you go into labor, he's immediately at your side. His Foxian blood can practically sense it. His instincts take the better of him and he refuses to leave your side for even a single moment; wrapping his tail protectively around you and nuzzling his face close to yours with a flurry of kisses and encouraging words. His hand certainly hurts when you squeeze it, but he doesn't mind. He also doesn't mind if you feel the need to scream; in fact, he encourages you to let it out if it hurts. Feeling the tears on your face and hearing the agony in your voice as you try to stifle your cries hurts him more than you know. But, oh... when the first cries of his beautiful child is brought into the world, he feels that familiar lump of emotion forming in his throat, his chest constricting. When you describe what she looks like, describes just how much she resembles him, Jiaoqiu breaks down. He apologizes quickly and tries to compose himself. But it doesn't last long when he's allowed to hold his daughter with your guidance.
When her tiny hands wrap around his finger, he knows... he knows that he's finally reached a point where his centuries of healing others has finally begun to mend his broken heart back together.
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© morphodae (please do not insert any of my works into artificial intelligence programs or repost my works on any site)
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bottleoflemons · 5 months
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17 notes · View notes
aurora-starwars · 2 years
Betrayal Is An Inherent Part Of Love
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Pairing: Sully Family, Metkayina Clan, Ao’nung x fem!Sully!reader
Summary: Reader finds her place in the Metkayina clan, as well as something more
Word Count: 10k
Warnings: angst, swearing? brief mentions of mating
A/n: The awaited part 2! Thanks for waiting as well as all of the support on the first one! Also, I didn’t proof read it, might do that later. Anyway I put a lot of time an effort into this! Enjoy! <333
Part 1: Betrayal Is The Only Truth That Sticks
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[Name] tried to rid all thoughts from her head as she took a sharp turn around a coral covered rock. If she wanted to win this race, she would have to stay focused. She signalled her Ilu to take another sharp turn to avoid one of the other racers. Manoeuvring out of the way, she watched as the Metkayina girl beside her caught up. Making a quick move, her Ilu crossed directly in front of the other girl, cutting her off. The girl’s Ilu was spooked, causing the girl to slow down leaving [Name] to get ahead.
The races had started pretty soon after [Name] was accepted in to the group, and since then have only become more competitive. The first few races were just for fun, another thing to do in spare time. But as the months went on, the races had become more of a proof of skill. A way to prove that you were better than others and to show who was best rider in the reef.
[Name] knew the path like the back of her hand and every precise turn reflected that. Her movements were quick but smooth, helping her move through the path with speed. [Name] would pass other riders and rocks swiftly, not fearing when she was only inches away from obstacles.
As she looked over to her left, she found Ao’nung’s quick movements matching her own. Now just barely a head, his Ilu blocked her vision as the path narrowed. She had to move by memory, her sharp turns were reliant on the movement of his body and her memory alone. As she struggled to match his movements, her mind flickered to the feeling of the water.
Even when rushing in her face, [Name] found herself at home within the sea. The warm waters of the Metkayina have brought her great happiness over the past few months. Only a few months less than a year ago, she was still tormented by the separation she felt from her family. It had only been when the kids of the Metkayina took her in that she finally learned what family felt like.
Over the last few months, she had finally felt free from the prison in her mind. A prison she was backed into when she was just a young child begging for love she would not receive. She had become best friends with many of the Metkayina kids, choosing to spend time with them instead of her family. And when that caused tension in the Sully family, her friends were there to save her, welcoming her into their homes.
Although [Name] never need to stay in other’s houses, for the day that [Name] finally turned her back on the family that had neglected her, was the same day that Ao’nung’s parents, Ronal and Tonowari, let her in their family.
[Name] was never alone from that point, never left to tame the demons in her mind on her own. No, from that point on, the entirety of the clan had given their attention and love to [Name]. Even just from the Metkayina kids telling their parents, majority of the clan had known of the crimes of the Sully family. Although they tried not to show their feelings towards the Sully family, the stares always seemed to slip out when a Sully member was in [Name]’s general vicinity.
The protective nature of the Metkayina clan over [Name] made her heart warm, like a warm dish on a cold night. Although [Name] appreciated the Metkayina clan as a collective, she enjoyed individuals of the Metkayina clan even more.
[Name]’s friends had loved her from the start, even before they met when she was just beginning to learn their ways. [Name]’s genuine interest and quick skill was intriguing to them. But as the time went on, it was really her personality and kindness that kept them coming back for more.
Ao’nung made a sharp turn into an open area, catching [Name] off guard. It only took a short beat before [Name] realized that this open area was the last stretch of the race. In a quick jerk, [Name] moved her Ilu beside Ao’nung’s, her mind focusing on the finish line. The line was really just two rocks that the Ilu’s would swim between, but it meant so much more as their friends not in the race floated around the rocks, waiting to see who was the winner.
The race was close, Ao’nung and [Name] swimming side-by-side. [Name]’s Ilu creeping in front of Ao’nung’s was enough for determination to flood Ao’nung’s face. He broke into a grin and as they approached the finish line, Ao’nung’s Ilu darted forward, taking the place of [Name]’s between the rocks. Only when Ao’nung’s Ilu started to slow in front of her, did [Name] realize that they had passed the finish line.
Fists pumped in the water and the muffled sound of cheers bubbled from around them. The feeling of adrenaline started to wane as [Name] looked around her. Ao’nung was looking at her with a very familiar look to [Name], a grin plastered on his face.
Ao’nung had won.
As the group made it to the surface, the cheering only got louder, and the shouting of Ao’nung’s name became clear. Even as they were applauding his name, Ao’nung’s eyes stayed firmly placed on [Name], his smirk not wavering as [Name] stare right back at him. Other’s started to pop their heads out of the water as other racers completed the race. A few of the Na’vi not racing, began clapping the racer’s backs, telling them how well they did. A few close to Ao’nung did that to him as well, but his eyes stayed locked on [Name]’s.
[Name] rolled her eyes before smirking. Ao’nung, as stubborn as always, never gave up, did he? The water rippled around them, evidence that there were still people around them and not just the two of them in their own world. As Ao’nung’s amused expression remained, [Name] let out a light hearted huff, shaking her head.
“Good game. You beat me,” [Name] said, trying to keep some level of maturity as she felt her competitive nature creep up.
She never was able to be competitive as a kid, never able to compete really. If there was a competition for her parent’s affection and attention, she lost the moment her siblings were born. Out of the running, benched as she would watch her family grow from the sidelines. But ever since being accepted as a member of the Metkayina clan, she had been learning new things about herself that she was never able to explore before.
“You’re right. I did beat you. Again,” Ao’nung was practically beaming, his face smug from the prospect of beating one of the clan’s best racers.
“Ugh, just barley, if that girl hadn’t cut me off, I would have won,” [Name] stated as matter of fact, chin tilting up in defiance. No way was she going to let this go to Ao’nung’s head.
“And I have been the one winning the past few races, so I don’t know what you’re on about,” [Name] added.
“Sure, but I won the last race and I have won again,” Ao’nung smirked at her for what felt like the hundredth time.
[Name] punched Ao’nung’s arm half-heartedly as she rolled her eyes, “Yes, whatever. You have won this time, but know that I will win the next,” [Name] smirked, eyebrows furrowing into as serious look as she pointed at Ao’nung.
Ao’nung only put his arms in the air, a look of smug disbelief painted across his face, “You will try, but I think second place suits you just fine.”
The sun beating down on them was warm and the water, calm. The ripples that were previously cause by the people around, were calmer and there was less splashing. One quick look around told [Name] that most of the riders were retreating back to the village after a long day.
“I guess you will have The Spear of Yora’tu (winners) for the next week,” [Name] smirked, already knowing Ao’nung’s reaction as she has seen it before.
Ao’nung’s eyes light up, puffing out his chest slightly as he smiled at the reminder.
The Spear of Yora’tu (Spear of Winners) was something the racers came up with a few months into the races. Racing had never been an official thing and so there was no official prize. That was until Ao’nung fought off an Akula, a ferocious and sharp toothed predator that swan just outside of the reef, with the spear. Since then, many in the tribe, including [Name], were able to fight off a predator with it.
Spear was then named for it’s incredible luck and they deemed that the Spear could only be earned by winning an Ilu race. So, since then they have been competing for the spear, which in itself would be enough of a prize, even if it didn’t come with bragging rights.
Ao’nung was known for holding the Spear the longest, though [Name] was always giving him a run for his money. And once again Ao’nung had won it, meaning that he would not let her live it down for the next few days.
“Ah, yes. Proof that I am a winner and better than you,” Ao’nung teased.
[Name] couldn’t help but laugh at that. It hadn’t taken much to get [Name] to laugh at Ao’nung’s jokes lately, however stupid.
Warm wind blew softly by them, blowing their wet hair so gentle it seemed Eywa was caressing them herself. [Name] took a deep breath, eyes closing as she experienced the warm wind around her. Ao’nung was left to watch her, his smirk fading into a small smile as he watched the beautiful girl in front of him.
Ao’nung found it almost a shame that [Name] was never taught in the ways of the Tsahik. Even though she should have been taught simply because of her heritance, the way she experienced the world around her felt as if Eywa flowed right through her. As she breathed in the air, [Name] looked as if she was breathing in the life of the world and had never felt more at peace because of it.
The soft look on Ao’nung’s face was almost a perfect refection of his thoughts.
A thought crossed his mind and Ao’nung decided to voice it, “Do you wanna explore the reef some more tomorrow? Maybe end at the beach?”
[Name] looked at his soft expression with confusion, although she didn’t show it. It wasn’t often that Ao’nung showed his soft side, in fact, [Name] was quite sure she was one of few who had. Tsireya, his sister, had, having been comforted after she got her queue caught on some coral. It was a touching moment that [Name] felt she should not have seen but seeing Ao’nung wrapped his arms around his sister as tears fell from her face, made [Name] feel soft and warm inside. A feeling she could describe as comforting.
But besides his sister, [Name] had hardly seen that expression on Ao’nung, as usually choose to grin or glare. The first time she had ever seen that face was when she had won her first Ilu race. Ao’nung wouldn’t stop telling everyone about how the forest girl won against even the best, for weeks. She didn’t understand it, but she did welcome the feeling she got every time Ao’nung started boasting about her to the other members of the clan.
“That sounds fun! Who’s all coming?” [Name] smiled, ignoring the soft look on his face, or how he was staring in her eyes like she was the only one he has ever seen.
“Oh, it was just going to be us,” Ao’nung explained, his soft look dropped only to be replaced by another smirk.
After a moment of thought, [Name] smiled, “Well, I am in. How could I turn down quality time with you?” [Name] smirked, her teasing hanging in the air, waiting for someone to make a move.
“You just can’t get enough of me, who wouldn’t want to hang out with me?” Ao’nung laughed. [Name] rolled her eyes again, holding in her own laugh, as they made their way back to the village.
Only a few hours later, [Name] found herself in a circle with some of her friends, girls of the Metkayina clan. She carefully guided them through the process of weaving flower crowns, just like she taught Tuk all those years ago. The goal was for them to make them for their families as gifts, as many of the girls had fathers, brothers and mates who were out all day hunting and protecting the seawall and wished to convey their appreciation.
This wasn’t the first day [Name] had taught them, only a few weeks prior she had been trying to teach them when Ao’nung challenged a boy to a race again, and [Name] and many of the girls could not miss that.
Since that day though, the girls had been practicing their skills, impressing [Name], who was more than proud to hear of this. The girls in the circle now were refining their skills, using them to make personal crowns for the ones they loved. [Name] thought the way the personalized them were brilliant. She had never thought to weave shells and pretty beads into the crowns using beading techniques, and she was excited to experiment.
“All I am saying, is that if he really cared he would approach you about it,” One of the girls told the girl beside her as she added a blue flower to her crown.
Mumbles of agreement sounded from around the circle, all seemingly deciding that that was the end of that argument. It was silent for a moment, only the sounds being of hands hard at work weaving and waves crashing next to them.
Then one girl piped up, looking at [Name], “I think I know the answer, [Name], but has anything gotten better with your family?”
All of the girls seemed become somber at that thought. They had seen [Name] around and they knew that things had not gotten better, in fact, the might have become worse. The Sully family was leaving their marui less and less, and they knew that [Name] blamed herself, as much as she didn’t want to think about it.
“No, no it hasn’t,” [Name] sighed, she had thought about this a lot. Even after separating herself from them and creating a new life for herself that she loved, she still felt guilty and responsible for the family she grew up with.
The girls around her muttered words of comfort, and the girls beside her held her hands and shoulders.
“They don’t deserve you, you deserve better.”
“Yeah, you’re with us now.”
“And we love having you around!”
“Of course, look what you have taught us,” One girls said, holding up her crown. “We thought we were just going to teach you.”
The girls nodded eagerly at each of the statements as if they believed them whole heartedly. [Name] smiled, looking at all of the faces that loved her very much. After a moment of comforting from the girls, they began to weave their crowns again and one of the girls made a move to change the subject.
“How are you and Ao’nung?” She questioned, [Name] would have said innocently, but as the girl started to smirk, she thought otherwise.
“What about me and Ao’nung?” [Name] hesitantly, wondering if this was going the way she thought it was going.
“How has courting each other been?”
Giggles sounded around the circle, smirks finding their way on many of the girl’s faces.
“What do you mean? We are not courting each other,” [Name] questioned, her eyes wide in alarm, blood rushing to her cheeks, did they think that they were courting eachother?
Choruses of gasps of shock and mumbles of ‘what?’ erupted from around her. [Name] was met with the prospect that others thought there was something going on between her and Ao’nung. Why did others see this but not her? Honestly, [Name] though they were going to ask if [Name] had a crush on Ao’nung, and was surprised that it seemed they had skipped that step.
“You mean to tell us that all this dancing around you have done, is unintentional?” Another of the girls asked, visibly perplexed.
“I mean, I thought we were just good friends…” [Name] muttered to herself, but the girls heard.
The thought did cross [Name]’s mind, that maybe she didn’t really know the difference between friends and something more, Ao’nung being her first friend and all. What if the comfort [Name] found in Ao’nung was mutual?
“Why did you think we were courting each other?” [Name] just had to ask, had to be sure.
“Are you kidding? We see how you two act around each other, like you can’t get enough of each other,” A girl started.
“Like you two are the only ones in the ocean,” One of the girls finished.
“Really?” [Name] felt that familiar warm feeling in her stomach. “I would have thought there was a better, Metkayina girl for him.”
The girls erupted in a laugh again. A good feeling, hearty laugh from the stomach at the idea of Ao’nung having anyone else ‘better’ for him.
As one of the girls started to come down from her laughter, she put her hand on [Name]’s shoulder, “Look, I love all of the girls of the Metkayina clan, except for Tseiie, can’t stand her,” The other girls giggled at that, knowing of her discontent for that girl. “But everybody knows that there is nobody better for Ao’nung than you.”
Another wave of nodding occurred, as well as mumbles of agreement.
“I don’t know about everyone…" [Name] reasoned, not believing that the entirety of the clan believed that [Name] was best for the leader’s son.
“No, it is everyone. Every girl and their mother knows that you are the best for him.”
“We have seen you two, he is so much nicer to everyone when you’re around.”
“Not to mention how nice he is to you.”
“When you first became friends, he actually started to be nicer. Like, not bullying people!”
“Yeah, that was nice.”
“And to think that is all because of you.” One of the girls threw the back of her hand on her forehead and pretended to faint.
[Name] sat there looking at all the girls confirming the situation with Ao’nung as truth, her face hot and flushed. [Name] hardly knew what to think, everyone thought Ao’nung and [Name] should be together? Her best friend, the one who took her in when her family failed, the man who had unknowingly carried her heart so gently for months. They were best for each other? [Name] found herself smiling at the thought, after coming second in the race, who knew that this day could get better?
“Even the Tsahik, interrupter of Eywa, his mother, thinks that nobody is better for her son than you,” One of the girls whispered, making the whole circle smile like madmen.
“Their whole family thinks you are perfect for one another.”
[Name]’s flushed a deep red at that. It was one thing for the clan to think they should get together, but his parents? The Tsahik? The implications of that were on an whole other level. [Name] had begun to think about how maybe they could court each other. Being the son of the leaders, and [Name] being the daughter of outsiders, she didn’t think it could ever happen. Never allowed to be. But after hearing about the clan as well as the leaders hoping for them to be, [Name] couldn’t help but hope for mutual feelings from Ao’nung.
Ao’nung’s parents had been nothing but loving since the day her family cornered [Name]. After finally leaving her family, Ao’nung brought [Name] back to his family’s marui, where he explained to his parents what had happened. His parents were more than happy to let [Name] into their home. That night was spent sharing shed tears and comforting on another. From that day on, [Name] stayed with Ao’nung’s family and they loved her like one of their own.
Ronal’s love really solidified when [Name] offered to help her and Tsireya with their tasks and chores. At first, Ronal was unsure but as she watched [Name] help her daughter, staying kind and caring even when things got stressful, Ronal found herself wondering how anyone could forget about [Name].
[Name] smiled at the thought of finally having a family who loved her. After a moment of the circle of weaving flower crowns, [Name] decided to share her plans for the next day.
“Ao’nung asked me to explore the reef with him tomorrow,” [Name] smirked knowing the girls would eager to know more. “And he made sure I knew that we would be alone.”
“What? No way!”
“Oooooo, somebody has a date~” One girl sung.
“You have to tell us everything!” The girls giggled.
[Name] smirked to herself as the girls leaned in to hear her next words.
“He said we would end at the beach just before eclipse.” [Name] whispered, leaning in herself.
“Thats when the sky is the prettiest!”
“You are so lucky, you know? Ao’nung a year ago was the worst.” More giggling sounded from around the circle.
“That is so cute! Do you think he will ask to–”
“They can’t until she has competed Iknimaya.”
[Name] knew what they were talking about. Iknimaya was the rite-of-passages that lead to becoming an adult in the Metkayina clan. [Name] had completed many of them over the last few months with her soul sister, the Tulkun she bonded with, but she hadn’t complete the last one.
Taming a skimwing.
[Name] knew that Ao’nung had already completed this last rite-of-passage and had become an adult in the eyes of the clan. Ao’nung was already eligible for a mate, unfortunately [Name] would not be in the selection if she did not become an adult herself in the eyes of the clan.
“Oh, she will be able to complete it soon. Won’t you [Name]?”
[Name] smiled, focusing back on her flower crown. She planned to complete that very soon.
Kiri hesitantly enters the marui where her family resides. She can see so clearly on their faces the regret and broken hearts. Ever since the day that she, Lo’ak, and Neteyam sought out answers from [Name], they had been a broken family. Kiri wasn’t sure how they were able to miss so much of [Name]’s torment, or how they missed how they were the cause of it. Years of neglect had lead [Name] to find family in the Metkayina rather than her own. Kiri understood now just how much that neglect affected her oldest sister.
It was a shame, Kiri could hardly remember her youth with [Name], and she knew Lo’ak and Neteyam felt the same. Looking through their memories of [Name], one would think that [Name] wasn’t even related, at best a distant cousin. [Name] was a blur in their minds, and after a while of not seeing [Name] around, they began to forget what she looked like. Although one would think that someone could recognized their sibling in a crowd, the only tell that [Name] was their sibling was that she was the only formerly-Omatikaya body in a crowd of Metkayina.
Kiri’s heart hurt every time she watched the familiar blue body of her older sister leave the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik’s marui in the mornings. It wasn’t often that any of the Sully family saw [Name] anymore and because of that, Kiri woke up at the same time every morning to watch [Name] swim off with her friends.
Almost every time she saw [Name], she was reminded of the night [Name] finally severed herself from the family she grew up with. Walking back to their marui had proven difficult as the prospect of telling Tuk of what had happened was enough to break their hearts. Their oldest sister was everything to their youngest sister. It was hard to imagine why they were so close, being that Kiri and her brothers never actually saw Tuk and [Name] hangout, they just knew that they did.
The walk back was slow, their footsteps the whole way heavy, a thousand thoughts wrapping around their heads like a hurricane.
She’s gone. How is she gone? Where did we go wrong? What just happened? How could we forget about her.
Kiri will never forget the look on their parent’s faces when they heard about [Name]. Neytiri dropped to her knees, eyes blown is shock. Jake just stared, still in his place. The three had just walked into the marui, hearing Tuk, Jake, and Neytiri laughing. Laughing that stopped abruptly when they saw the looks on their sibling’s and children’s faces. Expressions that could rival losing a loved one, which, one might suppose they did.
After the initial shock, they all watched as Neytiri brought Tuk close as tears started to stream from her eyes. Between Tuk and Neytiri, there was enough tears to be labeled as a waterfall. Jake didn’t move, stuck in his mind, only coming back to when his two sons came to his side, hugging him tight.
It was difficult to describe the pain that went to their hearts that day. Both from losing [Name], but also from their own personal inadequacies. How in the entirety of Pandora could they forget their oldest daughter. Their daughter who they know was always there for them, even if they didn’t let her. She was always by their side, helping them with whatever they needed. There was a point where [Name] was left to take care of her siblings every time her parents went on dates. [Name] had always had their backs and they stabbed [Name] in hers.
[Name] was the reason Jake and Neytiri wanted more kids. Even from the beginning, [Name] never made a fuss. She was the sweetest child they could hope for, always giggling and smiling at them. As Neytiri was pregnant, they would tell [Name] of how she was to become a sister, and even as a baby, [Name] seemed overjoyed to be an older sibling. Then Neteyam was born and it was like a switch flipped and [Name] no longer was the centre of attention. Sure, she still had some attention, being a baby in all. But as she was nearly a year older than Neteyam, when Neteyam and Kiri turned one, [Name] became an afterthought. Only really being cared for after Neteyam and Kiri.
Jake and Neytiri never meant to overlook their oldest child, but as the years flew by and they gave attentive care to [Name]’s siblings, it became unforgivable. There is a certain point where the neglect becomes intentional. A point when one is no longer able to ignore the fact that it would have been difficult to actively ignore someone you see every day for the first half of their life. If this was accidental, it happened out of a lack of care.
Lo’ak was gutted, not only because of [Name]’s separation from the family, but also because Tsireya stopped talking to him. [Name] had always been there for him, this much he knew. But over the years her face started to fade in his memories, only seeming to have actually hung out with her while they were young. Lo’ak knew that [Name] cared for him, but he couldn’t remember why he knew that. What actions in their past made him believe this about her.
He tried to look back, remember what his older sister was like when they were young. He was born not long after Kiri, and he remembered [Name] being around a lot, taking care of him and giving him her care and attention. [Name] was young as well at the time, but that never stopped her from offering a small hand to Lo’ak when he fell. As the years flew by, Lo’ak remembered less and less of his oldest sister, being as he started to push her away. A truth Lo’ak was finding hard to accept as of late.
