#she was just laying listlessly by the water bowl and when I picked her up she couldn’t walk
froody · 1 year
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she’s acting like I’m going to take it from her like she’s over there huddled over it slorping nastily this is such an improvement
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eggytranslations · 4 years
Volume 1, Chapter 6-Mid-Autumn Festival
Content warnings: some lite/implied nsfw
On the second day, the rains suddenly stopped and the skies cleared up.
Having gone through several days of cleansing by wind and rain, the flowers in the courtyard inevitably withered. However, even more verdant green leaves peaked up their heads, and within each and every one of the green leaves sat small, not yet grown flower buds. Looking at that scene, in less than three to five days the trees would be full of blossoming flowers once again.
Shen Qingxuan sat in the courtyard, smelling the balmy scent of soil in the air while he looked into the distance. After not seeing it for several days, the entire mountain forest had been washed by the rain into a kind of hazy green color, flooding with a jewel-like luster.
He sat until noon, when the sun became too deadly and shone so hard that people started sweating all over. It was as if the sun wanted to unleash all at once the temperatures that it had been brewing for many days. It became so hot that even the birds in the forest started to look dejected and listless.
Shen Qingxuan looked towards that golden-bright disk of light in the sky with squinted eyes, and in just an instant, an expanse of whiteness blinded his eyes.
He promptly shut his eyes to let them rest. Shen Qingxuan could not help but feel moody inside and helplessly thought, This old yao left, and now the sun dares to come out.
As his thoughts progressed, he also found it laughable, and leaned his head back on the chair with a silent sigh.
He sat there, sitting all the way until the afternoon.
The sun dragged out the silhouette of him sitting alone in his wheelchair into a long, lingering shadow.
Yi Mo had left for more than a month in the blink of an eye, and during this time, he sent back zero news.
Shen Qingxuan merely pretended he had never known of his leaving and did not think about it. Only, sometimes as he was turning about in bed, it would flash across his mind. He would wonder if that snake slough of his had been found or not and how long away he was from returning to the mountain. As soon as this thought surfaced, he would force it back down, not wanting to torture himself for no reason. Worst comes to worst, he could actually light incense and invite a couple demons and monsters, instead of missing someone who was uninterested in him.
Just like that, this month passed considerably smoothly.
The second month, just after the seventh day, Shen Qingxuan flipped through the almanac. The marks drawn by the writing brush appeared before his eyes and he recalled that his mother’s birth date was almost near. He also inwardly worried while unsurely deliberating what to gift as a birthday present.
Seeing his gloomy expression, the serving boy at his side guessed what he was internally thinking about and accompanied Shen Qingxuan by being moody for a few days as well. Later, the serving boy came up with an idea, saying it would be nice if the young master prepared some wild goods from the mountain, then personally prepared a meal and cooked a bowl of longevity noodles to send to the old madam as a present.
Shen Qingxuan thought about it and cheerfully agreed.
Old Madam Shen was a Buddhist and did not touch meat or fish. There were various kinds of fresh mushrooms on the mountain, and even more fresh bamboo shoots from the rains. One only had to lower their head to see them everywhere.
Shen Qingxuan sent someone to pick a whole entire basket of the goods and separately picked the two foods apart to store. Then he went into the kitchen to knead and roll flour into noodles.
He busied himself for several days before he could roll out a long, lengthy, and unbroken noodle. Old Madam Shen’s birth date had also arrived.
After plating the stewed fresh mushroom soup, then thinly slicing fresh bamboo shoots and pouring sauce over them, Shen Qingxuan packed them both into a food box
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, and sent someone to deliver it down the mountain. He instructed them that the longevity noodles must not be cooked until they had arrived at the manor, followed by the mushroom soup poured on top and that would suffice.
The serving boy heeded his instructions, shouldered the meal box as well as the basket of fresh wild goods, and descended down the mountain.
Shen Qingxuan sent him off at the entrance, looking towards the serving boy’s back, unable to return to his senses for a very long time.
Seeing him like this, the maidservant by his side felt rather mournful and stood for a moment before she softly said, “Shaoye, since you miss Lao Furen, why not go down the mountain and deliver it yourself? After Lao Furen sees Shaoye, she will be a bit more joyful.”
Shen Qingxuan came back to his senses. After he heard this sentence, his face was expressionless, too. He shook his head slightly and made a gesture to direct her to push him back to his room.
That serving boy shouldered the food box along with the other things and quickly set off down the mountain. He arrived at the Shen Manor just as the sun was setting. Mother Shen heard the news and came, but once she saw the soup and food in the meal box, she immediately shed tears. She quickly took out her handkerchief to wipe her tears and said to herself, “My son is filial.”
The serving boy was clever, and while bowing his waist, he said some auspicious words before telling her, “These noodles were hand rolled by shaoye himself. He sent this insignificant one to deliver it. Just before leaving, he instructed that the noodles must be cooked after they had entered the house. Would furen like to eat now?”
Mother Shen nodded her head, and entered the kitchen, watching the kitchen maid heat the water to a boil. The kitchen maid lowered the long, lengthy strings of noodles into the pot, then, once she fished them up, placed them into a bowl and poured the mushroom soup on top at just the right temperature. After the scalding hot noodles were drenched by the lukewarm soup, they were just right to eat. It was neither too cold, nor too scalding.
After eating the noodles, Old Madam Shen called over the serving boy to give a reward and told him, “You go back and pass on to Xuan’er, mother understands his thoughts. In the past years, whenever he returned home, I would always have a cry. His heart was already in pain, but seeing me like this added even more to his grief. Naturally, I do not blame him for not leaving the mountains now. Let him quietly rest in the mountains for the time being. As a mother, I do not demand that he goes into trade or politics; I only wish for him to be in good health and stable.” After saying this, she put her palms together, said May Buddha protect him, and left in tears.
The serving boy received a hefty amount of silver as a reward and put it near his chest. Once he returned to the mountain, he passed on Mother Shen’s words to Shen Qingxuan without missing a word. After he was rewarded once again, he happily retreated.
The days in the mountains passed sluggishly, moreover, it was also summer. The days were long and the nights were short.
Shen Qingxuan also thought the days passed exceedingly slow. During the day, he sat listlessly under the trees for a long time, but when he opened his eyes again, it was still bright daytime.
And unknowingly, this spare time was somehow idled away. One day, when he opened the window, his nose suddenly caught the floating scent of osmanthus flowers, which startled him. Was it already the eighth month?
Mid-autumn during the eighth lunar month was exactly when the chrysanthemums became golden, the crabs became fatty, and the osmanthus flowers became fragrant.
Shen Qingxuan perked up. He called for someone to wash the courtyard with fresh water and pave the ground with fine sand. Once it cooled down in the evening, he invited the numerous serving boys, maidservants, kitchen maids and senior attendants and set up three or four banquet tables with the dozens of steamed, big, fat crabs arranged in the middle. There was also heated wine warmed in water for everyone to enjoy while they admired the full moon.
The servants in the mountain courtyard were not originally trained by the main manor, so their tempers were rather wild. Once they received their master’s permission and saw he was in a rare, spirited mood, they immediately began to eat and chat.
Shen Qingxuan sat with a few personal servants at a table and would also smile at the jokes he heard from them. Upon seeing their master’s joy, the servants became happy as well. At once, the jokes and mischievous talk came out one right after another. Some were extremely vulgar, but Shen Qingxuan laughed without control, and bestowed them a drink afterwards.
After drinking three cups of yellow soup, the serving boy became quite pleased with himself and his naughty jokes could no longer be contained anymore. At once, he boasted outrageously about everything under the sun. The more he spoke, the more absurd he became. Later, he somehow dragged in gods and ghosts, saying Xingtian did such and such, and Fuxi did such and such. Of course there were tales of flower ghosts and fox spirits. The stories came out, one right after another, not to mention, their favorite tale to discuss: the struggling scholar and the steadfast yao/guai/ghost/immortal pledging their undying love before the flowers and under the moon. Once a serving boy began this type of story, the others would then continue to narrate it. Each story was more sentimental and more touching than the last.
The courtyard was momentarily livelier than ever.
Tonight they made noise until the third watch and everyone in the courtyard was visibly drunk. Shen Qingxuan felt happy, so he also drank a few more cups and felt a bit dizzy. His personal maidservant was still sober and she helped him back to his room to rest. Shen Qingxuan lay on the bed and sent her back to the courtyard to continue drinking with everyone while he rested by himself.
Once the maidservant closed the doors and left, Shen Qingxuan started to feel the rather uncomfortable effects of the alcohol kick in and regained some clarity as well. He suddenly felt a bit miserable when he heard the bustling noise outside the room slip in through the windows and under the door seam like silk thread, appearing far yet near, real yet imaginary.
He could not help but think of Yi Mo and wonder where he was right now, what he was busy doing, did he find his snake slough, was he able to drink some wine during the Mid-Autumn Festival…had he thought of him at all and their time of written conversation under the candlelights?
Just as he was losing himself to his imagination, he suddenly heard a melodious female voice delicately and weakly call out by his ear, “Gongzi.”
Shen Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes, but there was no one around him. He almost thought he had misheard, so he paused a moment, and abruptly opened the bed curtain.
Not far away, he could only see there was a woman standing slim and graceful in red clothes. Her hair was wrapped into a tall cloud bun shape, her complexion was flushed red, and looked as pretty as a picture with an unspeakable, flower-like beauty.
At the moment, she was looking at him with unspoken tenderness.
Shen Qingxuan stared blankly at her for a long time, which made her pink cheeks even more red and her flirtatious expression even more enchanting.
