#she was fun in early clone wars but by season 7 she was perfect precious baby who is What The Jedi Shoukd Be
On the one hand, I deeply hate that the Rebels Sequel was shunted over into Ahsoka, but on the other I don’t even know what story they could tell with Ahsoka at this point. She’s not interesting, at all. Filoni has sucked every good part of her character out to make her look like the perfect Grey Jedi (does not actually exist per the lore of the universe) and all the characters she actually had semi interesting relationships with are dead.
Anakin’s gone, Obi-Wan’s gone, Padmé’s gone, if Rex isn’t gone he’s ancient, and since she’s not sticking around with Luke there’s literally no one left but the Ghost Crew. So she’s shoved into Rebels 2 and eventually Felony gets his grubby little hands on it and it becomes an Ahsoka show.
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