Neteyam remembered more than most of his siblings, having been there with [Name] the longest. He remembers learning to hunt and shoot with her, running off in the forest away from Jake who was pretending to be a monster with her. He remembers [Name] fixing his small cuts from falling and placing leaves on his blisters caused by their bows. But much like Lo’ak, his memories of his sister faded as she became a background character in their important lives. Yes, [Name] was always still there, but she felt like a ghost. Only reminder that she was there was her soft movements that would usually head in the direction of the forest.
The two boys were not only upset at her leaving, but at their parents neglect to their oldest sister. They were upset at Ao’nung for taking [Name] from them. And they were upset at themselves for letting their sister become distant and separated from their lives practically their entire lives.
Although everyone took this news to heart, the one that took it the hardest was Tuk. Tuk had always loved [Name], and from the moment she was born [Name] had loved Tuk. Tuk was the first to have experienced [Name]’s matured and more motherly love. Even though [Name] was still young, she was in no way considered a baby, and thus was more than capable to take care of Tuk.
And take care of Tuk she did. Tuk was by far the most loved child, not only because she was the youngest, but because she had [Name]. [Name] was always there to care for her, being pretty much the only other one to hold Tuk when she was young, other than their parents. While Tuk was a baby, [Name] could often be found trying to make her baby sister laugh, entertaining her for hours.
As they grew, the two only grew closer. [Name] taught Tuk everything she knew, and although she knew Tuk was to get a lot more attention than she did, she made sure that Tuk knew she was enough just on her own. Tuk learned about beading, flower crown weaving and the basics of healing from [Name], all things she couldn’t quite do with her tiny hands but enjoyed learning none the less.
Tuk began to hang out with her other siblings more as she grew older, but still always found time to enjoy [Name]’s company. [Name] couldn’t blame her youngest sister for wanting to hang out with her other siblings more, for she wanted that just as much. But [Name] knew that she had tried and there was no reason to continue to bug her siblings further. So she let Tuk run off with Kiri and Spider, and get into trouble with Lo’ak. Lo’ak always the one getting in trouble, even if it was Tuk’s doing.
Tuk remembers the most of her siblings, even more than Neteyam, so when she heard of [Name] not going to be in their lives anymore, Tuk felt as if her heart was pulled out. Tuk, being as young as she was, couldn’t even find a way to communicate her sadness over the loss of her sister. Tears seemed to only stop flowing from her eyes when there were no more tears left to cry. The Sully’s had to make sure she was drinking lots of water being as she almost never stopped crying. They were worried for their youngest, who didn’t stop crying even in her sleep. Tuk’s experience with [Name] was so positive that if Tuk didn’t already have a mother who loved her immensely, she would ask for [Name]’s love as a replacement.
Tuk never wanted to leave the marui, only really doing so to see Ilus. Her family’s attempt at making her feel better, and while it did a little, it only really confirmed just how much damage their neglect had on [Name].
Tuk only really stopped crying when one day Tsireya came by and offered to take Tuk out for the day. Kiri remembers how grateful her family was that Tsireya was giving Tuk an opportunity to get some fresh air and enjoy life again. What Kiri didn’t know, was that Tsireya planned to meet up with [Name].
When Tuk caught sight of [Name], she ran to her with no hesitation. Tuk spent the rest of the day held in [Name]’s arms. The walked on the beach, explored more of the reef and played on Ilus, all while Tuk was firmly wrapped in [Name]’s warm embrace. She didn’t leave her arms for hours, only letting go once it was past eclipse and Tuk knew she should be getting home if she didn’t want to get into trouble.
When Tuk got home, the entire family notice just how much happier Tuk was. The girl finally wasn’t crying every moment.
From then on, it became a regular thing for Tuk hang out with [Name] and her friends for the day, and everyday Tuk would come back home with a smile. Even if someone would ask what has gotten her smiling, she would smile and shrug, not giving any more information.
One day, Tuk came home with a pretty flower crown on her head and her parents along with her siblings were in awe. Kiri remembers one of them asking if Tuk had made the pretty crown that sat comfortably on her head. Tuk only shook her head, stating simply that it was [Name]’s handy work and skipped over to where dinner had been prepared.
Their stomachs dropped, Tuk had been hanging out with [Name]? [Name] let her do that? And when did [Name] become so good at weaving flower crowns? The wondered if Tuk taught her, knowing that Tuk had made them all flower crowns when they were young. Desperate to have their questions answers, they asked Tuk.
“Who taught [Name] to weave? Did you, Tuk?” Neytiri asked, watching her youngest closely as to not miss a sliver of information about their oldest.
“What? No silly. She taught me. [Name] has always been the best weaver in the clan, this clan and the last.” Tuk stated simply, smiling to herself as she thought about all of the beautiful projects [Name] was able to make.
“She taught you? When did she teach you? And when was she taught?” Jake asked, the last part more to himself but everyone else in the marui caught it.
“Of course she taught me! Who else? She taught me a long time ago, remember when we gave you those flowers crowns a while ago? Yeah those were hand made by [Name], I was only able to make two of them. It’s hard with my tiny hands.” Tuk finished, taking a bite of her dinner.
“She made those? We thought you did…” Kiri muttered.
“You think I did? I was like 5.”
“Who taught [Name] then?” Lo’ak asked, eyes furrowed in confusion.
“I don’t think anyone did. I think she has learned a lot of things from watching people. You know, because nobody will teach her,” Tuk explained, taking another big bite of her dinner, of which she seemed to enjoy.
They weren’t sure if Tuk realized it or not, but her statement was a silent dig at their parenting. Parenting that for [Name], didn’t include much teachings. Besides being taught to hunt and use a bow, [Name] was not taught about much else, leaving her to figure it out on her own. If watching people was how she learned, then that really reflected how poorly Jake and Neytiri had been at teaching her.
That night ended cold and sad for the Sully family. The thought of not realizing yet another part of [Name]’s brilliance weighed on them.
It was a bright day in the reefs, the water was warm and the breeze gentle as [Name] and Ao’nung explored the colourful corals and wildlife that the Metkayina clan had to offer. Rounding the corner of a particularly colourful piece of coral, [Name] found herself face to face with a grinning Ao’nung looking at her.
“What?” [Name] signed, slightly worried at his all too happy expression.
“What? I can’t smile?" Ao’nung teased, signing back.
“Not when your smiling like you have something planned,” [Name] signed.
“Why is it that you always think I am up to something?” Ao’nung signed, lifting his brow playfully.
“If you saw your expression right now, you would understand why,” [Name] giggled, watching Ao’nung rolled his eyes playfully.
Only a few hours later, [Name] and Ao’nung found themselves walking on the beach side-by-side. The sun was low, teetering on eclipse, making the bioluminescence of the water and the wildlife glow a marvellous, ethereal light that [Name] was never able to get enough of. Their walk was slow and silent, but brought great comfort to both of them.
Their hands hung by their sides, brushing one another from time to time but neither had the heart to move away or take the chance and grab the other’s hand. [Name] sighed, her mind on the day she left the Sully family.
“I just want to thank you for helping me that day, you know, bringing me into your friend group and all. I have never forgotten that day, and not a day goes by that I don’t appreciate what you have done for me,” [Name] confessed, slowing down to as stop in order to get her message across.
“It’s alright [Name],” Ao’nung begun, stopping next to [Name] before turning to face her.
[Name] cut Ao’nung off before he could continue, “Really. I have no idea where I would be if you and your friends didn’t come to make fun of me that day.”
Ao’nung grimaced at that. Making fun of the girl before him was not something he like to remember.
“It’s really okay, I am glad we are friends.” Ao’nung said in attempts to comfort the girl in front of him. He grabbed her hand gently and guided her to sit next to him on the beach as she continued.
“And everything you have done for me since! You really are the best, thank you so much for all you have done for me,” [Name] spoke earnestly, looking directly in Ao’nung’s eyes, something that caught Ao’nung off guard.
“[Name], I would do it all again a million times if it meant becoming friends with you,” Ao’nung spoke truthfully, that familiar tease in his voice none existent as he gazed into [Name]’s eyes. “I would do it all again in a heartbeat.”
[Name] smiled at his words, watching Ao’nung’s face once again. There was that look again. That look of softness that was oh so rare, sitting perfectly on Ao’nung’s smooth face. A moment went by, the two of them just looking in each other’s eyes. But then [Name]’s mind went back to what she was thankful for, Ao’nung could practically see the shift on her face.
“Thank you so much for all that your family has done as well. Letting me into your home must not have been easy but I am so grateful for all that you and your family have done to make me feel at home.” [Name] began again, she spoke as if this had been weighing on her for a while, and it probably had.
Ao’nung let out an amused huff, shaking his head affectionately, “[Name], please don’t worry about it. We love having you around. Honestly, I think my mother likes you more than me at this point.”
“She does not,” [Name] smiled, shaking her head.
“I’m not even kidding, she will push me aside when you walk in,” Ao’nung joked, but somewhere in [Name]’s gut knew that it was not as much of a joke as Ao’nung was letting on.
“Thank you,” Ao’nung started, catching [Name] completely off guard. “Thank you for coming into our lives and making them better.”
Ao’nung paused for a moment, hesitating on whether or not to continue.
“Thank you for making my life better,” Ao’nung smiled softly, holding both of [Name]’s hands.
[Name] smiled as if she had never been told such beautiful words, and rested her forehead against Ao’nung’s. The sun set behind them, the beauty of pandora finally glowing once again, but [Name] and Ao’nung could only find bliss in each other in this moment.
Less than a week later, [Name] and Ao’nung along with some of their friends, were hanging out in the shallow waters next to a more secluded beach not far from the village. It wasn’t at all private, in fact many of the Metkayina kids favoured hanging out here in their free time. The beach was beautiful, long billowing overhanging trees acting as a sort of cover from the sun and the rare rain, and beautiful naturally growing flowers surrounded the beach.
It had been a long day mostly consisting of chores and teaching [Name] to successfully tame a skimwing. They were readying up for the day she would complete her last iknimaya, which would take place in just over a week. [Name] was excited to become an adult in the eyes of the clan and Eywa but at the same time she was beyond nervous about the whole ordeal. [Name] would manage though, after all she had all of her friends who were more than eager to help her in anyway. Ao’nung even offered to give her a ride on the skimwing he tamed, but [Name] declined as she didn’t want her experience to be different than any other kid in the Metkayina clan.
Regardless, they were taking the night to relax. [Name], Ao’nung and their friends were laughing and joking around all evening, finding humour in even the smallest of things. Even their own laughter was enough to keep them laughing. Some of their friends facing the beach’s laughter died down all of a sudden. Following in suit, [Name] and the others facing their backs to the beach, turned in order to see what was the cause of this sudden seriousness.
But when they turned around they found Lo’ak, Neteyam, and Tuk walking past. There was a moment of silence and that was when the three Sullys noticed the group watching them. The group grabbed [Name]’s shoulders, pulling her close and most importantly, away from her brothers, and sent nasty glares in their direction. Neteyam and Lo’ak’s heads lowered in shame when the noticed the darker blue body among the group. As they walked past, [Name] noticed Tuk looking at her, a familiar longing on Tuk’s face. So as they walked by, almost out of view, [Name] nodded at Tuk for her to join them.
Tuk’s light up, her smile as bright as the sun. She gave Neteyam a small tap that alerted him of her departure and run off to join [Name] and her friends. Tuk ran into the water and splash over until she crashed into [Name], who was more than happy to reciprocate Tuk’s affection. The day ended in smiles and contagious laughter, another good day in the Metkayina clan.
[Name] felt as if she was born ready. Born ready to finally tame a skimwing and become an adult. She had been waiting for this day ever since she started learning the ways of the Metkayina people. Her commitment, dedication, and passion kept her learning, growing, and building her skills. And it had all lead up to this day.
The task was rather simple, get on the skimwing, bond with it, and stay on the skimwing. And that was all she thought about as she moved to tackle the skimwing before her.
As she grabbed on, the skimwing darted forward and [Name] was reminded of Ilu racing. This couldn’t be much different, could it? Her question was quickly answered when she was promptly thrown to the side, [Name] swallowing a gulp of water as she hits the surface. [Name] had no other choice but get back up and try again. A lot was riding on this. If she completed this, if she managed to tame the skimwing, she would be an adult and they would hold a ceremony for her. They had already begun preparing it, already so sure of her awaited success.
[Name] made another quick movement, jumping back on the skimwing. This time she locked her legs around the slippery animal and grabbed both the queues, connecting them. All of a sudden everything became clear. The skimwing settled down, his heartbeat matching with [Name]’s as she felt everything in her body as well as his. With a firm hand on the handle, [Name] commanded the skimwing to move.
She was instantly jutted forward as the skimwing dove into the water. [Name] didn’t think she would be able to hold on, it quickly becoming a struggle. But after a few seconds, she started getting used to the feeling of water rushing at her. Readjusting her grip, [Name] told the skimwing to jump out of the water into the air, and the skimwing did.
Jumping out of the water, [Name] was left to see the whole clan watching her success and cheering her on. Bright smiles and enthusiastic clapping was heard from all around the village as [Name] and her skimwing made their rounds.
When the ceremony finally came, [Name] was practically bouncing in her seat. Her excitement could hardly be contained as she watched Ronal and Tonowari approach her with proud smiles, beads and necklace in hand.
“[Name], you have done much in the last year. Learning faster than most of our ways and you are more than eligible to become an adult in the eyes of Eywa,” Tonowari started, Ronal nodding proudly from beside him.
“These beads are to add to your songcord, as a way to commemorate your progression into adulthood,” Tonowari handed [Name] three small beads, one made of a small shell, one a pretty green bead and the last a small chunk from a tooth of a skimwing.
“And this,” Ronal began, laying the beautiful pearl and beaded necklace around [Name]’s neck. “Is a necklace that my daughter, Tsireya beaded for you for this special day.”
[Name] smiled at them, looking up at the leaders as if they were her parents, real parents that loved her. She smiled at Tsireya as well, who was standing just behind her parents.
“Now that you are an adult, you may get your first tattoo. The tattoo of your soul sister.” Tonowari smiled. “But all in due time, for now, we feast!”
The clan erupted in applause and cheers, another child growing into an adult of the Metkayina clan. A time to celebrate and enjoy.
Ao’nung took no time in approaching [Name] after she thanked Tsireya dearly for the wonderful necklace. [Name] was still fiddling with the necklace with a smile when Ao’nung appeared in front of her.
“You know, I helped her make that.” Ao’nung smirked, watching the disbelieving look creep onto [Name]’s face.
“Really?” [Name] deadpanned.
“Really," Ao’nung stayed smirking but there was no hint of deception on his face nor in his voice. “I mean, it was just a few beads and I told her your real size when she got it wrong, but I still helped.”
[Name] smiled, touched by the fact Ao’nung help make something so beautiful just for her.
“Thank you, Ao’nung,” [Name] smiled, moving to lay a quick peck on Ao’nung’s cheek. “I really appreciate it.”
Only two days later, [Name] and Ao’nung found theirselves walking down a beach again. The walk was silent but comfortable. The two were more than happy to enjoy the beauty of the world around them in silence as they walked hand in hand. They had just gotten back from a meal spent with Ao’nung’s family, as usual, when Ao’nung asked for [Name] to walk with him. When [Name] agreed, Ao’nung grasped her hand and tugged her in the direction of the shore.
The plant life was glowing around them once again, the darkness of the night only accentuating the already apparent beauty of pandora. Ao’nung noticed how beautiful the glowing speckles on [Name]’s face were as he snuck glances at her from the corner of his eye.
Ao’nung slows to a stop, his and [Name]’s attached hands brings her to a stop as well. Ao’nung turns to face [Name], and it met with her soft gaze. Ao’nung has always found [Name] beautiful, but in this moment, with the light from the flowers around her reflecting off the water and on to her soft face, Ao’nung thought she was the most beautiful entity in all of pandora. Maybe even the universe.
“[Name], I am so glad to have met you. You are every star in the sky, every thought I think, ever breath I take,” Ao’nung stares in [Name]’s eyes as if they were the gateway to her soul, a soul he has fallen in love with. He watches as [Name]’s smile starts to widen, her eyes starting to water.
“I wish to never leave your side, to be there for you forever,” Ao’nung’s smile begin to widen as [Name]’s hand cupped his face.
“I want to be with you forever, [Name],” His smile was soft, a reflection of [Name]’s soft smile as she put her other hand on Ao’nung’s cheek.
[Name] had been dreaming of this moment, and by the look on Ao’nung’s face, it was evident he had too.
“I see you, Ao’nung,” [Name] whispered so softly it was as if she thought she might scare Ao’nung away.
“I see you, [Name]," Ao’nung beamed, holding her neck and jaw in his evidently much bigger hands.
A small, happy tear fell from [Name]’s face. She wasn’t sure if it was Ao’nung’s attentiveness or the thought of finally finding someone who wanted to spend the rest of their life with her. Either way, [Name] was happy.
Ao’nung pulled her into an intimate kiss, their bodies stayed close as they moved in unison. The kiss was like a promise, filled with untold secrets and unspoken words. The kiss was first of many that night, and many for the rest of their lives, as they mated under Eywa. The two becoming one in a single, long awaited day.
The very next day, they told Ronal and Tonowari. At first they were worried that Ao’nung’s parents would be mad, but as the news came out, the two leaders were instantly beaming. Ronal brought [Name] into a tight hug, whispering in her ear at just how happy she was that [Name] was now her daughter under Eywa. Tonowari clapped his son’s back, telling him just how amazing a mate was going to be and how proud of him he was for choosing [Name].
Tsireya was just as happy, jumping around in circles with [Name]’s hands in hers when she heard the news. She told [Name] that she was happy to have a sister and about how much fun they were going to have.
In the next few days, [Name] got her tattoo, and started to learn the ways of the Tsahik. Ronal insisted [Name] learn the ways of the Tsahik if she was going to be the future leader of the clan. Tsireya, although she believed what her mother said, she also thought that it was just another excuse for her to hang out with [Name].
[Name] was beaming when she learned she would be taught the ways of the Tsahik, as she was not previously allowed to by her birth parents. [Name] although in line for the Tsahik, was never in the running, so as she was being taught, [Name] couldn’t help but be excited about every new thing she learned.
It had only been a few weeks since she mated with Ao’nung, when the Sully family came knocking at their marui. It was a surprise to all to see them, the Sullys were known to stick to themselves, never seen talking to anyone other than each other. [Name] was enjoying her dinner with her family when she saw them in the opening of the leader’s marui. Ronal and Tonowari stood up immediately, looking at the Sully parents with clear discontent.
“What are you doing here?” Tonowari asked, his voice commanding but restrained as he tried to remain civil.
“You have no place standing there, what is it you want?” Ronal demanded, not as patient as her mate.
Jake and Neytiri put their hands up as if to show they mean no harm. Still the two leaders of the clan stepped forward as to block [Name] from view, shielding her from whats to come.
“We just came to talk to [Name], if we could have a moment,” Jake asked calmly.
“No. Whatever you can say to [Name], you can say to us,” Ronal stated clearly.
“Okay…” Jake started hesitantly, seeing the hostile looks on each of the faces in the room. Particularly Ao’nung.
“We just wanted to say,” Jake looked around at his family for conformation, and when he got it, he continued. “That we are so sorry for what we did. And what we continued to do your whole life. I am sorry we neglected you and weren’t really there. We promise we care and love you.”
“We are hoping you will come back?” Neytiri tried, the her children nodding from behind her.
“Come back? After what you did to her, or really, all that you didn’t do for her?” Ronal roared.
Ronal was beyond pissed at this point, fed up with all of the neglect [Name] faced at the hands of her so called parents. It baffled her how they could treat such a sweet and amazing child like [Name], so horribly.
“You are out of your minds if you think that she would come back to you after all you have done.” Tonowari’s jaw was clenched and his fists tight, an almost identical expression on Ao’nung. “What do you even know about [Name]?”
Jake and Neytiri were frozen and at a loss for words. What did they know about [Name]?
“She makes flower crowns?” Neytiri offered, an already troubled by the lack of information she had about her oldest.
“Do you know her favourite thing to do is?” Ronal asked, immensely curious as to if she was going to get an answer.
Ronal’s question was met with silence and awkward shuffling from the Sully family.
“Did you know that [Name] has become the top Ilu racer?” Tsireya asked, peaking from behind her father.
“Did you know that she had complete that last rite-of-passage and is now an adult of the Metkayina clan?” Tonowari asked.
More Silence.
“Did you know that she is mated to Ao’nung?” Ronal questioned, getting more upset by the second at the Sully’s silence.
More Silence.
“Did you know she is training to be the next Tsahik?” Ao’nung asked, becoming incredibly frustrated at his mate’s former family.
Once again, they were met with silence.
“Do you even know when is [Name]’s birthday?” Tsireya asked, mortified by the silence, tears already swelling in her eyes.
When the Sullys made no move to say anything, that’s when [Name] finally broke.
“It’s today. My birthday is today. You didn’t know that?” [Name] asked softly, her voice coming out as a broken whisper.
Tears were now streaming freely down [Name]’s face, right in view of the Sullys as Ronal and Tonowari stepped to the side.
It was then that Jake, Neytiri, Lo’ak, Neteyam, and Kiri all realized just how little they knew about their sister and daughter. [Name] had never really left, she was always within distance. At any point they could have ask someone, or [Name] herself, how she was doing. But they didn’t, instead they moped and let themselves feel bad for themselves as if [Name] had done something to them.
“Even Tuk knew, and she wished [Name] a happy birthday.” Tsireya added.
“Why didn’t you tell us Tuk?” Neytiri asked, turning to her youngest.
“It’s not my fault you didn’t know your first born’s birthday, can’t do your parenting for you.” Tuk stated simply before running up to [Name] and embracing her in a warm hug.
“You are terrible parents. Even after learning of your own inadequacies, for months you refused to learn and grow. You don’t deserve [Name], she deserves better.” Ronal informs them firmly, not shying away from the rudeness in her tone.
[Name] shook her head as she looked at her old family, “I can’t believe even after all of these years, you still have no idea what you have done to me. What I have lost because of you! I never knew what true happiness was like until we came here and I met some of my favourite people,” [Name] spoke, looking around at her real family with a small smile. “I am Metkayina now, I have found a family who loves me and actually shows they care for me!”
Ao’nung wraps his arm around [Name]’s shoulder and Ronal and Tonowari rest their hands on [Name]’s back, Tuk’s arms still firmly wrapped around [Name]’s. Her new family smiles at her, showing her the love and attention she has always wanted.
“I am daughter of Ronal and Tonowari now. Sister of Tsireya and mate of Ao’nung. This is my life and I love it more than anything. So please stop taking good things away from me!” [Name] finished, glaring at her former family.
The Sullys had tears in their eyes, Neytiri’s were streaming down her face, but they remained silent.
“You heard my daughter, we are her family now. Now leave, before I change my mind about let your family stay in our clan," Ronal’s threat hung in the air as the Sullys rushed to leave.