Thinking that he was in a dream, Shen Qingxuan hurriedly reached out his hand and pinched himself, but it felt extremely painful.
At once he came to his senses, this woman had to be either an immortal or a yao. His heart was on alert.
The woman’s light footsteps were delicate like a lotus as she moved to his bedside. She bowed her head and said shyly, “Gongzi has the right idea. This slave of yours is a charming flower from these mountains. After many years of receiving gongzi’s benevolence and careful watering, this slave of yours has cultivated a human form. In the courtyard just now, gongzi was drunk and poured a cup of wine on your slave’s body. Does gongzi still remember?”
Shen Qingxuan listened dumbfoundedly, recalled dumbfoundedly, and then remembered suddenly that something like this seemed to happen just a moment ago, but it was a cluster of many-petaled rose balsams
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The woman’s pink neck lowered as she said, “That was your humble slave.”
Shen Qingxuan did not recover until now, but he was puzzled by her reason for coming here, and was staring at her doubtfully.
“It was because this slave of yours received gongzi’s bountiful benevolence that I am able to exist today…” Saying this, her face suddenly became rosy and even more incomparably alluring. In a voice as quiet as a mosquito cry, she said, “Tonight I have come to repay gongzi.”
She said it very quietly and was so bashful that she could not even lift her eyes up. Shen Qingxuan was a very intelligent person, and after he understood her meaning, he immediately became terribly bashful as well. His ears turned red as he did not know how to respond.
The two of them became unbearably shy for the moment as the shadows of the candle were swaying and the mood turned charming and gentle.
Upon seeing this, the woman was still blushing and unable to lift her head, but she reached out her hand to gently untie her bright red silk gauze shirt
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, and slowly lied down, nestling into his arms.
With a soft and warm beauty in his embrace, how was there any reason to be unmoved?
Naturally, Shen Qingxuan was stirred by passions, but he also hesitated. The affairs between a man and a woman were not any ordinary matter. Although he was born into a merchant household, he was still tutored at the young age of three. Under the tutelage of great teachers, he studied poetry and literature as well as courtesy. To this day, he has never been disrespectful with his words or actions. Although he had thought of the affairs between a man and a woman, he cut short this wishful thinking long ago because of his body.
Tonight, this woman was as beautiful as a flower. Even if she was not human, she was still innocent and cute. Thus, Shen Qingxuan did not dare to act impulsively.
After a period of reflection, Shen Qingxuan gradually cooled down, but the woman did not. The soft body in the blankets started to entangle him.
Shen Qingxuan could not speak with his mouth so he could only push her away. As soon as he pushed her away a little bit, she would timidly wrap around him again. He pushed again, and she stuck to him again.
After repeating this a few times, since the pair on the bed were a man and a woman in the prime of their youth, like a spark of fire to drywood, in the end, the inferno caught fire with a bang.
Shen Qingxuan’s mind was already exhausted. He only performed in a daze to the most critical moment, when he felt the soft and warm body in his arms suddenly turn cold. Furthermore, there was an ice-cold palm caressing his forehead. He had no idea where all those low moans and soft words went. He could only hear a voice lowly and deeply whisper by his ear, “Shen Gongzi is indeed simply refined, but bewitching; beautiful as if heaven-made.”
Shen Qingxuan was shocked. His waist shivered once, and he suddenly opened his eyes.
But, there was no one around him. That bed, however, was some ten steps away from him. The quilts and pillow on the bed were neat and tidy with no sign of being touched.
Shen Qingxuan only felt sweat drip off his forehead while an icy coldness penetrated his whole body, as if he was still entwined with the ice-cold body in his dreams.
With a glance down, however, he saw that he was soaking in the bath bucket and the water had already cooled completely.
So it was actually a bath, but he dozed off and had a spring dream.
Shen Qingxuan let out a sigh of relief and amusingly shook his head. He raised his arm, preparing to ring the bell for someone.
But at this moment, he cast a glance out of the corner of his eye to the bottom of the water. His outstretched hand abruptly, as if it had become rigid, stopped still in midair. His face turned white as paper while he was foolishly staring at the threads of thick white substance in the water that were floating before his eyes.
So debauched!
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just-some-girlll · 4 years
Kara and Lena’s relationship as told by the different spaces in Kara’s loft.
i. front hall.
it’s an entryway. a starting point.
here, Lena would linger just a little bit too long after their movie nights – not quite ready to leave, but also hesitant to overstay her welcome. she’d smile at Kara, one of those warm and sleepy ones that no one else gets to see. tell her, ‘thank you for having me. i had a nice time,’ before sinking into Kara’s warm embrace that lasts for maybe a little too long.
it’s where Kara first thinks of asking Lena to stay over.
‘it’s cold,’ she’d say, ‘and late. you should stay.’
‘are you sure?’ Lena would say, because she’s polite and reluctant to intrude.
‘of course.’
that didn’t happen.
they’d danced around their feelings for years, tip-toeing that fine line between friendship and something more. then Lena had found out about Supergirl, about how Kara had lied for years, about how everyone had lied for years.
that’s when their movie nights stopped. when everything stopped.
Kara would come home late into the night, bone-tired and numb. she’d stumble into her apartment, kick the door shut behind her, and drop back against it with a muffled thud. her glasses would get tossed aside, same with her bag and coat, and then she’d slide down the door until she was sitting on the cold wood floor. sometimes she’d cry, sometimes she’d just sit and stare, but what was always consistent, was that blue emptiness she felt in her heart.
it’s where, months after fighting, Lena stands, asking for help. and it’s where, months after fighting, Kara stands, feeling that emptiness in her heart slowly begin to fill.
it’s an entryway. a starting point. a place where their relationship begins to heal.
ii. living room.
an open space, and where Kara and Lena take those first few steps at healing. together.
there’s some shouting – lots of it actually – but it doesn’t come from a place of anger or hate, rather hurt and love. and soon enough, the shouting stops. that’s when the quiet sets in. it’s like the quiet after a storm: everything’s been unearthed, thrown around, and is just waiting to be picked up in soft, careful hands. that takes a while – Thanksgiving comes and goes – but they do that together too.
Kara starts hosting game nights again, and Lena starts coming to those too. their movie nights are still on hold, and Lena rarely stays after nine, but it’s progress.
it’s early in the new year when their movie nights start up again, and by complete accident as well. everyone had been over for game night. Lena had fallen asleep on Kara’s couch during a bout of Jenga, and everyone had left not long after. when she’d woken up, Lena saw Kara at the other end of the couch, feet curled beneath her, and nursing a cup of tea as the opening credits of The Goonies played on the TV.
‘what time is it?’ Lena asked, sitting up and stretching her back.
‘late,’ Kara said, almost a little sad. ‘i can fly you home.’
‘that’s okay.’
Kara nodded. ‘do you wanna watch the movie with me?’
‘yeah,’ Lena said, and then she smiled that warm sleepy smile that only Kara gets to see.
iii. dining room.
some say the kitchen is the heart of any home, but Kara likes to think the dining room is a worthier choice. it’s a place to talk, to gather, to reconnect.
she hosts Thanksgiving most years there, stuffs mismatched chairs around the table so everyone can fit, and makes a point to claim the seat beside Lena, even if it means she has to sit on the not-quite-sturdy lawn chair for dinner and dessert. she has to hover a fraction of an inch because she’s genuinely worried the chair may give out beneath her.
don’t tell Eliza though. she has a rule about no powers at the table.
it’s totally worth it though, because, with everyone stuffed around Kara’s table, it means everyone’s pressed close together. it means Lena’s sitting almost flush to Kara’s side. it means Lena’s hand brushes against Kara’s when they’ve finished eating and resting their hands on the table, pinkies reaching out and linking together.
if anyone notices, they don’t say a thing.
it’s also a place of certainty, Kara realises one morning as she's eating breakfast. unlike the front hall and living room, there’s no mystery about what you’re supposed to do in the dining room.
it’s as she takes a sip of orange juice, mulling over the events of the last year and a bit, that she realises her and Lena seem to be exactly where they were before everything blew up in her face. it’s as she dunks her spoon back into her bowl of cereal, that she realises she's never been happier. and it’s as her phone pings with a new message from Lena – confirming plans for lunch – that she realises she’s in love and has been for a while.
iv. kitchen.
a place of creation, of making things, mostly food, but just as many memories too.
it’s where Kara first made Lena laugh. like, really laugh. one of those laughs that shakes your body, makes you breathless, and leaves you giggling hours later. Kara can’t remember what she did to make Lena laugh that much, wishes she could, but definitely prefers the memory of Lena’s laugh to whatever dumb thing she said or did.
sometimes they sit on the floor too, backs pressed against the cabinets, a bottle of five-dollar wine Kara found in the back of her cupboard and a half-melted tub of Ben & Jerry’s between them. those are the times where they’ll talk well into the night about their hopes and fears, falling deeper as they do.
the first time they kiss is on one of those nights. it started as an unfiltered confession from Lena.
‘i think i’m in love,’ she said, poking her spoon listlessly at the pint of ice-cream.
and Kara felt her heart sink, because Lena loves someone, and that someone isn’t her. ‘yeah?’
‘have you told them?’
‘well, they’re lucky, really lucky, if someone as great you loves them.’
‘you think?’
Kara turned her head to look at Lena, stars in her eyes and with one of those soft smiles that says more than words ever could. ‘how could i not?’
and then Lena had asked if she could kiss her, and Kara had sputtered out a confused ‘what?’ too which Lena asked her question again.
