#she was like ‘remember how everyone questioned your degree(s) and your life choices for a decade?
wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
The Winter Soldier (Chapter Three)
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Summary: Steve drops by the VA and listens in on one of Sam’s meetings and later that evening, (Y/N) reflects on her unusual day with the super-soldier.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings/Disclaimers: Brief discussion of PTSD
A/N: Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Three (Previous Chapter)
After placing sugar packets and stirring sticks next to the coffee maker, (Y/N) took a seat beside the refreshment table and watched as Sam took his place at the front of the crowded room and began the meeting. One by one, each person would share their struggles with PTSD and how it had affected their lives as civilians; with each person’s story, (Y/N)’s heart clenched in sympathy. These vets have put their lives on the line to protect us, they don’t deserve to suffer, she thought with an inward sigh. She couldn’t count the number of times she’d woken Sam up from a nightmare or had seen him suddenly grow silent and have to distract him from his memories of war. But it was wonderful that people like Sam, people who face the same exact struggles, run programs to help each other out.
Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, (Y/N) turned to see Steve Rogers leaning against the doorframe of the room, his arms crossed over his chest as he listened to the meeting. Smiling and tugging her sweater tighter around her, (Y/N) turned her attention back to the woman speaking. “The thing is I think it’s getting worse. A cop pulled me over last week, he thought I was drunk. I swerved to miss a plastic bag. I thought it was an IED.”
Sam nodded. “Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back. It’s our job to figure out how to carry it. Is it gonna be in a big suitcase or in a little man-purse? It’s up to you.” Everyone clapped and began standing, so (Y/N) jumped to her feet to man the table. She greeted each person with a smile as they grabbed cookies and filled their cups with coffee, delighted to see so many new faces among the usual crowd. After about twenty minutes of mingling and making small talk, the crowd started to leave so she decided to begin packing up the refreshments as Sam bid them goodbye out in the hallway.
“Don’t take those away those cookies just yet, darlin’, I wanna bring one home to my gran’daughter.”
(Y/N) looked up to see Gary, an older man with an incredibly bushy grey beard and a Vietnam War veteran’s baseball cap, and she smiled brightly before offering him the half-full container. “Take the whole thing if you’d like, Gary, and be sure to say hello to Katie for me!”
That made Gary grin toothily as he took the container. “You know, darlin’, you’re sweeter than this whole damn box of cookies. I’ll be seein’ you next week!” (Y/N) gave him a small wave and resumed cleaning as he limped away.
“You’re pretty popular around here.”
She turned away from the coffee pot and smiled when she saw Steve standing before her, his blue eyes glimmering and his hands shoved in his pockets. “If I am, it’s only ‘cause I give away free cookies; the vets that visit all have a massive sweet-tooth, you know.”
“Are you a vet, too?”
“Nah, I just work here.” She tossed several used paper coffee cups into the trash and chuckled. “A year ago, when I finally graduated with my master’s degree, I started writing my novel and since I was writing about soldiers and government agents I needed to interview some about their personal experiences. So, I decided to come down to the VA. I met with Sam, who had just started working here, and asked if I could interview some people for my writing. He agreed, and I spent the whole day just talking to the vets. All sorts of vets, too; men, women, old, young, you name it. And at the end of the day, after hearing about their struggles with PTSD and how hard their lives became once they returned to civilian life, I went back to Sam and asked if he needed any part-time employees. He said yes, and we’ve been best friends ever since.” Steve smiled, and the impressed look he was giving her caused her to blush so she hurriedly changed the subject. “So, did everything work out earlier? It’s just that it seemed a little serious, so I hope that everything’s okay.”
Steve’s smile fell a little but he nodded. “Yeah, everything’s fine…I was just visiting a friend who hasn’t been doing too well lately.”
(Y/N) impulsively placed a comforting hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, that sounds difficult. I hope they get better soon.” The ghost of a sympathetic smile pulled at the corner of her mouth and Steve’s eyes softened after a moment; realizing that her hand was still resting on his arm, she hastily withdrew it and began folding the tablecloth to keep her hands busy. “Um, Sam and I were planning on going out to dinner after we finish packing up, you’re welcome to join us if you want.”
She glanced up at him and saw a glint of something in his eyes, but it disappeared before she could get a closer look. “Thanks for the offer but I’ll have to pass; I’ve already got some plans later…”
“That’s okay, maybe next time!” (Y/N) smiled, but inside she couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment.
Just then, Sam walked into the room with a stack of pamphlets in his hands. “Pretty good turnout today, huh? Five new faces and Captain America!”
Steve chuckled. “Well, I’m glad that I stopped by.” He glanced at the clock on the wall before continuing, “I should probably get going, but it was good to see you two again.”
(Y/N) shook his hand. “I’m not gonna lie, it was a little weird seeing you in your own exhibit earlier but it was great hanging out with you!”
“You too, and good luck with For Queen and Country, I’ll keep my eye out for it in the bookshops.” His bright smile caused her heartbeat to once-again quicken as their hands dropped.
“It was good seeing you too, Cap, you made me look really awesome in front of Maria, so thanks for that.” Sam grinned and shook his outstretched hand.
“Glad I could help, Sam; see you two around!” Steve gave them a small wave before turning and walking out of the room.
Tearing her eyes away from the doorway, (Y/N) resumed her cleaning and glanced at Sam. “What do you feel like tonight, Thai or burgers?”
Sam grinned and began unplugging the coffee maker. “Burgers. So, did you have a nice day chilling with your new boyfriend, Booksmart?”
Later that evening, (Y/N) sat down at her desk and put her music on shuffle before flicking through her notebook to the pages of notes she’d taken that day at the Smithsonian. She bit back a smile when she recognized the difference between the carefully printed notes she’d taken by herself versus the illegible scribbles taken from the elderly security guard’s long-winded explanations. He was kind of a fast talker, wasn’t he, she thought to herself; as a way of honoring the enthusiastic old man, she ultimately decided to name one of her minor characters after him.
“Stan.” She sounded out the name and gave a satisfied nod. “Yeah, that’s got a nice ring to it…”
(Y/N), now finally having all the information she needed to best describe Soviet Cold War missiles, wrote for nearly three hours straight, only taking breaks to skip songs or to glance down at her notes. She would’ve probably continued writing well into the next morning except that her eyesight was beginning to blur around the edges, an unfortunate symptom of exhaustion.
Well, you have had a pretty busy day today, (Y/N) silently reasoned as she saved her evening’s progress and booted down her laptop. Since Sam was already fast asleep in the room across the hall, she went about her bedtime routine as quietly as she could, washing her face and brushing her teeth before tiptoeing back into her room. She slipped on her mismatched pajama set and was about to crawl into bed when the record player on her bedside table caught her eye. Making her way over to what Sam affectionately called ‘The DJ Bookcase,’ she scanned the shelf devoted solely to her record collection until the right one stood out to her, and then she carefully placed the record on the turntable and lowered the needle. After a moment, the soft tones of Glenn Miller’s ‘Stardust’ filled her room and with a smile, she finally got into bed and turned to watch the record spinning on the turntable.
Thoughts of the super-soldier who’d inspired her choice in bedtime music began to fill her mind, making her smile softly to herself. (Y/N) had enjoyed seeing Steve again, even if it had been in a highly unconventional place like the Smithsonian, and she quietly marveled at how effortless it had been to talk to the larger-than-life man. He really was different from how the history books portrayed him: not only was he kind and polite, but he was also intelligent, sarcastic and extremely understanding. Also a little lost, I expect, (Y/N) thought, remembering his guarded expressions and withdrawn replies whenever she’d ask him a personal question; it couldn’t be easy adjusting to a brand-new reality, especially without a fixed support system to rely on.
“Hopefully he ends up getting the help he needs.” (Y/N) murmured to herself, her sleepy eyes continuing to watch the rotating record as more thoughts of Steve Rogers filled her mind.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all liked my little Stan Lee cameo in this chapter and the last :) I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Tagging: @mrs-obrien​ @lahoete​ @awkward117​ @cminr​ @momc95​ @awkwardnesshabitat​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @khuang3​ @supersouthy​ @benakenalove​ @brooke0297​ @hufflepeople​ @becausewelie​​ @outoftheregular @supreme-tantrum​
Chapter Four
“The Winter Soldier” Masterlist
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How to use neopronouns
A guide by Me
Okay what up bitches my name’s Lia and I’m here to teach you how to use neopronouns, because as fun as these things are, they can be COMPLICATED and I want to help you out. Am I an expert? There ain’t no fucking degree in neopronoun use-ology, so technically no, but I use pretty much every pronoun and neopronoun I see so I’m close enough
Basic disclaimers before we get into this:
-I’m american and I only know english. this guide will cover how to use pronouns in the english language. sorry if you need help with neopronouns in other languages, I can’t help you there -There are fancy grammar words to describe different pronouns. I will not be using them because they confuse me. The way I plan to teach you is (hopefully) simpler than trying to figure out how to pair up the fancy words to the pronouns
Alright babes let’s go
Let’s start this off by saying there are a LOT of neopronouns. And there are a lot of variations in neopronouns. This is why it can be confusing when first trying to use them.
But never fear! I, the god of neopronouns, have come to aid you in your time of need with a handy-dandy method that helps you sort and organize neopronouns so that you can use them properly! Using words that are common in the english language to get used to ones that aren’t-so-common!
The base of this method is understanding that most neopronoun sets follow the rules of already existing pronoun sets- namely it, he, she, and they sets. There are exceptions to this, of course, and I’ll cover them at the end. For now, allow me to go through the main four sets.
The it/its/itself set
While you may not be used to using it as pronouns, the it set is one english speakers should be pretty familiar with. It’s also one of the easiest of the pronoun sets to spot- sets following the it set type will have a base pronoun (i.e. it) that is altered with an ‘s’ added to the end and a ‘self’ added to the end. This set only consists of three pronouns.
An example of the it set is rem/rems/remself. When using neopronouns that follow the it set, follow the grammar of the it set as well. Examples:
It was having a good day. // Rem was having a good day. The bag is its. // The bag is rems. It believed in itself. // Rem believe in remself.
The he/him/his/himself set
Pronoun sets following the he set will be harder to identify than ones that follow it set, as they don’t always revolve around a base pronoun. Pronoun sets that follow the he set should have four pronouns and should not have any pronouns that go “base pronoun, base pronoun + s” (i.e. it, its)- this is an indicator pronoun sets that follow she sets.
An example of the he set is ve/ver/vis/verself. When using neopronouns that follow the he set, follow the grammar of the he set as well. Examples:
He was having a good day. // Ve was having a good day. That belongs to him. // That belongs to ver. The bag is his. // The bad is vis. He believed in himself. // Ve believed in verself.
The she/her/hers/herself set
Due to this set also having four pronouns, it can be easy to confusion pronouns following the she set with ones following the he set. The key detail to remember here is that the she set includes the “base pronoun, base pronoun + s” (i.e. it, its) pronouns that he sets don’t.
An examples of the she set is fae/faer/faers/faerself. When using neopronouns that follow the she set, follow the grammar of the she set as well. Examples:
She was having a good day. // Fae was having a good day. That belongs to her. // That belongs to faer. The bag is hers. // The bag is faers. She believed in herself. // Fae believed in faerself.
The they/them/their/theirs/themself set
Though the they set doesn’t have a base pronoun, it’s often easier to identify than he/she sets, for the sake that it has five pronouns. Most they sets will also have “base pronoun, base pronoun + s” (i.e. it, its) pronouns, though this is not always the case.
An example of the they set is ay/em/air/airs/emself. When using neopronouns that follow the they set, follow the grammar of the they set as well.
Except- what’s this? It’s an EXCEPTION!
As you should know, they/them pronouns are used in a plural sense (’they were happy’ opposed to the singular ‘he was happy’). This does not, however, mean that they set pronouns are plural. In fact, for the most part, they set pronouns are used in a singular sense.
However, neopronouns are used by lots of people with lots of preferences, and there are people who use their pronouns in the plural sense- this can apply to all neopronouns, not just they set ones, I’m just explaining this now because it’s where it fits best in this neat little outline I’ve got going. While I will be giving these examples using the singular sense for the neopronoun examples, that does NOT give you the right to use them singular if the person using them has asked you to treat them as plural pronouns. Don’t be an ass, respect the person’s pronoun choices.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled examples.
They were having a good day. // Ay was having a good day. That belongs to them. // That belongs to em. This is their place. // This is air place. The bag is theirs. // The bag is airs. They believed in themself. // Ay believed in emself.
Other sets
As noted at the beginning of all of this- there are a LOT of neoproun sets. They’re not all going to obey the rules of just four ‘common’ sets!!! That wouldn’t be any FUN.
So I’m going to go through some possible examples of non it-he-she-they following pronoun sets.
Three-pronoun sets that don’t follow the base pronoun + s and + self rule. Example: Ny/nyx/nyxself Possible variations on how to use them: They can be treated like it sets, just with a different letter used as the + s (i.e. That bag is nyx. // That belongs to ny.). They can also be used where the first pronoun is used as it/he/she/they would be used, while the second pronoun fills in everywhere else [barring the + self pronoun spots, of course] (i.e. That bag is nyx. // That belongs to nyx.)
Five-pronoun sets that don’t have base, base + s pronouns Example: Ca/cam/fla/flage/camouflageself Possible variations on how to use them: Usually you just treat it like a they set, only using a different pronoun for the ‘base + s’ slot- i.e. saying ‘that bag is flage’ instead of ‘that bag is flas’
Two-pronoun sets Example: Al/alself Possible variations on how to use them:  Pretty much just use the non + self pronoun in every pronoun slot, the + self pronoun slots barred- i.e. ‘Al was going to the beach for the first time in al life. It was just going to be al and alself on the sand.’
And many, many, many more options!!!
Neopronouns are too varied for me to cover all the possibilities of them, which brings me to my final point: when in doubt, ASK. For the love of the gods, ask the neopronoun user how to use their pronouns if you’re confused. Hell, probably do it even if you’re not confused. Always differ to the pronoun user for the guaranteed right answer (at least for them). If you want to know how to use them but you can’t find someone who uses that particular set, try googling them- often times, you’ll be able to find someone who’s grammar-ed them out for you.
Now, it’s slightly different if you’re looking into these pronouns for yourself, for the sake that neopronouns are W A C K. There are often times dozens of sets nearly identical but for a single letter. They follow crazy patterns that differ for everyone who uses them. If you find neopronouns you want to use for yourself but aren’t sure about grammar, just make your own up. Picking out pronouns for yourself is about your comfort and happiness using them. Make them fit the mold you want them too, and don’t let ANYONE come after you for it. You’re fucking glorious, hun, don’t let cowards and grammar laws scare you.
And with that, we conclude the guide on using neopronouns. If you have questions or something you would like to add, feel free to contact me through my ask box. Dms too, I suppose, but ask box is probably better.
Stay fucking fabulous darlings.
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Hi....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite MXTX characters (top 5 from each novel)? And why? I'm sorry if you've answered this question before.
Aw of course I don’t mind! Though I feel like my answer is going to be a disaster bc I love these casts so so much aha let’s see:
1. Wei Wuxian
Ah so I feel like this is obvious based on the sheer quantity of things I produce and the effort I put into hurting him �� but yeah! I love how much of a classical tragic hero he is and I love how much love he has and how that gets twisted around and shaped into a collar of spikes around his own neck. I saw gif sets of wwx before I ever knew about CQL and my reaction was “fuck. I’m going to love him” and I do! And I love that he does learn from his past and I love most of all that he learns to accept the love he is given and is able to make a happy ending in a place of being loved and held in respect and appreciation
2. Wen Qing
On the other hand, I did not expect to be like “mine now” with Wen Qing. Don’t get me wrong, the sexy immortal look got me but it wasn’t really till I started writing fic that I was like ohhhhh Oh Boy. Wen Qing is brilliant and ruthless, fiercely loving and aloof and cold. I love that she gets the lose-lose challenge of balancing what is right for her family vs what is right in the world, what she owes to her sect and what she owes to individuals. The golden core transfer is my favorite dubious science experiment in p much all media I’ve consumed. She gets to be so human—prickly and tough and also achingly gentle and afraid and putting on a tough face and sometimes still crying. “I’m sorry and thank you” ! Im!!
3. Jiang Yanli
The first fic I wrote for this fandom was literally “Jiang Yanli died no she didn’t” lmao I do feel like I underserve Jiang Yanli in that I often fall prey to using her to further the complexity that the male characters are permitted while denying her the chance to be given the same space for development and breath — something to work on! But in that, I really genuinely love how tightly she binds herself to her family and how she tries so hard to be what others need her to be—and then she does make a choice for herself and for a single moment at least, she gets to be loved and to be happy and to have this, a husband and a son and a place, for herself. And terribly I love how much she permeates the story still after death. She is the unspoken voice, the face turned from the camera but always still present, carried in the hearts and names and memories of the ones left behind
She deserved better but—I am weak for the tragedy of it all
4. Jiang Cheng
Another surprise (tho hardly surprising in hindsight): Jiang Cheng is just...horribly understandable. He makes terrible choices and his greatest heroism is undone by a choice made for him or, in the case of “killing the Yiling Laozu” is a lie. He is such a youngest sibling who doesn’t want to be the youngest until all at once, he’s the one in charge and he doesn’t want it at all. He is full of anger and hurt and so much love he doesn’t know what to do with it, doesn’t want it anymore, has no place to put all of its terrible, overwhelming flood.