Each Sully left that marui more broken than before, knives plunged deeply into their chests. They knew they had been terrible to [Name], but as they just witnessed, it was clearly only a fraction of the damage they had done. Each of their hearts were heavy with the fact they had no idea anything about [Name]. How had they missed her rite-of-passage? Or her being mated under Eywa with the son of the leaders?
How had they not know that it was [Name]’s birthday?
The words said would haunt them for the rest of their lives. Lo’ak couldn’t believe he’d missed [Name] becoming an adult, when had that happened? Neteyam was shocked to learn that [Name] had a mate. Kiri was conflicted when she heard [Name] was learning the ways of the Tsahik, shouldn’t [Name] have been the one getting taught the ways of the Tsahik with Kiri, all those years ago?
Jake and Neytiri were beside themselves, their minds messes. They truly were terrible parents, weren’t they?
Tonowari and Ronal were left to comfort their oldest daughter when the Sullys finally left. [Name] was crying, Tuk still in her arms, as Tsireya and Ao’nung already begun comforting the girl.
“[Name], you know you will always have us,” Tonowari spoke, his voice soft, a stark contrast to how he spoke to the Sully family.
“Yes and you are loved and cared for here,” Ronal added, smiling down at the teary eyed girl before her.
[Name] couldn’t help but smile. Because after all, she knew that this family would never betray her.
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading! And thank you to everyone who gave me all that support on the first part! I love you guys so much! This is what I did with the soul I found! I sold it to the devil again! I hoped you enjoyed and let me know what you thought! <33333
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dreamdazedworld · 25 days
Synopsis: Yingxing x Genshin! Youkai! Gender neutral Reader and the both of them are hopelessly in love.
Note(s): I was listening to 愛き夜道 on Spotify when I suddenly got this idea, now it won’t leave me alone. Anyways, I think that this is the first post I actually wrote, so yippie? Eat up, my children, you won’t be having these Yingxing crumbs for some while. This might actually turn into a full blown fic, though it depends on my motivation LOL
Warning(s): Both of them are hopelessly in love with each other, death mentioned (nothing serious, dw), oops now you have a Yandere! Blade chasing you around Teyvat
Art credit goes to my favorite artist, void/Re:era on X! Their art is really pretty, check them out if you can :o
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Imagine a Genshin! Youkai! Reader who’s a fox/kitsune (like Yae), and fell in love with YINGXING, like it has all of the potential fr.
So! Of course, Reader here is from Inazuma, and their… clan (let’s all pretend that the Youkai has separate clans) feeds only on the feelings (and emotions), positive ones, to be precise, of humans (like the dementors from Harry Potter!). Negative ones are like poison to them- And the only antidote for this is the Sacred Sakura, however, there are lasting after effects. Once poisoned, the kitsune will be significantly weakened for a long period of time, ranging from a few decades to centuries on end, depending on how much the kitsune consumed.
Kitsune! Reader, unlike the others from their clan, doesn’t like feeding on humans (because it ends up driving their victim mad and they like humans). Of course they understand that it’s necessary for them to survive, they’re not dumb, they can feel their hunger growing with each day they refused to feed on humans. So, with no more options, decides to blend into human society by protecting mankind from the ‘evil’ Youkai, and occasionally feeding on people who are about to die (with guilt). Their love for humanity and stubborn determination to protect humans ends up earning them a Pyro vision that supplies them with some energy to keep them going, since visions are literally wishes with a physical shape, and wishes have positive energy.
One day, while resting on the Sacred Sakura, Reader accidentally finds out that the Sakura has clones, which are spread across multiple worlds by waking up in the Xianzhou Luofu. There, they meet young Yingxing, who’s still learning under that grandpa, when he stumbles into the area where the clone is located. There, they become friends, and as years pass, eventually drinking buddies as well. After Yingxing meets the High-Cloud Quintet and as years fade away, our dear Reader here realizes they’re hopelessly in love with….. Yingxing!? Instantly gives up on their love as soon as they realize, because they think he doesn’t see them in that light (honey, he does), and to rub salt to the wound, in love with Bai Heng, since Yingxing talks about her a lot. But of course it doesn’t go as easily as they want it to go, so the Reader just silently suffers with their emotions.
When shit starts to go down in the Quintet after Bai Heng’s death, Reader goes “Oh fuck, Yingxing’s negative energy is going to make him choose the shittiest life options, won’t it?” and starts to suck away his pain (by kissing him in his sleep because YES). Yingxing starts getting better in exchange for Reader’s health, and in the end, Reader fucking COLLAPSES, forced to go back to Inazuma to recover, Yingxing learns about everything they were keeping from him through a letter, depression hits and oh wow, Yingxing chooses the most shittiest life decision he has ever made by teaming up with Dan Feng to cause the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae, turning him immortal, and eventually into Blade. (I forgot to mention it but only the original Sacred Sakura has the ability to heal away the poison.)
As thousands of years pass, Reader fully recovers, though not exactly since they can’t let go of Yingxing. The Sakoku degree is lifted, and everything seems fine in Inazuma, until they come across a person who they thought were already dead- You guessed it, Blade! But not just typical Blade, Yandere! Blade who is on the brink of insanity and is hellbent on bringing Reader along with him. And so, the game of cat and mouse ensues.
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yanderestarangel · 10 months
♡ 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐤𝐮𝐚𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠 ♡
a/n: version with bi han here ♡
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TW: angst, insecurity, smut, v!sex, oral (f!re), husband kuai liang, afab anatomy, pet names, praise, rough sex, aggressive sex, use of ropes in sex, creampie, overstimulation, dirty talk, husband x husband, ftm reader.
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Things were always peaceful between the two of you, he was a caring and faithful husband, you had no reason to doubt him or anything similar to that.
However, after Bi Han's betrayal with the Lin Kuei, Kuai Liang needed the help of third parties to form another clan, and this clan was the 'shiray ryu' in honor of the woman who helped him, Harumi - and also the name of the whole the problem in marriage you - you were insecure and he lost his patience, tired of saying that they had nothing, and they really didn't, he was married to you. It was at a dinner that he arrived later with Harumi that you lost your temper, having a fight with Kuai Liang, his stress and concern for the clan made him simply say cruel things to you without him even realizing it.
He only noticed when you slapped him in the face and left the house crying, he hated himself at that moment. You went out into the forest, crying and with sore feet, but you soon felt the cryromancer's ropes around your body, pinning you to the ground. "-Fuck (Y/N) never run like that again, damn, did you get hurt?" He speaks worriedly and a little rudely, still under the influence of anger, but genuinely worried, while carrying you on his shoulders easily - you even tried to try to free yourself from the ropes, but you couldn't - Kuai soon arrived at your house, throwing you on top out of bed and locking all the doors so you don't run away again.
While you were trapped by his ropes, Kuai Liang stood in front of you with a pained expression on his face. He looked tired and exhausted, he took a deep breath and tried to calm down."-We've been through so many things together, we've faced countless enemies and situations that should have separated us, but we survived them all. Why do we let something like Harumi come between us now? Out of jealousy?" He asked, looking at you intently. You didn't respond immediately, just looking at him,tears in your eyes. Kuai Liang continued, trying to explain his feelings.
"-I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you anymore. Please understand that Harumi means nothing to me, she never did anything wrong, she only helped us when Shiray Ryu was in childhood, our feelings for her have always remained platonic. She's like a sister to me, I would never betray her trust or our marriage." You didn't want to listen, trying to insult him and telling him to take those ropes off you, however, seeing you vulnerable, angry and exposed made him feel guilty, but also excited. He couldn't help it.
"-No, I'm not letting you go yet. Not until we talk about this." He said firmly as he ran his fingers through your hair, you could see the conflict in his eyes, torn between his duty as a ninja and his love for you, he was a man full of flaws, but he would never betray you. Without warning, Kuai Liang bent down and gently kissed your forehead, trying to calm you down. "-I promise, tonight we will make up for everything that happened, just trust me." He whispered softly in your ear, as he used the sharp kunai to tear the fabric of your clothes, exposing your body completely to him.
His lips slowly moved from your forehead to your cheek and then to your neck, sending shivers down your spine. As he continued kissing you, his hand began to move down, passing over your breast and then down towards your pussy. You moaned softly at his touch, still upset about recent events. Kuai Liang smiled slightly at your reaction before continuing his seduction. He ran his fingers through your slit, teasing your clit and making you moan louder. "-You look so fucking gorgeous now, you know that?"
He couldn't resist the temptation any longer.
With one swift motion, he pulled the strings on your body, opening your thighs and burying himself in your pussy, his tongue flicking out to lap up your juices. "-I want you..." he growled, "-I need you." His tongue continued its relentless assault on your clit, causing waves of pleasure to ripple through your body, the ropes hurting you slightly, leaving large linear red marks. "-My husband is a little slut don't you?" With a satisfied grin, Kuai Liang slid two fingers inside you, finger-fucking you roughly while continuing to suck on your clit. You moaned loudly, arching your back and thrusting against his hand. Kuai Liang added another finger, stretching you wide and pushing your little hole.
You tried to maintain your posture, saying that you hated him, even if it was a lie - and you both knew it - the ninja soon removed his fingers from you and pulled down his pants, exposing his fat, pulsing cock, leaking a thin layer of pre-semen from the tip. reddish, while he positioned himself between your thighs, rubbing the tip of his dick on your clit. "-You don't hate me baby. You just feel insecure because of Harumi. But I swear to you, she means nothing to me. All I want is you." He whispered hoarsely into your ear. Your body shook with pleasure as he continued to rub his dick against your clit, your moans filling the room. "-You know you love me..." He slid the pulsate shaft as he led you in front of the large mirror in your room, while using his right arm to hold you around your waist and the other around your neck. He pulled your hair hard, forcing you to look in the mirror "-Look at you baby... See the way my cock slides in and out of your tight pussy. That's what I see when I look at you, baby. Nothing but pure desire and love." Your body responded to his words, his dick sliding against your sensitive walls, causing you to moan louder and clutch at the ropes binding you.
"-You're a beautiful man, wrapped up in the arms of your loving husband. And I want to remind you of that every chance I get... You're my little whore, aren't you? My precious, perfect husband. And look that beautiful pussy, so wet and ready for me." His words were like poison to your ears, but they also had a strange effect on you. As he continued to fuck you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of validation. Your insecurity melted away, replaced by a newfound confidence.
You no longer saw Harumi as a threat; instead, you saw her as just another person in Kuai Liang's life. You knew that he belonged to you, and nobody else. He didn't let you look away from the reflection-scorpion wanted to show you how beautiful you were, how desirable you were to him - he praised you so much, every part of him, your favorite nicknames - "darling" "baby" "sweetheart" "my pretty little thing" "my pretty slut" - with every word he growled, his dick came in and out of you, as you trembled in the heat of his member. With one final thrust, Kuai Liang let out a primal roar as he came inside you, filling you with his hot cum. You could feel his cock pulsing inside you, sending waves of pleasure through your body. "-That's right, take my cum, you little whore." He growled, looking into your eyes in the mirror. As he collapsed onto you, spent and satisfied, he kissed you softly, his lips brushing against yours in a tender gesture of devotion.
"-Never doubt yourself again, I love you more than anything, I swear, on my ninja honor, and on my soul."
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oneshotnewbie · 5 months
Carina is afraid of Reader getting hurt (she is a police officer) and maybe, just maybe, they get hurt? You don't have to if you don't want to!!
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Authors note: This story has been sitting in my finished documents for about two years haha. So maybe it's not all that well written
Working undercover was exhausting, if not draining. You were aware of it both physically and mentally, yet you accepted the job. Accepted it in hope that, like every order, it would pass quickly. You had been investigating undercover in a drug gang for several weeks now. Barely exchanged a word with your wife for endless days to protect her from the cunning mastermind of the gang. Sporadically, there was a short on-minute-conversation at a phone booth here and there, but it was not enough. On both sides.
Carina was worried sick; she only got fleeting answers from your lieutenant on how you were doing. She was so concerned for your life that the brunette even fell ill and had to be hospitalized. When you found out, you wanted to break your cover and risk your life just so you could see her. But she managed to stop you, promising she would take care of herself until you were back home.
You missed everything about the cozy apartment you shared with her. The scent, your bed. Even the smell of cheese that had spread throughout the kitchen. But mostly the closeness of your girlfriend and the warmth that reached you every time you had a hard day at work. All of that you had to exchange for a cold, sparsely furnished one-room apartment outside of the city.
With each passing day it became harder to maintain the disguise. Everything got on your last nerves and ripped you apart. On the very first day, you wished that you could leave work and go back to your family but it had taken you a long time to earn the trust of the drug lord, Joaquín González, before he gave you permission to do big jobs. You were basically his second hand and knew everything about his business.
Even so, you still had to wait to snag all of his followers. At least until this evening where the cruical deal would go through. If everything went smoothly, you could go back to your old life tomorrow. Back to your family. The day passed faster than you could have imagined and it slowly started to get dark. The pink tone of the setting sun gave you a feeling of security and freedom- a feeling you had not had in a long time and made you believe that everything would turn out the way you wished for.
Slowly, you sat down on the chair you had prepared and waited out the last hours before your assignment while you looked through the small window. The landscape was swallowed up in a deep darkness, so completely dark that you felt the cold and hatefulness filling up your heart. Without the feeling, you could not think straight in the violent drug clan. This feeling had changed you, you felt it deep inside. That freezing cold surrounded you and gave you the courage to do any assignment without hesitation so you would not experience pain. But you still hoped to shed that mask once you were safe in the arms of your beloved Italian.
The mask had so often saved you from a mental collapse on missions, that you might not want to take it off as protection for further police operations and it shocked you deeply, that you even believed in wanting to keep it. After each undercover assignment, Carina was always able to give you the feeling of security, and the conscience that everything would be fine again. But you were not sure if she could still save you from what ate away your soul this time.
Of course you knew that she would do everything in her power to get your old self back- Carina had managed it all the time. The brunette would take care of you, spoil you like your life was more important than hers. This time was different. You had been separated from your old life for far too long to make up for with a few days of utmost nurturing.
A small tear, which you quickly wiped away, rolled down your face. You were not allowed to cry, you had to blame yourself for your fate and now you had to face the consequences.
"Where is she? Where is Y/n?" yelled a rough and worried voice at a nurse of the emergency room and you could immediately assign it to Carina. Frantically, she made her way to search between the occupied beds for the woman for whom she was the emergency contacts. „Deluca, calm down. She is here, I will lead you to her"
To her ears, the spoken sentence of Owen Hunt sounded like a war. Knowing the seriousness of the situation, she felt nothing but pure fear. Worries enveloped the woman and she could not imagine finding you badly injured somewhere in the emergency room and realizing that you were hovering between life and death.
The brunette swallowed hard. She missed you so much and just wanted to back healthily. Quietly, she trotted behind the head of trauma surgery, very carefully and slowly, until she came to a stop in front of a curtained bed. There, she already heard your pain-distorted grumbling while stilling in her movement.
Carina had never forgotten how your voice sounded, longed for it every single minute of the day. And now, hearing it without the hum of the phones terminating line, her heart was racing like the first time she had met you. She was only centimeters away from you, as close as she had not been for a long time. "It hurts like hell!"
"I wanted to give you a pain hemmer but you refused," she heard the soft chuckle of Miranda Bailey and a stone rolled from her heavy heart. You were not badly injured, at least not bad enough to be concerned for your life. "Now live with it"
As the brunette doctor moved the curtain with a firm grip to gain access to you, she looked down at you with glassy eyes. Your clothes and face were spattered with dirt and blood, your jeans cut down on one leg to the thigh. Her eyes widened to the bulled hole in your femur, blood still dripping slightly through the stitches already in place.
"Bella, what happened? Stai bene?" (Are you alright?) her voice trembled and was overwhelmed by choked tears. She sneaked through the narrow space between bed and curtain and knelt down next to it. Her warm hand softly cupped your cold one, that was gripping the bed sheets, and squeezed it tightly.
"The deal was overrun by my colleagues. The shooting was in full swing and some were trying to escape. I wanted to help another police officer and I caught a ricochet myself. It is half as bad, it was a straight through shot"
Disorted in pain, your body tensed up briefly before relaxing shortly after; abruptly pinching the hand of your wife before your eyes turned back to her. Deeply, her fawn eyes stared at you, some pitiful tears welling up from them before they closed. "For a brief moment I thought I lost you, mi amor"
Thinking lines appeared on her face and you swallowed impercepitibly. You knew her mind was working through every negative scenario she had ever saw in movies. A faint smile appeared on your face and you broke away from her before you put your hand under her chin and tenderly pulled her to you. "Carina, look at me"
The addressed opened her eyes slightly, pure was immediately recognizable. A tear rolled down the Italian´s face and she grabbed your midsection to cross the last empty space between you. "You did not lost me. I am still here"
Gentle kisses spread across her ruddy cheeks, forehead and nose; trying to catch her bitter tears. You hated when she cried. But you hated yourself even more for causing those sadness upon her. Such a great woman like Carina did not deserve to be in a constant state of fear and you were more than sorry. It broke your heart and shattered it into pieces. 
"You won't do me another mission like this. Mai più, capito?" (Never again, understand?) she said insistently. Her arms broke free from you and crossed over her crumpled pink scrubs, expertly starting to pout. "Se lo fai di nuovo, ti uccido io stesso" (If you do it again, I'll kill you personally)
That it was your last police operations for the time being, which you would do in the next few weeks, was more than clear to you. But you did not care. The most important thing you had to worry about now was your wife, whom you had neglected for weeks, and your health.
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loveforneteyam · 2 years
hii! can i please request a neteyam x reader oneshot where reader is really insecure about her personality and afraid that he’s going to, one day, grow tired of her. she eventually expresses her feelings and neteyam is a little hurt and confused and reassures her. something like angst -> fluff. thank you! hoping this is ok. <3
❝love through anything❞ ( neteyam suli )
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summary: neteyam loves you through your greatest insecurities. pairing: neteyam x omaticaya!reader wordcount: 1.9k contains: slight angst, mentions of insecurities, self-deprecation, hearing voices/feeling crazy, jealousy, teyam's a little idiot, fluffy ending notes: aww this request is sweet! i just know that neteyam would be so oblivious to the reader's feelings, but once she expressed them, he'd be so comforting. the part in the italics is a separate voice in the reader's head!
ma syulang : my flower
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"I will see you tonight, ma syulang," Neteyam whispered to you with his lips still firmly placed on your forehead, connecting the two of you with a kiss. He swung his bow over his shoulder and around his back before leaving your hold.
You smiled sweetly, "Be careful, ma 'Teyam." He grinned as his friends pulled him away from you. Neteyam looked over his shoulder so his eyes could stay on yours until he was so deep into the forest you could no longer see his figure.
It would be another day without your lover. He was off with his father and the other hunters in the clan. As time passed, it became sooner and sooner that Neteyam would become olo'eyktan. He slowly gained more responsibilities and duties, meaning he had less time for you.
Nonetheless, you would support him through anything. No matter how far he seemed to be or how long he was away, he carried his heart in your hands and you carried his.
You exited the village with an empty basket tucked underneath your arm. Since you had more time to yourself, you'd recently taken up small walks into the forest by yourself. As a child, you were not permitted to wander about the forest alone, so you had never seen the true beauty of your home. Now that you were older, you could appreciate Pandora's beauty. There were plenty of flowers that you'd pick by the stem, the animal life fascinated you, and there were a few times where you stayed out past eclipse when the plant life around you illuminated the night.
Sometimes, Kiri would accompany you on your walks; she had a beautiful connection to the nature of the forest. However, she had also been busy recently as the new protege of Mo'at, the Tsahik.
You were, unfortunately, alone today. You sang a sweet melody to yourself as a few elders said goodbye. Although you valued your alone time, it was also an opportunity for dark thoughts in your head to overwhelm you.
It's been harder without him lately, the voice said to you. The village was far behind you now. Maybe he doesn't feel the same anymore.
"Shut up!" You whispered. If anyone else heard you talking to yourself like this, you'd surely be called crazy. Even though...you did feel a little bit crazy.
Think about it. You found a small clearing of trees, where a spacious area of grass was adorned with small flowers. Why won't he spend time with you anymore?
"Neteyam is very busy now," you spoke out loud to the voice, kneeling on the forest floor and placing your basket next to your legs. You began to pluck an assortment of white, pink, and purple flowers from the ground. "He is to be olo'eyktan."
The various colors of the flowers complimented each other. "Perhaps I will make him another necklace." You said to yourself now.
Another necklace? Why would he want that? You groaned. The voice in your head was not yours. It was like a small demon lurking in the dark. You were most definitely losing your sanity. "Neteyam loved the necklace I gave him. He said he would never take it off, he wears it everyday."
You gently placed the flowers into your basket before reaching to pick more. Was he wearing it today? You froze. Your hand hovered above a pink flower as you retraced your thoughts to earlier that day when Neteyam said goodbye. You were trying so hard to remember that your head began to hurt.
And then the picture came to your mind. Neteyam, your sweet boy, kissed you on your forehead. You watched him as he was walking away and...there was no flower necklace around his neck.
You could feel your heart slowly beginning to crack, but you brushed off the thoughts before you completely split in two. "That's enough," you said, moving away from the pink flower.
You annoy him, it's so obvious.
This time, you did not respond to the voice. You stayed silent as you picked up your basket and made your way back to the village. Thankfully, the voice did not speak again.
You decided to take a different route back to the village than the way you had gone earlier. Although this path was longer, and it was urgent to you that you return before Neteyam did so you could welcome him with open arms, it felt necessary to use the time to make sure the voice was completely gone.
So far, it had just been you alone in the forest--no voice, no Kiri, nobody. And even though your loneliness had been the root of your unhappiness lately, you enjoyed it at this moment.
Until you heard the murmurs of someone else's voice from a distance. You were convinced that you had completely lost your mind until you saw the figure of a young Navi girl. Beside her was a Navi boy with braids that reached his shoulders. They sat side-by-side, their backs against the log of a fallen tree, and their bows thrown on the ground.
"Your father is so strict!" The girl giggled. You couldn't recognize her voice.
Are you willing to bet who that is? The voice returned, almost scaring you enough to let out a small gasp. "Shut up," you whispered, muffled by a collection of bushes and leaves.
The boy laughed along with her. "Yes, he can be a little much sometimes." You recognized that voice well. What was your Neteyam doing with a girl alone in the forest? Are you sure he's your Neteyam?
You refused to respond. Instead, you listened in even closer to them. "Don't listen to him," the girl looked at Neteyam with wide eyes and a smile that practically sparkled. She had small streaks of paint on her face--the marks of an Omaticaya hunter. "I thought you did very well, today."
"Thank you, Pemma," Neteyam chuckled, almost as if he was blushing. You recognized the girl as you heard him as say her name. Pemma was the same age as you, but you two were hardly similar. You were studying to become a healer and could never hurt a single soul; she was a fierce and tough warrior that made clean kills during hunts. "You are very skillful with a bow."