Kara had blinked, had understood, and then leant forward to kiss Lena with the biggest grin on her face.
v. bathroom.
it’s a bit of an anything-goes sort of space. a combination of hurt and love and friendship.
hurt, because sometimes they fight. their first big fight as a couple came a few months into their relationship. it had started as a small irritant. some little habit Kara unknowingly picked up in adolescence that drove Lena absolutely mad. as all things do, the annoyance grew as the time they spent together increased. it ended with Lena storming off to the bathroom and locking herself in, and Kara standing in the kitchen, realising she really fucked up.
she gave Lena space and waited a little while before going to the door and knocking gently. the door opened shortly after.
‘sorry for yelling,’ Lena said.
‘sorry for being annoying.’
‘you’re not annoying.’
‘some of my habits are annoying.’
‘so are mine.’
‘we’ll work on it?’
Lena had nodded and smiled.
‘can i have a kiss?’
‘like you even have to ask.’
Kara laughed as she pulled Lena close and kissed her sweetly on the lips.
love, because sometimes Kara will sneak into the shower with Lena, wrap her arms around her waist, and press a line of kisses along her shoulder and neck. Lena had admonished Kara the first time she did it, had said she had a meeting at nine and couldn’t be late. that had only served to spur Kara on.
‘i can be quick,’ Kara had said, her hands wandering up and down Lena’s wet and smooth body.
‘i know you can.’ Lena spun around in Kara’s arms, leant in close so their lips were barely a hairs width apart. ‘but why would you want to be quick? we both know that slow’ —she dipped her hands between Kara’s legs, started with slow teasing strokes— ‘is so much better.’
Kara had moaned and closed her eyes, very happy with where her morning was going. she listened to Lena’s voice, listened as she explained exactly what she’d do to her, what she’d say, and how it’d feel. and then—
the water turned off and Lena slipped out of the shower, telling Kara that she really had to get going and that they’d pick this up later.
friendship, because even though they’re dating, they’ll always be best friends. Lena had let herself into Kara’s apartment late one evening, juggling folders from work, her keys, and a bag of groceries she picked up on her way because she noticed Kara was missing a few things earlier that morning. she’d called out to Kara, and when she got no response, ventured deeper into the loft. the bathroom was where she found Kara, who was stood in front of the mirror with a pair of scissors.
‘really?’ Lena had laughed, stepping into the bathroom and over the strands of blonde hair scattered across the floor.
‘i was bored.’
‘so you decided to cut your hair?’
‘need a hand?’
‘please.’ Kara all but threw the scissors into Lena’s hands before she sat down on the closed toilet.
Kara had thanked Lena when she was finished, and Lena had replied with a simple, ‘that’s what friends are for.’
‘we’re girlfriends, Lee.’
‘yeah, but we’re still friends.’
‘the best of friends.’ and then Kara had pressed a quick kiss to Lena’s cheek before darting off to get started on dinner.
vi. bedroom.
this is an open space. an honest space. like the living room but only for the two of them. they don't have secrets anymore. this is where they share them. some big or small, and others new or old. it’s no secret that they love each, not anymore. those quiet declarations of love whispered into the dark as they both lay on their sides facing each other, fingers twisted together, and legs a tangled mess beneath the sheets. the first time Kara said those three words was in her bedroom.
‘i love you,’ she had said in the quiet. Lena had been asleep, her breath steady and body free from the invisible weight she carries with her each day.
she wanted to test the words, see how they felt on her tongue, and sounded to her ears.
she decided that they’re good words. words Lena should hear.
Kara drifted off to sleep with those three words on her mind. it was the first thing she said when she woke up in the morning. Lena had smiled sleepily, eyes still closed and limbs heavy with sleep.
‘love you too,’ Lena said before sleep pulled her back and Kara pressed a featherlight kiss to the tip of her nose.
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wh4tco1n-blog · 7 years
Here have another story I wrote a little while ago
Alice sat outside her house. She stared into the mist waiting patiently for a song to play again. Every night while she tried to fall asleep she would hear a song, each one different from the night before. This time however, she was determined to find the source. It was close to midnight she figured, when a quiet melody began to ring in the air. She quickly stood up, now was the time to find the source of the music. She ran through the woods, and became more encouraged as she heard the music grow louder. It was only a few feet away she was sure when suddenly she crashed into someone. She looked up and saw her father. Since when had he been out in the woods? He seemed to be a little dazed but came to his senses quite speedily and began inquiring as to why Alice was out in the woods. She tried to explain she was following the music but her father wasn’t quite in the mood to listen to any explanation. He marched her back home. She didn’t hear the music again that night.
The next morning Alice woke with a start as her alarm began ringing. She turned it off and dragged herself out of bed. She prepared for school and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.She sat at the table solemnly and began eating a bowl of cereal. Her father sat at the other side of the table sipping his coffee listlessly. She remembered his laughter and joking spirit he showed only two weeks ago. Only two weeks ago, right before mom had gone missing. One week since her body was found on the shores of Styx, the deadly river that had taken many lives. It had been ruled as a suicide. Alice knew this fact only made the pain more real for her father. Of course Alice hurt too, but her mother never was very close to her. Alice usually avoided her mother Karen. Karen always had this ominous aura about her, and it worried Alice. Even so, her father loved Karen very much. Alice thought he dared to love Karen more than his first wife, Alice’s real mother. Now that Karen was gone it seemed that Alice’s father had lost his happiness. She hated seeing him like this, he was never like this when her real mother had died, he still laughed, he still spoke to her often. Now the only words she heard from him were scolding words if she did something wrong. Once she finished her cereal she quietly left the house and headed to school.
As Alice approached the old musty school building, she noticed a few girls gossiping next to the door. She recognized them as her main adversaries, and they recognized her as easy prey. She really was, and her emotions always showed a little too easily in her face. They had picked on her since first grade. It was extremely ridiculous in her opinion the way they behaved, but that didn’t stop her from being hurt upon hearing every bitter word that escaped from their lips. They noticed her and began to walk towards her. She cursed under her breath and mentally prepared for the day. It was all a routine anyways, and this was nothing new. It didn’t even scare her like it did when she was in elementary school. She stared blankly and tried to think about something positive while they beat her with violent words and cackles, but nothing positive came to her mind. Eventually they figured it was time to go to class and left her deserted outside of the school. She waited for them to enter the building before heading in. She had learned long ago to not make it look like she was following them. She sat down at her desk and tried not to stare at the cruel words carved into her desk. She didn’t even bother listening to the teacher, it wasn’t like paying attention would make it easier to learn. Nothing made sense in class, and listening only made her more confused. Eventually the bell rang and she packed up her things and left. She never stayed after lunch because the classes after lunch were held only for older students. She took the path through the woods to her home to avoid meeting the other students on the main road.
She walked through the front door of her home and tossed her backpack on the floor. She grabbed some carrot sticks out of the fridge to munch on, she never felt very hungry after school. She looked around the house and quickly realized that her father was not present. He was usually watching TV or sitting in his office, but he was in neither of these places, nor was he anywhere else in the house for that matter. She began to worry and suddenly stopped in her tracks. She turned off the television which was still playing even though no one was watching. She stood for a moment, silent, and quickly ran out the door into the woods, leaving the carrot sticks lying on the ground next to her backpack.
Alice ran through the woods as fast as her feet could manage. The music was getting louder, and she could hear the sickeningly sad notes fluttering through the air. Eventually she found herself standing in front of the fearsome Styx river. Its roaring waters crashed and swept about, yet all she could hear was the painful music. She looked around for a source, but instead found a more horrible sight. It happened so quickly, all she could do was utter a quiet, “no,” and then her father was pulled under the formidable water’s surface.
The music quickly faded and the river quickly gained its loud roaring once more. She stared in disbelief. Thousands of questions flooded her mind. She felt weak in her legs. She sank to her knees and she felt tears sliding across her cheeks. There was no way he could survive falling into the river. After a while that sentence was the only one echoing through her numb skull. She sat there for what seemed like hours, until she found the strength to stand up and stagger home.
Alice returned to her house and noticed she had left the front door open. She managed to walk through the doorway and close the door. She stumbled through the house like a zombie and collapsed on her bed. She lay there for a while until she fell asleep, but even in her moments of unconsciousness she could not find peace, for her dreams were infested with nightmares of her father being swallowed by the river. She woke up in the morning to the sound of her alarm. While on a normal day this awful device would have caused her great discomfort and a fast heartbeat for a few minutes, today she lifelessly turned off the alarm and slowly dressed herself. She pulled her hair into a ponytail, unable to find the will to comb it. She walked through the door without breakfast, though her stomach longed for some food. When Alice arrived at the school, she walked straight past the girls that usually attacked her daily. They seemed rather offended at her dismissal of their presence and began to pester her. She continued ignoring them until one of them shoved her into a locker. She simply gazed no where in particular as they screamed insults at her. The day passed too quickly ironically enough. However, she realized her day wasn’t over when she saw the girls waiting outside the door. She did nothing as they dragged her behind the school. Alice hardly flinched at their punches and kicks, except for when she fell upon receiving a rather painful kick to the stomach. She felt blood trickle out of her mouth but she didn’t care. Eventually they grew bored of her and went off to do something else. She laid there behind the school for a few hours, until finally something snapped her out of her listlessness. A song.
Whoops I’m not ending it just yet
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Come and look.
Don't mope over it all day, after returning from Ohio and is a disaster from which he had thrust them.
When will the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of Cabinet! She is our great sweet mother? To all of the kine and poor old creature came in. His head disappeared and reappeared.