5. Lan Wangji
I almost didn’t put Lan Wangji or Jiang Cheng on here and then I realized that this is sort of a list of characters I’m pickiest about in fic and...yeah. I think what I love best about Lan Wangji is his journey of grief and healing and through that, his decision to step into world. Where Wei Wuxian’s decision to travel and be removed from the cultivation world (in varying degrees depending on your headcanon preference lol) is really, really important to me, Lan Wangji’s decision to go from being an isolated lone agent working apart from the systems of the world to being involved and invested in changing those systems and working to make them better is also really important to me. I’ve talked before about how relatable Lan Wangji is to me (esp with regards to our interaction with the outer world) and there is something deeply hopeful and comforting about post-timeskip Lan Wangji being in his like mid-/late-30s and still making decisions and growing and changing and choosing to invest himself in the world and the future
yeah. i have thoughts here that I don’t really have the maturity, life experience, or articulation to put into words but Lan Zhan Good basically
1. Xie Lian
suuuurpriiiiise!! Yeah honestly mxtx’s mains in TGCF and MDZS really just hit all my buttons basically. What appeals to me most of all about Xie Lian is, fittingly, how he is humanity taken to extremes. His capacity for incredible kindness and compassion is equaled with his capacity for cruelness and ruthlessness. His heaven-shaking highs are matched with calamitous lows. He is the hyperbolic of what it is to be human—and he is also the small moments, the wildflowers and the maple leaves and the mundane chores and the comfort of whispered conversations late into the night. I could quite literally go on for pages about what I love about Xie Lian but I am not Hua Cheng and can restrain myself LMAO
2. Hua Cheng
of all the characters on these lists, Hua Cheng is the one I’m pickiest about tbh! When I say I love him for similar reasons as Xie Lian I don’t actually mean this as being similarities between the two but the fact that both of them so richly convey mxtx’s points about the nature of humanity and what it is to be human. Hua Cheng is both the boldest and most arrogant of all and also the most vulnerable, the one who shies away from the truth because he’s braced for it to hurt and isn’t sure he can take it. He is gory blood rain and an umbrella to shelter a fragile bloom; he is a blade whose wounds only heal if he permits it and he is a sacrifice that he brushes aside as a fit of madness. *pats his head* this boy can fit SO MUCH inside him that he refuses to acknowledge
3. Jun Wu
Definitely my favorite antagonist in recent reading. I was doubtful of him from the start (something something issues with authority something something probably should talk to my theoretical future therapist shhh) but the unfolding of his reveal was so delightfully painful and exquisite that I was like “YES!!!” reading all of it. About the epitome of a satisfying plot twist imo. But about the character himself, I love how he parallels so many — Xie Lian in his rise and fall, his glory and disgrace; Hua Cheng in his fixation and ruthlessness; He Xuan in losing himself to the plot and not knowing how to move forward. I love that he feels beyond human in a way the others don’t—he’s so old and has gone through so much and he doesn’t feel things the way humans do anymore, doesn’t remember right how love squeezes the heart or how hate can exist without acting on it. I love that he thinks he knows how to control everyone and that it’s such mundane things that fool him: Xie Lian’s absurd stubbornness, Hua Cheng’s foolish faith, Yin Yu’s...emotional maturity??? Not Sure how to verbalize that one. But in the end, he is defeated by both the humanity of others and by his own—he’s so tired. He’s exhausted in a way that gods and ghosts aren’t meant to be. He is, under the armor and the masks, the curses and the power, human—benevolent and cruel, evil and good.
4. He Xuan
I love my fish man! No but really I love how He Xuan is so fixed on his one goal that he refuses to acknowledge anything else in his (after)life—which doesn’t make it go away. I love that he is left unmoored, purposeless through the very act of completing that which gives him purpose. I love his long con and the ways he clings to himself but loses himself not in the act but in the telling himself it’s an act. I love that he tries to be a moral man and then becomes a ghost king, a calamity. His reveal is also terribly badass and I do love his bone fish wholly unironically. Like I’m not going to get a He Xuan tattoo (for one thing I’ve been meaning to get a tattoo for 5 years and still haven’t gotten around to it) but also. B o n e f i s h
5. Mu Qing
Of course! The Jiang Cheng of tgcf lol Mu Qing (which my phone desperately wants to autocorrect to my Qing) is so...gah he’s such a mess! And he so fully commits to the belief that no one will ever see and understand him as he is but will always view them through their own convictions about him and his actions — which is simultaneously heartbreakingly lonely and also. Sir You Are a Clown. I genuinely think he’s owed apologies from both Feng Xin and Xie Lian for their treatment and assumptions of him and think that he would be HORRIBLY offended at the thought (while secretly touched? But like secretly even to himself). He will never explain himself and will just clam up tighter the more people accuse him and it’s such a self-sabotaging behavior and also so horribly relatable. I love u sir, you’re a disaster
SVSS I have not read but I do really like the moshang art 😂
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Director Carter, Badass peggy being in charge of everyone and everyone being scared/intimidated by her, especially the newbies, including but not limited to coulson, hill, may, etc
Oh my God Y E S. So I’m sorry I just kept rambling on. You can figure out the timeline, because I can’t, lmao.
Director Peggy Carter knew she was a hard woman, knew she was intimidated by extreme means and that’s how she wanted it to be. She’s lived her life, a woman in this career where she’s frowned down at for being a woman while working in the military. Where doors have been shut in her face, where she’s been talked down to, looked over for promotions despite she’s the best choice for the matter next to another Agent, bluntly ignored, or even had her sex used against her.
Peggy Carter was a hard woman because life her that way, because she knew the life of an agent because she knew that the world would not be easy on an agent because he was new. There were crazy things out there and she had the feeling they were just barely scratching the surface – starting with Schmidt and Steve and there was no end in sight.
Her age was not something these agents would use against her either – they knew better. She was harder and stronger because of all she’s done in her age. Sneaking behind her officer’s back as Captain America’s liaison, ignoring bluntly given orders? It was the first of many things she’s done quite illegal that should have her still sitting in jail if she did her math right. Her only saving grace was her quick wit and skills – and of course a few close friends in good places.
Howard Stark and Chester Phillips had pulled her ass out of the fire more times than she could count and Peggy was grateful for them. Phillips knew her worth better than anyone but also knew how to play the game. He knew how the world worked and fought back against it in his own means. What may seem like him yelling at Peggy for disobeying an order was his way of giving her what she needs. It wasn’t like he could stop her anyway – a lesson he learned quite well during the war and after.
Phillips had appointed her Director of Shield when he was ready to retire, claiming he was tired, and Peggy knew it was his age getting up to him. He’d left her in the perfect position with people they trusted to continue the work that he’d started and left his own files and notes for her, so she wasn’t alone. His death had hit her hard and reminded Peggy no one was immune to death – not that she needed a reminder. It just reminded her all the same of what was at stake here and how she had to do her job, no matter what these agents thought.
The knock on the door caused the Director to raise her head, glancing down at her withered watch to read it was nearing midnight. She hadn’t been aware of the time or the fact she was burning the midnight oil – no wonder she was exhausted. Her eyes were burning and she had to sigh and rub at her face.
“Come in,” she croaked, standing up to pour herself a glass of water. She wasn’t surprised when the door opened to see their new agent enter – a young Phillip Coulson. “Ah. You’re finally back. I was wondering when you would be coming in. Are you hurt?”
Her eyes scanned over his body, taking note of the gauze peeking from his collarbone and the burned ends of his dress shirt.
“A little,” Phil admitted with a slight shrug. “No more than normal. I wasn’t sure if you were in but I wanted to drop off the mission report before I left. The mission was a success – we retrieved the 084 and it’s currently being investigated by Stark and his men.”
Poise. Proper. This man would make a fine agent, Peggy was sure once she’s whipped him into shape. She can’t think she’s had any problem with him actually. While it wasn’t her job to train agents, Peggy liked to give a personal hand unless something called her away. She wanted her agents to be aware from day one when she recruited them that she was their direct boss, that she not only signed their paycheck but was the reason they were here. She handpicked every single one of them.
“That’s great.” She tossed the file on the desk, intending to take it home and read it while in the bath. She deserved that at least. “You may leave. We’ll resume training tomorrow. Be sure your friends are on time this time. I don’t feel like waiting.”
“What was that?” Peggy asked, her tone sharp as she rounded on Hill. “Agent Hill, I believe I asked you a question. What. Was. That.”
The woman’s head snapped up, a strand of her hair escaping the high bun and sticking to her sweaty forehead. She looked on the edge and devilish, unable to focus. Good, that’s how Peggy wanted them. It was beyond boiling in this room, the thermostat read nearing 90 degrees in a small room. She wanted nothing more than to strip down to her slip but the Director hadn’t even removed her scarf.
The sand beneath them blew across their face, feeling like sand hitting her and making her skin raw. No doubt a cold shower was in their future. If they got out of this room. They stood in a room simulated to be a desert, the humidity quickly rising by the hour, making their throats ache for a drop of water. The weather was designed to put them on edge, to stress any agent out. They were to think and act. A few agents were spread out in the room, hidden behind various objects. Hill had just an hour beforehand to read the files quickly and choose which was her current target. She had one choice, one ‘bullet’.
And of course, Hill chose wrong.
“A mistake, ma’am,” Hill replied in a soft tone, her eyes snapping to Peggy. “I-I panicked.”
“You panicked.” Peggy’s fingers snapped and all at once the simulation ended, an agent slid down from the top of a dune and tumbled down to end up at their feet. She helped pick him up and brushed him off. “Agent Hill, I am aware of how this situation is, how you’re in a stressful situation, but this is what life is like on the field. You have very little time to choose and remember which one is your enemy, your target in a stressful situation. Sometimes you don’t even get files, sometimes you don’t even get five minutes. If that had been a real bullet, a real situation then that man would be dead and I would be left with the fact to tell his family that their father is not alive because of your mistake.”
Peggy’s sharp eyes never left Hill’s face, seeing the realization they both knew sinking in. Her head slowly nodded before she looked down at the agent she ‘killed’, his vest splattered with red paint. “I won’t make that mistake again.”
“No, you won’t. Let’s take a break, then we’ll try this again. Go wash up, Agent, and get some water.” She patted the young agent on the shoulder, watching Hill being the first to leave the room. Peggy sighed heavily and rubbed at her temples. Agents made mistakes, she told herself, Gods know she’s made a few of her own.
“What do you call that?” Peggy mused, cocking her eyebrow at Coulson as they looked in on the darkened figure sitting chained to the desk. A faux interrogation, but Coulson believed it to be real. To his knowledge, they’d gotten a suspect in for the deadly gas that was threatened to explode half of Manhattan.
It was an interrogation they’d set up for weeks, slowly spreading information, letting it seem real as possible, to even Howard designing a fake formula for their use. They had to go to these extremes, clean up included to train her agents. Peggy would not take anything less here, damnit.
Coulson’s eyes snapped to her from the side of the room, licking his dry lips. He’d become nervous and wary of her over the past few weeks, her clear reputation getting around Shield. “Ma’am?” He turned to look at her, finally turning his back to the perp. “Call what, ma’am? I looked at his file, I asked him questions.”
“You asked him questions that anyone could fake answers to! You need to get in his head, you –“ Peggy was cut off at the perp running into the glass, Coulson jumping away and turning to see the man standing against the glass, dragging the table with him despite he was cuffed. “I want you to handle him. Now. I need to go on a conference call but when I come back, you better have some answers – more so than I can find from reading his file.”
She paused and turned to read Coulson’s expression. He was soft, too soft and it made her heart pull at a reminder of Daniel. “Agent Coulson, you must become used to these interrogating techniques and think outside the box because I can guarantee you that half the perps that we have in there have already thought of what to say when they’re in here. And fifteen different ways to get out of those cuffs and to get into your head. You have got to be five steps ahead of them or I’m afraid you won’t make it as an agent. At least not fieldwork. Now, excuse me.”
The call lasted less than an hour, plenty of time for the brunette to grab a cup of coffee and wander back into the interrogation room. She found Coulson sitting on the other side of the glass again as if he’s never left and staring down at the file. She could see his scribble and notes he’s made while she was gone. The man on the other side, she noticed as the lights flicked on from her arrival sported raw spots on his wrists.
“He has a fear of snakes,” Coulson mused, snapping the file closed. “The wonders you can do with Stark technology at your hand and a few scenes from Indiana Jones. I believe you’ll find everything inside is all you need to know on the formula and the counter effect.”
Peggy’s fingers closed around the file and snapped it open, her eyes skimming over the pages. A smile pulled on her red-stained lips and nodded. “Very good, Agent Coulson. Remember these techniques for later.
“Director?” Fury stopped in his steps, looking down at the small file that Peggy had given him two days prior. It was late at night, meaning this man had stayed up late, not like she was in any better position. Two agents had just gone missing out of the blue and she couldn’t figure out why.
“I thought we talked about knocking?” Peggy sighed, waving the man inside and watching him collapse in the opposite seat of her desk.
“No, you talked about knocking. I pretended to listen.” Peggy’s eyes snapped to him and all the co-director could do was a smirk. “Listen, I’ve been reading over this proposal you gave me and…no.”
“What do you mean no, Agent? Those are your only two options. You are Co-Director and have to make decisions without my regard. Yes, the files will pass my desks but not all of them I will be able or have time to approve of. Are you telling me you want to take back your promotion, Agent?”
Fury was silent for a beat, Peggy counted watching his chest rise and fall. She could see the gears turning in his head. The way he held himself, his hand gripping his kneecap to a frightening point.
“No,” he said finally, breaking the silence between them. “I do not, Director. I mean that I am not listening to your asinine directions here. I mean no disrespect, ma’am but I believe there’s another course of action here that won’t put so many lives at risk and still give us the intel that we need, and rescue our two missing agents.”
Peggy smirked as she sat up and take a long drink of the bourbon she’s had sitting on her desk. “I see,” she sighed, as if it pained her to look through the file Fury had given her. “Very good, Director Fury.”
“This…was a test?” She could see the frustration growing in his eyes. “I already sent my agents out!”
“Of course this was a test! You will be tested many times while under me. You need to know when to make the hard calls when to see that your only two options are not your only options. You need to see there is much more than what meets the eyes.” She paused in her sip of the drink and cleared her throat. “You already sent your agents out?”
“Of course I did! I-“
“Good.” She cut him off, Fury raising a brow at her. “Because then you’re two steps ahead of me and the situation. Because that’s what I want. You’ve done well. Now go monitor your agents and the situation and report back to me when they’re home. You might make a fine Director just yet.”
Agent May. Melinda May. Her mother had shortly worked for Shield before being recruited elsewhere, claiming Shield’s life was not for her. If her daughter was anything like her, Peggy knew her hands were full and that was fine with her.
Just the challenge of Agent May was far more challenging then Peggy had imagined. The woman was a fine agent, she was great at combat, never wanted a weapon until she needed it and by then, she’d get it herself. She was great in training, and in just about every area but one.
Espionage. Keeping a low profile. Pretending to be someone else. To keep your head low and level and keep to the situation, until you had no other choice.
“I have not forgotten my spy days,” Peggy told May with a roll of her eyes. “I am still a spy, a codebreaker if you want to add another term to it. What you’re doing….” She waved her hand with a frustrated sound. “You’re awkward. You need to fall into the role easily, at the drop of a hat. You can’t help who you will be working with or what you’ll have to do to survive and get out of the building.”
“Knowing you it was guns blazing,” May smirked, leaning into the opposite wall and pulling her hair up into a bun.
“Don’t believe rumors that you hear,” Peggy mused. “It was not just guns blazing. It was sneaking around my own agents, my own bosses back to get the information we needed, that I needed. I’ve had to dance with many sexist men who loved to squeeze my ass in order to just get out of the building. Did I want to knock some sense into them? Yes, I did but I refrained from doing so.”
May looked at her up and down, chewing on the inside of her lip. She knew her problems in dropping her guard and trusting her partner if she had one. She knew the problem to fall into a role, keep that guard up, but not act if things went wrong. It was a frustrating feeling.
“Let’s go through this one more time?” She asked, causing the Director to rise from her seat and smile. “You sure you should be walking on that broken leg?”
“Don’t you worry about me, Agent. I’ve had much worse. Remind me to tell you about the time I was pierced by a piece of rebar.”
It was another late night for Director Carter. Save for the night crew, she was one of the few remaining people here. Fury had just left a few hours ago, muttering about not hearing from Coulson for a few days now. Last she checked, the man was still on a mission Fury had set him on with a suspected 084 in the Arctic.
Habit caused her to think of Steve and the fallen plane, but she knew better than to give herself false hope. She couldn’t survive on false hope alone.
Her personal phone ringing caused her to jump, frowning at the undisclosed number. No agent had her personal number, so who would be calling her? Frowning, she had no choice but to answer.
“This better be good,” she sighed. “Enough to risk calling my personal number, Agent.”
“Ma’am? Director.” It was Coulson. She could hear the wind-breaking up the man’s words. He had to practically shout in her ear. “I had no choice, ma’am. Too many bugs.” Wherever he moved to, Peggy could hear him a little better. His words started to echo. “We found him.”