She smiled warmly. I was right, the voice spoke again. Look at how he's looking at her. "Would you leave me alone?" You whispered louder this time. Although neither of them noticed your voice, their ears slightly twitched like an instinct.
"Yes, but I could always use more practice," Pemma's voice practically dripped with want. Her eyes never left Neteyam's body. "Perhaps you can show me some tricks sometime?"
You could vomit collecting in your throat. Your hand whipped to cover your mouth to stop yourself from audibly gagging at the thought of your Neteyam being intimate with another girl.
As much as it hurt your heart, you continued to watch Neteyam and Pemma. He hesitated and laughed softly, "My father is a great warrior." Your Neteyam was so sweet and gentle, even when turning down another girl. "He would be a much better teacher."
Before you could hear her reply, which would've most likely been a sly remark about why she preferred Neteyam over Jake, you slipped away into the forest. Your footsteps were light as you neared the village. "See," you spoke to yourself. "Neteyam chooses me."
If that is what you think...
For the first time that day, it was peacefully silent in your tent. The rest of your family was busy with their duties, so you tended to yours by yourself. The voice you'd been hearing had disappeared, and you'd even managed to get any thoughts of Neteyam out of your head.
Until he appeared in the doorway with his soft smile that made your heart unfold.
"Ma syulang," he cooed when he saw you sitting on the floor like a child with a collection of flowers splayed out in front of you. Your fingers had been weaving them into a small necklace.
You smiled warmly, "Ma 'Teyam," as he sat down across from you. "You're safe." You pretended like you hadn't seen him earlier.
He took three flowers into his hands and held them in his palm, before taking the thin stems and knotting them together so they were interlinked. Just like you had taught him. "How was your day?"
"Good," you lied through your teeth, looking back down to your flowers. All of a sudden, you remembered exactly what the voice had said earlier. Another necklace? Why would he want that? You avoided Neteyam's loving gaze, igniting a spark of concern in his heart.
You did not feel the urge to finish the flower necklace as the dark emotions began to take over your mind. "Ma (y/n)?" he reached you to you, placing his hand on top of yours. "Are you alright?"
There was not much else to do except to lie or to tell him the truth. What would happen if you told him the truth? Would he feel annoyed? Would he even care? Neteyam loved you very much, it was unfair to doubt his feelings for you...but you'd rather leave him alone than make him irritated with your stupid insecurities.
With a long silence as your answer, he set the flowers down and moved closer to you. "What is wrong?"
You tried to look away as if it would help you avoid the conversation, but it was clear that Neteyam would not leave without an honest answer. "You love me," you began, and Neteyam nodded without hesitation. "so you care about me?"
Neteyam laughed with a confused tone. "Of course, I care about you..."
"And you love me no matter what, right?"
His fingers held your chin and pushed your head up so yours eyes met his. Neteyam's heart broke when he saw tears were just barely holding themselves from falling. "Ma syulang..." he caressed your cheek. "I will always love you."
Your bottom lip quivered, "I feel like a bother." A tear fell down your cheek, and Neteyam's own eyes began to water. "I do not want to annoy you...you are to be olo'eyktan, you have your duties. You have to focus! You don't have time to worry about me."
"(y/n), I will always worry about you if I need to."
The voice's words still repeated in your head. "I just don't want to become a problem."
"Oh, ma (y/n)," his arms swooped in and wrapped around you, pulling your head to his chest so his head sat on top of yours. His thumb gently rubbed over your hair. Neteyam quietly shushed you as you started to cry. "You will never bother me. You will never be a problem. My heart belongs to you, I will always be here for you."
"Why didn't you wear the necklace?" You motioned to his neck. You felt stupid for bringing this up at such a moment.
His hand reached the naked area around his neck. "I...didn't want to tell you. I felt awful," he said. "I lost it while hunting yesterday. Ask my father, I spent hours trying to find it. I was going to ask you to make me another one?"
You nodded, "Of course, 'Teyam, all you need is to ask."
"I will never take it off or lose it again. I love you, ma (y/n), I will do anything for you."
You broke the embrace to look at his eyes again. Beautiful, golden eyes that never failed to comfort you. "Do you promise?"
With a smile, Neteyam wrapped his pinky finger around yours. It was a silly trick that his father had brought with him from Earth, and now, Neteyam carried it on with you. "I promise," his lips met yours with a sweet, heartfelt kiss.
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stargirlrchive · 2 years
folklore: this is me trying ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ folklore masterlist
summary: widowed!jake sully x female!reader, no use of y/n, angst, marriage of convenience, jake being mean? but he is a grieving boy!, mentions of death, TW!! it is not explicitly mentioned in this chapter but in this series it is eluded to death during childbirth, it might be mentioned later on, but i will do my best to not go into too much detail
word count: 1,898
sempul (n) - father ; sa’nok (n) - mother
‘ite (n) - daughter ; ‘itan (n) - son
comments: hi honeys, i am really excited about this series, i hope you enjoy it as much as i do. that being said, with what i mentioned in the summary, if anything seems like it will be too hard of a read, pls skip past this, your mental health is far more important! but i will do my best to not dive deep into the topic. but ok tysm, love you all!! byeeee mwaaaah ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
next ✩
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- pandora, omitikaya forest, 2162 -
You swallowed roughly when you felt a lump form at your throat, desperately trying not to cry as the tears swelled your eyes. How did you end up in this situation? Why was Eywa punishing you this way? “When we mate-I do not wish to create Tsaheylu. That was reserved for Neytiri and I.”
Jake’s words continued to echo in your mind, “What?”
You could feel the frustration seeping out of him, tense and angry, as if what he said made perfect sense and you just didn’t understand. It was not fair, not to you and he knew it. “You-that is taking so much from me.” Your bottom lip quivered, it felt like someone had shoved a piping hot metal down your throat. “I understand we do not love each other, but-but this is something we look forward to our whole life and you will not even give me the courtesy of mating with me properly? Hold no true loyalty to me, nor I to you?”
Your tears began to fall in the next instant, bursting out as you refrained from holding back and sobbing loudly. Mo’at had come to both of you separately, informing you that Eywa had called upon her after the passing of Neytiri. The Great Mother wanted your path to cross with the Olo’eyktan.
Jake’s ears felt hot as they pressed down flat against his head, he was angry. Angry that the world had taken his mate from him, angry that the clan was forcing him to move on, angry that you did not understand where he was coming from. Besides his four children, there would never be anyone he loved more than Neytiri.
The thought of bearing his soul to you was too much, he would not risk his heart again. “I love Neytiri, you and I-we don't love each other, you said it yourself. I would never disrespect her by giving that part of myself to anyone else.”
He was being mean, he knew it too. “Many words have been used to describe you, but no one ever said you were mean. You are being cruel.”
Jake let out a deep breath, eyes starting to leak tears of frustration as he watched you cave in on yourself. You were mourning your future, what could have been for you, what you were never going to have.
“I had to let you know before this continued any further. Eywa has given us signs, I will respect her wishes and treat you with dignity as my wife, the kids-they love you. Neytiri loved you. And I am sorry I cannot give you a life filled with love but I can protect you. I will stand beside you through every moment.”
You said nothing, heart heavy with grief. “I know it is a lot to ask, but I need your help. Please.”
Your eyes caught Jake’s, tear stains down his face and as he pleaded with you, begging you. “You understand I will be giving my life to you. Depriving myself to find someone who loves me?”
Jake’s ears turned downwards, still pressed tightly against his head and he felt the guilt web it’s way through his entire body. He felt the rejection coming and he did not blame you. It was not a fair trade, he got a wife to look over his kids, care for him and his family and you got a love-less union, being upheld for appearance sake only.
Your throat dried up as he stayed silent, tears never ending from your eyes as they flowed down to your neck and chest.
“I’m trying, look-I cannot do that to Neytiri. I have never loved someone so deeply, when she and I promised ourselves to each other it was because we both knew that was right. We both knew we were meant to be by one another’s side-and creating Tsaheylu with you, it would rob the sentiment because we do not love each other, you said it yourself. I-I do not know how to phrase that gently, I do not wish to hurt you, only to be honest.”
There was a beat of silence, it was so defining that Jake's ears started to ring uncomfortably. You owed so much of the person you were to Neytiri and because of that you would not let her children suffer, “I will do it.”
Jake’s head snapped up, fear and gratitude on full display for you to see, your eyes had concealed themselves, your stare was cold and devoid, resignation as you came to terms with your future. “How will we go about this? I-” You paused and let out a breath through your nose, “I cannot stand in front of the clan and lie, celebrate as if this is normal, or joyous.”
You grumbled out quietly, “Feels like a death sentence.”
If Jake heard your last comment, he said nothing. His brain was still trying to process you agreeing to do this, why you would, he does not know.
It was as if you were reading his mind, “I am doing this for the children only. I know Neytiri would want someone to raise her kids, she would never want them to lack the love of a mother. And although I am not one, I loved Neytiri as if she were my sister, and for that the kids will never not know kindness from me.”
Jake’s shoulder sagged with relief, the last few months had been so very hard. He was trying to be a good father and help his oldest three process their grief while trying to not let his own swallow him whole.
You felt so nauseous, something swirling in the pit of your stomach trying to force its way up your throat. This was too much, too raw for you to accept. You pitied yourself but pitied the man before you even more. Jake’s throat felt rough, as if someone had forced sand down his mouth, “I will announce that we have mated at tomorrow's feast, that it happened the night prior.”
Your eyes dilated in fear, “You want me to leave with you tonight?”
“It is the only way I can think of to get Mo’at to stop pressing us. If they know we plan to mate, then they will watch our every move.”
Jake was trying to be sympathetic, trying not to be mean but he needed everyone to get off his case. He needed to start healing from the pain that leaked into every aspect of his life from the second Neytiri was taken from him. And he was right, you were tired of the sympathetic looks being sent your way as you walked by.
Everyone in the clan knew of the love Neytiri and Jake held for each other, you never stood a chance. The whispers were the worst of it, and at times you wondered if it was true. You wondered if Eywa had truly turned her back on you.
“Fine. I wish to let my parents know, they will not expect my sudden departure.”
Your voice and face were void of any emotion, cold as if the flicker within you had died, Jake felt the guilt embed into his soul. Everything he touched burnt out, fizzled and turned to ash. But he would not let that happen to his children, he would not let them feel the loss of a mother and your love for Neytiri drove the both of you to put your feelings aside.
Jake was about to thank you, as much as he did not want this he knew this was a larger sacrifice for you. The words were on the tip of his tongue but he watched your body go rigid as the tent entrance was thrown open. Your mother and father had walked in, followed by all of your younger siblings. The happy chatter died as they saw their oldest daughter and the Olo’ekytan in their family home.
Small streaks of tears down your face instantly put your parents on edge but your father turned to Jake to greet him properly. “Olo’eyktan Sully, how are you?”
Jake's fingers reached his forehead, head tilted downward as his hand extended forward, “I am doing well, and yourself?”
The small talk ensued as you stood by the corner of your home, trying your best to avoid your mother’s concerned gaze. “‘Ite, what is the Olo’eyktan doing in our hut?”
Jake tensed up, fear gripping at his throat as he watched you with careful eyes, he was not sure if you would be able to do it. Lie to your family, from what he had gathered from Neytiri you all had a close bond, even more so after your sister Zewlay was killed by the RDA.
“Sempul-Sa’nok, Jake and I-” You paused, trying to force the words out of your mouth. Jake cut in quickly as he saw your form begin to shake, his legs making quick work as he crossed the tent to you, stiffly wrapping an arm around you to keep you up.
“Your daughter and I have mated before Eywa.”
Those eight words sealed your future and it was deathly quiet besides the gasp that left your mothers mouth as your eyes pooled with tears. “Oh ‘ite! I am very happy for you both.”
The tears fell from your eyes instantly, “Thank you, Sa’nok.”
Your mother instantly pulled you out of Jake’s hold, engulfing her arms around you as your body shook, “Why the tears my sweet girl?” Her voice dropped quietly as she whispered into your ear, “Are you not happy with the union?”
You pulled away from her, eyes jumping to your fathers as she wiped at the tear stains. Confusion evident in his gaze,“No-no I am just sad to be leaving you all. I just do not wish for you or Ma’Sempul to be angry with me.”
Your father said nothing, still trying to process what your mate had said. After a short while he slowly made his way to Jake, your fathers head was held high as he kept eye contact with him. Jake would not be shocked if your father would have strangled him, he was eerily quiet as he approached him, “Take care of my daughter, ‘itan.”
Relief flooded your system, eyes drifting towards Jake’s and you gave him a small nod, reassuring him all was well. “We must celebrate! Let me call on Mo’at and begin the preparations.”
Your mother stilled and confusion littered her features, “Sorry Ma’, Jake and I do not want such a fuss over us. That is why our union was kept for just the two of us. He will announce it during tomorrow's communal feast and that is all.”
Your mother was about to protest but your father removed her from you, “If that is what you wish ‘ite.”
You nodded swiftly, moving towards Jake as you refrained from tensing up again, “Yes-I will pack some things and leave tonight.”
Your family was happy for you, they knew with the Olo’eyktan by your side you will always be loved and protected by the clan. “May your union prosper against all odds. Though we know the Great Mother makes no mistakes.” They could not have wanted anyone better to love you, oh how wrong they were.
“Thank you, Sa’nok.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
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‘awlie [ʔaw.ˈli.ɛ] adv. once (in the past)
Anonymous Request: Maybe one with reader who was an avatar that did the consciousness transfer and while moving some of her stuff from the lab to stay with the clan, Neteyam finds a picture of her with an ex boyfriend that she's kept and thinks that maybe she still likes human men or that maybe he's unattractive/ugly to her?
1,680 words
Even though I was used to being in this body, I was only used to being in it in a temporary sense. There was always a deadline, and when I closed my eyes, I would wake up in my human body.
Now, when I close my eyes, I stay here, in this avatar, as one of the Na'vi. I know I'm lucky to be one of the few who even has an avatar, and one of the even fewer to pass through the eye of Ewya and return.
Watching my human form be lowered into the ground and buried was... weird. It was exactly like attending my own funeral, and it felt like I should be mourning, but instead, I was rejoicing.
I was ready to be one of The People, to live in Home Tree, to learn everything I possibly could with the new hours in the day I'd been given. To spend every spare moment with Neteyam.
There were just a few things I needed from the lab first, and Neteyam had graciously offered to come along.
I couldn't bring much with me, but there was a journal I wanted, and a small photo album with pictures my parents had brought from earth.
It was a quick trip, in and out, and as we exited the lab, Neteyam flipped carefully through the photo book that was dwarfed by his hands. He asked me questions about my parents, our family back on earth, and as he turned near the last page, a picture fell on the ground.
It was of me and David, years ago as teenagers together in the lab, our arms around each other's shoulders, smiling at the camera.
He stopped walking, and handed it to me.
I took it and smiled. David and I hadn't spoken in a while, especially since I'd met Neteyam, but it was nice to see the picture; he'd been my only friend for a long time, and something more than that for a little while, but we'd been better off as friends in the end.
"This is David. We grew up together, in the lab. We sort of dated for a while, too. He's really nice, you'd like him."
Neteyam handed me the photo album, and I tucked it away in the back.
I extended my hand to him, and he took it. "Ready?"
He smiled at me. "Ready."
Though it was an evening of celebration, welcoming Y/N as one of the people with food, drink, music and dancing, Neteyam had something weighing on him.
He could not get the picture of Y/N and David out of his mind. He tried to remember if she had ever mentioned him before, but it didn't seem that she had.
Why had she smiled so fondly at that picture? Where was David now? Did she miss her human life, was she having regrets about leaving her human body behind?
If David was still in the picture, would she have chosen differently? Was Neteyam a second choice behind someone he didn't even know?
He knew he was being foolish, but there wasn't anything he could do to stop it. Y/N had given up an entire human life for him, and for his people, but he could not shake the feeling he got when she had taken that picture gently into her hands and smiled.
She pulled him away from his thoughts to join in on a dance together, but he still felt uneasy.
Eventually, I felt a little overwhelmed with the celebration. It had been going on for hours, and even though it was in my honor, I still needed to get away - just for a few minutes.
I pulled Neteyam from the dancing, up through home tree, to the large, embroidered hammock we were now sharing together. Even though we were not mated yet, there was really no need for us to live separately, not when we would be finding our way to each other every night anyway.
Sitting down, I pulled Neteyam down with me, and took his hands into mine.
"Tell me what's bothering you, and I swear to god, if you say nothing-"
Neteyam cut me off, "David."
I leaned back, wrinkling my brow. "David? My ex-boyfriend David?"
He leaned over, grabbing the photo album where it lay. He flipped right to the back, and pulled out the photo of me and David, handing it over to me.
Holding it tightly in my hand, I looked up at him.
"Did this upset you? That I have this?"
He shook his head. "No, I... wonder if you feel like you made a mistake."
A little jealously, I could understand - after all, a lot of men would be bothered if their woman kept a picture of herself and an ex around. But he thought I was regretting my life choices?
That was absurd.
"You mean, choosing to stay as one of The People?"
He looked to the side, clearly a little embarrassed. "Choosing us. Choosing, um, me."
I tried my very hardest not to laugh. It started as a small smile, and then it spread, and even though I was trying my best not to laugh, a little bit of a chuckle escaped.
"Oh, Neteyam, I'm sorry!" I got onto my knees, crawling forward towards him, putting my hands on his shoulders. "It's just, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! You don't realize that I fell in love with you the first time we met? And I thought I was being ridiculous, that you could never love me, you could never choose some Sky Person to be your mate and... and the first time you held my hand. Well, hold on."
Along with the photo album, I'd brought a journal of my last few years on Pandora. I flipped through until I found the page I was looking for, and began to read aloud.
"I went on a hunt today, for the first time. I didn't catch anything but, it was still really fun, and Neteyam was really patient with me. On the way back, he held my hand. I can't describe how happy it made me. I never thought he would think of me that way, but he squeezed my hand before we said goodbye, and it almost seemed like he wanted to kiss me."
I flipped a few pages forward.
"I told Neteyam I love him today, and he said it back! I can't believe it. I don't understand what I could have done to deserve this. I feel happy all the time. I dream about him at night, and I think about him first thing when I wake up. I have never felt like this before. Holy shit, I'm so in love."
A few more pages. I was too nervous to look up at Neteyam now.
"Tonight, I'm going to ask Ewya to allow me to live out the rest of my days in my Avatar. It feels really strange, knowing this could be my last day as a human. I feel sad, in a way. I think I'd feel more sad if mom and dad were alive, but it feels like Neteyam and his family are my family now. He hasn't asked me to be his mate but, I think he might want that. Either way, I know I belong with The People. I hope I don't fucking die."
I closed the book, and handed it to him, finally finding the courage to look into his eyes. "It's all in here, Neteyam. David was a friend, but I certainly wouldn't have given my life up for him. And, to be honest, I didn't do it just for you. I feel like I belong here. I feel really happy. And I can't imagine my life any other way."
Neteyam stared at me, his mouth hanging open slightly, his eyes a little misty. Finally, he reached out and put his hand on my cheek, and I leaned into his touch.
"I do want you to be my mate, Y/N. I didn't want to... overwhelm you, by asking too soon."
This time, I didn't have to try and stifle the laugh that rose quickly in my throat and out past my lips. "Neteyam! If you had asked me the day we met, I might have said yes." I grabbed the journal from his hands, and opened it to one of the first pages. I handed it back to him. "Read it. Out loud."
He rolled his eyes, but brought the small journal close to his face. "I met the Sully family today. Neytiri and Jake are intense, but the kids are all so nice. Kiri is my age, Neteyam just a few months older, and I hope I get to see them again. Especially Neteyam. He's so handsome, and so strong... I have a massive crush on him. Obviously nothing could ever happen, with me being human but, wow. I've never met anyone so incredible."
I took it from his hands before he could read anything more embarrassing than that. He playfully tried to get it back, but I held it behind my back and as he leaned over, captured him in a kiss.
He relaxed, giving up chase, and wrapped his arms around me.
"Do you see now, how much I have always loved you?" I whispered when I pulled away.
He pressed another quick, chaste kiss to my lips. "I should never have doubted you. If I had a... what do you call this?"
With no word in his language for it, I told him, "Journal."
"If I had a journal, and I had written about the day we'd met... I would have written that my life changed that day. That I met the most beautiful woman on the planet, and my brother had teased me that night that I was going to try to mate with a Sky Woman. And he was right."
I sighed. "I wish you had a journal."
He laughed. "Me too."
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
The Volturi kings meeting reader who is a deep sea mermaid and is just amazed because she didn’t know there was more than just the dark ocean she lived in
❝curiosity killed the cat or mermaid in this case❞
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✭ pairing : volturi kings x mermaid reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is what’s known as a mermaid, an mythical creature that humans believed to be made up fairytale stories. Her clan always warned her to never wander to close to the oceans surface for bad things happen to mermaids who do, if only she had listened.
✭ authors note : I already pre wrote this story in my head from when I seen this request :) the first twilight masterlist got filled up so I made another
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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(Y/N) was a mermaid unlike any other in her clan. While her fellow merfolk were content with their deep-sea existence, she had an insatiable curiosity about the world above the ocean's surface. The shimmering sunlight that filtered down from the top always fascinated her, casting dancing patterns of light in the depths where she lived.
However, (Y/N) had been warned time and time again by her clan about the dangers that lurked near the surface. They spoke of mysterious creatures that roamed the shallows, perilous storms that could send a mermaid spiraling into the abyss, and humans who were relentless in their pursuit of the underwater world.
Despite the warnings, her desire to explore the surface world only grew stronger with each passing day. She spent her free moments studying the patterns of light, listening to the songs of seagulls above, and dreaming of what lay beyond the boundary that separated her from the surface.
One fateful day, her curiosity became too powerful to resist. She decided to venture closer to the surface than she ever had before, her heart pounding with excitement and trepidation. She swam upwards, her tail gliding effortlessly through the water, until she found herself dangerously close to the surface.
As she breached the water's edge and her head broke through to the surface, (Y/N) marveled at the world above. The sensation of the sun warming her skin was unlike anything she had ever experienced. The world was different up here—vast, open, and filled with colors she had never seen in her underwater realm.
But her joy was short-lived. Just as she was about to dive back down to the safety of her underwater home, a sudden, painful tug on her tail sent shockwaves of fear through her. She struggled against an unseen force, but it was too late. (Y/N) had been captured in a fishing net.
Panicking, she thrashed and twisted in the net's grasp, but it held her firmly. Her heart pounded in her chest as she realized the gravity of her situation. She had ventured too close to the surface, and now she was at the mercy of whatever creature had ensnared her.
As the moon hung high in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the Volturi's ancient castle, Ronaldo, the traveling Norman vampire, stood before the imposing gates, seeking an audience with the Volturi leaders. His request had been granted, and now he wheeled a large, water-filled tank into the dimly lit chamber where the Volturi convened.