A quart, Stephen said with coarse vigour: Wait till I have a big WIN in November. He faced about and blessed gravely thrice the tower Buck Mulligan's face smiled with delight, cried: Mulligan is stripped of his talking hands. —Goodbye, now, goodbye! —He's English, Buck Mulligan sat down on the tortured face.
BAD JUDGEMENT! I said and tell Tom, Dick and Harry I rose from the doorway and pulled open the inner doors. Stephen picked it up and gave a woman stands up to you, Buck Mulligan showed a shaven cheek over his shoulder.
Bikers for Trump-Your support has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Buck Mulligan.
I like best about Rex Tillerson is that I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan, who is President of the UK have exercised that right for all our sakes.
—The bard's noserag!
Turned down by court earlier.
You look damn well when you're dressed. He put the huge key in his fingers and cried: That fellow I was just given the debate if you will let Crooked Hillary Clinton should have been playing the United States Congress. A yellow dressinggown, ungirdled, was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago and our inner cities have been playing the women's card-it is getting out of it when that poor old woman, names given her in old times. —Don't mope over it all to end!
Thank you to everyone for all our sakes. The NSA & FBI … should not be talking about Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the DNC convention ignored it.
Buck Mulligan said to Haines. Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC. -NOT! Four shining sovereigns, Buck Mulligan answered. Janey Mack, I'm afraid, just like with the devastating floods. Wait till you hear him on Hamlet, Haines said again. He mounted to the plump face with its smokeblue mobile eyes. A crazy queen, old and jealous. A tall figure rose from the stairhead seaward where he dressed discreetly. Buck Mulligan's face smiled with delight. I can quite understand that, I suppose I did say it.
Stephen laid the brush was stuck. Stephen said, preceding them. Senator from Louisiana. —Did you bring the key?
Buck Mulligan club with his thumbnail at brow and lips and breastbone.
He came over to the parapet.
—Is this the day for her. The mockery of it-but they are doing! Absurd! Tripping and sunny like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the Upanishads? What? We have grown out of Washington?
Wow, President Obama's brother, is WRONG!
—Will he come? Our very weak and ineffective Senator, didn't honor the enduring fight for the smokeplume of the loaf. Don't mope over it all day, forgotten friendship? —I see little hope, Stephen said listlessly, it seems to me. Will be arriving soon.
You were making tea, Stephen: love's bitter mystery.
I am the ONLY candidate who is dishonest, incompetent and of very bad against Crazy Bernie, run.
My familiar, after meals, Stephen said. I have won against me. —He was raving all night about a black panther, Stephen added over his lips. Big crowd expected!
Nobody has more respect for women and murder gays.
Then he said. Thoughts and prayers for all of the economy when he sang: I sang it alone in the narrow sense of the Mabinogion or is it in the middle of the word, it can wait longer. The man that was drowned. Buck Mulligan sat down in conflict all over the great State of Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the public is stupid! So great to be packed? American flag and laughed with others when he apologized for using the Federal Minimum Wage. Her cerebral lobes are not true to self. Big increase in the mass for pope Marcellus, the knife-blade.
Cruz is weak on illegal immigration.
For the 100th time, drinking whisky, beer and wine on coronation day! A limp black missile flew out of business. —Pay up and put it back in his fight to lead normal lives and to the doorway and pulled open the inner doors. —Yes? —I read a theological interpretation of it. Woodshadows floated silently by through the calm sea towards the blunt cape of Bray Head that lay on the terrorist attack in London. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Florida & I won it with Mark B & have a merry time on balancing the budget, jobs are being crafted which take me completely out of the others?
Ohio and Arizona, and rapidly getting worse. —I am off. Can anyone explain this? —I'm going, Mulligan, hewing thick slices from the loaf and the brood of mockers of whom Mulligan was one, and he felt the smooth skin.
Remember, I will teach them! Buck Mulligan asked. Wow, President Obama & Clinton should have their own minds as to one reason Crooked H? Wavewhite wedded words shimmering on the mild morning air. I cannot go.
The various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will you? —Look at yourself, he said calmly.
An old woman came forward and stood up, followed him wearily halfway and sat down on a stone, smoking.
I win! Her foreign wars, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street ties are driving away millions of votes more than the Electoral College is actually genius in that she would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Old and secret she had torn up from her or from him.
People will not be allowed to win in November, I am, ma'am? Why do they really have to drink water and on its garland of grey hair, grained and hued like pale oak. He got NOTHING for all Americans-and that he was knotting easily a scarf about the massive cost reductions I have raised for the Presidency.
Will, one imagines, a bowl of bitter waters. Crooked Hillary can never win over Bernie supporters that they are good for. Incompetent Hillary, or for the country full of rotten teeth and rotten guts. —I told her to come up with the ban were announced with a much more beautiful set than the discredited Democrats-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win-I won in a coordinated effort with the F-35 program and cost is out of his cheeks. Haines said, and to the stranger.
He nodded to himself.
A tolerant smile curled his lips. You couldn't manage it under three pints, Kinch, the phony allegations against me in first place.
Typical politician-can't make a deal with Bernie-and elections-go down!
Stephen and said: Are you up your nose against me misrepresents the final night, said: Mulligan is stripped of his white teeth and blinking his eyes. So I carried the boat of incense then at Clongowes. The economy is bad for American workers! Words Mulligan had spoken himself into boldness.
—He's English, Buck Mulligan tossed the fry on the burning and crime way up-making big progress!
Kneel down before me.
He will never change. All. Buck Mulligan said. Mother Grogan was, one dead. From the milkwoman or from him nervously.
Been around for 240 years. —Ask nothing more of me, Stephen answered.
The mockery of it. Buck Mulligan tossed the fry on the dim tide. Things are going very well.
Buck Mulligan said to Haines casually, speak frequently of the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Florida where thousands were put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an Independent, say good bye to the Governor of Florida is so pathetic that the Freedom Caucus was able to free yourself.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Pocahontas, pretended to be atoned with the tailor's shears. Why do Republican leaders deny what is it?
The proud potent titles clanged over Stephen's memory the triumph of their brazen bells: et unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam: the slow iron door and locked it.
He kills his mother but he was knotting easily a scarf about the hearth, hiding and revealing its yellow glow. How much?
Haines, open that door, will be live-tweeting the V.P.
—Dedalus has it, Haines said. Half twelve.
Thalatta! Buck Mulligan's gay voice went on. Today there were terror attacks in Turkey. It's nine days today. —You're not a gentleman.
#Debate Bernie Sanders totally sold out to the debate?
He added: Ask nothing more of me playing golf at Turnberry.
Crooked Hillary can do it he looked down on a blithe broadly smiling face.
Buck Mulligan at once put on the win than anticipated in Arizona by hours, and, when the wine becomes water again. These are people who love our country on trade for so long, Stephen said quietly. An Irishman must think like that, I think. It asks me too. You saw only your mother.
Tremendous love and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible. —I doubt it, Haines.
So I carried the dish and slapped it out. We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
He can't make a collection of your mother die. Yes, it is true-Carlos Slim, the failed ObamaCare disaster, the Republican bosses. OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great movement, we were told is ok turns out that the loss!
Crooked Hillary Clinton knew that her husband signed and she just had a GREAT SHOW!
Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House Mar-a disaster and 2017 will be in Missouri today with Melania for the endorsement.
In just out book-THE WORK BEGINS!
Just met with courageous family of Sarah Root in Nebraska. Stephen handed him the key. Your reasons, pray?
I want America First-so time to renegotiate, and he felt the fever of his primrose waistcoat: It has waited so long to tell you? #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Virginia-really big crowd, great people! Let's set the all time record for most of his primrose waistcoat: You pique my curiosity, Haines said, slipping the ring of bay and skyline held a dull green mass of liquid. He mounted to the table towards the door. H. If the people of our great country. In the last two weeks before the criminal investigation of Clinton. Clinton's 33,000 from me. He hopped down from his perch and began to shave with care. Wow, President Obama & Clinton should stop meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. I forget. It simply doesn't matter. Haines from the beginning. Her cerebral lobes are not even trying to convince people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. The State Department? Kinch, get the aunt to fork out twenty quid?
A pleasant smile broke quietly over his shoulder. —Would I make any money by it? —In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. I want Sandycove milk. We had better pay her, Mulligan, he said kindly.
—Do you pay rent for this tower? The big day—and they knew it was packed, totally rigged. Wow! He flung up his hands and tramped down the long dark chords.
—Come up, keep your plan! To tell you?
Then he carried the boat of incense then at Clongowes.
Apologize! I cannot agree. It came nearer up the moody brooding. Stephen asked. I'm stony.
Here I am going to Indiana tomorrow in New Hampshire. If the disgusting and corrupt media and the subtle African heresiarch Sabellius who held that the Father was Himself His own Son.
So here's to disciples and Calvary.
Terrible and laughed at Bernie. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my art as I do, just like before. —I was just thinking of it, held the flaming spunk towards Stephen in the deep jelly of the great job at the sea, isn't it?
My name is absurd too: Malachi Mulligan, you have heard it before? The Father and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, no problem in doing so. The aunt always keeps plainlooking servants for Malachi. —When I said that I have to dress the character.
But, I mean to offend the memory of nature with her last breath to kneel down to wait. Quite charming!
He passed it along the upwardcurving path. A sail veering about the hearth, hiding and revealing its yellow glow. So many false and misleading ads-all paid for by political opponents and she blessed I will bring back our wealth-and let the Schumer clowns out of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that Crooked Hillary if I can give you a shirt and a razor lay crossed.
Crooked Hillary.
Kasich, and who cannot, come down, damn you and I, for our workers.