Her heart leaped to her throat, but still, she couldn’t allow false hope. “Him who, exactly?” Could it be…
“We found him, ma’am,” Coulson murmured just for her to hear. “We found Steve Rogers. He’s alive.”
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If Will and Mike be in a relationship, will Hopper get angry at Mike for “fooling” his daughter, or he will treat it with understanding?
I have to admit, this one had me thinking for a while. There’s just a lot of potential layers to how Hopper would react to seeing Mike and Will together. I suppose the best way to answer this is to look at Hopper’s primary motivators for his actions. So sit back because you’ve just prompted me to take a deep dive into Hopper’s psyche. Some of this I may have discussed before, but, eh, it’s a Saturday. I have nothing else to do besides go for a walk eventually.
Essentially what we need to consider is how Hopper reacts to anything. That is to say how he evaluates and reacts to a situation or stimulus. Everyone has a stress response system, mostly known as the fight-or-flight response. While it’s often a bit more complicated than that name would suggest, it’s essentially how we respond to a stressful stimuli. The idea is that our body reacts in the way that would best ensure survival. The problem is that what often triggers stress in a modern human isn’t benefited by such a response. We can’t exactly fight our boss or run and hide when we get in trouble at work.
Hopper reacts to stress with aggression. We’ve seen this time and time again. It’s unknown if this is what led him to be a soldier in Vietnam and eventually a police officer, or perhaps vice versa, but I’d imagine there’s a correlation. Then again, he’s also shown that he will hide under certain circumstances. In season 2, we see Hopper run and hide in the stairwell in reaction to his daughter’s illness and eventual death. This was a situation where aggression couldn’t help him, so he hid. If someone had confronted him at this point, he may well have reacted with aggression regardless of that individual’s intent to help. A more primitive level of Hopper’s brain is in control at that moment, and he is reacting instinctively to a threat, and it’s a threat he literally can’t pound into submission.
Hopper usually shows decent self-control, though I stress the usually part. This is another important quality of a police officer or soldier. However, when that self-control becomes inhibited, be it by anger, alcohol, or whatever, he dips down into that more primitive brainspace. This isn’t unique to Hopper, at least in real life, as both alcohol and stress inhibit higher brain functioning. Anyone who has ever tried to convince a drunk to give up their car keys or has been in a heated fight with a friend has seen how a normally rational person can seem like a different person. He sees Mike as a threat when he and El get close, and he seems to almost be physically restraining himself at times. However, when he’s calm and writing the speech that Joyce urged him to, he is actually much more understanding and rational. He tries to hide from the stress caused by El opening herself up to pain (via dating) by avoiding the confrontation with her. He then becomes aggressive when he perceives that Mike and El don’t take his concerns seriously. We have to remember that Hopper lost a daughter already, and that is the root of his overprotective behavior regarding El. He deemed himself a failure with Sara, and he won’t be the same this time around. He dislikes Mike, ultimately, because Mike is pulling El away from Hopper’s protective sphere, not because he has some specific dislike of Mike himself.
This brings us to the actual question you posed, and how he’d react to Mike dating Will instead of El. It’s going to come down to a handful of situations.
First, what is his current emotional/mental state when he finds out. Hopper does have decent self-control when he is calm. If he finds this out immediately after a stressful situation, which is considerably likely given what we know about Season 4, then the possibility for a bad reaction, caused by his stress response system telling him to protect El, is significant. If Mike were to be nearby when he learns about this, then Mike may want to start running. A negative reaction to this could be mitigated, however, if Hopper is also reacting to a positive situation, such as a reunion with Joyce or El. 
Speaking of El, her own perception of Mike being with Will would impact Hopper’s reaction. This would be particularly true if Hopper found out when Mike wasn’t around. Here, El would have the opportunity to ease, or perhaps rile, Hopper by sharing how she feels about it. If she indicates that she’s ok, or even happy, about Mike being with Will instead of her, then Hopper would likely calm down. It would be his desire to protect her, after all, that would cause him to get angry in the first place. Should El be angry about it herself, though, Hopper would probably be ready to strike the moment he saw Mike. 
Then there’s the ultimate elephant in the room. Mike and Will would be a gay couple. How Hopper reacts to that would undoubtedly be different than if Mike were with another girl. It could be good. Maybe Hop stops seeing Mike as a threat altogether. Then again, we don’t really know for sure how Hopper feels about gay people. He doesn’t seem overtly homophobic. While he reacts to Joyce talking about Lonnie calling Will a “fag” by asking if it’s true, he doesn’t press the issue, and it certainly doesn’t stop Hopper from wanting to find him safe and sound. I imagine he’d have some degree of 80-s typical discomfort, which could affect his reaction in some way, but we just don’t know for sure how severe it might be.
Regardless, I imagine he ultimately would come around if he did have a bad initial reaction. He’s meant to be one of the heroes, after all, and it wouldn’t do for him to end on a negative note. If he wanted to have any chance whatsoever with Joyce, it would be foolish for him to jeopardize things by threatening Will’s happiness. There’s also other things that could affect his reaction. They showed him treating Will sort of as a son in Season 2, so that could also come into play. Mike may be shown as more mature and heroic in his own right, allowing Hopper to see him in a new light. Hopper’s time as a Russian prisoner could give him time to reflect on his choices and actions, possibly resulting in a reconsideration of his priorities. 
This is an aspect of a possible relationship between Mike and Will that is tricky to unpack. I’m not sure how well I’ve answered your question really, as I feel all I’ve actually done is raise further questions. Unfortunately, it’s ultimately up to the writers to decide how Hopper would react.
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Survey #396
“every time i leave, you say you won’t be there, & you’re always there”
So, is it gif with a hard G or soft G? I used to say "jif," but now I pronounce it as "gif." If you use libraries, what is the largest overdue fine you’ve ever had? *shrug* Do you ever borrow things other than books from the library? I remember back in the day, they used to offer educational computer games, and I bought a dinosaur one as a kid that I was madly obsessed with. Are there still any movie rental places left where you live? Just Redbox things outside of some stores. Do you ever buy secondhand books (or DVDs, video games, CDs)? Yeah; Ebay is my friend. Or do you prefer them to be brand new? I mean yeah, but it's not a massive deal to me so long the thing is operational or not falling apart. Do you ever write fanfic? Of what? Nah. Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what? Also nah. Do you have a favorite classical composer? No. Have you ever had multicolored/rainbow hair? No, but I would LOVE to. What kind of hats, if any, do you like to wear? I don't wear hats. What is your #1 deal-breaker with friendships? If you're manipulative, byyyyyeeeee~ Who is your favorite character on Bob’s Burgers and why? (If you watch it) I've seen some episodes, but I don't actually watch it. Have you ever had a retro celebrity crush? Like a crush on an “old” celebrity who was most famous a long time ago or is long dead? Audrey Hepburn, for one, is drop-dead GORGEOUS. When you buy/receive new clothes, do you instantly wear them or wash first? It depends on what I bought and where it's from. What’s the weirdest item you’ve seen for sale on Ebay? Idk. Are parents to blame for what their kids do on the Internet? No; kids make their own choices. I do, however, believe the parents should monitor what they do until they reach a certain degree of maturity, as well as the child's history with what they've done on the Internet. Do you use acronyms to remember things? Sometimes. Do you take pills like Tylenol for the littlest aches and pains? No. Only if I'm really in pain will I take Ibuprofen/Advil. Don’t you think Crocs are ugly? Big time. I don't know why they're in vogue now when they used to be so widely hated. When was the last time you went roller skating? Oh, it's been years. Who was your favorite Ninja Turtle? I was never into the franchise. Horror flicks make you: laugh, scream, or squirm? I prefer the ones that make you uneasy. I'm not a big fan of the nasty ones, and I want to feel on edge when I'm watching a horror film, but it's EXTREMELY rare I become legitimately scared. If you could become a doctor, what would you specialize in? Uhhhh. Maybe genetic disorders. What’s the cutest thing a little kid has ever said to/in front of you? I'm sure it was something my niece or nephew said, but I'm unsure of what. They've said many adorable things. Did any characters from TV shows scare you as a kid? Which one(s)? FUCKING KING RAMSES FROM COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG. FUCK he gave me nightmares. What’s the saddest thing you’ve heard on the news recently? I was very saddened to hear about the giraffe that died giving birth. Do you believe that acupuncture works? I'm not educated enough on this subject. Have you ever been hypnotized? No, and I don't believe it's possible to be. What’s the first food you can smell when you enter the mall? The soft pretzels, omg. That little stand is my favorite part of our local mall. They make DELICIOUS pretzels. What is the worst hurt you’ve ever experienced? Jason leaving. Are huge muscles gross or sexy? Like serious body builders, it's gross to me. I prefer a natural musculature. Have you ever fished and caught something weird? I know I have, but what isn't coming to mind. Do you use an umbrella when it rains? Unless it is absolutely pouring, no. Do you like getting caught in the rain? No. What is the hardest part of cleaning for you? It requires physical exertion and I am INCREDIBLY weak with non-existent stamina. Do you have any fake flowers in your room? No. Do you own any succulents? No. What is your favorite thing about spring? The only thing I like about spring are all the flowers. What is something you find hard to draw? HANDS. UGH. Was it sunny for your senior prom pictures? Sigh. It was a beautiful sunset. I REALLY wish I didn't delete all those pictures from existence. Have you ever seen a double rainbow? I've seen like, a triple rainbow. What’s one thing you want to learn how to make? Your ordinary meals. I really want to be able to cook my own food from scratch. Do you have stomach issues? Maybe TMI, but it's been questioned but not fully examined that I may have IBS. My stomach is very sensitive. When was the last time you apologized and didn’t mean it? I'm not sure. Do you prefer to be the “talker” or the “listener” in a conversation? The listener. What’s a movie that you think everyone should see? Johnny Got His Gun. If you could have any hair color, what color would you want? Either pastel pink or light creamsicle orange. When was the last time you saw your “first love”? February of 2017. Who’s the smartest person you know personally? My best guy friend Girt. What makes them so smart? He's just very intelligent. Book-smart. Are there any bands/artists that get you all emotional? Ozzy. He and his music are so important to me. What’s your favourite aunt or uncle’s first name? Robert. Have you ever done a first aid course? No. What time do you generally wake up in the morning? It varies from like, 6:00-8:30ish. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Definitely shapeshifting. I'd love to be a druid, man. Do you ever make surveys? If so, are they long or short? No, but I combine them because I don't like surveys that are too short by my standards. When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? Honestly, probably never. I love my current hairstyle, but I most certainly plan on dyeing it maaaany more times. As a child, what was your favorite game to play? I was hooked on the first three Spyro games. I would play 'em over and over. Do any of your siblings have significant others? Do you like them? My older sister is married, and I am NOT a fan of her husband. He's WAY too conservative and bigoted and racist and misogynistic, etc. etc. He's wonderful as a dad, like holy shit he loves his kids, but his beliefs are abhorrent. Dad's daughter is also married, and her husband is awesome. Mom's eldest daughter is also married, and her husband seems cool. My brother has a fiancee that I've never met. Do you believe in the concept of global warming? No fucking shit I do. It's impossible to logically deny, especially as the years go on. When was the last time you took a picture of something? Was it yourself? I took some pictures of this beautiful hydrangea bush outside the TMS office a few days ago. When drinking soda, do you prefer bottles or cans or poured in a glass? Cans, because it stays colder. Do you wear deodorant? Um, yes? If you had a pet pig, what would you name it? Probably something very unoriginal, like Wilbur. Do you like Led Zeppelin? I LOVE "Kashmir." "Stairway to Heaven" was madly important to me, but yeah... I can't listen to it anymore. Like seriously, I haven't in years. Do you like hugs? I do. Have you read the Constitution of the United States of America? Only the Bill of Rights for school. Do you have your own computer or use a family one? I have my own laptop. Do you take out the trash? Sometimes. Is there a calendar in the room you’re in? Outdated meerkat ones. What is your best friend’s name? Sara Jane. :') Have you ever seen a real-life cop chase? Maybe? What is your favorite shape? Circles. Are pigs adorable or dirty? They're precious! And pigs are actually a lot cleaner than people think, if they're not muddy. Anything moldy in your house? Not to my knowledge. Our old house had a serious mold problem, though, which is the primary reason we had to move. Especially with Mom having cancer at the time, she needed to be in the most sterile environment possible. Have you ever been in an earthquake? No. Do you enjoy history? No. Are you watching TV right now? No, but rather GameGrumps on YT. Could you ever be a mortician? True shit, it actually doesn't seem THAT bad. Can you solve a Rubik’s cube? Never seriously tried. How many pets do you have? Just two right now. Are you more close with your mom or dad? My mom. Who is the person that has impacted your life the most? Jason. Or Mom. Have you ever had a pet fish? Yeah. Poor things, they had terrible husbandry. I've learned a hell of a lot from a YouTuber/streamer that is like obsessed with fish about just how misinformed people are on how to take care of various fish. Your goldfish in that little bowl died for a reason, you know. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Do you prefer tea or coffee? Both suck. Have you ever vaped? No. How did your parents meet? They were co-workers. What was your first word? "Dada." Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? ... I mighta lmao. When was the last time you had Nutella? A long time ago. It reeeeaaaally needs to stay out of my house, because I will eat it straight out of the jar. Name someone with a sexy sounding voice. So I don't know where this was, but Mark was once credited in something as "if chocolate had a voice" and I was like YOU FUCKIN BET YOUR SWEET ASS.
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beigejournals · 4 years
a beautifully foolish endeavor
so i made the mistake of turning off the iCloud for my notes, now the few (well, it was pretty long) notes on the first two chapters was erased from my laptop. that’s great! so i’m going straight to tumblr. hoping that this website won’t ruin it for me. 
we love conspiracy theorists. haha! they say that aquarius are built like that, i don’t feel that for me but here we are enjoying this book. 
“Real dreams seemed so chaotic and unstructured.” lol you tell me. beigejournals.tumblr.com/tagged/beigedreams is a mess!
ok back with US geography i know so little about. 
mom, potato rudeness.
lol, dads.
we love how black people/ families try to be strong especially in the environment that they are in. 
“another rich kid with an art school degree and no direction” oof.
“because i will never not be completely horrified by myself losing control” SAME. 
same andy skampt lol, if dogs are not good then i don’t know what to do with my life anymore
we love a recap even on the third chapter. 
Mach 3? not March 3? is Mach 3 a place?
what a nice way to say no to guns
i’m now thinking what Carl was a symbol for in the first book. to me, during college, it really just felt like something tied to religion, maybe something like Jesus. but it’s been a while since i last read the book so idk. 
i don’t remember who Miranda and Robin are! BUT WTF i didn’t expect the book to start this way. 
hah! that’s funny “This one’s for my patient and loving wife, Katherine” HAHA
what an interesting book. can i survive this book. HAHAHA
it’s weird how it changes from “you” to “the man”
the book definitely feels like a choose on your own adventure
“the words definitely felt like april” she speaks like that?
it is interesting to see the perspective of massive phenomena thru the eyes of those left behind! 
is every book or show sponsored by subway? i need to know
“out of transaction mode” nice.
when he said “I made a mental note that maybe that would be a good topic for a video” i was like same. yes. nice quote AHAHA
who fucking gets a book out of the trash?
damn, reddit.
okay. now we’re remeeting miranda. i’m guessing she had something to do with media??? did she have an affair with april because i do not remember but i somehow do?
lol miranda is me, for some reason, i have to put ALL my thoughts out there
ok they did hook up. 
oh. Robin was the media person. Miranda was the smarty pants, i guess? wow. nice words beige. 
peter petrawicki sounds familiar... is he the guy april was against?
yes he is. 
August 5? what was Mach 3 then. 
“what’s the harm in attacking someone who’s dead?” the Filipino in me jumped. i could never!
also Hank’s constant thoughts on fame is evident not only on this book, but the first one as well. 
when miranda stopped reading the article, i felt that. i didn’t want to read it too but i have no choice.
that dog talk bullshit. HAHAHA. i know it’s really a nice point of view but it’s just coming from an article about a guy who sounds so pompous. 
is it weird that i didn’t get goosebumps. was the goosebumps cringe? because i would have accepted that. 
this service, i’ve heard a lot about this in true crime, haha!
what’s the service, siz!
I ASPIRE TO BE MIRANDA. i don’t even know what’s happening yet but she a detective. is it.... real time shit? or virtual reality x 100? putting everyone in the dream state?
was the Miranda chapter there to make me think that Peter was behind the book? coz i think it’s either April or Carl(s).
is it just a coincidence but the moment Andy said he needed to poop, i felt the same. 
i’m now thinking if i were given the book would have i done the same? would i follow the rules? especially because of the Miranda chapter messing with my mind yk
why does bex always mention andy’s name! that’s weird becky!
ugh i forgot what becky looked like, i didn’t think she was going to be that important. now i have to go back and look at her description. 
early twenties, asian but with dark skin and an accent, is she me? HAHAHAHA. British? huh hahaha. so it’s not me then.