The room was shrouded in shadows, and the Volturi leaders, Aro, Caius, and Marcus, sat upon their thrones, their crimson eyes piercing the darkness. (Y/N), curled up in the tank, shimmered like a moonlit pearl in the dim light, her beauty and strangeness taking the Volturi by surprise.
Aro, the most enigmatic of the three leaders, leaned forward, his eyes fixated on the captive mermaid. "What do we have here?" he inquired, his voice dripping with curiosity.
Ronaldo, ever the salesman, grinned and began to recount the legends of mermaids from human lore. He spoke of their captivating beauty, their ethereal songs that lured sailors to their doom, and the countless tales of their existence. His storytelling skills were as smooth as his negotiations, and he had the Volturi leaders captivated.
"What is it you desire in exchange for this extraordinary creature?" Aro asked, his gaze never leaving (Y/N).
Ronaldo's eyes gleamed with a mixture of desperation and cunning. "My freedom," he replied without hesitation. "I know you have been hunting me for my past transgressions against your kind. I will hand over the mermaid to you in exchange for my release."
Aro's fingers steepled in thought as he considered the offer. He was intrigued by the prospect of possessing such a rare and mystical creature, and Ronaldo's freedom seemed a small price to pay. "Very well," he agreed. "We have a deal."
Ronaldo breathed a sigh of relief, his gamble having paid off. He knew that his own fate had been hanging by a thread, and the mermaid had become his lifeline.
Once the transaction was completed, Ronaldo left the chamber, the tank left ominously behind him. Unbeknownst to him, Aro had no intention of letting him escape unscathed. The Volturi had their reputation to uphold, and no one defied them without consequences.
After Ronaldo had left the castle, Aro gave a sinister smile. He turned to his loyal guards, Demetri and Felix, and issued a chilling command. "Follow him. Ensure he doesn't make it far. Oh and make sure Ronaldo does not survive his very unfortunate…accident.”
With unwavering obedience, Demetri and Felix departed, their dark forms disappearing into the night as they set out to fulfill Aro's orders, leaving the fate of Ronaldo and the mermaid hanging in the balance.
As the realization dawned that (Y/N) was scared, Marcus, the most taciturn of the Volturi leaders, spoke up, his voice carrying a hint of empathy. "She's terrified," he observed, his eyes focused on the mermaid's curled-up form in the tank.
Aro, however, was not one to be deterred by fear. He was determined to have the mermaid as part of his collection, and her fear was an obstacle he intended to overcome. "Fear won't do," he declared, his voice commanding.
With a flick of his hand, he summoned some of the lowly guards that stood nearby. "Fix up the garden," Aro ordered them. "Prepare a suitable place for our new acquisition."
The guards hurriedly obeyed, scurrying to the Volturi's garden. There, they prepared a large, elegantly designed pond, its waters reflecting the pale moonlight. Once the garden was to Aro's satisfaction, they wheeled the tank containing (Y/N) to the pond's edge and carefully lowered it in.
As soon as the tank was submerged in the saltwater pond, (Y/N) sensed her opportunity for escape. She wasted no time and swiftly swam out of the tank, her lithe form disappearing into the depths of the pond. Her mermaid instincts guided her, and she found solace in the cool, familiar embrace of the saltwater.
Aro, not one to be outwitted, addressed (Y/N) directly, his thoughts projecting into her mind. "Dear mermaid, I mean you no harm. We merely seek your company and your unique presence." His words were accompanied by a sensation of reassurance and curiosity.
But (Y/N) was not easily swayed. Her instincts and her fear of the unknown prevailed. She refused to heed Aro's words, choosing to stay hidden at the pond's bottom, her tail camouflaged among the aquatic plants.
Aro's efforts to cloak her presence and win her trust proved fruitless, and he could only watch as the enigmatic mermaid remained hidden from sight, her secrets and her destiny her own to protect.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/N) found herself settled in the Volturi's garden, beneath the moonlit sky, surrounded by the grandeur of the ancient castle. The kings of the Volturi had made it a habit to visit her, each with their own approach to her peculiar presence.
Aro, ever the strategist, was persistent in his attempts to communicate with her. He visited the pond regularly, his thoughts reaching out to her. "Dear mermaid," he would say, "I am genuinely curious about your kind. Do you have a name?"
However, (Y/N) remained steadfast in her silence. Her oceanic gaze remained fixed on the pond's depths, her secrets guarded by her enigmatic presence.
Caius, on the other hand, was a man of few words. He would visit the pond and simply stare at her for hours. His crimson eyes bore into her, and she could feel the weight of his scrutiny. There was an intensity about him that sent shivers down her spine, but he never spoke a word to her.
It was Marcus, the third and often overlooked leader of the Volturi, who approached (Y/N) in a different manner. He would sit quietly nearby, bringing books from his extensive library. He read out loud to her, his deep voice resonating through the garden.
The books he chose were tales of ancient love and legends of the sea, and he read them with a melancholic grace. He didn't ask questions or seek answers, but his presence was a soothing one. It was as if he understood the mermaid's need for companionship, even if it was only in the form of his voice.
As the nights passed, (Y/N) grew accustomed to the routine of her existence within the Volturi's garden. The vampire kings' visits were as mysterious as they were intriguing, and the ancient castle held more secrets than she could fathom. Yet, she remained a silent enigma, her presence a source of fascination and curiosity for the Volturi leaders.
A month had passed since (Y/N) had been captured by the Volturi, and her time in their garden had settled into a peculiar rhythm. She had grown accustomed to the vampire kings' visits, and although she remained mostly silent, their presence had become a strange sort of companionship.
On this particular evening, as Marcus sat beside the pond with a book in his hands, (Y/N) decided to break her silence. The book in question was an archaeology tome, filled with intricate details about ancient civilizations and their mysterious ruins.
Curiosity had finally gotten the best of her, and she swam up to the surface of the pond, her azure eyes fixed on Marcus. "What is that book about?" she asked, her voice a melodious echo.
Marcus turned to her, his eyes holding a hint of surprise. It was the first time she had spoken in his presence. "It's a book about archaeology," he replied in his deep, soothing voice. "It delves into the mysteries of ancient civilizations and their remarkable ruins."
Intrigued, (Y/N) pressed further. "Tell me more," she urged.
With a nod, Marcus closed the book and set it aside. "This book, in particular, discusses the Mayan ruins of the Holy Land. The Mayans were a fascinating civilization, known for their advanced knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, and intricate city planning."
As he spoke, (Y/N) listened with rapt attention, her curiosity piqued by the wealth of knowledge Marcus possessed. The world of the surface, so distant and unknown to her, seemed to hold countless wonders waiting to be explored, and the vampire's words painted vivid images in her mind.
For the first time since her capture, (Y/N) felt a spark of connection, not just to the vampire before her, but to the world above the surface, a world of ancient civilizations and untold stories waiting to be discovered.
The next day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Aro paid his customary visit to the garden. He approached the pond with his usual air of intrigue, expecting the same silent presence from the mermaid.
But as he drew near, (Y/N) surprised him by speaking. Her voice was soft and tinged with a hint of curiosity. "You are back," she said, her eyes fixed on him.
Aro, taken aback by her words, responded in kind, "And you are speaking."
They sat in a brief, somewhat awkward silence, both processing the unexpected turn of events. Aro's fascination with the mermaid had only grown since her arrival, and now her ability to communicate added another layer of intrigue.
After a moment, (Y/N) felt compelled to break the silence once more. She hesitated for a moment before finally revealing, "My name is (Y/N)."
Aro's crimson eyes studied her, a faint smile touching his lips as he absorbed this newfound information. "It is a pleasure to finally know your name, (Y/N)," he replied.
But before any further conversation could unfold, (Y/N) suddenly felt a wave of shyness wash over her. Without another word, she swung her tail and gracefully slipped beneath the surface of the pond, disappearing into the depths once more, leaving Aro alone by the water's edge, pondering the enigma that was the mermaid named (Y/N).
As the moonlight cast a silvery glow over the Volturi's garden, (Y/N) found herself seated on a large rock by the pond. Her mermaid tail glistened as she meticulously cleaned it, her slender fingers running through the scales with care.
Caius, drawn by his usual fascination with the mysterious mermaid, had come to watch her again. He approached her quietly, his crimson eyes fixed on her as he observed her delicate task. But this time, a pressing question weighed on his mind.
"How did you get captured by a coward like Ronaldo?" Caius asked, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity and disdain.
(Y/N) paused in her task, her gaze shifting to meet Caius's piercing stare. She took a deep breath before answering, "My clan has always warned us not to venture too close to the surface. But my curiosity got the best of me, and I swam higher than I should have. That's when Ronaldo captured me."
Caius listened intently to her explanation, his features impassive. He, too, had a sense of disdain for Ronaldo, but he was more interested in understanding (Y/N)'s perspective.
"Do you ever miss your clan?" he asked, the question surprisingly gentle.
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes momentarily clouded with sadness. "Every day," she admitted softly. "I miss the deep ocean and the songs of my kin."
Caius, for all his coldness, seemed to sense the depth of her longing. He didn't press further but simply nodded in understanding. With that, he turned and left the garden, leaving (Y/N) to her quiet contemplation by the pond, as the mysteries of her past and her future continued to intertwine with the enigmatic world of the Volturi.
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luchicm04 · 4 months
You will forever be my always
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Summary: It's been months, and he's still obsessed.
Pairing: Tonowari/Omatikaya!Fem Reader
Word count: 4.7k
Overall warnings: teasing, hurt/comfort, implied character death, fluff, mourning, edging, eventual smut⚠️
All characters belong to Avatar, and all rights are reserved to me.
A/N: This is my second original fic. English is not my mother language so if I have many spelling mistakes, please let me know. Hope you liked it <3
posted on ao3
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Tonowari had been heartbroken, years back, when his mate had died during childbirth. Both Ronal and her baby died at the same hour. The clan grieved the loss of their Tsahìk; Tsireya and Aonung grieved the loss of their mother; Tonowari grieved for his mate and lost baby. 
That was a long time ago, 4 years back. Tonowari’s grief came to a halt the moment he met you, the eldest Sully sibling, allowing your family to stay. 
“You there. Sully child,” he called out to you, waving you over. 
“Yes, Olo’eyktan. What is it?” 
He gestured for you to follow. You noticed the other Na’vi staring as you passed by. He led you inside the chieftain’s marui. There, he shut the door-like fabric and sighed. 
“Come here.” 
“Is there something wrong?” you asked. 
Not saying anything else, the Olo’eyktan closed the distance between you two. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. Before you could speak, your lips were captured by the chief’s. 
You stood there for a moment until you snapped out of it and moved away from him. “W-what are you doing?!” 
He didn’t move, his arms still wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. He finally spoke. His tone was harsh, but not mean. More pleading than anything else. 
“Give me a chance.” 
“What do you mean? A chance...?” you questioned, bewildered and still shocked from what had happened before. 
Tonowari let one of his arms slide. The hand he had on your waist was slowly placed around your back, pulling you even closer to him before his hand started to move upward. Instinctively, your eyes closed halfway and went to look at the floor, blushing. 
“A chance at happiness. Let me make you happy.” 
“But... I don’t understand, you...” 
He stopped his hand from continuing the path it was making and sighed, trying to keep himself composed, hoping for your cooperation. Hoping for your understanding. With another movement, both his hands went to your waist again, holding you firmly. 
“Look at me, please.” 
You looked up at him hesitantly. His eyes held a lot of feelings you couldn’t decipher. 
Tonowari’s hands tightened around your waist a little bit more. A hand lifted itself to your chin, raising your head as he stared straight in your eyes. 
“Let me love you. I’ve waited and searched far and wide for someone like you. Someone who understands the grief of losing their partner, of losing someone precious to their life. I see that person in you.” 
You stared at him in surprise. “How did you know...?” 
He smiled at your confusion. It was obvious he was getting through to you. He finally spoke again, still gripping your chin to keep you looking at him. 
“A person’s eyes speak volumes. There is so much pain in yours, and I know how you feel. The only way to make it better is to allow someone to ease it for you.” 
“Tonowari, I... I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” you whispered, half scared and half anxious. 
His grip on your chin tightened. He leaned closer to you, until only mere inches separated your bodies. His hands slowly started to wander to your hips. 
“Let me make you ready.” 
You gazed at him. His gorgeous ocean-blue eyes, his splendid tattoos decorating his face... He was undeniable beautiful. The truth is that he caught your attention from the moment you saw him the day your family got here, but he always seemed so untouchable, so intimidating and serious. Not that it didn’t stop you from having sinful thoughts for several nights though. 
His hand moved further down from your hips and up to your back again as he continued to pull you towards him. Tonowari then let go of your chin, moving his other hand towards your neck with his thumb rubbing circles over your skin as his face moved closer to yours. Your breaths became heavier the moment your lips almost touched each other. 
“W-wait... what i-if someone sees us?” 
He chuckled, pulling you closer to his body. His hands traveled back to your hips again as he spoke. 
“Let them see. I am the Olo’eyktan. I can do what I want... and I want you.” 
“B-but... my parents, my siblings, your kids -” 
“Forget about them.” His grip tightened even more... to the point it almost felt like a pinch, though it may have just been his strength. “They’ll forget about it too once we are together. Once I make you mine for lifetimes to come.” 
You felt your heart would eventually burst out of your body with the speed it was beating. Suddenly, you could no longer think straight. The more you thought about Tonowari's words, the less you wanted to think at all. The amount of stress you had been subjected to for the last days had been crushing you. Your parents' expectations, the need to check on your brothers and sisters, the return of the sky people, the worry for spider, being forced out of your home and having to adapt to a new environment where its people did nothing to help you nor make you feel welcome. Even your past relationship, while sharing mutual affection, felt more like a duty to the people than a free choice. You no longer wanted to think about it. For once, you chose to be selfish. Tonowari was right there, declaring his feelings for you and after that simple proposal, your already dazed mind just snapped as you gave in and kissed him 
Tonowari was surprised when your lips pressed against his. Your kiss was passionate, hot, and most importantly, filled with emotion. This wasn’t just some innocent crush; this was a deep and meaningful need for each other. His hand slid up further, gripping your hair a little bit. His other hand slid back down, to your back again, as he pulled you closer, pressing you against his body. 
You couldn’t help that small moan that escaped from your mouth, but you no longer cared about being subtle. He had given his word that you would not be disturbed, and any rational thoughts you held on to had disappeared from your mind the second his skin touched yours. 
His hand moved to your side, where he scooped you up from your waist. His lips never left yours, the intense feeling of lust and love both being satisfied at the same time. His other hand slid down once more, and this time landed on your rear... holding you tightly against him. His breathing was heavy, but he didn’t care. He was ready to spend a lifetime of pleasure with you by his side. 
While this experience was extremely pleasurable to you, you were running out of air. He had no problem; he was Metkayina after all. They could hold on to their breaths for Eywa knows how long. However, despite having spent weeks in the clan, you were still learning. And the fact that this whole... everything had caught you by surprise didn’t help. Regretfully, you separated your lips from his and your breath came back in soft but hoarse gasps. 
He was breathing heavily as well, though not as much as you. His grip on your rear and back loosened slightly. He didn’t want to suffocate you. 
Tonowari stared at you with desire, his eyes flickering from your face to your body. He was about to say something when a knock was heard on the door. He growled low in his throat, annoyed at the interruption. 
You were equally upset, but the logical part of you told you that this was to be expected. He was the Olo’eyktan, the leader of the clan. If his people needed him, he should be always open to help in any way possible. After slightly regaining your composure, you moved away from him. “You should go see what they want. It could be something serious.” 
He nodded, his grip finally loosening fully. His face was flushed with adrenaline, and despite the fact that he was irritated at the interruption, he knew that you were right. He took a deep breath, walking over to the door and flapping it open. 
While he left to deal with whatever had happened, you silently just stood there. You began to feel a little uncomfortable with the passing minutes. He was standing right outside the door, but it still felt weird to be inside his home. Having nothing to do but wait, your eyes unintentionally began to wander around. You knew it was wrong to peek at his personal things, but you felt like it was okay. Sort of. After all, you both had been kissing just a little while ago. While looking around, you could see Tsireya and Aonung's separate pods. You imagined being part of the leader's family gave you such benefits. You also saw spears held in the walls, different tools and furnitures. Nevertheless, one object under a blanket caught your attention. A leather headpiece carved with a big seashell on its front. 
That headpiece was actually the symbol of the Tsahìk of a Metkayina clan. Tonowari had hidden it before you entered, as he didn't want you to see him as just a leader looking for a replacement, but as a man who loved and cared for you. 
After a few minutes, Tonowari eventually returned, shutting the door behind him. As he stepped inside, his eyes caught sight of you standing near his children's pods, staring at the headpiece in your hands. He slowly walked over to you. 
“Did this belong to the previous Tsahìk?” 
Tonowari’s eyes widened when you asked that. He didn’t expect you to recognize it as part of his clan’s tradition, and it was rarely used outside of ceremonies. 
With a nod, he replied with a soft tone. 
“Yes, it did. My mate, Ronal... she wore it during her time as Tsahìk. That is, until her death. Sadly, my children never had a chance to witness their mother rule as Tsahìk.” 
You hummed in understanding. It made sense for him to keep it. Ronal had been Tsahìk of the Metkayina and his mate for years. Still... 
Tonowari realized how you were staring at the headpiece, and how your eyes were still unmoving. He walked closer and picked it up, gently placing it on your head. A sign of him naming you the future Tsahìk. 
He spoke, his hands placing themselves on your hips. 
“If everything is alright with you, would you... come spend the night with me in my quarters? That is, if you wish to... become my life partner.” 
Although you had accepted Tonowari's previous offer, this was too much. Especially after spending time in his home. You suddenly realized how much you didn't belong in that picture. He had two children the same age as your brothers and sisters. He had had a loving mate who he still loved; you could see it the instant he looked at the headpiece. He had a life made up, and you weren't sure how you fit in it. “Tonowari, you can't just name me the Tsahìk of your clan. I'm only an outsider, and you already have Tsireya as Tsakarem. Besides, I haven't even finished my training.” 
Tonowari sighed softly, your rejection hitting hard. It hurt to see how you did not believe yourself to be a good match for him. He had thought that, perhaps, after all this time, you would grow to care for him and love him to the point where you would accept his office. He was wrong. 
He slowly removed the headpiece from your head, placing the ceremonial piece on its previous place. Then, he turned around, walking over to a bag hanging from the ceiling, opening it and rummaging around. 
You said nothing, hoping he didn’t take it very badly. In the best case, you could just forget about this and go back to your normal lives. Or maybe see each other without formalizing anything. At worst, you didn’t know what he would do. He was truly a gentle person but having power over a whole clan made him dangerous if he wanted to be. You just hoped your family wouldn’t get involved in this. Or find out at all. 
After a few minutes, Tonowari took out something. He walked over to you, holding out a necklace in his hand. It was carved from a seashell, with the same emblem as the headpiece, though this one looked like it was made for you. 
“This is a tradition I wish to begin. All Metkayina Olo’eyktans give a carved necklace to their intended. It is a sign of the beginning of a formal relationship. You have yet to answer, though. Will you be my mate for lifetimes to come?” 
You stared at the necklace. Ot was beautiful, shining with various sea colors that made it look like some kind of precious relic. It appeared to be the perfect size for you, too. He must have somehow figured out your measurements. “I... It’s beautiful. I thank you, truly, I do, but... are you sure you want me?” 
Tonowari nodded silently as you stared at the necklace. It was indeed the perfect length. He had studied your measurements on the few occasions he had happened to meet you at close range. 
He smiled at your gratitude, but his smile turned into a sad frown as you continued your questioning. 
“Yes, I am sure. If there was a doubt in my mind, I wouldn’t be giving you this necklace. I know that you are afraid, that you are insecure about being a proper match for me. But know this; my heart desires you.” 
You sighed, feeling like your world was about to crumble depending on what you would decide. But, in the end, you had made your choice long before this conversation. “As mine does for you.” You turned around, waiting for him to place it on you. 
He nodded again and moved to place the necklace around your neck. He was careful, not wanting to accidentally hurt you in any way. After securing it, he took you by your hips again, pulling you close to him. 
“Now that you belong to me, let us celebrate. Come,” he opened the door to his pod, leading you inside. 
Your steps started hesitant, then slowly gaining confidence. As your father would say: to hell with it. The more you thought about it, the better your choices seemed. Both of you were lonely, filled with responsibilities and under lots of stress and feelings too complicated to comprehend. This was a logical decision. There was nothing wrong with it. He was the leader of the clan, so what? You were Tsahìk- in-training, learning from your grandmother back in the forest and firstborn daughter of Toruk Makto. He was decades older than you? Well, there was not much to fix there. After being named a hunter and officially an adult, and having actively participated in the war as both a fighter and a healer, you felt mature enough. Besides, your family had begged to be allowed to stay here; becoming Tsahìk could help cement the decision. 
The moment you entered his room, he closed the door behind you. He took you by your hand, leading you closer to his bed. His other hand went to your back again, tracing your curves with his fingers. His grip was firm, but the way he handled you was gentle, as if he feared hurting you. After your body made contact with the bed, he slowly laid next to you, pulling you into his arms. 
His eyes never left you. He was watching intently you, looking to see if you were ready for this... 
You exhaled heavily, opening your eyes to look at him. To really See him, which you did. You saw his tired but shining eyes, his scars obtained after arduous battles, his tattoos symbolizing multiple feats and memories. And you felt seen by him. Your insecurities, your weaknesses, your worries. Your emotions were like a wild current, indomitable and fierce, but he was the shore, gentle and sturdy, ready to receive you and adjust to you no matter the force you inflicted. He was your wall, your support. And you were his spark, like a river that stopped his heart from drying out and filled him with new affection at the same time. Without saying anything, you reached for your braids. 
His heart skipped a beat as he saw you unbraid your hair. You were beautiful. Your silky hair was just begging to be brushed, just begging to be run through with one’s fingers. The way you moved towards him told him just how much you wanted this. He pulled you back into his embrace, pulling your head towards his to rest on his shoulder. A few moments of quiet passed as he just sat there like that, enjoying the peacefulness of the presence of your body against his. 
“I want you, Tonowari.” 
Tonowari closed his eyes as you muttered those words. Hearing them was what he had been waiting for. When the silence came right after, he pulled you even closer to him. He was your Olo’eyktan now, which meant that you belonged to him, and he belonged to you. This had been his wish for a long time, but now, he would make those wishes come true. 
“I want you too.” 
You slowly brought your kuru forward, letting the tendrils slowly interweave together with his. Right there and then, you felt it. Everything he was. Everything he had been. And everything he wished to be. With you. You closed your eyes again in pleasure, resting your head against his broad chest while your hands gripped his arms. Despite your previous experiences, this feeling could not be compared to them. The feeling of choosing and being chosen freely, without duties or expectations in the middle. It was impossibly liberating. You opened your eyes, watching through your completely dilated pupils the way he held you close and listening to his hard breathing. 