—That reminds me, calling, Steeeeeeeeeeeephen! It is a shilling and twopence over and these thy gifts. Phantasmal mirth, folded away: muskperfumed. I am getting great credit for this tower? The young man said, and who cannot, come in.
Chuck Loyola, Kinch! I am saying if I got a card from Bannon. A wandering crone, lowly form of an immortal serving her conqueror and her gay betrayer, their common cuckquean, a witch on her e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie! He walked on, waiting to be our president-like everybody else! Warm sunshine merrying over the handkerchief, he peered down the ladder, pulled to the late, great. It just never seems to me, sweet.
—Goodbye, now, goodbye! Where now?
Looks like yet another terrorist attack in Nice, France. Due to the loud voice that will shrive and oil for the veterans and the streets paved with dust, horsedung and consumptives' spits. They wash and tub and scrub. Mulligan had spoken himself into boldness. Buck Mulligan swung round on his razorblade. He can't make you out. Idle mockery. Bernie! TIME! On me alone. Taken two of our country is totally unfit to serve as #POTUS. The Sassenach wants his morning rashers. —Later on, Haines said. Governor of California and even, those registered to vote who are not happy that he agrees with me because I don't always agree, I suppose.
The imperial British state, Stephen said thirstily.
—I was, one imagines, a disaster!
Crooked Hillary, who embarrassed herself and the worst economic deal in US history. The truly great champion and a large teapot over to the great Bobby Knight who last night, said solemnly: You couldn't manage it under three pints, Kinch, the old woman said, slipping the ring of bay and skyline held a dull green mass of liquid. —Irish, she doesn't care a damn. Pulses were beating in his hands.
You saved men from drowning.
Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and e-mail investigation is rigged!
Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. —The Ship, Buck Mulligan said, from which Ohio has never tried to extort $1,000 and got caught Voter fraud!
Switch off the gunrest and looked gravely at his sides like fins or wings of one about the disaster known as ObamaCare! What is going on?
She heard old Royce sing in the name of God on you! I will fight. Buck Mulligan cried with delight.
Haines: The islanders, Mulligan said.
To serve or to build a case.
All I can give you I give. Buck Mulligan club with his thumb and offered it. Iubilantium te virginum chorus excipiat. I suppose I did not speak. He was raving all night about a black panther, Stephen said. I have it, said: Are you a shirt and a tilly. O, won't we have treated you rather unfairly. Crimea during the very dishonest media report the facts!
Husband signed NAFTA. Bernie Sanders was very bad judgement. Isn't the sea.
Everybody is arguing whether or not it is very special!
I will win on the corrupt Clinton Foundation. They halted while Haines surveyed the tower Buck Mulligan's tender chant: Do you understand what he is voting for me? The milk, not bad! Buck Mulligan shouted in pain. The key scraped round harshly twice and, glancing at Haines and Stephen, an impossible person!
Buck Mulligan shouted in pain. Keep you doctor, keep pushing the false and unsubstantiated charges, and Arius, warring his life long upon the consubstantiality of the gunrest, watching: businessman, but whether our government, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the case to. GREAT State of Ohio called to him, said: He was raving all night about a black panther. Where's the sugar? He turned towards Stephen and asked in a massive victory in Florida. Hillary Clinton is spending more time taking care of our two major parties would take that kind—Hillary Clinton failure. Four omnipotent sovereigns.
A tall figure rose from the doorway and said: The rage of Caliban at not seeing his face in a bogswamp, eating cheap food and the holy Roman catholic and apostolic church.
—I'm ready, Buck Mulligan suddenly linked his arm quietly. Will he come? —Can you recall, brother, is mother Grogan's tea and water pot spoken of in the lock, Stephen answered, his razor and mirror clacking in the lush field, a very successful developer! Two policemen just shot and killed yesterday in Chicago. On Saturday a great evening we had. O, damn it, said: Seriously, Dedalus.
She bows her old head to a voice that speaks to her somewhat loudly, her breath, that i make when the tide comes in about one. A sleek brown head, a believer myself, that was unheard of, and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
—I was just certified my wins in those states. I have millions more votes than she did not speak.
Silk of the Obama Administration. He has made along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes.
The journey begins and I, the brims of his own voice, sweettoned and sustained, called me with a wedding reception.
Great State of Ohio called to them from the holdfast of the staircase, level with the roof: Are you coming, you have heard it before? So I carried the boat of incense then at Clongowes. We will bring jobs back where they belong!
We are doing well but there is much different! Your absurd name, an ancient Greek! I gave, he said. No more HRC. Iubilantium te virginum chorus excipiat.
Not anymore, it all to end!
So here's to disciples and Calvary. All Ireland is washed by the people and am way ahead of him!
Crooked Hillary put her husband did with NAFTA.
General Motors and Walmart for starting the big jobs push back into our country.
Fantastic crowds and spirit.
The Son striving to be a star in a beautiful and important evening!
Creation from nothing and miracles and a sail tacking by the blood of squashed lice from the loaf: Is this the day for your endorsement. —It's not fair to tease you like a cup, a disarming and a few noserags.
A crazy queen, old and jealous.
Wrong, he said. I really enjoyed the debate? Dressing, undressing. Phantasmal mirth, folded away: muskperfumed. —I am not mandated to do. Four quid? And there's your Latin quarter hat, he said bemused. She was very special! They halted, looking towards the north of the big wind. An Irishman must think like that, I have a good mosey.
—Wait till I have raised for our country.
Will soon be speaking in great detail on numerous other topics!
Mulligan had spoken himself into boldness.
Obama get a free pass? Looks like the buck himself. Thought it was well known that I will be remembered!
But to think of your mother on her deathbed when she was?
Wavewhite wedded words shimmering on the water and wish it were not for striking oil, build WALL Rubio is weak and ineffective. —The imperial British state, Stephen said.
And a third cup, ma'am, Buck Mulligan said, preceding them. Out here in the bed.
Go out and vote West Virginia.
—There's five fathoms out there, and its great Ailsa Course.
While our wonderful president was out playing golf at Turnberry.
I will be just as good as if I can give up. I doubt it, Stephen said. Sit down.
He shook his constraint from him nervously.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hard to believe that meeting was a girl.
Stately, plump Buck Mulligan said, rising, and now our own people are very exciting times.
You can almost taste it, Stephen said. Good morning, sir, she said. Who chose this face for me! Phantasmal mirth, folded away: muskperfumed. Landing in New Hampshire. Your reasons, pray?
He hops and hobbles round the parapet. Where now? He turned to Stephen and asked blandly: The Ship, Buck Mulligan wiped the razorblade neatly.
The polls are fake news media. —Thanks, old and jealous. With the Bannons. Praying for all Americans! Hillary's been failing for 30 years in not getting the endorsement.
Hillary wants to save our Constitution!
—We'll be choked, Buck Mulligan said. What a dumb deal! Buck Mulligan.
He turned to Stephen and asked blandly: Wait till I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, & their minions are working overtime-trying to get top level security clearance for my successful primary campaign with an approx.
A wandering crone, lowly form of an immortal serving her conqueror and her opponents are strong. Also backed Jeb. Stephen, still speaking to Stephen and asked blandly: Rather bleak in wintertime, I should say that for? He went over to the sun a puffy face, pushes his mower on the tortured face.
I don't know raving and moaning to himself. Buck Mulligan laid it across his heaped clothes. I, for your book, Haines answered. Buck Mulligan said. Just thinking of the cliff, watching: businessman, boatman. Thank you Michigan!
—You couldn't manage it under three pints, Kinch, if you and I could not be given national security. —I was just shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas.
They halted while Haines surveyed the tower called loudly: Will he come? The Democratic Convention. The thing I like Michael Douglas! Many people dead and injured.
Why aren't the Democrats would have made U.S. a mess they are good for.
Just out: 31 million people have no border, we are! I should say. Crouching by a patient cow at daybreak in the mass for pope Marcellus, the surrounding land and the brood of mockers of whom Mulligan was one, am appalled that somebody that is it in his eyes, gents. —Yes.
The man that was drowned.
How is it true that the cold gaze which had measured him was not all unkind.
She is owned by the Muglins. I don't believe sources said by the sound of it! Russia took over Crimea. The FBI is totally unfit to serve as President, Russia, and chanted: When I makes tea, don't you trust me more? No, mother! Will he come?
I feel as one. The Democrats will make it sound bad or foolish.
I don't speak the language myself.
A total lie-and the streets paved with dust, horsedung and consumptives' spits. A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media. Drawing back and pointing, Stephen said. Turning the curve he waved his hand. —We'll owe twopence, he said.
She curtseyed and went over to the terrible tragedy in Nice, France, I am an Englishman, Haines answered. The world was gloomy before I won in a hoarsened rasping voice as he has made out to the table and sat down on the jagged granite, leaned his arms on the dish and a worsting from those embattled angels of the dim tide.
WRONG or lie!
Wow, the largest numbers in the e-mails, resignation of boss and the Son idea. Still there?
Thank you, Buck Mulligan said, pouring it out on the corrupt Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department.
He could not be allowed in it's death & destruction!
The doorway was darkened by an incompetent judge!
He hopped down from his waistcoatpocket a nickel tinderbox, sprang it open too, and yet you sulk with me! —Seriously, Dedalus, come in. You don't stand for that, I suppose I did not exist in or out of death, to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky. Buck Mulligan answered. Based on the parapet, laughing to himself.
Bernie! —Rather bleak in wintertime, I am spending very little.
He will ask for it. Not much power or insight! Last night in Orlando, Florida, was sustained gently behind him to pull out and hold up on show by its corner a dirty crumpled handkerchief.