“and cute.” NICE. 
she told me about her brothers and i TOLD HER ABOUT MY EXISTENTIAL DREAD 
$100,000 of stock in IGRI!! IT IS PETER ISN’T IT? or if it isn’t him, it’s the service.  
oof Senator William Casey
"having a parent who is always a little bit disappointed in you isn’t ever going to be healthy. The question is whether it is an unhealthy weight that I have to struggle with or an unhealthy fuel that can actually propel me. It’s been both of those things in my life, and right now, it was fuel.” hopefully i can say that in my life. 
oooh, go Maya! we love investigations. i just remembered how fun this book was with all of its mystery. 
“The internet in South Jersey was spotty. Some days customers’ internet would be unusably slow, other days it would be back to normal, and the next day there would be no connection at all. This had been going on long enough that it was news, and that news had been picked up by the Som as another example of something weird going on near Philly.” -change the places to “the Philippines” and it would still be the same
i’m getting sleepy and as much as i want to put every single thought, i think i’ll just come back when there is something i need to say because this book was supposed to be for fun and now it feels like another homework. 
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mehenxe · 4 years
◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ & ღ & ♫ bc ur a slut for music ; & ✮ (i want explanaTIONS ...gET META W THIS SHIT )
◈ — share some head-canons you have for a muse of your choosing, but x4.
[ elijah kane ] ◈ — all efforts to get him into studying how to make robotics like hyacinth have resulted in a lot of miniature woodland creatures able to sprint across desks. it’s not exactly what anybody had in mind, but hey, you never know if ilya might not want to send in an actual animal for something he has going on. they can call up sugar kane industries ( big face-palm here ) to take care of the job. ( wyatt voice: seriously, you couldn’t think of anything better than sugar kane. ) / hyacinth kane has a nice ring to it. elijah has tested out several different nicknames: sugar kane also for them, mistah k, ( missus k? ), cinthy ... cindy ... ( sean: yeah! cindy k! like cindy crawford! / who the fuck is cindy crawford? / wyatt — / how old are you. ) / he’s had a life-long dream to be able to go scuba-diving off the coast of — some exotic island he can’t remember the name of. beforehand, it was one of those things that he was too afraid to do, but full-out war changes your perspective. in truth, he’s always been a water baby, growing up going swimming in the local rivers and running pellmell down the dirt lanes. he grew out of it, and then grew back into it. whether or not he’s going to be able to do that without monroe tagging along ( and then by default, ilya, and then probably hojin will want to come, and then ravi will have to, and then oliver will want to watch over them and then jinho will buy a whole yacht with his dumb vampire money — ) — ah, well, there’s worse people to spend an extended holiday with. his father will come along too: sit on the deck in a lawn chair and drink a virgin margarita as he deserves after putting up with this whole extended family. and with his son being a you-know-what.
[ alice bedi ] ◈ — there was a time where she was interested in wigs. she had percival sit down on her shack’s bed and watch as she perused through at least fifteen different styles of wigs. each one got a firm head-shake: too rough on your complexion; lilac looks good as a colour, but the style is horrid; why did they think it was a good idea to make a bob that length? a tough customer. she returned back to wearing veils, her preferred style being that of mantilla, or the veil that’s worn to chapel over a jade comb. due to the volume and length of her natural curls, she rarely wears the combs at all, but will if it’s a particularly formal occasion, like that time she accompanied percival to a ‘high-society event.’ ( translation: they crashed a party because he was bored, and she had a bad feeling about him going alone. ) / as the local librarian’s assistant, she’s the first to get in the way when someone is overtly curious: why are you asking so many questions? hmm? the irony is that she herself asks just as many questions — she insists that the difference is: she reads the room and knows when it’s inappropriate to ask them. ( and if she knows it’s inappropriate to ask them, and instead chooses to risk asking them regardless, it’s because she knows it’ll smooth out in the end. / despite what she wears daily, one of her most favourite colours is moss green. there are a multitude of reasons. moss is her favourite foliage. it’s similar to algae, another favourite foliage. and it reminds her of someone who she says is her sister; however, anybody who knows her, knows that she has no blood-siblings. one or the other might be a lie, or both might be the truth. when she’s in a mood, she’ll smear the moss at the base of her neck like a perfume, a splotch of green beneath white.
[ huang shen ] ◈ — he designed an irrigation system to work, specific to his farm, to be able to make rice paddies despite the surrounding environment. it’s a southern crop in the united states, but there was no way he was going to move to the south just to expand the business. his entire family was so relieved about it that they danced through the sprinklers and set off fireworks — and none of them are really into that kind of thing. it’s particularly incredible due to the area they’re in, being very prone to sometimes too much drought and too much rain, and both are responsible for driving out selling numbers of crops. his plan is to switch into an agricultural degree, and perhaps even expand it into engineering, so that he can continue helping this way. / one of his surprises for algernon was learning sign language. for the longest time, months even, shen made it out like he had no idea what was being said, and let damien, as surly as ever, be the translator when algernon was unwilling or unable to speak. in the background, however, he was working with a tutor and seeking to understand better what it meant to be both HoH and mute. then, when algernon’s birthday came around, everyone went silent ( holy god he was so nervous ) and he gave an entire romantic, long speech entirely in sign language. he’s sure that some of it got lost in translation due to how hard his hands were shaking, but the way that algernon kissed him afterwards, it didn’t seem to affect much. now, they communicate constantly on this even ground. / he’s started up horseback riding again — and has roped tobias into doing it alongside him. tobias might have grace on the stage floor, but certainly not on the back of a horse; he somehow ended up upside-down beneath the horse’s belly, and then fell down in a tangle of limbs. shen has taken to the western side of things, re-learning how to barrel race and rope cattle; but he and tobias have had to separate their lessons due to these antics. lucas isn’t allowed to come to any of them; his stupid remarks send them into fits of laughing. ( bold of us to assume he doesn’t just sit in the truck and shout anyways. )
[ deok bae ] ◈ — due to the empire no longer supporting his upgrades, nor looking in his general direction, he has had to find other ways to obtain new modifications. this is including, but not limited to, going and pulling them out of other people’s bodies as catharsis — but usually, he defects to yuri and silas to fix him up. to his chagrin, the LED-light in his forehead has absolutely no use whatsoever, only displaying his brain’s processing as a symptom of installation. he pulled it out himself via the tip of a knife’s blade. the next time that he’s seen by those who haven’t seen him in quite some time, he might be unrecognisable. i am not deok bae — perhaps deok bae is no longer himself either. if there was no connection to eli in his head, he would forget that; perhaps he would merely succumb to the machinery, perhaps he would succumb to the wolf-dom. there are several pairs of teeth in his mouth awaiting for their moment to bite. / when he was a teen, his version of ‘sneaking out’ would be to wheel his chair to the gardens at the back of the temple, where he would sit and think for hours and hours. his father would come and find him there; sometimes, master jhcor would instead. his father would return him back to where he needed to be, but master jhcor would sit beside him and gaze serenely until bae felt the need to speak what was on his mind: his angers, his fevers, his rages. one time, he was surprised to see that it was not master jhcor, nor master deok, but zan coming to sit with him. his heart had sat in his throat the whole time, half-expecting zan to laugh at him or say something particularly piteous. instead, the conversation was — well, looking back, absurdly normal, all things considering. when bae blinked tiredly, zan rose and took the handles of his chair and took him back. he hadn’t intended to ask him to do so, but it was done anyway. / bae drinks a lot of soda. it’s somewhat fitting, if you believe all that talk about how coca-cola can double as a cleaner due to the high carbonation and way it’s made. he does seem to get shiny after several cans — it’s also convenient that he can’t experience sugar-highs nor malfunctions of the liver or stomach due to too much consumption. he considers himself to be a soda connoisseur as a result. he offers a lot of hmm, that’ll taste disgusting comments that annoy the shit out of the others — but then kisung takes a drink and bae ends up being right, so there’s no regrets.
ღ ━ favourite canon ships for your muse(s). are there any you dislike?
there’s ... none that i dislike. there’s moments of come on, but that’s bound to happen. i think the favourite ships are the ... guardian / princess vibes ( whether it’s literal or not: akane / the samurai, quinn / sehrin, jian / elaine ). i also love the growing from previous immaturities towards each other ( grey / tobias, jihoon / wyatt, playboy / jordan ) — and himbos of course ( hojin / ravi!! ) there’s also the whole ... tsh, vampiric aesthetic that we get ( minzhe / yongha ) ... the ones like jisoo / mingfei, cyrian / ulysses, cadoc / pestilence ( exploring violence against but without the stickiness ). of course, if i keep going, i’ll end up listing all of them and then where would we be.
♫ ━ a small playlist for a muse of your choice
for nam jungsoo, because i actually once did make a playlist for him:
1. brand new — sic transit gloria ... glory fades 2. within temptation — what have you done 3. iamx feat. imogen heap — my secret friend 4. florence + the machine — shipwreck (the odyssey) 5. crown the empire — hologram
i mean, the songs are still kinda relevant considering his current character ...
✮ ━ top three favourite muses that you’ve played
but is it possible to pick three favourites ... that’s the real question. maybe. jianguo, because of catharsis, because of cultural exploration and similarities. grendel, because of the depth, the personal torment, the surrounding family. jinho & julius, because of exploring that darkness. and famine — man, now that’s something. there’s a lot more than three though. like blood and jisoo and tobias and arthur. but. the questions INSIST THAT I CHOOSE.
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mego42 · 4 years
best of brio hitlist: 1x06
Alrighty here I am back on my bullshit with 1x06 aka A View from the Top. The top of what you may ask? I really can’t remember, s1 has basically all blurred together into a sea of excellent eyeliner and Rio in a hoodie. Guys, did you know at one point Mick had a jacket that fit? I nearly fell off of my couch. What do you think happened to it? 
Let me open this with a serious question: who in the writers room was traumatized by a doctor bc this show has a consistently unkind view of people with medical degrees 
Like obvs yes the lady doc in s3 was lying for justice and puppies and to save Rio from making rash decisions in a fit of dramatics (lol good luck lady that is a fruitless endeavor) or whatever but still, yikes
Anyway lmao @ Beth being like your budget is $1 do what you can to save my trash husband from his trash cancer
Where did that energy go it was so great
Petition for the Hills to do one musical number every other episode 
I’d say every episode but you know they’re just gonna take it from Rio’s screen time 
Such a sartorial mixed bag this scene, on the one hand you have Beth’s hat (awful, work awfully, in total competition with the scarf, not a good look) but on the other you have Annie’s jacket (adorable, I want to bury my face in her hood and never come out)
I say it again, s1 is god tier
HI MICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did not realize that Rio licking his lips is in reaction to Beth talking about how much money the girls have been turning around for him
He is so horny for money
They were made for each other tbh
Shout out to Ruby’s hysterically unsurprised face when Beth swerves and asks for more money instead of quitting that is the face of someone who has been on this ride for Way Too Long
Ruby: in hindsight we should’ve never let Beth talk I see that now
GO BIG OR GO HOME RIGHT what a nerd I love her
Ruby: I am actually going to commit murder here and now
“Brought that mama van with you?” Why is this so hot I don’t understand nothing about it should be sexual least of all minivans
The way Beth straightens up and gives that perky little I did good!!!!!! nod is so fucking cute I want to punch myself in the face
A CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!
Cut to Ruby serving a bitch a mini muffin, I really do love this show
HI TYLER!!!!!!!!!
Okay now there’s like, a preteen girl Boland child??!!! Where are these children coming from?????? Where do they go????????
I’m going to say something potentially controversial: I’m deeply unmoved by and largely uninterested in the whole thing with Annie and Boomer’s racist grandma 
Tyler: you can just call corporate right???? It’s not like this is a poorly thought through farce of a pyramid scheme with holes big enough to drive a bus through right?????????
It has been driving me bonkers since the first time I watched this ep trying to figure out who Christine Hendricks looks like in the brunette wig someone please put me out of my misery and tell me
Hey!!! Did you know I fucking hate Dean??????? 
I have mixed feelings on the sit down/that’s exactly what happened thing like on the one hand I love watching Beth effortlessly play Dean, but on the other the knowledge that the breathy baby doll voice she uses does it for him makes my skin crawl
I violently do not like when the Hills have conflict so I am electing to ignore it entirely
I missed everything that happened during the Boomer scene(s) because I was looking at Schitt’s Creek gifsets and I stand by my choices
I find the girls sitting on the swings weirdly endearing and I also really adore the framing of that shot
Seriously do not understand why they did away with everyone dragging Dean it was such a great feature
GOD!!!!! I LOVE!!!!!!! THE SMILES!!!!!!!!!!!
Rio: (✿◕ ﺮ ◕)
Beth: (◠‿◠✿)
Mick, Ruby and Annie: right???? in front?????? of our salad????????
My ultimate gg kink is, to no one’s surprise least of all my own, Beth surprising and impressing Rio and Rio instantly getting a boner over it
I would like to formally request they bring back this dynamic in some way shape or form specifically as a present to me bc I deserve it
In Beth and Ruby’s defense, the flip my game speech makes minimal sense, there were several poorly supported leaps
Shout out to Annie’s blazer and side boob, it is my all time fav Annie look
hey look my icon
Stan smelling the cash and goofing around with Ruby: 😍
Knowing Ruby’s still lying and it’s all gonna fall apart: 😥
I don’t think I properly realized until right now, as I’m nearly blinded by my tears of mirth over Dean saying “he’s never going to mess with you again, not on my watch” how much I love the dress Beth is wearing
This has been a very fashionable ep for the Marks sisters, Beth’s hat aside
The it was a choice speech would slap so much harder if Beth finished it off by stabbing Dean in the eye with a pair of scissors instead of dumping a bunch of money all over him
Takeaway from this episode: honestly it’s no wonder Beth is so bad at being a crime lord she had a horrible teacher that speech was truly insensible 
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achieveandhunt · 5 years
live typing extra life 2019
warning: this a fucking LONG post. if you plan on reading it all, godspeed.
i typed all of this as it was happening on stream so this gets progressively less coherent as i grow more sleep deprived. prepare yourselves. i may or may not go off topic at some points
larry vehemently vomiting pure malic acid. we’re off to a great start
what the fuck the soggy ass popcorn in that ranch jesus christ
lindsay in the song from AH the musical. i love her so much
jeremy going YAAAAAAY after someone eats a cursed oreo
matt getting AGGRESSIVELY kissed by larry
“this kiss this kiss” before geoff and jack kiss
geoff “i’m from alabama” ramsey
jeremy “the alcohol demon the whiskey goblin” dooley
alfredo “you wont believe what the white people did today” diaz
wait why does it sound like wonderwall
they look like characters from the matrix
the speaking parts. make my teeth hurt
in conclusion: they weren’t kidding abt the tight pants 
okay everyone get ready for eric soundboard spamming YEAH BABEY
“hi i’m from broadcast and i don’t want to be here” they represent themselves well
also, let’s take a second to appreciate broadcast here!! they have a really tough job and don’t get a ton of credit. lots of love to all of broadcast!!! you guys are awesome
i am: foreseeing problems with this eric sound board
which one is eric?? will the real eric please stand up?? was the real eric the one we found along the way??