Tonowari held you close, feeling your hands grip his arms and feeling your body press gently against his. His breathing sped up, just as yours did. 
Your hands were brushing against the scars in his body, making him shiver slightly from the sensation. His muscles tensed underneath your touch, making his body move closer to yours. His breathing grew more erratic as your fingers tightened into his body. 
With a soft moan, he pulled you even closer, his hands grazing against your lower back and sliding towards your hips. 
You remained clinging to him as he took out your top and bracelets and pulled the cord holding your loincloth together. You gasped, feeling the cold air hit your now naked body. Combined with the newly made bond, everything you experienced felt multiplied by a hundred. Through it, you could see how Tonowari was looking at you, and it was turning you on too much for you to handle it. 
Just looking at your body made him want you more than he ever had before. Your curves were hypnotic as they swayed with your movements. Your hips and breasts moved like waves on the ocean. Your skin was iridescent and soft, making him want to run his hands all over it. 
He put his hands around your waist, bringing you to the edge of the bed. He slid the loincloth off, his eyes never leaving you as he did. Once he saw you fully naked in front of him, his jaw dropped. You truly were flawless. 
“Tonowari... I need you.” 
The sound of your voice was all needed to hear to snap him out of his trance. He pulled himself back to reality and gently laid you down, his gaze never straying your body. He slowly removed his garments as well. As he dropped each piece of his clothing, he stared at his body, unable to tear his eyes away from it. Finally, when he was completely naked, his eyes locked with yours.  
“Say that again.” 
“I need you.” 
Those simple three words, when spoken with such desire, made his body respond to your command instantly. In a few swift moves, he was behind you. His hands gripped your hips tightly. His body against yours, pressing against your back, his hot breath was blowing on your neck. One hand squeezed tight against one of your tights, while the other hand brushed against your back. 
“I need you; I need you, Tonowari, please.” 
“You will always have me. I am yours, and you are mine. No one else can take me away from you. No one else can lay a finger on you. Not without suffering the consequences. You and your family belong to me now, and I mean that not as your leader, but as your mate. We belong to each other and all that comes with that. No one else will have you, and I would never let anyone take you away from me.” 
His words made your already rapid-beating heart quicken its pace even more. “Wherever our fates take us. I will stay by your side – be it from the forest to the sea, from the start to the end of our time, together.” 
Tonowari smiled. He was happy to know that you would stay by his side, no matter where or when. He knew that having you was the best decision of his life. 
“You are mine. Now and forever. There are no boundaries between us. We will face everything together, and I trust you whole-heartedly. Now,” he gripped your hips tighter, if possible. “Show me just how much you need me.” 
“How would you like me to prove myself?” you asked in a seductive tone. 
“Make me feel like I’m yours. Make me feel loved. Make me want to hold onto you like I’m drowning and you’re my only saving grip. Make yourself mine. Show me how badly you want and need me. Be wild, be daring, be passionate.” 
“Very well.” You leaned to whisper in his ear. “I will make you feel loved unlike anyone ever has. I will make you mine. And we will be truly united for ages to come.” 
Tonowari's entire body tensed up as you whispered in his ear. His fingers gripped your hips even tighter. The way you spoke about making him feel, the way you spoke about making him yours, it was enough to make his body tremble in pleasure just from the words.  
"Words sound good and all, but let's see if you can back them up." 
His free hand went to your chin, and moved your face forward, his mouth meeting yours in a deeply passionate kiss. 
While the two lost yourselves in the kiss, you subtly moved your body to be on top of him, your core meeting something hard, which made you release a moan that was drown by his lips. 
He smirked at your subtle move, as he felt your soft body on top of him. He loved that you weren't shy with him, that you were willing to claim what you wanted. He loved the noise you made and quickly responded, his mouth taking over yours. He was lost in the moment, and he had no plans of stopping any time soon. 
“Will anyone else be interrupting us? Your children?” While you were willing to let it passmthe first time, you couldn’t guarantee the safety of the next person who dared to interrupt you. 
“My children will not enter without warning...” He paused to laugh at the suggestion of them just barging in, and he shook his head. They would never just walk in with something this sensitive going on. “But if they’re ever curious, I’ll inform you. A code only for you to know.” 
“Like what?” 
He gave you a mischievous smile, as he thought of a word for a code. His mind immediately went to your name, but that would be too obvious. So, he decided to use a word linked with your family and clan, one that no one outside of your family would know. 
“If they ever walk in, just say: Meyo Na'vi, yotulka.” 
“What does that stand for?” 
“It means Child of the Forest, my love. Only members of the Metkayina clan would know what that means.” 
“Mmm, I like it. And hearing it from you makes it even more special.” 
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto him. Your hips were pressed tight against his, your chest pressed against his. His forehead rested onto yours, as he looked into your eyes. 
“I have something else that I'd like to say to you before we continue. Do you want to hear it?” 
“Of course.” 
He grabbed your hands and placed them on his chest, your fingers feeling his heartbeat. 
“This heart belongs to you, and only you. I pledge it to be yours and yours alone. If it stops beating, that is because I would be dead. It shall only beat fast when you are near, because it wants to be close to you. And when you touch it, it shall thump slowly for you, because you are my only desire. My only love. And nothing can ever replace you.” 
“Tonowari, I love your caring words and affectionate speeches, and Eywa knows I would do unspeakable things for you, but please. Do not make me wait any longer.” 
He chuckled at you being so impatient, and he took that as his cue to finally take control. He took hold of your hips, his hands on your thighs. And he began to move you. Slowly at first, he began to move you in a circular motion, his hips pressing against yours. The more they moved, the more the rhythm sped up, moving your bodies together in sync. 
You whined at the sensation. You had fantasized about this moment for days, but it still felt incomplete. You needed more, needed him, to complete the bond in both body and mine. And he knew it. “Tono...wari... ah.” 
The moment he heard your whine filled with desire, it was all he needed to hear. He was at your command, following every whim of your body. Every movement you made was the signal he needed to bring his movements in tune with yours. He leaned forward onto your neck, his breath hot and heavy on your skin. He bit gently on your neck, letting the sensation send chills throughout your body. 
“Ah! Please, Ma’Tono... I want you now.” 
The way you said his name sent a shiver down his spine, making him shudder in pleasure. Your body began to get him heated, making him want you even more. However, he just looked at you with a grin. You had said he spoke too much, so now he wished to tease you a little.  
“I like hearing you beg. Say it again.” 
“A-ah! Please!” 
Your desperation turned him on like no other. And he knew he'd have you screaming his name soon. 
“Still not a complete sentence. Say it again. And this time, say it like you really mean it. I want to hear it.” 
“Gah! Ma'Tonowari, I beg you. Grant me the honor of finally being able to join you, without any type of limit. Let our union be complete and we may be united until the end of our days. Let our bodies come together and the fruit of this exchange result in a new life” 
The moment you were done, he knew that the words that you felt towards him were more than just mere desire, but complete love and devotion as well. Your desire was his desire now. And it would always be that way. 
"The honor is mine to have you with me, my beloved. We are now one in flesh and in soul. This is our union. So, I command you, my love, to join with me, and let our union be perfected." 
“As you wish, my love.” And you dived in, eager to experience a future with him as your bodies became one. As your minds became one. Your love solidified in a moment, forever intertwined in a union that only they could truly understand. Their souls became one with their hearts beating in unison. And nothing would tear the bond they created. 
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Vocabulary list: Marui (pods built in the giant mangrove-like trees alongside the shores and are protected from crashing waves by giant reef barriers), Tsahìk (head shaman, high priest, interpreter), Olo’eyktan (clan leader), Tsakarem (Tsahìk-in-traning), Toruk Makto (toruk rider), Kuru (neural queue)
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angelsworks · 1 year
Yandere!Cullen Brothers x Human! reader
Type: Headcannon
Requested: No
Summary: The Cullen brothers being your yanderes
Warnings: Dark, yandere themes, kidnap, possessiveness, etc
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In the vampire world there are blood singers - Humans that had especially alluring blood, that called to specific vampires.
In the vampire world there were also soulmates. A being destined to be yours forever. In most cases fate matched vampires to other vampires. Yet there were always exceptions to the rule.
You were that exception.
The Cullens were a close knit group.
The leader Carlisle had found and turned his soulmate years ago. Now he lived in bliss with his wife and soulmate Esme.
Alice had come searching for Rosalie when she was first turned. Having visions of a golden haired Angel. It lead her to find Carlisle and the rest of his ever growing clan. She too found her mate.
Edward, the first turned off the coven, hadn’t found his in his century of eternal life.
Later additions to the coven included Emmet and Jasper. Both mateless too.
While it wasn’t ideal to watch half of the coven happily mated, they dealt with it. If anything it made the three grow closer as brothers.
Yet when you come along they’re all shocked.
It’s practically unheard of for a vampire to have a human mate.
More than that for you to be mates to three of them.
At first they don’t behave very brotherly towards each other.
At school they act civil, but at home tensions run high.
The three of them are desperate for your attention. But they aren’t alone.
Being the new student everyone wants to talk to you. Leading you to be occupied a lot of then time.
They don’t want to crowd you or scare you. So they try to keep their distance.
While they keep their distance at school and in public, they all secretly stalk watch you from afar.
Edward was probably the first to start this. Visiting you while you slept, going through your bedroom. Examining all your trinkets and decorations.
Occasionally, he’ll take things from your room. Maybe it’s a piece of clothing, jewellery, a well loved book. He wants to feel close to you, to try and understand you.
Jasper shares a couple of his classes with you. He uses the class to watch you, not just stare but intently study. He studies how you talk, how you take notes, your posture, how you do your hair. He becomes an expert.
His gift is how he feels close to you. He uses it to feel your emotions. It gives him a deeper insight into what you truly like and dislike and how you feel on the inside.
While Emmet doesn’t have a gift, he doesn’t let it stop him. His brothers may be keeping their distance but he tends to break these rules.
Maybe one day you drop your books. He helps you pick them up then offers to carry them to class for you.
You both realise you share your next class, leading you to sit next to him. From here you get talking more. You grow close to Emmet, both as a friend and romantically.
To say Edward and Jasper are jealous is a grand understatement. While they like keeping their distance they decide it’s time to introduce themselves properly.
Edward makes his introduction in a class you share. Having practiced the previous night to not mess up, it goes well.
Jasper makes his introduction in the Libary. Striking up a conversation about the work you’re doing or the book you’re reading.
After they’ve all introduced themselves and are talking to you separately, Jasper notes to the other two that you’re feeling overwhelmed.
It’s here they decide they need to work together more. In the end you’ll be with the three of them anyway. They’ve had enough arguments and fights about it.
At first Edward was against turning you. Wanting to save your soul from eternal damnation.
Yet as time with you passes by, he realises he doesn’t want to lose you.
When they work together they decide to ask Alice and Rosalie to befriend you. Thinking that if you had different people to talk to that weren’t them, you wouldn’t be so overwhelmed.
While they are extremely possessive of you, having you become friends with Alice and Rosalie isn’t a problem. They trust them as sisters and know they have no romantic interest in you.
The friendship leads to you being invited over to the Cullen residence frequently. During your time there it makes it easier for them to interact with you and watch you.
Sometimes you don’t even notice their longing glances.
At some point they all become frustrated. They want more from you but are restricted. By school, by your friends, by your family.
So they start to plan. With the help from Alice and Rosalie over the course of your final year at school, they convince you to apply to a university in Alaska. One that they themselves will be attending.
After you graduate they’ll make their move.
While everyone just assumes you’ve gone of to university, they know different.
They take you deep into the mountains, away from everyone else. Just the three of them for you.
In a little wooden house you’ll live. Watched 24/7 by the three of them. They tell you about you being their soulmate and them being vampires. At some point they have to show you because you don’t believe them.
You’re undoubtedly scared at first. But being isolated, you develop Stockholm syndrome quickly.
When they turn you (which you don’t have much choice in) you’ll be dependent on them.
Emmet’s strength comes in handy if you think you can get the upper hand and escape.
Jasper uses his powers to influence how you feel about them.
Edward uses his powers to monitor your thoughts. Any that could be a problem are shared with the others quickly.
Life with the three of them means you have no privacy.
It means you’re theirs completely.
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salt-clangen · 2 months
Duskclan Lore & Culture
Proud, stoic, and pious.
So this is the long post on the culture of modern Duskclan, I’ll do a history post separately since it would be a huge post.
Credit to @rippleclan @bonefall & @niftysenpai for world building inspo, warrior roles, and camp design inspo
Duskclan is known for two things superior clerics and proficient fighting. They hold their emotions and intentions close to the chest, even amongst each other. Individualism is very prevalent, most cats- especially warriors/clerics/code keepers- believe that it’s better to solve your problems yourself through perseverance than to ask for help. That’s not to say a warrior who’s sick/injured wouldn’t go to the cleric for care or ask the camp keepers for extra broth. However that warrior would probably wait to get treatment until they were sure they couldn’t power through.
Despite the emphasis on solving your own problems and not asking for help, there’s a sense of pride that they get when they can provide for each other. It’s a double edged sword that many of us can relate too. ‘No I can do it myself. Oh that looks heavy let me get that.’ An outsider observing them may laugh at the tongue in cheek behavior of it all. They care so much about each other, yet they can’t show it for fear of being seen as unreliable, they want to be strong for their loved ones and they can’t do that if they’re weak. Mentors and parents feel especially responsible for their kits and apprentices success and safety, postpartum anxiety and depression is very real.
But the cats of Duskclan aren’t just stoic, emotionally constipated warriors. They also lead the clans in spiritual and herbal work, they are proud to be the clan closest to the Moon spring. The cleric stones located in Duskclan but outside of the High cave is a meadow dotted with large boulders, the soil is fertile and moist. Herbs growing here prolifically, a large variety of herbs in such a small place is just another source of pride for Duskclan.
Cleric apprentices spend a longer time training than other clans, typically graduating at 15 moons or older, it’s also very difficult to be chosen. Apprentices are usually selected after a series of tests while still in kithood and being taken to the Moon spring to receive Starclan’s blessing. Normally the clan has 3 clerics and 1-2 apprentices, but as of right now there’s only Darkfold and Burnpaw. The other two passed away within just a few moons from each other, first Dappleshade from a yellow cough outbreak and then Burdockpelt from the fire accident. Due to the clan’s strong ties to the Moon spring clerics hold a lot of power and influence.
While their ways and lifestyle may seem harsh, there’s a a pretty good reason for it, two-legs. They’re the clan that’s closest to the twoleg place, yes Honeyclan is kinda near the boat house and Oakclan is next to the thunderpath. But no other clan feels the constant presence of twolegs like Duskclan does, directly and indirectly. Small creek would be a great source of water and fish, but it’s compromised by the carrion twolegs leave. Not to mention hunting rodents too close to the nests could prove fatal as they could be poisoned.
In addition to that Duskclan also has to deal with loners and kittypets, some are just curious, but many are intrusive and aggressive. The clan can’t risk it, even Jaggedstar lost her most recent life to a loner near the twoleg nests, so they maintain their borders fiercely. As such they see very little new comers, usually it’s from Honeyclan or loners very interested in cleric work and new clan mates are treated with suspicion until they can prove themselves trustworthy.
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The food of Duskclan reflects their no nonsense work ethic and deep spiritual ties, their dishes are either packed with herbs and nutrients or dried for quick and easy meals. The only thing they need to trade for is grains, such as flax or oats, and sausage. Otherwise they are pretty self sufficient from the other clans, a point of pride of course. Duskclan has 2 large communal meals at sunrise and sunset (breakfast and dinner) that are served and prepared by the camp keepers. Breakfast is usually a nutrient dense gumbo-like meal mashed grains, herbs, and meats, it’s very balance though it skews protein heavy since cats are obligate carnivores and need 70-80% of their meals to be from meat. The mash has sausage, ground meats, meat chunks, and bone broth/marrow. Dinner is usually a soup, something hydrating after a long day with plenty of prey bits and pieces thrown together, lots of organ meat is used. Most communal meals are served with a warm tea or broth, it’s up to the individual’s preference which they get and it’s usually just from large batches. If someone desires a specific drink then they can either ask for it ahead of time or prepare it themselves, if it’s a medical reason it’s usually accommodated by clerics. Teas are typically bitter or tart and have little broth in them, mostly just water and herbs. Broths are what you’d expect, usually a clear liquid from bone stock, slightly savory but typically plain. Both drinks are considered a palate cleanser for the rich spice in the other dishes, also a great way to get your fluids and nutrients from herbs. Cats will usually eat in a group, not necessarily just their friends, patrols or reports are discussed over the meals. They eat slowly due to the frequent conversations. Any other meal you need throughout the day you’re on your own, that’s why jerky and dried fish are so common. The meat/fish are easy to tie to a belt or keep in a basket while you go about your day, so most warriors have their own accessories or baskets. If you need to eat something else throughout the day or need frequent feedings for medical reasons it’s not an issue, the camp keepers are usually made aware of any particular needs by the clerics and can easily accommodate, it’s usually just extra of what ever meal was served earlier just warmed up in the oven.
It is considered unsociable to make and eat all your meals separately from everyone, but cats with specific dietary needs (even if it’s more of a strong preference/aversion) are encouraged to advocate for themselves if necessary. ‘Oh Greyclaw always eats alone outside of camp or in his den.’ Is cause for concern vs ‘Oh Ashenstep doesn’t like fish or tea with rose in it, so better to just give them broth to drink or leave the fish out of their portion.’ Is just Ashenstep being assertive and communicative. Again individuality and advocacy for yourself are the norm, hiding away from your clan mates is seen as sneaky and that you don’t trust the group.
Trade and crafts:
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While warriors and clerics are considered honorable jobs that require skill, talent, and perseverance, artisan work (weaving, pottery, crafts) is considered easier. Anyone can make some twine, but not everyone can fight or heal. That being said, they do have some items they trade for other goods, mostly herbs and leather goods. Most of their herbs are able to be found in other territories, but they have superior quality of their decoctions, salves, and tinctures (vinegar based). Clerics and care takers work very hard to grow and cultivate quality herbs, planting and tending to them in the Clerics rocks. There are a few herbs found in Duskclan’s rocky territory that aren’t found elsewhere, this includes gravel root, goldenrod, and juniper. Because of their abundance and spiritual ties to the herbs (also for a better balanced diet), most Duskclan dishes have a lot of added herbs and vegetables mixed with whatever mash or soup is being served. Juniper is also a big flavor boost and so Duskclan is known for their ‘spice’ compared to the other clans.
Duskclan is one of the few clans with both the opportunity and the strength to hunt larger game, mainly deer. The local deer population travel through the lawns of the near by two-leg nests, but they also veer into Duskclan’s neck of the woods when foraging. Due to their impressive strength and sophisticated strategies the warriors are able to coordinate deer or boar hunts, it’s not often, usually once a moon or so. It takes a lot of organizing and work, most of the clan is needed before and after the hunt to bring the kill back to camp and process the carcass. They’re able to process the hides into workable leather or nesting material.
(Sorry the camp sketch is so shitty, I lost my original and didn’t have the energy to redo it)
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Duskclan’s camp is similar to Oakclan’s, they have one official entrance and then a few smaller ‘secret’ exits hidden throughout the border. The piney forest they live in has little undergrowth compared to the other clans so they have to cultivate shrubs specifically for construction. They also weave the branches of the bordering trees for extra protection and escapes. If you don’t know what to look for the hidden paths weaved into the branches you’d never know they were there. The paths are short but take you outside of the camp for evacuations and are above most of the dens, excluding the leaders and the apprentice dean which are located vertically from each other.
They have one large oven/fire pit lined with soft soil and stones to avoid spread. In this oven the camp keepers cook meals and make the communal broths. Individuals are able to assemble the ingredients of a particular dish ahead of time for the keepers to make with everyone else’s, but only camp keepers are allowed to cook or handle the fire (Burnpaw 👀). The clerics have their own separate fire pit outside of the camp walls near the entrance, it’s separate mostly due to space and demands. Most of their herbs need to be preserved some way to avoid spoilage and aid in trading affairs, so that means decoctions (boiling in water then letting it steep for days-months) and infusions (steeping herbs in an oil for a long time to mix in with salves) which bother require heat. So a cleric will have some basic fire knowledge or will have a designated camp keeper to help with the pit.
The clerics and warriors den are in fallen trees that were carved out, while the nursery, elders, and apprentices’ den are in rocky caves. The leaders den above the apprentice den in the hollow part of a living tree over looking the camp, they hold meeting outside of the entrance on the rocks.
So obviously Duskclan is pretty weird with their hierarchy but most clans have similar roles, due to how unsafe the territory can be most patrols need at least one warrior. Solo patrols are only allowed by senior individuals. For a warrior if you’re chosen to assist a patrol it’s seen as a compliment since that means ‘you’re so strong and keep me safe’ without actually saying anything. For a non warrior, if a warrior comes up and assigns themselves to help you it’s considered presumptuous and can even be seen as a bit flirtatious. Usually done by confident or flamboyant cats, reactions vary based on the individuals.
So a list of all the roles are:
Artisans- make crafts and usable goods, not involved in cooking but can help if needed. They also gather their own materials so they usually take a warrior on patrol with them. They are also in charge of trading with other clans at the quarter moon (weekly) artisans gatherings and full moon gatherings. They work with camp keepers to process hides and pelts after the butchering. Good role for cats that enjoy repetition and consistency.
Camp keepers- also called keepers for short, they are in charge of cooking, processing prey, camp construction, and changing moss bedding. They are pretty busy in the clan and it’s a pretty good role for cats that aren’t very strong but have a lot of energy and don’t like downtime.
Care takers- sometimes called gardeners or carers, they’re in charge on the territory maintenance and gathering herbs. Clerics are too busy making herbal mixtures, caring for clan mates, and communing with Starclan to gather herbs. All of the clans have this role, seeds are gathered by clerics during herb processing and are stored in their den, care takers have learned when the best time to plant is. They focus on making sure the territory is full of diverse and useful herbs as well as making sure over harvesting is minimized. This technically includes prey, but it’s considered less important to the herbs. This type of patrol needs a warrior for 1-2 cats but larger groups are usually fine. Good for cats that love exploring and have a special interest in plants.
Lore keepers- called historians and teachers interchangeably, Duskclan has fewer cats in this role than other clans. These cats are in charge of recording/memorizing the history of all the clans and teaching it to kits and apprentices. They’re in charge of tracking weather to help predict patterns and storms, as well as adjusting tools the clans need and inventing different uses for them. Because of how this role is more of an ‘unseen’ sort of role with no physical product, cats may see others in this role as lazy or weak. Duskclan is a very busy-bodied clan and values tangible progress they can see and feel. Nonetheless, cats in this role are still loved and cared for, they just don’t have a lot of say or persuasion in the clan. This role is good for a cat that can’t or doesn’t desire to do a lot of traveling or physically demanding work, also cats who are good storytellers and have good memory.