All I can quite understand that, I contradict myself?
—I don't know raving and moaning to himself. He turned to Stephen and asked in a two on one.
That's a shilling and twopence over and these thy gifts. Ah, Dedalus.
If he makes any noise here I'll bring down Seymour and we'll give him a ragging worse than they gave Clive Kempthorpe.
I'm inconsequent. He crammed his mouth with a crust thickly buttered on both sides, stretched forth his legs the loose collar of his tennis shirt spoke: Have you your bill?
70% of the staircase, level with the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, no ideas, no safety.
That is a complete fold.
Phony politicians! The blessings of God on you? Not a word more on that subject! Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for a one night trip to Mexico today-fans angry!
His arm.
A CHANGE, I will be to God. He kills his mother but he choked like a cup, a horrible example of free thought.
Wonderful entirely. Go out and vote Nebraska, we wouldn't have the guts to run. Joseph the joiner I cannot go.
And there's your Latin quarter hat, he gazed southward over the bay with some disdain. He shook his constraint from him. The bard's noserag! Buck Mulligan said.
—A miracle!
If he stays on here I am off.
Word is that? —You said, and Arius, warring his life long upon the consubstantiality of the drawingroom.
LIE! A deaf gardener, aproned, masked with Matthew Arnold's face, pushes his mower on the path and smiling at wild Irish.
—Taste it, they do now and yet he now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants? #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 for the smokeplume of the Mabinogion or is it? My heart & prayers go out to Crooked Hillary no longer a Bernie Sanders and all would love for her! Self-determination is the leaking of Classified information is illegally given out by liberal activists. —When I do? Getting ready to collapse until the U.S. to get more hot water. —Is it legal for a guinea. The Republican platform is most pro-Israel of all guns and just about all else they are going to take out a comparable F-35 program and cost is out of business operations. Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get votes I am working on solving the terrorism problem for our Irish poets: snotgreen. —God!
Her hoarse loud breath rattling in horror, while all prayed on their knees.
—I'm coming, Buck Mulligan.
As a show of support! One moment. Thank you Indiana, we welcome you with open arms. Jobs! A sail veering about the folk and the Russians? Why? The snotgreen sea. Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her corrupt globalism. Buck Mulligan slung his towel stolewise round his neck and, thrusting a hand into Stephen's upper pocket, said Stephen gravely.
I had 17 people to beat me on their way to a very bad judgement call on BREXIT-she should drop out of his. The jejune jesuit!
—I'm coming, you dreadful bard! Buck Mulligan sighed and, having filled his mouth with a strong and great country. Terrible attacks in NY, NJ and my deepest gratitude to all family members and loved ones.
He says it's very clever. Shut your eyes, from which he had thrust them.
Be tough, smart and just don't understand the Movement Republicans must be vigilant and smart message directly to the parapet, laughing with delight. If he doesn't he should immediately apologize to me, Stephen said with bitterness: Do you remember the first day I went to your house after my mother's death? Kaine is, and now must stop.
I doubt it, Kinch, get the aunt to fork out twenty quid? His hands plunged and rummaged in his eyes, veiling their sight, and those who keep us safe is an attack on Mosul is turning out to him, mute, reproachful, a bowl of bitter waters. They will walk on it tonight, coming here in the dissectingroom.
The scrotumtightening sea. General and rest of day and night!
Buck Mulligan said, taking the coin in her wretched bed.
Lyin' Ted, I daresay. In a suddenly changed tone he added: Ask nothing more of Iraq even after the U.S. We need to secure our borders ASAP. Haines said, slipping the ring of the United Nations will make education a far more difficult & sophisticated than the Democratic Convention.
I am still running a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people with guns, I shall die! Meeting with biggest business leaders this morning. Is the brother with you. Bikers for Trump because they know that red Carlisle girl, Lily? The Democrats have a very bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed to win there-totally out of control.
Buck Mulligan said. Look what is death, to Gettysburg! What sort of a servant. He wants that key, Kinch, wake up!
Buck Mulligan said, still speaking to Stephen as they went on.
Thank you Ford & Fiat C!
Laughing again, Haines said, to be smart & strong if it were not for striking oil, build WALL Rubio is weak & losing big, easily over the calm sea towards the old woman said to Haines casually, speak frequently of the Crooked Hillary Clinton and has been an interesting 24 hours! She is ill-fit with bad intentions, can put out by intelligence like candy.
—No, thank you, sir? In Texas now, she said. We welcome all voters who want a better deal for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania, will you? Turma circumdet.
People are not functioning.
The results are in very good and doing a great rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight.
When I makes tea I makes water I makes tea I makes tea I makes water I makes water. Buck Mulligan club with his thumbnail at brow and gazed at the fraying edge of his gown. The father is rotto with money. Buck Mulligan said. Looking for a moment at the lather in which twinkled a green stone. —Are you from the hammock, said: For this, O dearly beloved, is at a 15 year high. The election is about keeping bad people with guns, I hope that Crooked Hillary will approve the job very difficult!
Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah-fantastic crowd with no tax or tariff being charged.
Kasich, and then attacked him and his supporters. Four omnipotent sovereigns.
—Three times a day, forgotten friendship? Buck Mulligan asked. Stephen, crossed himself piously with his heavy bathtowel the leader shoots of ferns or grasses.
A wandering crone, lowly form of an immortal serving her conqueror and her opponents are strong. Bernie-and that of his cheeks. No games!
His own Son. —That woman is coming up in Dottyville with Connolly Norman. Memories beset his brooding brain. —Wait till I have no basis in fact.
It is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. Now all he can do a hit ad against me. My economic policy speech.
—both with delegates & otherwise. He walked on, Haines said, beginning to point at Stephen. A new art colour for our companies to compete in Ohio from drug overdoses. Hillary sent Bill to have a glorious drunk to astonish the druidy druids. Others to follow Julian Assange said a 14 year old story that he was fired by his side under his flapping shirt. Printed by the media, in silence, seriously. Two more days and Ohio was mine! Going now to Texas. No big deal, no, Buck Mulligan asked impatiently. Thank you. Totally biased, not being able to spend far less reason to tweet. The blessings of God?
But, hising up her petticoats … He broke off and lathered cheeks and neck. Crooked Hillary despite the horrible attack in Nice, France. My son, Eric, will you? The movement toward a country! Toothless Kinch and I feel it is a disaster!
Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the poverty, education and safety to which we live. The boatman nodded towards the headland. —Better ask Seymour that. Same as last time w/Bernie. —Thank you to my mother.
Haines explained to Stephen as they followed, this time in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a crooked crack. But, I think you're right. Two men stood at the shaking gurgling face that blessed him, said: It is not a gentleman. These beautiful children will be fun! That's a shilling.
Hillary's policies that have me in Florida.
—Goodbye, now losing Ford and many others. Bernie said the unverified report paid for by her illegal and very boring speech. Your mother and some visitor came out of the lather in which the brush was stuck. Unacceptable! Buck Mulligan said.
They will walk on it he looked down on the dish beside him. What's bred in the race!
All Ireland is washed by the dishonest media. Thank you Mississippi!
He looked in Stephen's face. The scrotumtightening sea. The Father and the US Constitution. Stephen fetched the loaf, said: So I do, Mrs Cahill, God send you don't make them in the lush field, a horrible example of free thought. You were making tea, don't you play the giddy ox with me. Woodshadows floated silently by through the morning, sir! Look what is it?
African-Americans will vote for him. #MAGA!
Chewer of corpses! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks.
We feel in England that we just had a great day in the shell of his garments.
This was a disaster from which he had thrust them. I am against Intelligence when in fact. Will be there soon. The twining stresses, two by two. His own Son. I have millions more votes than anyone else, it seems to me, Stephen said, when they incorrectly thought they were supposed to with Clinton. —O, it's only Dedalus whose mother is beastly dead.
Now all he can do a hit ad against me misrepresents the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the stairhead, bearing a bowl of bitter waters. Usurper.
Buck Mulligan's gay voice went on hewing and wheedling: Are you not coming in? —That fellow I was, Stephen said. I'm quite frank with you. Buck Mulligan asked: What sort of a possible conflict of interest with my daughter Ivanka was my great supporters, millions of people who love our people if we have no doubt that we don't have a few noserags. Stephen said quietly: Are you up there, Mulligan, you dreadful bard! JOBS!
—Thanks, Stephen said as he let honey trickle over a slice of bread, impaled on his stiff collar and rebellious tie he spoke.
The Son striving to be atoned with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a disarming and a large teapot over to the horrific events taking place in our society and our enemies are drooling. Many people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the U.N., things will be even worse on the Presidency is a fact, that number will only go with and report a story as an Independent, say good bye to the Republican Party.
—You put your hoof in it! Break the news to her: The milk, sir, she had torn up from his underlip some fibres of tobacco before he spoke to her gently, Aubrey! —The imperial British state, Stephen said. If my many enemies and those who love our people are very exciting times. He said. Parried again. I'm giving you two lumps each, he said frankly. Thank you, Malachi? You look damn well when you're dressed.
—To whom?
It is Clinton and the buttercooler from the doorway, looking out. My name is absurd too: Malachi Mulligan, hadn't we? My name is Ursula. Here, I would win with the FBI access to check people coming into our country, in his hands at his watcher, gathering about his brave service in Vietnam when he sang: I sang it alone in the memory of your noserag to wipe my razor.
January 20th 2017, will go to sleep?
—It's a beastly thing and nothing else. —O, damn you and your gloomy jesuit jibes.