“i’m... just really worried that i won’t ever find love-” “i really don’t care”
WHY DO THEY HAVE THAT ON THE SOUNDBOARD (what does that apply to? whatever it is you’re thinking of, but mostly “daddy wants some”)
ooh someone’s about to get a fReE tongue piercing from a pineapple
god dammit i went to the bathroom for thirty seconds and now they’re eating chad’s chest hair
owie the shock collar and belly slap look painful, but drinking natty light from a shoe? that’s a true punishment
“and this roast was brought to you by meundies”
ah yes what better way is there to end a segment than people throwing up
“man action” oh no
K A R B is blind in T W O of her eyes
“my last name is cottagecheese”
chris has somehow managed to lose 23 years of age and roughly 412 pounds
“just open throat like baby bird” who the fuck is writing this and why is it jeremy
jon. jon you’re breathing in adam’s ass fumes
a summary of this segment: ass and cottage cheese
“to fitness” -starts choking-
final fitness coach: tad, here to workout your issues so they can beat you into submission
“will you buy my wet” well i don’t see that on the raffle items
we’re back folks & i’m loving this walk around segment
moonball wall and gavin&michael will soon be reunited can we get an F in the chat
jeremy getting a borderlands tattoo is very on brand
what’s extra life without a little satan
“starvation army, putting lead back into paint, increasing childhood obesity” people in chat: TAKE MY MONEY
chris “i’m doing a different hole” demarais
ah yes. the game we all play in hell: twister
nobody edit chris getting mustard shot down his throat. i’m scarred enough from the original clip
oh fuck. oh god. the mayo. oh god what the fuck is up with the misuse of condiments this year
this just in: a human soul costs roughly $12,700
D̷̯͑̆̈́͝Õ̸̲͎̥̬͈̬̙͕̲G̸̢̧̠͉͚̙̲̙̓̔̀̇S̷̥̀́͆̈́̇̀ ̶̣̞̗͚̬̭̖̦͇̈́̎̈́̿̓̈́͆̒̋D̷̙̟̩̫͉̺̐̊̚Ö̶̥́̋́̓ͅĜ̵̞̌͋̏̉̌̕͝͝S̵̤̹̣̫̮̻͛̍̑̕͝͝ ̷̧̨̞̙̥̟̜͍̉̍̑̏̇̀̾D̴̻̮̩̯͓͉̖͎̘͐̒͋̓̉͝ͅỎ̶̰͓̳̥͑̅͛͊̒͐͊͘̚G̵̩̻̦̥̠̃̔Ş̶̹͚̩̱͖̀͆͘ ̸̢̢͇̻͔̗̺̼͖̱̏̾̔̚D̴̨̨̫̙̃̾̋̾̆̓̓Ớ̷̡͓͎͊G̶̱̣̣̰̝̖̰̗̓͐̐̊͋̀͊̀̕͝Ş̷̩̺̬̖͙̺̟͗̈́͒͗̀̑́́̕͠ ̷̡͈̼̲͈̳̫̺̝̈́̋͌͗̒ͅD̸̨̬̞̪̗̘̄̑͆̿̈́͘͠͝O̸̡̡͇͕̻͎͍͉̅̌͗̄͌̑̉̔͂̎Ḡ̸͙̟̪̞̬̬͕͐̈̏S̶̝̪̼̮̠̜̭̳͖̘̑
urine: to help with aerodynamics
jon: maya, speak! maya: *the smallest arwoo*
today’s mvp: any dog. pick one. no matter which you pick, you’re right
how the fuck did blaine change back from satan so quickly
barb as a cat is... my new sleep paralysis demon
blaine: barbara speak! barbara: climate change is real
this just in: extra life killed my wifi
we’re back & kdin is in the business of killing people with spice. she is the spice queen
queue six thousand well-timed 1337 donations
hmm “questionable liquids” is very... questionable
trevor: oh there’s four of them! we all get to join in the Fuckkkk
“what’s your favorite kind of candy” “any meat”
i like pickles and i would rather rip my eyebrows off than drink the juice so i feel for trevor
the only thing worse than drinking apple cider vinegar is shooting it out of your nose
“can you feel the love tonight” “i used to and that’s the problem”
“flubs every word man” damn, really missed the chance to say captain hair
jeremy not being able to intentionally flub his words is so fucking funny
wow i can feel my blood pressure spike just watching these shots
Xavier Woods is here and he wants to know if it’s Christmas
miles doesn’t know what a question is
oh no. oh no helping hands is next. everyone clear a splash zone
miles bossing around chef mike is priceless
“you leave that fucking dough on the floor”
“you wanna slam your hands down on the table” *pizza sauce goes flying everywhere*
HOEDOWN HOEDOWN HOEDOWN jesus why do i keep doing that
“If Colin Mochrie is listening, I’ll see you here next year” OH FUCK YEAH
--- this is when i take a break so my soul can return to my body (aka i have work to turn in. college will never not be a pain in my ass) ---
oh god dammit i missed all of Always Open. fuck college who needs a medical degree
so... we have some very interesting things happening in family feud and i’m not sure if i like any of them
hmm. is now the time to get drunk
oily twist feels very... ominous
what do you mean you don’t remember gandalf having a taser in lord of the rings?
someone in the chat said “big stupid sleeping thing is what my parents called me in high school”
i think i’m blacking out what’s going on i don’t remember the past two hours
ah yes. voldemort and snape having a talk show together sounds exactly like something J.K. Rowling would make a spinoff book or show or porno of
can we just talk about how much shit chris has been doing this year? what a guy. what a dude
“coldy with voldy” actually means getting knocked the fuck out cold because you only got three hours of sleep last night and you don’t want to miss chef mike and lindsay cooking
this snape poem is summarized by one phrase: “that was terrible sit the fuck down” (sorry chris)
“let’s destroy a weasley” enter chad
fucking called it
“you smell poor” i need a caffeine drip
heh the wheel spins are at 69 heh nice
i’m a grown ass woman
welcome to a section called: we torture chad for your entertainment
“who wants us to kill weasley?” *massive cheers from the audience*
“wait weasley step away from the wideshot so i can masturbate to this later”
“i’m not gonna rub my eye mom”
oh they’re really gonna kill chad on stream huh
i felt that chest slap in my soul
i think i felt my own ribs crack
oh fucking
tumblr deleted my thoughts on the fanfic section
alright. fine. brief summary: my teeth are burning
my mom lindsay is on next and i’m so excited but i’m nearing the point of loopiness so things will go downhill dramatically from here
this is my fucking fourth extra life, you would think i’d be smart enough to sleep the night before
JEREMY JEREMY JERE- wait a second... did jeremy get taller
i hope Xavier comes back next year because he’s funny as fuck
m y a t t
oh god the mcdonald’s shade i’m rolling
lindsay “who’s the chef here” jones
chef mike mentioned mayo and i involuntarily gagged
chef mike clowning the big mac. i’m crying
he made the right choice with ryan bc i’ve seen his cooking stream(s) and it’s nothing if not great content
“lindsay you haven’t done anything but warm up cookies so far” “yeah and?? you’re welcome”
you know that classic snack. slightly warm oreos
oh god him screeching across set is making me cry laughing
why does it remind me of trevor’s voice cracks in the one minecraft ep where they’re singing the lion king
the biggest spoon for the smallest shot glass
i just realized we’re not even halfway through yet and i’m scared for the length of this list i’m gonna end up falling asleep involuntarily at some point
lindsay no your teeth are going to errode from that shot in your mouth
well timed leet donation #1829495
this gorden ramsey bit is so fucking good
jack: what do you think of the arugala? matt: i don’t even know what you said
iT’s NoT jUsT tWo CoOkIeS miCHeAL
jeremy and michael just chillin amidst the choas is exactly my demeanor at any party i’ve ever been to
lindsay scores: ryan = 7 because diet coke, matt = still eating lindsay’s meal so it’s a 10, xavier = also still eating it so it’s an 8. total: 25
“deep fry everything but a remote control”
chef mike scores: ryan = 9 for no death, matt = greens are present, words were said, score is 8. xavier = Gourmet Mcdonald’s, food is edible, score is 8. total: 25
oh fuck it’s a tie
now they fight to the death. death = doing as many shots as possible
i think we’re all going to need liver transplants after tonight
no jesus please don’t vomit oh goD oh fUc k please- oh thank god
okay i’m making a part two this is too much
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mychemicalficrecs · 4 years
hey, u got any good lesbian fics? can be a genderswap or irl girls, but no Gerard/mikey pls
Hi Nonny, here's some femslash for you!
Didn't Get To Heaven, But You Made It Close by gala_apples, Ray/Mikey, 1k, Teen And Up Audiences. Ray's new to this thing, whatever it is. But she'll do it right for her girlfriend. Mikey deserves getting it right.
Ass-Kickin' Chick Music by ladyfoxxx, Frank/Gerard, 21k, Explicit. She's not someone's girlfriend. She's not anyone's anything. She's a fucking force. Gee doesn't know if she wants to be her or fuck her.
skipping school (what the bad kids do) by inkk, Frank/Gerard, 1k, Mature. L is for Lesbians. (In which class is skipped and a staff bathroom is occupied for questionable purposes.)
Rumors by orphan_account, Frank/Gerard, 2k, Mature. Frankie likes to mess with Gee during interviews and Gee hates it.
girls like girls by etselec, Mikey/Pete, 1k, General Audiences. A little Petekey genderbent ficlet based on the music video Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko
Cloud 9 by OwlHooots, Frank/Gerard, 3k, Mature. Gee realizes that she's been bit by the cheesiest love bug.
Alazarin by victoriachase (orphan_account), Frank/Gerard, 1k, Not Rated. i'm on holiday at the moment, and i was bored, and i really desperately wanted to write a girl!frerard fic and i wanted to write a fic where they met on a train, so this happened, i am sorry in advance
Freighthopping by CryptoHomoRocker, Bert/Gerard, 4k, Teen And Up Audiences. Gee should probably be afraid of Bert, but she's too busy falling in love with her.
the world's not waiting by mirrorchord, Patrick/Gerard, 1k, Teen And Up Audiences. Patrick jerks off, at some point.
the joy of rediscovering you by xofrnk, Jepha Howard/Mikey, 2k, Not Rated. She's just a beautiful, pale expanse of skin and ink and perfect. Sometimes Mikey just doesn't know what to do with her.
Alone Above A Raging Sea by something_safe, Bert/Gerard, 13k, Explicit. It's the Summer of Like and Gee Way and Roberta McCracken are still the demonic duo. Sometimes. When they've not fallen out. About nothing. Mikey fixes everything, like always.
Some Hearts Are Gallows (I'm Not Here For Hanging Around) by blindlyseeking (orphan_account), Frank/Gerard, 24k, Mature. My Chemical Romance. The name even had that vibe to it: we’re going to conquer the motherfucking universe. It was like The Beatles or Bikini Kill. It was a name that pinned you against a wall and said, “You better remember me.” And she is a part of it. Gina, Michelle, Rae, Maddy, and Frankie are just getting their new band off the ground. The girls are leaving Jersey for the first time on tour. But Frankie has been head over heels for Gina since day one and in a blur of autumn, Polaroids, house parties, whiskey sours, car rides, and cassette tapes 2002 becomes the year that change everything.
Cherry Bomb by my99centdreams, Courtney Love/Gerard, 2k, Teen And Up Audiences. Gina opens her eyes, the sudden silence in the room almost dizzying and catches sight of Courtney’s scandalized expression in the mirror. She laughs and cuts off the first piece – the tiny snip making something flip in her belly - glancing down to see it resting in the sink. She takes a deep breath; it’s cool, she’s got this. “Flip the fucking tape over, will you?”
Hand On Heart by dear_monday, Frank/Gerard, 2k, Explicit. Gee doesn't think it's at all fair of Frank to just waltz in one day with brand new candy-corn-colored ink splashed all over her fucking gorgeous guitarist hands, bouncing around like an overexcited puppy on crack and insisting on showing her new art to anyone who comes within a fifty foot radius of her. Gee hates her, she hates her, she hates her. And also wants to fuck her brains out, but mostly just hates her.
Make Me Tremble (Make Me Shake) by Mondegreen, Frank/Gerard, 3k, Explicit. It's like any other Friday night horror marathon in the basement, and then suddenly it's not. Or: the one where Frank and Gerard are high school lesbians, and then they make out.
Get to Kiss that Twisted Mouth by Nokomis, Lindsey/Gerard, 2k, Teen And Up Audiences. Lyn-Z doesn't even really realize that the lead singer of My Chemical Romance, dressed in a black suit and red tie, is a woman until halfway through their first opening set.
Raspberry Swirl by brooklinegirl, Frank/Gerard, 16k, Explicit. The time that the whole band woke up as girls was maybe the weirdest.
girls girls girls by Bexless, Frank/Gerard, 3k, Teen and Up Audiences, Explicit. “Would you still be into me if I were a guy?”.
Earth Girls Are Easy by Siobhan_Schuyler, Lindsey/Gerard, 1k, Mature. Her gaze travels around the room, over a hundred faces, and unerringly lands on Gee's, like some sort of inevitable tragedy. Something in her chest skips and squeezes, watching Gee smile, eyes on someone else, some other girl who'd rather talk about art than live it. Someone not worthy of Gee and her kind face and her expressive hands and the way she smokes too much and drinks too much and feels too much and cares about Lindsey much, much too little.
Soft by ladyfoxxx, Lindsey/Gerard, 4k, Explicit. Always-a-Girl!Gee and Lindsey - unapologetic girl on girl porn.
Songs About Hips and Hearts by sinuous_curve, Mikey/Pete, 4k, Teen And Up Audiences. So, the point is, sometimes Mikey forgets she's a girl and it's really not that big a deal because even when someone they're touring with suddenly realizes that she is female with actual functioning female parts, nothing happens. Because she is also a girl with one older brother whose scary as shit in his own particularly odd way and three additional older brothers by proxy who have no compunctions about killing to defend her honor.
Three Times a Lady by corruptedkid, Gabe/Mikey, Frank/Gerard, 2k, Teen And Up Audiences. Gee is useless when it comes to girls. Mikey is not.
Pretty Rad by rage_for_love, Frank/Gerard, 3k [WIP], Teen And Up Audiences. In which Frankie and Gee venture into the world of motherhood, which turns out to be a pretty rad experience.
the noise that keeps me awake by ashers_kiss, Party Poison/Gerard, 5k, Mature. Lady!Party Poison/Lady!Gee, five times they fought, and one time they kissed and made up.
you say cut the stem, i say let's see the flower by userl4me, Frank/Gerard, 1k, Teen And Up Audiences. When Gee's school forces her to cut off her hair as part of the dress code, Gee sees no other choice. That is, until her girlfriend comes to the rescue with black hair dye and kissing.
No. 1 Party Anthem by orphan_account, Frank/Gerard, 4k, Explicit. Gee doesn't like parties. She does, however, like a certain punk with terrible hair who doesn't know how to turn down a dare.
Missing Period by revengera, Frank/Gerard, 1k, Mature. Gee groaned when a knock sounded at her door for the thousandth time that day. She stood up from her seat where she was quite happily signing slips of papers to get sick teenagers permission to leave school. Gee opened the door, being faced by none other than Frankie, who had been complaining about period cramps all day and really, Gee was beginning to think that the period may be a super one by how many times she had shown up at Gee's office that day.
cigarettes and chocolate milk by recklessfishes (orphan_account), Frank/Gerard, Patrick/Pete, 5k [WIP], General Audiences. The media really loves playing the “Who’s in Pietra Wentz’s pants?” game, and Pete wants them all to leave her the fuck alone.
Give Them Blood, Blood, Blood by orphan_account, Frank/Gerard, 2k, Explicit. Gee's heat always syncs up with her period. Frankie's willing to help her anyway.
Life Goes On by orphan_account, Frank/Gerard, 2k, General Audiences. Frankie is an angel who is forced to guard the gates of heaven. She falls in love with a woman who passes through them. The two of them are doomed from the very start. Pete is a djinn who is punished for his sins by guarding the gates of hell and falling in love with everyone who passes through them.
Let me hear your voice by 3cheers4sweet_romance, Frank/Gerard, 6k, Teen And Up Audiences. "The encounter was brief if you measure it in minutes, but it was long enough to make a deep impression on Frankie. She wanted to hear Gee's singing voice again and she wouldn't rest until she'd make her sing again." In this fic, Gee sings random ABBA songs and Frankie tries, with various degrees of success, to convince her to audition for the position of lead singer in a newly formed band.
Record Setter by orphan_account, Frank/Gerard, 2k, Explicit. "Frankie, y-you made me cum like-" she cut herself off with a breathy moan, "Fuck, like? Five times already? It hurts."
i'll make you mine (time after time) by inkk, Frank/Gerard, 1k, Mature. S is for Stargazing. (In which Gee is cuddly, Frank is a dork and they have super romantic sex in a field.)
Barely visible stars by giraffewrites, Lindsey/Gerard, 4k, Teen And Up Audiences. Gee had preferred it when she wasn't out to her school. The days when she could just be herself and not have abuse shouted at her as she walked the halls. The days when she wasn't scared of doing such mundane tasks such as catching the bus. And then Lindsey comes along, and maybe everything isn't completely shit for once. Maybe.
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
Five Petal Flower - Pt. 2
미지의 길을 나와 함께 가시오. Take the unknown path with me. 
Description: [Set in old Korea, think Joseon era} After an attack makes (y/n) do something she never thought she’d have to do, she must be more careful of where she walks at night. But when her best friend, the 5th Prince Tae, gets tangled up in the aftermath of an attack, she has no choice to reveal secrets she wanted to keep secret. Warnings: Swearing, nothing too gory, Genre: Action, Angst, Romance Word Count: 2.9k
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"I want to know what the 5th Prince was doing outside the palace WALLS!!" The Crown Prince, Jin, screams at the counselors who have gathered in the throne room.
(y/n) waits outside the throne room, still in her outing wear and cloth mask. Her hands wring together, nervous that she will have to reveal herself to the Crown Prince.
"Your Highness, the civilian who saved the 5th Prince is here." The servant in front of you announces your arrival.
"Let them in." Crown Prince Jin allows the entrance.
The doors swing open and eyes of the counselors, military generals, and princes in the throne room whip their heads to take in the appearance of the 5th Prince's savior.
"Your Highness." (y/n) bows to 90 degrees, hands securely against her stomach.
"So you are the one who saved my brother." Crown Prince Jin inquires.
"Yes." She answer, properly.
"I would like to thank you, first of all, for saving him." The Crown Prince nods his head.
"We," The 3rd Prince, Seok, steps forward, "would also like to thank you for saving our brother." The other princes step forward and bow their heads in gratitude. The rest of the counselor's take note and copy the motion of the princes.
"I was only protecting the royal family. It is but a duty of ours." (y/n) answers. 6th Prince, Ji, cocks his head to the side before shaking away whatever thought he had.
"I understand you already gave information about the assailants to the Royal Investigation Bureau." Crown Prince Jin states, "But I was wondering if there was anything else you could tell us and the military generals that may help us figure this situation out."
(y/n) chews on the inside of her cheek.
"Psst." One of the military generals whispers, "You should probably take off your mask."
(y/n)'s eyes widen, having completely forgotten about the piece of cloth that hangs from her face.
Reaching behind her, she unties the cloth and pulls it off as she explains what she heard that she kept from the Royal Investigation Bureau in hopes to have this chance.