Queens- in charge of the care of newborns, pregnant/postpartum cats, and kits under the age of 6 moons. There’s only one in the clan at any given time so it’s a fairly demanding job. They work closely with keepers and clerics to monitor the mother’s health and care, they also give the cats a much needed break from their kits. They often arrange games to help test and build skills they’ll need later in life, small chores to foster a sense of community and responsibility. Especially rambunctious kits are taken on little tours in the territory with a warrior patrol to help with all that energy. This role is great for cats who have a lot of patience, creativity, and enjoy kit sitting. They also work with historians to provide education to the kits.
Code keepers- sometimes called guards and sentries, these are warrior who have studied the warrior code extensively. While it may seem like all cats (especially in Duskclan lol) these cats are particularly educated. They are typically very strong physically and mentally, they’re able to patrol alone and check the borders more often than regular warriors. Most of the time they do the same tasks as warriors, however if the warrior code has been broken or suspected of being broken these cats are in charge of investigating the incident. If there’s enough evidence that a code break has occurred then a trial is held before the clan. One cat represents the accused and tries to either prove doubt or innocence, a second cat is in charge of presenting the evidence to prove the accused’s guilt. Afterwards the leader will decide the next course of action. These cats are well spoken and strong fighters.
Clerics- very busy cats, they have a deep Starclan bond and herbal knowledge. They interpret physical signs and abstract omens officially, so if you had a weird dream bring it to them for determination, however if you come in saying you saw a Daisy floating in the puddle and a bug that drown so that means Daisypelt is gonna try to murder Antfoot in the river…. They’re gonna smack you over the head. They make all of the medicine in the clan that’s gathered by carers.
Warriors- this is a catch all role, if you’re not a specific role you’re a warrior. It’s similar to cannon, they hunt and patrol. Duskclan warriors are utilized a lot for escorting other roles around, they also spend a lot of time training for physical improvement. Small competitions are common and encouraged.
Leaders and deputies- same as cannon, the deputy oversees day to day operations while leader supports their clan in the field and manage larger projects.
Apprentices- starting at 6 moons and ending after a passing assessment usually around 12 moons, apprentices in other clans spend 3 moons learning the basics of hunting, fighting, etc like cannon then if they would like to specialized in a specific role they get assigned to a new mentor. But in Duskclan they are apprenticed in specific roles and stay with that mentor their entire apprenticeship. Switching isn’t common as the clan is pretty thorough on screening what role a kit would be best at.
Mediators- plot twist DUSKCLAN DOESNT HAVE ANY! No one is surprised at this point I’m sure. This role is considered unnecessary, but not for the reason you’d think. Duskclan cats are raised to be vocal and advocate for themselves, to pursue personal development and goals, so they’re actually pretty good at settling disagreements between each other. Major disputes will be brought to the deputy, leader, clerics, or a senior member of whatever role the individuals are in to be settled, which is fairly uncommon. For disputes or discussions with other clans it’s handled by the leader and clerics.
Alright so this post has gotten pretty long, so I’m gonna end it with this picture of the current leader, the clan founder, and a typical Duskclan cat (in this case a camp keeper).
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itsonlybaby · 5 months
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 - 𝐣. 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐲﹒
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playlist !
John Murphy - Polis
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝ When Titus died you set out in search of a new fleimkepa, only finding Murphy; a misunderstood roach. ﹒   ⊹  ⤷ cw: porn w plot, smut, angst, cheating, nsfw
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The day Titus died was a great tragedy for us all, questions had been shouted every time I passed through Polis, and Azgeda tried taking over my place. The people were scared of what the future may hold.
"Heda, what shall we do?" One of the ambassadors asked me, bowing down.
I thought for a second, "Search village to village for a fleimkepa, do not return to me till you've found one." I demanded, turning my head to the guards standing before the door. They nodded before taking their leave. Whispers were heard throughout the crowd.
"This meeting is done," I spoke loudly, tired of their questions.
Watching as they exited the castle my mind went back to Titus, he was a great flame keeper. He always knew what to do, having served 6 commanders before me. His death was unexpected, having passed in the dead of night, with no wounds. A peaceful death, something he deserved.
The only thing I could do was hope the next flame keeper was a good soul.
The sound of bells ringing and long distant chatter had awoken me, the sun beams hitting my face from the open curtains. A sight I had come to love while living in the tower.
Prying the blankets off my bed I shivered at the cold air, the fire at the end of my room doing nothing.
Placing my feet on the cold ground I rushed to the neatly placed pile of clothes sitting at the end of my bed, my shoulder gear and faded red sash included- it was important I'd wear the shoulder piece. It separated me from everyone else. I had been the second commander to rule over all 13 clans, Lexa being the first. She had united them into one coalition before her passing. Her spirit chose me wisely in the conclave.
Placing the small gear on my forehead I opened the doors to be met with guards.
"Heda, we've been waiting for you. We found a new fleimkepa,"
I had followed them down to the temple below the tower, a place Titus thought was sacred- only allowing specific people down there.
Walking down the steps I had grown nervous to meet this new flame keeper.
I stepped into the room, the only light coming from the torches lit around the room illuminating the drawings on the walls.
A pod stood on the back wall- which my new flame keeper was examining. He only turned around to face me when one of my guards coughed to get his attention.
Looking him up and down I took in his every feature, his middle part that's ever so slightly matted with blood and dirt, the stubble around his mouth, and his tall lean body covered by a dirty long robe. it all complimented him so well.
He looked quite handsome- this was supposed to be my flame keeper?
He hadn't even bowed to me when I entered the room, he stared at me awkwardly- as if he didn't even know I was the commander, I felt quite offended at his actions.
"So, you're the new fleimkepa?" I spoke as if the thought was absurd, and it was. To think this ragged man was a flame keeper, someone who was supposed to lead the commander's spirits, and keep them safe. He looked like he'd do everything but.
"So, you're the commander?" He returned my tone, offended by it.
How dare he speak to his superior like that?
"What is your name, fleimkepa,"
He looked at me completely unserious, "John Murphy, people call me Murphy, cockroach, you name it."
He spoke to me like he was having a conversation with any normal person like I couldn't end his life at any moment, like I don't have people willing to die for me just to take his.
I wondered why they called him a cockroach.
"Well then, John, where are you from?" I saw him stiffen at my question.
Before he finished his sentence I drew my sword, causing my guards to do the same.
"Wait, wait, wait,"
I began walking closer to him making him back up and trip on the carpet.
I knew he couldn't be a true flame keeper, Skaikru was the 13th clan but it didn't mean I had to like them, I knew how they were, knew of their lies, knew their ways. They may have been a part of the coalition but they'd never know our ways.
"I knew Titus!" He yelled, making me stop in my tracks.
"Don't you say his name, Skaikru!" My sword lept to his throat, keeping it still there. The cold metal nearly cut into his skin, causing a shiver to run down his entire body.
"It's true! He taught me some stuff, that's how they found me okay! I have his journal in my bag!" Murphy's breath became erratic, suddenly realizing what was at stake.
I looked back towards my guards, "Is it true?"
"Yes, heda, he was lying on the road, trying to rob us when we found the journal in his bag,"
I looked back towards Murphy, who looked scared for his life. After a few seconds, I huffed and sheathed my sword. Murphy released a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
"Why were you trying to rob my people, John Murphy," I questioned, reaching my hand out to help him up.
"It's how I get by, alright?" He spoke, dusting himself off a bit before staring at me.
His answer brought worry to me, "Skaikru is low on resources? Do I need to send hunters to help?"
Murphy sighed softly, "They banished me for a bit," His face becoming one of solemn.
Before I could continue my guards spoke up making both me and Murphy look towards him, "Heda, the meeting to announce the new fleimkepa is starting soon, I don't want you to be late."
I nodded in his direction, "Let's go, John,"
The guards led the way to the top of the tower, and every person I passed nodded their head in my direction, something Murphy needed to take note of.
Whispers had quieted down when I strode along the carpet to my throne, Murphy following behind, taking his position next to me.
"This is your new fleimkepa," I spoke loudly for everyone to hear, questioning whispers rang throughout the room, looks of judgment and disapproval shaking of heads.
"If you have any disagreements about your new fleimkepa," I looked to Murphy, "They will be met with death," Looking back to the crowd the commotion died down.
"He's Skaikru!" I heard a person yell from the corner of the room.
"He could never be a fleimkepa!" Another joined
"Enough!" I yelled, standing up, "An attack against John Murphy, is an attack against the coalition!" My voice boomed off the walls, the room now becoming silent.
"Meeting is over,"
My guards had ushered everyone out, well, everyone but Clarke kom Skaikru.
"Can we speak," She glanced towards Murphy and back to me, "Alone?"
Looking at Murphy I nodded him off, "I'll send for you,"
"Sure thing," He rolled his eyes and made his way out the door.
"Why is Murphy the flame keeper?" Clarke asked, and I wasn't sure why she was questioning my motives. I had vowed to keep Skaikru part of the coalition after Lexa's death, and now she's questioning my motives? My motives?
"Are you saying you disagree with my choices, Clarke?" I question.
"Not at all, it's just I've spent years with Murphy, I know how he is," She paused, "He might not be who he says he is,"
I stared at her for a few moments, "Then who exactly is he?"
"A liar, a thief, and selfish,"
Her words were hypocritical, that's what everyone said about all of Skaikru.
"Thank you for the warning but I don't need it, he is the fleimkepa. If Titus trusted him, I trust him too. You may go now."
She scoffed and turned away, my guards leading her out.
I stood and headed to Murphy's room, it was one over to mine.
I didn't bother knocking, what could my flame keeper have to hide from me? But I soon regretted that decision, I saw a girl bearing the marks of a nomad.
She wore a dusty clothing piece atop her head, and many layers dressing her small body. I noticed she had a large glove covering one hand.
Murphy instinctively stood in front of her, shielding the view I had of her. Almost like he was scared I'd hurt her.
"Visitor?" I ask, looking up at his flushed face.
"My girlfriend." He replied, his girlfriend soon stepping forward.
"I'm Emori," She gave me a small smile, she was cute.
I felt my body stiffen at the use of girlfriend, though I couldn't stop their relationship, I could hate it. I wasn't sure why I had hated it, why I was so torn when she introduced herself, he had deserved someone like her, carefree from responsibilities. I was happy for Murphy.
"y/n." I returned her warm smile.
Murphy smiled as well, something that had looked good on him.
"First time I heard your name, and here I thought I was special." He teased playfully, keeping eye contact even when Emori looked back towards him.
"Well, John, you never asked." I returned his tone, for once being playful, "I'll leave you to it, and do remember I am next door."
I took one last glance at them both before exiting and heading to my room, but before entering I heard Emori speak up, her voice echoing through the hall.
"She calls you John, too?"
I couldn't stop my smile from forming at the thought of making Emori jealous over something so personal. Though sadness swept in, thinking of what they might do alone in the room.
"I want a guard in John's room tonight." I told one of the guards outside my room, one of them springing into action and entering Murphy's room. I heard complaints from the couple, Emori blaming me for this.
The night came and went and the familiar golden trails landed on my face again, the sound of birds outside as my own personal alarm clock.
I stood up with a stretch and a yawn, going for the clothes placed on the table by one of my guards.
I did my usual routine and exited my room, my guards greeting me with smiles which I returned- having a good feeling about this day.
I didn't bother knocking on Murphy's door once again, this time seeing Emori had left.
Murphy's body was sprawled out on the bed, still in a deep slumber. It must've been the best sleep he'd gotten in a week.
I smiled at the sight, his eyelashes were illuminated by the sunbeams hitting his face, making him look so at peace. I only now noticed the rest of his body. He was shirtless, and his muscles were defined despite his lean body. I snapped out of my daze when his body shuffled, moving his face away from the bright beams pouring into the room.
"John." I spoke, walking closer to his resting body.
"Hmm." His voice was muffled into the pillow.
"It's time to wake up."
He lifted his head up a bit, still into the pillow, "Why?"
"We need to make appearances," I giggled at his need to stay in bed, "People need to think you're a pleasing person today."
I walked to the edge of his bed and took a seat, eyes still on his back.
Murphy rolled over, looking at me still lying down, his hair now more disheveled, "You don't think I'm a natural charmer?" He gave me a smile after I snickered at his question.
"I think you're quite the charmer, but the people need to see that too."
I stood up and walked to his pile of now clean clothes, picking them up and tossing them on the bed.
"You have five minutes."
Murphy only sighed, getting out of bed once I left.
I was watching over Polis from the balcony in my room when I heard the door open, looking behind I saw Murphy, his hair now a neat and clean swept-back middle part.
"You're ten minutes late, John." I say, averting my gaze back down.
He came to my side, resting his elbows on the balcony walls while overlooking the view, "Your guards made me wash my hair," He snickered, "Said head can't be seen with a man like me."
I laughed at this, though it was true, he desperately needed to wash his hair.
Moments of silence passed before he spoke up again, "Must be nice being in control of everyone."
My smile faded at this, it wasn't like what everyone made it out to be. It was tough, watching over 13 clans, the responsibility of them all fell on my shoulders alone.
"It gets lonely." I muttered, turning to look at him only to find he was staring first.
Our eyes made contact, he had never looked more perfect in this moment, the yellow haze lighting up one side of his face, making the blue in his dark eyes lighten, his brown hair hanging just above his ears, strands falling on his forehead.
I hadn't even noticed I was leaning in till he pulled back awkwardly, "Emori." He spoke softly, reminding me he still had a girlfriend.
I shook my head as my face flushed a deep red, my body now full of embarrassment.
"Right, right, appearances, elevator," I muttered.
Turning towards the doors I headed to the elevator shaft; Murphy following after muttering a series of curse words.
Making it to the bottom of the tower my mind was still flooded of previous events, the way he slept, the way he looked on my balcony, the way he rejected me. I hadn't ever been rejected before, I hadn't ever felt romantically towards someone. If this is what it's like, I don't ever wanna experience it again. Is that what this was? Was I feeling romantic feelings towards John Murphy?
"So, what are we doing again?" He broke the awkward tension.
"We are here to show people you aren't as bad as they think, you're from Skaikru." I didn't need to elaborate fuller, Murphy already catching the drift of what people thought about Skaikru.
Walking through the shops of Polis we got many stares from people, the smells of cooked meat filled my nose, my stomach growled and Murphy took notice. He looked around before grabbing my hand and leading me through the streets to a deer meat vendor. The feeling of his rough hands in mine sent a shock to my body. The guards struggled to keep up.
"Heda! Beja!" The vendor spoke, handing me a piece of meat, and asking me to try.
I gratefully took the piece and ate it, my eyes sparkled when the flavors hit my tongue, looking at Murphy excitedly. The vendor had a huge grin on her face.
"Mochof!" I thanked her, glancing back at the vendor and back to Murphy.
"You have to try this." I exclaimed as the vendor handed another piece to Murphy.
Murphy placed the piece in his mouth after repeating my phrase, and his face instantly lit up. I giggled at his expression. We thanked the vendor once again before walking off.
We had passed by many shops before one caught my eye, they had an assortment of necklaces made of thread with silver pendants.
I was going to grab his hand to lead him there but I realized he never let go since the first time he grabbed it. My heart could've pumped out of my chest.
I began leading him toward the necklace vendor, my eyes practically glowing while examining the finds.
"Heda," The vendor spoke, his voice rough. He bowed to me before standing up a second later, looking towards Murphy he just nodded.
Looking through all the hanging jewelry my eyes landed on two specific ones, a sun and a moon, both in a matching set. Murphy's eyes must've seen it too as he felt the object. He took it off the rack and examined it further.
"For you and your girlfriend?" I asked. If someone listed close enough they could hear annoyance.
Once I said the word girlfriend I felt Murphy's hand slowly fall back to his side, my palm now feeling cold, missing the touch of his; a shield from the cold.
Murphy didn't answer my question, instead, he dug through his pocket and handed the vendor a silver pendant of a heart. We didn't use currency, instead we ran the shops through trade.
Once the vendor nodded Murphy tucked the necklaces into his pocket.
The awkward tension had crept onto us once again like the summer heat melting away snow.
"I'm going back to the tower, I'll leave a guard here with you." I spoke, needing time away from him, needing to catch up with my thoughts and get rid of this sickening feeling deep in my stomach.
Before he could reply I was already heading up towards the tower, tears threatening to pour down my cheeks. My people couldn't see me crying, my people couldn't know I was weak, weak for a boy.
My mind had gone back to a saying Lexa would tell me when she met Clarke, 'love isn't weakness', love may not be weak but crying sure was.
The moment I stepped into my room and shut the doors the tears came out on their own.
I didn't attempt to stop them, knowing any try would be futile. Instead, I let them drop, I let them hit the floor, it was as if they held enough emotion to crumble the entire tower. I shrugged off my shoulder gear and it hit the fur carpet with a soft thud. I walked over to the balcony- my favorite place in this tower- and watched over Polis once again; getting deja vu from previous events.
My forearms were resting on the balcony wall. I opened my palm and stared at it, the feeling of his against mine still evident; like it was just a second ago mine was intertwined with his- all the creases, lines, and spaces were engraved into my memory.
Clenching my fist I heard the door open, I was thankful the tears were long gone.
I didn't have to check to know if It was Murphy, the way his shoes hit the ground had a familiar ring to it.
"Deja vu," He spoke, I could hear a smile in his voice.
"You said it was lonely," He said, much softer this time, "How can it be when you get everything you want?"
His question was genuine. He wasn't trying to insult me or make me the butt of the joke. I could feel his eyes watching my every move before I looked into his deep blue eyes, eyes you could get lost in and never come out.
"Not everything," My eyes trailed down to his lips, they were wet but chapped; he probably licked them before entering.
We were now inches apart, I could feel the heat radiating off his body, the only thing keeping us apart was morals.
It took such little effort on his part; just the dizzy, relieved decision to give in, just an infinitesimal push toward me as his morals seemed to fade. I placed my arms around his neck, keeping him as close as possible while my eyes fluttered close. Everything at this moment just felt right, the way my arms felt around him, the way he kissed me with such passion and devotion.
I felt his hands snake down to my waist, leading me to the bed while not breaking apart, laying down below me his hands fell up and down my body. Exploring every nook and cranny; like untouched land. Tattooing the way his hands felt on my skin, goosebumps appeared on my arms, his hands were warm- he was always warm, it was a cooling contrast to my cold exterior.
Before I knew it he withdrew completely- the warm feeling of his palms roaming my body stopped, his lips devouring mine faded and it left me lost.
"Did I do something?" I said between breaths, looking down at him cluelessly.
"I can't do this, not to her." I had felt anger bubbling inside me, I quickly stood up off him as he sat up.
"Your mood swings are giving me whiplash, John," My voice sounded like I was going to break at any given moment, "Get out."
He didn't try to defend himself, or argue with me, he accepted my wishes and left. Left while the familiar tears found their way out again. I undressed and lay in bed, the comfort of the pillows taking me in; my fur blanket acting as an anchor while I drifted off to sleep as the stars illuminated the room.
Days had passed since then, and Murphy had been avoiding me.
The only times I'd see him were during meetings and occasionally passing by him in the hall.
The only time I'd hear him was late in the night, their headboard banging against the wall- a constant reminder of the rejection I had faced.
A reminder of the night when his lips were on mine, his hands exploring my soft skin.
I spent the nights wishing it was me below Murphy, I knew I shouldn't, but how could I not? I knew she had been moaning louder on purpose every night, taunting me, telling me it was her who got to be with him.
Sometimes I'd feel shivers in the places he touched me, ghosts of his fingers, places I craved for him, places only he could touch.
I jumped slightly when I heard yelling beyond the wall, I tried to listen in but the wall was too thick.
I knew I shouldn't but I grabbed a robe and placed it around my uncovered body, opening the doors and gushing the guards before getting close to the door.
The yelling became much clearer now, but too bad I missed out on half the conversation.
Emori burst through the doors, staring at me with eyes full of anger, she glanced between me and the guards before leaving with heavy footsteps.
I entered Murphy's room, he was sitting on his bed with his elbows on his knees, hands resting on his head, and the sight of him upset made me angry.
I grabbed his attention when I shut the doors behind me.
"Never did know how to knock, huh?" He asked, still very annoyed.
I giggled at this, taking a seat next to him, my robe glided up my thighs which he noticed.
"What happened?" I asked, placing a hand on his comfortingly. He stared down at our hands, processing what had just happened.
Murphy sighed, rubbing his thumb along your fingers, feeling your cold skin. "She found the necklaces, and wanted to wear one, I wouldn't let her."
I was shocked at the new information, "Werent they for you and her?"
His eyes turned to look into mine, "They were for us."
My mind went blank, "I don't understand, John."
"That heart pendant I traded? She gave it to me." He paused, finding the words, "Ever since I've met you, things have felt real. I'm not surviving with you, I'm living."
I smiled at his words, heat rising to my cheeks.
It took me one second to realize we were leaning in.
It took me two seconds to realize we were kissing.
It took me three seconds to realize his hand was snaking up my thigh.
The feeling of his hand warmed my body- a feeling I've come to love, to crave. His hand made its way to my chest, pushing me down on my back while he stood in between my legs.
Murphy separated from the kiss to take his shirt off, revealing his toned, lean body. I took this time to undo the robe and slip out of my bra.
Murphy just watched in 'awe' at my body, his hands instantly feeling the new unexplored areas. His palms instantly groped my breasts, earning a sweet, sensual moan from me.
"So beautiful." He whispered under his breath. My face couldn't possibly get any redder, but I was growing more needy by the second.
As if knowing what I needed most, one of his hands trailed down to where I needed him most. He slipped my now-soaked panties to the side, revealing my wet pussy. Murphy bit his lip at the full view of me.
"Why didn't I do this sooner," He teased, lightly rubbing up and down my pussy, lubing his fingers up before pushing one in.
The feeling was sudden, making my body tense at the newfound warmth. I stared into his eyes as he pumped his finger in and out, lewd sounds slowly filling the room along with my moans.
His thumb circled my clit while he entered another finger, only enhancing the pleasure, causing me to throw my head back and buck into his hand, starting to need more than just his fingers.
"So needy," He snickered, curling his soaked fingers, and using his other hand to keep my thighs open.
"Shut up," I said between moans. My hands found their way to my breasts, kneading them myself. The lewd scene made Murphy's bulge even bigger, he bit his lip to hold back a moan caused by the friction of his jeans.
A feeling I knew all too well slithered its way down my body, and Murphy's pace on my clit quickened.
"John," I moaned out, feeling the climax come closer and closer until everything stopped.
Murphy pulled his fingers out with a sly smirk, bringing his fingers to his mouth and cleaning them off.
"You jerk!" I yelled out, practically whining at the loss of contact.
"You're not gonna cum until I do," He said, sliding off his jeans and boxers to reveal his protruding cock.