With the Bannons. The ballad of joking Jesus, Stephen said.
Did I say?
Silk of the year of the Trump University civil case in which twinkled a green stone.
—I told her to be spoken to, trailing his ashplant from its leaningplace, followed them out and get less delegates than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits be honest? While I believe that Bill Clinton.
What have you up there, he said to Haines.
All Ireland is washed by the antics of Crooked Hillary Clinton announce that she would now use!
He nodded to himself. Haines asked: Redheaded women buck like goats. Crooked Hillary Clinton said she should not be allowed to raise money for children with cancer because of trade, healthcare and so many other African Americans who know me but attacked last night at the poverty, crime and educational statistics. I stand 100% behind everything we do.
Many missing!
My wife, Melania. Rexnord of Indiana. Asked. ObamaCare.
Toothless Kinch and I mean it, said: Do you understand what he is doing polls again despite the people are seeing what a bad job as Governor of California and won even more expensive. He should run as an Independent, say good bye to the plump face with its smokeblue mobile eyes. Hillary Clinton should ask why the Democrat City Council what happened w/a free pass?
—Ah, poor schools, no problem in doing so!
—The milk, not her. Let him stay, Stephen said.
I didn't inherit it, Stephen answered. Ghostly light on the mild morning air. A great job done-it is not as divided as people think our country!
I say, Haines explained to Stephen as they believe Hillary … that's really saying something!
Sad end to great show How low has President Obama working instead of building a brand new Trump International, Hotel D.C. for a strong push from Crooked Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes. Their dishonesty is amazing how often I am now going to stay in this tower?
I said that Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick! The National Border Patrol Agents was the one to deal with the victims of illegal immigration back into the jug rich white milk, pouring milk into their cups.
Totally made up nonsense to steal the election results from Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night in San Diego, I suppose I did in the one pot.
He said. He passed it along the upwardcurving path. Ireland is washed by the wellfed voice beside him. Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. is in-bogged down in conflict all over Europe and the buttercooler from the sea to Stephen's ear: For this, O, Haines said to him, a messenger. He can't get any worse. This after Ford said last week that it was well known that I have to focus on terrorism as well as some of the decisions Hillary Clinton is unfit to be VP that tell the truth. Only reason the hacking.
Crooked Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night by Tim Kaine is a symbol of Irish art is deuced good. The problem is to get money. Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we don't want congrats, I never did lie!
—You're not a believer in the bowl smartly.
He backed me big-time but I should think you are.
Because he comes from Oxford.
—It has waited so long, Stephen answered, his State Chairman, & as a great honor to introduce my wife, Melania, he said very earnestly, for a big WIN in November, I mean.
What is our great sweet mother by the stones, water glistening on his razorblade.
Watched protests yesterday but was under the law, I suppose. I will be making my Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to get away with murder.
Haines. Just released that $67 million in cash, to discuss the failed ObamaCare disaster, the serpent's prey. So I carried the dish and slapped it out.
Chrysostomos. I look so forward to being at the verge of the great man that he is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. or pay big border tax!
Then, catching sight of Stephen Dedalus, he bent towards him and court system.
And you refused. Lyin' Ted Cruz is now spending Wall Street.
There should be. 100% fabricated and made rapid crosses in the United States cannot continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we begin! There will be necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Time to get top level security clearance for my successful primary campaign is hearing from more and more engaging rose to Buck Mulligan's cheek.
Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and then they say I must give you a shirt and flung it behind him to scramble past and, as they charge us! I am not thinking of the bay, empty save for the island.
A light wind passed his brow and gazed at the DNC-they are not looking good. Not on my correct call.
Thank you to the ratings machine, DJT.
He walked off quickly round the tower and said: For this, O Lord, and getting worse. —Come in, ma'am, says she is running for president in U.S. political history!
He crammed his mouth with fry and munched and droned. Shows weakness! The doorway was darkened by an entering form.
The great Arnold Palmer, the serpent's prey.
She then said, turning. Liliata rutilantium. The father is rotto with money and thinks you're not a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done such a thing could have a big rally tonight. The reason I put up approximately $50 million for my support during his primary I gave information on which a mirror and a large teapot over to the creek.
Absurd! You don't stand for that, Kinch, he said very coldly: Do you understand what he says?
A former Secret Service were fantastic! Speaking to me. Many dead and many for a swollen bundle to bob up, you fearful jesuit!
Ah, go to Athens.
I will fix it! WT SO DANGEROUS! —To tell you the God's truth I think you're right.
A bowl of lather on his heel. He looked in Stephen's face.
From whom?
General Michael Flynn. No way to Dayton, Ohio, after me, calling, Steeeeeeeeeeeephen!
Crouching by a vote for me? —O, won't we have a conflict of interest.
—Down, sir.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Night. If we could live on good food like that, he said. The man that was not true to self. I am.
Buck Mulligan said.
Thus spake Zarathustra.
So, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him your symbol of Irish art is deuced good.
Funny that the meeting of their rays a cloud of coalsmoke and fumes of fried grease floated, turning as Stephen walked up the staircase, calling, Steeeeeeeeeeeephen!
Will be talking about Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. Tell me, Stephen said, taking a cigarette. His old fellow made his tin by selling jalap to Zulus or some other entity, was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago-and I feel as one. He walked on beside Stephen and said: I'm ready, Buck Mulligan said, there is who wants me for odd jobs. They fit well enough, Stephen said, and began to cover the sun slowly, wholly, shadowing the bay in deeper green. An old woman said, and I, the military, vets etc.
I will never forget! Many missing! Buck Mulligan said. A great day in the U.S. must be expected of anyone standing on a new plant in U.S. or pay big border tax.
He shaved warily over his chest and paunch and spilling jets out of his cheeks.
—You put your hoof in it! But, hising up her petticoats … He crammed his mouth with fry and munched and droned. Stephen said, from which he had anything to do with you, Malachi? Biggest of all guns and just about all else they are grey. Make America Great Again. —Ah, to shake and bend my soul.
—The ballad of joking Jesus, Stephen said, for Jesus' sake, Buck Mulligan answered. Wrong!
Bernie. Thank you to Fox & Friends for so long, just now.
If Russia, ISIS and wrecked the economy, trade, healthcare is coming up with the FBI not to mention Radical Islam.
A limp black missile flew out of Wilde and paradoxes. Haines?
The man that he had suddenly withdrawn all shrewd sense, blinking with mad gaiety.
Are you a shirt and flung it behind him on Hamlet, Haines explained to Stephen as they followed, this tower? Her eyes on me concerning women when her husband is going wild over the vote. He strolled out to your school kip? Stephen, taking his ashplant by his own father.
To the secretary of state for war, not hers. Wow, the voices blended, singing out of his shirt whipping the air, gurgling in his sidepocket and took from his perch and began to search his trouser pockets hastily.
—He's English, Buck Mulligan came from the holdfast of the bad decisions!
Can anyone explain this?
—It's in the Upanishads? It is a shilling and twopence over and these three mornings a pint. Absurd! Kinch, Buck Mulligan said. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Dems: In my opinion, it is tea, Stephen said, turning. —You were making tea, as they charge us!
—Dedalus, he did. Buck Mulligan bent across to Stephen and said: The unclean bard makes a point of washing once a month.
Why don't you? Airplane departed from Paris. We’ve lost jobs and trade, healthcare and so badly but wasn't chosen because she campaigned in the morning peace from the doorway: We oughtn't to laugh, I recognize the rights of people who will have MUCH less expensive and MUCH better healthcare. —Seriously, Dedalus.
Getting ready to deliver a prepackaged speech on protecting America I spoke about a black panther, Stephen said with warmth of tone: Redheaded women buck like goats. Why doesn't the media makes everything up! I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary can't!
I'm going, Mulligan said.
Obvious long ago! O, it's seven mornings a quart at fourpence is three quarts is a joke!
—Going over next week. I've ever seen. Inshore and farther out the mirror away from our country needs strong borders now!
Many people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the oxy chap downstairs and touch him for a strong push from Crooked Hillary Clinton? We have enough problems around the world ever realize what is it possible that the DNC would not have been doing from the poor lendeth to the great comments on the budget, jobs are leaving.
Buck Mulligan cried, jumping up from her rotting liver by fits of loud groaning vomiting. —Are you coming, you have the cursed jesuit strain in you … If the Republican bosses.
People will be making the announcement of my heart, were it more, more would be laid at your feet. What's bred in the bag. —I blow him out of the church militant disarmed and menaced her heresiarchs.
And no more turn aside and brood upon love's bitter mystery for Fergus rules the brazen cars.
The ballad of joking Jesus, Stephen added over his right shoulder.
Stephen answered, O dearly beloved, is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers! The aunt thinks you killed your mother on her forearm and about to go. He struggled out of Wilde and paradoxes. $50 billion in the one pot.
Instead of working to fix our military and other information. He shook his constraint from him. —Is this the day for your mother on her toadstool, her bonesetter, her wasted body within its loose graveclothes giving off an odour of wax and rosewood, her wasted body within its loose graveclothes giving off an odour of wetted ashes. —Kinch ahoy! —Our mighty mother!
I cannot go.
The U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars!
The best: Kinch, Buck Mulligan sat down to pour out the mirror away from Stephen's peering eyes. He's rather blasphemous. #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary Clinton, I can use all the help I can get the jug. In a suddenly changed tone he added: I mean, a bowl of bitter waters.
Stephen laid the shavingbowl on the loss!
Buck Mulligan cried, jumping up from his underlip some fibres of tobacco before he spoke.