"They said that they were tasked to kill a servant of the fifth counselor's residence along with the family of the servant." (y/n) reports, avoiding analyzing the shocked expressions written on the princes' faces. "The servant was a fraud and the family was to be taken out as well. They were to leave everyone else and get in and get out with no witnesses."
Crown Prince Jin slowly rises to his feet, "(y/n), how-"
"I was out for some night practice with my bow and arrow." She interrupts him, "I had no intention of fighting, killing, or saving anyone. I just wanted some peace and quiet, some time with my own thoughts, your Highness." (y/n) raises her head and meets the crown prince's gaze, "But I do not regret being in the right time at the right place. Rather me there than anyone else."
A servant walks in with a cloth wrapped item. They bow and quickly walk to the first counselor, whispering something in his ear before handing over the item and leaving.
"This is one of the arrows pulled from the assailants." The first counselor announces, unwraps the arrow, and holds it out for Crown Prince Jin to take.
As Crown Prince Jin holds the arrow gingerly, the first counselor continues. "This arrow, along with its brother, were pulled from the bodies of the two assailants who attacked the fifth counselor's residence and the 5th Prince Tae tonight." The counselor turns to (y/n), "Do you claim this arrow as yours?"
(y/n) nods, hesitantly. "They are mine."
The 4th Prince, Joon, points towards a side of the arrow. "We've seen that mark before, haven't we?"
The arrow turns over in the crown prince's hands until the engraved flower is on full display. "The killings from two nights ago. These arrows had the same marking on them."
(y/n) swallows hard, knowing that her gig is up.
"You, you were there two nights ago?" The 7th and youngest prince, Kook, sputters out.
Taking a deep breath, (y/n) stands straighter, "Two nights ago, the attack on the fifth counselor's residence had the same goal as tonight. However, what the assailants didn't know was that the counselor was having a celebration that night that ran late. When they attacked, there were too many people so they aborted." She explains the events she saw that night. "I was traveling along the roofs when the screams turned from joyful to terror. I waited and when they exited the residence, I did what I did." As she continues, tears line the bottom of her eyes with the fear and worry she'd been holding in for the past two days, "I didn't know Prince Tae had snuck out. I didn't know he'd been on his way towards the screams. When I agreed to learn archery, I made an oath to the King. An oath to protect the royal family, the palace, and the country, no matter where I was. Two nights ago, I had no intensions of breaking that oath and protected the counselor's family."
"I am afraid we will have to take away your arrows. You must know that, don't you?" The First Counselor says apologetically, while the princes try to soak in the information thrown at them. (y/n) feels a bit bad for them, learning that their brother's best friend has an oath with their father is not an easy pill to swallow. Especially not after what their brother has been through.
(y/n) nods, "I understand."
"You are dismissed." The First Counselor announces.
Bowing towards the princes, she backs towards the door. Just before she steps out, Crown Prince Jin stops her.
"Does the 5th Prince know?" He asks.
Her hand grips the cloth still in her hand tighter as she turns back around. With a tight jaw, she answers, "No, he does not. And I ask the princes that they not say anything. I will tell him when he wakes up. I need to be the one to tell him. Please, your Highness."
The crown prince sets his jaw and nods in agreement. She walks out of the throne room and heads towards her residence for some sleep that will probably never arrive.
Footsteps rapidly following her make her slow down so they can catch up, whoever they are.
"Were you ever going to tell us?" 7th Prince Kook asks once he reaches her side. 3th Prince Seok appears on her other side.
Not knowing how to answer, (y/n) keeps her mouth shut for the time being.
"Come on, (y/n)." Prince Seok pleads.
(y/n) takes a deep breath before answer, "No. I wasn't." She says honestly, "It was only supposed to be the one night. I was never going to use my arrows again to kill anyone. But Tae, Tae," Her voice starts to tremble and the princes immediately stop her walking to support her, "He shouldn't have been out at all."
"I'm glad that you were there." Prince Seok gives her a side hug.
"Lady (y/n)!" Min comes running into the courtroom, "Lady (y/n)!" Once she notices the princes, she quickly bows in greeting.
Wiping away her tears, (y/n) addresses her servant. "What is it, Min?"
"The 5th Prince is awake," Min informs her breathlessly, "He's asking for you."
"We'll wait out here." Prince Kook says, putting a hand on her shoulder as they stand outside of his room, "We'll see him after you."
"Unless, hyung comes barging in." Prince Seok attempts to make a joke.
(y/n) gives them a small smile before turning to enter the room.
The candles flicker in the night, giving the room a low orange glow. Tae lays on his mattress, eyes clothes and breathing deeply as a nurse wipes his hands clean. The cut on his throat from the knife is covered by a gauze patch.
"Your Highness." (y/n) says softly and bows. "You asked for me."
Tae attempts to sit up but the nurse tries prevent him doing so. Unfortunately, Prince Tae has always been stubborn and tonight's events did not falter that stubbornness one inch. Knowing the nurse will not win against him, (y/n) shuffles over to assist.
"Tae, lay down." She instructs, using his real name, "You're hurt." Her hands gingerly push down on his shoulders and his body obeys her commands. The nurse throws her a questioning look but (y/n) quickly dismisses the nurse before she could ask any questions.
In the silence of the room, (y/n) dips the towel back into the water basin and wrings it out before dabbing at Tae's forehead.
"Say something." Tae whispers, his gaze following her every movement, "Please."
"What do you want me to say, Tae?" (y/n) asks in return. "You snuck out again. After you promised me you wouldn't."
"I know." Tae sighs, "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?" (Y/n) repeats incredulously, "Tae that's all you can- You could've died out there. I mean, look at you!" She practically screams at him.
"But you were there." Tae mumbles quietly with a small smile, "You weren't going to let me die."
"Of course I wasn't going to let you die! Do you know the kind of fear that ran throu- wait, what?" (y/n) stops abruptly, pulling back and sitting on her heels. "You, you knew?" She asks, meeting his knowing gaze.
Tae nods, "It took me a little while to figure it out." He sits up but (y/n) makes no move to stop him, her eyes glued on the towel clutched in her hand. "I asked Soon about the arrows but he was a dead end. Then I was thinking because the flower seemed familiar to me somehow. Like I've seen it all my life but I couldn't remember where I had seen it."
(y/n) closes her eyes, realizing she'd given herself away to him her entire life, the shock of the reveal quickly taking a back seat.
"And then it hit me." Tae continues, "You were always drawing that exact flower everywhere. In your notebooks, in your letters, in your study books."
"That doesn't explain why you snuck out tonight." (y/n) finally looks at him with a scolding look.
"I was following you." Tae lowers his eyes in shame, "I wanted to talk to you because of the engravings but I saw you sneaking out with your bow and quiver full of arrows so I followed you. I didn't know they would be attacking again."
As the tears build in (y/n)'s eyes, her mind races to find the next step.
"I just wanted to see where you usually go out to to shoot at night." Tae explains, "You always talk about how you go there at night to think and practice and I wanted to actually see what it was like out there."
"And you decided that quietly following me was better than letting me know of your presence so we could go there together?" (y/n) questions, the next step still unclear in her mind.
"By the time I realized I should probably say something, you were already up on the roof and the shouts were rising in volume." Tae reasons. "I'm sorry." He apologizes again.
"Tae," (y/n) sighs, "I don't know if sorry is enough, Tae. You risked your life for something you could've spoken to me about. You broke the promise you made, too. You ran straight into harms way. I had to watch my best friend be dragged away and have his life threatened."
The first tear falls onto her cheek. It burns a trail down her face. "The momentary doubt I had that I could successfully save you. The fear that held my breath, the- And you know the most screwed up part?" She looks directly at him, his eyes following every tear falling from her eyes, his own heart breaking with every tear that hits the ground. "In the moment I shot those men, I wasn't even thinking about the oath I made to your father. The oath to protect the palace, the country, and the royal family. The only thing that was running through my mind was saving my best friend. Not the 5th Prince. My best friend. The man I couldn't bear to live life without."
Tae reaches to wipe the tears from her cheek but she backs away.
Rising to her feet, she folds her hands in front of her, "Tae, in every situation, an archer has two choices. Stay to shoot, or run." She tries her best to control the shaking in her voice.
Tae's eyes flood with tears as he realizes what she's about to do. "Please, don't."
(y/n) sniffles and wipes her tears, "Rest well, your Highness." She bows and quickly leaves the room. As the doors close behind her, she hears the crashing and splashing of the water bin against the floor. Along with the sobs of 5th Prince. She keeps her eyes glued to the ground, avoiding the faces of the 3rd and 7th princes.
The sun beats down on (y/n)'s back as she roams the palace grounds. After not getting a minute of sleep last night, she thought staying cooped up in her room wasn't the best idea. Her heart still aches from last night's conversation. Walking away was difficult, but she knew it was the only choice she had, at the time. Between the anger, the worry, the fear, and the doubt, she needed to clear her head but she couldn't do it with him in the room. She had to leave.
"It was my only option." (y/n) reminds herself and kicks the dirt at her feet.
"You said you couldn't bear to live life without me." Tae's voice stops her in her tracks.
She clenches her hands together but doesn't move to face him.
"What did you mean by that?" He asks, quieter.
"You shouldn't be out of bed, and we aren't to be seen together, your Highness." (y/n) reminds him and moves to continue walking but Tae blocks her path. She lowers her gaze to the ground, not wanting to appear rude towards the royal in front of her.
"Do you know why we were told not to be seen together?" Tae questions, waving off her concern.
When (y/n) doesn't answer, he answers his own question. "Because I begged my father to not arrange my marriage, to let me only have one wife. He agreed on one condition. I was not to see the person I wanted to marry for 8 years. And if I still loved her, I would be able to marry her and only her."
(y/n) doesn't hide the tears or the sniffles, "That was a terrible deal." She comments.
Tae chuckles, "In hind sight, yeah, it was kind of terrible deal. But I was determined to marry the girl I love so I took it."
When Tae grabs her hands, (y/n) tries to pull away but Tae's grip only tightens. "You, (y/n), are the person I couldn't bear to live life without." He gives her words back to her. "If I know you as well as I think I do, I know you're scared and angry but you're not sure if you have the right to feel that way."
(y/n) raises her head to meet his gaze. The understanding gaze that always could comfort her even when her thoughts were in the deepest grave. It always surprises her how well Tae could decipher her emotions without her ever saying a word.
"You have every right to feel those emotions, (y/n)." Tae reassures her, daring to wipe a tear off of her cheek. "You admitted something last night that you weren't intending on admitting. You're angry at yourself for saying it but you're also scared of what comes next because you can't prepare for it."
Feeling cornered, but cornered by the right person who won't let her fall, (y/n) admits to what she's been holding in.
"I always thought it was because of the oath I took with your father. That the oath was the reason we weren't to be seen together in public." She explains, "You're right, I didn't want to admit it, but it just slipped out in all the confusion. I was going to tell you. I wanted to. But now that I have, I can't see my available next steps because the answer is in your hands. That scares me. It scares me that this is the one thing I've spent years trying to find the right path for and I still haven't found anything. Once I practically said 'I love you,' I took the first step into the unknown path and-"
Tae presses his lips against hers, stopping her from saying any more. His arms slowly wrap around her waist, pulling her closer and she responds. Finally letting her inner feelings emerge and show themselves after years of hiding.
Pulling away, Tae rests his forehead against hers.
"Tae, we still need to talk about last night." (y/n) declares, "A confession and a kiss aren't going to fix everything that happened."
Tae rolls his eyes, "I'm sorry for sneaking out."
(y/n) shakes her head, "You have to promise me that you'll never to it again."
Tae opens his mouth to answer but (y/n) places a finger on his mouth, quieting his response. "And that you'll never leave my side."
When Tae's boxy smile breaks out onto his features, (y/n) can't help but mirror his expression. "I promise." He promises and pulls her in for a hug.
"I have one more question, (y/n)." Tae holds her at arms length.
(y/n) nods and waits to answer his unknown question.
"Take the unknown path with me," Tae starts, "Will you marry me?"
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kriscme · 4 years
One Life To Live
Hi Readers, sorry for the longer interval that usual.  It took me awhile to work out where to go from here.  The hazard of not working to a plan.  Thanks as always to Ronja for allowing me to write fanfic of her Hunger Games fanfic “The Chance You Didn’t Take.”  You can read it on AO3 and Fanfiction.  Chapter 28 The following morning, I set out for work as usual.  All is quiet in the Village.  Peeta would still be sleeping off the effects of sleep syrup but there’s no sign of Johanna or Haymitch.  I modify my usual route to the school and walk down the main street, curious to see if Lace is working today.  She doesn’t open this early, but she can usually be seen behind her shop window bustling about, either sewing or sorting through fabrics.  Today there’s no sign of her.  Even more oddly, the tailor’s shop is closed.  Arthur starts early and finishes late, eager for as much business as possible to fund that factory he intends to own one day.   The bakery is open though.  Cass and Saffy are serving behind the counter.  Saffy replaced Sateen after she quit her job to marry Roy.  Her full name is Sapphire and she’s aptly named with dark blue eyes and pale blond hair.  She’s someone I might have been jealous of if Peeta hadn’t already been with Lace.   Very pretty, she flirts with everyone, male and female alike.  Peeta told me she had been training as a career before the war put an end to the Games.  Her favored weapon was the bow although she admits that she was only middling good at best. But if Glimmer – also from 1 – had made it through on good looks and charm, then why not her?  It’s the early morning rush and there’s quite a few people ahead of me.  While I wait, I take the opportunity to examine the contents of the display counters.  Bee stings must still be popular as they take up an entire shelf.  Below them are apple pastries and jelly slices.  Chocolate eclairs and fruit tarts, cupcakes and . . . yes, iced cookies, each decorated with a floral motif.  It’s clearly Peeta’s work.  In one corner of the bakery is a large glass case displaying a dazzling array of celebration cakes. “Amazing, aren’t they?”  says Cass behind me.  I look around and see that the other customers have left and there’s only me, Cass and Saffy, who is occupied packing loaves of bread onto shelves.   “We’re really lucky to have found him.  He could get work anywhere, if he wanted.”  He points to the central cake, a large multi-tiered wedding cake decorated with an intricate vine design in gold.  The pattern and the shape of the leaves stirs a memory, and I wonder if it had for Peeta too.  “We even got an order for one just like it to be shipped to the Capitol.” “The Capitol? Wow! That’s a long way to come for a wedding cake.   How did they know to look here?” Cass chuckles.   “She actually came in for the beestings.  She recognized us from our bakery in the Capitol.  But when she saw that cake, she just had to have it. It was the strangest thing.  The tattoo on her head was an exact match with the vine decoration on the cake.” “Oh, that is strange.   Did she say why she was in 12?  We don’t usually get tourists here.” “She didn’t say.  But the beestings was a treat for her crew, I know that much. Construction, maybe?  There’s a lot of that going on.” “Yeah, probably.” Despite my efforts to keep my voice even, I can’t help a sense of urgency creeping in.    “Did she ask to speak to Peeta?  You know, to talk about the cake?” “No.  She didn’t ask who iced it.”  Cass’s brow pinches in worry.  “Is there something wrong?” “Of course not,” I quickly assure him.  “Just curious, that’s all.  I thought she might have wondered how the cake and her tattoo happen to match.  But it’s probably a standard design.  Peeta likely saw it somewhere from his days in the Capitol.” His face relaxes into a smile.  “Well, there was plenty to choose from, fashions changed so fast.  None as popular as your Mockingjay symbol though.” “Yeah, it did seem to be everywhere.  Although I bet there’s a lot of people who regret they got a tattoo of it,” I say with a laugh.  I search for a change of subject. I really don’t want to revisit those days.  “Do you have any cheese buns ready?”   “A batch is due out of the oven now.   Just wait a minute and I’ll get them,” he says, and disappears into the rear of the bakery. The aroma of freshly baked cheese buns would normally have me salivating, but all I can think of is the woman who ordered that cake.  Cressida! What’s she doing in 12?  The last I heard, she and Pollux had been sent to the Districts to cover the wreckage of the war.  This was not long after the Capitol had fallen, Coin was in charge, Snow awaiting trial, and I was in hospital being treated for burns.  Maybe she’s here to do a story on District 12’s recovery. That would make sense.  I just hope Peeta and I aren’t the subject.   Paylor would certainly put a stop to it if we were, wouldn’t she?  She didn’t want me attracting any attention when I was in 8, after all.   I think as far as the government is concerned; we outlived our usefulness long ago.  Nowadays we’re more of an embarrassment. The lunatic who went berserk and kicked a fellow combatant into a pod to his death, and the lunatic who executed the wrong president.   I think, if the government have its way, we’ll never be heard of again.  No ill will, just please quietly fade into the sunset. Max sheds no further light on the Cressida mystery.  When asked if I’d missed anything while I was away, he only commented on Arthur’s uncharacteristic behavior at the pub on the Saturday night.  Max describes him as an odd mixture of concern and excitement. “Like he was happy about something, but felt bad that he was happy about it.   He didn’t stick around for long.  Said he had personal issues to attend to.”   Lace, probably.   That could explain why his shop wasn’t open as usual.  Arthur wouldn’t, would he?  Spend the night with her?  To give comfort, or maybe something more? Maybe he’s heeding his own advice: be adaptable, be open to possibilities.   “Lace and Peeta broke up,” I say, and wait for Max’s stunned reaction.  To my surprise I don’t get one.  Not beyond a raise of eyebrows and a sardonic laugh, that is.   “Did they now?  Well, you could see that coming.” “How?” I ask, disbelieving.   It’s so typical of Max to claim credit for knowing something after the fact.   Peeta and Lace were never anything less than a devoted couple.  No one could have seen it coming. I get a disbelieving look in return.  “You must have been too preoccupied with making plans for your weekend in the woods with Nature Man.   Because while their hands might have been all over each other their eyes weren’t.  His were on you and hers were on Arthur.  I was surprised Lace held out for as long as she did.  If looks could kill, Johanna would have been dead a dozen times over.” Max finishes collating the work sheets on the table and sets to work stapling them together.  “So, what’s between them? Obviously, they’re more than just acquaintances if he knew her secret before Psycho Boy did.” “They knew each other in 8.  They’re related through marriage,” is all I say. I doubt if Arthur would appreciate me giving away more than that.  Certainly not that he’s had a crush on Lace since childhood. “And stop calling people names.  It’s immature.  And unnecessary.” “But I like calling people names.  It’s fun.  You’re just jealous I haven’t one for you yet.  How about The Scowler? Yes, that fits,” he says, grinning at me. I try to wipe the scowl off my face but give up.  Max gives me so much to scowl at. “And now the big question is, who will she choose?  Nature Man or Psycho Boy?  It should be no contest but there’s no accounting for some women’s tastes.” “There is no choice,” I snap.  “And mind your own business.”  I plonk my still half-full cup of tea in the sink and stomp out of the staff room before remembering that I’ve just committed the grave offense of not washing my cup and placing it back on the self.  Maybe I can get back in time later to do it before Mrs. Matson sees it.  But I’m not going back in there right now.  Not while he’s in there, no matter the consequences.  That man annoys me so much.   And the most annoying thing about him is that he can see right through me. Because if I’m honest with myself, the thought had occurred to me too. Which is really, really dumb.  The situation bears no relationship whatsoever to the choice I had between Gale and Peeta.  Because then there really was a choice.  Two boys who were in love with me compared to one man who isn’t, and another I can’t say.   But somehow, I sense that there’s still a choice to be made.  I don’t know how, or why.  Just that at one point, I’ll have to make one.   If Max can be trusted with anything, it’s to spread information in the fastest time possible.  By lunchtime everyone knows.  I get a few looks, especially from the newest members of staff.  I suppose I’d better get used to it.  People will speculate and assume the way is clear now for Peeta and me.  In their minds, anything other than a star-crossed lovers union is unthinkable, an aberration that shouldn’t be tolerated.   It’s unfortunate for them that they’re going to be disappointed a second time. I walk home the way I came, down the main street.   Lace’s shop is still closed, but Arthur is open for business.  I watch him through the window as I walk past.  Arthur has really only one expression, but it manifests in varying degrees according to his mood and the situation.  Today it’s serious light, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s the barest hint of a smile at the corners of his lips.  It’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him.   Johanna calls by soon after I arrive home. Marcus isn’t here so I lead her into the sitting room where we can talk openly in comfort. “How is he?” I ask as soon as we’re seated. “Better.  There haven’t been any more flashbacks, at least.  I think the long sleep broke the cycle.  Not that I’ve seen much of him.  He kept to his room most of the day, except when he came down to talk to Aurelius on the phone.” “And?”  Neither of us pretend that Johanna hadn’t listened in.  We’re both shameless.  Johanna for eavesdropping and me for asking her to repeat it.  But justified, we tell ourselves, because we care about his welfare. Johanna’s forehead crinkles in concentration. “Well, I only heard Peeta’s side of it, of course.  And it was muffled at times.    But he talked about the flashbacks.  That’s how I know they’ve stopped.  And then about the break-up.  I got the impression he must have already talked to Aurelius about the possibility, because he didn’t explain why they broke up, just that they had, and he felt badly about it.  And then, all of a sudden, he started to cry.  He kept saying over and over that his life was ruined and he’ll never find a love like that again and that it was his own fault.” It’s a knife to the heart.  I know Peeta doesn’t love me anymore but he has some awareness that he once did, and that it was, by his own account, overwhelming in its intensity.  But Lace has supplanted me in that too.  She’s the love that can never be surpassed.   But something doesn’t quite make sense. Why break-up with her if he feels that way? She was the one who had to be forgiven.  Peeta did nothing wrong.  But then I remember what Peeta told Johanna when she asked him why they had broken-up.  He said they’d both lied.  Could Lace have initiated the break-up?  That whatever Peeta had lied about was a deal breaker for her?  And then I think about Arthur and his closed shop this morning and the little smile on his face when I saw him later in the day.  That’s more than relief for a disaster averted.  He’s had encouragement.  From Lace. �� Poor Peeta.  Poor, poor Peeta.  Everything about her he adored – her laughter, her bright personality, her ambition.  He even liked that slobbering dog of hers.  And after everything he’s suffered. The Games, losing his leg, his torture at Snow’s hands.  And the loss of his entire family in the bombing too.  He had no one except Haymitch and me – a drunk and a depressed recluse, as battle scarred and broken as he.  And then he meets Lace.   The ray of light in the darkness.   And the amount of money he spent on that wedding!  To please her, to show her and the world how much he loves her.  And now, oh, how could she? “It was heartbreaking.  I just wanted to leap out and tell him that little bitch isn’t worth it.  But I couldn’t, you know.”  No, not without revealing yourself.  “But he calmed down eventually.  He talked about going the Capitol for treatment but I think Aurelius persuaded him to stay here.  And that’s about it.  Except to talk again tomorrow.   Oh, and Peeta promised to think about returning to work as soon as possible and to get out and see people.  And to continue to work on his memories.” That’s similar to the advice Dr Aurelius gave me when I told I was in love with Peeta.  To work on myself, to find my direction. “No, that’s not quite right,” Johanna adds.  “I left out an important detail.  He promised to work on his memories with her.  I guess Aurelius appreciated my input.  And he did make a lot more progress once I took over.  Sorry, Katniss, but he did.” I nod wearily.  It hurts, but it’s true.  All I managed to do was confirm what he had already convinced himself of. A disaster from start to finish.   “Are you going to see him?” asks Johanna. “I think it will help him to know that he still has friends.” I want to say no.  But I know that if the positions were reversed Peeta would put aside his own hurt feelings and support me any way he can.   “Yes, in a day or two maybe. I want to give him time to adjust first.”   It’s a lame response but Johanna seems to accept it.  If I were Peeta I could leave a bag of cookies or cheese buns at his front door as a convenient way of conveying support without having to actually engage. But I can’t think of anything I can give him that he’d want so I’ll have to face him.  I can’t delay it forever. I tell Johanna about the cake with the vine design and the woman who ordered one just like it.   And of my suspicions of who this woman might be. “Yeah, that’d be Cressida.  She’s been covering an ongoing story about Marcus and the national parks.  She comes around this time, just as Marcus is almost finished wrapping things up. Although, in 7, she was almost there from the start.  You know, because of all the trouble we had with the logging companies.  I don’t know if you saw it, but she did a special feature on me.  It was called “Johanna Mason – Environmental Activist.  Her Life After the Games.”  It was sensationalist rubbish really.  They kept on showing footage of me chained naked to a tree.  Even asked if I’d do the interview like that.   I did, but I want to be clear, it was their idea, not mine. And they tried to fabricate a love affair between me and Marcus too.  Marcus hated it.  Especially when memes appeared on social media transposing me naked against the tree with him next to me with his hands in various places.” “But why?” I’m aghast.  This is dreadful news.  If they did that to Johanna, what would they do to Marcus and me?  Or to Peeta and Lace?  Or to Peeta and me?  This is juicy fodder for the tabloid media.  “I thought they wanted us to lay low.  To just blend in and be ordinary people again.” Johanna looks at me askance.  “Well, maybe you and Peeta.  But not for the rest of us.  Beetee writes for a science magazine and does frequent guest appearances on “Cool Science” and Enobaria has her own reality show.  “Keeping Up with the Barbarian,” or something like that.   Annie likes to keep a low profile though.”   “Does Marcus know she’s here?” I barely whisper the words. Johanna shrugs.  “I don’t know.  Maybe not if she’s just arrived.  But he would have known she’d be here eventually.  Marcus doesn’t like it, but he relies on the publicity.   And when he goes to 13 next – “ “13?” “Well, yes.  He’s doing all the Districts.  You know that.  And 13’s practically virgin territory.  That’s one advantage in living underground I suppose, nothing on top gets damaged. He’ll want to move quickly to preserve the area most in need of conservation before developers make any more inroads.  I don’t envy him though.  That’s one place I never want to see again.”   Me neither.  There’re no good memories for me in 13.  And they hate me there. I killed their president. Johanna leaves shortly after, but not before extracting from me an assurance that I’ll visit Peeta soon.   I have about an hour before Marcus arrives home.  Enough time to use his computer to do some research.   I find the memes Johanna talked about.  One has Marcus with one hand at Johanna’s crotch and the other inside his trousers, pumping away.  I search Beetee’s name and find links to articles he’s written and his TV appearances.  There’s very little about his personal life other than he still lives in his home district of 3 and has investments in an electrical company.   Enobaria attracts the most publicity.  As well as her reality show, she’s a regular on the celebrity circuit, her trademark pointed teeth bared for maximum effect.   On Annie, there’s been no media reports since the War ended.  And there’s none for Haymitch, Peeta and me either.   I can understand why Peeta and I have been left alone.  At least, I thought I did. Haymitch and Annie would be fair game though.  Annie, slightly mad Annie, Victor and the widow of the handsome and seductive Finnick Odair, himself a Victor, the most notorious womaniser in Panem turned war hero.  Surely the birth of their son would have garnered some attention.  And Haymitch is a news story too.  A popular Victor and a prominent player in the Rebellion, you’d think they’d be some public curiosity about where he ended up.   But nothing.  Either there’s been no interest or it’s being squelched.  It dawns on me that maybe the lack of media attention isn’t just because we’re a national embarrassment.  It’s because we’re being protected.  Enobaria, Beetee and Johanna have chosen to be in the public eye, and they must take the bad with the good.  But not Annie, Haymitch, Peeta and I.   We’ve lived quiet lives, eschewing the lime-light.  I let out a long breath, not realizing that I’ve been holding it.  We’re safe then. Cressida will do her news story about Marcus and the new national park and then leave. Peeta and I have nothing to worry about.   A door opens and shuts and there’s footsteps in the hall.   I close the computer and replace everything as it was.   Marcus is home.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Krampus au
N/A: Something short if we´re lucky and based on the idea Krampus punishes those who do or want to do wrong. Here, Logan wanted to kill Scott to get Jean as his lust for the woman went cray cray and well, it is time for Kitty to save his ass...again.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @everykurt
Is not often Kitty has time to enjoy the flowers, so to speak, and breaks like this-where nothing ever seems to happen and time moves slower- prove to Kittu that something big will happen. Lockheed was munching on a slice of pizza when Jubilee enters the office with a certain urgency in her face. And that expression alone proves to Kitty something big did happen and once again she must deal with it.
"Kitty, did...did Logan ever enter in contact with you?" Jubilee asked not beating the bushes and Kitty frowns for a moment and tries to recall the last time Logan called. Nothing comes to mind and she shakes her head as Lockheed is eating another big slice of pizza.
"Oh God!" she said in a nervous tone as her hands are moving in a pattern matching the tone as well. "Look, I was trying to see if he was alright and no one in the X-men saw him. No one in the Avengers saw him and ...I have no idea where he is" Jubilee confessed the last part feeling a bit of fear.
"Yeah, is not exactly his thing to worry everyone...let´s think the options, maybe he meets an old friend, and yes I´m using the term loosely here and is catching up with a said friend" Kitty quote and unquote her fingers on the word friend. Jubilee shakes her head now.
"No, it feels as if he dropped from the face of Earth...and if even the Avengers don´t know where he is...then...I doubt he´s catching up with a friend" Jubilee´s reply did make Kitty worry more.
"When was the last time you saw Logan?" Kitty asked not liking this question and having a feeling the answer will not be great, and once again, she´s correct on her gut feeling as Jubilee sighs in defeat.
"On Scott and Jean´s marriage..." Jubilee won´t give any unnecessary detail but this phrase does make Kitty shiver a little in cringe as she recalled Logan on that day and the man was anything but subtle on his "infatuation" for Jean Grey.
"Ok, I´ll take a look. Do you have the Alpha fight´s contact?" Kitty asked as she knows Logan sometimes likes to be true to his Canadian roots and be with other Canadians.
"Cap Canada? Yeah, not as nice as the country portrayed to be ...but, the man also has no idea where Logan is..." Jubilee replied not happy with the situation as to be expected. "me, Laura, and Chamber are worried Logan did something beyond his usual stupidity...You think Cap Canada is covering whatever happened?"
Kitty nods for a moment. "It wouldn´t be the first time and Cap Canada knows Logan longer than us"
Logan has two houses. One in the US and one in Canada, and both are identical to the point is almost an intentional joke. Almost. She´s visiting the one located in the US and noticed a few things on her arrival. First, the house looks completely wrecked from inside and outside, second, there´s no light in the house and third, his house has a concerning number of Jean Grey´s photos.
A flashlight and Lockheed on her shoulder make the situation less dire if only a little bit. The cabin truly looks wrecked and she notices how something gets inside and...take someone out. Sabertooth wouldn´t ever be this clean "It would have more blood here...instead of shatter glass" she mutters to herself.
She notices a photo of Jean where Scott should have been, instead, his part was cut by what Kitty use was claws. "again, it was not discreet" she mutters and has a concerning picture in her mind about Logan´s mental state.
She ponders if she should call to the Summers warning about the potential threat of Logan went after the couple-and this is a strong possibility given the number of Jean´s pictures- but for some reason decided against. "They´re in the honeymoon...and maybe Logan didn´t went...for this route" Kitty is speaking with Lockheed hoping to convince her more than her dragon companion.
Lockheed flies in direction of the broken window and points to Kitty the footprints. "Good job, Lockheed, maybe Logan didn´t go for that route after all" she responds pleased and Lockheed is not sharing the enthusiasm.
The footprints are strange. It only appears in one location-and Kitty search for more, but, without any success- and it seems whatever took Logan has a feet with 2 toes.
A snap was heard as Kitty took a photo of this footprint. "Ok, you think another Canadian Lovecraftian took him...again?" Kitty asked her friend who mutters in his dragon´s language and proves his lack of interest in Logan´s well being. "Yeah, you two never saw eye to eye"
Kitty shows the footprint to Illyana Rasputin and Jubilee - Illyana is on her hell witch´s mood and embraces all her demon side and dark powers as well ignoring her brother's complaint about her to return to be a snowflake- and both have a different reaction to this.
"So...a crypt took Logan, is that what you think? It wouldn´t be the first time..." Jubilee states reviving a few stories about Logan and the crypts in his life.
Yana stares at the image for a moment. "Wait, you said he had tons of images of Jean Grey? The woman he lust?" Yana asked as if she´s seeing a missing piece no one can see and this worries Jubilee and Kitty who nods as well...Logan was never subtle in his crush for Jean.
"And so to be clear...it was completely one-sided?" she asked again with a serious tone.
Jubilee and Kitty exchanges looks. Was one-sided? It certainly looks like it was, but, if Jean did 180 degrees and suddenly went to live with Logan...would be a plot twist no one could ever imagine.
"Look" Jubilee states trying to be as kind to the memory of her father figure as possible. "his crush on Jean was one-sided as it can get and I doubt a woman who married her fiance and is in honeymoon would suddenly change her mind and want another man...is Jean Grey, you remember how she was to pick a wedding dress? Yes, I doubt she is with Logan...I doubt she even knows or care Logan carries a torch for her" Jubilee completes.
"I think she knows...I think she knows and doesn´t care...Thought if she ignored him enough...maybe he would move on...and now, I´m not so sure if that was the best idea" Kitty interjected.
"It does not matter...it really doesn´t...Logan was taken by a Krampus"
"Creatures that punish the wick...originally, they´re from Germany and Austria, but, nothing prevents them to going after anyone who commits crimes and Logan...must have committed a serious crime if Krampus arrives here"
"And...what we do?"
"Well...if you want to save Logan...how well, do you, Kitty, handle the cold?" and this is a question that makes Jubilee makes tons of questions and rightfully so.
"Why Kitty?"
Yana blinks and explains. "I´m banned from entering his realm. No mortal can enter in his realm without being a victim and Kitty is the one who can enter because she can phase through dimensions" Yana explains and Jubilee sighs in defeat this explanation does make sense.
"And how do I get out?"
"Phashing...but the problem here is not to get in or get out....the problem is if Krampus will let you even see Logan"
Jubilee is not one to sit on any mission. "Look, if you can´t go...do you know someone that can open a portal for us or something? I don´t want to ''not'' rescue Logan...and I hate to feel useless...plus, if Kitty will face a Krampus, whatever that thing is, she´ll need firepower" Jubilee proves her point by letting her hands glow with her mutation.