I stared at his dick, craving it more than anything already, not caring how he will fit it in.
He brought his tip to my clit, rubbing it in circles and groaning at the contact. Murphy couldn't wait any longer, without warning he trusted me, leaning down to kiss and suck on my neck.
I let out a lust-filled moan, "John!" I shrieked in surprise at the sudden filling. My hands roamed over his back, nails digging in with every thrust of his cock.
The feeling was overbearing, the way his tip hit all the right places so roughly.
"Needed you so bad," I moan out into his ear, only causing him to pull out slowly and slam back in roughly.
Murphy was marking my neck, wanting to let everyone know I was his, only he could touch me, only he could make me feel this good.
The same feeling was coming back with every thrust that hit my sweet spot, "I'm so close," My hands held the back of his neck while my thighs tightened around his hips, bringing him closer to me.
"Not yet, baby, wait for me, you can do it," He praised between kisses.
He couldn't have been far off his own climax, as his thrusts got sloppy and erratic, dick twitching in me, begging to release his cum.
Murphy leaned back, grabbing my thighs and spreading them wider, having my control of his thrusts. They became deeper and faster. I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold on for.
My moans became louder, I was sure the guards were worried but I was too focused on how good Murphy's cock felt to care.
Murphy's jaw tightened before speaking, "Cum on my cock, baby,"
He didn't even need to finish his sentence and I was already cumming, arching my back in pleasure and letting the moans slip out freely. My legs shook in his grasp and my pussy clenched as I painted his dick white, the sight alone had him cumming in me, unable to control himself for much longer.
He kept thrusting, fucking me through both our highs. Our bodies were now sweaty and humid. Pulling out of me he watched the cum drip onto the floor, fighting the urge to go another round he picked up one of Emoris shirts to clean me up. He tossed the now dirty shirt aside and just stared at my exhausted body with a smile.
He looked to the dresser and picked up one of the necklaces, it was the sun. He motioned for me to sit up and I did. Moving my hair out of the way he tied the necklace neatly around my neck, admiring me afterward before placing his own on with a goofy smile.
I smiled at him, the exhaustion becoming too much I crawled under the bed, making enough room for him to crawl under with me which he gladly did, taking hold of my body and causing me to grow warm.
"I love you," He whispered sweetly, rubbing my shoulder with his thumb.
"I love you too,"
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mirobami · 2 years
How about a reader who is from the rival family of the momobami clan. The reader is extremely smart and better than everyone in the momobami clan, but she has no interest in standing up to them. Please
↳ better yet withdrawn
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♥ GENRE: sfw.
♥ CHARACTER(S): bami clan.
♥ SYNOPSIS: in request!
♥ NOTE: this one was interesting i had to write it
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The L/N clan, known by the Bami clan as their enemies, was nothing more than a simplified version of them. While the Bami Clan had separate branches for a variety of areas, the L/N Clan depended on a single heir. The heir was picked in each generation through a ritual. The ritual would be done on each child in order to make it fair. The child chosen would be called the Superior and the others would get to be normal.
With the newest generation, Y/N had been chosen to be the Superior. She had heard about the Superior’s training. It was extremely rigorous and an arduous process. Her curriculum differed from everyone else’s, with more subjects. The textbooks grew heavier with each passing year. However, she had been conditioned to take in all this knowledge and keep it with her. Once, she had asked what was the purpose of all this.
“In case you are ever forced into something, you have what you need.” 
She didn’t understand. Years later, she’d be entering the prestigious Hyakkaou Academy. She already knew the reputation of this school and how to gain it. Through gambling, she’d make a place for herself, only to be safe. She knew that as long as she was safe in this school, she could continue her studies. What she hadn’t known was that she entered right as the school was in pandemonium with an election. Somehow, the second she walked in, she could sense more than that in the air.
Terano had been wheeled past her, her eyes closed as she strategized her next move against Kirari. But something lured her into turning around. When she whipped her head around, she saw her enemy standing there with a blank face and curious eyes. This was the girl that her family had said needed to be eliminated on the spot. The entire clan agreed to set aside their differences when the time came to eradicate her. “You.”
Y/N tilted her head. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.”
“Don’t act stupid. You know exactly who I am.” Terano had no patience for her, she needed to warn the others. If Y/N was here, it meant that everything they had ever worked for would come crashing down around them. “You’re the one taking everything from us.”
“I’m not sure how that’s possible, I have been studying all this time. If you’ll excuse me.”
That was how future interactions went with the Bami Clan. Terano had notified the rest of them that she was here. Tension ran amidst the clan and it was not, for the first time, directed at one another. They needed to get rid of her quickly. The first person to try was Miyo. She had tried to subtly poison Y/N, just like she had with Yumeko. But Y/N raised an eyebrow at her, sniffed, and said, “You have poison on you right now. Please do not get near me.”
The next person to attempt was Rin. He had asked her to gamble, but she declined, reading her book. When he looked at the cover, it was something about philosophy. Her, reading about morals? That was impossible. He asked one more time and Y/N sighed. “No, thank you. I will not gamble with you. I am asking you to leave.”
It was a fruitless attempt each time. The clan members were all getting paranoid and twitchy, thinking that at any moment, she might poison them or manipulate them into handing over their heirship. The rest of the school could see how they bristled at the sight of Y/N, who hadn’t done anything wrong. In fact, she was staying right in the middle of the pack, almost under the radar but not enough so that the clan wouldn’t detect her. She found out what was wrong and why the clan hated her so much, not to mention piecing together the reason as to the ritual. She was the person that could defeat them with a single blow. They were terrified of that. If she stood up to them and helped out the school, they would have no choice but to back down.
Kirari had said that she’d take care of things. This was why she had Y/N right in front of her. “You and I have some things to talk about.”
“Really? I don’t recall doing anything wrong.”
“Our families are in dispute. You are more than capable of destroying our family. We are here to--”
Y/N let out a long, loud sigh of exasperation. She had set her bag down on the floor, crossing her arms as she leaned back against her chair. “Let me put this in a language you all can understand, because I know this message will be passed along. I. Do. Not. Care.”
Kirari blinked. The words were rude, but the tone was something different. She didn’t care about the family dispute? Or was it that she didn’t care about Kirari’s words? “Listen to me--”
“No, you listen to me. Your family has been trying to get me to do things that I don’t want to do. Miyo tried to poison me, Rin tried to get me to gamble and I’ve heard enough things about him, Terano attempted to coerce me into handing over a property of mine, everyone has tried to eliminate me or get me out of this school. I don’t care about the dispute. Frankly, I don’t care about the election either, I don’t want to be president.”
“Are you aware that you’re something of a martyr to the other students?”
Scoffing, she uncrossed her arms and leaned forward. “I’m not dead yet. I have not been swallowed or devoured in your aquarium of torture. They are putting their faith in the wrong person because I don’t care about this rivalry. Future generations can continue, but for me? I don’t plan on standing against you guys. Do what you want. Just let me study, it’s hard enough to get some quiet around here and I have to deal with interruptions?’ Y/N stood up and grabbed her bag, making her way out before she turned around. “By the way, your best strategy against Terano is not what you think it is.”
Kirari sat down, before getting back up to go to her aquarium. There, she saw an isolated fish wandering around. The other fish seemed to move away from it, some daring to get close before darting off once more. No matter how many times this happened, the fish didn’t do anything. It was docile, seemingly indifferent to what was happening. Kirari smiled. She was an interesting person, to say the least. She couldn’t wait to see what more she could bring to the table.
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villainbait · 8 months
Sins of the Shrine - Chapter One
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Pairing: Heian!Sukuna x Reader
Rating: R
Word count: 3.4k
Chapter Warnings: heian period brutality, light body horror, thriller, curses do exist, sexual themes, eventually, torture, threats, graphic depictions of blood, ryomen sukuna is his own warning, pre-transformation sukuna, potential manga spoilers
The other miko had whispered of a shrine that separated the clearing of your own but you had forgotten their warning. It was very important, but you had forgotten it. A hushed warning about a demon that dwelled there, his cursed energy so thick it could choke you to death just by being in his presence- that's if you survived long enough for that to be your fate. Whether you come as a lover or an executioner, I am ready to receive you. -Agustin Gomez-Arcos
prologue ↠ i. ↠ ii. ↠
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Chapter One: The Unpolished Jewel
"there is no story where no one was sacrificed."
The first call of your name goes unheard. The second call is ignored. The third time your name is shouted loud enough to wake the dead and it is accompanied by the sound of angry footsteps and a sliding door that rattles along the rudimentary track as it’s slammed open. It makes you jump and you whine softly when your concentration is interrupted, desperate to finish these last two lines of poetry. A poem that you knew very well if it wasn’t perfect would ensure the disappointment of your father and the ridicule of your siblings. It doesn’t matter to your guardian as she berates you for not answering her and you can’t help but sigh, propping your cheek on one hand and tuning her out.
That’s right, you were graced – cursed, really – with an elder sister and a younger brother. There were other, less legitimate children that you had heard the servants whisper about, too. Your father often wasn’t kind to the household, so they were more than happy to gossip; even in your presence. Not that you minded really, since it was rare you were bothered by your father, let alone your siblings. Sometimes it was the only way you even knew how they were doing, given how scarce your interactions with them were. The estate was expansive and when your mother had died and father remarried someone closer to your age than his you had been banished to the outer living spaces. 
It was something you were quite used to, even before your mother died trying to give him a boy. Of course, girls were the preferred sex and the celebrations were grand when one was born, but your father desired someone to take over the clan when he passed. While you wanted for nothing since your father supplied you a generous allowance for whatever you needed and more than you desired. That was as far as his filial duty extended to you, since your sister was the prize of the family. Often as a child you were left on your own, only the servants or your own wit to help you survive and learn how to stumble through this brutal, unforgiving world. Most days you thought it was a blessing, excused from having to perform the courtly rituals that you had heard your sister incessantly complain about. 
Some days, though, it was unbearably lonely. 
As a child, you longed for friends. Sometimes the servants would bring their own children along, one or two of them a half-sibling of sorts to you; but they never stayed long. Until one day when you were playing on the edge of the property, far too close to the treeline. Your hands covered in dirt, you were approached by two dogs. A normal child would’ve been startled to have two large, spirit beings approach them; but you were not normal. You had been able to see curses since you were a toddler and these beings didn’t look near as frightening as the creatures that hovered on the edge of your home. They didn’t dare come closer, since the cursed energy emanating from your family’s land was intimidating enough to keep them at a distance. 
Yet these dogs were unfazed and unafraid, loping up to you with tongues and tails wagging. They were friendly and you returned the same, spending your entire day entertaining one another until you were called back into the house for dinner. You wave goodbye to your new friends but they don’t listen, beginning to follow you. 
“You can’t!” You cry softly, trying to shoo them away. “I’ll get into trouble if you come with me.” 
They didn’t budge, still sitting there expectantly as if waiting for something. You put your hands on your hips and huff, trying to think of a way you could take them home with you. It was almost certain that your guardian would take them away and have them disposed of if she saw them, since she was deathly afraid of all animals; but especially dogs. They sit and cock their heads to the side and you sigh a child’s sigh of exaggerated exasperation. “I wish you could stay with me, I really do, but you can’t.” 
Something on the heels of that wish made the tips of your fingertips tingle sharply and you clenched your little fists to try to stop the weird sensation. The dogs stood before taking a running start and diving into your waning shadow cast by the setting sun, disappearing completely. That did startle you and you panicked, turning in circles as you tried to figure out what had happened. The servant yelling for you grew more frantic in her calls and you hurried home to assuage her worry, but didn’t dare tell her of your own worry. You weren’t even sure what had happened yourself, but ever since you swore your shadow had felt heavier somehow.
At the time you had no idea, but that was the day your cursed technique manifested. 
After that and when no one was around, you’d gently call the two dogs from your shadow to keep you company when you felt lonely. The two had become your constant companions and they were your sole comfort that you hid from everyone, too afraid of what might happen if others found out. Not only that, but you quickly found out they sustained themselves on cursed energy, so they were expert helpers in dispatching the creepy cursed spirits that strayed too close to your living quarters.
The rest of your childhood passes in mostly a blur of the same thing day after day, but it all comes to a screeching halt on the day you reach maturity. You should’ve seen this coming as you were not your fated baby brother whose future as heir to your family’s dynasty was already foretold. Neither were you your eldest sister who, if rumor was to be believed, was set to marry a rich man twice her age (you were eternally grateful to be spared that fate). No, you were but the neglected middle child and thus it shouldn’t have been surprising when your father arrived in a whirlwind, only to announce your sudden and indefinite departure to a shrine you had never heard the name of before leaving just as abruptly. 
Yet somehow, you sat there in muted shock as the servants assigned to you tittered and worried over what was going to happen to them when you left. You were about to undergo the biggest, most frightening change of your life and they only worried about themselves. Nevertheless, you were packed up without further delay and undertook the arduous journey closer to the capital of Kyoto. Thankfully it was mostly uneventful save your horse throwing a shoe at one point and you arrived at the shrine safely.
The first thing you noticed upon arrival was that the shrine itself, while well-maintained, was simplistic in design. Three large, oblong buildings were surrounded by towering, droopy trees that seemed to diminish their overall presence. It was only after you alighted from your horse that you realized how hushed and muted the other miko scurrying around distracted with their duties were. It doesn’t take long before you realize you’re having a bit of trouble breathing from the rancid energy swirling around the grounds, but it was too late to turn back as your escorts were already long gone by the time you even considered the option. With a sigh, you hike your makeshift bag higher on your shoulder and approach a group of three miko dressed just like you. 
They don’t look up from their sweeping of the stone entryway and you clear your throat softly to get their attention. Simultaneously they all stop working to look up at you and you’re struck by how haggard they appear and you can’t help but wonder what your father was thinking in sending you here. Perhaps he wasn’t thinking of your well-being at all, which would be quite typical of him. 
“Uhm, hello.” You offer a traditional greeting and they return it automatically to which elicits a warm smile from you. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. “I’ve just arrived, I don’t know if you received word of my arrival…” You trailed off when you glimpse their worried expressions and you stand there awkwardly until one of them nods and in a quiet monotone says, “Follow me, I’ll show you where to go.” 
After a quick, dizzying tour around the shrine you’re taken to meet the priests. They come out of the shrine itself and you offer proper greetings. Something about them makes you uneasy and their eyes linger a little too long for your comfort, but you shake it off as simply not being accustomed to being scrutinized by strangers. Perhaps they were just curious about your cursed technique since they had been given prior notice that you were a shaman. One of the reasons you were sent to this shrine specifically was because it was comprised of others who could wield cursed techniques of their own. Of course, your father had no idea what your cursed technique was, but you knew that in his arrogance he would assume that no child of his would be bereft of such power. 
It’s only later, when you’re tucked under your musty bed  in the common room with the other girls that you hear a few of them whispering to each other. You can hear them quite clearly but wished to the gods you couldn’t since every sentence they mutter leaves you colder than the last. “She won’t last.” “They’ll eat her alive.” “That’s if she’s lucky.” “Her parents must hate her.” You pull the paltry bed covering over your head to block out their comments and try not to think about how much you already miss your actual bed and home, shivering until you finally fall into a fitful sleep. 
Over the next couple of days, you quickly realize the cursed energy that has gathered is vaguely suffocating and ever present. Not only that, but you had the distinct feeling you were being watched, that something had its eyes on you; waiting. When you ventured outside to do your own shared chores and you understood why those around you were so worried. Maybe this was why the other miko were so on edge every time you saw them scurrying around to do their daily tasks before nightfall, but you had to admit to curiosity over what this energy was that seemed so pervasive around the shrine. It was cursed energy that belonged to someone, that much you could discern. <i>Was it one of the priests?</i> You had tried to ask once, but the group of girls had pretended not to hear you and the broom handle felt abrasive in your grip when you tried not to take it personally. 
A week passes quickly and you’ve barely just settled into a routine when you’re approached by one of the senior girls that doled out the chores every morning. She was flanked by two other girls that clung closer to her than necessary, all three of them wearing pinched smiles. It was on the tip of your tongue to ask what was wrong when she spoke in a quick, hushed tone. 
“You have been tasked with the patrol tonight.” You gave the three of them a genuinely baffled look. “What does that mean?” As you soon found out, it meant that you were going to be responsible for walking the grounds and dispelling the weaker cursed spirits that seem to crop up like bugs. The expressions on the girls’ faces linger in the back of your mind and you couldn’t help but wonder why they looked so unhappy. Was it because this was a test? You did come from one of the most powerful jujutsu clans and this temple was renowned for refining noble young ladies of considerable shamanistic power, and you hoped you wouldn’t disappoint them.
Your worry was nothing when that very night you almost felt like you were finally doing something useful as you exorcised the creepy little things that tried to sneak their way into the cracks of the outbuildings. You say almost because no matter how much you tried, you couldn’t summon your canine companions. 
It wasn’t for lack of trying, going so far as to call out to them like you would any other beloved pet. You even attempted to entice them from your shadow with the generous shaking of a juicy cut up corpse of a cursed spirit to no avail. With a frustrated sigh of resignation, you used the other tools and tricks you had at your disposal instead; thankful that you weren’t at least reliant on those fickle dogs of yours. 
The first few weeks of this go without trouble and you settle into an uncomfortable but familiar routine, but one night it’s almost as if even the very air itself hesitated when you stepped onto the dewy lawn to begin your nightly vigil. You were so close to finishing your first loop around the dimly lit grounds when you heard it and froze. The faint sound of whimpering is unmistakable and you tip your head to the side as you try to pinpoint the direction from where it came. The pervasive cursed energy dulled your other senses considerably and despite how much you had tried to become accustomed to it, it was still difficult to concentrate. Inching cautiously towards the noise, the culprit becomes clear through the darkened copse of trees in front of you and you can vaguely make out the diminutive body of a child. With a quiet gasp you rush over to it without thinking, not realizing for a single moment it could be a trap- 
The curse swipes out with a screaming, high-pitched wail and you scramble back with your hands over your ears only to barely miss getting sliced open with those sinuous, wicked claws attached to one of its hands. The other flings the small child against the tree so hard you hear the wet cracking and know it's dead on impact, but you don’t have time to mourn a life taken too soon. It’s already found new prey in the form of you and you realize with growing horror it’s cut off any retreat you may have had back to the safety of the shrine. It’s so much stronger than the weak little curses you’re used to dealing with as you frantically try to get your bearings; your ears still ringing. In desperation you call for your dogs again, your voice loud as you hope maybe someone from the shrine will hear you but you know it’s useless. You’d be dead before anyone could help you and your dogs don’t seem to care if you die either; refusing to come out.
So you do the only thing you can think of and run, darting into the utter blackness of the forest. 
Cursed energy swirls around you and it is stifling, continually making it difficult to breathe as you’re chased through the woods. The crashing of tree branches as their brittle bark bounces off one another before falling onto the forest floor is deafening behind you. You can’t tell if it’s the pervasive suffocation you’ve grown accustomed to in the past few weeks that linger in the area or if it’s emanating from the monstrous creature on your heels. 
A glint of white catches your attention from the corner of your eye but you can’t look – won’t look –  trusting that whatever it is in the darkness is uninterested in you this night; your legs pumping faster as you race towards the unknown. As you move deeper into the forest, the malevolent energy grows even more oppressive and you’re desperately taking in air with every flagging step, already starting to get dizzy. The other miko had whispered of a shrine on the other side of the wilderness that separated the clearing of your own shrine, but your hope was wearing thin until you saw the break in the trees. 
A large, looming torii arches above the tree tops and even in the darkness you can make out the warm illumination of braziers flanking the ornate entrance to the shrine. For the life of you, you could not remember who that shrine belonged to, but in this moment you didn’t care. The quiet, lighthearted promise you make to yourself that whatever deity haunted it would be the new god you prayed to if you survived tonight goes unspoken in face of the prevailing danger in the darkness.
You stumble through the arch and the energy here is unbearably thick, but you persevere despite the obvious warning to stay away; the spirit already crashing through the same split in the trees you had. The mournful warbling as it wails raises the hair on the back of your neck and you can feel its heavy footfalls reverberate through the ground as it races into the clearing. Stupidly, you risk a glance over your shoulder and trip – tumbling to the ground with a cry of surprise; landing in an unceremonious heap.
Dirt clings under your nails as you claw at the ground for purchase, scrambling only to slip and fall again. The thunderous sound of footsteps behind you is close, too close, and you whip around to face your death head on. You would not die running away and raise your hands in the mimicry of a gesture as the spirit scurries lopsidedly towards you; its grotesque tongues lolling lazily out of its mouth. The drool from those tongues hit the ground with hisses and stings as it corrodes the very earth under its feet. You shudder in revulsion and fear, shrinking back at the rancid smell of it when it reaches your nose. In a last desperate attempt, you make the peculiar gesture that you had seen only once when it came to you in a dream; feeling utterly silly if this is how you die but pinning every hope on it being a sign of salvation instead. 
Sweat trickles down your spine and you can smell the rot of the creature as it reaches you and makes you want to vomit so you hold your breath and pray fervently to the god of this shrine. 
The demon dogs burst suddenly from your shadow, all snarls and sharp teeth. They snatch the curse mere inches away from your face in their jaws and they go flying across the temple grounds in a tangled, violent heap. The distinct sound of bone and sinew snapping is loud in the silence, only punctuated by your heaving breaths as you lay there and stare up at the sky with wide, unblinking eyes as the thought etches itself into your brain. 
You almost died.
You’re out of breath and you flop your trembling arms and legs outward to rest your already aching muscles, perversely mimicking a starfish as you try to calm down. At least it would’ve been a beautiful day to die, the inky darkness of the sky scattered with thousands of brilliant little stars; the moon casting a cool, luminous glow you hadn’t been able to appreciate under the thick canopy of trees. The relief of your survival and the beauty of the night made you feel poetic somehow, and you briefly mourned that you didn’t have anything to write with so you could capture these fleeting emotions. 
The dogs are still noisily munching on the curse somewhere vaguely to your left when that moonlight view is blocked by a figure swathed in a simple kimono, and you find yourself peering up at a distinct double set of crimson eyes that are staring back down at you impassively. What air in your lungs you had painstakingly gathered wooshes out of you with one breath and the mikos’ dire warnings all come crashing over you all at once. 
It had taken you but a moment, but even without the mikos’ rumor-mongering you would have immediately recognized the figure above you from the painting scrolls and fear settles like a cold rock in the pit of your stomach. 
You find yourself staring up at Ryomen Sukuna himself and realize you are going to die tonight.
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A/N: Thank you for reading chapter one! I headcanon that cursed energy during the Heian period was more like wild fae magic in that it was unruly and manifested cursed techniques in different ways than the established inherited techniques we see today. A lot of early cursed techniques pull from Japanese History and a lot of it does deal in unpredictable, wild magic. The legends and myths the original ten shadows technique is based on is why I chose to write it this way. ♥
prologue ↠ i. ↠ ii.
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