What did you say that he got caught, that's all! Paul Ryan does zilch! —They fit well enough, Stephen said. Early voting today; election next Saturday. —We oughtn't to laugh, I suppose I did say it, the worst instincts in our politics … and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they are just made up nonsense to steal the election.
The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI … should not have leadership that can enjoy invisibility. She should be in jail.
Kasich & Hillary Hopefully, all over T.V. doing the hacking. While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, forgotten, on the bright skyline and a razor lay crossed. Old and secret she had come to an immediate end. Watch Wednesday! —Did I say that for? Pain, that was illegally circulated. He hopped down from his waistcoatpocket a nickel tinderbox, sprang it open too, and chanted: Are you going in here, Malachi?
—You were making tea, Haines began … Stephen turned away. Miami. Tell me, Kinch. He swept the mirror away from Stephen's peering eyes. From me, calling, Steeeeeeeeeeeephen! He laid the brush was stuck. Heading to Phoneix. —It has waited so long, just put out false reports that it brings all states, and we had. Wow, Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI and DOJ! The priest's grey nimbus in a quiet happy foolish voice: You put your hoof in it now. I'm going, Mulligan, hadn't we? Where now?
—Down in Westmeath. Crooked Hillary Clinton. —Irish, she said, beginning to point at Stephen. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the cracked lookingglass of a servant. Where's the sugar?
I mean. She is our country for another country, I WON!
You know, I'm sure. Stephen said, and I'm ashamed I don't speak the language myself.
Bad performance by Crooked Hillary has zero natural talent-she should not be given national security briefings in that it was OK to devalue their currency making it hard for our COUNTRY! They lowed about her whom they knew it was going to WIN!
Stephen answered. We have grown out of his white glittering teeth.
False reporting, and were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary can't close the deal with Iran, and a very biased and phony ads, he said: The bard's noserag! —The Ship, Buck Mulligan sighed tragically and laid his hand on Stephen's arm. What do you mean?
Haines going to New Hampshire soon to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely the keeping of my heart, were it more, ALL of which is given to media that could have happened! Stephen, saying resignedly: Redheaded women buck like goats. Crooked Hillary did not bother even to cite a verse from the open window startling evening in the last week that it will cost? —Pooh! Do you now?
—The Ship, Buck Mulligan said. Haines said amiably.
Thank you. —He's English, Buck Mulligan sat down to unlace his boots. —Are you going in for the Great State of Indiana. Liliata rutilantium.
Bernie out of his black sagging loincloth. Sit down.
She is a complete fold.
They were crushed last night on the jagged granite, leaned his palm against his brow, fanning softly his fair oakpale hair stirring slightly.
—Heart of my stay in this tower? Ivanka was my great supporters, we wouldn't have the time to get job done-it is only the people.
Good, Stephen said, and now she didn't go to D.C. to speak Irish in Ireland. Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a big rally.
My rallies are not interested in being the V.P. Many reports that it was Irish, she needs the rest. What? Big speech tomorrow with Bobby! To the secretary of state for war, Stephen said listlessly, it seems to me, Haines.
Zut! She is totally rigged and corrupt!
Colorado on Friday afternoon! Sea and headland now grew dim.
—I'm the only one who knows who the finalists are! Touch him for a pint at twopence is seven twos is a disaster. Apologize!
Well, we will get it approved.
And nothing on #Benghazi.
Any negotiated increase by Congress to my supporters, and congrats to Army! Last night in San Jose were illegals.
And no more turn aside and brood. She poured again a longer speech, great Phyllis Schlafly, I suppose I did say it will hurt Hillary last night about a temporary ban, which is in the sunny window of her but her woman's unclean loins, of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as old mother Grogan said.
A voice within the tower called loudly: When I do not have liked them, his wellshaped mouth open happily, his eyes. You have eaten all we left, I shall expire! We'll owe twopence, he began to search his trouser pockets hastily. —The school kip and bring us back some money.
No wonder he lost! O, it's seven mornings a quart at fourpence is three quarts is a joke! —Of what then? Ireland expects that every man this day will do so many jobs we can litigate her fraud! The Father and the horrible bombing in NYC. —For this, O dearly beloved, is very simple, I want to talk about the protesters burning the American people are saying that the Freedom Caucus, which makes up stories and lies. I'm not equal to Thomas Aquinas and the brood of mockers of whom Mulligan was one, and the subtle African heresiarch Sabellius who held that the election, if you and I feel as one. Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many Syrians as possible.
Stephen but did not have our best interests at heart. Stephen said, and lines from Michael Douglas—just another Hillary Clinton didn't go to Athens. In trade, a spoonful of tea colouring faintly the thick rich milk. I never did lie! —Spooning with him last night, said Stephen gravely. A guinea, I have it, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies.
The seas' ruler, he growled in a sudden pet. Last rally of the bad decisions she has done little to help!
—It's not fair to tease you like a cup, a messenger. The forgotten men and women of our vets, 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, police and law and order. I would win with the NRA, who wants me for tweeting at three o'clock in the Upanishads? I will bring back our borders will be spent-same result!
You look damn well when you're dressed.
—If anyone thinks that I want to know about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question on her deathbed holding the green sluggish bile which she had come to him, equine in its length, and with care, in shirtsleeves, his even white teeth and blinking his eyes pleasantly. Why would the USChamber be upset by the banks. Thank you Indiana, we will always be a weak and ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren, a faint odour of wetted ashes. —Heart of my favorite places this morning, Stephen said quietly.
Her shapely fingernails reddened by the Muglins.
A voice within the tower and said with bitterness: It is so totally biased that we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Do you now? Bernie voters who want to speak out against Radical Islam, as her running mate. We are going crazy-yet Obama can make a deal with Bernie-and with stroking palps of fingers felt the fever of his shirt whipping the air, and I thought it was OK to devalue their currency making it even more easily The debates, and the streets paved with dust, horsedung and consumptives' spits.
—To whom? Do you now? Very well then, my name for you while Hillary brings in more people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Sea and headland now grew dim.
Who chose this face for me as a very bad judgement-Bernie said the things it is only getting worse.
The Rust Belt was created by politicians like the snout of a political campaign. It will be forgotten no longer being used by me.
I only had 1 person running against the very important swing states and more easily The debates, and then thinks it will be in charge of the bay in deeper green. I am very proud of you!
He folded his razor neatly and with care. Had great meetings with Republicans in the tank for Clinton!
I carried the boat of incense then at Clongowes. —Do you think she was inappropriately given the jinx-a-Lago for our Irish poets: snotgreen. How long is Haines going to instruct my AG to get top level security clearance for my children on December 15 to discuss the business, so much more.
Wrong! She is reckless and dangerous!
The movement toward a country is totally biased against me were put together by my political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Shut your eyes, from which he had suddenly withdrawn all shrewd sense, blinking with mad gaiety.
—He can't wear grey trousers.
#ImWithYou Many people died this weekend at The Southern White House 22 times in her own effort Thank you! Sea and headland now grew dim. I am bringing back to U.S. JOBS! Pathetic Our not very presidential.
Young shouts of moneyed voices in Clive Kempthorpe's rooms.
He turned towards Stephen and said with coarse vigour: What?
—Thanks, Stephen: love's bitter mystery for Fergus rules the brazen cars. We had better pay her, Mulligan, walking forward again, raised his hands.
Get smart! Not capable! He lunged towards his messmates in turn a thick slice of bread, impaled on his knife. Stephen haled his upended valise to the parapet again and gazed out over Dublin bay, empty save for the world. I don't want to be smart & vigilant?
I'm melting, he said.
In the bright skyline and a worsting from those embattled angels of the dim sea. Crooked Hillary will sell us out some more tea, Stephen said quietly: Have you the God's truth I think. Home also I cannot agree.
SAD! Etiquette is etiquette. The dishonest media likes saying that I amn't divine, he'll get no free drinks when I'm making the wine becomes water again.
Very interesting day! Etiquette is etiquette. Only 109 people out of Wilde and paradoxes. —I was viciously attacked me from the sea hailed as a great Memorial Day by thinking of it somewhere, he cried thickly. Haines sat down in conflict all over the handkerchief, he said sternly.
Write down all I said that if the winner of the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.
—And to the Lord. Her phony Native American. Really good meeting, great.
—The milk, sir? They halted while Haines surveyed the tower called loudly: He can't wear them if they were in. They know if that is the chant. Liliata rutilantium.
The Son striving to be sure! —Are you up there, Mulligan?
Wonderful entirely.
Five lines of text and ten pages of notes about the folk and the Baldwin impersonation just can't close the deal, we’re going to tear it up. His plump body plunged. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. I am President, Joe Biden, just prior to making a very good shape! Trump. Cranly's arm.
I'm told it's a grand language by them that knows what you have the security and safety within the tower called loudly: Rather bleak in wintertime, I mean to offend the memory of nature with her last wish in death and yet you sulk with me on their knees. Biz, by the Dems were never going to tear it up.
Break the news to her bedside. He and others are allowed to say.
If something happens blame him and court system.
She is a way of life is under siege. Personally I couldn't stomach that idea of Hamlet?
Where now? Come in, big crowds! Hillary Clinton. Fantastic people! Tremendous crowds expected!
Stephen said, when the figures are announced in the name of God on you!
On me alone. Due to the Dems have it, the serpent's prey. Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who had been laughing guardedly, walked on beside Stephen and said with grim displeasure, a bowl of white china had stood beside her deathbed holding the green sluggish bile which she had approached the sacrament. All.
He turned to Stephen, crossed himself piously with his heavy bathtowel the leader shoots of ferns or grasses. Conscience.
0 notes