"Krampus´s home is awfully cold, literally cold. I could try to make a portal...but then the portal would accept only 3 people. You, Kitty and Logan, and even that will still be too risky"
"I don´t care...I´m in"
"As Jubilee said. I´ll need all the firepower I can get"
"And all the luck too"
Yana is true to her word and created a portal for Krampus´s address and it was just like Yana predicted to be. "So...he torture people here? in this cozy and nice place?" Jubilee asked in a derived tone. "I can´t believe" she concludes in pure sarcasm.
"Yeah...and it seems he´s a fan of cliches because of the creepy looking mountain appears to be looking at them. Yana said he only punishes the wicked and leaves the innocent in peace, so, Kitty and Jubilee have a chance. Small as it can be is still a chance.
A number of glowing golden eyes watched her for a minute and then vanish like it was never there. "Man, why Logan couldn´t move on like a normal person" Kitty chided his poor choices and Jubilee is not defending the man this time.
Locate Logan, once climbing this creepy and cartoonish mountain, was not a daunting task. The man is tied up by chains and shackles and is conscious enough to see Kitty and Jubilee coming to his way. "NO, he´s behind you!"
And Kitty appears to be prepared as she used the soulsword and faces the Krampus as Jubilee goes to Logan in the hopes of freeing him. The Krampus is a blue man-with horns, his fur is noticeable, his golden eyes are full of mischief and his tail makes it present to Kitty- who is amused at her attempt.
"Ah, Kitty Pryde and Jubilee Lee. Here to steal my criminal?" The Krampus states. "have they told you what he planned to do? Kill an innocent man and take the woman as his prize" and this makes Jubilee stop and look at Logan with total disappointment.
Kitty can´t hide her feelings too. "We´re not here to steal anything...we´re here to make a deal with you, Krampus"
The Krampus looks amused. "Kurt, my name is Kurt...call me Kurt would be like me calling you human"
"No one mentioned...ok, hi, Kurt...we´re here..." and Kurt waves off his hand.
"To make a deal...sure, sure. What you and your friend can offer to make me want to let Logan go?"
"Work for you until his sentence is clean" Kitty speaks as Jubilee sighs and nods not happy with any of this and makes Logan be aware of their feelings. The man, for once, looks ashamed for himself.
"Oh...that is new. The council always says for me to take more deals" Kurt mutters to himself. "I take Magik explains how I work, right?" the two women nod. "excellent" his now good mood and chipper tone are a bit unsettling. "is a deal. You two work for me for a year and after that...I release Logan...a deal is a deal and is sacred for my kind"
The man- she has a hard time calling Kurt IT if he acts and looks so humane-smiles and shakes her hand. The deal is sealed and really, Kitty and Jubilee have things to say to Logan.
Meanwhile, Jean and Scott return from their honeymoon to notice Kitty and Jubilee´s absence.
"Yana, where are Kitty and Jubilee?"
"Saving Logan from a Krampus"
"...Sure, ok. Nevermind"
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123dragonage · 4 years
Angelica Cousland.
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Full Name:
Angelica Cousland
Ange, Angel, Elica, Cousland, Lady, My lady, My lady Cousland.
Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon unisex Aglæca, meaning both "demon, monster, fiend," and "hero, warrior."
Cousland, My lady, My lady Cousland, Lady. Dìonadair fir is boireannaich - Defender of men and woman.
Pet Name: 
sònraich - Ange. Aingeal - Angel. Dìonadair - Defender.
Gender Role:
More Male than Female.
Warrior - Big Sword.
Real Age: 
Age Appearance: 
May 22.
Highever Castle.
Zodiac Sign: 
Love Interest:
Alistair Theirin.
Immediate Family: 
Bryce Cousland.
Eleanor Mac Eanraig.
Fergus Cousland
Sister in law:
Oren Cousland
Alamarri and a Fereldan.
Facial Type: 
 Eye Colour: 
 Baby blue, with a forest green ring around it.
Hair Colour:
Angelica has gained her father's ruly side of her hair, while it isn't there now because of age he previously had very curly hair. Though not black, she gained his style of hair with her thick curly waves framing her face. She had it up in a tight bun with a few curls falling in front of her face, but casually it is left down because she is comfortable with it on cool days.
Since her look has a strong dark edge to it. Angelica viewed herself as a tomboy, not a girly woman who enjoyed pink. Red has always been something she enjoyed, usually, her eyeshadow is dark underlines with some dark grey and light sliver blended in. On good occasion, her lips were painted red, bright red or darkened red depending on the festivities. If it was normal however, she painted them like her skin and made sure it was a fairly faint color of red.
Body Type: 
Fit - Strong built, but still curvy.
Her strong build fits the heavy swords so she has some muscles to her stomach and arms, her legs too.
Distinguishing Features: 
Her hair and eyes.
Stiff, lady-like.
Lavender and different types of fruit.
Alistair, in childhood. (Find out.).
Hawke - Gin.
Wardrobe examples:
F-o-r-m-a-l. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. B-a-l-l-r-o-o-m. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. F-i-g-h-t-i-n-g. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. C-a-s-u-a-l O-u-t-f-i-t-s. D-a-n-c-i-n-g. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. N-i-g-h-t w-e-a-r.
Cousland sword.
Third class sword.
Second class sword.
First class sword.
Cousland Shield.
-Anklet - from
 woman. -Hair pin - Red mist
-Oren's handmade
rose bracelet.
-Mother's wedding ring.
-Mother's handmade circlet.
-Mother's crystal comb.
-Another crystal, never worn.
-Heirloom brooch.
-Hidden circlet from her traveling days.
-The personal ring she always wore.
-Set of earrings usually hidden with her hair. On one side, the right.
-another pair of dangling earrings. The left side.
-Locket with the picture of the family in it.
Wind or earth.
Biggest Failure:
Leaving her family to tour the world before she settled down to be married. When she was young her father found her to be too free among them, but she couldn't bring herself to deny the enjoyment of life. Leaving them a note she left at the age of sixteen and came back when she was twenty-one before their deaths came around. 
Has a strong dislike for bugs, she came off as a strong woman with her choice of class. Obviously, this was something she tried to keep to herself.
-Flamenco Dancing. -Belly Dancing. -Roman Havasi. -Russian Romani Dance. -A little singing. -Playing the lute. -Jewel collecting. -Making handmade jewellery and accessories like her nephew did. -Poetry reading. -Basic cooking.
-Hand to hand chores from childhood. -Cooking, making anything basic delicous. -Giving out advise for those that need it. -Tending to children and animals. -Giving out speeches. -Acting casual and then back to her formal self. -Dancing and singing. -Playing the lute and flute. -Hidden her real feelings about things. -Acting. -Jewellery collecting. -Poetry making.
-Music, -Dancing, -Being free, -Remembering the good times she had with her family and not the bad. -Large weapons, -Singing a little, -Poetry, -Reading, -Writing poetry, -Jewels. -Hand making jewellery, -Cooking, -Meeting people, -Having a smile on during tough times. -Camping out. -Making fun of nobles. -Fencing/duelling between nobles. -Hard work.
-Anyone not willing to have some fun, or party, so very serious people are not well liked by her. -Lazy people. -Seeing how many nobles are just that in title and not noble at all. Angelica believed more commoners are nobles. -Anyone hating music, period. If you hate it she'll give out a lecture and then question how you can hate it. -Ballroom dancing, at times. -Someone making fun of her dances. -Her father being put down from his death bed or her mother. -Howe - more like despises.  -Burnt food. -Being locked in a place with walls or anything like a wall around her.  -Jewels being crushed to be sold. -Bad poetry. -Her acting not working around people.
Pet Peeves: 
-Laziness. -Being around people too serious. -Horrible poetry. -Being forced to talk about things she plans to keep hidden.
-Children being taught to fight at a very young age.
-Parents yelling at there children.
-Children abuse.
-Animal abuse.
-Girly girls complaining too much.
Angelica has always been adaptable, easygoing, and flexible by nature. She is always willing to try new things at least once in life. While she might go along with any plans there is always small doubts in her head that she will voice just in case, by then she is always prepared for change whether it is beneficial for everyone or not. Due to her carefree nature she knows how to fit herself in any group and situation. This heir is considered very sociable and she learned to enjoy parties. In the past staying home was very boring for her, Rather she would like to be out and about learning new things. Besides always have interesting things to say and can easily strike up conversations with strangers. Angelica is known as the popular girl of the group and can be a soft touch when talking to people. Learning to laugh was the best thing in the world, with a sharp wit and the possess of an extremely dry and sarcastic sense of humour; the usual jokes and quick-witted response may fly right over the heads of some. The individuals who can actually keep up with her train of thought and intelligence often find it hilarious. Being a  charmer as her mind works very fast and draws information from eclectic resources. This gives her many opportunities to deliver a quick-witted slap and ironical responses. The one thing Angelica is proud of is her funny gigs, these are often the camps entertainment or leading toward it. The group will end up depressed during there thoughtful state and stressed state of mind.  If that isn't all she is considered enthusiastic and full of life and always crave for accomplishing new and interesting things. However,
 Angelica's enthusiasm is infectious at times. She is
 always a little ahead of others, her mind is always working fast and she shares her thoughts with the people around her at the time. As a cousland she highly smart and intelligent. Not everything is horrible, at least there is always a chance of her saying interesting things. Angelica is shockingly a person who will have a book in your hand or involved in an activity which gives you information and updates her knowledge.
 She can instantaneously see the 360-degree picture of any situation before making decisions for the next move. Mostly she wins in arguments and debates.
 She considers herself the most versatile person. capable of handling multiple things at a time and excel in each. Plus multi-tasking quality helps her indulge in many things and balance between them all. After a while people learn her interest vary due to keenness and curiosity of getting knowledge and learning new things.
 However,  she gets bored easily. Angelica has proven that you don't have to be a rogue, to be a master of  manipulating things in order to make others follow your shoes. 
Angelica is often anxious and nervous during certain major events of life like moving or changing careers and marriage and unable to make the right decision. She doesn't take life seriously and act very childish at times. However, this is mostly a face. She also tends to get overly anxious about any important event of her life. Her energies are imbalanced and she keeps her stress and emotions inside of herself which makes her feel anxious.
Cousland Crest.
Major Events.
Age 0-2 (Infancy):
The Cousland family were equally happy with there son, Fergus. However every parent wants a girl and boy in there life.  On the other hand her brother also wanted to have a little sister he could protect himself. Boys, thinking that ever girl in there life is going to need someone to protect 'them'. Hardly, On the season of the blooming roses a young girl was born when both Bryce and Eleanor tried to relax on vacation in Redcliffe, it was the one place they could trust anyone in during there moments of depression. A tiny baby, was born at midnight with the loudest cry they had ever heard. Everyone just knew she was going to be a spoiled little girl when she grew into a woman - Some might say that the father was a little scared of what might come of it. Ange; Also known as Angelica was very loud, cried constantly for there attention and when she didn't get her way she cried. At times her brother would be confused over her, the emotional stress the child gave them became hard fast. However, no one could deny that her smile wasn't something they wouldn't give to miss if they didn't cheer baby Angelica up, she grew well. Stayed by her mothers side or her brother and played with Fergus and the kings son at the time.
Ages 3-9 (Childhood):
When she came to the age of around three her curiosity got the best of her a lot. Mostly in the sword fighting and gems, her mother would look at form any merchant offering his wares. Her eyes would sparkle and her mouth would be making 'Ohhh!' sounds without hiding it from her mother like any other girl would do she became rather into her mother's handmade jewels and watched her days on end.  It was possible she enjoyed pretty things, or maybe she just wondered what she was doing with them at the time - Either way she learned something that wouldn't leave her. At the age of four, she followed her father around the house and grow more attached. He did everything with her when he could. As a child, she cried whenever he had to leave her at home, and sat on his lap whenever he read to her. Then the age of five made her start her dancing and singing, randomly picking dances during the parties or fair and singing along with tunes when her mother would sing or something else. When trouble with the king brought his son around she spent time watching them fight battles, asking questions to her father from six to nine of age, so much that she promised to be just like her mother and father. The parents were both worried and touched.
Ages 10-16 (Teens):
During the age of ten, Angelica became so interested in the battles that she begged her father to teach her some basics or at least train her to get stronger to handle things. Bryce said no, repeatedly, and her mother tried to soothe her tears and annoyance over this. The issue was that she was a lady, but her mother was the battle maiden herself. Is it so bad she wanted to learn to do something she was into? Safe to say, the silent treatment and refusing to spend time with him was the key to her success when she turned eleven he gave into her hard chores for two years and Angelica was more than happy to do that. So, for a few years, she spent time with nan and did basic cooking, preparation and did any stocking for her and nan was rather evil with that cane so whenever she slacked it was fixed. Not badly or harsh in any sense, but still. Then she helped her mother with her tea parties, decorating, maid work and finally she did basic training with her brother and father with her small body that was limited. Still, getting used to it was hard for those two years. So, at the age of fourteen, she grew up enough to do her lessons of being noble and began learning fencing for her dueling lessons. She was quick and listened intensely, light swords were simple to use, however, her father noted on her lack of enthusiasm and took her to his study one day. The issue was everything she did make her zoom out. The fast dueling and mocking other nobles, she could enjoy that and all. However, she had little interest on taking it full time - That was when her father got some idea of what she could do, the next day she was taken to the training area in the courtyard when the men were fighting each other. The two spent time watching them until Angelica asked him more about the big sword; there was also sword and shield, but that seemed boring to herself as well and she preferred the most challenging one there. Against his better judgement, he taught her harder things to build up the muscle she needed to weigh or move efficiently while holding such a sword. Each day, Bryce witnessed her sweating on the field and grinning when they pushed her down to after she won a fight. She continued this until she mastered the sword at the age of sixteen.
Ages 16- 21 (Adulthood):
Sixteen of age and she formed into a good warrior, with a few extra problems along with it. Usually at this time girls are rather rebellious and she was no different from them she guessed, although. She did think it was her forming out her own path so she could grow the way she wanted. Her father refused to see her as a woman and it was driving her insane, no matter what reason he had for it. Enough was enough, right? When she had her sixteenth birthday she came to her mother and told her the trouble she was having with her father. Eleanor might seem strict, but she went through the same thing with his protective nature and jealousy, even feared her little girl would gain it due to her looks going to his family at the time. While her mother was on his side.... Or tried to be to keep the peace. Angelica knew she could get him to see her way, for the moment at least. It was the afternoon she decided to gather the family for a announcement with her mother encouraging her to speak up. Her eyes went to Fergus, he grinned and nodded his head - Along with his family who grew to stick to her during there stay with them. Right. It was just Bryce Cousland, her father. No big deal, right?  That night was one of the emotional nights she had ever had with her family, Oren, her nephew cried for her to stay and her father fumed at her for thinking of leaving. However, in her eyes they didn't need her when they had Fergus and if anything happened it would be because she was caught off guard. Her brother knew she was good at fighting and so did her father. Eventually, she got fed up and told him enough is enough, claiming she was grown into a teenager at least and should take her own time to grow, not have him hover. The room grew silent and everyone looked worried, glancing between Angelica and Bryce who stared at her with wide eyes, and finally clenched teeth and his shocked expression faded. It was close enough to saying she hated him. Though it could have been a over reaction on his part, Angelica never looked back on the day and got ready to leave. He never came to see her off with her mother, but Eleanor claimed its hard to see his little girl go.
-Her father and herself grew distant when she left.She never got the chance to say she was sorry, or even try and talk to him before finding them dead on the floor. -She has a known love for jewels and handmade things.Maybe it was just in memory of her nephew.
-Learned to smile no matter the cost. Angelica is also known to act.Even though things seem dire, she isn't going to show it unless someone brings it up.
-The Cousland worked around hard work when she was a little girl. Her father thought of her as his darling girl, which made it rather hard to join in with the hard work. However, being his favourite also made it wonderful considering her 'Puppy Dog' eyes worked wonders on him. She worked through normal chores with her Nan and was watched over rather well with her siblings. -Angelica is good with light weight swords, but she found them too easy for her and unlike her mother she followed  the path of a broad sword instead. She might be a little girl, but smashing insolent... Things appealed to her mother than anything. However, there was just something about going on a duel and humiliating a noble, considering they have more ignorance than nobility in them. -During her younger years she spent much time with her brother and the king, pulling pranks on everyone. Till this day, she couldn't give up the fun and found it as a useful cure for worries and anything else on there mind. -Camping has always been a favourite, which is why she seemed so comfortable and knowledgeable during there adventures. -Angelica is in fact girly, just a bit with her jewels collection. -In her spare time or when her mind has too many things going on, she settles for writing poetry. -Rivain was a place of dance and music, party, she found it enjoyable to go there when she was a younger girl. It learned her to always smile to make the difficulty ease off a little, the dancing was so rich and new she learned it until she had perfection of it. Her father disapproved of the place due to there non-serious way of living, which ended there relationship since she left anyway. -Nan and her mother dragged her to cook when she was just a little girl. During that time she learned the basics of cooking, but fell into her fighting and other chores so she never tried cooking for everyone. Some things just stick to you. -The flute was more known with the city elves at home, she learned that from them and found herself playing it when she can't sleep. The lute on the other hand, was taught to her by a woman in Rivain. -She adores birds; her Hawke was given to her by the same Rivain woman. Gin is very protective and tends to attack others nearby for fun. On the other hand it likes Morrigan more than Alistair.
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